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01975 by Kim Lighting, lnc. Kim Lighting, lnc. Contents
This Version o 1979 Street and Area Lighting 1 ldeal Uses
Environmental Lighting 2 Square Distribution
Landscape Lighting 3 Features
Swimming Pool Lighting 4-5 Specif icaiions
P. O. Box 1275, 16555 E. Gale Avenue Fountain Lighting 6-7 Ordering lnformation
City of lndustry, California 91 749 Custom Architectural Fountains 8-1 3 Photometrics
Telephone (213) 968-5666 Fountain Sculpture 14-16 Quick Reference Charts
Telex 67-0491 Architectural Fountain Kits 17 Lamp Comparison and
Cable KIMLTG-INDUSTRY Fountain Components Formulas






$ffi$ o?S,'i -.*,
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Parking areas of all sizes can be
superbly illuminated with the Type 5.
Its high eff iciency and square
distribution permit maximum pole
spacings with low glare and minimum
energy consumption. Since Kim's
EKG Series and the Type 5 are
designed to be aesthetically and
photometrically compatible, odd
shaped areas and entrance roads
can be illuminated using both series.

:.:: ,t'

Public areas are ideally lighted with

the Type 5. lts simple form blends
t'r ll t il

handsomely with surrounding

architecture, and its broad
illumination reduces the number of
poles for less visual clutter. The
Type 5 can be used at Iow enough
mounting heights to keep it in scale
with the architecture.

\o"it '"

Parks or pedestrian ways are

excellent applications for the Type 5.
It provides exceptional visibility
through glare control and its sharp
cut-off keeps unwanted light out of
surrounding residences. To inhibit
vandalism, Lexan@ shields can be
t7 provided to protect the luminaire lens.

Kim Lighting, lnc. A4-1

WkW e ffiWffi#trffi fu-ffiWfu€ Fem&t*ffiw'F'&-Fu
Less energy consumption . Fewer lixtures and poles . More unilorm lighting

Assume two luminaires of equal etficiency and

light throw, one having the typical circular
pattern and the other a square pattern. This is
represented graphically by a circle and square
of equal area depicting the plan view of light on
the ground.

Luminaires with circular patterns require

substantial light overlap to achieve a desired
minimum light level at the midpoint between
poles. This results in wasted energy and
increased cost because it takes more fixtures
and poles to light a given area.

25% greater pole spacing may be achieved with the

square light pattern because light overlap
is minimized.

227o increase in illuminated area may be achieved

for a typical 4 pole arrangement.
The increase in illuminated area can become even
larger as the number of poles increases. This
means that a square light pattern becomes
more efficient as the project size increases.
327o increase in illuminated area possible for 9 poles.
37Yo increase in illuminated areapossible for 16 poles.
4'l7o increase in illuminated area possible for 25 poles.

This translates directly lo a substantial energy

savings in terms of walls per square loot ol
illuminated area.
The Kim Type 5 fixture is also more eflicient
than many present day luminaires, making these
advantages even greater.
Plan View

Kim Lighting, Inc.


I ffi


Frc*isr:, Elare f r*e li$iltiirg

The heart of Type 5 is a revolutionary one-piece hydroformed
reflector. that produces an economical square light pattern
and very sharp cut-off for increased visibility. The optical
system is so efficient, that often just one Type 5 fixture can
do the same lighting job as two present day fixtures.
Minimum pole shaft illumination reduces visual clutter
at night.
U.S. Patent 4.041,306

Fasi ir"rst*ilai[*n
Fast and easy installation is facilitated by a single bolt
attachment to the pole. Bolt is recessed in the fixure support
tenon which doubles as a splice compartment. Fixture is
pre-wired to this splice compartment and has quick-disconnecl
plugs to the socket and ballast. No fasteners are visible from
normal viewing angles.

frasy nraisrtenance
Re-lamping is quickly and easily accomplished by loosening
two three-quarter turn fasteners concealed from normal view
by a recess in the lens frame. Optical chamber is totally sealed
for long term cleanliness and maximum light output.

Se'lap-!n eleetrieai c*mp*nenls

Ballast and related components are mounted as a self-
contained sub-assembly that snaps into the fixture housing
without tools. Access to the ballast area is by loosening two
three-quarter turn lasteners and hinging the reflector down
onto the lens frame. All electrical components are wired to
quick-disconnect plugs for fast installation and servicing.

Kim Lighting, lnc. 44-3

24 sq. -{

l- "*-l
:t- I

r I

24" Size 28" Size

Up to 400 watts Up to 1000 watts

Optional Photocelt

rBEill o
\\ optionat
\\ Lexan@ Shield

Post Top Mount Side Arm Mount

For single fixture only. Fixture is furnished with
At right, special set- arm mount in place of
screw tenon mount for tenon spoke mount.
tapered square steel
poles only. TI
. T.I
Available in
twin or quad
mounts only.
Tapered square
steel poles only.

