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Advantages of a
Square Light Pattern
. Less energy consumption
Assume two luminaires
. Fewer fixtures and poles of equa etficlency and
. More uniform lighting light throw, one having
. ldeal for new construction and retrofit a typical circular
pattern and the other
a square pattern. This
s represented
graph ca ly by a clrcle
and square of equal
area, depicting the
plan vlew of light on
the ground.

Outdated circular light pattern

Lunrlnaires with clrcular patterns require substantia I ght overlap
to achieve a desired minlmum light evel at the midpoint between
poles. Thls results 1n wasted energy and increased cost because
it takes more flxtures and poles to llght a glven area.

P an View

lnnovative square light pattern

Substantial energy savings lmmedlately possible in terms of watts
per square foot of illuminated area.
25oloqreater pole spacing may be achieved with the square light
pattern because light overlap is minlmized.
22"/" increase in illuminated area may be achieved for a typ ca
4 po e arrangement.
The increase in illumlnated area can become even larger as the
number of poles increases. This means that a square I ght pattern
becomes more efficlent as the project size increases.
327" increase in ll umlnated area posslble for 9 poles.
32" increase in il uminated area possible for 16 poles.
417o increase in iluminated area possible for 25 poles.
Templates and computer printouts avaiiable to assist in layout
ano p arning of the ighring scheme.

Plan View

Kim Lighting 1
Precise, glare-free lighting
A revo ut onary reflector forrns the hearl of the Type 5 f xture
Eng neered by K m and patent protected this innovative des gn is
thefrst to ach eve a we L defined square ghtpatternwthsharp
cutoff The increased v sib ty and econorny ol a trLle square
pattern s read y documented w th photometr c data Th s h glr
elficlency makes the Type 5 dea for either new construcl on or
retrofit appllcat ons Wth theone piece hydrofolred reiector the
optical system of the um na re is so eff c eft that often one Type 5
can rep ace two present y nstaledf xtures Theslgnifcanty
improved ght distr but on tesu ts in a sLrbstant a decrease in
number ol po es required for a part cular proiect V sLla c uLter s
further dim n shed because Type 5 ght contro great y reduces
po e shaft um nation

U S. Patent No 4,041 306

Fast installation
An understandifg of the h gh cost of abor has lead K m to stress
fstal alion ef ic ency wh e ensuring flxture ntegrty Themnmunr

nurnber ol separate components ln Type 5 des gn corre ates

directly to a r.rax murn reducl on ol nsta ation effort Because the
lens frame assemb y is factory prew red and assemb ed to the
hous ng before sh pment, no comp icated, t rne-consum ng I e d
assernblv s necessary Attachment to the po e s straig htfo rward,
accomp ished wlth a sing e bo t recessed n the I xture support
tenon. No fasteners are vls b e from norma v ewlfg ang es The
tefon doub es as a sp ice compartmenl where fie d connectlons
are eas y made after flxture s secured to po e.

2 Kim L ght ng

Easy maintenance
Ease of malntenance cornb ned with a min mum of hand ing time
are ernphas zed in Type 5 eng neer ng When serv cing is required
ampaccess isquickly ganed by ooseningtwothree quarterturn
fasteners recessed in the ens frame These are concea ed from
norma view A se l- ocking support arm holds the fixlure open,
leaving both hands free to work. Long-lerm c ean ness and
maximurn ight output are des gned nto the Type 5 because of
the sea ed optical chamber

Snap-in electrical components

To further exped te nsta lat on and ma ntenance, ihe bal ast and a
related prewlred components are rr]ounted on a s ng e plate. Th s
!n tized ballasl snaps into the fixture housing w thoui the use of
too s, and features quick disconnect p ugs on al wiring. Entry
into the bal ast area of the Type 5 is easiy accomp ished by
loosening two three-quarter turn fasteners and h nglng reflector
down onto ens lrame.

Kim L ghting 3
f "*l .|'
l ^,,- J
91a" 93,r "

! 1
93/a" 103,i "
i __t
24" Size 28" Size
Up to 400 watts Up to 1000 watts

13" lor 24" frxL!res

,, Opl onal Photoce RecepTac e lal" for 28" f xlLrres


\\Polycarbonate Shie d

Side Arm Mount

F xture is furnished with
Flush Vlount Tenon Mlount arm mount in place of
tefon spoke mount.
tl. t.t
Ava lab e in
tw n or quad
moLrnts on v.

