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6 Fixture Systems

LLF-103[i:'"::ift :Iff fJlii.','J.]1il"11,."""0

The LLF l0 s the bas c !lhtrng nslr!meft for hor zonla sLrfaces
or up to T0's opcd rarnps t may also be cast nto ce ngs or I
ovcrhangs lor s!perb um fat on of adlacenl u/a s The LLF T0
sh,lu d be spec f ed foT o!\i cvc food !]hting where arch teclura
permanence supcrb !l are conLrol. and a qua ty cast a umlnum I
arch tcctura appearance s des red


I I F 4tar Direct Lens. Asvmmetric Right-Downward
LLI'ZV Lisht Distributi;n. watt Mounted.
The LLF 20 contalns an exc Lrslve opt ca systcm spcc f ca y
cnglneereC to ght sta rs or ramps hav ng greater than l0's ope lt
ls so elfc ent at ght ng nc ned suilaces thal ollen one I xture \'^/
do the entfe ]ob The LLF 20 shou d lle spec f ed for ursurpassed
ght nll eff c ency and g are contro wthpcrmancnccandqualtyto
comp ement tfre fnest arch tccture and s le desrgn

LLF-30l'[ii!::ift ff IlT,", jl'"".""T;3::"*"'o

lhe LLF 30 e cxacty -o(lLa and oppos tc to the LLF-20 As such
thc spccrjer lras comp ete f cx b ty n ght nq sla r\,\'avs oT ramps
lrcm the r ght elt orbothsdes P ease reler to the night
pfrotograph oll tlre pr-oced ng page as an cxafi'p c oi how ore
LLF 30 or 20 caf ght af ent rc sta rway Spec ly the LLF 30 for
perlormance. peTmancnce afcl a sLrong arch lectLrTa characlcr

LLF -40 Lfi$!:ift :tffff:'fr il3fftj.
The LLF-40 superb y urn nates bLr d ng overhangs and cel ngs lor
aesthet cs or for nd rect y ght ng pedestr an areas be ow lt can be
LSed outdoors o|ndoors where a h gh qua ty. ov/ malftenance
um naire s d clated by the archltect!ra design The smooth outcr
surface of the tempcred g ass ens w I stay clean and clear ln the
lnverted posit on and wl not yc ow as w th p astlc fxtures.

L L F -50 i,?Xi?,1ii?,iiiill{il1ii,':';"?:x"*"0
Wlth ts concea ed ens and front light baffle the LLF-50 s des gfcd
lor sensll ve areas requ r ng abso ute m nlmum f xture br ghtress
The LLF 50 produces exceienl ght d strlbltion lor lum nat ng
horizonta s!rfaccs or short sta rways ts strong arch tectura
appearance wi enhance qua ty s te des gn thal ls bu t lor
permanence Spec Iy the b ack f nlsh lor mlf mLrrn f xture br ghtness.

I I F Fn Concealed Lens with Guard. Symmetric

LLf -OU Downward Light Distribution. Wall Mounted.
Thc LLF 60 has al the f-oatures of af LLF 50 w th the addlt on of a
cast a um num ens gLraid and a trafs !cefl!!h te ens to clm nate
gLrard shadows t shoLr d be spec led rf areas rcq!rr fll a hlgh
dellree olvafda res starce corcca cd rlllht so!rce ard the
peraraferce of freavy casi a uni nLrrn conslrlcl of Spec iv thc
b ack 1 n sh for m n mum i xtLrc br clhtlless

K r L ght.g

Outdoor Lighting
I lntegral With Architecture
o Belore Kim lnvented the Low
Leve F oodllght ln 1979, pole
mounted um nalres were the
only ellic ef t way to ight out-
door areas Whie va d lor Park
ing lots or streets. po e rnounted
l xtures can c utter sma el
areas w th hardware that tnter
rupts a clear v ew ol the arch
tcctura statemenl The necd
was lor an efflc ent ghting sys
tem that cou d be ntcgra with
the arch tecture or s te ele
ments thercby preserv ng the
design purlty K ms Low Leve
F oodllghl was, afd s the of y
arch tectural outdoor ghtlng
instrurfent, bul 1 lor pertnanence
as an inlegra part of the


Th s rendering oi the same

scene as above llustrates the
tremendous v sua differerce
the LLF can rnake As an rte
gra part of the architecture and
sltework the Low Level Flood
ght a lows un nterrupted
v ewing ol the andscape and
architectura design t s out
door llght ng's m ss ng llnk
between park ng ot and bui d
lng provld ng efficient ight ng
where des gn sefs t v ty w not
allow po e mounted Lrm naires
LLF generatron 2 expands the
orig na concept to a fu cont
p ementof llght ng nstruments
for the s te as w-o as the arch -
tecture. The s x f xture systems
combined w th a new sha ow
hous ng ofter expanded des gn
freedorn in ouldoor ight ng :|-i

KrnLqhinq 1
Off ice Bui d ngs Flea th C ubs
Applications Schools
nd ustrial Complexes
Joqqinq Tracks

2 KmLightng
Pathways Sports Centers
Courtyards Hea th Care Facr it es

N \'
N rNl
\ \
\ \

Kim L ght ig 3
Applications Parks
Urban Renewa
Hosp ta s
Multi-Housing Handicap Ramps

4 Km L ghting
Alrports Shopp ng Centers
Ma Inter ors l lote s
Atriu ms Parkinq Garaqes

K m Lrght fg 5
Corporate Headq uarters Zoos
Applications Resorts Marinas
Cuitural Centers