A4-4 Kim Lighting, lnc.

shall be Underwriter's Laboratories, lnc. listed.

shall be fabricated from a one-piece extruded aluminum side panel with mitered
corners that are internally welded and sealed. A press-formed aluminum top cover shall
interlockwith the housing extrusion and have a 6ontinuous weathertightseal and peJk"a
center for increased strength and efficient water run-off. "

:' : shall consist of a one-piece hydroformed reflector with a highly specular

Alzak@finish. Reflector shall hinge down for access to ballast and wiring niretedsing
two (2) three-quarter turn latches. The open end of the reflector assembly"shall be sealed
with an extruded high temperature gasket mounted in the lens frame.

Lamp socket.shall be,gu.l base with a.vibration ploof lamp grip shell. For high
Pressure Sodium lamps, a special 5KV pulse rated socket shall be provideb. The socket"
shall be mounted in a cast aluminum hdlder attached to the reflectirr wall and shall be
gasketed for airtight integrity with all wires entering the optical chamber to be sealed
at pointof entry. All lamps shall be supported at their endb by an adjustable harness
lor prec jse f ocal position and vibration protection.

' assembly shall consist of a 3/ 16,, impact resistant clear tempered glass
lens enclosed by an extruded high temperature gasket and securely retained inin
extruded aluminum door frame. The frame shall be hinged at one end, and shall close and
seal the optical chamber by two (2) concealed, captive, spring loaded latches.

(optional) Lexan@ shield shall be one piece, vacuum formed, and shall be mounted in an
extruded high temperature gasket within the lens f rame.

. ' shall be by one of the following methods:

Post Top Model shall be supported by four (4) formed tubular aluminum arms, welded to the
lens frame and to an aluminum pole tenon. Pole tenon shall contain a wire splice compartmenl
as.well as an expansion device for mounting to the pole. For tapered square steel poles
only, rnounting shall be by a slip fitter with flush soiket head srit screwd.

Side Arm Mo.unting shall employ a one-piece rectangular aluminum extrusion with internal
centering guides. Luminaire-to-pole assembly shall 6e made ihrough a mechanical
draw-bolt attachment within the arm. The corirplete arm assembly s-hall include a cast iron
hot dipped galvanized pole reinforcing plate which mounts insid6 the pole for added
strength at the arm joint.

For either post top or side arm mount, (with the exception of tapered square steel poles
only) all fasteners shall be concealed.

. :.:.. .:':.::., :.. t:: :. shall beULapprovedandbeanintegral partof thefixture.

Ballast and related components shall be integrated onto a single m6unting plate as a
self-contained subassembly. To facilitate fasi assembly and m-aintenanceinis electrical
subassembly shall be attached'to the f ixture with quick-disconnecting hinges and spring
loaded latch pins. Fast field wiring shall be provided for by pre-wiring all electrical '
components with quick-disconnect plugs. photocell (optional) shall 6e pre-wired and
mounted inside the fixture housing with only the sensor showing on the side wall. All
ballasts shall be the- component type capable of providing relia6le lamp starting down to
with power factor of 90% or better (High power Factor)

. ::" ,:: ' .,for each luminaire shall be a TypEySeUARE, CUT-OFF

distribution. There shall be no upward light, and candlepower at 10. above maximum shall
not exceed 3.51 ol the total lamp lumens for clear lamps. For phosphor coated lamps, thJ
candlepower shall not exceed 2.7"kot the total lamp luinens ai zs" above maximum'.

The light pattern shail be a well defined square about a central pole, with maximum
candlepowers occuring in the corners at the horizontal angles of +S", tSS., 225" and
315'. The total downward eff iciency shall exceed 71.5'/" for all clear.lamps.

::i::,,-t:t:.:,:: r':,,r,;, on f ixture, tenon, or side arm shall be

semi-gloss black baked enamel. For
post top mount, tube arm supports shall be a natural dull aluminum. (optional baked
enamel colors or anodized f inishes available on request).

Luminaire shall be Kim #

is a trademark of Alcoa, "Lexan" is a trademark of G.E.

Kim Lighting, lnc. 44-5

fl&rs$mwffi reg H reffmmmmffi $mm

ll. I.T
For twin or
quad mounts only.

