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The Anatomic Basis of Midfacial Aging

Allan E. Wulc, Pooja Sharma, and Craig N. Czyz


Aging theories • Midfacial aging • Morphologic changes • Pathogenesis

“Nature gives you your face at twenty. Life shapes and genetic correlates. Many exogenous and
your face at thirty. But the face you have at fifty is endogenous factors can significantly impact the
the face you have earned.”
perceived age of an individual. Solar exposure
Coco Chanel [1–3], cigarette smoking [1, 2, 4, 5], medications
Facial aging is a multifactorial, three-dimen- [1], alcohol use [1], body mass index [2], and
sional (3D) process with anatomic, biochemical, endocrinologic status [1, 6, 7] have all been
implicated as factors that accelerate cutaneous
and subcutaneous aging. These factors act in
concert to create a variegated spectrum of facial
A.E. Wulc, MD, FACS () morphologic aging changes, and thus, Mme.
Associate Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology, Chanel was partially correct in her statement
University of Pennsylvania
from the last century.
Associate Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology Most of the aging changes that occur in the
and Otolaryngology, Drexel University
midface, however, occur predictably in the major-
Associate Surgeon, Department of Ophthalmology ity of individuals. Stigmata of midfacial aging
and Otolaryngology, Abington Memorial Hospital
typically appear by the middle of the fourth
decade. Degenerative changes occur in nearly
P. Sharma, MD
Department of Ophthalmology, Drexel University
every anatomic component of the midface and
College of Medicine, 219 N Broad Street, 3rd Floor, include cranial bone remodeling, tissue descent
Philadelphia, PA 19107, USA secondary to gravity, fat atrophy, and deteriora-
e-mail: tion in the condition and appearance of the skin.
C.N. Czyz, DO, FACOS The lower eyelids and adjacent tissues are often
Assistant Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology, the initial areas of patient concern.
Ohio University College of Osteopathic Medicine,
Columbus, OH, USA
This chapter reviews the morphologic changes
that occur in the aging midface and discusses the
Chair, Division of Ophthalmology Section Head,
Oculofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery,
pathogenesis of midfacial aging based upon its
Ohio Health Doctors Hospital, Columbus, OH, USA anatomic components. An integrated theory of
e-mail: facial aging will be presented.

M.E. Hartstein et al. (eds.), Midfacial Rejuvenation, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-1007-2_2, 15

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
16 A.E. Wulc et al.

The skin loses its sheen and becomes more sallow,

Morphology pigmented, coarse, and wrinkled.
As aging continues into the fifth decade and
Midfacial aging is directly related to changes that
beyond, bulges appear below the lower eyelid,
occur in the periorbital region and the cheek. The
consistent with protrusion of the temporal, nasal,
“youthful eye” is characterized by an upward slant
and central lower eyelid fat pads. The tear trough
from the medial to lateral canthus, a lower lid
elongates and the inferior orbital rim becomes
position 1–2 mm above the inferior edge of the
visible. A hollow develops in the centromedial
limbus, and a smooth curve at the lid/cheek junc-
cheek below the tear trough, termed the “V”
tion. The cheeks are volumized, appearing full and
deformity. The cheeks lose their projection and
round, and the malar prominence is covered by
hollow. Festoons, redundancy at the inferior mar-
malar fat (Fig. 2.1a). The midface conveys a heart-
gin of the orbicularis, may develop in the mid-
shaped appearance with the point of the “heart” at
cheek. The nasolabial fold becomes increasingly
the chin, and the greatest prominence over the
prominent and the midface appears to descend
zygomatic arch extending to the inferolateral orbit.
inferiorly and nasally. The corners of the lip
Overhead lighting accentuates this prominence,
become down-turned, as though weighed down
giving luster to the cheeks. The transition zones
by the ptotic midfacial fat, and melomental folds
from the lower eyelids to the cheeks and lateral
(marionette lines) develop. The midface, heart-
nasal wall are smoothly blended without obvious
shaped in youth, develops a pear shape (Fig. 2.2).
shadows or hollows in the youthful state.
Aesthetically undesirable aging changes begin
to appear in the midface during the fourth decade, Periorbital Tissues
as the aesthetic subunits start to lose their homo-
geneity (Fig. 2.1b). The lateral nasal wall loses Visual tracking studies suggest that observers
its smooth transition over the anterior maxilla infer subjects’ ages by visual cues around the
and becomes convex. Orbicularis rolls appear in eyes [8, 9]. Age-related changes in the periorbital
the pretarsal eyelid, along with fine rhytids in the tissues, such as under-eye bags and wrinkles, sig-
lateral canthal area. A nasojugal groove, termed nificantly impact the perceived age of an individ-
the “tear trough,” forms below the lower eyelid, ual [8]. These visual morphologic cues, discussed
and the nasolabial fold grows in length and depth. above, develop insidiously.

