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6 Fixture Systems

LLF-10l,fi:b::ift :IHfi,':li"o,"JJilfJl,""","o
The LLF l0 s the baslc ght ng instrument lor horizonta surlaces
or up to 10" s oped ramps. t rfay a so be cast nto ce lngs or
overhangs for s!perb i L"rm nat on of adlacent wa s The LLF l0
should be speclf ed foT ow eve f ood ght ng where arch tectural
permanence supcrb g are contro and a qua ty cast a um num
arch lectura appearance is des red

I I f t'lal Direct Lens. Asvmmetric Right-oownward

LLf 'ZU Light Distribution, watt Mounted.
The LLF 20 cofta ns an exc us ve opt ca system spec f ca y
eng neereC to ght stairs or rarnps havlng greatei than l0's ope t
s so eff c ent at light ng ncl ned surfaces that often one I xture w I
do the entlre lob The LLF 20 should be spec f ed for unsLrrpassed
ght ng eff c ency and g are control withpermanenceandqualtyto
corarp ement the f nest arch tecture and s te des gn

L L F-30 ffi 'r!:ift ff I[ t"ii;' "nn'"",';-,oJ:"*"'o

The LLF 30 is exact y equa and oppos te to the LLF 20. As such,
the spec f er has complete t ex b lity in ght ng sta rways or rarnps
from the r ght. left orbothsdes P ease refer to the nrght
photograph on the precedifg page as an examp e of how onc
LLF30or20can ght an entire stairway Spec fy the LLF-30 lor
perlorrnance. permanence and a strong archltectura character

Kim Lighting
LLF -40 l,[i!!\:ift :Iff fi[;,;3ffir$
The LLF 40 superb y luminates bui d ng overhangs and cel ngs lor
aesthetics or for ind rect y lightlng pedestrian areas be ow lt can be
used oLrtdoors or ndoors where a high qua ty. ow rnalftenance
umira re s d ctated by the archllectLra design The smooth outer
surface ofthe tempered g ass efs w stay clean and clear n the
nverted poslt on afd w I not ye ow as w ih p astic flxtures

I I F Ftf Concealed Lens, Symmetric Downward

LLF -CU Liqht Distribution, watt Mounted.
Wlth ts concea ed ens and frort ght baff e, the LLF 50 s des gred
for sensit ve areas reqt-rlr ng abso lte rnin rnurn fixture brightness
The LLF-50 produces exce ent llght dlstr but on for i um natlng
hor zontal surfaces or short stairways. ts strofg architectura
appearance w I enhance qua ity s 1e des gn ihat s bui t for
perrnanence Spec fy the b ack f n sh for m nrmum iixture br ghtness.

I I l- aat Concealed Lens with Guard, Symmetric

L L f -OU Downward Light Distribution, Wall Mounted.
The LLF 60 has al the features of an LLF 50 wlth the add t o.r of a
cast aluminurn ens guard. and a translucent wh te lens to e minale
guard shadows ll shou d be spec f ed n areas reqLr rlng a h gh
dcgree ofvanda Tes stancc corcea ed ght source and the
pennanence of heavy cast a urf num constructlolr Specrty the
b ack lln sh for mlf rn!rn f xture br ghtness

Kim L ghlrng
Outdoor Lighting
lntegral With Architecture
Beforc K r.r lnvented the Low
Lcve F ood ight n1979 polc
mounted lut]]na res werc the
only eff c ent way to rght out
door areas Wh c va d for park
ng ots or strcets. po e mounted
flxtures can c Lrtter sma el
areas w th hardware that ntcr
rupts a c ear v ew of thc arch
tectura statemeft The need rrl
was for an eff c ent ghtingsYS lt
tern that cou d be nlegra with
the arch tccture or s te e e- :-
ments, thereby prcserv ng thc
des gn purlty. K rn s Low Lcve
F ood ight was. and s theony
architectLrra outdoor ghting
instrumefl, bult lor permanence
as af ntegra part of the

Th s render ng of thc sarne

scene as above ustrates the
tremefdo!s v sLral d lference
the LLF can make As an lnte
gra part of tfre arch tecture and
sltework, tfre Low Leve F ood
ght a ows uninlerrupted
v ew ng o{the lafdscape and
arch tectura des gf t rs out
door ghtlng s miss ng nk
between parklng ot and b!l d-
ng. prov dlrg eff c cnt llghl ng
where des gn sensit v ty wr not
a ow po e moLnted um narres
LLF generat o.r 2 cxpafds the
or g na concept to a lu conr
p emeni of ghtlng nstrur.cnts
lor the s te. as wc as th-o arch
tecturc The slx f xture systetns
comblned w th a few sha ow
hoLrs ng, offer expanded des gn
freedom lll outdoor llght ng.

K m Llght ng 840 1
Off ce Buidings Hea th C ubs
Applications Schoo s
lndustr a Comp exes
Joqc nq Tracks

a Pathways Sports Centers
Cou rtyards Health Care Fac lt -^s


U'. ,,--a -
1'-- ''
Urban Benewa
Applications Parks
Plazas Hosplta s
Multi-Hous ng Handicap Ramps

-r nrd [:pad4 P
** '[q Eg:
- -i{l Hil; nn,.crjr$ :r$rr
I.ffiii i[* *t c
""o" rygl$t
n ,-* ![ ii. :"t"
r.rnr*ri[s f$ E
i*a so.


Airports Shopping Centers

t Mall lnteriors
Atriu ms
Hote s
Park ng Garages

K nr Llghtlng 840-5
Corporate Headq uarters Zoos
Applications Resorts Marinas
Oultura Centers


i,';, :.1'1'

8,10-6 K m Llaht no
Government Bu ildings Churches
Pedestnan Nl Museums
R-os-oarch Centers

K m L qhtina 840-7
lll sledforwet ocatlons
Uncompromised Quality

A s ng e rrous ng s common to
a sxlxturesystems and sa
one p i:cc pr--cis or d e casltng
of a. a oy conta nlnq ess than
0 6% copper lo prevent corro
s on u/hen casl n concrcte Th-o
hous nll s shlppcc ahead as a
pour iem and cofta ns no e ec
tr ca comporerts to be dam
agcd dur ng tfre cofcrele pour
or vafda red dur ng construc
tof A arge J box s located
bencath the hous ng w th l'
N PT taps ior through \,! r ng
us ng coll]taron low teanpelature
wire Th-o housifq s fLrrrhe. pro
tected by a c ear afodrzc
Electrical Modules.
Each LLF i xtLrre systcm has a
se f conta ncd factoiy prewfed
electr cai modu e that snaps nto
the hous ng Lrs ng keyho c s ots
Thc e ectr ca rnooule s
sh pped Lo the jobsite, along
w th the reficctor and door
lrame. \{,hcn the project s r-.ady
lor comp eton Th s a ows the
hols fg to remalf empty durlng
' ,"-q" ,

