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6 Fixture Systems

L L F -1 0 i,fi:'"\:ift :Iilfi}:ii 3,"JJli"1i, *

The LLF l0 s the bas cght ng nstr!mcnt for hor zonta surfaces "*
or up to 10's oped ramps. t raray also be cast nto ce ngs or
overhafgs for sLrperb Lrmnatof of adlacentwa s TheLLF-10
sho! d be spec fied 1or ow'eve I oodl ght ng where arch tectura
permanence sLrperb g are conlro and a qLra ty cast a umlnum
arch icctura appearance s des red

LLF-20l["':l!:i;tff llt"ii;'"":inl:?:*"*"'o
The LLF 20 contairs an exclus ve opt ca system spec f ca y
cng ncereC to llght sta rs oT Tamps hav ng greater than l0's ope t
s so efficrent at ghtlng nc ned surfaces that often ofe f xture \,,/ I
do the ent re lob The LLF 20 shou d be speclled for Lrnsurpassed
ght .rg eff crency a.rd g are corltrol, w tfr permanence and qua ty to
comp ernent the f nest architecture and s te des qn

LLF-30l'["':*:i;ff IIT,"ii;'"""""';i:;:"'"'o
The LLF 30 s exact y equa and oppos te to the LLF 20 As such.
the spec f er has comp ete I ex b 1y n llghl ng stairways or ramps
lrom the r ght elt or both s des P ease refer to the I ght
photograph on the preced ng pagc as an cxarnp c of how one
LLF 30 or 20 can ght an entire sta rway Speclfy the LLF-30 for
perlormafce permanence and a strong arch tectura character
L L F -40 l[",i]!:ifftffii:';,H#it$
The LLF-40 superb y i uminates bu ld ng overfrangs and ce llngs for
aestfretics or for ndrecty ight ng pedestrian areas beow ltcanbe
used outdoors or ndoors where a h gh qua ty ow maintenance
Lrrnina re rs d ctated by the arch tectural deslgn The smooth ouler
surlace of the ternpered g ass lens wl I stay cleaf ard c ear n the
nverted pos tion, and wl I not ye ow as wlth plast c lixtures

I I f Eaf Concealed Lens. Symmetric Downward

L L l- -CU Lisht oisrribution, ivatt Mounted.
W th its concea ed lens and front ight lraf f e. the LLF-50 is des gned
Ior sensit ve areas requ r ng absolute min mum f xture br ghtness
The LLF 50 produces exce ent ght d str but on for llum natlng
hor zontal surlaces or short sta rways ts strong arch tectura
appearance wi enhance quallty slte des gn that is llu lt for
perrfanence. Spec fy the b ack f nish for m nimum f xture bnghtness

I I F er af Concealed Lens with Guard. Symmetric

LLf -OU Downward Light Distribution, Wall Mounted.
The LLF 60 has a the leatures of af LLF'50 w th the addlt on ol a
cast a urr rum ens guard. and a trans ucent wh te ens to e mlnate
guard shadows tshou d be spec ied n areas reqL"Ir fg a h gfr
degree ofvanda res stance. concea ed ght source and the
permarence of heavy cast a umlnum construct on Spec fy the
b ack fir sh for m n mum f xture brlgfriness.

Outdoor Lighting
lntegral With Architecture
Belore K m nvented the Low
Level Flood ght n 1979 poie
mounted umira res were the
on y efl crent way to light out-
door areas. Wh le va id for park
ng ots or streets, po e mounted
flxtures can c utter sma er
areas w th hardware that inter
rLrpts a clear v ew of the arch
tectura statement. The need
was for an efflc ent ghtlfg sys-
ten'r that cou d be ntegra with
the arch tecture or s te ele
ments. thereby preserv ng the
des gn purity. K m s Low Leve
F ood ght was, and s the on y
architectura outdoor i ghting
nstrument bui t lor perrnanence
as an ntegra partof the

Th s refder ng of the same

scene as above i ustrates the
tremendous vlsua d fference
the LLF can make As an nte-
gra part of the arch tecture and
sitework, ihe Low Leve F ood
ght al ows uf interrupted
v ewlng ol the landscape and
archltectural des gf t s out
door ilghting s m ss ng llnk
between park ng ot and bur d-
lng provld ng eff cient ght ng
where des gn sens tlv ty w not
allow poie mounted umina res.
LLF generat of 2 expands the
origina concept to a ful com
plement of ght ng ifstrurnents
lor the site. as well as the arch
tecture The s x lixture systems,
corfbined w th a new shal ow
hous ng, offer expanded design
freedorn ln outdoor lqht fll
Off ice Buidings Health Clubs
Applications Schoo s
ndustria Comp exes
Joqg nq Tracks

Pathways Sports Centers
Cou rtyards Heaith Care Faci it es
L braries

Applications Parks
Urban Renewal
Hosp ta s
Multi-Housing Handicap Ramps

*'**+*iH;; * "'*'1$$ i$$!r

ilT",iiisU*t s *'"rgg XPt

., *q $l .i$ F -4 E,*ogi:$$ p,.\ 5
I L I .L|a!nl ial Ii
Airports Shopping Centers
Ma I Interlors Hote s
Atriu ms Parking Garages
Corporate Headquarters Zoos
Applications Resorts lvar nas
Cultura Centers
Government Build ings Chu rches
Pedestr an MaL Museums
Research Centers