Fig. 2.1 (a) Youthful

midface. Note the round,
volumized cheek and
smooth contours. (b)
Aging midface. There is
loss of homogeneity, as the
tear trough and nasolabial
folds deepen
2 The Anatomic Basis of Midfacial Aging 17

Fig. 2.2 Attributes of the youthful versus aged face. In pad descends, baring the inferior orbital rim and contrib-
the youthful face, malar fat overlies the malar prominence, uting to the formation of the nasolabial fold. The vertical
conveying a heart-shaped appearance to the midface with length of the lower eyelid appears to increase. Ptosis is
the point of the “heart” at the chin. With age, the malar fat also evident in the brow and the lower face

The tear trough, often the initial sign of mid- Hamra referred to the alterations in the contour of
facial aging, occurs in the lower eyelids as a the lower eyelid at this point of chronologic aging
hollow immediately below the lower eyelid fat as the “double convexity deformity,” which occurs
prominences. Initially described by Loeb, the as bulging lower eyelid fat is juxtaposed to the
pathogenesis of the tear trough is ascribed to hollow of the tear trough [12]. The etiology of this
three coexisting anatomic factors (1) the solid increased fat prominence is controversial. Potential
fixation of the orbital septum to the inferomedial causes include orbital fat pseudoherniation or an
arcus marginalis, (2) a “triangular gap” formed increase in the amount of lower eyelid adipose tis-
by the junction of the orbicularis oculi, medial lip sue. In a study of orbital and facial computed
elevators, and levator alaeque nasi and, (3) the tomography (CT) images from 167 patients, Chen
absence of fat and soft tissue from the central and et al. demonstrated that lower eyelid orbital fat
the medial fat pads subjacent to the inferior herniation occurred with chronologic aging [13].
orbicularis oculi [10]. Freeman showed that lack Attenuation of the orbital septum may contribute
of fat at the level of the inferior arcus marginalis to the appearance of pseudoherniation [14–16].
is the major contributing factor in the tear trough De la Plaza suggested that distension of orbital
deformity, as demonstrated by intraoperative and supporting structures, such as the orbital septum,
cadaveric dissections of individuals with and capsulopalpebral fascia, and lateral canthal ten-
without a tear-trough convexity [11]. don, leads to descent of the globe with resultant
In many individuals protrusion of fat becomes compression and anterior displacement of inferior
more apparent in the lower eyelids with age. orbital fat [14]. Alternatively, downward stress on
18 A.E. Wulc et al.