!.--- - l

Fixture Fixture High

Cat. No. tor Cat. No. for Power Factor
Post Top Side Arm Fixture Line Ballast Line Operating
Size Volts T Watts
5X-::S* 1100 9.20
5S$-3S i 5,H-:3*'i 208 Constant 1 100 5.30 Less than
1000 watt Wattage 4.60 operating
5*{}-13*t SX..llLrli 240 1 100
Metallic Halide Autotransformer 4.00 amps
5SG-:303 sK-*fi3 277 1.1 00
ilSd!-i,$fi4i 5"Y.".3{,r,,X 480 1 100 2.30
ii,.:lCr-.,:': ll i;:'{-i:'i i.! 120 1 100 9.10
ii::r1!:"--: I ! ilii-ii; I 1000 watt 208 '1
100 5.20 Less than
*a3t:; ': i i: :iH-$J;l 28" sq High Pressure 240
1100 4.50 operating
r.: ri. :i I t:l Sodium 277 1 100 3.90 amps
480 1 100 2.35
i'$r;i':l:ix f;x-iirlt 120 1075 9.50
itli{J-:lt 1
l:t":ll ru:;fi
5y;.";: !
28" sq il%o,?x'i'f"'", ,+?
^^^ ..,^++
208 Constant 1075
i 33
Less than
jix.!ii,.; 480 1080 2.30
55ij- i *il :;3,-i il:i 400 watt 12O 460 4.00
lt5i?- l sfr 5,.!.-i *ti Metallic Halide 208 Constant 460 2.40 Less than
ti Sr::!- i i.: "t 5)i"."i I T 24" sq. (socket provided 240 Wattage 460 2.00 operating
5Si-1" t *S 5v;- i sil for curved arc tube 277 Autotransformer 460 1.80 amps
$$*" I i.i':l lamp) 480 460 1.00
5$*-'! t'i eX- !'i 1 120 475 4.50
s$fr-'!'!1r 5:d-"i ? *ft 400 watt 208 475 2.60 Less than
Auto- operating
24" sq. High Pressure 240 475 2.20
5:t{i-t f i
5g{?-l T s
r: 5X-t
"f-;:::--t 1,:*
i Sodium 277
Regulator 475
amps o=
$sg-'l9s 120 460 3.90
5*Q"'t 26 208 Constant 460 2.20 Less than
400 watt
5$*-'i 2T 24" sq. 240 Wattage 460 1.95 operating
Mercury Vapor Autotransformer 460 1.70 amps
5S&-'lf fi 277
*fi;*-'l:9 5x-1?!] 480 460 0.98
SSet-1 Si' 5X-1*rj 120 300 2.50
$s0-x 3'f 5x-'131 208 Constant 300 1.45 Less than
250 watt
5$ft--13? t;x-133 24" sq Metallic Halide 240 Wattage 300 1.25 operating
55*. i 311 277 Autotransformer 300 1 .10 amps
5:1*- 1;34 480 300 0.63
isfi"":s$ 5'ti- j a.i5 120 310 2.68
s${:- i3+ 5l:'i iI'i 250 watt 208 Auto- 310 1.55 Less than
55r;-X 37 i".1-"il :.i i 24" sq. High Pressure 240
310 1.34 operating
:rS*"13fl 5.}],1,.1$ Sodium 277 310 1.16 amps
Sgiti-:3* i:{."1:i* 480 310 o.67
5${t-14= 5X- x ii5l 120 285 2.50
iis*-5 4fi 5i{""1$ $
250 watt
208 Contant 285 1.45 Less than
55{r^i {;J ,F"..\ tl! 24" sq Mercury Vapor 240 Waitage 285 1.25
53{,t,i,4* 5X--i4,S 277 Autotransformer 285 .08 amps
5S*."14$ iix-1$.cj 480 285 0.62
s$ii-i s8 {ix-r 6i: 175 watl 120 210 1.90
5*,3-t 5! t!:4. i f l Metallic Halide 208 Constant 210 1 .10 Less than
5gt?-'l s* s5 .1:;? 24" sq. (socket provided 240 Wattage 210 0.95 operating
5SQ-153 $;{-tr 5* for curved arc tube 277 Autotransformer 210 0.75 amps
5S*-'i S4 5.8..i S,{ lamp) 480 210 0.48
5S{}-155 *)i-'l 55 120 205 1.80
5$*-156 5"i{" 1 s0 175 watt 208 Constant 205 1.00 Less than
$.qG-'i S? 5-q-'ia' r7 24" sq. Mercury Vapor 240 Wattage 205 0.90 operating
SFiG-1$8 i a-al 277 Autotransformer 205 0.75 amps
5$*-15e =,ii,
$:.,i 5'j 480 205 0.45
iss-1$5 5H..i €5 150 watt \?9 200 1.75 2.00
5SG-]6$ $X-tS6 200 1.00 1.15
ssffi-rs? 5x i6;r 24,,sq. HighuPressure i\E Lag 200 0.90 1.00

fi$fi"lfr$ fr*"1fi$ (ss vori ramp) i[6

5tfr""t ?3 5X-:75 120 1BB 1.65 2.00
50 Watt 1.15
5Si-;..I;'t High Pressure 208 High 188 0.95
5{:;{i..'i;1.; $x.'*:r7 24" sq. 240 Leakage 188 0.83 1.00
Sodium 0.85
ii${}-''iTii 5]1.-'l lf * 277 lBB
(100 volt lamp) Reactance 0.72
t-i,G-] rg' ,,i.:'-"i:il 480 1BB o.42 0.50
Catalog number inctudes one fixture as described in specifications including pole mounting hardware and standard black baked enamel finsh.
(Less lamp, less pole)

44-6 Kim Lighting, lnc.