-# c
construct on so these crlt ca
componcllts are fot damaged
by ano stLrte ot vanda
A ref ectors for the s x I xiLrre
systems are hydroformed n onc
p ece lor strergth and d rnen
s ona consrstency To nsure
rarainta ned ref ectlv ty over
years of serv ce a ref cctors
arc protcctcd w th the A zak'
process Each relector is opt c
a y des gned for the spcc f c f x
ture to prodLrce max nturt
elfc ency w th the owest brgfrt
ness of any comparab e product
Door Frames.
There s no substtute for the
perraanence and qla ty appear-
ance ol cast aLLrm nutf door
frames A I LLF door lrames atc
d e casl \,\i th an attractive Deb
b ed frn sh ava lab e n four
TG C Pov,/der-Coat pa nt co ors
app ed over a cfrromate con
vers on coat ng D rect ens
mode s LLF 10 20 afd 30 are
shed standard \,!ith a th ck
tempercd borcsi cate glass
ens capabLe of vr' thstand ng
cons derab e abuse Aroptona
Lexan' ens s ava lable for pro
lects where extreme vandal san
s ant cipaled Door fram-os are
fu ly gasketed, \,veatherL ghl
and reta ncd \ii th llush sta n ess
sieel scrcws

8,10 I Krrn Lrght ng

lnstallation Ease

it ,.'
Back of
*t housing ts"wall
must have
2" o'f con-
(by others)
E; crete or
gunite if in
contact with
..' soil or other Screws (by Klm)
Use protectlve
substance. cover as ternplate
Two fixtures to dril forms.
Em pty
llous ng
back must
have 1" of Protectlve Cover
concrete (by Klm)

Housing can
be supported
by reinforcing Conduit entry
bar system.
(by others)
+, i:1
l" from ends or
bottom. 1" N.P.T.
provided for

Th-. LLF s spec I ca y d-.s gn-.d lor p-arman-af ce as a cast n f xtLrre f I sh ng conrponcfts 2. Whef lhe projecl ls ready lor cor.rlr -.1 or
for concrete or br ck v,/a s planters co L lrs afd pedestals Every thc f n shirg corrpor-onls ar-o q! ck y ard -oas y lnsla ,.d The e ec
ciement of the LLF s des for nstal at on casc tr ca modui-o ls s-o I cortarf eo factory prc rcd and snaps Jrto thc
1. D e Cast hous ngs are stocked atlhe faclory. r--ady lor q!ick Iixture Lrs rg kcyho c s ols F e d \'\i re cor] |--cl ofs are rrade rfs de
sh pment as a poL[ tem Iree olany e ectr ca co.arponents. The the hous flt afd rserted flo the J box \,^,frere tfrey are prclected
hous Jrg s cas V attachcd to fornrs and may a so bc t cd to the Irom llxture heat 3. The ref ector s attachcd a amp rs rscrtcd afd
re nlorc fg bar system A argc J llox rfakcs condu teftrafce and the fu y gasketed door fra..c rs scc!rcd !\i th i!sh captvc socket
throualh w r nal lasl afd s rarp -. Wh-on th-o lorms ar-o femoved a pro
tective cover keeps the hoLrs fg c eaf unt the lob s ready for thc

Klm Lrghtlng 840 I

Suggested Concrete
Pedestal Designs
Corcrele pcccsia s aTe af exce eft \,!ay tc Lri ze thc LLF n arcils
{/hcre !a/a s or p ariers are not ava ilb c or fcaslb e Severa pholo
graphs n th s cata og sho!,, sr,ccessf! prol-octs LhaL l'ave Lrsed
tfese des gns Thc forrr o--s gfs :ho!!f rere are deas to st m! ate
tfl: mag nal.rr s nce ary ces gr that can bc cast F Concrete ls
poss b e. Des gr afd erg ncer nq respors bl ty mLSt e,"^,lth the
SPeC'' er

Concrete pedestals
by others

10" for one f xture
14" for two lixtures

47" based
on 36" llght
Concrete pedestal
by others.

!.11'r 10 K m !ll't n!
Concrete pedestal
by others.

Concrete pedestal
by others.

( rf ! qhT ne A'10 11
Fixture Details Arrows lndlcate
ma n thrust 01 ght
d stfibutof n e evatlor

137 lB'

g3/0" height at
back of housing. ]13/" Light
(12rlr" length) Center

t LLF.1O
one in
1" N.P.T.,
each end, two ln

r" 13/ lB'

g3/r'height at
back of hous ng.
(l2rlr" ength)
I rtttlitlrll

1"N.PT, one n
each end two in
bottom. 371,a

13t 18"

g3/r" height at
back of hous ng. Light
02rlr'' ength) Center

4t lr"
t LLF.3O
1'' N P.T. one in
each end, two n
bottom. 3'/,u

8.10 12 KmLqhtl]q
137 /8"

41 lr"
93/4" helght at Tl,sht
back of housir 1131|',
(12112" lengrh) lcenter


1" N.P.T.,
each end, two in

r" 137 /8"

9"10" height at
back of housing. 113/8'
(2112" ength)

t LLF.sO
one in
each end, two in
f--s't.'- -]



g3lo' helght at
back of housing.
021/2 " length)

PT. one in
1" N
each end, two ln
bottom. 3'l,u
l-s'1," 1

K m L ghl ng B:10 13

Fixture shall be Underwrlters Laboratories istedforwet ocatlons

Housing and J-Box shall be die cast aium num ol an a oy con-

laining less than 0 6% copper to prevent cortos on when cast n con
crete J-box sha have an nternal y removable cover a vo ume of 25
cubic nches and four 1" N.PT condu t taps There shall be two iaps
n the bottom and one n each end, a wlth rernovable p ugs Hous
ng ancl J box shall be further protected for permanence by a c ear
anodlze coating A cover shall be lurn shed to keep the hous ng
clean unti the electr ca components are lnsta led.