Uncompromised Quality U sted for wet ocations

A s ng e hous ng is cornrnon to
a s x 1 xture systerns, and sa
or-re-p ece precis on d e casting
ofan aloy conta nrng ess than
0 6o/o copper to prevent corro
s on whef cast lf concrete The
hous ng s sh pped ahcad as a
pour item and conta ns no e ec
trca components to be dam
aqed durlng the corcrete pour
or vanda zed dur ng construc-
beneath the hous ng w th l
N P.T. taps 10. through-wir ng
us ng comrnon ow temperaturc
w re The hoLrs ng is furthcr pro-
lected by a c car anod ze
Elecirical Modules.
Each LLF f xture system has a
sc 1 cofta ned factory preui red
e ectr ca rnodu e that snaps nto
the hous ng !s ng keyho e s ots
The e ectr ca rnodulc s
sh pped to the loirsite, a ong
w th the refector and door
frame. when the project s ready
lor comp et or Th s a ows the
' t7\
hous ng to re..ain empty during
construcI on so lhese crit ca
conrpofents are rot damaged
by rno sture or vanda sm
Al ref cctors for the s x f xture
systerns are hydroformed lf ofe
p ece lor strength and d men
s ona consstency To nsure
ma nta ned ref ect vlty over
years ofservice a reflcctors
are protected wilh the Alzak,i
process Eacfr ref ector s opt c
a y des gned Jor thc spec fic f x
lure to produce max rnunr
eII c efcy with the lowesl br ght-
ness of any comparab e product
Door Frames.
There s no subst tute ior the
perrnanence and qua ity ol a
heavy cast a um num door
frame Al LLF door frarfes are
heavy permanent mo d cast ngs
w th an attract ve pebb ed I nish
They are ava lable n three co
ors applied by the extremc y
durab e TGIC Therrnoset
Polyester Powder Coat process
Dlrect ens mode s LLF 10,20.
and 30 are standard w th a
th ck tempered borosi catc
g ass ens. capab e of w th-
standrrg conslderab e abuse
An optlonal Lexan a, ens s ava
ab e for prolects where extrerare
vanda lsm s ant clpated Door
lrames are lu ly gasketed
weathert ght and reta ned w th
l ush sta n ess slee screws.
840 8
lnstallation Ease

.. Back oi
housing must Form
have 2" of (by others)
concrete if
n contact s
w th soil Screws (by Klrn)
or other Use protective
i corroslve cover as template
subsiance. to drlll forrns
Two lixtures
i must have 1" Protective Cover
of concrete (by K m)
rj separation.
llous ng can
ri be supported 4
by reinforclng Conduit entry
l.r ': ; bar system. from ends or
il. t. +- .I.' .i *, bottom. 1" N.PT.

:,r. (by others)
,m !
provlded for
{tlis.i # ![
The LLf s
spec fica y des gn,od lor permancncc, as a cast n f xtltre Ifish fq corrpofefts 2. Whc.t thc ptotecL s t-oa(]y Ior c.tlr]p etoi.
for concrete or br ck wa s p anters co uralts and pcdcsta s Every the f I sh rg conrflor-of ls are q!rck y af d casi y nsta ,od llr,a -a ec
e emcnt ol the LLF ls deS (lreLl lor nsta at o| eas-a tr ca modLrlc s se f conta fed lacLory pr-- \,\, red and s.raps fto lhe
1. D e Casl hoLrs llgs are stock-od al lhe factory rcady for qLr ck llxlure us f.l keyho c s o1s F c d \,', re cofnect of:r ar-o iraie fs dc
sh pmeft as a pe!r tcm lrcc oi afy e ectrica oorrpo|cnts Thc tfe hoLrs f!l afd fserled rlo llrc J b.rx !r/frcre they are prolecl-ad
hols fq s cas y attaclr--tl lo for..s and may a so be Ll-.d lt) lhe frol]] l xtLrc hcat 3. The relecLor s arllaclred. il a..p s nsertcd afd
r-o nlorc rg bar sy,5t-.fir A arlle J Llox makcs condLt t efttafce and llre 1! y gaskctcd cloor frarre s secLrred \/ llr i !slr cilptvc socket
throLrqh lar r fq iast af d slmp -o Wlter] thc iotrns are temoveC a pro h-oad screws
tect ve cover keeps thc hoLls fg c ea| !|1 lhe lob is rcady fot tftc

i:'l i
').1 , .
a $
til .;

.1. :
{:r :

Suggested Concrete
Pedestal Designs
Concre(e pedesla s aTe ar exce eft \,1,'ay to ui zc thc LL F n arcars
[/here wa s or p afteTs are not ava ab c or fcas b c Scvcrii of the
cover photograpfrs n th s cata oq slrow s!.ceslil! pll) llrat
fravc used thes-o d--slgfs Th-. IoLr des gns sholl'n here are deas to
sLlmu ate the mag fatlon. s icc an'y' dcs gn that call lre cits: l] co|
cretc s poss ble Des gf ard efg n-oer ng respofs b ly m!s1 e
\!ith the spec ler

Concrete pedesta s
by others

10" for one fixture

14" for two fixtures


Concrete pedestal
by others.
Concrete pedestal
by others.

Concrete pedestal
by others.
Fixture Details Arrows |ro cai-^
ma n thi'ust of ght
d slr butlon n e evaion

F" l37i j"

g'lo" height at
back of housing
(121 t2 " ength) Optlon ae,tlar l]1Lrr':l
1" N.PT., one n
each end two in

r" 13718'

93/4" herght at
back of houslng 113 tu"
(l2rlr" ength) cslllr
Opt on Center l !!r1
QEI\,1 I
4t 1""
t LLF.2O
one in
1" N P.T.
each end, two n
bottom. 3'I,u
f- s','"


93/o" height at
back of hous ng. 11310"

(121t2" erqth)

one ln
1" N.P.T,
1n ,o
each end lwo in
t s'r,"
E,l0 12
r-" @*

93/4" height at
back of housing.
(12112" lenglh)

i LLF.4O
one in
1" N.P.T.,
each end, two in


g" Io" height at

back of housing.
(2112 " length)

one in
1" N.PT.,
each end, two in
bottom. J /16
!- s'lr" --']


93/4" heighi at
back of housing.
021/r" length)


1"N.P.I, one in
each end, two in
f- s'lr" *l

Fixtureshall be Und erwriters Laborator es stedlorwet

locat ons

Housing sha be one p ece d e cast a um num of an a loy con

taI ng a max rarum of 0.6% copper to prevent corrosion when cast
n concrete A cast alum nurn J box sha be attached to the under-
slde of the hous ng, and sha be an a oy containirg ess than 0.3%
copper J box shal have an lnterna y removab e cover, a volume of
25cublc nches. and four 1" N.PT. conduit taps. There sha betwo
taps in the bottom andone neachend,al wthremovabepugs
llous ng and J-lrox sha lbe further protected for permafence by a
clear anod ze coating Acoversha be fu rnlshed to keep the
hoLrsing c ean unt the electr cal components are nsta ed.

