The In#uence of The Non-Newtonian Properties of Blood On The #Ow in Large Arteries: Steady #Ow in A Carotid Bifurcation Model

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Journal of Biomechanics 32 (1999) 601}608

The in#uence of the non-Newtonian properties of blood on the #ow in

large arteries: steady #ow in a carotid bifurcation model
F.J.H. Gijsen*, F.N. van de Vosse, J.D. Janssen
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, Netherlands
Received in "nal form 2 December 1998


Laser Doppler anemometry experiments and "nite element simulations of steady #ow in a three dimensional model of the carotid
bifurcation were performed to investigate the in#uence of non-Newtonian properties of blood on the velocity distribution. The axial
velocity distribution was measured for two #uids: a non-Newtonian blood analog #uid and a Newtonian reference #uid. Striking
di!erences between the measured #ow "elds were found. The axial velocity "eld of the non-Newtonian #uid was #attened, had lower
velocity gradients at the divider wall, and higher velocity gradients at the non-divider wall. The #ow separation, as found with the
Newtonian #uid, was absent.
In the computations, the shear thinning behavior of the analog blood #uid was incorporated through the Carreau}Yasuda model.
The viscoelastic properties of the #uid were not included.
A comparison between the experimental and numerical results showed good agreement, both for the Newtonian and the
non-Newtonian #uid. Since only shear thinning was included, this seems to be the dominant non-Newtonian property of the blood
analog #uid under steady #ow conditions.  1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Non-Newtonian #ow; Carotid bifurcation; LDA experiment; FEM simulation

1. Introduction large arteries, blood was modeled as a Newtonian #uid.

The viscoelasticity of blood was ignored, and using the
From clinical practice it is known that speci"c sites in argument that shear rates in large arteries are predomi-
the arterial tree are sensitive to the development of nantly high, the viscosity of blood was taken equal to
atherosclerotic lesions. Local hemodynamics are believed the high shear rate limit viscosity of blood
to play an important role in the development of these (g "3.5;10\ Pa s). Whether or not the assumption

lesions in the sinus of the carotid bifurcation (Caro et al., that blood can be modeled as a Newtonian #uid is
1971; Friedman et al., 1981; Zarins et al., 1983; Nerem admissible is under dispute. Several numerical studies
1992). Local hemodynamics are not only governed by the indicate that the in#uence of shear thinning properties of
pressure pulse, the geometry of the bifurcation and the blood are not signi"cant for the #ow in large arteries
properties of the arterial wall, but also by the rheological (Perktold et al., 1991; Cho and Kensey, 1991). Other
properties of blood. In this study, the in#uence of the studies do "nd signi"cant in#uence (e.g. Rodkiewicz et
non-Newtonian properties of blood on the velocity dis- al., 1990), or apply scaling procedures while comparing
tribution in a rigid model of the carotid bifurcation under Newtonian and shear thinning #uid models (e.g. Baaijens
steady #ow conditions is described. et al., 1993; Ballyk et al., 1994). None of the above studies
The #ow in a carotid bifurcation model (see Fig. 1) was incorporated the viscoelastic behavior of blood. Experi-
studied by numerous authors (e.g. Bharadvaj et al., mental studies on non-Newtonian #ow in large arteries
1982a, b; Perktold and Hilbert, 1986; Rindt et al., 1990; are relatively sparse, but the ones available indicate a sig-
Rindt and van Steenhoven 1996; Palmen et al., 1997). In ni"cant in#uence of the viscoelasticity of the blood ana-
these studies, and many other investigations on #ow in log #uids on the #ow phenomena (e.g. Liepsch and
Moravec, 1984; Ku and Liepsch, 1986).
This study consist of two parts. The "rst part deals
* Corresponding author. with steady #ow in a three-dimensional model of the

0021-9290/99/$ - see front matter  1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
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602 F.J.H. Gijsen et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 32 (1999) 601}608

thinning properties of blood quite well (Fig. 2a). In oscil-

latory shear, the viscous components (g) and the elastic
(g) component of the complex viscosity of the KSCN-X
solution were measured in the linear viscoelastic regime.
Comparison with the linear viscoelastic properties of
blood showed a good agreement for viscous component,
but some di!erences regarding the elastic component
(Fig. 2b). The "t of a four-mode Maxwell model to the
linear viscoelastic data rendered a relaxation time of the
KSCN-X solution of 0.3 s. The properties of the KSCN-
X solution were measured before and after the experi-
ments. No di!erences were seen, indicating that the
Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the carotid bifurcation. KSCN-X solution was not damaged by the pump.