Standard flush Opt ona T Tenon Mount for

mount wlih s ng e poeshavnga2"ppe
bo t expansion tenof (23ls" O.D. x,13/a"
dev ce. Availabie for- r.r f rmum ength)
square cut tops. See
Kim spec sheets lor
53O series I xtures

4 Kiri Liahting
Specif ications
Certilication: Underwrters Laborator es isted (for 120 2A8,240,277 and 4B0Votony) and
Canad an Standards Associat on cert J ed (for I20 and 347 Volt on y) lor wet ocat ors
Housing sha I be fabr cated frorn a one-p ece extruded a uminum side pane w th m tered cor
nersthatare lnternalyweded afld seaed A pressjorrared aumnutn top cover shall nterock
with the hous ng extrus on and have a continuous weaihert ght sea and a peaked center lor
ncreased strength and efllcient water run off.
Optical Chamber sha I be cons st ol a one p ece hydroforrned reflector with a hlgh y specu ar
A zak.4 I nish Rel ector shall h nge down for access to ballast and wiring by re easing two (2)
three-quarter turn atches. The open end ofthe reflector assemb y shall be sea ed wth a one-
piece h gh terfperature gasket mounted n the ens frame.
Lamp socket sha be porcela n rnogu base w th a v brat on proof lamp grip she . For High
Pressure Sod um amps the appropriate 4KV or sKV pu sed rated socket sha be prov ded
Thesocketsha be rnounled ln a cast a um nufir holder attached tothe relectorwall andsha
be gasketed for airtght ntegr ty w th a I w res enter rg the opt cal chamber to be sea ed at the
point of entry. A I amps shal be supported attheirefds byan adjustable harness for precise
Joca position and v brat on protect on
Lens Frame assemby shall cons st ol a :lii' ir.rpact resistant c ear tempered g ass ens
enclosed by a one p ece h gh ternperature gasket and secure y reta ned in an extruded alu
minumdoorJrame Theframesha be hinged at one end, and sha I close and seai lheoptca
chamberbytwo(2) concealed captve,sprng oaded atches Fixture sha beheldopenfor
servlcing by se tlock ng support arin. Lens frame yoke and r.rounl ng tenon sha be I n shed in
ght gray Super TG C thermoset po yester powder coat pa nt.
(Optiona ) Po ycarbonate sheld shall beone-pece, vacuum formed, and sha bemounted na
one-piece h gh temperature gasket n p ace of standard glass efs
Pole Mounting sha be by one ol the fo owing rnethodsl
PostTop N,4odel shal be supported byfour (4) formed tubu ara urnlnum arms, we ded to the
efs frame and to an a um nurn mounting tenon N4ountng tenon sha have a s ngle lnlerna
mounting bo t which activates an expansion dev ce for mount ng to the po e with no v s b e fas
teners Optional T Tenon l/lount shall cons st of an extended fixture r.]ount ng tenon for rnounl
ng to po es having a 2 pipe tenon (23/e' O.D. x 4:/" min mum ength). Tenon N/ount sha be
prov ded w th eight (B) sta n ess stee al en head cup-po nt set screws. Lens frame assemb y
sha be factory prewired and assemb ed to the hols ng for easy fleld attachment io the po es
as a s ngle fixture assernb y