Door Frame (LLF-10, 20, 30, 40) shall be a perrnanent mold a um Door Frame (LLF-50,60) sha con sist of the bas c LLF permanent
num cast ng with a flne pebbled texture o| the outer surface Trape- modauminLrmcast ng combined w th a cast alun-rlnum recessed
zo da outer contour shal tllt the ens lB'frorn vertical. Door frame baff e that concea s the lens from norma view Baffleshal beinter-
shall be secured to houslng by four capt ve stain ess steel nally we ded to door f rarr]e and internally sealed w th b ack RTV
countersunk socket head screws. Door frame sha ire secured to hous ng by lour capt ve stairless
steelcountersunk socket head screws. LLF 60 sha have an
add t ofa cast a um num lens gLrard
Gasketing betweef the door frarne and hous ng sha beadua
system us ng a primary s llcone O-ring and a secondary s cone
sponge to keep d rt and fi]oisture from co ecting aro!nd the hous-
irg ilp. A neoprene gasket sha be prov ded between the J-box and
housing The entire f xture shal be weathertight.
Lens (LLF-10, 20, 30, 40) sha be tempered borosi cate glass. Lens ( LLF-50) sh all be tempered clear g ass :lro" mln lhckness,
%6" min th ckness, with a smooth outer surface fush w th the door with fu s licone gasket ng around thc perimeter. Lers sha be
lrame andvertca nsdellutes ForLLF/2Oand30 ashedsha retalfed by z nc plated stee cllps.
be provided beh nd the lens to controllixture brightness when
Lens (LLF-60) sha lbe tempered diffuse wh te glass 3/r6" mln
v ewing up the stalrway or ralfp. Lens sha be fully gasketed thickness wlth fu s licone gaskctng around the per rneter Lens
around the per meter with a one plece si iconegasket andsha
sha be relalned iry z nc p ated steel c ips
be reta ned by zlnc p ated stee c ps Optlona Lexaner ens
(aval ab e on LLF 10 20 and 30), sha I be one piece njcct on
modedLexan'l :ry'5" mln. thickness clentlca n ap pearance to the
standard g ass lens. ard sha conta n a UV inh bitor
Reflector (LLF-'10, 40, 50, 60) sha be one p ece hydroformed a u Reflector ( LLF-20, 30) sh al be one p ece hyd roforrned a umin ul.n
minlrm wrth an A zak@ I n sh. For LLF 10 and 40, the bottom reflector w th a specular A zak"rf nlsh. Reflector shal be engrneered spec fi
surface sha be rnatte b ack to prevent any escape of light in the ca y lor stairways or ramps greater than l0' s ope producing e ther
v eweas d rect on a rlght downward or Leit'downward ght distr but on depending on
flxture speclf ed Bottom reflector surface sha lte matte black to
Electrical Module sha be se l-contained. lactory prew red, and prevent escape of upward qht
attached to tfre housing uslng keyhole slots. A I e ectr ca modues
sha be unlversa ly mountabie in a sing e hous ng. Ballasts sha be
h qh power lactor lor 20'F. startlno. Sockets shall be UL lsted
for the appropr ate lamps, w th hlgh pressure sodlum sockets
rated 4KV

Finish on door frarne sha be TG lC Thermoset Polyester Powder

Coat pa nt n black dark bronze or natura a umlnum co or as
spec fied.
Pour ltem sha corsist of the cast alum num housing and J-box
on y. ess any electricalor opt ca components

Finishing ltems shallconsist of the electT ca modue, reflector, and

doorframe. Each setollinishing temsshai be ln one container.
clear y marked for the fixture cata og numller.

Photometrics sha be prov ded by an established and cert fied

ndependent laboratory

Warning: Fxtures rnust be grounded n accordancewth ocal Some interpretations ot the National Electric Code may allow
codes ortheNatona ElectricCode Fai ure to do so may rcsu t ln 120 volt lixtures only.ll2O8,24O, ot 277 volt tixtures are desired,
serious personal inlury check with local code authority betore specitying.
Ordering lnformation

Ordering Guide:

Fixture. Electrical Module.

Cata og number nc udcs hous ng and J box optrcal systcrn Cata og nurnber nc Lrdes comp ete factory
and door frarne w th slandard tempered g ass lens prc w rcd e ectnca modu e
Lamp [,4ode E cctr cal [,4odu e Lne L n-. Max
(Lamps by Ca1 No Vots Watts Amps
Cat No Descr pLron 50 Watt 50HPS120 12A 66 0 65
H gh PrcssLrrc Sodlum 50HPS208 2AB 66 0 3s
LLF-10 D,ect Lens
Symmet c Down\^ ard E lTorB lTCear 50HPS240 2.10 66 0 30
L ght Throw 50HP5277 277 66 0 30
Wal or C-^ ing Vlounled 70 Watt 70HPS120 120 88 0 Bl
Hlgh Prcssurc Sod um 70HPS208 208 88 A 47
E-17 or B lTCcar 70HPS240 24A 88 0,10
70HP5277 277 88 0 35
I00 Watt 100HPS120 124 130 1 30
LLF-20 D eLL Lens
AsVtfmelr I Hrqhl
H gh Presslre Sod um 100HPS208 208 r30 076
F 17 at B 11 a eat I00HPS240 244 r30 066
Downward Llght Throw
Wa N4oLrrted
75 Watt
100HPS277 277
75MV120 120
0 60
0 82
// Mercury Vapor 75MV208 208 93 0 48
E 17 or B I 7 Coated 75MV24O 244 93 0 4l
7sMV277 2f7 93 0 36
LLF-30 D rect Lens 100 Watt 100MV120 120 f8 r 05
Asyrarmetr c Lelt Mercu ry Vapor 100MV208 208 118 060
Downward Lrght Throw A 23 Coaled 100MV240 244 118 452
Wa Mounted 100Mv277 277 118 A 45
Tl6watt ncafdcscent 116lNC 12A NA NA
A 2lCcarTraffcSgna 8000hrs avg fc