2.2. Test rig and experimental procedure

carotid bifurcation. A blood analog #uid will be present-
ed that can be used for LDA measurements in a Plexiglas The geometry of the three dimensional model of the
model of the bifurcation. The measured axial velocity carotid bifurcation (Fig. 1) was derived from (Bharadvaj
distribution will be compared to "nite element simula- et al., 1982a). The 1 : 1 model was machined out of
tions. In the "nite element computations, the shear thin- PMMA (Plexiglas) with a refraction index of 1.491, and
ning properties of the blood analog #uid are taken into was identical to one used in the study of Rindt et al.
account. A comparison between the numerical and ex- (1990). The test rig is schematically shown in Fig. 3. The
perimental results of Newtonian and non-Newtonian steady #ow was provided by a positive displacement
velocity "eld is presented. The second part of this study pump (Moyno, Robbins & Myers inc.). The details of the
focuses on the unsteady #ow in a 903 degree curved tube: test rig and the LDA equipment are described in Gijsen
not only the velocity distribution but also application of et al. (1996).
dimensionless parameters in non-Newtonian #ow will be The velocity measurements were performed under
discussed in detail. steady #ow conditions. The dimensionless parameters
describing the #ow, Re (Reynolds number) and c (#ow
division ratio), were de"ned as follows:
2. Experimental methods
o2a< Q
2.1. Blood analog yuid Re" , c" # , (1)
g Q
The shear thinning and viscoelasticity of blood in where < represented the cross-sectional mean velocity in
viscometric #ow (Chien et al., 1970; Thurston, 1973, the common carotid artery, a the radius of the common
1979) are closely related to its microscopic structure. The carotid artery, g and o the dynamic viscosity and the
red blood cells determine the rheological behavior of density of #uid. Q and Q represent the #ow through the
# !
blood; both shear thinning and viscoelasticity are related external and common carotid artery, respectively. The
to aggregation, deformation and alignment of the red experiments with the Newtonian #uid were performed
blood cells. A suitable blood analog #uid should include for Re"270 and c"0.45. Application of Eq. (1) to
these non-Newtonian properties. Application of the determine the Re number for the non-Newtonian is am-
blood analog #uid for LDA measurements in a three- biguous, since g depends on shear rate. In this study, the
dimensional Plexiglas model imposes two additional non-Newtonian #uid was subjected to the same #ow
requirements: transparency and a matched refraction conditions as the Newtonian #uid: the mean axial velo-
index. A concentrated solution of potassium thiocyanate city and the #ow division ratio were identical for the two
in water (KSCN, 71% by weight) meets the latter two #uids. The velocity distribution was measured at one site
demands and was used as the Newtonian control #uid in the common carotid artery and at "ve sites in the
(g"2.9;10\ Pa s, o"1410 kg/m) while addition of internal carotid artery (Fig. 4). The axial velocity in the
250 ppm Xanthan gum (95465 Fluka) resulted in shear common carotid artery was measured 6a upstream of
thinning and viscoelastic behavior. Aqueous Xanthan the apex, along the y-axis. In the internal carotid artery,
gum solutions have proven to be one of the more success- the velocity distribution was mapped at I , I , I ,
ful blood analog #uids (Brookshier and Tarbell, 1993). I and I , each plane separated by a distance a along
Our viscometric experiments, using a cone-plate vis- the x-axis. In the internal carotid artery, the velocity in
cometer (RFSII, Rheometrics), showed that the KSCN- the x and y direction was measured and subsequently
Xanthan gum solution (KSCN-X) mimics the shear transformed to the velocity in the x direction. The
F.J.H. Gijsen et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 32 (1999) 601}608 603

Fig. 2. Steady (a) and oscillatory (b) shear properties of the KSCN-X solution, compared to the properties of blood. The blood measurements were
taken from Thurston (1979). The measurements of the KSCN-X solution are presented with vertical error-bars in the left panel.

Fig. 3. Schematic presentation of the test rig.