6 K m Llghttng
Government Bu ildings Churches
Pedestrian Museums
Besearch Centers


K m Llght ng 7
L llsted for wct ocations
Uncompromised Quality U

A s ng c hoLrs ng s commof io
a s x f xLLrre systcrns ancl s a
on-a p ece s o| d e cast nll
ofaf a oy contar.r ng css than
0 6% copper to prcvef( corro
s of when cast I concretc The
hols nll s sh pped ahcad as a
polrr lem. and coita ns ato c cc
lrca compor-refts to bc darr
aged dunng the cofcrclc pouT
or vanda zed dL,r ng collstluc
ton A argeJ box s ocated
beneath th_- h,lus n!]. r/rth l
N PT taps fo. throlgh ',!rr ng
Lrs ng comrnon ow tetfpcralLtre
w re The hols ng s fLrthet pro
tected by a c car a|od le
Electrical Modules.
Each LLF lxtu{e system has a
se f corta ned factory prew red
e ectr ca rnod! e thal snaps nto
the hols r'rC usifg keyho e s ots
The e ectr ca modu e s
sh pped to the lobs te aong
w th lhe rel ector and door
frame. \,riher the prolect s rcady
for comp et on Th s a lows the
hoLrs nll to rema n -ompty dLrr ng
constrLrct:on so tfrese cr t ca
comporefts arc not damacted
by .no st!re or vanda snr
A rcf cctors for the s x f xture
systerns are hydrolormed n one
p ece lor strength and d men
s ona conslstency. To rsure
mai.rta red ref cct v ty ovcr
zA-- \

years ol serv ce a I r-ofectors

are protected w tfr the A zak"
proccss Each rcl cctor s opt c-
a y des gfed lor lhe spec fc I x
tLre to produce max murar
eff c e.rcy w th the owcst br ght
ncss of any cornparab e producl
Door Frames.
There s no substitute for the
permanence and qua ity appear
ance of cast aluminun'r door
frarnes A LLF door frarnes are
d e cast w ih an attractive peb-
b ed f n sh, ava lable n four
TGIC powder coat pa nt co ors
app ed over a chromate con
version coat ng Direct ens
mode s LLF 10 20 and 30 are
lurnished standard w th a thick
lempered boros icate glass
ens capable of w thstanding
considerab e alluse. An optlona
polycarbonate ens is avaiab e
lor prolects where extreme
vanda srar s antc pated. Door
frarnes are fu ly gasketed,
weathertight, and reta ned with
f Lrsh sta n ess stee scTews

K m Liqhting
lnstallation Ease

,! Back ol
: houslng r-8,,Wal
must have
2" ol con- Form
d (by others)
J crete or
gunite if ln
ii contact with
i soil or other Screws (by Klm)
corrosive Use protectlve
substance. cover as template
: Two flxtures to dri forms.
Eni pl y
l kl!s rrq
back must
have 1" of Protectlve Cover
concrete (by Klm)
i, llous ng can
be supported
by relnforclng Conduit entry
bar syslem from ends or
bottom. 1" N.P.T

(by others)
'1 {
provided for
6 ?
t s Flousing

The LLF s sp-.o I car y ales !lfed lor fr-oflr areIce ar:r ir cil:l r I xlL[r-. In sh r rg .ronr poncfl:i 2.WlrrthcprotL-.rI s rca!',, Iorcon Ict!l
for cotctetc or br ck ..!'a s p itrlcrs car Lrffs afai pctlesla s Ercrv tlrtlllslrf!j altfirpofr-.r':tarL'rlLrck,,,ar,al .ils'y' l]r,ila ld Tlrtt{t(l
c cfircf l .rf tlrc L LF s d.-.s qr.-'al n:rtl lt of casr 1r cil ll (]d! -- :i ri-- j aortlir r{:a litak)r!/ l)rc ,x r--c af(l :ifiilr:i rlo llril
1. Ll e Ca:rl lrors rlls ar-- slocke(J arl llre {aciOry rcilrlv kr alLrark I rlL[e L]s rlr ria,lf o c :i lls F c d \,1.' rc carnrccl airS iirn rrate rs de
sfr pmeft as a poLrr iem lrce ol .rrry e eclr cil collrpofe'ls Tlrc thc ho!s fq ard fscrlcil rlo lrL.,l bo!i !!l-rrc lhcy arr protcctrrd
hous nU S cas ! attrchc.l l.r f.Ims ard nrat a s.i br icd lo thc lrLl[] irlrrre l'--al 3. llr--rel --a1or ri iiII:irrIr!rrI a ii f l):i f:r.ricd iirru
re flurc fq b;tr syslc[] A ilrqL'J llot rfilkc: crJfdLrlcr]lrar]ct aftl 1lr--'! y !llt:rkel-oa-l aloor lril re s:i{:a!tarir [' I r]rr!lrailfr' '",e:it]okol
1llft)!llll !a/ I f(l 'asl iirirl :j rfll e Wlref llr-- 1ollr]:i itre r--ll]o!,e(l a l)r(l lr-oal] screv,rs
lect ve cover keep:i th-o fr,rLrs rq ar ear Lrrrlr if r-. iob s r-oad),lor tfc

:.1 ,,



i s
k G
$ f;
$ a 6
KmLohrfq I
Suggested Concrete
Pedestal Designs
Concrete pedestals are an excellent way to utl ze the LLF n areas
where wa ls or p anters are f ot ava lable oi feas ble Severa photo
graphs in thls catalog show successlLrl projects that frave used
these des gns The four des gns shown here are ldeas to stlmu ate
the inrag natlon, since any des gn that car be cast in concrete s
possib e Des gn and englfeerlng respons b 1y rnust le w th the
spec f er.

Concrete pedestals
by others.

10" for one fixture

14" for lwo fixtures

47" based
on 36" light
Concrete pedestal
by others.

48" based
on 36" light

10 Kim L ght ng
Concrete pedestal
by others.

Concrete pedestal
by others.

K m Light ng 11
Fixture Details Alto\'vs f rl calr
rf a I ll rLrsl ol lcht
al sr but of . ll e,av:J olt

r" 13/ 18"

93/4' heiOht at
back of houslng.
(121lz',length) Optional Center

i LLF.1O
one in
1" N.P.T.,
1n/, u
each end, two n
bottom. 3, /,u


g3/4" height at
back of housing. i1r/8

t LLF.2O
one in
1" N.P.T.,
each end, two in
bottom. 371,a"

gs/o" height at
back of housing. 1]3/B'
L ght
(121lr" length) Optional Center

t LLF.3O
one in
1" N.P.T.,
1t/, u"
each end, two ln
bottom. 37/,a

12 Klri L gll ig


9"10" height at Lighl

back ol houslng. -,e" Center
(121 t, " length)

1"N.PT. one n
each end, two in
f- s'rr' *]

93/4" he ght at
back of housing :l3lB'

T" N.P.T., one n
each end, two in
f- s',;'

g3/0" height at
back of housing.
(12112" length)

one in
1" N.P.T.
each end, two n
bottom. 3.1,u

Specif ications Warning: Fixtures rnusi be
grounded if accordance w th ocal
codes or the Nationa Eectrca
Code Failure to do so may resu t n
ser ous persona njury.