Door Frame (LLF10, 20, 30, 40) sha be d e cast a Lrminum with a {}. Door Frame (LLF5o, 60) shall conslst of the basic LLF die cast alu
fine pebb ed texture of the outer surface.Itapezoda outer contour m num door. comblned with a cast a uminum recessed baffle that
sha lllt the lens 18'lrorn vertica . Door frarne sha be secured to concea s the lens lrom norma view Baff e sha be nlernally welded
housing by lour captive staif ess steel countersunk socket head to door frarne and internal y sea ed with b ac k RTV. Door frarne sha
screws. be secured to hous ng by four captive stainiess stee countersunk
socket head screws. LLF 60 shall have an add iiona cast alum num
ens guard.

Gasketing between the door frame and houslng sha beonepiece

moldecl EPDMI A neoprene gasket sha be provided between the
J-box and hous nq. The ent re fixture shall be weathert ght.

Lens (LLF1O, 20, 30, 40) sha be tempered borosr cate g ass ().' Lens (LLF50) shall be tempered c ear glass, '/ .'min. thlckness,
,/i,mn thckness withasmoothoutersurfacef ushwth the wthfu s lcone gasketlng around the per meler Lenssha be
door and vertical lnside f utes. For LLF 20 and 30, a shle d retained by z nc plated steel c ps
shal be provided beh nd the enstoconlrolfi'turebriqhtness {b Lens (LLF6O) sh a be tempered d lf used wh te g lass, 7." mln

when view ng up the sta rway or latnp Lens sha be fu ly sea cd '" th ckness, w th fu s llcone gasket ng around the perimeter. Lens
around the per tneter w th a si cofe gasket and sha be reta ned shal be reta ned by zinc ptited steel c ps.
by zinc p ated slee c ps Opt ona Lexan'r ens (ava able on
LLF-IO 20 and 30) sha I be ore plece nlect on mo ded Lexan "
7j'mln thickness dent ca n appearance to the standard g ass
ens. and sha conta n a UV nhib tor

Reflector (LLFIO, 40, 50, 60) shal be one p ece hyd rof ormed alu (b Retlector (LLF2O, 30) shal be ore piece hyd roformed a u min um
m num with an Alzak@ flnish. For LLF 1O and 40 thebottom reflector w th a specular Alzako) linlsh Reflector sha lbe engineered specifl
surface sha I be matte b ack to prevent any escape of ght in the ca y lor stalrways or rarnps greater than 10'slope produclng e ther
viewer s direction. a r ght downward or eft downward lght d str bution depending on
fixture specifled. Bottom rellector surface sha bematteblacklo
Electrical Module shaLl be se f contarnecl factory prewired, and prevent escape ot upward llght
attached to the housing using keyho e siots All e ectrica modu es
sha be un versally mountable n a s ngle housing. Balasts sha be
high power lactor for 20"F. starting. Sockets sha beULlistedfor
the appropriate amps, with high pressure sod um and metal c
halide sockets rated 4KV

Finish on door frame shal be TG C Thermoset Po yester Powder

Coat paint app ied over a chromate conveTs on coat ng. Avaiab e
co oTS are lllack dark llronze, ight gray alum num or white.
Pour ltem shall consist of the d e cast a umlnum hous ng and J-box
on y, less any e ectrca or opt ca components.

Finishing ltems sha cons st of the e ectrica nlodu e refectorand

doorframe. Each seloffnlshlng temssha be ln one container,
c ear y marked for the fixture catalog number.

Photometrics sha I be provided by an estab shed and certif ed

ndependent aboratory.

Warning:Flxtures must be grounded ir accordance with ocal

codes, or the Nat ona Electr ca Code. Fallure to do so may resu t in
serious personal injury.
8.10 14 KmLAhtnq
Ordering lnformation

Ordering Guide: Electrical Module.

Cata og number nc ldes comp ete factory
prew red e ectrica rnodue
L amp Mode r- l,/od.- . Vd,
(Lamps by Others) Cat No" lbits Watts Amps
50 Watt 50HPS t 20 120 60 0 75

i{,$F NIed
70 Watt
ll gh Pressure Sod
E lTorB lTCear

H gh Pressure Sod
E 17 or B'17
0 3s
0 30
0 30
70HP5277 277 88 A 37

Fixture. 100 Watt 100HPS120 120 115 150

Cata og numbcr nciudcs i-rous fg and .l box opt .til systc...
Fligfr Pressure Sod !nr 100HPS208 208 r 30 076
and door frame w th sLandard lernpercd g ass ens
E17arB17aeat 100HPS240 244 130 066
100HPS277 277 130 060
75 Watl 75MV120 124 93 082
l'"4ercury Vapor 75MV208 93 0 ,18
Cat No De5r r pT on E 17 or B-17 Coated 7sMV240 240 93 0 41
7sMV277 217 93 036
LLF-10 D rcct Lens
Syrnrnctrc Dowf atd 100 Watt '100MV120 124 118 105
L ghl Threw
',\i N4ercLry Vapor 100MV208 208 | B 0.60
Wa or Ce lng l'"4oufl-.d
A 23 Coated 100MV240 244 1lB 452
lvl-odlLrm Base 100Mv277 277 118 045
70 Watt 70MH120 120 94 085
Metalllc Ha de 70MH277 277 94 037
VentLrre ED-17 Clear
LLF-20 D rcct Lens
Asymrf etrlc R ght
Med urn Base

Downward L ght Thro\ /

100 Watt 100MH120 l20 129 1 15
// ----\\ N,4eta c lalide 100MH277 277 i29 050
Wa [4ountcd ED-l7 C ear Nlcd um Base
/ -r...\\ (See Opt ons Below)-
1 16 Watt ncandesceft l16lNC ',24 124 O 97
A2l CearTraffcSgnal 8000hrs avg fe
LLF-30 Drect Lens
Asymmetr c Lefl FiniSh. Cata og nLrrnber spec f es cotor of TG C Ther

ttr^ Downward L ght Trro!!

