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When Shatru Graha Becomes Exalted For Each Lagna

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When Shatru Gr aha Becomes Exalted F or Each Lagna

by P.Srinivas. Rao » Wed Dec 22, 2010 2:25 pm

When the Shatru Graha becomes Uchha for each Lagna:

Generally for each Lagna , there are Shubha and Ashubha Grahas. But these Shubha and Ashubha is decided as per their Adipatya (Lordship)

As per Laghu Parashari and Jataka Chandrika, kendrapathya for Natural benefic planets is not good and at the same time Konadipatya is
not good for Natural malefic planets.

Sorry i am writing in detail , becuse many people question me when they dont understand.

Any how let me start with Mesha Lagna:-

1) Mesha Lagna:- SHANI is papa graha in mesha lagna. if Shani in tula rashi, even though he is uchha, the native suddenly raises to the
position ,but at the same speed he starts falling down, that will be his end of the career.

2) For Vrishaba lagna the RAVI is papa graha, and if he is in 12th exalted---He cannot keep to the last the property,, and also he
wont get what he expects in his job. So he has to carry on his life like a commener.

3) For mithuna Lagna , Guru is papa graha and is in Karka, exalted---he will undergo many problems in his job mainly by the too many

Continued-------keep watching, please tell me whether it is really educative and interesting. I will stop this if u people know it very well.
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Re: When Shatru Gr aha Becomes Exalted F or Each Lagna

by imann » Wed Dec 22, 2010 2:49 pm

Hello Sir;

Does this mean that its better for all mithun lagna ppl to have a weak guru-----and same for the other lagnas as well ?
thanks and regards


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Re: When Shatru Gr aha Becomes Exalted F or Each Lagna

by kandhan » Wed Dec 22, 2010 7:36 pm


Couple of doubts:

1. Mesha Lagna: moon and venus own kendras. Shani a malefic owns a kendra. although it owns 11, 11 is considered less malefic than 6, 8.

2. Vrishabha Lagna: Sun a malefic owns a kendra

3. Jupiter and mercury when they become lagnesh own two kendras.

How to apply the rules of Laghu Parashari and Jataka Chandriak in these cases? For ex: for Mesh moon or ven should be considered malefics
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Re: When Shatru Gr aha Becomes Exalted F or Each Lagna

by P.Srinivas. Rao » Thu Dec 23, 2010 1:59 pm

4) For Karkataka Lagna:- If Kuja in makara ,uchha,and in shatru rashi---always problems in his work place. There is a chance of child
abortion .

5) For Simha Lagna:- shani is shatru, in 3rd is uchha. Then ur bhagya will open after ur marriage but u have to live under ur wife. I mean u r
controlled by ur wife, henpeck.
6)For Simha Lagna:--Ravi in mesha--father is having tough time. There will be a shaap ( curse) from his fathers side

7)Simha Lagna:- Kuja in 6th, ucha---ur father will have tremondous improvement in his life . But he will face one day, disrespect from the

Kanya Lagna:-Kuja in makara--- A shatru graha to lagna lord , he will have problems in job. If there is Ancestors property, it may not last
with him

9)Tula Lagna;- Chandra in 10th, in his own house, no steadyness in job. U will be respected by the people after many years.

10) Tula Lagna:-Chandra is exalted in 8th, not happy with the job, one day ur prestige will be at stake.

11) Tula Lagna:- Kuja in 4th ,uchha, u will be respected by few people.

12) Tula Lagna:-Shani in lagna, u will face pain from property , wife and childrens.

13)Vrischika Lagna:- Shani in 12th,u may sell the propery , house, to cover the loan.

14)Dhanu Lagna:_Kuja in 2nd , for the future of ur childrens u will make loans. U may not able to close it and hence till u die u will have that

15) Dhanu Lagna :- Shani in 11th--problems of money in ur family, u will mis-use ur power in ur job.

16)Dhanu Lagna:- Guru in 8th--u will have to face numerous problems with respect to ur property.