the septum by “sagging” volumes in the midface

may traction forward the septum and the fat imme-
Midface Skeleton
diately posterior to it, thus increasing the visibility
As aging progresses, the bony midface “col-
of the lower eyelid fat [17].
lapses”: the inferior orbital rim remodels and
Some authors have proposed that the volume
loses anterior projection, the midface loses verti-
of orbital fat increases in the aging orbit. Darcy
cal height, and the pyriform aperture recesses
et al. analyzed high-resolution orbital magnetic
posteriorly [17, 21–25] (Fig. 2.3). Studies of nor-
resolution images (MRI) in 40 patients and dem-
mal CT scans, grouped by patient age, show that
onstrated that orbital fat expansion occurs with
skeletal changes predictably occur at the orbital
age, displacing the soft tissues of the lower eyelid
rim and the maxilla. Involution of the midface
anteriorly [18]. However, the findings were lim-
skeleton begins in the sixth decade and is observed
ited, as single MRI cuts were used to extrapolate
more commonly in women than in men [27].
orbital volume. The authors postulated that adi-
Increased bone resorption during perimenopause
pocyte hyperplasia/hypertrophy or chronic fluid
may contribute to the greater degree of bony
accumulation with age caused the orbital fat vol-
involution observed in women [28].
ume to increase.
Kahn and Shaw, using 3D CT reconstruction
In all likelihood, the most important change
with volume rendering, found a significant
that occurs in the lower eyelids is the unveiling of
increase in the orbital aperture and width corre-
deep eyelid contour that results from descent of
lated to advancing age in both male and female
midface fat and focal volume loss at the inferior
patients [25]. Woodward et al. corroborated these
orbital rim [19]. The orbital aperture appears to
results in a review of consecutive facial CT scans
enlarge vertically as the midface volumes descend
in 50 females and 50 males [17]. Their analyses
and exert downward traction on the septum and
demonstrated that the angles of the pyriform pro-
arcus marginalis [17], exposing the tear trough
cess and the inferior orbital rim retruded with
and eventually the inferior orbital rim. Lower
age, while the anterior lower eyelid fat pads
eyelid fat becomes prominent due to the absence
appeared to become more prominent. The authors
of the malar fat that covers it in youth. This is
hypothesized that inferior and downward dis-
consistent with Lambros’ theory of volume defla-
placement of the orbital rim may pull the orbital
tion [20], discussed later in this chapter.

Fig. 2.3 With aging, the inferior orbital rim remodels and loses anterior projection. Adapted from Pessa [26]
2 The Anatomic Basis of Midfacial Aging 19

fat anteriorly due to “shared attachments of the more than the maxilla, and more bone loss is
orbital septum and lower eyelid retractors.” They observed in women than in men [35].
also speculated that this inferior displacement
exerted downward traction on the lower eyelid,
resulting in the relative lower eyelid retraction Musculature
seen with aging [17].
In a study of facial CT images from 30 male Aging causes a decline in muscle mass and mus-
patients, Pessa et al. showed that the maxilla ver- cle strength throughout the body [36–39], and
tically shortened in proportion to the orbit with these muscular changes have been studied in the
aging and attributed these changes to skeletal midface [40, 41]. The orbicularis oris thins with
remodeling [23]. The authors proposed that the age [42], whereas the orbicularis oculi does not
enlarged orbital aperture in combination with the [43].
shortened vertical maxilla results in a “collapse” Analyses of MRI images from patients of
of the surface area available in the midface to varying ages suggest that the aging muscles of
support the overlying soft tissues. This phenom- the midface shorten and straighten, as though
enon was termed the “concertina effect” due to they are in spasm. Le Louarn has hypothesized
the decreased ability of the bones to support and that this spasm may prolapse the deep midfacial
volumize the overlying soft tissues [23]. In fat superficially with the continuous repetitive
another study, Pessa et al. demonstrated that the facial contractions that occur over a lifetime
globe becomes relatively proptotic with respect [44, 45]. Owsley and Roberts’ analyses of histo-
to the aging alterations of the inferior orbital rim logic specimens and MRI images of the mid-
and the cheek mass [22]. The authors have specu- face suggest that repeated contractions of the
lated that this relative maxillary retrusion might levator labii during animation may produce
contribute to the prominence of the nasolabial increased tissue expansion forces in the over-
fold in aging [29]. lying cheek fat pad, contributing to its down-
ward migration [46]. These findings support Le
Louarn’s hypothesis.