Wa Vlount--d
Cat. No Co or
rnoset Polyester Powderooat pa nt on door lrame

Black Specify on LLF 50 and 60 when rl n r.lum f xture

br ghtrcss rs des r--d
LLF-40 Dlrcct Lens DB-P Dark Bronze. Resembles Duranod c 313 rn co or.
Syrarraretr c Upward LG-P L ght Gray A ur.rinum
L ghl Throw. WH-P Wh 1-.
Wa l'"4ounted

w LLF-50 Concea ed Lcns

Symmetr c Dowf \,\'arcj
No Descript on
Ava iable of LLF I0, 20 ard 30 on y nlect on decl

Llght Throw, Lexan'r ens, deftica n appeararce to standard tem
Wa MoLrntcd pered glass ens CAUTION Use on y wften vanda rsm
s aftic pated to be h gh. llsefu Ie s r.tited to

ye low rg caused lty UV lrom sLrn ighl. ivlercury Vapor
and l',4ela c Ha de amps
LLF-60 Lloncea ed Lens wlth G!ard
Syrnmctr c Downward
QEM Avar ab c on LLF 10 20 30 and ,10 only Ouartz Emer-
gency L ght ng C rcuit. lncludes T 4 Nl ni Can socket for

L ghl Throw.
custoraer \,! ring back to an ernerqency 120 vo t gefer
Wa l'"4ounted ator Can be used \,!rth ary ll .D or ncardescenl f xtrrc
arnp mode 100W. T-4 lvlin Can quartz lamp by others
os Ava ab e on LLF-10. 20, 30 and,10 only lftegra eleclron c
dev ce energizes a T-4 m ni can socket dur llg iamp
Arrows nd cate maif thrusi warm up and after a power tntcrrupt on. Socket de ener
ol ioht d str butlon n
gizes prior to the H .D. arnp reach ng fu br ghtness
e evat on 100W T 4 minr-can quartz amp by others

K nr L llhl r!,1 8.1U 15

Photometrics LLF.lO LLF-40
!la-,. r)lroto cri
;r: F ll) ort !

50W High Pressure Sodium

E 1/ or B l7 c car. ,1CC0 lners
70W. High Pressure Sodium
F I / or B 17 C ear 6110(l .rrrrcrs
100W. High Pressure Sodium
E-17 or B l7 C ear 9500 L,nrurrs

116W. lncandescent
o0 tq"

5OW HPS n,r,ar | 70W. HPS

No 305T7
Ho1lo1dl I TL Test\o 3Ob'B
LTL. Test

D stance n
Mounlrnq He ghts

3' I 2.s'l 2' i wa j 4' | 3' 12.5'l 2'Jrwat 2 4

1T 20 45
20 45
5.6 10 23
10 23
2B 5 11
5 1T
1.7 2 45
2 4.5
56 1 23

1 2.3
28 b 1,7

5 T1

11 45

06 23


2;watt 2 4 2')\Natt 2 4

50 112
2B 5 1l
1.1 2 45 10 23
l 23 5 l1
2 45
28 5 11
1 23
tl 2

.06 .1

03 05


-e.lit 16 (-LghtFll
Photometrics LLF-10 LLF.4O
Nl/ :la , r-- f,rirot!rrle:l a:

@ rri LLF l0 or !
rt," r--l le al

75W. Mercury Vapor

L '7 or B 17 Coille.l. 2800 umens

100W. Mercury Vapor

A 23 Coated 4300 umens

70W. Metallic Halide

ED l7 C ear V--rt.rre 5280 !mers.43ll0K:

100w. Metallic Halide

ED l7 Clear. Venture 6912 !m-^ns ,1300K'
For Sy vanra ED17 C car 8500 Lrnren 3200K" amp rnL Llp y
foolcand es bv 123

" '" :.
lI z5w.My
r le,tNo 305'0

4'l3'l2.s'l z'jrwar 2 4 2:Watl 2 4

20 45
10 t0
5 5 11
2 2 4.5
1 23


.1 .23

.05 1T

[4oLrft r!] lle!lhl sthe!,ertca dstarcelroll] ihe'xture gftcerrter

7OW MH (see pagc:r l2 and l3lto the ! ll Ililied sLrrfacc
lT L. Test No 33043
Mult ply Footcandles
by 0.76
ffiP'1 """'
TypicalHalf l',4{)!nl n!1 lc chi
l:Y"t---:--: 6810 urr natedlSr.rlacc

50 112
2A 45
10 23
5 11

2 4.5

.5 1.1



KrLqr..t 810 17
Photometrics LLF.sO
50W. High Pressure Sodium
E l7 or B 17 c ear 4000 umcns
70W. High Pressure Sodium
t l7 or ts l7 C ear 6300 u..lcfs
100W. High Pressure Sodium
E l7 or B l7 C ear 9500 u.nefs

116W. lncandescent
o^ oo, I.a' . 5q. d 280

tat'/o1dt I sOW. HPS ',a | 70w. HPS

hoolaanaltPs at II I tL Tesr No 30b23 i.";.:'j:..-, I r- T.srNo io52,4

4' | 3' | 2.s'l 2'l war 2 4 4' | 3' | 2.s'l 2' a\Natt 2 4

28 50 72 112
1l 2a 29 45
56 10 23 t1 2A 29 45
2A 5 72 1l 56 10 23
72 11
11 2 2.9 4.5
56 l 23 11 2 29 45
2a 72 11 56 1 23
T2 tl
11 2 29 45

11 2 29 45
06 1 23

03 05 OT 11

02 03

lljiil""," l1_16W.lncand. .
lrlL e'lNo 30525
io'orc-".o'"r.. ltr. e-r\o J07t2

4'l3'12.s'l 2':wal 2 4 4' | 3' | 2.5'l 2' j. \'Natt 2 4

56 100 225
56 23 28 50 72 112
2A 72 1l
l1 20 29 45
ll 29 45 56 t0 14 23
.56 23 2.4 72 t1
28 T2 1.1
11 2 2.9 4.5
56 1 23
06 23 28 72 11
03 t1
1l .29 45



Photometrics LLF.5O

I 75W. Mercury Vapor

E T7 o.B '7 CoaLed.2800 lmens
100W. Mercury Vapor
A 23 Coar,.d 4300 l!mens

70W. Metallic Halide

FD l7 C ear VeftLrc 5280 L, 4300K:

100W. Metallic Halide

C car V,ontLrrc tigl2 !-efs ,1300K'
E:l l7
For Sy van a tD'7 C car 8500 Lrtfen 3200K' amp mLr I p y
footcand es by 1 2:l

li"'i1"'", l[?WJ1H!.,,.