17)Makara Lagna:- Shukra in 3rd--u will suffer loss from ur colleagues.

18) Makara Lagna:-Shani in 10th-- family burden is such , u may find very difficulty to come up.

19) Makara Lagna:- Kuja in Lagna--problems from the Govt for ur propertys.

20) Makara Lagna:-Ravi in 4th---u will recieve the property after the death of close relative or family member.

21) Makara Lagna :-Kuja in Lagna and shani in 10th---u may not have the adrashta of owning the property, u may cheat ur own dharma.

22) Kumba Lagna:-Shani is uchha-- u look, as if u dont have any thing but . Dont want to show ur richness. U love work. u may have to clear
the debt by ur father.

23) Kumba Lagna:-Guru is uchha--- U may have to face problem of money

24) Kumba Lagna :-Ketu in 10th-- u will loose all ur respect and prestige.

25)Kimba Lagna :-Kuja in 12th---fear, many problems in family , u may be suspended from the job for ur mistake.

26)Meena Lagna :-Guru in 5th---many problems in ur job.

27) Meena Lagna :- Ravi in 2nd---un-employed,opposition from fathers side (family), problem of loan from the Govt.

28) Meena Lagna:-Kuja in 11th---abundand property , ur father is filthy rich.

29) Meena Lagna :- Rahu in vrishaba---problems from ur brothers , may have to face accidents and black magic

30) Meena Lagna :- Budha is uchha---No marital happiness

31)Meena lagna :- Ravi in 2nd, shani in 8th---u may face criticism for ur behaviour of swallowing others property.- Or- ur way of making
money is illegal.

One should understand this before predicting the horoscope.

Simply u say a graha is uchha , every thing will be alright. Exalted Graha may give lot of problems also. There- fore no one should say
a graha is uchha, u will be UCHHA
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Re: When Shatru Gr aha Becomes Exalted F or Each Lagna

by P.Srinivas. Rao » Thu Dec 23, 2010 3:44 pm

aseem82 wrote:

Dhanu Lagna :- Shani in 11th--problems of money in ur family, u will mis-use ur power in ur job.

Dear Raoji,

I am dhanu lagna and have this placement....We have always be full of money and I have often received monetary benefits a lot
from my parents and brother....They have always fulfilled my desires...Yes there has been differences with my parents and we mad
up fast after 2-3 hours....In my job also, I have done in my best capacity to fulfill the roles of responsibilities that I have been given
to me till now...

In one case of my cousin, who has exalted Mars as Leo lagna, it has given him very competitive spirits and he is currently a famous
journalist in USA...Recently he earned million dollars as bonus for his distinguished works...His father is a renowned Head of
Statistics (now retired) in top university in India...And currently busy with the promotion of his book that he has written

I think there are also exceptions to it...

Kindly explain


Mr aseemji, as u said there is exceptions. But it will show its features to ur eyes clearly ,when u undergo that perticular dasha or bhukthi
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Re: When Shatru Gr aha Becomes Exalted F or Each Lagna

by swamykool » Thu Dec 23, 2010 7:35 pm

Dear Srinivas ji,

Thank you very much for such a brilliantly useful post. However i have one humble question. You said kendradhipatya of a benefic is bad and
konadhipatya of a malefic is bad. Then under such circumstances how will a yogakaraka work? For instance for Tula Lagna Shani is a
yogakaraka being the adhipati of both a kendra and a kona -4th and 5th. Shani's konadhipatya-L5, is good while Shani's kendradhipatya-L4 is
bad. So how will shani perform exactly for a Tula Lagna native? Kindly answer me at your convenience. Thank you.

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Re: When Shatru Gr aha Becomes Exalted F or Each Lagna

by purohits » Thu Dec 23, 2010 8:15 pm

Shri Srinivas Rao Ji,

[quote="P.Srinivas. Rao"]Meena Lagna:-Kuja in 11th---abundand property , ur father is filthy rich.[/quote]

Sir, I have this combination but, EXACT opposite is applicable in my case. Although, many other factors need to be considered for the
outcomes, but should this conbination not show some result at least? This is absent.