Certitication s Underwriter Laboralor es sted (for 120,208 240

and 277 Vo t only) and Canadian Standards Assoc ation cert I ed (for
120 and 347 Vo t on y) for wet locations.
Housing and J-Box are die cast a umlnurn of an a loy conta nlng
ess than 0 6% copper to prevent corros on when cast n concrete.
J box shal have an internaly removab e cover a vo utne of 25 cubic
inches. and four 1 " N PT conduit taps. There sha be two taps n the
bottom and one ln each end, a with removab e p ugs Hous ng and
J box sha lle further protected for permanence by a c ear anodize i
coatinq. A cover sha be furn shed to keep the housifg c ean unti
the e ectr ca components are insta led
Door Frame (LLF-10, 20, 30, 40) 15da dsr aL - rd'-o
paOOFd ^ lo.5rdI
ip. .-Or-l oo.6 . d l] dpFZOrOo O.--,o
ri ttle le^s B o r^'.dr Doo frd^p ldlb^5a .'dlo'o- rg
by lour captive sta n ess steel countersunk socket head sclews
Door Frame (LLF-50, 60) cons sts of the bas c LLF die cast I
a um num dodr combinedwthacastaumnumrecessedbaff ethat
conceals the ens lrom norma v ew. Baff e shal be nternally welded
to door frame and nlerna y sea ed with b ack FTV Door frame shal
be secured to housing by four capt ve stainless stee countersunk I

sockel head screws LLF-60 shal have an addltona castalumnum

ens guard
Gasketing oF ra doo lrd^ p o1o ro r 'q I d od o^e p'p p
-o o"o .i O-e^apr
A 16op a-F go . - s^"1 O" O o. o"d bdl^e61 te
J-box and housing The ent re f xture sha be weathert ght.
Lens (LLF-10.20. 30.40) r d l be 16^ oa oo ooro\ ' drp o J :. .
mntLl- p Aro _oo o.l^' -.4_L Lpdool r'dma
and vertlca nside flutes For LLF-20 and 30 a sh e d shal be
oro, deo o^ o -lo,-o'ol Io'..'^og ll F< ,ri' ou ro
tp Fsldr^a, o|o*O ^ ld oF .1, pd60 arol d la
p^1 1eo rt d o-ego
L-l d'to .lall b6ted'Foo../r odloo
reo rO Opro o Oo , :o'oor dl- - (d d ldo.a 01 L l0 20 "1d
.0r .r" o^ci api6 - tF to mooao. -,I-.4 oa d- ', ('
dpp.dra" ^ro -.o-oooo.. " .-d o o d1dJVi^' ibo
Lens (LLF-50) lb^ le^ pr,,do l-d qd\ ^ 4 t,r Lr6
r- 'r" gdoL ola06im^le lo1 1"lb^'6ldIadb ^'f
z nc p ated sleel c ips.
Lens (LLF-60) shal be tempered diffused white g ass 76" min
thickness, with fu I sl cone gasketing around the per meter. Lens
shall lle reta ned by zinc p ated stee c ips.
Reflector (LLF-10, 40, 50, 60) sha I be one p ece hydroformed
a um num with an A zak I n sh. For LLF 10 and 40 the bottom
reflector surface shal be matle black to prevent any escape of light
n the viewers d rect on.
Hetlector (LLF-20,30) sha I be one p ece hydroformed a um num
w th a specu ar A zak fin sh. Ref ector shal beengneered
p^. i to 5rdi dmp qpdF ^.r'0 'opc o'od.' iro
^ l o a r'qrt-oo,rr Aoro ot t^ t oo^ dro lgl o bLl o ,
clepend n-"q on fxlure specfied Bottom reflector surface shall be
matte b ack to prevent escape of upward ght.
Electrical Module shall besef-contalned factory prewred and
attached to the hous ng us ng keyho e s ots A L e ectrica modules
shall lle unlversaly mountabLe n a single housing Ba asts shall be
h gh power factorlor 20"F start ng Sockets shall be UL isted for
th6 appropriate arnps, w th h gh pressure sod urn and metaL hal de
sockets rated 4KV
Finish on cloor frame sha be TG C thermoset polyester powder coat
pdir Idpp eo 0\6 o. rromdl' ov'l od ir o A.d abF oos
are Bl.cL Da l. B o la I qr I Cr", o W5i--
Pour ltem cons sts of the die cast alurn num housing and J box on y
ca components
less any electr cal oT opt
Finishing ltems cons sts of the e ectr ca modu e, rel ector and door LLF-60
frame Eachsetof finish ng items sha I be n one container, cearly r

marked for the fixture cata og number. I

Photometrics shaLl be provided by an establ shed and cert f ed

ndependent lalloratory

'14 K ri Light ng
Ordering lnformation

Ordering lnformation Electrical Module

Lamp [./]ode E ectrical l\lodu e Line Line Max

(Lamps by Others) Cat. No Vo ts Watts Amps
50 Waft 50HPS120 124 62 075
lligh Pressure Sodiunl 50HPs.277 277 030
ED 17 C ear
l,4edium Base
70 Watt 70HPS120 124 BB 085
H gh Pressure Sodium 70HP5208 208 0.48
ED 17 Clear 70HPS240 240 BB 0.42
Med um Base 70HPs277 277 037
Fixture. 70HP5347 347
93 0.30
Catalog number inc udes housrng and J box, optica system
and door frame w th standard tempered g ass ens.
100 Watt 100HPS120 120 ]]B r.50
High Pressure Sodrum 100HPS208 208 130 0 76
ED-17 C ea( 100HPS240 244 r30 0 66
Cal. No Descr ption
N,4edium Base 100HPS277 277 130 0.60
100HPS347 347 130 0.44
LLF-10 DrrFCt Lens 75 Watt 7'MV120 124 93 o-e2
Symmclr L Do\'\'nwa rd lv4ercury Vapor 7sMV277 277 93 036
Lighi Throw. ED-17 Coated
Wall or Cel inq Mounted Med um Base
I00 Watt 100MV120 12A ltB rm
N,4ercury 100MV208 2AB 118 0.61
A-23 Coated 100MV240 244 1tB 0.53
Medrum Base 100Mv277 277 118 045
LLF-20 D rect Lens,
Asymrnetr c R ght
100MV347 347 I18 0.40
Downward L ght Throw 70 Watt 70MH120 120 89
Wa N,4oLrnl-od
lVeta l-lalide 70MH277 277 89 037
ED 17 Clear 70MH347 347 94 0.30
Vled um Base
100 Watt 100MH120 124 129 t:s
LLF-30 D rect Lens
N,4etal l-la ide 100MH277 277 129 0 50
Asym[netric Lelt
ED-17 Clear 100MH347 347 129 0.40
lved urn Base
/l ,.+1
T\ Dowfward
Wall Vlounted
L ght Throw
I16 Watt lncandescent tt6lNC
A 21 C ear Traffic Slgna 8000 hrs.
124 124
Finish. Cata og fumber spec f es color of TG C thermoset