velocity signals were computed as the mean of 100 Fig. 4. The location of measurement sites.
measurements. Only half of the planes in the internal
carotid artery were mapped because of symmetry. To
check the validity of the symmetry assumption, I for where v and p are columns containing the unknown

the Newtonian #uid and I for the non-Newtonian #uid velocity components and pressure values in the discrete

were measured completely. points, M the mass matrix, S(v ) the di!usion matrix, N(v )
the non-linear convection matrix, L the divergence
matrix, and f are columns containing the body and
3. Numerical methods boundary forces. For the steady #ow computations, the
"rst term of the impulse equation is not relevant. The
3.1. Newtonian yuid convective term was linearized using the Newton}Raph-
son method. A parabolic velocity pro"le was prescribed
The numerical modeling of incompressible and iso- as the axial inlet velocity in the common carotid artery.
thermal #ow of a (generalized) Newtonian #uid requires No-slip conditions served as the boundary conditions at
the solution of the impulse or Navier}Stokes equations the wall. Symmetry was prescribed for the symmetry
and the continuity equation. In combination with a con- plane and stress-free out#ow was used for the internal
stitutive equation, followed by a discretization using and external carotid artery. The length of the external
Galerkin's "nite element method (e.g. Cuvelier et al., carotid artery was used to control the #ow division ratio
1986), the following set of non-linear di!erential equa- c. The package SEPRAN (Segal, 1984) was employed to
tions is obtained: generate the mesh, containing Crouzeix}Raviart type
elements, and to build and solve the system of equations.
Mv #[S(v )#N(v )]v #L2p "f , The equations were solved using the integrated method
Lv "0, (Cuvelier et al., 1986). Renumbering of the unknown
604 F.J.H. Gijsen et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 32 (1999) 601}608

quantities v and p (Segal and Vuik, 1995) was performed cR "(2tr(D) . (7)
to avoid zero diagonal elements in the assembled matrix
resulting from Eq. (2). The preconditoning of the assem- The Carreau}Yasuda model was "tted to the experi-
bled matrix according to an incomplete LU decomposi- mental data (solid line in Fig. 2a), resulting in the follow-
tion limited the required CPU time. The iteration process ing set of parameters:
was stopped using the following criterium:
g "22;10\ Pa s, g "2.2;10\ Pa s,
)e, e"10\ (3) a"0.644, n"0.392, j"0.110 s . (8)
with k the iteration number, and resI and res the resid- The shear rate dependent viscosity slightly altered the
ual at iteration k and 0, respectively. After each iteration computational method. In the discretization of the Eq. 2,
process, the resulting velocity "eld (vJ>) was compared the non-linear di!usion tensor was linearized by applica-
to the velocity "eld from the previous iteration process tion of the Picard method.
(vJ) to test for convergence:
#vJ>!vJ#)e, e"10\ (4)
4. Results
with l the iteration step, and # 2 # the maximum norm.
For a more detailed account of the applied numerical In Fig. 5 the axial velocity pro"le in the common
methods, one is refered to van de Vosse (1987) and Rindt carotid artery is given for the Newtonian and the non-
et al. (1991). Newtonian #uid. As the #ow is fully developed, the axial
velocity pro"le for the Newtonian #uid is parabolic. The
3.2. Non-Newtonian yuid velocity pro"le of the non-Newtonian #uid is #attened as
expected for a shear thinning #uid. The #attened velocity
In this study, only the shear thinning properties of the pro"le is predicted well by the numerical method. The
KSCN-X solution were taken into account. Since vis- errors in the velocity signal can be attributed to the noise
coelasticity was not included, the comparison of the on the velocity signal and the presence of velocity gradi-
numerical and experimental results should indicate ents in the measuring volume. In the central part of the
whether viscoelasticity signi"cantly alters the velocity tube, the error in the velocity signal is less than 2%, while
distribution in carotid artery #ow. at near wall sites, the presence of steep velocity gradients
The shear thinning was accounted for by employing causes an increase of the maximum error to 8%. The
the Carreau}Yasuda model (Bird et al., 1987): in#uence of alignment and positioning errors and #uctu-
g!g ations of the #ow is estimated to be less than 3% (see also
 "[1#(jcR )?]L\? . (5)
g !g Rindt et al., 1991).
  In Figs. 6 and 7, the experimental and numerical
For cR , a scalar measure of the rate of deformation tensor results in the internal carotid artery are given for
was used (Macosko 1994): the Newtonian and the non-Newtonian #uid respect-
D" [
v)2] (6) ively.

Fig. 5. The experimental (o) and numerical (!!) results of the axial velocity pro"le in the common carotid artery for the Newtonian #uid (KSCN)
and the non-Newtonian #uid (KSCN-X).
F.J.H. Gijsen et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 32 (1999) 601}608 605