Options Cat. No. Description
linishes DB-E Dark Bronze baked enamel (resembles 313 Duranodic@ in color)
MB-E Medium Bronze baked enamel (resembles 31 2 Duranodic@ in color)
BL.A Black anodize (extra cost) ) For post top mount, tenon
DB.A Dark Bronze anodize (extra cost) I and lens frame will be a
MB.A Medium Bronze anodize (extra cost) I ctosely matched baked enamel
Lexan@ LS-5 One-piece clear Lexan@ Shield mounted in lens frame in place of
shield glass lens. Not available with 400 watt or'1000 watt lamps. CAUTION: Use
only when vandalism is anticipated to be extremely high. Useful life is
limited due to yellowing caused by UV f rom sunlight and H.l.D.
photocell contact One photocell will be supplied per pole. For mounting arrangements B
representative or C, one fixture will be supplied with a photocell plus a relay (when
for catalog required) to operate the others.

'o Poles for post top

Use only the poles listed on Kim S,pecification sheets
PLQ, and PWQ.

lor side arm Use the identical poles as for Kim's EKG series lixtures. See
mounting specification sheets PNTSA, PNTSSH, PNTRA, PTSSH, PTRSA,

Mounting Arrangements for Side Pole Mounting

T.I l.lIT Side pole mountings should only be used where light levels
greater than can be achieved by a single f ixture, are desired.
Side mounting a single luminaire is not recommended due to
catalog number B c the presence of an undesirable pole shadow.

Ordering Guide

tor post top

mounting 5SQ-135 / DB-A / LS-s I A-30 / PDQ25 / DB-A

o for side arm

mounting 28 I sX-135 / DB-A / LS-5 / A-30 / PNTSA-258 I DB-A
"Duranodic" is a trademark ol Alcoa. "Lexan" is a trademark ol G.E

Kim Lighting, inc. A4-7

All photometric testing by
lndependent Testing Laboratories, lnc
Boulder. Colorado

horizonlal initial lootcandles at listed mounting heights

50' 2.5 1 .5 .25 .1 .05 .02
4 1.6 .B 4 ..1 6 .08 .04 Rated 95,000 lumens horizontal
521 .5 .2 .1 .0s
30 6.8 2.7 1.4 .7 .27 .14 .07 Catalog numbers 5SQ-300 through 5SQ-304
T 0 .000
.068 Total downward coefficient of utilization, 0.715
No upward light
I .174
I. for twin mounting I for quad mounting
1 .f .zrs multiolv horizontal I . I
,^n c I ,oo,""no,", oy , I
multiolv horizontal
Toorcanores Dy 4

E= .zza
.eoo I
o-.327 5 p\
goo"o poo* ssu,oo
c .t *,ooo"u
S .sso 6
JN plane
.= s42 E through
o5 maximum
39.s+o 5 candela

$ .sas
tt c^o .!! f
typi >al quadrant or=
L OE' }
6',uJa o
E ..uu 8
longitudinal distance in units of mounting heights

horizontal initial footcandles at listed mounting heights

5 2.5 .1 .5 .25 .1 .05 .02 : :., .:: ... ,.,: :-,,;,1:, r: i

B 4 1.6 .B .4 ..16 .08 .04 Rated 140,000 lumens horizontal

10 5 2 1 .5 .2 .1 .05
30' 13.6 6.8 2.7 1.4 .7 .27 .14 .07 Catalog numbers 5SQ-310 through 5SQ-314
I .000
.076 Total downward coefficient of utilization. 0.736
No upward light
3 I. for twin mounting I for quad mounting
rCD .zJ3
multioiv horizontal l'I multiplvhorizontai
.266 c
I footcandles bv 2 I footcandles by 4
ED o
'E .291 o
c t
5 o
0 .309 o
tr c
1- o
t, .JJJ i *,ooo". soo"o Pt"+ P"\" P\ p""
= Vertical
5 .341 .!6 plane
.E .347 through
c, 5 maximum
3g .353 o candela
o lt
:ypical quad.gant .9 E
It .361
o .363 6,
g o
longitudinal distance in units ol mounting heights
A4-8 Kim Lighting. lnc.
All photometric testing by
lndependent Testing Laboratories, lnc.
ffifrrum€wmm&wffimw Boulder, Colorado