po yester powder coat J nlsh of the door frame

LLF-40 D rect Lens
Syrnmetric Upward
Cat. No. Color
Light Throw,
BL-P B ack. Specify on LLF 50 anct 60 when minimum flxture
brightness is desired.
Wal Mlounted DB-P Datk. Brcnze Resemb es Duranod c," 313 in color
LG-P Liqht crav

w LLF-50 Conc ea ed Lens

WH-P White.

SvmmeTr a Dow nward
LEht Throw Cat No Descr
Uat ljescr ptlon
Wa l\,4oLrnted. PL PolvaarbonAtc I pnq:v:it"f,l"
Polycarbofate Lens t r rn
". tLLF
available on 10, 20 * 30 only
rn and
njection mo ded, identical in appearance to standard
tempered glass ens. CAUTION: Use on y whef
."1dd sm
vanda ^ s d-r ' pdl^o
antic oo-Iq.t
pated to be hiqh L,F
Useful ioIis flrld
'' fe m ted
d ,c 6 ,-119n ,O dL od O/ LV.rO" L|q.ll Vp, t,,
LLF-60 Concea ed Lens with Guard,
V"o :
Symmeir c Downward "'rd V^ a F"'rd^ lo p
QS Available on LLF-10, 20 30 ancl 40 on y. lntegra

Light Throw e ec-
Wall Mounted tron c device energ zes a T-4 min -can sockeadurifg
r" p .o o dt 6 d oolFr'r '-
,p-or <o r;I
^"r'/a "o
fir; ^1^ a !
o o ie .D 1""o,-a., .tg tL
bnghtness 100W T4 min -can quartz lamp b'y others

Arrows ndicate ma n thrust of Iight distr bution, n elevaton.

K m Liqht nq 15
Photometrics LLF.1O LLF.4O
Sarre pirul(lrrr-olr cs
ils LLF l0 !rr!

50W. High Pressure Sodium

FD 17 tl ear 40110 Lmers
70W. High Pressure Sodium
ED i7 C ear Li3i)(l Llmens
100W. High Pressure Sodium
FD l7 tl ear 9500 Lr.nens

116W. Incandescent
A 2l C ear trafl c S qrra . l2E{J trmens

,lor 20, ld l70W.HPS

I Tt e rNo

3 llqlll rir wa I
4' l 3' l2.s' l 2' ; wal 2 I
11 2A 45
T1 20 45
5.6 10 23
2.8 5 11
56 10 23
5 11
11 2 45
11 2 4.5
56 1 2.3
.56 1 2.3
28 5 l1
28 5 11

.11 .45

06 23

03 .11

Horlor'al IIOOW. HPS
l|| e lNo JO5l9

2',:War 2 4 4' l 3' 12.5' l 2' i wa r 2 4

50 112
2A 45
1.1 2 10
56 1 5 l1

2 45
28 5
1 23
.11 2

06 1

03 05

16 Krn Lchl rcl

Photometrics LLF.1O LLF.4O
3;irir-. !no i) I el'cS
,l! L-F 'il i, Ir

75W. Mercury Vapor

FD l7 aloated 2801) rmers
100W. Mercury Vapor
A 2:l Coated. .1300 u"refs
70w. MetalHalide
ED I / C ear Venture 5280 L,r.orrs 4300K".
100W. Metal Halide
FU I7 C -..{ Ven:Lrre 6912 Lrmcrl !r ,1300K'
ForSyvanaED lTCear E500 Lrlrrers,3200K' amp
mLr t p y lootcand es Dy I 2:l

3', 1 2.5',1 2'iwar 2':Watt 2 4

T1 20 45
56 10 56 10 23
2.8 5 2B T1

11 2 1l 2 45
56 1
1 23
.5 1.1

1l 2
2 45
06 1

1 23
03 05

05 1T

lvlount nq ie !llrt s thr vcrl {ra ai slancar lron' lhe lxturc qht cc'te'
7OW. MH (scc paq-.s 12 and lll)lo the Lrm rritl-'d sLlllacc
$l?"*';i"",, I lo,o'KJ{!],, .T.L Tesl No 33043
Mull p y Footcandles F------7
TypicalHalf Mornt rlo Hi: 1;lrt
4' | 3' | 2.s'l 4:u!"n ]_____l 6810 u'- n11e!1!!!!!j_
50 72 112
2A 29 45
10 14 23
5 72 T1

2 29 4.5
1 14 2.3

.5 72 1.1


KT Lqhr'r9 17
Photometrics LLF.sO

50W. High Pressure Sodium

ED 17 C ear 4000 lmens
70W. High Pressure Sodium
ED l7 C ear. 6300 urr]efs
100W. High Pressure Sodium
ED 17 Clear 9500 urnens
116W lncandescent
A-21 C ear Traff c Signa I280 umefs

\a /at . I 50W. HPS
I rL Tesr No 3052J i:r1" " lloW;l]?*s*.