LLF-40 D rect Lers FiniSh. Cata oq number spec f es co or ofTG C Then roset
S\/mmetr c UP\'^,'ard Polyester Powder-Coat pa nt on door iiarne Sccbackcover
L ght Throw for photographs.
Wall MoLrnted Cat No Co or

BL-E B ack Spec fy on LLF 50 and 60 when mrn mLrm fir
tLrre brghtfess s des red
DB-E Dark Brofze. Resernb es Durafod c" 3l3 n co or
LLF-50 Concea ed Lens NA-E Nal rra AlLrrn rt LJ Tn
Symmetnc Downward

L ght Throw Options.
Wa N,4ourted.

L,al. No Descr pton

Lexan Ava lab e on LLF 10. 20 a.rd 30 on y nlect or
LLF_60 .o -d'ao | . .
^r C, ." o
SvmrnF,lr a l)o!,"nw'rrai
molded Lexan. ens. idefl ca n appearance to
standard tcnipered g ass efs CAIITION: Use on y
tf,ror, when vanda lsm s ant c patcd to bc h gh Uscfu f(]

Wa lvlounted s m ted dLre to ye o',\,rno caLrSed by UV frorar sun-
ght and [,4ercury Vapor arfps
OEM Avai ab e on LLF 10 20. 30 and 40 on y Quartz
Emergefcy L ght rg C rcu L ifcl!des T-4 [,4 f -Car]
socket foi cLrstomer \{/ r ng back to ar emergency
Arrows indicate ma n thrust 120 vo I generator Can bcuscdwthanyH D or
of ghl d str but on n rncandesceftfxture amp rarode l00W T,1 [,4 ni
c cvat on Can quafi7 arnp by othcrs

ll:10 15
Photometrics LLF.1O LLF-40

50W. High Pressure Sodium

E '7 or B 17 c ear .'1000 Lrmef s

70W. High Pressure Sodium

E lTorB lTCcar 6300 Lr.fefe
100W. High Pressure Sodium
F l7 or B I / C err 9l[)0 .rfcns

3' | 2.s',1 2',i war 2:Watt 2 4

20 45
l0 23 1l 20 45
5 11 5.6 10 23
2 45 2B 5 ll
1 23 11 2 45
l.l .56 l


.24 5 1.1

11 2 45

.06 .23

03 11

Mlount ng Hc !thts the vert ca dlslarce lronr lh-- I xlurc !lht ce-ter
(see palles l2 afd l3)to the uni Fatcd surface

MoLrnt ng Hc !tfrt
um natedlSurlace 2':wa)t 2 4

50 112
20 45
10 23
b 11

2 4.5
1 23


Photometrics LLF.1O LLF.4O
Snll-c c!-
ilii LLI lll orl r"

'!,C rtCd

75W. Mercury Vapor

E l7 or B 17 Coated. 2800 Llmefs
100W Mercury Vapor
A 23 Ccated 4300 Lrmers
116W. lncandescent
A 2l C car Trallc S llfa 1280 u.fens

lT L Test No 30521

Distance n
N/ount nq He qhts
7 jwatt 2 4 2':Walt 2 4

20 45
56 10 23
t0 23
2B b 11
b 1l
1.1 2 4.5
2 4.5
.56 1 23
5 11
5 1.1


[4o!nt ng Height s lhe vcrtica d stance from thc f xlL]r-a !lht ccnter
(see palles l2 ard l3)to the I lrrr natcd sLrrfa.te 116W lncand.
ITL Tesl No 30721

ffi[j Mo!f l r!l llc


Lrrr natedlSL.rlar:e a' i 3' J 2.5'l 2'ilr wa I 2 4

2B 5

11 2
56 1


11 .2

t 06


Photometrics LLF.sO
50W. High Pressure Sodium
E lTorB 17 c ear 4000 umers
70W. High Pressure Sodium
E 17 or B l7 C --ar t1300 umens

100W. High Pressure Sodium

E l7 or B i7 C ear.9500 Lrmcfs


TL Test No.30523 TL Test No 30524

4' | 3' I 2.s'l 2' : wait 2 4 4'I3'12.5'1 2'awa 2 4

28 50 T2 112
11 20 2S 45
56 10
l1 20 29 45
2A 72 11
56 t0 23
5 72 l1
1l 2 29 45
56 1 23 1l 2 2.9 45
28 .72 11 56 I 23
2A 72 11
1l 2 29 45

11 29 45
06 1


Mo.| lfll H--g ri

lse-. palles 12 and l3)10
sllrelerlca d fror| tle i rturc
the rm faled sLrTlace
qhl (l-'flel
, i'a' 1100w HPS
Ho17o^ dr lt t-. L No 30525

[--7 Lql]t a" re

M] [.4oLf t nlJ !e ght

Lnr.alrcl5L fJra 4'l 3'12.s'l 2'i \Natt 2 4

56 100
2A 50 72 112
1l 20 29 45
56 10 23
2A 5 72 l1
11 2 29 45
56 1 23
2A 1l

ll 45


810 18
Photometrics LLF.sO

75W. Mercury Vapor

E l7 or B l7 Cealed.2800 Lrmers

100W. Mercury Vapor

A 23 loaled 4300 umens
116W. lncandescent
^ , 6 ,r.