4.1. Newtonian (exp) vs. Newtonian (num)

The axial velocity distribution gives an indication of

the complex #ow phenomena in the internal carotid
artery. As the #uid enters the bifurcation, it is split by the
apex. As a result, high velocity gradients are expected at
the divider wall (plane I ). Another important geometri-

cal factor is the curvature e!ect, originating from the
transition from the common carotid artery and the inter-
nal carotid artery. The faster moving #uid in the central
part of the tube is swept towards the divider wall and is
replaced by slower moving #uid particles near the non-
divider wall. The #uid near the divider wall is transported
circumferentially towards the non-divider wall. This sec-
ondary #ow pattern (Dean vortex) results in C-shaped
axial isovelocity lines at all locations. The internal ca-
rotid artery itself has a prominent feature that in#uences
the #ow: its changing cross-sectional area. The cross-
sectional area "rst increases, reaching its maximum value
at plane I , and then decreases. The increase of the

cross-sectional area results in an adverse pressure gradi-
Fig. 6. The axial velocity distribution for the Newtonian #uid. A com- ent. The #uid is decelerated, and especially the low impe-
parison between experimental and numerical results. The axial velocity tus #uid near the non-divider wall is a!ected by this
in the symmetry plane (A!A) and perpendicular to this plane (B!B) adverse pressure gradient. Together with the curvature
are presented in the two top "gures and the contour plots for I , I
  e!ect, this results in #ow reversal near the non-divider
and I are given in the bottom part of the "gure (see also Fig. 4). The
 wall at plane I and I . From plane I on, the cross-
mean axial velocity in the common carotid artery (<), is indicated. The   
area with #ow reversal is given by the dashed line in the contour plots. sectional area reduces again, and the #uid is accelerated,
resulting in a slightly #attened axial velocity distribution
and high wall shear rates at plane I . Finally, the pres-

ence of a shear layer, separating the low-velocity area in
the central part of the cross section from the area with
high velocities near the divider wall, is notable at plane
I and I . The axial velocity distribution at plane
I shows that the assumption of symmetry is valid. The

#ow features described above, agree well with previous
studies on the steady #ow in carotid artery models (e.g.
Bharadvaj et al., 1982b; Rindt et al., 1990; Palmen et al.,
The comparison between the numerical and experi-
mental results reveals good agreement. The high velocity
gradients near the divider wall, #ow reversal near the
non-divider wall, the presence of the shear layer and the
C-shaped axial isovelocity lines are predicted well.

4.2. Non-Newtonian (exp) vs. non-Newtonian (num)

The geometrical features of the carotid bifurcation also

dominate the #ow features for the non-Newtonian #uid.
The #ow division at the apex causes high velocities near
the divider wall, the divergence of the lumen results in
Fig. 7. The axial velocity distribution for the non-Newtonian #uid. reduced velocities near the non-divider wall, and the
A comparison between experimental and numerical results. The axial convergence of the lumen is responsible for the increased
velocity in the symmetry plane (A!A) and perpendicular to this plane velocity at plane I . The in#uence of the secondary
(B!B) are presented in the two top "gures and the contour plots for 
I , I and I are given in the bottom part of the "gure (see also Fig. #ow on the axial velocity distribution is much less
   pronounced, as can be seen from the axial isovelocity
4). The mean axial velocity in the common carotid artery (<), is
indicated. lines.
606 F.J.H. Gijsen et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 32 (1999) 601}608

The viscoelastic properties of the #uid were not includ-

ed in the numerical model. Despite this simpli"cation,
the agreement between the experimental and numer-
ical results is good. As a consequence, it must be
concluded that the viscoelasticity of the KSCN-X solu-
tion under steady #ow conditions does not in#uence the
velocity distribution in the carotid bifurcation signi"-

4.3. Newtonian (num) vs. non-Newtonian (num)

A comparison between the Newtonian and the non-

Newtonian results reveals the in#uence of the shear
thinning properties of the KSCN-X solution on the velo-
city distribution. Since for both the Newtonian and the
non-Newtonian #uid the experimental results were pre-
dicted quite accurately by the numerical code, the numer-
ical results are used for the comparison. The #ow division
at the apex results in high shear rates near the divider
wall. The velocity gradients are less steep for the KSCN-
X solution. The #attened axial velocity pro"le in the Fig. 8. Comparison of the computed axial velocity distribution for the
common carotid artery might contribute to lower velo- Newtonian and the non-Newtonian #uid. The axial velocity in the
city gradients near the divider wall. The axial velocity symmetry plane (A!A) and perpendicular to this plane (B!B) are
presented in the two top "gures and the contour plots for I , I and
distribution shows signi"cant #attening and higher vel-  
I are given in the bottom part of the "gure (see also Fig. 4). The mean
ocities near the non-divider wall. At the planes I and 
 axial velocity in the common carotid artery (<), is indicated. The area
I , the shift of the peak axial velocity towards the divider
 with #ow reversal is given by the dashed line in the contour plots.
wall is less pronounced for the non-Newtonian #uid. The
typical &C'-shape in the contour plot of the axial velocity
distribution, as present in the Newtonian case, is absent. The velocity distribution for the Newtonian #uid in the
The axial velocity pro"les are #atter and the peak axial internal carotid artery compares well to previous studies
velocity is signi"cantly lower. The region of #ow reversal (Bharadvaj et al., 1982b; Rindt et al., 1990; Palmen et al.,
is absent for the non-Newtonian #uid. Further down- 1997). Di!erences between the measured velocity distri-
stream, substantially lower axial velocity in the center of bution of the Newtonian and non-Newtonian #uid are
the vessel can be seen for the Newtonian #uid whereas evident. In the common carotid artery the non-Newto-
the non-Newtonian #uid shows an almost fully recovered nian #uid shows a #attened axial velocity pro"le due to
velocity pro"le at plane I (see Fig. 8). its shear thinning behavior. In the internal carotid artery,