Bony involution of the upper jaw, as described Adipose Tissue

above, may be related to the loss of alveolar bone
engendered by loss of dentition [30]. Bartlett et al. Recent studies authored by Rohrich and Pessa
studied 160 human skulls and found that a reduc- have sought to define the fat compartments of the
tion in facial height, especially in the maxilla and face and describe their clinical importance [47–
mandible, strongly correlated with tooth loss [31]. 52]. Superficial midfacial fat pads include the
The loss of teeth alone affects the thickness of medial, middle, and lateral cheek fat compart-
cortical bone throughout the facial skeleton; sig- ments [51]. The deep medial fat pad underlies the
nificant cortical bone loss and alveolar ridge superficial middle fat pad [52]. Inflation of the
absorption are observed in the edentulous [32]. deep medial fat pad with saline in cadavers has
The loss of load-bearing stresses in the edentulous been shown to eliminate the V deformity, reduce
state may result in maxillary ridge resorption, the size of the nasolabial fold, and diminish the
which occurs in the craniofacial skeleton through- appearance of the tear trough [52]. Based upon
out life [33]. Alternatively, the absence of trophic this finding and other anatomic observations, the
factors related to a reduction in tooth vasculariza- authors have proposed that volume loss in the
tion may result in a decrease in metabolic demand deep midfacial fat compartment may be one of
and decreased osteoblastic activity. This process the primary determinants of the morphologic
is analogous to that of the anophthalmic orbit appearance of the aging midface. The loss of
[34]. In general, loss of teeth affects the mandible midfacial projection caused by volume atrophy
20 A.E. Wulc et al.

Gosain et al. performed high-resolution MRI

in 20 “old” and “young” female subjects in a
study evaluating volumetric changes in the aging
midface [53]. Based upon their findings, the
authors postulated that there is selective hyper-
trophy of the superior portion of the superficial
fat pad in aging patients, and that a generalized
redistribution of fat occurs with aging, perhaps
related to actions associated with animation, that
makes the nasolabial fold more prominent [53].
The study was performed using MRI in a supine
position, which potentially mars the accuracy of
their observations because it negates the effect of
gravity as encountered in the upright position.
Owsley and Roberts discussed their extensive
experience with midface lifting and used Gosain’s
observations to posit a theory as to the etiology of
the nasolabial folds [46]. They proposed that the
dynamic nature of facial animation leads to
changes in fat position, resulting in downward
migration of the fat pad. Prolonged muscle short-
ening over a lifetime causes radial expansion and
elongation of the septations within the inferior
Fig. 2.4 Subcutaneous fat compartments of the face, as malar fat pads. The lengthening of septations
described by Rohrich et al. The subcutaneous fat in the within the fat results in downward migration of the
face lies within relatively consistent anatomic compart- cheek and formation of the nasolabial fold [46].
ments separated by connective tissue laminae. Adapted
An alternative theory proposed by Lambros
from Rohrich and Pessa [51]
suggests that the aging changes seen in the face,
and in particular the midface, are due to volume
unmasks the nasolabial fold and malar mounds, loss [20]. According to Lambros’ theory, the naso-
and the observed ptosis of soft tissues is actually labial fold deepens with age due to volume loss
“pseudo-ptosis” created by deflationary changes. and inferior displacement of the deflated tissue
These studies on the organization of midfacial envelope, not as a result of gravitationally induced
fat suggest that facial aging is compartment soft-tissue descent [20]. This contradicts the the-
dependent (Fig. 2.4). That is, the face does not age ory of Owsley and Roberts, who suggest that fat
as a confluent mass; rather, each compartment atrophy in the midface plays a secondary role to
changes relatively independently over time [51]. gravitational descent of the cheek fat [46].
Shearing forces between adjacent compartments It is clear that changes in the subcutaneous
may also contribute to the soft tissue malposition and deep cheek fat over time contribute to the
seen in aging [51]. Shifting of the deep fat com- pathogenesis of midfacial aging, though the
partments, along with volume loss within them, underlying mechanism of these changes (fat dis-
may lead to the pseudo-ptosis associated with placement versus atrophy) remains open to
aging. This leads to the appearance of “folds” debate. In all likelihood, both mechanisms in yet-
(such as the nasolabial fold) at the junction of the to-be-defined combination give rise to the aes-
superficial and deep fat compartments [48]. thetic alterations seen in midfacial aging.
2 The Anatomic Basis of Midfacial Aging 21