qori,/o'ra 1100W. MV
I TL Tesr No. J0527

4', | 3', | 2.s'l 2' : 4'| 3'l2.s'l 2':watt 2 4

l1 2A 45 11 20 45
56 t0 23 5.6 10 23
2A 5 72 l1 28 't2 i1
11 2 29 45 1l 2 29 45
56 1 2.3
28 12 1.1
56 l 23
5 11
1l 2 45
2 45
06 23
1 23

05 11

Mountifg He ght is thc vert ca drstance lrom the llxture ghtcentcr

(scc pages l2 and l3)to thc I Lumlnated surlace

L.rhl C-r rLr

l,y'orrn1 ng lc r]ht

I Lrm r.rleLlJ SLrr frr c 4' | 3' l2.s',l 2',j|

56 t0 23
2B 5 72 11

tl 2 29 45
56 l 23
2A T2 11
11 2 29 45
06 1 23
Photometrics LLF.6O

50W. High Pressure Sodium

F l/orB l/cCar,1[)00 i]rrer:i
70W. High Pressure Sodium
f l7 or B i7 L ear 6300 Lrmens
100W. High Pressure Sodium
F 17 or B T7 a ear 9500 Lrmcns

sOW HPS rnra

aot /o ta I Z0W. HPS
lT.L. Test No.30529 I l. ... Fs \o 3o)ru

4'l3'l2.s'l 2':wal 2 4 4l3' 2.5'1 2'iwatt 2 4

5.6 10 14 23 20
2.4 5 7.2 11 10
1.1 2 4.5 5
.56 T 14 2.3 2
2A 5 .72 11
2 .45
.1 .14

05 a7


[,4ount n!] l'leght s the!erica d stance from thef xturc r!lht cenler
(see pages 12 and 13) to the urn nated surlace

K---7 L qhL C er tcr

ilml r,
[y'o!nt ng He]gfrl

!r dteCl5LrrfarF 3' | 2.5',1 2',ri War

11 20 45
5.6 10 23
5 11

l1 2 45
56 1 2.3
28 .5 11

T1 45



Photometrics LLF.6O
75W. Mercury Vapor
E l7 or B 17 C,r;le,1 2.t)O mcr \
100W. Mercury Vapor
A 2ll Coatcd .1300 rml:f e

116W. lncandescent
q , -0

nira I 100w. MV
TJ""ljl" o, I , _ r- \o .o ,

2':\Nall 2 4 4'l3'12.5'1 2':wal 2 4

2B 10
11 5
.56 2
2a 1



Mlorfl nq lle ,qir: s llrar'"crl ca d stanate lr. t lltc f x:L_ rc qfit ccrrler
lsee pa:iqes '2 arid l3)1(] litr u.r nated sutlita-- l1l6W.lncand.
;,;:::. ., I ,-, re5r No 0..

luiriLrr'1 rr!l !-- (tlrl

nalcctl Srrlace 4' | 3' | 2.5'l 2' :watt 2 4



Stairway Lighting

Special Optical System. The LLF 20 and 30 cof(a I op{ ca sys V,.rt ca P alre I h.cLrllir
tcnrs that are specilca ydesgir-odto ghl starwaysorramps I'Jla x r[]m Ca:lnd erxr,/,'el
grealer than 10" s ope They are rnd rvid ua ly hvd rof ormcd rcfcctors LLF 30 loal\r'/atl H.rlr
eng neered for nrax mLrm llqht elt c ency on lhe sla rway Th-a pholo
qraph be ow shows an LLF nsla ation where lhe ent re sta rway s
llLrm naled by lLrst one I xture Th s photograph ustratcs thc corlecl
llxtLrre p acemcnt. approx mate y ll' lrom lhe lop slil r alnd 2' above
the stalrway plane Nollce th-o ent re sta rway s Lrm rated
nc Lrd ng the vertical wa s This s part aljy duc to surlace reflec
t ons wh ch are d scusscd furthcr on paqe 32 L.Jhl Cenr.r
Right and Left Light Distributions. For complete app cat or 1ex
b ty. both r ght and eft !tht d strib!t ons arc offered N4osl sla r
lvays can be ghtcd fronr one s de of y s nce lhe LLF 20 and 30
producc a veiy wid,o !lhtpattern PhotomctrLC curvcs showrl nths
cata og are lor the LLF 20 Tlrc l-LF 30 s eqra afd oppos te
Tread Shadow. Long tudrfa spaclnq of lhe LLF 20 and 30 s pr
marly conlro ed by the amount oltread shado[i that s accef)lab e
When K m created the LLF concept. therc wcrc llo eslab shed
gLridellfes to use n lhe app cai or of tft s lurI rlail-o Based on our
ght ng cxperience and test obscrvat ons. we tecomotefdcd that
f xlure spacifg shoLr d not crcate il tr--ad shadow greatcr thiln 75%
ol the tread w dth W lh a hrstory ol succcssf! LLF lolls lhe 75%
tread shadow ru e appears to bc a solnd recommendat on There
lore a I LLF 20 afd 30 photometr c charts show a dash--d ne
where 75% of the tread wi be n shadow Benleratbel ong tud ra
3 aoflr ttul on frofi Loyr'ar F rlLrra
spacinq rnust a so cons der the ght ng corllr bulon from the lowcr
fixt!r-- lmore than onc f xture s !s-od F L ono tld na Spac nq
Explanation of LLF.2O LLF.3O
Photometrics E]