D stance n
N4ounlrnq He ahts

4' | 3' | 2.s1 2' :watt 2 4 2':Walt 2 4

11 20 t1 29 45
56 l0 23 56 23
2A 5 T2 l1 72 ll
1l 2 29 4a 1l 29 45
56 1 23 23
2A 5 72 l1
2B 72 11

11 2
11 45
06 l 23

l',4otrnt nq. l lr tlrl s tlre lerl ca o slaf.-o lro-r tlrc I rttlr.l !llt centcr
7OW. MH (scc pa!l--:r l2 a rd '3) t.r llr-- t,rr tated sLrrfact
TL Test No 33047
tlp y Footcand es
[----7 L
ury JhL L enlcr
by 0.76

Typ cal Ha I Mount fq He gflt

l;.Vat- l----- 6810 S!riaac

56 100
2A 50 72
tl 20 29
56 10
5 72
1t 2
56 1

5 72
1l 2 29

K nr L ilirl iq 8.10 19
Photometrics LLF.6O
50W. High Pressure Sodium
t l7 or B l7 i ear 100! !i-r.r!
70W. High Fressure Sodium
F 17 nr B ',' a ..r fi:lfl{l Lr'f.rr:i
100W High Pressure Sodium
E lTorB l/C?ar 95J0 Lrners
116W. lncandescent
^. .1." e" 280 ' ^

!o' /o-lal IsOW. HPS

I IL le5L No Jo5l9

4' | 3' | 2.5'l 2' :watt 2 4 2' :watl 2 4

23 11 20 45
11 56 10 23
45 2a 5 11

2.3 1.1 2 4.5

11 56 1 2.3
28 5 l1
.23 TI .45



to rd/or 1116W. lncand.
I T te rNo -ro/rJ 7at pq,:l
LI L. lesl N.o 3o5Jl

!t) ?)]4_?:wa 2 4 4' | 3' | 2.s'l 2' :wat) 2 4

2 2.9 11 20
T 1.4 5.6 10
.5 72 2.8 5
.2 29 1.1 2
.1 .14 56 1

.05 a7 .28 5

a2 03


B.i0 20 Klm L chlii.l

Photometrics LLF-60

I 75W. Mercury Vapor

E l7 or B l7 Coaled 2800 L.rrnens

100W. Mercury Vapor

A 23 CoateC 4300 Lrr.rers

70W Metallic Halide

ED '7 Clear. Vefture 5280 umcrs ,1300K"

100W. Metallic Halide

ED lTCcar Vcnturc tigT2 umcfs 4300K'.
For Sy vaf a EDlT C ear 8500 urren 3200K' amp niu t p y
Iootcafd es by I23

75W MV
lT.L. Test No 30532

4' | 3' | 2.5' | 2' )watt 2 4 4', | 3'. | 2.s',1 2', :

2B 11 r0
11 45 5
.56 2.3 2
.28 1.1

.11 .45
.06 .23

0 03 11


rnirrar fuloJrit f-.r !e ghl 5lf -. \"ertca il slafc-- l1)llr I re lxl!r-r grtl]-!rl-6r
Ho rollal
| 100W. MH lsee paqes l2 aro '3) lo tla L,nr iatcd gLi,iilce
IIT- lestNo rJo4B

[IoL]nt n!l lc girt

4', | s', l2.s',l 2', : war 2 4 um naredlSL rfacc

5.6 10 23
28 5 11

11 2 4.5
.56 1 2.3
28 ,5 1.1

.T1 2 .45

.1 23


KnLchtnq 8r021
Stairway Lighting

Special Optical System. The LLI: 20 allil :ltl corrlil rr opt c.l s!'s Er'a;i l:rrr Tl rat irl'
'." _1r Ir.
tefls trat ;lll] sf r-.c ica y d--s !ne c tc qlll :ita l',li]ys or ralrlps " -.irLlel]r1,'1rr
F.ll r0! !'\r:1rl .t ll
!lrratcr llrilf lC's ole Th-.y arf, rld \,.1:la y fllidrolor red rcf cc:tlrs
cnq feered fcr ll]:,ix r-Lrn- !lht e" ii erc\, on ll'e -rta l!"iay Tlle f)hoto tte c,",'slr(J\,',,s an I I F rls:a ilt on $/her-- the cnt rc:ilil r\J!'aJ,. s
Lrn' ra:crl lly lLrs: on.r ixlLrle Th s plltlLo!rapfl lr!llrales llrc correcl
f rlr re ar accmcrrt ai)pror nrale y ? lloir tflil:(lf) sta I afd 2' abovc
the sta r!\ri]-! fr ate Not ae llle erl rc sta r\,^'al"' s Lm naied
nc Lrd rrq tlre';eri ca ',"a s Th s s parl a v Ll!e:o sLlTiacc rcl-'t;
tcrs wlr i]h arc d scLrsscd I!rllt--l orr paqc 32 I IPrr:r
Rightand Lelt Light Distributions. lorcollrpeieapp calotr I er
l) Ly bollr r glrt anc eli !lh: d ,clr ll!t orrs arc o11-o'ed lvlosl s1a I
v,'a!'s.:,]lr tre ilnt--d lrom cre:t ale or ! s rlce tnc I LF 20 and 30
prodLrce a very !,,'da qlrl flaltcrl. Phillomctr c'.'-os sflon"r rl llr s
ca:a og .re lor thc LLF 20 Thc LLI 30 s cqrra afd opilos Le
Tread Shadow. Lorq tld 'il si-.a. r'g of ilr-'LLF 2u arr(l 30 s pr
rfat ,,,coflro eo b,, the amotrrlt 01 irc3ll sflaco!\ 11]at 15 acc-'pLaLr I
\,!lrcr ( n crrale! lic LLF co.lccill therc'ro lstall :led
gu d-. ries io rrse ar thc i1p'"1 cat orl oi lh s llrr fa lc Bils-od on otlr
frhl rq -of cc ilrld lesl oll:lervat or-s \,v'o recomnle rdctl lllilI
I rtLre spac nc] sho! d fot creat-o a trc.lll :liaco\,\' air-'ater thilrl 75oo
cf the :read !,"'(lth \! th art slcr! ol !luccessfir LLF lobs ille 75:"
trea! slrad. rLr I aDp-oais to lle a soL,nC reconr'rcrldal on Thefe
iore a
LLI 20 artl 30 Dholometl c chi:lT:s shon, il arltslrcu rle
!^,lrcre 75oi of the lrcad \,/
be n:hado!,- Rerr-ombcr orr!l tLro nil ] (l.rnr. h rlo'r1rmr Llire F ! Lr'e
gpac ng r'!st a so corls der thc !lhl i!l cllrltl llut oll lrtlm tlrc o!!-of
lxtL,ra I forc thau ofe f xltrr,. s Lrscd

