Vocabulaty Exercises 1 - Level Advanced

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Match the prefix to each of the words below.

1 un- a large
2 re- b ability
3 super- c religious
4 en- d media
5 Multi- e decided
6 ir- f consider
7 Dis- g functional
8 in- h human

Phrasal verbs with TAKE

Write the phrasal verbs that match the definitions given
1 mistakenly think one person is another
2 regret having said something
3 resemble someone in your family
4 write something down on paper
5 accept responsibility
6 start a new activity
7 take control from someone else
8 obtain something by applying for it and paying the necessary fee
9 like immediately
10 separate something into pieces
11 return something
12 invite someone to go somewhere with you

Which of the following phrases do not use TAKE?

 It from me  Your hat off to
 Something lying down  It or leave it
 The bright side  Or break it
 It out of you  The wind out of somebody’s sails
 Something as read  No prisoners
 A mountain out of a molehill  The hard line
 The bull by the horns  It with a pinch of salt
 Five  Kindly to

Verbs of movement
Choose the correct word in italics
1. The boys waded / clambered over the rocks on the shore.
2. The lively dog tiptoed / bounded up to Peter, wagging its tail in excitement.
3. ‘David and Paul are fighting over that toy again. They’re on the floor wrestling / heaving with each other!’
4. Sally paddled / waded across the river to where her friends were waiting for her, on the other side.
5. Having stepped on a nail, Tim hopped / sipped round the room on one leg.
6. John sat on a plastic bag, and pushing himself along, began to wander / slide down the snow-covered slope.
7. The children paddled / wrestled at the water’s edge, searching for pebbles and shells.
8. Karen heaved / leaped her bulging schoolbag on to her shoulder, and headed for the bus stop.

Which of these kinds of education have you experienced? Put a () or a (X).
boarding school fee-paying school nursery secondary school distance learning course
independent school pre-school technical college faith school local state school
primary school university
Complete the text with words from the box.
capacity child-centred classroom educators images influence method needs potential
foster whole graduate

Maria Montessori was one of the most important early years (1) ____________ educators of the 20th century.
She was the first woman to (2) ____________ firm at the University of Rome medical school and became
interested in education through her work as a doctor, treating children with special (3) ____________.
When she went on to establish schools for the disadvantaged children of working parents in Rome, she
approached their education as a scientist. She used the (4) ____________ as her laboratory for observing
children and finding ways to help them to achieve their full (5) ____________.
It soon became apparent that Dr Montessori had developed a highly effective teaching (6) ____________
which could be used with great success with each and every child. She began to travel the world, establishing
schools, lecturing about her discoveries, and writing articles right up to her death in 1952. She was a true
pioneer of (7) ____________ education. Her innovative classroom practices and ideas have had a profound
(8) ____________ on the education of young children all over the world.
Montessori saw that children learn best by doing and that happy self-motivated learners form positive (9)
____________ of themselves as confident, successful people. She created specially designed resources to
(10) ____________ independence and a love for learning from an early age.
The Montessori approach is holistic, that is, it aims to develop the (11) ____________ child. Fundamental
to this approach is the belief that a child's early life, from birth to six years old, is the period when they have
the greatest (12) ____________ to learn.

Match these words and phrases with their definitions

1 special needs a person who is the first to develop an idea
2 disadvantaged b able to work at something without
3 achieve your potential encouragement
4 pioneer c requirements due to physical or mental
5 child-centred problems
6 innovative d new and original
7 self-motivated´ e succeed to the best of your ability
f based on the needs and interests of children
g without the necessary education, money, etc. to
succeed in life

Complete these sentences with the correct prepositions. There are similar sentences in 1.2.
1 My brother graduated _________ Harvard University in 2009.
2 In some countries, children _________ special needs are taught in mainstream schools.
3 The professor toured the world, lecturing ___________ his educational theories.
4 Successful teachers are those who have a good influence ___________ their students.
5 Children often learn better _________ doing things themselves rather than listening passively.
6 Students who have a positive image __________ themselves are usually happy and successful.
7 Ever since I started school, I have had a real love ________ learning.
8 Everyone can succeed at something. This idea is fundamental __________ my beliefs about education.