Side Arm N,4ouft ng sha I emp oy a ore piece rectangu ar alumifurn extrus on w th nterna cen
tering gu des Lum na re to pole asserfbly sha be rnade through a tnechan ca drawbot
attachment within the arm The comp ete arm assemb y sha include a po e re nforclng plate
wh ch mounts ns de the po e f or ad ded strength at the arm loirt.
All Electrical Components shal be UL and CSA recogn zed and an ntegra part of the flxture.
Ba ast afd related components sha be ntegrated onto a slng e rarount ng p ate as a se f con
tained subassernb y. To fac tate fast assemb y and ma ntenance, this e ectr cal subassernbly
sha be attached to the fixture with quck discofnectng hngesand spring oaded atch pins. Fast
f eldwrng shall be prov ded lor by prew r ng a e ectrlcal cornponents wth quick d scofnect
plugs. Optiona photoce receptacle sha be factory nsta ed n the top cover, and sha accept
NEN/IA base photoce s (by others) A ba asis sha be component type capab e of providing
re ab e arnp start ng down 10 20'F w th power factor of 90% or better (High Power Factor)
Lighting Pertormance for each um naire sha be a TYPE V SOUARE, CUT-OFF distribution
There sha I be no upward ight, and cand epower at I 0' above maximum shall nol exceed 3 5%
of the total amp umens for c ear amps. For phosphor coated lamps. the cand epower shall not
exceed2.7%of the total lamp umens al25'above maxifi]ur.r.
The ght pattern sha be a well defined square about a centraL pole, wth rnaximutn candlepow
ers occurring n the corfers atthe horizonta angleof45",135" 225" and 315'. The total down
ward efflciency sha lexceed 71 5% for a clear amps (Aiso ava able with asymmetrc light pat
terf see p.6).
Standard Finish sha be Super TG C thermoset poyesler powder coat paint applied over a
chromate convers on coatifg if back dark bronze, ghtgrayorwhlte Fin shes are applied
over a satin po ish to e irf nate extrus on die marks and provide a c ean, cr sp appearance.

Optional Finish sha be dark bronze Architectura C ass 1 Anod ze over satin po sh Lens
frame assembly (tenon, tubular arms and ers frame) s always lght gray Super TGIC thermoset
po yester powder coat pa nt app ed over a ch[omate conversion coat ng.

Warning: Flxture must lle grounded naccordafcewith ocal codes orthe Nationa Electrca
Code. Failure to do so may result n serlous personal iflury.

KmLghting 5
Ordering lnformation
tt. l.r
For twin or

quad mounts only.

Fixture Fixture High

Cat. No. For Cat. No. lor Power Factor
Post Top Side Arm Fixture Lamp Line Ballast Line Maximum
Mountinq Mountinq Size by others Volts Tvpe Watts Amps
5SO-300 5X-300 124 1080 9.00
5SO-301 5X-301 I000 Watt 2AB Constant 1080 5.20
5SQ-302 5X-302 I/eta Ha lde, 240 Wattage 1080 4.50
5SQ-303 5X-303 28 sq C ear 8T56, 211 1080 3.90
5SQ-330 5X-330 N4ogul Base 341 1080 3.24
5SQ-304 5X-304 480 1080 2.34
5SQ-310 5X-3t0 120 1100 9.50
5SO-311 5X-3t l 1000 Watt 208 Constant 1100 5.s0
5SQ-312 5X-312 High Pressure 240 Watlage 1T00 4.75
5SO-313 5X-313 28 sq. Sodium C ear, Autotransformer 1T00 4.15
5SO-331 5X-331 E25, Mogul Base 347 T100 3.30
5SO-314 sx-314 480 1100 2.30
5SO-105 5X-10s 124 458 4.00
5SO-106 sx-106 400 Watt 208 Constant 458 2.30
5SO-107 5X-107 Meta Halde Clear, 244 Wattage 458 200
55O-108 5X-108 24 sq BT37 or ED37 277 Autotransformer 458 175
sso-170 5X-170 Pin Or ented 347 458 140
sso-109 5X-109 Mogu Base 480 458 r00
5SQ-111 5X-111 124 457 380
5SQ-113 5X-113 400 Watt 208 Constant 457 220
5SQ-115 5X-115 H gh Pressure 244 Wattage 457 190
5SQ-117 5X-117 24 sq Sod !rn, Clear 277 Autotransformer 457 170
55O-171 5X-171 E1B lvlogu Base 347 457 132
5SQ-119 sx-119 480 457 100
55O-130 5X-130 124 295 260
5SO-131 5X-131 250 Watt 2AB Constant 295 150
5SO-132 5X-132 lvleta Ha lde, C ear, 244 Wattage 295 r.30
5SA-133 5X-133 24 sq BT2B or ED2B, 277 295 1.10
5SO-172 5X-172 Pln Or ented 347 294 0.90
55O-134 5X-134 lvogu Base 480 295 0.65
sso-13s 5X-135 120 295 2.74
5SA-136 5X-135 250 Watt 248 Constant 295 1.50
5SO-137 5X-137 H gh Pressure 240 Wattage 295 1.30
sso-138 5X-138 24 sq Sod urn C ear, 211 Autotranslormer T 15
sso-173 5X-173 E18 Mogul Base 347 295 093
5SO-139 5X-139 480 295 065
5SQ-150 5X-150 120 215 1.80
5SQ-1s1 sx-151 175 Watt 208 Conslani 215 T.05
5SQ-1s2 5X-152 Meta Halde, Clear 240 Wattage 215 0.s0
5SQ-1s3 sx-153 24 sq BT2B or ED28 277 Autotransformer 215 0.80
5SQ-174 5X-174 Pn Orlented 347 215 0.65
5SQ-1s4 sx-i54 Mociul Base 480 215 045
5SO-165 5X-165 r20 174 225
5SO-t66 5X-166 150 Watt 2Aa 188 1 t5
5SO-167 5X-167 High PressLrre 244 High Feactance 188 TOO
5SO-168 5X-168 24 sq. Sodlum, C ear, 277 188 085
55O-175 5X-175 E23%, 55 Volt 347 056
5SO-169 5X-169 Mogu Base 484 188 050
Catalog number ncludes one lixture wilh square light pattem, inc uding f ush po e mo!nting hardware and standard TGIC powder coat f n sh. (Less lamp, ess po e)