Is there any exception to this sir?

However, if i consider my lagna to be Kumba, then this matches well to some extent.
May [quote="P.Srinivas. Rao"])Kimba Lagna :-Kuja in 12th---fear, many problems in family , u may be suspended from the job for ur

This points to a need for birth time rectification:? .

Warm regards



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Re: When Shatru Gr aha Becomes Exalted F or Each Lagna

by P.Srinivas. Rao » Thu Dec 23, 2010 11:15 pm

aseem82 wrote:Raoji, thanks for confirming exceptions...

Well sir based on my previous experience with Lord Saturn bhukti in Rahu mahadasha, initially I flunked in one paper but
successfully cleared it in next attempt. Then in the remaining period, I somehow became topper consistently for 2 years when
....90% of the Lord Saturn antardasha had been good for me...I enjoyed respects from parents, teachers and all my relatives....

Secondly, I also cleared all entrance examinations in Lord Saturn pratyantar dasha for undergraduate studies....and I got admission
in the prestigous institute for MBA in first attempt in the next pratyantar of Lord Saturn...

So I think the period has been over all good to me...


Mr Aseemji:-

One cannot say that the Graha is Uchha and it is good.

1)The Uchha grahas nakshatradipathi should be natural benefic grahas like-=Guru,shukra,Budha and also these nakshatrdipathi should be in
its own navamsha.

If the above 2 conditions satisfye to that uchha graha, u can expect uchha phala . or it should be in Yogakaraka nakshatra.

2) In rashi chakra graha is uchha. But in navamsha it is in neecha. then it wont give uchha phala.

3) That uchha graha should not be afflicted by malefic grahas, perticularly by Shani.

40 If the uchha graga is malefically afflicted perticularly by Shani, Rahu, Kuja, Ketu, then it shows the malefic phala during the dasha bhukthi.

5) most imp is one must know the karakatwa of the graha.For eg:- Simha Lagna-- Kuja is in 6th uchha along with shani.

During Kuja Dasha, the native will face many problems like, the increase in debt, enemity, or he may have to pledge his property to cover the
debt, no marital happiness, accidents etc, etc, even though Kuja is Yoga Karaka. This he will experience in Kuja Dasha or bhukthi of any dasha.

One more imp in this kuja -shani yoga , in shani Dasha he attains every thing in his life. that is called GRAHA VIPARYASA.

6) suppose a person is having Khema Druma Dosha both in rashi and in navamsha, he canoot experience the fruits of uchha garha phala
throught his life.No exalted graha can do good to the native. There is a saying--- Even the son of king may become begger in this khema
Druma Dosha.
Like that many things to explain, but -----i hope u have understood by now. It is right u said other condition may apply

7 ) lastly, i would like to say is that --if the lagna and lagna lord is afflicted and balaheena , then the native cannot enjoy the fruits of good or
uchha dasha phala.
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Re: When Shatru Gr aha Becomes Exalted F or Each Lagna

by P.Srinivas. Rao » Thu Dec 23, 2010 11:36 pm

swamykool wrote:Dear Srinivas ji,

Thank you very much for such a brilliantly useful post. However i have one humble question. You said kendradhipatya of a benefic
is bad and konadhipatya of a malefic is bad. Then under such circumstances how will a yogakaraka work? For instance for Tula
Lagna Shani is a yogakaraka being the adhipati of both a kendra and a kona -4th and 5th. Shani's konadhipatya-L5, is good while
Shani's kendradhipatya-L4 is bad. So how will shani perform exactly for a Tula Lagna native? Kindly answer me at your
convenience. Thank you.