tissue plastination techniques did not demonstrate

Superficial Muscular Aponeurotic a clear SMAS layer in the face, except adjacent to
System the parotid; in particular, SMAS was not demon-
strated in the midface or the neck [62]. It is plau-
Lockwood et al. have described a subcutaneous sible that either lack of a SMAS layer in the
fasciomuscular system throughout the body [54]. midface, or the attenuation of the SMAS with
This system, as it pertains to the face, was ini- aging, may contribute to the early and progressive
tially described by Mitz and Peyronie [55] and aging process observed in the midface. Further
has been further detailed by Rohrich et al. studies are needed to elucidate the extent and the
[47–52, 56]. The superficial muscular aponeu- role of the SMAS in midfacial aging.
rotic system (SMAS) is described as a mid-level
fibromuscular layer separating the deep facial fat
from the superficial facial fat. Essentially, the Ligaments
subcutaneous fat that exists in the face lies within
relatively consistent anatomic compartments sep- The ligaments of the face were first characterized
arated by connective tissue laminae (Fig. 2.4). by Furnas, who noted that fibrous condensations
The blood supply to the fat and dermis runs encountered in facelift dissections were in fact
within this fibrous connective tissue in a verti- osseocutaneous and musculocutaneous support-
cally oriented network, and the connective tissue ing structures [63, 64]. The relationships of these
is thought to lend support to the vessels [56]. ligaments to the SMAS, lower eyelid and lateral
Numerous studies have emerged that are canthus have been extensively described, though
insightful in understanding the anatomy of the the nomenclature describing them is inconsistent.
SMAS and its role in facial aging [57–62]. Fundamentally, the orbicularis is supported by
Dissections have shown that considerable vari- adhesions to the temporalis, and the cheek is sus-
ability exists in the SMAS at different facial pended by the zygomaticomalar ligaments. The
regions within a single individual, as well as at superficial and the deep fat pads in the infraorbital
given anatomic locations among individuals [57, area are suspended by a ligament originating at
60]. Macchi et al. postulated that the SMAS the arcus marginalis, termed the “orbicularis
forms a 3D network with subcutaneous connec- retaining ligament” [65, 66], or in ophthalmic par-
tive tissue fibers that ultimately have a connec- lance, the “orbitomalar ligament” [67] (Fig. 2.5).
tion to the dermis. In their estimation, changes in Pessa described an inferior orbicularis ligament,
the viscoelastic properties of the SMAS and its which has also been termed the “orbitomalar liga-
3D reticular network ultimately resulted in ptosis ment” [68]. It is thought to account for the delimi-
of facial volumes [58]. Histologic analyses by tation of cellulitis and cheek hematomas.
Owsley and Roberts have also shown that degen- Mendelson has extensively detailed the liga-
erative loss of elastin in both the superficial fas- ments, septae, and adhesion zones of the brow,
cia and the skin contributes to the aging changes periocular region, and midface [65, 69–71]. He
in the midface and the nasolabial folds [46]. postulated that ligamentous laxity may be pri-
In the midface, the SMAS is less distinct as marily responsible for facial aging. Mendelson
compared to other facial regions, and its dermal proposed that the ligaments serve to stabilize
attachments are not as easily demonstrated at sur- the face in youth, but continuous muscular activ-
gery or in cadaveric dissections. Studies have ity in combination with intrinsic aging changes
shown that the SMAS attenuates from thickest in lead to weakness of ligamentous support [71].
the parotid region to thinnest over the nasolabial Thus, the transient soft tissue displacement
fold, where it is virtually undetectable. While the occurring over the course of a lifetime with
literature is replete with articles pertaining to the facial animation produces stretching of facial
SMAS, not all are in agreement regarding its exis- ligaments and causes subsequent ptosis of the
tence, particularly in the midface. A study using soft tissues of the face.
22 A.E. Wulc et al.