4'| 3'l2.s'l 2':watt 2 4 4' l 3' l2.s'l 2' j Wal 2 4

28 50 T2 112
1l 20 45
56 t0 23 1l 20 29 45
2A 5 72 56 10 23
2A 72 1l
1l 2 29 45
56 1 23 tl 2 29 45
28 5 .72 1l .56 l 23
2A .72 tl
1l 2 29 45
29 45

06 l 23


'ro l116W.lncand. rr a/o td 1100w. HPS

:;:i"";:;",,, I r- ' ''o .oz:
"ot I Ll.- tesL No 30525

4' | 3' | 2.s' | 2' :watl 2 4 4', 1 3', l2.s'l2': war 2 4

56 100 225
56 10 23 2A 50 72 112
2e 72 l1
tl 2A ?9 45
11 2 29 45 56 10 23
56 l 23 2A 72 11
28 T2 l1 11 2 29 45
11 2 29 45
56 l 23
06 l 14 23 .28 1l
03 05 a7 .11




18 K rr Llghting
Photometrics LLF.sO
0 75W. Mercury Vapor
ED 17 Coated 2800 Lrrfers
100W. Mercury Vapor
A 23 Coated 4300 umefs
70W. Metal Halide
ED lTCear VentLrre,5280 urrefs 4300K.
100W MetalHalide
ED lTCear Vertu'c 6912 umens 4300K'.
I7 C car 8500 lmefs 3200K' amp
For Sy van a ED

n,t,ar | 75W. MV rnrd

la ta
1100w. MV
Ho,/o'ldl I LIt l.s \o 30)20 I t-. lpcr No 3052.

4' | 3' I 2.s'l 2'l watt 2 4 4' l 3' ]l2.5' l 2' : wal 2 4

1l 45 11 29 45
56 23 56 23
2A 72 ll T2 t1
11 29 45 11 29 4a
56 23 23
2A T2 1l
72 l1
l1 29 45
11 45
14 23


rg Hc qht s Llre !ert ca d stanc-- lrcm tfe f xtlrre ghl certer

(see pa!les l2 afd l3lio the !ll] sullace

K----7 L'jl t f trr'er

Linnffiffil r
[.4ount n!] ll glr:

2::W!__ =______:
Irni rr *dl5r rfr."
56 100
2A 50 72
11 2A 29
5.6 t0
2A 't2
11 2 29
56 l
2A T2
1l 2 29

KrnLqhrng 19
Photometrics LLF.6O

50W. High Pressure Sodium

-D I7 a ea: .1i10! Lr-crs
70W. High Pressure Sodium
ED l7 C ai:10(l rrf .rf s

100W. High Pressure Sodium

FD l7 a e3r 950{l rlref:l
116W. lncandescent
A 2 la ear Tr.rll c S ii|ir l28il 1,.-c r:

ITL Test No 30530

Drslance Ir
N4ount n!l He ghls
2':Wal) 2 4 4 l 3' |2.5 12 ) Wai 24
56 TO 11 20 .15
2B 5 56 l0 23
1.1 2 2B 5 ll
56 l 11 2 45
2A 5 56 l 23
b 11


1T 45



"orrlo,ldl "o ror 'd 1100w. HPs

Ir le No rolrJ l t - le l No. Jorll

4', | 3' 12.5',1 2',: war 2 4 4'| 3', l2.s l 2:\,Na)t 2 4

1.1 29 2A 45
.56 1.4 10 23

.28 72 5 11
29 2 45

.06 .14 1 2.3

.03 a7 5 11

.01 .03 45

20 l( fi L rlr,l fq
Photometrics LLF.6O

75W. Mercury Vapor

Ea ll C!:rt-.d 2Eilil .rf i)'r.j
100W. Mercury Vapor
! 2ii Lloat-.d J-10(-l .Irer!
70W. MetalHalide
FD I I a car r,r -tLr,. 528r'l .rllrar s -l:ial]r.
100W. MetalHalide
FD I/[-'f,a| Ver-ti]ra a9l: L|rci:r JilllilK
F.r 3',, vaf ar E[] 17 i, ir5!l,l Lr--er s 3:r(,rllK i:r|!
'Lr ifr y loatitilrii ts l-i r I 2l

["x"*" lI:*#Y*,

4', | 3', | 2.5', 2', i \,Ndt 2 4 z j|walt 2 4

72 10
2.9 5
1.4 2
72 1



Vo rrrl r!t !a rti I :, llrrr Jarflan il :tlflri-"ro'r tlrc irt.rrt qhl ccntrr
ll"'lX-'", ll,go,yilJ{jt,
.TL Test No. 330,19
ilir]. fri!i-'at :rirlr(l l:lillr I rI Lrm rra:ad sLrr'itcc
N40 tip y Footcand es
by076 K---7 L,rl L L.c 'r
Typ cal Ha f lvloLr t f! lle !,ll
4' | 3' 12.5'1 2':wal 2 4 68 1l! rll r
5.6 10 23
2B 5 T1

11 2 45
56 1 2.3
28 ,5 1.1

.11 2 45

.06 .1 23

05 11


(rr !rlno 21
Stairway Lighting

Special Optical System. Thc L L F 20 afd 30 contarn opt ca sys Verl ara P an-. llroLrqh
tcms thal ar-a spec lca y dcs qrlcd 10 !llrt stailways ol ramps [4i]r mLn_ aa.rd -.oov/cr
iliar] T0" s opc Th--y ilre nd v dua y hydrofor.ned releciors LLF 30 r00 [/ait H qh
eng nccrcd for n'ax rTrLrll' ght effrc cicy on tlre slaltway The photo
graph be ow slro\\/s an LLF nsta ai oll ',!lrele l]te eft re sta rway s
rurr faLeai by,ust onc fxture Tlr s pholograph !stratcs Th-- ct)rlect
Ixture placcn cnt approx male y 3 from thc top:jla r afd 2 above
thc sta r\,!av p ane Not cc thc cnt re slil rlt/ay rs um natcd.
lfc Lral rg the vcrt ca wa s Tlr s s part a y duc to surlace r,ol ec
t ors ,,1'h cfr arc d sc!s:i-od lLrriher or pallc 32
Right and Lelt Light Oistributions. For comp etc app callon liex
b ty boih r ghl afd cft qht d str bLrt ons arc offc.ed l\y'ost sta I
lravs car be ghtcd lrerf ofe s de oll y s llce lhe LLF 20 and 30
trTooLrce a vcrv \4/ d-o qhl pattcrn Photem-otl c cur!,cs showrl rl th s
cataLog ar-- i{)r the LLF 20 The LLI 30 s equa and opposlte
Tread Shadow. Long tud na spacrfg ol thc l.LF 20 and 30 s pr
nar y controlled by thc arnoLlnt of tlead shildo!.i that s acceLltable
Whcf K m creatcd the LLI- cofccpt there were iro cstab shed
gu de nes to usc lf th-. appl cat o. of th s um .a rc Baseal on oLlr
ght ng expcrlcfc-- afd test observaLlorrs ',1,c rccommended that
lxturC SpaC |!l Shou d not Creat-o a ttead Sfrado',\i gleater than 759'.
of th-- treacr \,1r dth W th a hLStory of sucoessl! LLF lolls. 1lr-'75%
lread shadou/ ru e appears to Lle al s,lund lecom..lerldat or Thcre
Iore a LLF 20 afd 30 phelomelr c charts sho$/ a daslrcd rr-'
where /59; of tfrc tread !'/i be n shado',! F'omembcr orrq tutl na
3 Contl blrton frofi Lo,',,'er F xlLrrc i lseLl
spacLng rfust a so cons der thc !lh1 rlg corrtr blt on lrom the ov/cr
Ixturc f more thaf onc f xt!re ts Ltsed. F<- Lonalrlld na Spac nll