Shani is extreamly Yoga Karaka planet for Tula Lagna . He is the lortd of Kendra and lord of trikona. why it is said is-- shani is quite against to
the Santhana and marriage . Suppose shani in tula Lagna , he will give u every thing but he will create problems in marital happiness,
because he sees the 7th place. Suppose shani in 5th from Tula lagna . shani is in his own house, he will give the good education ,but he will
create problems to the santhana.

Please remember Shani wherever may be he will create the problems exept in tula lagna and shani in lagna . This is quite opposite in the case
of Guru. Even if he is neecha , he says he cannot give phala but he wont harm u.

Regarding this i have said in my previous thread. u may please go through that and let me know ur doubts if any
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Re: When Shatru Gr aha Becomes Exalted F or Each Lagna

by P.Srinivas. Rao » Thu Dec 23, 2010 11:37 pm

aseem82 wrote:

)The Uchha grahas nakshatradipathi should be natural benefic grahas like-=Guru,shukra,Budha and also these
nakshatrdipathi should be in its own navamsha.

If the above 2 conditions satisfye to that uchha graha, u can expect uchha phala . or it should be in Yogakaraka

Many thanks for clarifying, sir..Yes, Lord Saturn is in Chitra nakshatra whose Lord Mars is in 1st house as 5th house.....You really
have excellent knowledge, sir...
Aseemji ---thanx.
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Re: When Shatru Gr aha Becomes Exalted F or Each Lagna

by lovacrs » Fri Dec 24, 2010 12:58 am

Dear Raoji,

Thanks for the lovely explanation. I have a few questions on the table of uccha grahas for various lagnas and their results.

1. For Mithuna you have mentioned Guru as papa graha, but left out Kuja - why?
2. For Kanya you have included Kuja as papa but ignored Guru. Like Mithuna Guru here also owns two kendras
3. Similarly you have included Budha as papa for only Meena and not for Dhanu - why?
4. For Mesha why Budha (lord of 3rd and 6th) not a papa graha?
5. Similarly for Vrishabha and Tula why Guru is not papa graha?

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Re: When Shatru Gr aha Becomes Exalted F or Each Lagna

by SriRama » Fri Dec 24, 2010 9:08 am

Last edited by SriRama on Fri Dec 24, 2010 2:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: When Shatru Gr aha Becomes Exalted F or Each Lagna

by astro123 » Fri Dec 24, 2010 10:40 am

hello Mr Rao

Interesting and very informative article sir.. U wrote abt Saturn as YK for libra lagna...How will Saturn Act when he is Asc Lord for Capricorn
and Aquarius Natives..In addition to being LL, shani is L2 and L12 for the above lagnas

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Re: When Shatru Gr aha Becomes Exalted F or Each Lagna

by P.Srinivas. Rao » Fri Dec 24, 2010 2:06 pm

Mr Assemji:-

I would like to give an example , how this exalted Graha brings a person total down.

DOB:-25-11-1969/ 11.44pm/mangalore/Mrigashira-2/ a lady

3rd house--Shukra,Guru

This Lady is born on Tuesday,2nd Tithi,Krishnapaksha.

Chandra is exalted,Balista and full paksha bala.

This lady has come up from her own self efforts. Chandra in Sthira Rashi. So Sthira Mind( fixed mind and not wavering mind )Fixed job. She is
well respected and had top post in govt. Very beautiful , good looking also.

Under her, hundreds of people including qualified engineers , chartered accountants are working.

No doubt this Chandra has given every thing to her. Let us now see the Rashyadipathi of Chandra ---Shukra.

Chandra Rashyadipathi Shukra is in his own house, balista. But 8th lord Guru is also with Shukra and both are aspected by neecha
Shani.Therefore GUru and Shukra became Nirbala by the aspect of NEECHA SHANI.

With this, Shukra transfered his nirbala to Chandra. ( chandra in shukras house).

Guru is the lord of 5.8th, neecha Shani aspects guru also.