Note: 5SQ Series Fixtures are avaiable with an ASYMMETRIC LIGHT pattern as described on Kim spec. sheel number 5AT. To order, replace "SQ" ln
catalog number with "Al" Example: 5AT-105. For photometr cs, refer to EKG catalog. HS Houseside shield available.

6 Kim Light ng
Cat. No. Description

Finishes ?H3illgi
Polyester Powder Coat
Dark Bronze (resemb es 313 DLrranodico in co or)
L ght Gray
Paint WH.P White

Optional anodized DB.A Dark Br.m7F anod 7e f Lens Frame s aways

{inish at extra cost: I LG P Po$'cler Coal

Options Sill;1''"''""
One-p ece c ear Polycarbonate Sh e d moLrnted n lens frame n
p ace of g ass lens. Not avallable \,\r th 400 watt or 1000 watt
lamps CAUTION: Use on y when vandalsm ls ant cipaled to be
high UsefLr ife s lm ted due to ye owing caLrsed by UV onl
sLrnlQhtand lvleta Ha de amps.

Tenon Mount: Add T to Extended f xture rrounting tenon lor moLrntlng poles with 2 p pe
catalog no tenon (2% O D x 4n rnin ffrum enqth)
Eg 5SO 1157

Photocell lntegra y moLrnted io accept NEN/A base phoiocels (by others) For
Receptacle: mount ng arrangemenls B or C onefixturesha beiurnshed\rrthan
nstal ed receptac e (p us a re ay when requ red) to operale lhe others.

Post Top Use po es i sted on K rn spec ficat of sheets

Poles l\4ou nting: PSA, KSS, PTSS, PBA, LTBA, KBS, and PTRS.

Side Arm See spec f cations sheets PSA, KSS, PTSS,

Mounting: PRA, LTRA, KRS and PTRS.

Side Pole Mounting Arrangements S de po e .noLrntings shou d be used on y when a ght leve
greater than that achieved w th a slng e f xture is deslred. S de
mouft ng a s ng e luminaiTe s not recorimended because of
Catalog Number: po e shadow interference.

Ordering Guide
,:l?);' ,..'e! ,"'{:#
(a "::'"9t
VI (
Post Top
Mounting: 5SQ-135 / LG-P / LS-s / A-25 / PSA20-5188FM ./ LG-P

^.o"o" roo -^ -,od """iil-

.- ' :',"'"""-*'-":
/ "s:"p21"'"
(/ (/ (/ (
," "n'
Side Arm
5X-135 / DB-A

LS-s A-25
PSA25-51888 ,/ DB.A

'Durarodic s a lrademark 01 A coa

Klm L qhting 7
Photometrics All photometric testing by
lndepeldent Testing Laboralories. lnc.
Boulder. Colorado

horizontal initial footcandles at listed mounling heights 1000 Watt

50' 2.8 1.1 .57 .28 .11 .06 .02 Metallic Halide, Clear
39', 4.s 1.8 .91 .45 .18.09 .05 Bated 107,800 lumens horizontal
3s' 5.7 2.3 1 .1 .57 .23 .11 .06
30' 7 7 3.1 1_6 .7S .31 .16 .08 Catalog numbers 5SQ-300 through 55Q-304
I 0 .000
.068 Total downward coefficient of utilizalion, 0.715
No upward liqht
/ 9.174
I f
. Ul .zrr
|d ^,- > !I for twinmounting I
multiolv horizonral l'l
footca;dles by 2 I
tor quad mounting
mulliolv horizontal
tootcandles oy 4