aging, where the skin becomes dry and atrophic,

with fine wrinkles and increased laxity. Both UVA
and UVB light cause radiation changes at the
basal epithelial level, dermal epidermal junction,
and in the subcutaneous tissues. UVA induces
solar elastosis [76], whereas UVB causes dyspla-
sia and neoplasia by producing dermal and epi-
dermal injury [77]. Skin that is constantly exposed
to UV light is metabolically overactive, with an
increased production of abnormal elastin and gly-
cosaminoglycans [75]. Inflammation, angiogene-
sis, and abnormal collagen production and
Fig. 2.5 The orbicularis retaining ligament, as seen in degradation are noted to a greater extent in sun
cross-section, is a bilaminar membrane separating the pre- exposed skin as compared to skin protected from
septal and prezygomatic spaces. It suspends the superfi-
solar exposure [75]. Other solar induced changes
cial and deep fat pads in the infraorbital area. Central
laxity of the orbicularis retaining ligament allows the include a decrease in hormonal levels, which may
lower eyelid fat to descend into the upper cheek, contrib- contribute to selective fat loss and fat deposition
uting to the “V” deformity at the lid–cheek junction. [3]. Elevated blood glucose levels cause glycosy-
Adapted from Owsley and Roberts [46]
lation of skin proteins, intensified by the presence
of ultraviolet light [6].
Epidemiologic studies have shown tobacco to
Skin have a deleterious effect on the skin, causing pre-
mature skin wrinkling [4, 5, 78, 79]. Wrinkle
Aging changes in facial skin begin in the fourth development in one study was significantly cor-
decade and include fine wrinkles in the lower eye- related to the number of pack years, even after
lids and lateral orbital area, dyschromias, and controlling for sun exposure, age, and sex [4]. Sun
alterations in texture and pigmentation. Genetics, exposure was also a risk factor for developing
hormonal influences, and environmental factors wrinkles, with a multiplicative effect found when
all contribute to the aging process in facial skin. In sun exposure coexisted with a long history of
intrinsic skin aging, the subcutaneous vasculature smoking [80]. In vitro studies suggest that tobacco
loses its papillary organization, the dermal/epider- smoking contributes to premature skin aging by
mal interface flattens, and the dermis and subcuta- impairing collagen synthesis, upregulating metal-
neous tissues atrophy. Microscopically, elastin and loproteinases, and causing an increase in the pro-
collagen lose their organization, decrease in rela- duction of abnormal elastin and a reduction in
tive amount, and show histologic signs of degen- proteoglycans [5]. UV light and smoking inde-
eration [72]. The production of types I and III pendently cause wrinkling of the skin by upregu-
collagen by fibroblasts is reduced [73]. Fibroblasts, lation of fibroblast metalloproteinases and together
particularly within the papillary dermis, show have a synergistic negative effect [4].
selective diminution in function and number as
compared to fibroblasts in reticular dermis [74].
Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light is the princi- The Volumetric Theory
pal cause of extrinsic aging. The midface is inevi- of Facial Aging
tably exposed to the sun and consequently subject
to “photoaging,” as termed by Kligman and Lambros has carefully and convincingly devel-
Kligman [75]. Photoaging produces coarse, oped a theory of midfacial and periorbital aging
deeply wrinkled, leathery skin with multiple cuta- that seems to integrate all the anatomic compo-
neous premalignancies and telangiectasias. This nents involved in the midfacial aging process. His
is independent of and in addition to intrinsic seminal paper of 2007 described his practice of
2 The Anatomic Basis of Midfacial Aging 23