2' N/ounting He ght. A sta rway photomelr cs nthrs The LLF-30 is exact y equa and
30'Angle ol Sta rway Plane cata og arc lor thc LLF 20 r ght oppos te to tfre LLF 20 As such
nitla Horizontal Footcandles downward ghtdistrbutron the specif cr has comp ete f ex
Downstairs Distance rn Mountinq Heiqhts Each chart ls a p af v ew d a bi ty n ght no sta rways or
s 2 r Fit'" r 2 3 4 5 6 7 A I 10 1l gram ol ghtifg on the sta rway ramps from the r ght efl or
allow ng d rcct corrc at on to both s des For LLF 30 pholo
yoLr plot plan A dashed ine rnctrlcs s mp y visua ze the
p sfrows where 75% ol the sta r LLF-20 chaits nverted
I tread wi lbe in shadow Photo
melrlcs are presefled lor slall
.g way ang es of 20' 25" 30'.
and 35' f your stairway fa s
between these ang es use
.g lhe closest chart or near
nterpo at on
.9 Sia rway Photomctr cs are not
E acc!ra1e for ramps. because
ghl la ng on hor zonta sta r
treads s ca cu ated d ffcrcnt y
thaf lor a s oped rararp suriace
The LLF 10 shou d be used for
ra.fps up to 10's ope Ramps
greater tfran 10'should bc
ghted wlth the LLF 20 or 30
LT.L. Test No. 30537 75% Tread Shadow Consu t lactory for ramp

Note To caicLr ate the Tread

I Shadovi D stance for any other

Trca.l Shado,,\' Ll slance percentagc ol ast tread

s sho\,!f on D aa v e\"r' as shado!,''. Lrs-o the lo ow ng for
a cashcd nc mu a (Assurares 2' mouft ng
he ght)
759i, Tr,.ad
Sha.loir D,slance 5
I'ooo ,roo^ D " -,
{S-.elorm!aal H ghtl ^^, ,

Whcre S is thc acccptablc

amoLft ol ast lread-shadow
2 (75% : 15) and. s the ang e
l"'loLrnl nq Hc olti of the sta rway p afe

Hor ronla
Each step s a hor zonta sur
face. Therefore. a ghl va les
arc n hor zonta lootcard es as
'Ang e of they woLr d la lof the stair
Sta rway P ane treads
Photometrics LLF.2O LLF.3O
frl!a afd tiDpos le

50W. High Pressure Sodium

E 17 cr B '7 c ear ,1000 Lr.iefs
20o, 25", 30: 35' Stairway Planes

2' lvountlng He ght 2' Mount ng He ghl

20" Angle oi Sta rway P ane 25'Ang e ol Starrway P ane
nt a Horlzontal Footcand -os lnitia Horzonta Foolcand es
Do^ ", . D l"-r. I lvou , ,9 rorg l Doa,nso D.rd FnVo.'' g-eql
3 2 r''j"r 2 g 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 11 g 2 r')j:t'"t 2 3 4 s 6 7 I 9 10 11

f2 A2
:3 !o
S4 94
ar5 o5


't0 10

't1 '11


2' Mountrnct He qhl

E T 10oA gDot \.d.^d, Pd1p orao ld
,5oA Do o
E l
\30' , a,Hor.o,d Loo.o o-. 35' '1 r /o|dl I ^..
o oo dldlF
Hor .
Do^ .r. D." FI Vo,-r'rg 6rgi Do^ ld . D ld F - Vo- rr-q --rqr I

3 2 1 : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 3 2 r''!"t 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11

9'l 91
:3 !3
94 .94
4,5 ;5
56 g6
o o
j8 I8
9 9

10 10

11 11

lT L Test No 30535 75% Tread Shadow ,TL P an V ew '75% Tread Shadow

Photometrics LLF.2O LLF.3O
L] Eqr a afd ari-.po! ic

@ ioL l 2ll

I 70W. High Pressure Sodium

E l7 or B'17 c ear 6300 lrmefs

20",25",30: 35" Stairway Planes

2' Mount ng Height 2' Mount ng He ght

20"Ang e of Stairway P ane. 25"Ang e oi Sta rway Pane
ln I al Hor zonta Footcand es ln lial Hor zontal Footcand es
Do^ '1. D\r. o 1l/ou1 noHag l Do^' r"\D rd1 .Vo,r 'q-oig1
3 2 r'l''r 2 3 4 s 6 7 a s 10 11 3 2 t'"-i""t 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10l
1 ra1
I 2 o2
E 3

4 .94
5 a-,5

q 6 s6
8 j8
9 9

Tl TeslNo 30536 lT L Test No 30536 75% Tread Shado\,,r

2' Mount ng He ght 2' Ny'ount ng He ght

il } 10o^, q6ol5.dr.^dr _T 35'Ang e of Starrway Plane
\30" t^ tat -a. /ard roor(d.oes \ \d / ss" ln t a Hofizonta Footcand es
Dorv',ro, /a n[/oLn rqHaq1. Downsta rs Distance in N/lount ng Herghts
3 2 ., F,.i!," I ;-;*;"; 6 7 a s 10 11 3 2 t F'!t"t 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

9'l 1

I q)
+2 -L

94 4
o5 5

o o2
6 7
58 8



View L75ol. Tread Shadow

TL 75% Tread Shadow TL Test No 30536 Plan
Photometrics LLF.2O LLF.3O
U t(lLra ar.d oppos
To F 2r'l

100W. High Pressure Sodium
t 17 or ts 17 c ear 9500 Jmens

20",25",30: 35" Stairway Planes

2' MoLrnt ng He ght 2'lVounting Herght

20' An9 e of Stairway P ane 25"Angle ol Sta rway Pane
n t alHor zonta Footcand es nlt a HoriTonla Footcandles
Dow t" D .ro . a 1 [/oLr1 ,.rg !6
' gf' Do"v_ d r. Dt dn . r' Vo r. ,o rlag^'
g 2 t' j*r 2 g 4 5 6 7 I 9 io 11 3 2 t':t'r 2 3 4 5 6 7 a I 10 11