8,10 22 ( T L ght.rg
Explanation of LLF-20 LLF.3O
Photometrics M

2' Mounting He ght A sta r[,ay photometr cs n t] s The LLF 30 s exact y equa afd
30'Anqle of Sta rwav Plane cata og arc for thc I L F 2ai r ql-.t opDosltc 1o the LLF 20 As such
nt a Horizontal Footcandles downra/ilrd !lh1 d siribLl on ihe spec Ier has corarp'ele I -or
Downsla rs Dislance ln MoLrnling Heighls tach charl ,s a p ar v ew d a b ty n llht nlt sia rlvays or
3 2 rF*t"t 2345678910 gram of ghi ng on thc sla rway rarfps lrorf th,- r.lhl. efl or
a o!4/ ng d recl corre ill ou lo bolir s des F.rr LLF 30 phole
yo!r l-liot D af A dasieai fe metr cs s llrf] y v sua re the
q) sho[/s whe.e 75?'o of thc sta r LlF20.harlsn'/erle.l
I 2 trcac \r/ bc n shado[' Pfroto
rreTr cs are flT,-s,onLed lot sla T

a 3 !!ay afll es of 20' 25' 30'

and 35' lf yo!r sta r\!ay la s
bet!4/eef thes-- afll es Lrse
5 the c osest chart or rear
rterpo at on
a Stit ',r/a,,' Photofi'clr c:t ;rre rtol
(! 7 acc!rate lor ra'fps because
ghr lar fg of hor zo.:a sta r
treaOs s ca criatcd .i ffererrl y
I thaf for a s op-od ramp sLrfacc
The LLlr 10 siou c bc Lsrd lor
10 rajrDs up to 0's opc Ril iro:i
!treatcr tfrall 10" sl,.! !l be
qhlcc !4/ th rhe LLI: 20 or 30
.TL Tesl No 30537 75% Tread Shadow []onsLr t lactcr! lor ramp
photo.nctr cs

i Note: To ca clr ite the Tcitd

Shadow D slafc-o lor i,]l'v ollref
T ,oaar Sraa-ron'D 5laNa-o
percefta!e ol ast tread
!i :,1 o,.,'f or p an ! er,'ali shadow L sc thc 10 ow nlt for
rru it (A:is!fires 2' nroLIrl f !J
;-. qht)
S r.ri,,,,'[] s ,rr.i. - .o' 5
:.r.rr. 'o/. D
r,,\ ll \
S,..r ;: ;rl F.lI
Where S s thc acccptab c
itrrorrl ol a:tl 1r--ad slra0r)\,','
175",; f5) ard ' s the anq e
ol the sta r\,1,ay p aic

Each stcp s a hor Tonta sLrl

larce Th--relore ar glrl vil rr--!i
are I hoT zonta footcafd es as
they wo! d fa of the sta r

K r L qht nq 8.10 23
Photometrics LLF.2O LLF-30
NZ l aiL..l iif(l(]fIrcs tl

@ iolll2il

50W. High Pressure Sodium

E T7 cr B ',r (,e.rr 4000 life rs

20o, 25", 30: 35' Stairway Planes

2' Mount ng Height 2'Mounling Height

20'Ang e of Stairway P ane. 25" Angle ol Stairway P ane
in(ia Hor zonta Footcandles lnilial Horizonta Footcand es
Do^1 dI Dr. an.o' \,4o- li gleigl ' Downsr" sDr ',rnLaI A/oLn Iq!'lgrT
3 2 r''L-'r 2 3 4 5 6 z 8 9 to 11 3 2 rt'*'r 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9loir


Tl Test No 30535 T I Tesl No. 30535

2' Mount ng He ghl

30'Ang e ot Stairway P ane { l .5'Aro6oISldl//d/Pa1a
ln tial Hor zonta Footcandles. \ /35' nrLd ro./ondlloo dr de'
Downstairs Distance in Mounling Heights Y, - Dow'rs-di' D\rorce \,4o 11 rg eg'I'
3 2 ',Ft'"r 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 3 2 r'1'r 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9

11 10 rr

91 91
92 A2
:3 ?s
94 ,44
o5 or5
I8 I8


tTt tT L Test No 30535 Plan View '75olo Tread Shadow

8.10 24 K-LEix r.l

Photometrics LLF.2O LLF.3O
U LqLr-r iil]il i)l]lr!:i La

@ ..r L Ll 2,.l

I 70W. High Pressure Sodium

E l7 {)r B l7 c ear 6300 L,mers

20", 25", 30", 35' Stairway Planes

2' Mount n9 He ghl 2' Mounling He ght

20'Ang e of Stairway P ane 25" Angle of Stairway P ane
lnrlia Hor zonla Foolcand es lnrtial Horizonla Footcand es
. Do^n.d| D.d F.,lvor n rgPFg'r\ ' Dolt t r" I Dr\ ' Vo li rg !'iql I
g 2 t ''l'' t 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ro lt 3 2 r ".]-'r 2 3 4 5" 6 7 8 9 10l
o E2

(! ;7
8 ft8

11 1l


2 Mounting He ght
30"Ang e of Sta rway Plane \ --l )o^'rgaolSrd'^a. Plo o
ln lral Hor zonta Foolcand es \ /35" |,to o 7o1dlroo d,dl.
Downstairs D stance n lvlount ng He ghts Y- Do.r' ar D ld-r ar1[/o.. Ig-1.q 15

g 2 rFtt"t 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 910 11 3 2 r i'' r 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10

or5 0',5
g6 2
57 E7
jg I8
9 I
10 10

't1 11

ITL 75% Tread Shadow lT.L Tesr No. 30536 P an V ew '75% Tread Shadow

KmL grrl rg .ql0 25

Photometrics LLF.2O LLF.3O
---l EqLf .,n!l rDtro- le

/dmlu J@'ttt-n
100W. High Pressure Sodium
F 17 .t B 17 . eat 9500 ltnens

20o,25",30: 35" Stairway Planes

2' Mounting He ght 2' f.4ount ng He ght

20" Angle ol Stairway Plane 25'Ang e of Stairway Plane
nrt al Horizontal Foolcand es lnta Horzonta Foolcandles
Dow-.ta rs D.ld.c5 n I/oLn rg He g5's Do!!- rdir' Dsrd-r6 r Votl tg Ferql r.
g 2 t'"1'"r 2 g 4 s 6 7 8 910 11 s 2 r'".]!'"r 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 910 1r