superimposing his patients’ youthful photographs in skin color, skin contrast, and tissue projection
on top of a current photograph, and “animating” occurring over time. Lambros speculated that
the images to fade from one to the other, in order relative anteroposterior shifts in volume played a
to visualize changes in the face over time [20]. more dominant role in midfacial aging than soft-
Lambros’ analyses suggested that the lid– tissue descent [20]. Lambros’ theory is corrobo-
cheek junction remains stable over time. Com- rated by the work of Pessa, who suggested that
parisons of the lid–cheek position were made in craniofacial skeletal remodeling might primarily
83 patients, and in only 3 did the lid–cheek junc- explain volume changes in the midface [26].
tion appear to descend over time. Using photo-
graphic comparison, Lambros showed that skin
landmarks, such as moles and wrinkles, present at The Gravitational Theory
specific anatomic locations in the periorbital and of Facial Aging
upper midface, did not descend over the time
course of the photographs. Based upon these It is possible to accept Lambros’ observations
findings, Lambros hypothesized that vertical and to reconcile them with the observations of
descent of skin and subcutaneous tissue was not numerous authors who feel that gravitational
a major component of the midfacial aging pro- changes can be implicated in the morphogenesis
cess. He suggested that, if the face actually sagged, of facial aging.
one would expect to see downward migration of It is our observation that inversion photographs
skin landmarks. of aging patients (either in a supine or Trendelenburg
Lambros attributed the conspicuity of the aging position) demonstrate an appearance consistent
lid–cheek junction to shadowing created by fat with that of photographs taken approximately
protrusion in the lower eyelid, which increases 10–15 years prior (Fig. 2.6). The tear trough dimin-
the apparent vertical length of the lid and exag- ishes, orbital fat prolapse is no longer apparent,
gerates the growing indentation at the tear trough. and cheek nevi ascend to their original positions.
Additionally, the increased contrast between the Although volume loss does become more apparent
lid and cheek was ascribed to accentuation of in the lower eyelids and in the lips, many of the
lower eyelid skin as it becomes thinner and darker other features that give rise to the aging face are
with aging. The apparent descent of the lower lid improved with supine positioning. Aging is there-
is therefore an illusion perpetrated by variations fore partially gravitational: much of the volume

Fig. 2.6 A 51-year-old

female in (a) prone and (b)
supine position. With
supine positioning, the tear
trough is diminished,
orbital fat prolapse is
reduced, and the nasolabial
folds are softened
24 A.E. Wulc et al.

Fig. 2.7 Three-quarters view of a male in his (a) fifth superior border of the nares. Two black arrows denote
decade and (b) eighth decade. In each photograph, the faint nevi located near the lid–cheek junction. These nevi
upper line corresponds to the most anterior projection of do appear to descend with age
the malar prominence, and the lower line is placed at the

in the face must be retained and not lost, because at and above the lid–cheek junction is not volume
volumes drift back into position when the supine descent, but rather redundancy of skin and orbic-
position is assumed. ularis suspended in the “hammock” discussed
We concur with Mendelson in our belief that above. Similarly, laxity of the orbital septum
facial ligaments attenuate with age. These liga- allows orbital fat volumes to prolapse down and
ments create a supportive system that suspends forward, delimited inferiorly by the orbicularis
the midfacial fat compartments, and attenuation retaining ligament.
of the ligaments results in gravitational descent The ligamentous network supporting the mid-
of facial fat volumes. Preliminary observations in and lower cheek, however, is more discrete and
our patients demonstrate that malar nevi do compact. As the ligaments stretch over time,
descend over time and that the skin is not immo- facial volumes descend, and the skin descends
bile in contrast to what has been described by along with them. Immediately below the lid–
Lambros (Fig. 2.7). Therefore, gravity, and not cheek junction, and especially laterally, where
volume loss alone, may be responsible for many the orbicularis retaining ligament is less firmly
of the changes seen in the aging midface. attached, one sees a downward descent of fat
Gravity affects the entire face, but it does so volumes. Attenuation of the zygomatic ligaments
non-uniformly. Gravitational changes are not as and muscular or SMAS attachments to skin also
apparent where the strong anchor points of facial contributes to this downward drift.
ligaments essentially tether the dermis to the The visual stigmata of midfacial aging often
periosteum. Facial volumes can descend without correspond to the areas of ligamentous attach-
apparent changes at the lid–cheek junction ments: the hollows that develop occur in the areas
because a dense network of orbital retaining liga- of the osseous origins of the ligaments (Fig. 2.8a,
ments exists around the periorbit that continue to b), and the volumes and bulges below them rep-
suspend the skin. The skin at lid–cheek junction resent areas of ligamentous attenuation where the
is supported medially and centrally by the dense fat compartments of the face have been displaced
orbicularis retaining ligament, laterally by the (Fig. 2.8c). The facial hollows and bulges are
lateral canthal thickening, and is suspended most visible in the presence of intense overhead
between two solid points, the medial and the lat- lighting, which creates shadows established by
eral canthi. These connective tissue attachments the concavities that disappear with the redistribu-
act as “hammocks” or “slings” that suspend the tion of fat volumes when the patient is placed in
skin. As such, this area is more resistant to gravi- the supine position (Fig. 2.6).
tational displacement than tissues of the mid- and This theory is supported by the histologic obser-
lower cheek. Therefore, the cardinal sign of aging vations of Lucarelli et al. who noted attenuation of
2 The Anatomic Basis of Midfacial Aging 25