the non-Newtonian velocity "eld is #attened, has lower
velocity gradients at the divider wall, and positive velo-
5. Discussion and conclusion city gradients at the non-divider wall. Furthermore, the
curvature-induced secondary #ow seems to be less domi-
Laser Doppler anemometry and numerical analyses nant. The non-Newtonian #ow in the carotid bifurcation
were applied to obtain detailed quantitative information was predicted quite well by the numerical simulations.
on axial velocity distribution in a three-dimensional The fact that only the shear thinning properties were
model of the carotid bifurcation for a Newtonian and included and that viscoelasticity was ignored in the nu-
non-Newtonian #uid under steady #ow conditions. The merical simulations indicates that shear thinning is the
distensibility of the vessel wall, pulsatility of the #ow and dominant non-Newtonian property of the blood
the compliance of the arterial tree downstream of the analog #uid and that viscoelasticity can be ignored for
bifurcation were not included in this study. Direct com- the prediction of the velocity distribution. The e!ect
parison of the results of this study with in-vivo velocity of the non-Newtonian properties on the oscillating
measurements in the carotid bifurcations (e.g. Ku et al., #ow features and the wall shear stress remains to be
1985) is not possible because of the assumptions men- investigated.
tioned above. By carefully controlling the experimental The results of Perktold et al. (1991) seem to disagree
conditions, this study provides the means to evaluate the with the results obtained in the present study. They found
in#uence of the non-Newtonian properties of the blood only a minor in#uence of shear thinning on the end-
analog #uid on the #ow patterns in the carotid bifurca- diastolic #ow features in the carotid bifurcation. The
tion. diameter of the common carotid artery in their study was
F.J.H. Gijsen et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 32 (1999) 601}608 607

smaller and the mean axial velocity higher. As a conse- From this study, and the results of Perktold et al.
quence, the shear rates were higher. Under these circum- (1991), it can be concluded that the in#uence of the shear
stances, the in#uence of the shear thinning properties on thinning properties on the velocity distribution in larger
the velocity distribution are expected to be less domi- arteries strongly depends on slight variations in shear
nant. To illustrate this e!ect, the velocity distribution in rate. The validity of the scaling procedure, used by
the carotid bifurcation was computed, using the Casson Baaijens et al. (1993), requires further research. Further-
model and the parameters of Perktold et al. (1991) with more, the in#uence of viscoelasticity for unsteady #ow
the #ow and geometry from this study. The results in- conditions, the impact of rouleaux formation, and the
dicated that the di!erences between the two shear thinn- validity of the blood analog #uid to mimic the behavior
ing models are small: both the Carreau}Yasuda model of blood have to be investigated. The 903 curved tube will
and the Casson model will predict the velocity distribu- serve as a model geometry for additional experiments
tion accurately (Fig. 9, left). Subsequently, the computa- and simulations in the second part of this study. The #ow
tions were repeated with an increased average shear rate in this geometry contains similar #ow characteristics
by using the mean axial velocity and diameter from (secondary #ow, skewed axial velocity pro"les), without
Perktold et al. (1991). The di!erences between the New- being in#uenced by a complex geometry.
tonian and the non-Newtonian #uid were much smaller
(Fig. 9, right), and comparable to the results of Perktold
et al. (1991). Baaijens et al. (1993) studied the velocity Acknowledgements
distributions in a 2D model of the carotid bifurcation for
a Newtonian and two non-Newtonian #uids numerically, The authors would like to thank Jasper Zuidervaart
and found only minor di!erences. They used a scaling for doing the LDA experiments.
procedure, involving increased mean axial velocity for
the non-Newtonian #uids, thus increasing shear rate. The
in#uence of the shear thinning properties can therefore References
expected to be smaller than in our study. The experi-
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