22 Krm L qhtlnq
Explanation of LLF.2O LLF.3O

2'Mounting Height. A I sta rway photometrics in thls The LLF-30ls exacty equa and
30'Anqle ol Stairway Plane. catalog are for the LLF 20. right oppos te to the LLF 20. As such
lniUal Horizontal Footcandles. downward ight distrlbut on the spec lier has comp ete llexi
Downstairs Distance in Mounting Heights Each charl is a p an v ew dra' br ty ln lighling sta rways or
g z rFittur 45678910 gram ol ghting on the sta rway, ramps f rom the r ght left,or
a owifg d rect correlat or to both sides. For LLF 30 pholo
your plot plan A dashed ne rnetrics, simp y visualize the
shows where 75% ofthe stalr LLF-20 charts inverted
tread w ll be in shadow Photo
metr cs are presented for sta r
.5 way ang es of20' 25" 30'
o and 35" lf your stairway falls
betweef these angles use
.g the c osest chart or near
interpo at on
.a Sta rway Photometr cs are not
E accurate for ramps becaus-o
ght fa ng on horizonta sta r
treads ls calcLr ated d flerent y
lhan lor a s oped ramp surface.
The LLF 10 shou d be used for
ramps up to l0's ope Ramps
greater than 10'shou d be
ghted with the LLF 20 or 30
l-T.L. Test No. 30537 Corsult factory for ramp

Note: To ca culate the Tread

Shadow Distarce for any other
Tread ShacJow D stance percertagc of last tread
s showri on p an vrew as shadow use lhe fo low ng lor
a dashed ne. mula (Assumes 2' mount ng
he ght)

p '5
lroao rooo,t D .td1. 1' lo1 .
(See Formu a al R ght)
WhereS stheacceptable
amount of ast-tread-shadow
(75% : 75). and z is the angle
[4olrflng Herghl of the stairway p ane.

Ho zonla
Each step s a horizonta sur
- lace Therefore a ight va ues
are in hor zontai lootcaodles as
.Angeof they would fa or the stair
Sta rway P ane treads

K m Liaht nq 23
Photometrics LLF.2O LLF.3O
wl Lql]ar irtc i')ltpos le

/mt l. lli 2(l

50W. High Pressure Sodium

ED 17 C ear 4000 ui.,"ens.
20",25",,30o, 35o Stairway Planes

2' Mountrng He ght 2' Ny'ount ng He ght

20'Ang e ol Stairway P ane 25'Ang e ol Sta rway P ane
ln t al Hor zonia Footcand es nitra Hor zontal Footcandles.
Do^' ld D\ld_ ' rVoun tgH-9" ,'" \Drldn.er_Jvoun lgFp.ql I.
3 2 r'"j''r 2 g 4 5 6 7 I 910 11 3 2 r'l'r 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 11

1 21
I 2 o2
4 ,e4
5 a-,5

I 6 s6
o :47
c 7
8 58

Tl Test No 30535 LT.L. Test No 30535 75% Tread Shadow

2 f/ounling Heiqht. 2' lMount ng He ght.

30"Angle of Sla rway Plane 35'Ang e ol Sta rway P ane.
nit a Horizontal Footcand es \ \( / ss' nit a Hor zontal Footcand es
Downsta rs Distance n Mountlng He ghts Downstairs D slance in l\y'oLrnt ncl Heiqhts
3 2 r Fi'i!t"r 2345678910 3-T2 r Fi9t"r 23456789
1,L,1] z
0',5 a)5
I8 Irr oI
10 10

11 11

T L Tesl No. 30535 75"/" Trea.lShadow ITL P an View '75% Tread Shadow
Photometrics LLF-20 LLF.3O

0 70W. High Pressure Sodium

ED l7 Clear 6300 ulnefs
20o, 25",30o, 35o Stairway Planes

2' Mount ng Height. 2' Mount ng He ght

20"Ang e ol Starrway P ane. 25"Ang e oJ Sta rway P ane
ln tiai Hor Tonla Foolcand es a Hor Tontai Footcandles
ln t

I Dor' .: D\" FirA,/oL,n roHaoh\ Do,r. a| D ldn F r\1o.1 ro t6gl I.

3 2 I ^r,|c t 2 3 4 5 6 7 A 910tl 3 2 r'-i''t 2 3 4 5 6 7 a I 10 11
or5 ar5
q s6
o o,
E7 6'
Is j8


LT.L Test No 30536 TL Test No 30536

2' Mount ng He ghl 2' Mount ng He ght

30"Ang e of Stairway ane
P 35'Angle of Sta rway P ane
ln lial Hor zonla Footcand es. \ / ss" ln t a Horizonta Footcand es
s-T 2 r F!'"r
Downstairs D stance in Mount ng He ghts Downsla rs D stance in A/ounlrng HeLghls
3 2 rFtt"r 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 t0 11 23456789
91 1

,9 ql
+ o


,57 (! 7
j8 I
9 I
10 10


.T.L. Tesl No. 30536 75% Tread Shadow lT Tesr No 30536 P an V ew '75"/. Tread Shadow
Photometrics LLF-20 LLF.3O
wl Lq!a aiaj rpros ta

@" lol F.j0

100W. High Pressure Sodium

ED l7 C ear. 9500 rrr.rens
20o, 25o, 30", 35o Stairway Planes

2' Mount ng He ghl 2' lvlount ng He ght.