With this, the native is unable to concieve Santhana or child.She could not succeed even after many poojas, vrathas, homas etc, etc---. the lady
is really worried that even after many poojas, vrathas she could not concieve a baby. Even today this lady said to me " I donot want anything
in this world, I want my own child. Why God is so cruel with me. ". Doctor already said --no chance to her.

So this nirbala Shukra endorsed his nirbalatwa to Chandra.

Chandra gave her ---good job , respect, money, property, good future, education,but along with that ,Chandra gave her SANTHANA TENSION,
DUKHA also

She consulted top astrologers, every one said-----" Why do u worry, u have wonderful Raja Yoga. U live like a king with cars , bungalow,
servants etc,etc---.. Who is there, other than u. "

They praised her till she is in the heaven.

Have u seen what happened ?. How this Chandra pulled her down from heaven to earth ?.

This requires PATIENCE,experience and Guru kripa. So an astrologer should see who is the rashyadipathi, adipatya, karakatwa of
rashyadipathi also along with the graha u r intrpreting.

I hope Aseem and others are clear now.


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Re: When Shatru Gr aha Becomes Exalted F or Each Lagna

by P.Srinivas. Rao » Fri Dec 24, 2010 2:18 pm

astro123 wrote:hello Mr Rao

Interesting and very informative article sir.. U wrote abt Saturn as YK for libra lagna...How will Saturn Act when he is Asc Lord for
Capricorn and Aquarius Natives..In addition to being LL, shani is L2 and L12 for the above lagnas


Shani is much better in Capricorn Lagna. But at the same time he is the marakadipathi also--2nd Lord. Makara Rashi --Shani has got this after
1000 s of years penance from Lord Shiva . That is why Shani is pleased in Makara and not in Kumba, even though the kumba is moola trikona
to Shani.

But in kumba he is the lord for 12 th. How can he considered as yoga karaka. ( Even tho Lagnadipathi)That is why it is said ,out if 12 lagnas
,Kumba is the most unfortunate lagna. This is very interesting , i will come back when the time comes.
Astrology is not a Science of light, but it is the Science of life

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Re: When Shatru Gr aha Becomes Exalted F or Each Lagna

by astro123 » Fri Dec 24, 2010 3:28 pm

P.Srinivas. Rao wrote:

astro123 wrote:hello Mr Rao

Shani is much better in Capricorn Lagna. But at the same time he is the marakadipathi also--2nd Lord. Makara Rashi --
Shani has got this after 1000 s of years penance from Lord Shiva . That is why Shani is pleased in Makara and not in
Kumba, even though the kumba is moola trikona to Shani.

But in kumba he is the lord for 12 th. How can he considered as yoga karaka. ( Even tho Lagnadipathi)That is why it is
said ,out if 12 lagnas ,Kumba is the most unfortunate lagna. This is very interesting , i will come back when the time

Thank u Mr Rao for the information...So we should assume for Capricorn Asc,Saturn will try to protect the native during his periods assuming
of course he is unafflicted and not in should we consider the aspects of Saturn for Capricorn natives in the natal chart and
transits...Malefic or benefic..Additionaly ,the great benefic Guru becomes a func malefic for a Capricornian,so what abt jupiters aspects..Also
IMO,for Capricorn Lagna the real maraka is rahu since he co-owns Aquarius (i know ownership of nodes is contoversial,i am myslef not very
clear on this concept)

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Re: When Shatru Gr aha Becomes Exalted F or Each Lagna

by P.Srinivas. Rao » Sat Dec 25, 2010 5:09 am

Dear Members:-

Since there are numerous Fake Ids, i dont wish to waste my time by answering. I am sorry members. Please bear with me.
With Regards
Astrology is not a Science of light, but it is the Science of life