91 1
q) 9
t2 I 2

:3 3

s4 4

;5 5

g6 q 6
o o
67 o 7

I8 8

9 9



ITL. TL Tesl No 30537

2' Ny'ounting He ght

E I 10" a gta or qro \^dj P dn6. \ l J5"^1gleo brdI^", D. o
\ ii 30' n o Hor. on_d l oorra.o e \ /35" n d -orzo lo Eoo.ancJle.
Do^_\ld \ D \rd P r' lvou'l nq q6iqL I
Y , -^ Do^. o r' Dr .dnca,. \,4o.. tr'rg .-rg. l
3 2 1 --1
l_r^lr rc
2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 g 2 t !'^t 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11

91 'l
q a
92 I 2

94 4
a-,5 5

s6 6
oI o2
,57 (! 7
j8 8



T.L 75% Tread Shadow LT.L. Test No 30537 P an Vrew "75% Tread Shadow
Photometrics LLF.2O LLF.3O
U Erl!a afd appcs tc

@ to lF20

I 75W. Mercury Vapor

L l7 or B l7 coated 2800 lTcfs
20", 25", 30: 35' Stairway Planes

2' f/ount ng Herght 2 lvount ng Heighl

20'Ang e of Sta rway Pane 25'Ang e ot Stairway Plane
lniiia Honzonta Footcandles nit a HorTonla Foolcandies
Do^1 .a Dt..dn.o.- !e,ql . Do^1 .dt,. Ds.t..o I Vo.^, ,o I ag.,\
3 21':''1 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 910 11 3 2 r--t'1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11

91 9'l
P2 P2
:3 !o
€4 94
or5 0,5
s6 !6
oI aa7
E 6
j8 68

10 't0

11 11


2' Mount ng Height

30"Ang e of Stairway P ane. { l r5oA Pd.lF
lnrtia Hor zonla Footcand es \ / 35" zonl- I ^d.
ln tral Hor coL dno e.
Downstairs D stance in [/ouot nq He qhts \ Do\^1\ d| D td1, - vo r r'r q -erg-t\
g 2 r Fil'" r 2345678910 3 2 t '-''t
2 g 4 5 6 7 I 9 10

91 1
q q)
92 I 2

0.,5 5

!6 6
oI oI
,n7 (n 7

Is 8



.T L. 75% Tread Shadow lT.L Test No. 30538 P an V ew '75"/. Tread Shadow
Photometrics LLF.2O LLF.3O
LqLr3 anal

a-rDfras te

100W. Mercury Vapor

A 23 Coatecl 4300 Lrmcfs

20", 25", 30: 35' Stairway Planes

2' Mountrng He ghl 2' Mount ng He ghl

20'Ang e of Sta rway P ane. 25'Ang e oi Sta rway P afe
n t a Hor zonta Foolcand es ln lia Hor zonta Foolcand -os
Do^ 1" 'D r" ' Vo i1gu'ql ' Do'^r\" D " ^ 1I/o r"q!'qf '
3 2 r'"1''r 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 lo l 3 2 r'l"r 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ro 11

;5 0,5
9 9

10 10

't'l 11

lT L Test No 30539 TL Test No 30539 75% Tr-.a.i Shadow

2 N/ount ng He ght
30"Angle of Sla rway Plane \ l 1ao Anooo Ydr,^d, PdrF
n t a Hor zonta Footcand es \ /fs' tr. a/o lo Foo aroo
Downsla rs D stance n Mount ng Herghts Dorn d r. Dr"dr F I Vo ,^ rg n-g
t F't'" g 2 r'-''r -
3 2 r 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 910 11

91 1

q q)
f2 I 2

:3 3

94 4
a]5 5

q 6
o o
,n7 .i 7



TL 75% Shadow lT.L Test No. 30539 Plan Vrew '75% Tread Shadow
Photometrics LLF.2O LLF.3O
l qLra and oi-.pos le
M" tr) LLF 20

I 116W.
L) -a Ia'
- , oL, ^-,
20", 25o. 30'. 35' Stairway Planes

2' f/ounting He ght 2' Mounlrng He !,lht

20'Ang e ol Sta rway Plane 25"Angle of Sla rway P ane
ln lia/ Hor zonla Footcandles. nit a Horzonla Footcand es
Do,r lo sD ta.-n[/or nlroHog.l !-.,,,,o Do^r\r" D ro.l, o Vo. ,g at
3 2 t '.i-t 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 11 3 2 1':"i z 3 4 5 6 7 I
1i1234\F.iaorn 9 10 11

! 1
I 2 A2
: fa
4 _a4
q 6 !6
o a-..
o 7
8 68
9 I

T.L. Test No 30724 .TL. Tesl No 30724 75'. T ead Shddo."r'

2 Mounling He ght 2' Mountrnet He qht

30'Ang e of Sta rway Pane
E l h'n 960 :ta o
ln lial Hor zonla Footcand es 35" I lrdr-or. or d ^a,oo
oo dr o -
\,/ *
Downsla rs D slance n lvlount na He qhls Do.rlo 'D drLFl Vo. ro-ooil
3 2 rFtt"r 2 3 4 5 6 7 A 910 11
3 2 1 j-r 2 3 4 5 6 7 I910 11

E 3l
l L

5.LI L

18r 1+ ]

,,+l 05
TL No 30724 75% Tread Shadow lT L. Test No 30724 Plan Vre\\r '75% Tread Sharlow
Recommended LLF.1O
Fixture Spacing t\l
{I Protected areaswth m n - al Semr orotected areas w th
4 ?
v Unprotecled areas olh qh 4 Unproiec ted areas whPre
mum pub L access or use modeiate pub c aLcess and pub c access lor bus ness ' very h qh I qht eve s are
alter dark. Pr vate property. use after dark. Unfenced bus - shopping or recreat on requ red for v sib lity salety
Fenced or guarded lnstallat ons ness, shopp ng, or recreat on Unfenced H gh light level secur ty or maxlmum sa es
Low ght eve needed lor min areas lvoderate ight evel needed for good vis b ty. irnpact Areas requ r ng de nea
mum v s bi ty on y. No safety or needed for v s bl ity safety, and safety and secur ty tion as enttances or ma n
secur ty prob ems. securlty. Approx mate m nimum rnaln- pathways
Approximate m n n"rum main Approx mate mlf murn rnain taned qht eve l footcande Approx riate m n nlum ma n
talned light eve.0.2 talned ight level,0.5 ta ned ght eve,5 footcandles
footcand es. footcand -os lexan ens recommended.