horizontal initial lootcandles at listed mounting heights 'gS&# &Wm€tr

s0' 2.5 1 .5 .25 .1 .05 .02 .01 MercuRy Vapor, Seiuxe Wft:ite
1.6 .8 .4 ..16.08 .O4 .O2
Rated 60,000 lumens horizontal
35', 5 2 1 .5 .2 .1 .05 .O2
30', 6.8 2.7 1.4 .7 .27 .14 .07 .03 Catalog numbers 55Q-320 through 5SQ-324
I 0 .000
.056 Total downward coefficient of utilization, 0.625
No upward light

g 9.156
f E
.f .tss I. for twin mounting I. for quad mounting
d { 1
- I
multiplv horizontal
roorcanores oy z
I multiolv horizontal
Tootcanores by 4
cD o
€ .zso €
j, I .zoo o

2i =o.zza 6_
.f p .287
4rPos^oPo$"pso upo$ npss
sJN .2e3 E "pso
F .= .zgt E
sP 'sor i
# $ .sos e
u .soo .9
J :al lua( lral rt- g
E .rot #
S .sos 6
io 01234
longitudinal distance in units of mounting heighls

horizontal initial footcandles at listed mounting heights

4S# WmtE
39' 1.2 .6 ,3 .12 .06 .03 il$eta!lic F{atide, *lear
1.5 .73 .37 .15 .07 .04 *urved ,&:* Tr.rb*
z I .c .2.1 .05 Rated 40,000 lumens horizontal
25, 2.9 1.4 .7 29 .14 .07
I 0 .ooo Catalog numbers sSQ-105 through 5SQ-109
I .075
r s { Total downward coeff icient of utilization, 0.762
c .135 No upward light
s l
g {
& E

f F f
1 'f
1. for twin mounting for quad mounting
- I


n il E il o)
.4ut L
o I
multiolv horlzontal
footcanOtes by Z
footcandles by +
a t_ { fi -$

-l 4

E= .zat g
€ I
3 srr 3
o- .sza E
@ p
o34OE nz,os\P\poo rpos .rgoo
'5 .sso "Ooo
\ 4 E fi
F '- ..tC'/ =
\ # d
sP .so+ {
Ij ypK ,ufi iq [ar rt e
l, ,ora
o-" ,9

o ..r/o q,
E .rr,
01234 40"30"20.10"0.
longitudinal distance in units ol mounting heights

Kim Lighting, lnc. A4-9

All photometric testing by
Photometrics lndependent Testing Laboratories, lnc.
Boulder, Colorado

horizontal initial lootcandles at listed mounting heights 400 Watt

1.2 .6 .3 .12 .06 .03 High Pressure Sodium
1.5 73 .37 .15 .07 .04 Rated 50,000 lumens horizontal
.5 .2 .1 .05
25', 7.2 2.9 1.4 .7 .29 .14 .07 Catalog numbers 5SQ-1 11 through 5SQ-119
0 .ooo
Total downward coefficient of utilization, 0.726
t I .076
No upward light

f ! .137

f'f .res I. for twin mounting I for quad mounting

I multiolv horizontal I . I multiplv horizontal
a f 1 .zzs
- I roorcanores oy z I Toorcanores Dy 4
7 / I o),4JJ
'! .zer g

/ t ! .sor 3
I g .328 npss
I .t
5 .ssz f;
^"p"\p\ps "pss "pos
/ /t .-,J+J E
t sP.s+z i
t f $ f
\icat luEillllllt'
\ ) E:::$
o .oco o
longitudinal distance in units of mounting heights

horizontal initial footcandles at listed mounting heights 400 Watt

1.5 .73 .37 .15 .07 .04 .01 Mercury Vapor, Deluxe White
( .2 .1 .05 .02 Rated 21,500 lumens horizontal
2.9 1.4 .7 .29 .14 .07 .03
20' 4.5 2.3 1.1 .45 .23 .11 .05 Catalog numbers sSQ-125 through 5SQ-1 29
T 0 .000
I .075
Total downward coeff icient of utilization, 0.746
I I .138
No upward light

/ f l ,
- I L
t 192
'f .zss - II for twin mounting
multiply horizontal
for quad mounting
multiply horizontal
-a I l 1
aa1 E
g' '.,' o
footcandles by 2 footcandles by 4
J, - a '! .soo €
J I I ^,^ o
= .J16
a aE ^^^ tro

, II z b ..r.r.,
g .343
nSs$ '5pss 2pos nPso

/ r' !EorrE
.sso f;
a J sP 'sso i maximum

typical quadra nt a

/ a
or= a)

b .367 bA
E .sog 6
longitudinal distance in units of mounting heights

A4-10 Kim Lighting, lnc.