o ,ruu o
o- 5
* P"""u Poh P"o+ P""rs
a .327 .6
s .336 E
.= .uz E
f i
! e<o .9
typical quadrant I
E .ruu 8
01 23
longiludinal dislance in unils ot mounting heighls
horizontal initial lootcandles at lisled mountinq heights
1000 Watt
5 2.5 1 .5 .25.1 .45 .02 High Pressure Sodium
1.6 .8 .4 .16.08 .04 Rated'140,000,umens horizontal
10 .5 .2 .1 .05
13.6 6.8 2.7 1.4 .7 .27 .1 4 .07 Catalog numbers 5SQ-310 through 55Q-314
.076 Total downward coeflicient of utilization, 0.736
/ .138
No upward light
/ .191
I. for lwinmounting I for quad mounting
7 I \
.266 c
multiply norizontal lll
footcandtes oy z I
mult;ply horizonlal
footcandles by 4

E .291 po
:o .309
/ 2:o c
/ *P""* Po""" P"o^o P"\ P\ s"o
I '7 .9
/ I T a .341
.; .347
20 o
typical quadr.'^ E .9
.361 o
o .363 o
l! .365 o
longiludinal dblance in unils ol mounling heights

8 Kim Liqhting
Photometrics All photometric testing by
lndependent Testing Laboratories, lnc.
BouJder. Colorado


horizonlal initial footcandles at listed mounting heighls 400 Watt

1.2 .6 .3 .12 .06 .03 Metallic Halide, clear
35', 1 .5 .73 .37 .15 .07 .04 Curved Arc Tube
30. 2 | .5 .2 .1 .05 Raied 40,000 lumens horizontal
2.5 1.4 .7 .29 .14 .07
.000 Catalog numbers 5SQ-105 through 5SQ-109
Total downward coefficient of utilization, 0.762
.t35 No upward light
.r'6 .223 I. for twinmounting I for quad mounting
E muJlip'Vhorizonla l.l mulliply hor zorlal
q .257 o
I roorcandres by 2 I oy q
.2A7 !
o .311 ID
2:o .328 o

.340 c
o +P"\P\p"" npso 29os
.350 o "oos
.E .357
dt t
3g o
E o
.37 4
(t .376 o
6 o
01 234
longiludinal dbtance in units ol mounting heights
All photometric testing by
Photometrics lrdependenl Tesrirg
Boulder, Colorado
L aboralories. lnc.

horizonlal initial loolcandles al lisled mounling heiqhts 400 Watt

39', 3 1.2 .6 .3 .12 .06 .03 High Pressure Sodium
35', 3.7 1.5 .73 .37 .15.07 .04 Bated 50,000 lumens horizonlal
30, 5 21.5 .2 1 .O5

25' 7.2 2.9 1.4 .7 .29 .14 .07 Catalog numbers 5SQ-1'1'1 through 5SQ-119
0 .ooo
Total downward coefficient of utilizalion, 0.726
No upward light

!.rd5 I1 for twin mou'lling I for quad mouni'ng

1 .S .zzs ,, multiply horizonlal lal mulliply horizontal
I footcandtes oy z I loolcandles by a
o) .255 6
'! .zer g
a .JUt 6
0 ^^, o
zi orz 5-
u'os npso lgsq
! i.ssz

3P saz {
f.esr f
o .9
! .0r 8
01 23
longitudinal distance in unils ol mounting heights

10 Kim Lighting
All photometric testing by
Photometrics lndependent Testlag Laboratolies. lnc.
Boulder. Co orado

horizonlal initial foolcandles at lisled mountinq heights 250 Watt

30' 1.4 .7 .35 .14 .O7 .O4 .O1 007 Metallic Halide, Clear
25', 2.A 1.0 .5 .2 .1 .O5 .O2 A1 Cuaved Arc Tube
20' 3.1 1.6 .78 .31 .16 08 .03 .02 Bated 23 000 umens horizonla
49 2.A '2 a9 ?a '2 .Ac 02 Catalog numbers 5SQ-130 through 5SQ'134
I .000
Tota downward coeff cient of utilization, .731
No upward qhi