I 2


q 6
{! 7
lT L Test No. 30537 LT.L. Test No. 30537

2' Mount ng Height

30'Ang e of Stairway P ane. \ l 3)"A.oroo'Sldrr'^d\ Pldr -
lnitial Hor zonla Footcand es \ / 35" l-lralHor'/orraroorca^oas
Downstairs D stance in wounting Heights Dov\r sld 's Dr, ar.e .n IVo- r-gHF91.
s 2 rFt'", 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 910 1t 3 2 i'l'"1 2 g 4 5 o 7 a 910
91 91
!2 A2
:3 fs
94 -94
o5 0-,5
g6 g6
o oI
57 67
Is I8
10 10

11 11

tTl 75% Tread Shadow ITL Plan View 175"/. Tr-.a.i Shaciow
Photometrics LLF.2O LLF.3O
tq!arl dlld ol)l)osrle

@ lo I 2(l

I 75W. Mercury Vapor

F 17 or ts 17 ccatcd 2800 Lrucns

2O",25o,30: 35" Stairway Planes

2' tulount ng Height. 2' lvlountrng Heighl

20" Ang e of Stairway P ane. 25"Ang e ol Slarrway Plane
lnilia Houonla Foolcandles lnilra Hor zonlal Foolcandles
Do,.t/nslarrs Dr< are i lVoJ'l'nq Haighl5 Do,tns s Dl'_ar.F n Vloun HF g' s
2 3" 4 5 6 7 I
3 2 t'j-t 2 3 4 5 6 ? a 9 to 3 2 t' -;t'"t 9 ro 11

'| 91
I 2 E2
3 !a
4 _94
5 4,5
q 6
.: 7 ;7
I 68


TL Test No 30538 .TL. Test No. 30538

2' Mount ng Heighl

30"Ang e of Stairway P ane. E l J5'ar o e o Stdlwdvo.d,la
lnit a Horizonta Footcand es \ / 35" d -or /or ta 'oolcd4d'
Downslairs Distance in lVount ng Heghts Do\^1< o|s Dr"dr . e n \,4oJ,i ^g Ha,g1'
3 2 rFtt"r 2345678910 3 2 t'l"r 2 g 4 5 6 7 a 910 l
91 1

I q
P2 I
g 3
94 4

or5 5

- 6
,n7 6 7

I8 8



LT.L Test No 30538 ITL Tesl No 30538 Plan Vrew '75% Tread Shadow

Kirn L qh1 nq 8,10 27

Photometrics LLF.2O LLF.3O
l\ -7 EttLr nr IL,o lc

@ olffi'tt-o
100W. Mercury Vapor
A 23 Coatcii .1300 Lrreis

20",25",30", 35" Stairway Planes

2' [/ount ng Height. 2' Ny'ount ng He ght.

20'Ang e of Sta rway Pane 25" Ang e ot Sta rway P ane.
nit a Honzonla Footcandles. nil a Hor Tontai Fooicandles
. Do^1'di' Di ar .i Vo, li,lq"-iq'r- Do^ Ital D ldIo Voun lgLolg_1s
3 2 r'"1""r 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 11 3 2 r'-,1 "t 2 3 4 5 6 z 8 9 10 11

6 2 a2
4 .94
5 €-,5
6 s6
.o 7 6'
8 I8

Tl TeslNo 30539 Tl Test No 30539

2' Mounting He ght

30" Ang e ol Sta rway Plane E l l5o Ar g6orSld,nd,/Pane
ln lial Hor zonta Footcand es rla o Tonalroo(d-o'5
Downsta rs D slance n lvlount ng He ghts Do^1. dr" D la r.e i^ lVor r " 9 u-;95r
3 2 tFtt"t 2 3 4 5 6 7 A 910 11 3 2 r'l'r 2 3 4 5 6 7 I9 to 11

91 1

92 r
a) 2
q 3

94 4

o5 5

g6 6
o o
{n 7

j8 8

10 10

11 11

TL 75% Tread Shadow TI P an V -.w "75% Tread Shadow

8,1! 28 K n Lrllt nll

Photometrics LLF.2O LLF.3O
wl Fq!.1 ard O|piis Le

@ t! LLi 20

t 100W. Metallic Halide

ED 17 C eat Venture 6912 lrnens, .1300K"
For Sy van a ED17 C ear, 8500 umef 3200K" ampnrutpy
iootcand es by I23
70W Metallic Halide
ED l7 C -^ar Venture 5280 Lrmers 4300Ki
N4ult p y Footcand es by 0 76 on charts be ow

20:25',30? 35" Stairway Planes

2' Mount ng Height. 2' lvlount ng Herght

20"Ang e of Stairway Pane 25'Ang e oi Slairway Plane.
ln lial Hor zonla Footcand es nit a Hor zonta Foolcand es

I .,,,,. \r" Dc" ai.llvoun roHeor'\

Do^r LL ,p Do^n\r. . Dt*a . e VoLt 'lo I ptol .

3 2 i i"i 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 91011 3 2 1 J-1 2 3 iL 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

l4 'l
I at

o 92
ci 6/

ITL Tesl No 33044 ITL Tesl No 33044

2' Ivlounling He ght

ord'6 j. \{d Pdr '
E T30" 30o \ l 'oA qoo
\ 'i a^1glFo'Sld ^djca rd o
o i/o|al Loo \ /35" lnr. Hor ronrdlfooL.nde
Do,^1 dr.Dr
Frt'" r ;";-;"; 'd1.6 Vo. l-q 6tq.r. aI D ro ,. F r r IVo--l g -e gl
Do,r-" r

3 2 .' 6 7 8 s 10 11 g 2 r"l"r 2 g 4 5 6 7 8' 9 10

q) q
I r

q E

q I
o o
6 r!