COLLOCATION Choose the correct adverbs for the adjectives in bold in these sentences.
Use a dictionary to help you.
1 The newly/firmly established early years centre is already serving a large number of local families.
2 The historic university is newly/firmly established as top choice for international students hoping to study
in the city.
3 We are seeking advice on how to recruit the highly / poorly educated workforce needed for these skilled
4 He plays the character of a highly / poorly educated caretaker who has an innate gift for mathematics.
5 His theory was increasingly / highly influential in the development of educational practices in the latter part
of the century.
6 The department will become increasingly / highly influential as the publication of its papers in top journals
7 Focus groups showed that parents were strongly / politically motivated to do the best for their offspring
whilst being wary of other parents' competitive behaviour.
8 The announcement today of additional grants for poorer students has been seen as a strongly / politically
motivated attempt to deflect allegations of a U-turn.
WORD BUILDING Complete the table with words which have related meanings.
Noun Verb Adjective
……………………………. Establish …………………………….
..……………. (event, process) graduate x
……………. (person)
education (general noun) ……………………………. …………… (of a person)
…………… (person) …………… (for this purpose)
…………….(thing, idea, process) ……………………………. innovative
Influence ……………………………. …………………………….
……………(general noun) ……………………………. motivated (of a person) ………….
motivator (person) (of a thing, ideas, process)
motivational (for the purpose of
increasing this)

Underline the word A, B, C or D which best fits each space.

Complete each of the gaps with one of the words from the box.
Fortunes heart scene pace condition attitudes direction law
1 You should go away somewhere for the weekend. A change of ______________ will do you good.
2 At first my parents refused to let me go off travelling on my own, but then they had a change of _______.
3 After a very slow start, the car chase gives the film a much needed change of __________.
4 In a complete change of ___________ he gave up his job in teaching and became a farmer.
5 The win marked a change in the __________ of the team, which had lost its previous six games.
6 Despite the operation on his eye, there has been no significant change in the patient’s _________.
7 For many years, anti-smoking campaigners had called for a change in the ___________ to make it illegal
for people to smoke in bars and cafés.
8 The legalization of divorce reflected a change in _____________ towards marriage.
Exam practice
Reading and Use of English Part 6
You are going to read four reviews of a book about bringing up children. For questions 1 - 4, choose from
the reviews A - D. The reviews may be chosen more than once.

How children succeed

Four reviewers comment on a book called Helping Children to Succeed
I expected this book to enlighten me about why some children succeed at school and find work, while others
drop out of education early, fail to find employment and continue living with their parents well into adulthood.
I had hoped that Helping Children to Succeed would provide me with well-researched answers to my
concerns, and maybe suggest ways in which all children can be helped to achieve success. However, the
author chose to concentrate on the future of students from poor families and gave no indication that he felt
such children's chances of future success might be improved. There was an interesting focus on the
significance of taking students' personality into account as well as their academic test scores when predicting
future success, but this is not new information. The same case has been established before, based on wider
I found Helping Children to Succeed to be a fascinating and inspiring book. What was most interesting to me
was the research finding that children from wealthy families are no more prepared for a successful
independent future than children from poorer families. The author demonstrates convincingly that children
from all backgrounds need to learn how to work hard but also how to deal with failure without falling to pieces.
The book shows convincingly how poor children as well as middle class children and those from wealthier
homes are capable of learning these skills necessary for future success. This has made me feel very
optimistic that no child needs to fail because of their family background and that something can be done to
increase the life chances of poor children.
For me the most interesting aspect of Helping Children to Succeed is the amount of evidence which shows
that children's characters as well as their academic performance play a crucial part in their future success.
This seems to be especially true in the case of children from disadvantaged families. The author's central
argument is that, even though children from poor backgrounds are less likely to succeed, determination and
hard work can overcome inherited disadvantages. This is not a novel idea, but I found it interesting to hear it
restated with reference to today's situation. Where I disagree with the author is his assertion that our
education system requires fundamental reorganisation if we are to help children from poor families. He seems
to ignore completely the excellent work being done by dedicated teachers in today's schools.
I enjoyed Helping Children to Succeed, but in many ways I also found it disappointing. Having finished reading
the book, my main criticism is that the title itself is misleading because it focuses primarily on children who
fail. Most research studies quoted by the author illustrate how difficult it is for children from poor,
disadvantaged homes to succeed or indeed to escape from a cycle of failure. I bought the book for the library
where I work, thinking it might offer parents strategies for bringing up children to be successful. In practice,
the main strategies recommended by the author are the following: avoid becoming poor and don't expect
your child to succeed at everything. He also suggests that children should get used to occasional failure. In
my opinion this is an unnecessarily negative outlook.

Which reviewer
1. shares reviewer C's view that academic performance is not the only measure of a child's success?
2. expresses a different view from the others about poor children's chances of future success?
3. shares with reviewer A the feeling that the book did not live up to their expectations?
4. agrees with reviewer A about the originality of the ideas in the book?

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