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Daniel, Hosea and Joel for Young Adults /Master Guide

□ Week 1 14-Jan □ Week 2 21-Jan

Reading Scope Daniel Chapter 1 Reading Scope Daniel Chapter 2
Emphasis: Daniel and friends obey Emphasis: King’s Dream, Daniel and friends promoted
□ Week 3 28-Jan □ Week 4 4-Feb
Reading Scope Daniel Chapter 3 Reading Scope Daniel Chapter 4
Emphasis: Gold image, Saved from the Furnace, King Emphasis: Another Dream, King’s Humiliation
praises God
□ Week 5 11-Feb □ Week 6 18-Feb
Reading Scope Daniel Chapter 5 Reading Scope Daniel Chapter 6
Emphasis: Belshazzar’s feast, writing on the Wall Emphasis: Plot against Daniel, Saved in the Den, Darius
honor’s God
□ Week 7 25-Feb □ Week 8 4-Mar
Reading Scope Daniel Chapter 7 Reading Scope Daniel Chapter 8
Emphasis: Visions of Best and Ancient of Days Emphasis: Vision of Ram and Goat, Gabriel interprets
(Review all at camp)
□ Week 9 11-Mar □ Week 10 18-Mar
Reading Scope Daniel Chapter 9 Reading Scope Daniel Chapter 10
Emphasis: Daniel prays for his people, 70 weeks Emphasis: Vision of glorious man, prophecy on Persia
prophecy and Greece
□ Week 11 25-Mar □ Week 12 1-Apr
Reading Scope Daniel Chapter 11 Reading Scope Daniel Chapter 12
Emphasis: King of North and South, King Emphasis: Prophecy of end time
Blasphemies, king conquests
□ Week 13 8-Apr □ Week 14 15-Apr
Reading Scope Hosea Chapter 1-2 Reading Scope Hosea Chapter 3-4
Emphasis: The Family of Hosea, restoration of Israel Emphasis: Gods unfaithful people, Gods mercy on His
(also Review Daniel on this day) people, Israel’s return
□ Week 15 22-Apr □ Week 16 29-Apr
Reading Scope Hosea Chapter 5-6 Reading Scope Hosea Chapter 7-8
Emphasis: Impending judgement, call to Emphasis: Futile reliance on Nations, Apostasy of Israel
repentance, impenitence of Israel/Judah
□ Week 17 6-May □ Week 18 13-May
Reading Scope Hosea Chapter 9-10 Reading Scope Hosea Chapter 11-12
Emphasis: Judgement of Israel’s sin, Israel’s sin and Emphasis: God’s continuing love, charge against
captivity Ephraim
□ Week 19 20-May □ Week 20 27-May
Reading Scope Hosea Chapter 13-14 Reading Scope Joel Chapter 1
Emphasis: Relentless Judgement on Israel, Israel Emphasis: The land laid waste , Mourning for the land
restored at last (Review Hosea)
□ Week 21 3-Jun □ Week 22 10-Jun
Reading Scope Joel Chapter 2 Reading Scope Joel Chapter 3
Emphasis: Day of the Lord, call to repentance , Land Emphasis: God Judges the Nations, God Blessed His
refreshed, Gods spirit poured out people

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