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Cassie Jeng 4

Susan Kierr, BC-DMT, NCC, AD, MA

Andree Schelleschi, RICA DMT
Ms. Mary Jane Sasser
IR-3/ AP 11
Project Timeline

Project: Present information to River Hill High School advanced placement psychology class and dance
class; submit manuscript to National High School Journal of Science; submit editorial piece for RH
Current​ newspaper

By 3/2:
✓ Update project proposal to include research overview and project descriptions
✓ Complete data collection, part 1 questions
✓ Begin researching and finding surveys and survey templates
✓ Search ADTA website for specific dance/movement therapy surveys
✓ Search Sheppard Pratt website for specific CBT surveys
✓ Get medical access to PubMed Surveys to search for specific ones that match project

By 3/5:
✓ Begin to piece together survey to use for data collection
✓ Conference with Sasser about project proposal, data collection part 1, and due dates
✓ Check in with contact to MedSurvey about requirements for vetted survey and creating own
vetted survey
✓ Annotate two other Susan Kleinman therapy images for visual annotations
✓ Find two more visuals for visual annotations

By 3/9:
✓ Complete survey to be used for data collection ​(worked with Kierr and Kleinman)
✓ Confirm status of survey (vetted?)
✓ Contact advisors about survey distribution (Kierr and Kleinman)
✓ Reach points of contact for CBT survey distribution
✓ Research National Journal of High School science submission details ​(NHSJS website)
✓ Find two more visuals for visual annotations
✓ Figure out how to send out survey ​(google forms survey)

By 3/16:
✓ Have at least 10 visuals for the presentation board
✓ Review and revise research paper in order to qualify for submission
✓ Send survey to points of contact from both fields for distribution
✓ For distribution to DMT: ​
✓ For distribution to CBT: ​
✓ Distribute survey in every way possible to DMT and CBT
✓ Contact DMT/ CBT expert groups about presenting to them ​(instead trying to submit to AJDT)
✓ Research publication to American Journal of Dance Therapy
✓ Start planning presentation board (fill out packet)
Jeng 2

✓ Buy supplies for presentation board

✓ Start organizing information and pictures for on the board

By 3/23:
✓ Check status of survey responses
✓ Organize and design presentation board
✓ Create document with presentation board information to turn in
✓ Create works cited document for presentation board
✓ Start to compile data from survey responses
✓ Finish presentation board for GT fair (due Tuesday)

By 4/2:
✓ Decide what day to print intermediate data to put on presentation board
✓ Have all the responses from the survey
✓ Analyze all the data collected from survey responses
✓ Learn how to include data in revised paper (submit version with or without data to journals?)
𝗫 Contact RHHS AP psychology teacher about presenting research: ​
𝗫 Prepare and rehearse presentation for AP psychology class

By 4/13:
✓ Create newsclip for IR research (into Newsclip folder for editors by Thurs morning)
✓ Put updated website link into google doc
✓ Update website with new research, conclusions, analysis, presentation board, etc.
✓ Add valentines and appreciation section to website
✓ Create elevator speech about research
✓ Put newsclip on front page of website
✓ Meet with Susan Kleinman in person, take a picture and add to website ​(Saturday, April 14, 2018)

By 5/1:
✓ Format Newsclip book for IR research
✓ Revise paper for NHSJS and American Journal of Dance Therapy
✓ Complete data collection summary final
✓ Peer edit data collection summary and edit based on review comments (25 april 2018)
✓ Contact dance teacher about presenting to class (need presentation by June 1st)

By 5/5:
✓ Conference with Sasser, bring project proposal and fourth quarter timeline)
✓ Make detailed fourth quarter timeline and add syllabus to May/June calendar
✓ Make a May/June calendar for the rest of the year (testing, assignments, etc.)
✓ Update survey data information, analysis, and conclusion on presentation board
✓ Make organized calendar of May/June testing and assignments
✓ Make rubric for timeline and data collection summary report
✓ Finalize Data Collection Summary Report parts 1-3
Jeng 3

✓ Create final project rubrics for both submissions and both presentations
✓ Contact AP psychology teacher about presenting to class (need presentation by June 1st)

By 5/18:
✓ Make a list of obstacles from research, how they were overcome
✓ Include data from survey responses and analysis in revised paper
𝗫 Have paper ready for submission to American Journal of Dance Therapy
✓ Make cover letter for submission
✓ Make graphs of key questions responses for both CBT and DMT (clustered columns)
✓ Compile advisor correspondence chart and put on website
✓ Create page for Independent Research Book
✓ Finalize annotated resource list (put on website)
✓ Create 12 min presentations for dance class and AP psychology class (psychology: all intellectual
to show research and data, dance: experience based, include small demonstration of proposed
therapy, show this type of therapy is available)

By 5/25:
✓ Set date for dance presentation after AP week ​(Thursday 5/24 during 5th period)
✓ Set date for psychology presentation after AP week ​(Thursday 5/24 at beginning of period 4A)
✓ Upload paper and data collection to canvas turnitin assignment
✓ Advisor Gratitude Letter draft
✓ Rough draft class extended abstract
✓ Write abstract for journal submission paper
✓ Final draft class extended abstract, put onto website
✓ Prepare and rehearse presentations before presentation date
✓ Present to Dance class for Hennessie for part of final project (5/24)
✓ Present to AP Psychology class for part of final project (5/24)
✓ Give both audiences the evaluation form to fill out after presentations
✓ Upload final presentations and evaluations to website
✓ Write reflection on presentations and upload to project folder and website
✓ Make goals and objectives document and upload to google drive project folder
✓ Final projects upload to google drive personal folder
✓ Create and submit editorial for RH Current Newspaper (Tromble)
✓ Finalize official research abstract (to accompany manuscript in submission)
✓ Make 5 min End of Year Research and Reflection to fellow researchers presentation

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