The Low Level Floodlight is still a relatively new concept tn outdoor

iighting. There are no industry guidelines to use in the application ot
this luminaire. ln 1979, Kim introduced the LLF concept, and offered
our own guidelines based on experience and test installations. With
six years of successful and diverse installations now to our credlt,
we are confident that the recommendations offered on these two
pages will satisfy your lighting needs.

NR : Not recornmended
because the lamp s elther too
strong for good un lormity of iLu
F-'T;j'::5" - -1* -'T;#[" I
m nalion or too weak for good
flxture spac nq
Latera Spaclng
based on a

Spac ncrs are calcu ated d sregardtng areas

nexl Io wal ni dway belween J xtLrres Obiectsrn
these areas wi! be adequately ghled by
suriace reilect ons See paqe 32

Env ronment 1 I Environment 2 l nvtronmenl J Environment 4
MoLrnt ng Long Lat Long Lal Long Lal Lon!,1 Lat
Lamp Helqhls Spac nq Spac nq Spacinq Spac nq Spac nq Spac nq Spac nq Spacinq
2'. NR NR 25 19 22 16 12', 11',
50 Watt HPS 2s', NR NR 29 21 24 1B 12', 13',
3', 41' 29' 30 23 26 20 NR NR
2s', NR NB 34', 25'. 29', 20' 18', 14',
70 Watt HPS 3', NF NR 26', 30' 22'. / I6',
3', NR NR 41' 29', 25', 2A' 17',
100 Watt HPS 1' NR NR 46' 34', ?,7', 21' 21'
2' 24 22 18 I8', 15 NR NF
ll6Wattlncand. 2.5' 26 25 20 I9', t6 l6 NR NR
3' 28 27 ?1 21' l6 1B NR NR
2', 22', 2A 17' l5 14 14 NR NR
75 Watt MV 2s'. 20' ]B 16 l6 NR NR
3', 2A' 26 21', 20 17 17 NB NR

100 Watt MV 3l' 24', 22', 19' t9' NR NR

3', 34', 31 ' 26', 24', 21', 21', NR NR

8,10 30
Recommended LLF.2O LLF.3O
Fixture Spacing Equa and opposlte
LLF 20

LonQ tLrd na Spac ncl

W not exceed 75% tread shadow ru e *1
' 'oo , oo ,o l-o o.
vK tlt basad
Oa on ire
'roooo - o, ons Tor
d observat O fl
oplrmLrmvsb ly
Vo. o'. 'o'. o , f./to
r po o'r .ro ro I I o
nrount llg he ghls shou ^ y bc usocl f f xture
d arn
w not nterfere w th handra

Sp"crng For alera ghl coveraqo w th

ronIrbrton f xlures on one s dc on y d v de
loaat ov!,or atera spac nqs I cliarl by 2

l*'] rr* o, ast (read I sha.row

Best Ang e of
Environmenl 1 Env ronmenl 2 Env ronment 3 Env ronmenl 4
N.4o!nt ng Sta rway Lon!l Lal Long Lat Lofg Lat Long Lal
Lan O He qhts Spac nq Spac fq Spac nq Spacrnq Spac nq Spac nal Spac nal Spac fo
24" 2A' 45 20 39
25" I6', 16 41
50 Watt HPS 2', NR NB NR NR
30' I3', 50 l3 43
12', 53 12 45
24" 2A' 2A 34
70 Watt HPS 2'.
25' NR NR l6 40 35 NR NR
30' 13', 42 l3
12' 45 12 39
20' 2A 36 20' 27
100 Watt HPS 2'
16 39 16'. 29
30' t3 4A r3' 3t)
12 42 12', 3l
24" 20 37 20 31

116 Watt lncand. 2',

25' t6 39 l6 32 NR NR NB NR
30' 13 40 T3
35' 12 42 12 ii5
20' 24', 41 2A 32
75 Watt MV 2'
25' I6', 42 16 NR NB NR NR
30" I3', 44 t3 34
12', 45 12 35
20' 20' 36 2A 22',
100 Watt MV 2
25" NR NR r6' 37 l6 23', NR NR
30' l3' t3
12' 39 12 24',
Surface Reflections

Every LLF lnstallation will

have surlace rellections
contributing to the illumina-
tion. The amount of this con-
tribution is impossible to
accurately predicl due to the
complexity and endless vari-
ety ol reflecting surfaces.
However, lhe importance of
this additional source ol illu-
mination is great enough to
warrant the tollowing rough
guidelines lor estimation.

Fcfcctons lrom the hor ronla surfaccwi provd-^ lLnt

ca surfaces suclr as !!a s p antcrs
natlon lor nearby vert
peop e, trees and shrubbery Even the f xtLrre mount nl]
wa u/ bc part a y i um naLed by ref ect ons from nearby

Ref lectance of some

common surfaces:
Fef ectance
B uestone sandstone t8%
Br ck. rght bLff 48%
dark bufi 40%
dark rcd 30%
Concrele 40%
Whlte marb e 45%
Wh ie pa nt r-rew 15%
od 55%
G ass c ear
ref ect vc
I nt-6d 1%
Aspha t c ean 7.ia
Earth avcrage
Granollte pave.fent 17 "I
Grass dark green 6%
M ac ad aral 18%
S ale dark clay 89"
Snov/ ne\,! 7 4"L
od 61"1"
Vegetat on average 25"h

ts10 32
More LLF lnstallations

. ,.t
f.. .;
'''.- l;';l
l;' '.:

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