Fig. 2.8 (a) This woman demonstrates salient features of (c) Bulges in the aging face (as represented by orange
aging, including tear trough deformity, hollowing of the crescents and rectangles) form in areas of ligamentous
cheek, nasolabial folds, melomental folds, and jowling. attenuation, where the fat compartments have been dis-
(b) The hollows that develop in the face with age tend to placed due to lack of support
occur in areas of the osseous origins of the ligaments.

the orbitomalar ligament in eight of ten specimens Owsley and Roberts have postulated that the
with midfacial ptosis in their study [81]. descent of the malar fat pad, caused by attenua-
Additionally, subcutaneous components of the tion in the dermal septal attachments, creates the
zygomatic and masseteric cutaneous ligaments permanent nasolabial fold associated with facial
were either attenuated or not identifiable in 40% aging [46]. This corroborates Stuzin, Baker, and
and 30% of cadavers with midfacial ptosis, respec- Gordon’s explanation of the midface ptosis seen
tively [81]. A study by Raskin and Latrenta adds with aging. Similarly, Mendelson and Jacobson
further support to our postulate. Attenuation of the offered an explanation for why the lid–cheek
secondary supporting ligaments correlated to contour changes over time with a relatively con-
cadaver age in ten cadaver dissections. They addi- stant position of the lid–cheek junction [69].
tionally reported histologic evidence of distal atten- They proposed that the orbicularis retaining liga-
uation of the ligaments within the malar fat [82]. ment becomes attenuated over time, but still
Stuzin, Baker, and Gordon have described the retains its attachments to the anterior lamella and
anatomic relationships between facial fascias, the inferior orbital rim, and as a consequence,
muscles, fat pads, and skin in their precis based orbital fat appears to bulge even as the lid–cheek
upon seven cadaver dissections and experience junction remains stable [69]. In conjunction with
with hundreds of facelifts [57]. The authors bony volume loss of the inferior rim, volume
concluded: descent and traction on facial volumes may be
The importance of the zygomatic ligaments lies responsible for the morphologic changes seen in
in their ability to suspend malar soft tissue over the lower eyelids and the tear trough [17].
the zygomatic eminence. In aging, an attenuation The concept of ligamentous dehiscence recon-
of malar support is commonly seen, leading to an ciles Lambros’ findings with our observations
inferior migration of malar soft tissue. This soft tis-
sue ptosis occurs adjacent to the line of muscular that the fat volumes and the soft tissues of the
fixation along the nasolabial fold. It is not that the midface appear to descend with age. As noted by
fold deepens with aging, but rather malar soft tis- Lambros, the skin tends to remains in place, par-
sue lateral to the nasolabial line accumulates, ac- ticularly at the lid–cheek junction, because it is a
counting for fold prominence in the aging face.
(p 447) [57] passive envelope held in place by a nexus of
26 A.E. Wulc et al.

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