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Re: When Shatru Gr aha Becomes Exalted F or Each Lagna

by anuradha » Sat Dec 25, 2010 8:07 pm

Sir, I feel,she has Cancer lagna, which was just two minutes before. Exchange of 5L and 8L[ Mars and Saturn], Sun [ 2L] and Mercury[ 12L] in
the 5H. In D-9 Mars is debilitated in 5H and the 5L of D-9 is conjunct with 6L Sun . Mars in the 5H is also aspected by the retrograde Saturn.
Karka Jupiter is in the 8H of D-9.In D-7 the 5L Mars is in the 6H aspected by the 8L Saturn and Jupiter is in exchange of Venus the 11L[ 6th
from 6th], the Karka.Rahu is in the lagna of D-7 with Sun. I personally feel, are the reasons for this. I may be wrong in my analysis. Regards
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Re: When Shatru Gr aha Becomes Exalted F or Each Lagna

by P.Srinivas. Rao » Sat Dec 25, 2010 10:28 pm

anuradha wrote:Sir, I feel,she has Cancer lagna, which was just two minutes before. Exchange of 5L and 8L[ Mars and Saturn], Sun [
2L] and Mercury[ 12L] in the 5H. In D-9 Mars is debilitated in 5H and the 5L of D-9 is conjunct with 6L Sun . Mars in the 5H is also
aspected by the retrograde Saturn. Karka Jupiter is in the 8H of D-9.In D-7 the 5L Mars is in the 6H aspected by the 8L Saturn and
Jupiter is in exchange of Venus the 11L[ 6th from 6th], the Karka.Rahu is in the lagna of D-7 with Sun. I personally feel, are the
reasons for this. I may be wrong in my analysis. Regards anu

Dear Madam:- I am not clear of ur letter . I am talking about this thread, where in i suspect many fake IDs wants to ask questions with me to
test my knowledge. I am not blaming any one nor i have the right . One day they will realise, that day is not far off.

With Regards
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Re: When Shatru Gr aha Becomes Exalted F or Each Lagna

by anuradha » Sat Dec 25, 2010 10:38 pm

I would like to give an example , how this exalted Graha brings a person total down.

DOB:-25-11-1969/ 11.44pm/mangalore/Mrigashira-2/ a lady

3rd house--Shukra,Guru

This Lady is born on Tuesday,2nd Tithi,Krishnapaksha.

Chandra is exalted,Balista and full paksha bala.

This lady has come up from her own self efforts. Chandra in Sthira Rashi. So Sthira Mind( fixed mind and not wavering mind )Fixed job. She is
well respected and had top post in govt. Very beautiful , good looking also.

Under her, hundreds of people including qualified engineers , chartered accountants are working.

No doubt this Chandra has given every thing to her. Let us now see the Rashyadipathi of Chandra ---Shukra.

Chandra Rashyadipathi Shukra is in his own house, balista. But 8th lord Guru is also with Shukra and both are aspected by neecha
Shani.Therefore GUru and Shukra became Nirbala by the aspect of NEECHA SHANI.

With this, Shukra transfered his nirbala to Chandra. ( chandra in shukras house).

Guru is the lord of 5.8th, neecha Shani aspects guru also.

With this, the native is unable to concieve Santhana or child.She could not succeed even after many poojas, vrathas, homas etc, etc---. the lady
is really worried that even after many poojas, vrathas she could not concieve a baby. Even today this lady said to me " I donot want anything
in this world, I want my own child. Why God is so cruel with me. ". Doctor already said --no chance to her.

So this nirbala Shukra endorsed his nirbalatwa to Chandra.

Chandra gave her ---good job , respect, money, property, good future, education,but along with that ,Chandra gave her SANTHANA TENSION,
DUKHA also

She consulted top astrologers, every one said-----" Why do u worry, u have wonderful Raja Yoga. U live like a king with cars , bungalow,
servants etc,etc---.. Who is there, other than u. "

They praised her till she is in the heaven.

Have u seen what happened ?. How this Chandra pulled her down from heaven to earth ?.

This requires PATIENCE,experience and Guru kripa. So an astrologer should see who is the rashyadipathi, adipatya, karakatwa of
rashyadipathi also along with the graha u r intrpreting.