LT.L. Test No. 33044 75% Tread Shadow ITL No 33044 Plan V ew '75% Shadow

K T L.tlri nll 8,1029

Recommended LLF.1O
Fixture Spacing
{I Protected areas with mrnl- .l
4 Semr orotected ar-oas wrlh
v2 Unprolecled areas ol h qh 4 Unprotected areas \,!here
mum public access or use moderate pub rc access and pub|c access lor bus ness, ' very hrqh llqht leve s are
after dark. Prvate ProPerty. use after dark Unlenced busi shopping or recreat on. requ red for v s bi ty, safety,
Fenced or guarded installations. ness, shopplng, or recreation Unfenced High light leve secur ty or max mum sa es
Low iioht level needed for mini- areas l\y'oderate ght eve needed for good visibllity impact. Areas rcqu r ng dellnea-
mum visib lity only. No safety or needed for visillillty, safety and safety, and secur ty. tion as entrances or raralr
security problems. security Approx mate min mum ma n pathways
Approximate minimum main Approximate rnlnimum main ta ned lght level, 1 iootcand e Approximate m nlmum main
tained lighl level,0.2 ta ned light level,0.5 tained light leve 5 footcand es
footcandles. foolcandles Lexan lens recommended

The Low Level Floodlight is still a relatively new concepl in outdoor

lighting. There are no industry guidelines to use in the application of
this luminaire. ln 1979, Kim introduced the LLF concept, and oflered
our own guidelines based on experience and test installations. With
years of successful and diverse jnstallations now to our credit,
we are conlident that the recommendations offered on these two
pages will satisfy your lighting needs.

NR = Not recommended
llecalrse the amp is either too
strong for good unllorrn ty of i u
mirat on, or loo weak for good
flxlure spac nq.
Latera Spac ng
based on a

Spac ngs are ca cu ated disregarding areas

t-, O^" moidybcIAF1 t, JF Ooe l\'
these areas w I be adequate y ighted by
s!rtace refeclions See page 32

Fnv ronfirenf I Environment 2 Environment 3 Fnvrronment 4
Mount ng Long Lat Long Lat Long Lat. Long. Lat
Lamp Herqhls Spacinq Spac nq Spac nq Spacinq Spac nq Spacinq Spac nq Spacinq
2' NR NR 25 19 22 16'. 12' 11'.
50 Watt HPS NR NR 21 24 18', 12', T 3'
3', 41'. 29' 30 23 26 20' NR NB
NR NR 34'. 25', 20' ] B' 14'
70 Watt HPS NR NR 37', 26' 30' 22'. 17' 16'
3', NR NR 41', 29'. 25'. 2A' 17'
100 Watt HPS 4' NR NR 46'. 34', 37' 2A' 21' 21',
2', 32' 23', 25', 15 22 13 12', 10'
100 Watt MH 2.s', 36', 25', 29', 17 25 l5 12' 11',
3', NR NR 30' 2A 27 17 NR NR
2' 22 2A' 17 15 14 14 NR NR
75 Watt MV and 25' 26 20 1B 16 16 NR NR
1 16 Watt lncand. 3', 28 26', 21 20 17 17 NR NR
2.s', 31', 28' 24', 22'. I9', 19', NR NR
100w. MV & 70w. MH 34', 31', 26'. 24'. 21', 21' NR NR

840 30 Kim Light ng

Recommended LLF.2O LLF.3O
Fixture Spacing Equa and opposLte
tLF 20

Long tudLna Spac ng

W I nol exceed 75% tread shadow r! e

I 759: tread shadow rlr e s eslab shed by
K m based on f ed observat ons for
opt rn Lrm vrsrb ty
2 f,4oun|ng herght oJ 2' s consrdered deal as rl 2'N4ounlrng Herghl
wrl p ace l xtLrre JUsl be ow the handrarl Hrgher
rnoL|rlrng he ghts shou cJ on y be LSed f f xlure
wr not nterlere w th handra

Spac riq For atera ght coverage w th

frxlures on orie s de ori y d vrde
Ang e ol alera spac ngs n chart by 2
Sla rway Plane

l* ,a* o, asl lread n shadow

Env ronment 1 Env ronmenl 2 Env ronmenl 3 Fnvironmenl4

Best Ang e of
VloLrnt ng Sta rway Long Lat Lonq Lal Long Lat Long Lat
Lamp He qhts Soac na Spac nq Spac nq Spac nq Spac nq Spac nq Spac nq Spac nq
24" 20 45 20 39
25" 16 4B 16 41
50 Watt HPS 2',
30" 13 50 13 43

35' 12 53 12 45
24" 2A' 38' 24', 34'
70 Watt HPS 2',
25' NR NR t6' 4A' l6' NR NR
30' r 3' 42' t3
35' 1z', 4s', 12' 39',
20' 24', 36', 20' 27
'100 25' 16', 39', 16', 29
Watt HPS 2'
13', 40' 13', 30
35" 12', 42', 12', 3l
2A' 20 45', 20' 3B
25' 16 48' 16', 41
100 Watt MH 2',
13 50' 13' 44
12 52' 12' 45
24" 2A 41 2A
75 Watt MV and 25' l6 It t6 33 NR NR NR NR
116 Watt lncand. 30' t3 44 l3 34
35' 12 45 12 35
20' 20 36 20 22
100 Watt MV and 25' NR NR r6 37 16 NR NR
70 Watt MH 30" 13 38 r3 23
12 39 12 24
Surface Reflections

Every LLF lnstallation will

have surtace rellections
contributing to the illumina-
tion. The amount of this con-
tribution is impossible to
accurately predict due to the
complexity and endless vari-
ety ol rellecting surtaces.
However, the importance of
this additional source of illu-
mination is great enough to
warrant the tollowing rough
guidelines for estimation.

Ref lectance ol some

common su rfaces:

B !estone sandstonc l8'/;

Brck lght b!ff
dark bLrll 40%
dark red 30
Cemeft ".
0oncrete 441"
Wh le marb e 45 !l
Wh te pa nt ncw I51"
Glass c ear 1..L
r-of -ocl ve
tl.tcd 7"./"
Aspha t c eaf 7",;
Earlh. average
Graro te pavcrnerll 119L
Grass dark green
Grave l3
Macadalr ".
S ate dark c ay 89"
Snovr few
od 649;
Vegctat on average 25"/.

8,10 32 K Jrr L aht nq

More LLF lnstallations

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