E .182 I. for twin mounting I for q!rad mounting

t.; multip v horizonta l.l m ultio v horizontal
3 I foor.z..llcs bv 2 I toot.,ana e., bv a
o) .257
F .286 !o
o .308 (,
.323 o
.335 o ugoo ugss n$os
=a .343 "9oo
2(.) .354 o
o .356
rypical quadranl .2
! 359 .9
t .9
o 361 q)
362 t)
0 1 23
longitudinal distance in units ol mounting heights

horizontal inilial toolcandles at listed mounting heighls 250 Watt

30' 3.5 1.1 .7 .35 .14 07 .03 .07 High Pressure Sodium
2E s 2 1 .s 2 1 .45.42 Raled 30 000 lumens hor zontal
20' 7.A 3.1 1.6 .B .3 .r6.08.03
la' 12 2 4.9 2.4 1 22 49 24 12 A5 Cata og numbers sSQ 135 through 55Q-139
I .000
.0 76
Tota downward coelficient oi ulil zation.0.730
No upward liqht

E lor twln mounl ng I lor quad mouni ng

r'6 .230 : multiply horizontal l.l multrolv hor zonta
I lootcand es by 2 I iootcand es bv 4
o, .265
E .290
o 310
2:o .32s o
.336 o ugos npoo
"goo "poo
2() .354 o
typical qua drant
o .361
.362 o
longitudinal distance in units of mounting heights

K .n Llqht na 11
Photometrics All photometric iesiing by
lndependentTesting Laboratories, lnc.
Boulder. CoJorado

horizontal initial footcandles al lisled mounting heights 175 Watt

1.3 .64 .32 .13 .06 .03 .01 Metallic Halide, Clear
1.5 .2 .1 .05 .O2 Cuwed Arc Tube
'16', 3.1 1.6.78 .31 16 08 .03 Bated 15,000 horizontal
14'. 4.1 .41 .2 .1 .04 'umens
I .000 Catalog numbers 5SQ-150 through 55Q-154
I .072
I / Total downward coefficient ol utilization, 0.729
.130 No upward light
4 / f
t .174
r'6 .220 I. for twin mounting I for quad mounting
) E multiDiv horizontal l. I multiplyhorizontal
q o I lootcandtes by 2 I footcandles by 4
t .242 pID
2:0 o
'l / '7
ngss tS$o

\t I \
.342 o
J E l/ .;
tl .354 .9
-typical o .355 dt
longitudinal dbtanc€ in units of mounting heights

l2 Kim Lighting
Al photometric lesllnq by
Photometrics lndependent Testlnq Laboraiories, lf c.
Boulder. Colorado

horizonlal inilial lootcandles al lisled mounting heights 150 Watt

13 .64 .32 .'13 .06 .03 .01 High Pressure Sodium
1 .5 .2 .1 .45 .02 Rated 16.000 lumens horizontal
16', 31 1.6.78 .31 .16 .08 .03
14', 4.1 .4 .2 1 .O4 Catalog numbers 5SQ 165 lhrough 5SO-169
I .000
Total downward coellicient oi util zalion. 0.737
No upward liqht
.186 tw n mounting I lor quad mounting
t I. Jor
r'6 .226 mull olv horizonlal I'l mult olv horizontal
E I tootcanates oy z I toorc,anates nv a
q| .259 0
E .285 t,
o .304 a)
z-0 .319 o
.331 o nlos ugoo
=c "gos ^9oo

.; .346
3Pql .353 o
.356 a
tt .361

lypical luadrant 6 o
o a,
.366 I
01 234
longitudinal distance in units ol mounling heighls

Krm L ghting 13
Quick Reference Chart

For Average Maintained lllumination

with 4:1 Uniformity Chart assumes that these 4 poles are
localed in the center of a large area where
Pole olher poles may contribute illurnillalion,
and full coeffic ent oi ut ization can be
Spacing used. Use iso ux diagrams to determ ne
spacing irom ast pole to edge of
illumlnaied area.