20" Angle ol Starrway P ane 25'Angle ol Sta rway Pane.
n t a Horzontal Footcand es ln tial Horizontal Footcand es

T .,,,,o Do^ l" ,c D ldrr 6 n l/or n r o He ohl5 Do^-ta r,-Ftg'ls

Dt5 dt F .1 IV Lr ' ^q
3 2 1 i"l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I10 11 3 2 r']'^r 2 g 4 5 6 7 I 9 r0 11

1 9'l
I 2 92
= !o
4 94
5 o5
6 g6
(n 7 ;7
8 68
I 9

T L Test No. 30537 lT L Test No 30537 75% Tread Shadow

2' l\/ounling He ght

30" Angle oi Sta rway Plane E l J!,'ar oeolSldJ,a/Pa,le
nit a Horizontal Foolcand es \ / 35' nrtrd, noa zonLdl Too.Lano es
Downsla rs Drslance n Mount ng He ghts Do^nsr" 5 Dr-lan.e i'l lvoLn rg leigqls
3 2 1'l:''r 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 910 11 3 z t'2'"t z g 4 5 6 7 I 9 10

91 1

9 q)
+2 r 2

g3 q 3

94 4
o5 5

o oI
(! 7
I8 8



I.TL 75ol. Tread Shadow ITL Tesl No 30537 P an V,.w '75% Tread Shadow
Photometrics LLF.2O LLF.3O
M tllr,it ar r.l (il]l)r)!:e
lr L F :rll

O 75W. Mercury Vapor

ED Coated. 2800
17 ur.r-^ns

20", 25", 30o, 35o Stairway Planes

2' Mount ng Height. 2' ft/ount ng Herght

20'Ang e of Stairway P ane 25'Ang e of Starrway Plane
ln lial Hor zonla Footcand es nit a Ho. zonta Foolcand es
Do^'.r. D,.r.-. c 4lvor r.rg!-gh ''",,jj'-r Do^r \ta,s Dr d.. - I VoLr r,.g I 6rg.t )
3 2 1'i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 s 2 r 2 3 4 5 6 7 I s ro 11



LT.L. Test No 30538 LT L. Test No. 30538 75% Tread Shadow

2'[/ounting Height
30"Angle of Sta rway Pane E l ,5oA,ooolSrd,^d. Prd, o
nit a Horizonta Footcandles. \ /35" n d -o'londl oor.d,ldle
Downstairs Distance in N/ount ng He ghts
* Do\'r"dr'. D- ar .e n\,4orr'rq leg_t-
3 2 tFtt"t 2345678910 3 2 r'.]i"r 2 3 4 5 6 7 I s 10

l!1 91
+2 A2
o5 0-,5
!6 g6
O o



.T.L. Test No 30538 lT T-asl No 30538 P an V ew '75% Tread Shadow

Photometrics LLF -20 LLF.3O
wl Ea Iii
i, il
alrrl arpltir:r lal

@ 2i)

100W. Mercury Vapor

A 23 Ooaie(l 4300 Lr.|.trt!l

20o,25",30: 35" Stairway Planes

2' lvlounlrng He ght 2 Mount ng Helght

20'Angle of Sla rv\ray Plane 25"Ang e of Sta rway P ane.
nii a HoriTonlal Footcan.l es nrlial Horizonta Footcand es.
Do^,dr D,,dror Vo., .q!o95. ".1:'r Do^r l" Di dr Fi.l/oLn Iq!'qr I

3 2 r'?""r 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 11 3 2 r 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 910 l

'I 91
q 3 q3
4 94
5 o5
q 6
o o-
o 7 6t
9 9



T L Tesr No. 30539 ,T L. 75% Tread Shadow

2' lvount ng Heighi

A'ro a o < dr' Dld.6
30" Ang e of Stafway Pane E-- l 15o
nit a Horizonta Footcandles \ /35' ., o o r/o ld ^d.
ool d,dlF
Downstars Distance n Mounting He ghts
*1 Do'^ oI Dr d pnl/o- lr'lqHaq,
3 2 rFtt"t 2345678910 3 2 r'-i"t 2 3 4 5 6 7 I9 ro

91 I iot t ,l

q I
92 I 2
94 4

o5 5

q 6
o O
67 {n 7



TL 75% Tread Shadow lT Tesl No 30539 P an V ew '75'. Tread Shadow

Photometrics LLF.2O LLF.3O
Lq!a and l.l

M. l. F20

100W. Metal Halide

ED l7Cear VentLre 6912 ur.-.fs 4300K'
For Sy var .r ED l7 C ear 8500 !ir-.fs 320lJK' arrp
if!: p y lootcafd es b'y' ' 23.

70W. Metal Halide

ED l7Cear VcrlLr.c 5280 Lrmefs 4300K'
l'/l.r tp y Footcafd es by 0 76 on charts be or/

20", 25", 30o, 35o Stairway Planes

2' lvlount ng Herght 2' Mounling He ght

20" Ang e of Starrway P ane. 25'Angle of Starrway P ane
ln tial Hor zonla Footcand es ln t a Honzontal Footcandles
Do/r'' I" D,o - ,A/oLn,oHao.]c Do^1 at ,, p4\,lo,1 r q t\
3 2 1F^rrF
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 910 11 3 2 1' j'1 2 3 a 5 6 7 a 9 10 il

I o2
: t
I q
o a-1

75'/" Tread
ITL Test No. 33044 LT.L. Test No. 33044 75% Shadow

2' Mountrng He ghl

30'Angle of Sta rway Plane E l J\. aro.o Sarr^d D. F
nt a Hor zontalFootcand es \ / 35' rr,d' nor /o' rd
'ool dr o '.
Downsla rs Drslance n Mounlrng He ghts Do{rqt" Dr 'd-r6 r VoLr'.ag I etgt r
3 2 ',Ftt"r 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 910 11 3 2 t t'l'^'t 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

91 I 1
q g,
92 I 2

94 4

;s t 5

!6 6
j8 llr 6 7

10 10

11 11

.T.L. Test No 33044 75% Tread Shadow l.TL Test No. 33044 Plan V ew '75% Tread Shadow