All photometric testing by
lndependent Testing Laboratories, lnc.
ffifum&mrcmffimmmw Boulder. Colorado

horizonlal initial footcandles at listed mounting heights 25& Waf,t

.14 .07 .03 .01 flnetaiiic !{alEde, Clea!'
25' .2 .1 .05.02 Rated 19,500 lumens horizontal
1.6.8 .3 .16 .08 .03
16', 4.9 2.4 1.22 .49 .24 .12.05 Catalog numbers 5SQ-130 through 5SQ-1 34
I g
F Total downward coefficient of utilization, 0.730
I &
$ l ao
No upward light
a g { 6 d o
E .182 I. for twin mounting I. for quad mounting
# rED .222
r'6 multiolv horizontal I I
,8 n E ic I roorcanotes oy z I
multiolv horizontal
roorcanores Dy 4
# .257
# ctt o
H # .E o
.286 p
# s s_ t_]
o .308 o
\ s
E LI 2:
c c

1A .335 i oPso ,'Pso ugoo cgoo 2Pso nPoo
A p =c - J4J 6 Vertical
.E .350 through
s# 4 2n

H g
.356 o
It o
(! o
o .JO o I

.362 o

longitudinal distance in units of mounting heights
300 200 100 0"

horizontal initial lootcandles at listed mounting heights PSS Watt

30' 3.5 1.4 .7 .35 .14 .07.03.01 !{igh Pressure Ssdium
ta, 6 2 1 5 2 1 0502 Rated 30,000 lumens horizontal
20, 7A 31 1.6 .8 .3 .16 .08 .03
16', 12.2 4,9 2.4 1.22 .49 .24 .12 .05 Catalog numbers sSQ-135 through 5SQ-139
I .000
Total downward coeff icient of utilization, 0.730
No upward light
# tt .188

# €
rED .230
3 .>
IT for twin mounting
multiply horizontal
footcandles by 2
T. I
for quad mounting
multiply horizontal
footcandles by 4
ot .265 o

.4 & c
.290 o
tr tt
g o .310 o
2:o .325 o
o .JJr) ,9 $Pss 6Poo rpss ?Poo
# ,=
5 "343 rg
# &
.! plane
.E .349 through
o maximum

4 %
3g .354 0 candela
G an
.9, tr
*trtad qua drant t .359 .9
(t ,9
{ (, .361
longitudinal distance in units ol mounting heights

Kim Lighting, lnc. A4-11

All photometric testing by
lndependent Testing Laboratories, lnc.
ffihmgiwmremprmmm Boulder, Colorado

horizontal initial foolcandles at listed mounting heights

l.J 32 .13 .06 .03 .01 ;Jer+ury V;;*cr, *il!r.i :ii: lii.ii;iri+

1 .05 .02 .1
Rated 1,500 lumens horizontal
16' 3.1 t-b .t6 31 .16 .08 .03
14', 4.1 2 .1 .04 Catalog numbers sSQ-145 through 5SQ-149
T .000
Total downward coeff icient of utilization.0.704
No upward light

fi.tto 1. for twin mounting I. for quad mounting

.!D ... multiply horizontal I I multiplv horizontal
Q' '1t

I ioorcanores oy 2 footcanotes oy +
.t gr..+r O
E=.zzs I
|.zsz 3
2 5 .soa 5
,!l' g .317 5 sposlpso \goo qos
"po$ ",tos
.326 S
o' =
3 g .336 E
S .sqr 2
E o^o ,9,
typical quadran Gi=
L 5
o .J+o
^r^ o
E .ro, 8
longitudinal distance in units ol mounling heights

horizontal initial loolcandles at listed mounting heights

trFs bWm*'t
25', 1.3 .64 .32 .13 .06 .03 "01 i!'fuie!!i$ li;iElde, fiie ar
*urves ,eirc "ff"ib,*
2 1 .5 .2 .1 .05 .02
3.1 1.6 .78 .31 .16.08.03 Rated 15,000 lumens horizontal
14', 4.1 21 .41 .2 .1 .04
I 0 .000 Catalog numbers 5SQ-150 through sSQ-154
$ .o72
f c' Total downward coefficient of utilization. 0.729
.130 No upward light
O aao
g t
1'f .zzo I for twin mounting I for quad mounting
oro ' multiply horizontal I . I multiply horizontal
- e,
ioorcanores oy 2 foorcanores Dy 4
c .zaz e
t ^^- 6,
2!o-.zzo 6
.333 F ngss spo$ lpss \pgs
.342 o Vertical
& &t = plane
.= .s+z E through
€ maximum
3P.ssr 5 candela
S .sss f
It .rr*
or^ .l!
4 YPir )al quadrant = .9
O .Jcc O
E ..uu 8
longitudinal distance in units of mounling heights
A4-12 Kim Lighting, tnc.
All photometric testing by
lndependent Testing Laboratories. lnc.
Boulder. Colorado