I hope Aseem and others are clear


P.Srinivas. Rao

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Sir, I am referring the above case. Regards anu
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How can he practice true compassion

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Re: When Shatru Gr aha Becomes Exalted F or Each Lagna

by P.Srinivas. Rao » Sun Dec 26, 2010 12:37 am

anuradha wrote:Sir, I feel,she has Cancer lagna, which was just two minutes before. Exchange of 5L and 8L[ Mars and Saturn], Sun [
2L] and Mercury[ 12L] in the 5H. In D-9 Mars is debilitated in 5H and the 5L of D-9 is conjunct with 6L Sun . Mars in the 5H is also
aspected by the retrograde Saturn. Karka Jupiter is in the 8H of D-9.In D-7 the 5L Mars is in the 6H aspected by the 8L Saturn and
Jupiter is in exchange of Venus the 11L[ 6th from 6th], the Karka.Rahu is in the lagna of D-7 with Sun. I personally feel, are the
reasons for this. I may be wrong in my analysis. Regards anu

Yes - U r right.

Madam , have u liked it ?. u will see another nice article tomorrow regarding the Doshas.

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Re: When Shatru Gr aha Becomes Exalted F or Each Lagna

by anxious2711 » Sun Dec 26, 2010 3:13 am

P.Srinivas. Rao wrote:

18) Makara Lagna:-Shani in 10th-- family burden is such , u may find very difficulty to come up.



I would really like you to elaborate on this. I thought Shani being in kendra gave a Sasya yog for Makara with Shani in Tula.


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Re: When Shatru Gr aha Becomes Exalted F or Each Lagna

by swamykool » Sun Dec 26, 2010 6:29 am

Shani is extreamly Yoga Karaka planet for Tula Lagna . He is the lortd of Kendra and lord of trikona. why it is said is-- shani is quite
against to the Santhana and marriage . Suppose shani in tula Lagna , he will give u every thing but he will create problems in
marital happiness, because he sees the 7th place. Suppose shani in 5th from Tula lagna . shani is in his own house, he will give the
good education ,but he will create problems to the santhana.

Please remember Shani wherever may be he will create the problems exept in tula lagna and shani in lagna . This is quite opposite
in the case of Guru. Even if he is neecha , he says he cannot give phala but he wont harm u.

Regarding this i have said in my previous thread. u may please go through that and let me know ur doubts if any

Dear Srinivas ji,

Thank you very much for your answer. You have cleared a grave doubt of mine. Kindly allow me to bother you with another question. If
Shani as a Yogakaraka aspects another planet, say Guru, will that be considered as an affliction for Guru? I ask this because Shani is a natural
malefic but as a yogakaraka he is a great benefic. So as a yoogaraka/benefic, will his aspect be good or bad? Please answer at your

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Re: When Shatru Gr aha Becomes Exalted F or Each Lagna

by astro123 » Sun Dec 26, 2010 7:12 am

P.Srinivas. Rao wrote:Dear Members:-

Since there are numerous Fake Ids, i dont wish to waste my time by answering. I am sorry members. Please bear with me.

With Regards

hello Mr Rao

I understand ur situation with so many fake Id's floating around but ur one of the few genuine person around and very much an asset for this
forum..I am not an astrologer but only a student and have been reading thru ur articles with great interest..I actually had a question (it is not
a challenge but a question i have been unable to resolve)..U may answer it at ur earliest convenience
So should we assume for Capricorn Asc,Saturn will try to protect the native during his periods assuming of course he is unafflicted
and not in should we consider the aspects of Saturn for Capricorn natives in the natal chart and transits...Malefic
or benefic..Additionaly ,the great benefic Guru becomes a func malefic for a Capricornian,so what abt jupiters aspects.

Last edited by astro123 on Sun Dec 26, 2010 11:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: When Shatru Gr aha Becomes Exalted F or Each Lagna

by swamykool » Sun Dec 26, 2010 10:26 am

Dear Srinivas ji,

I understand your concern, pl be assured mine is not a fake id.

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