Km L.thl rg 29
Recommended LLF.1O
Fixture Spacing wl
{I Protected areas w lh mrn
mLrm orh rc access or Lrs-o ct Sem protected areas w
moderate pub rc access and
v? Unprotected areas ofh qh
publc access for bus ness,
4 Unprotec ted areas !\here
' very hrqh llqht le\,els are
atler dar[. Pr vate properiy. use after dark. Unfenced bus - shopplng or recreat on requrred lor v s bi ty, safety,
Fenced or guarded nstallat ons ness, shopp ng, or recreatlon Unfenced. H gh light leve secur ty or max ttum sa es
Low llght level needed for.fin areas Moderate ght eve needed for good visib lity lmpact Areas requ r ng dellnea-
rnum vislb lity only. No safety or needed for visib ty, safety and safety, and secur ty. tion as entrances or main
security prob ems secLrr ty Approx male min rarum rna n pathways
Approximate minimum ma n Approximate mlnimum main ta ned qht leve. 1 lootcand e Approx mate m nimum ma n
tained light level,0.2 ta ned light level,0.5 ta ned ight eve 5footcandles
footcand es footcand es Polycarbonate lens recommended.

The Low Level Floodlight is still a relatively new concept in outdoor

lighting. There are no industry guidelines to use in the application of
this luminaire. ln 1979, Kim introduced the LLF concept, and offered
our own guidelines based on experience and test installations. With
years of successful and diverse installations now to our credit,
we are confident that the recommendations offered on these two
pages will satisfy your lighting needs.

NR : Not recommended
becaL se the anip ls e ther too
strong lor good un form ty of u
F 'Tjj'i:;" -l*--'T;#il" --f
m natlon, or too weak lor good
flxture spac ng.
Latera Spac ng
based on a
i xture

Spacinqs are calcLratecl d sreqard ng areas

next lo wa m dway belween f xtures Objects in
these areas w
be adequale y !,lhted by
surface rel ect ons See page 32

Env ronment 1 Env ronment 2 Environment 3 Environment 4
Mount ng Long Lat. Lon9 Lat Long Lat Long Lat
Lamp Heiqhls Spacrnq Spacinq Spacinq Spac nq Spac nq Spac nq Spac nq Spac nq
2' NR NR 25', 19', 22 16 12'. 11',
50 Watt HPS 2.5', NR NR 21', 24 1B 12', 13',
3', 41', 30' 23', 26 2A NR NR
2.5' NB NR 34'. 25', 29', 20' 1B' 14'
70 Watt HPS 3', NR NR 37'. 26', 30' 22', 17' 16'
3', NR NR 41'. 29'. 25'. 2A' 17'
100 Watt HPS 4', NR NR 46', 34', 37' 2q', 21' 21',
2'. 32', 25', t5' 22 13 12', 10'
100 Watt MH 2.5', 36', 25', 29', 17', 15 12', 11'
3', NR NR 30' 20' 27 17 NR NR
2', 22 20 17 15 14', 14 NR NR
75 Watt MV and 25', 26 23 2A 1B 16', t6 NR NR
1 16 Watt lncand. 3', 28 26 21 2A 17', 17 NB NR
2s'. 31', 28', 24', 22' 19', 19', NR NR
1OOW. MV & 7OW. MH 3', 34', 31', 26', 24', 21'. 21', NR NR

30 Klr. Light ng
Recommended LLF.2O LLF.3O
Fixture Spacing Eqr/a
a n,:l
opilos 1e

Lofq lual fa Spacrnq

.6 I oo.
Krm based on |e al otrs-.rvaTons lor
OPI nuan\ !b ,

Vo .' r.o'o. o d dd.. , /

o I - t' o do,, . -d' ."
u/ not nlerfere ,x lh hanalra

Spac ng For iatera ghl coverage w lh

contnb!t on f xtLrres on one s de on y d v de
alera spaclngs n chart by 2


l.-] rsra o, asl tread rn shadow

Env ronment 1 Env ronment 2 Env ronm-ont 3 Env ronment 4

Besl Ang e of
[,4o! nt ng Sla rway ong
L L.rL LoncJ Lal LaJnal Lal Lon! Lai
He qhts Spac nq Spac nq Spac rq Spac ne Spac nq jpac fat Spac nq Spac nq
20' 2t) 45 20 39
16 48 16 41
50 Watt HPS 2',
30' l3 r3
50 43
35' 12 53 12 45
20' 2A' 38' 2A',

70 Watt HPS 2',

25' NR NR I6', 40 l6' NR NR
30' T 3' 42', I3', 37
35' 1Z', 45', 12', 39',
24" 20 36 20 27
100 Watt HPS 2
r6 39 16 29',
30' r3 40 13 30'
12 1' 12 3r'
20' 2A' 45', 24', 38'
25' 16', 4B' 16', 41',
100 Watt MH 2', NF NB
13', 50' 13', 44',
35" 12', 52', 12', 4s',
20' 2A 41 2A 32
75 Watt MV and
o 116 Watt lncand.

2A" 2A 36 2A' 22
100 Watt MV and 25" NR NR t6 37 t6' 23 NR NR
70 Watt MH 30' r3 3B 13', 23
35' 12 39 12', 24

Krrn L ghling 31
Surface Reflections

Every LLF lnstallation will

have surlace reflections
contributing to the illumina-
tion. The amount of this con-
tribution is impossible to
accurately predict due to the
complexity and endless vari-
ety ol reflecting surlaces.
However, the importance ol
this additional source ol illu-
mination is great enough to
warrant the lollowing rough
guidelines lor estimation.

Rellectrons from the hor zonta surlacewll provdc lum
pcop e trees. and shrLrbbery Even the fixture rno!nting
wa w bepartalyi umnated byref ectonslromnearby

Ref lectance of some

common surfaces:

BluesLone sandstone 1B%

Br ck
ght buff ,18%
dark bull 40%
dark red 30%
Cement 27'i.
Llofcrctc 4A%
Wh te r.rarble 45"/;
Wh te pa nt few 7 57.
od 55%
G ass c ear
ref ect ve 2A 30n"
t nted
Aspha t cleall 7%
Earth average
Graf ollte pavemeft 177.
Grass, dark grecn 6%
Ny'acadam 1B%
S ate dark c ay 8%
Snow nc\,! 41"
od 64%
Vegetation avcragc 257"

32 Klm L ght ng
More LLF lnstallations

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