horizontal initial lootcandles at listed mounting heights

2s' .3 1 .64 .32 .13 .06 .03 .01
20' 2 1 .5 .2 .1 .05 .02 Rated 8,150 lumens horizontal
16', 3..1 1.6 .78 .31 .16 .08 .03
14', 4.1 2 1 ,+ .z .t .04 Catalog numbers 5SQ-.1 55 through 5SQ-1 59
I 0 .ooo
Total downward coeff icient of utilization. 0.704
No upward light
t t -^
t I. for twin mounting I for quad mounting
1 'f .zrr , I
multiplv horizontal I .
,oo,"uno'e, oy , I
I multiplv horizontal
roorcanores Dy 4
.Atr C,

E .zts g
f ^^^ at
o .zvz o,
2jo^.eoe 5
g .317
.r9so \pos \9ss (rss

.szo E Vertical
.s .332 E through
d'J maximum
ypical quadrant 3g .sso 5 candela
^,^ lt,
L 6r^ *
o.o+o o
E ..ot 8
longitudinal distance in units ol mounting heights

horizontal initial loolcandles at listed mounting heights

1.3 .64 ,32 .13 .06 .03 .01
2 1 .5 .2 .1 .05 .02 Rated 16.000 lumens horizontal
16', J.i I.b ./o 31 .16 .08 .03
14', 4.1 21 .4 .2 .1 .04 Catalog numbers 5SQ-165 through sSQ-179
T .000
Total downward coeff icient of utilization. 0.737
No upward light

,,t .186 for twinmounting I for quad mounting
rED l.l
r'6 .226 multiplyhorizontal
g footcandles by 2 I footcandles by 4
.259 o
'E .285
t Ito
5 an
o .304 o
E c
2: o
.31 9 o

o i epos spss 1p$o \pss

E .9
c oeo 6
,E .J4b
vc etra
6 o
.2 .356 c
tt .Jb ,9
ypical quadrant (E
o I

o .363 o
G o
.366 o
longitudinal distance in units of mounting heights

Kim Lighting, lnc. 44-13

Quick Reference Ghart

For Average Maintained lllumination o

with tl:1 Uniformity
Chart assumes that these 4 poles are
located in the center of a large area where
other poles may contribute illumination,
and f ull coeff icient of utilization can be
Spacing used. Use isolux diagrams to determine
spacing from last pole to edge of
illuminated area.

LO o See page A4-17 lor formulas

I One fixture per pole 1_ Pole

used to calculate this chart.

Pole Spacing Feet For Average Maintained lllumination with 4:1 Uniformity
Mercury Vapor-Delux While

Melallic Halide-Clear

High Pressure Sodium

Mercury Vapor-Delux While

Melallic Halide-Cleal

High Pressure Sodium

Mercury vapol- Delux White 134

Melallic Halide-Clear 182

High Pressure Sodium 237

Mercury Vapor-Delux While 116

Metallic Halide-Clear 157

High Pressure Sodium 205

Mercury Vapor-Delux While

Metallic Halide-clear 1 29

High Pressure Sodium 1 68

Mercury Vapor- Delux While

Metallic Halide-Clear 111

High Pressure Sodium 145

Mercury Vapor- Delux White

Metallic Halide-clear 1 00

High Pressure Sodium 30

Average Lamo Tvoe 150 r 175 r 250 150 I 175 1250 t150 t'175 t250 50 t1 75 400 11000 400 h000 1 ;
12', 14' I 16', 20, 35' 3g',
Footcandles Pole Height and Fixture Wattage

lruot available or not recommended

A4-14 Kim Lighting, lnc

. 'tr,a '1.. r+
i:['E#*t ,, i,'i"i' ,

rii+.r., ,,,r:-i!r,
;i r'l+.* ri i ;,fu ;r; ; g**;::ilrrPg't

Chart assumes that these 4 poles are
located in the center of a large area where
other poles may contribute illumination.
Use isolux diagrams to determine spacing
from last pole to edge of illuminated area.