L. o
I One fixture per pole L_ Pole
Spacin q

Pole Spacing Feet For Ay€rage Mainlained lllumination wilh 4 :1 Unilormily

Melal Halide-clear
High Pressure SodiLrm

Hiqh Pressure Sodium

Metal Halide-Ctear 192

High Pressure Sodium 237

Hish Pressure Sodium

Metal Halide-Clear

Hiqh Prcssure Sodiurn

Metal Halide-Clear

HiEh Pressure Sodium

Meral Halide-clear
High Pressure Sodium

Average Lamp Type

12', '14' 16', 35', 3g',
Pole Height and Fixlure Wattage

Not available or not recommended

14 Km L ght ng
Quick Reference Chart

For Minimum Maintained lllumination


Spac ing
Chart assumes lhat these 4 poles are
ocated in the center of a large area where
olher poles may contribute il urninailon.
U"e iso.L) drdgrar. ro oole n r. spac,_g
from last po e 10 edge oi illumlnated area.

L. a
I One fixture per pole LPole
Spac ing

Pole Spacing-Feet For Minimum Mrinialnad lllumlnrtion

Metal Halide-Clear

Hiqh Pressure sodium

Melal Halide-clear
High Pre*ure Sodium

MetalHalide Clear
Hiqh Pressur€ Sodium

High Pressure Sodium

Metal Halide-Clear

High Pressure Sodiutfi

Hiqh Pressure Sodium


High Pressure Sodium 129

M,nimum Lamp Type

'12' 14' 16', 3s', 39', 50'
Pole Height and Fixture Waltage

Not available or noi recommended

Kim L ght ng 15
Quick Reference Chart

For Average Maintained lllumination o

with 4:1 Uniformity ['
Chart assumes lhat lhese 4 poles are
I ooated in the center ol a large area where
other poles may contr bute lumlnation
S pac ing and fu lcoell cient oi utilizalion can be
used- llse isolux diagrams lo determine
spac ng from lasi pole to edge of
illuminaled area

Io L.

I Two lixtures per pole L_ Pole
Spac in g

Pole Spacing Feet For average Mainlained llluminalion wilh 4 I l Unilolmilv


Meial Halide-clear
High Pressure Sodium

Metal Halide-clear
High Pres3ure Sodium

Metal Halide-Clear

High Pressure Sodium


High Pre33ure Sodium

Melal Halide-Clear

High Presrure Sodium

Melal Halide-Clear

Hiqh Pre$ure Sodium

Average Lamp Type

12' 14' t6' 30' 35', 3g', 50'
Pole Height and Fixture Wattage

Noi available or not recommended

16 Kim Lrghting
Computer Layout and Diskette Service

KiIi:'Jl[:"i:3i"'5]fl ff :::Tiffi iL*$"","",7'J:,iJ,"J$"":*'

P ans may be sent to us for ana ys s of your present lixture layout. or
wecandesigna ayout to your spec f cat ons Prolect plans are d g
tlzed w th i ur.r nat on levels ca cu ated on oLr I ghting programs
They are then interfaced w th af AutoCAD'drawif g prograrn to
create professiona rend t ons ol the plan show ng footcand e eveis
Ilardcop es ol p ans can be sent to the K m App icatlon Department
va fax express or regu ar ma . CAD generated plans can be trans
mitted v a modern, or p aced on a diskette and sent by ma L

Phatometric data fat lhe Type 5 High speed dtgitEers are used
senes do--s nat use prcpottional ta quickly lacate fixlures directly
geometry ar lamp prctaliig All on the plat plan Patnlby poinl
lamp/reflectat combinaltans have prlnta)ts are pravided on e
been individually tested by at1 scaled gncl
i1 d e p e n d --n t I eba reto ry

Far easy visualizaiot) ot' the overall

lighling syslem perfarmance, Kim
catnputer ptitltouts are provided
la-scale an digitized site plans
wttich have been platted ttrraugh
the At)toCAD@ pragram Dtawings
recetved by madem ar diskelte
can have llghtlng layauts and
faotca n d le ca lcu laton s p laced
directly anta the anginal site plan
data files.

or speciliers who have .E.S. corr]patib e outdoor ight ng

proqrams, Km can suppy a setof E S. fornratted dskettes
that conta n data for the Type 5 and all other products I the
' S te/ Roadway" section the ' Park n g Structure' sect on and the

AFLSerles Foodliqhts n the "Food iqhtfq' seclon of the

IrBrlde.Cond. ,o. o", I^R-pro6 dr .'o' .e.LA

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