LO o
'* i; f:'ll i x i i.ii i'jrl i:i',: i^ i,! f i t l__ Pole

Pole Spacing-Feet For Minimum Maintained lllumination

Mercury Vapor- Delux While 175

Metallic Halide-Clear 225

High Pressure Sodium 248

Mercury Vapor-Delux White 142

Metallic Halide-clea1 190

High Pressure Sodium

Mercury Vapor- Delux While

Melallic Halide-Clear 170

High Pressure Sodium 190

Mercury Vapor-Delux White 120

Metallic Halide-clear 150

High Pressure Sodium 17s

Mercury Vapor- Delux White 104

Metallic Halide-Clear 121

High Pressure Sodium 155

Mercury Vapor-Delux White

Metallic Halide-Clear 110

High Pressure Sodium 138

Mercury Vapor- Delux While

Melallic Halide-Clear 101

High Pressure Sodium 129

175 175 175 400 I 1 000 400 000

Minimum Lamp Type

Maintained 12', 14', 16', 3s', 3g', 50'

Footcandles Pole Heighl and Fixture Wattage

ffifrf ot available or not recommended

Kim Lighting, lnc 44-15

# ru $mk ffi m,'$'mE..#,ffilftfli: {", r:ai: *"

F +* :' &?*'*,i'm. g1* fr;* * * ri t ;:a r r":l +rr {:: i i i * r; ,':;:Ai:*;:i o

,*arrth 4 :"l L{ n*Y*i s.r: I lli
Chart assumes that these 4 poles are
located in the center of a large area where
other poles may contribute illumination,
and f ull coeff icient of utilization can be
used. Use isolux diagrams to determine
spacing from last pole to edge of

illuminated area.

a LO o See page A4-17 tor formulas

I T"1rur*' f *X gr": r'*g **3r ffi #Jt;, I Pole

used to calculate this chart.

Pole Spacing Feet For Average Maintained llluminalion wilh 4:1 Unitormily
Mercury Vapor-Delux While

Melallic Halide-clear

High Pressure Sodium

Mercury Vapor-Delux While

Melallic Halide-Glear

High Pressure Sodium

Mercury Vapor- Delux While 190

Melallic Halide-Cleal 257

High Pressure Sodium

Mercury Vapor- Delux While 164

Metallic Halide-Clear 227

High Pressure Sodium 290

Mercury Vapor- Delux White 134

Metallic Halide-Clea. 182

High Pressure Sodium 237

Mercury Vapor- Delux White 116

Metallic Halide-clear 157

High Pressure Sodium 205

Mercury Vapor- Delux White 104

Metallic Halide-Clear 141

High Pressure Sodium 184

Average Lamp Type rsol r75 I 250 150t175t250 150 I 175 1250 t150 17s t2s0 1400 150117s12501400 2s0140011000 400 400 I 1000 1 000
llluminaiion 12', 14' 16', 20' 25', 30' 3s', 39' 50'
Foolcandles Pole Height and Fixture Wattage

Not available or not recommended

fumrep ffiwrepmwffiwwffi
Average Horizontal Horizontal Efliciency Beam Control
Lamp Watts Life (Hrs.) lnitial Lumens Mean Lumens Lumens per Wait Using Relleclor

1 000 10,000 95,000 82,500 95 Excellent

Metallic 400 (curved arc tube) 15,000 40,000 32,000 100 Excellent
(clear) 25O 10,000 19,500 14,000 78 Excellent
1 75 (curved arc tube) 7,500 15,000 12,000 85.7 Excellent

1 000 24,000 140,000 127,400 140 Good

400 24,000 50,000 45,000 125 Excellent
High Pressure
250 24,000 30,000 27,300 120 Excellent
Sodium '106.7
150 (55 volt) 24,000 16,000 14,400 Excellent
150 (100 volt) 16,000 16,000 14,400 106.7 Excellent

1 000 24,000+ 60,000 48,000- 60 Fair

Mercury Vapor 400 24,000 + 21,500 17,200- 53.8 Good
(delux white) 250 24,000 + 11,500 9,400- 46 Good
175 24,000 + 8,150 7,010- 46.6 Good

The above data is current at time of catalog publication.

-at 16,000 hrs.
lf information is critical, check with lamp manufacturer for
most recent data.


No. of Fixtures Horizontal lnitial Coefficient of -Total Light

Average Maintained per Pole Lamp Lumens Utilization Loss Factor
lllumination in Footcandles
Longitudinal Lateral Pole
Pole Spacing (feet) Spacing (feet)

No. of Fixtures Horizontal lnitial Coefficient of .Total Light

Area Covered per Pole Lamp Lumens Utilization Loss Factor
per Pole (sq. lt.)
Average Maintained
lllumination in Footcandles

Horizontal Mean
*Total Light Loss Factor Lamp Lumens
(0.90 Total Luminaire Maintenance Factor)
Horizontal lniiial
Lamp Lumens

Footcandle Value at (Original Mounting Height in Feet)2

Footcandle Value at
Alternate Mounting Height Original Mounting Height (Alternate Mounting Height in Feet)2

Kim Lighting, lnc. A4-17

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