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Isabella Gibson

PE/ Health

Mr. Hoffmann

16 May 2018

SMART Goal Reflection

Over the course of these six weeks I had, essentially, attempted to increase the amount of

sit ups that I can do in at a consistent, continuous speed. I strived to complete 250 in a row,

ultimately increasing my core strength, building muscle, and mental strength over the course of

these six weeks. At the beginning of the six weeks, I could do 40 in a row. This goal is relevant

because I am a multisport athlete. I participate in volleyball and lacrosse, so building core

muscles would benefit me in both. This goal is also relevant because one uses some muscles in

some sports, however, core strength is valued in all sports due to its universal uses.

My results, compared from the beginning of the six weeks to the end of the six weeks,

differed. My results almost tripled since the very beginning of the six weeks. However, my

overall goal was not reached. I did not achieve my goal, most likely, due to many factors. For

example, I would often do the workouts after lacrosse when I would, naturally, be very tired.

Due to this, I wouldn’t necessarily try my hardest in doing the exercises. This would ultimately

make it more difficult to complete the other workouts planned for upcoming days.

I believe this is what threw me off track from the beginning and kept me from achieving

my goal in the end. However, the six-week fitness plan chart was a great factor that helped me

keep track of my progress I’ve made over time. The chart was well organized and helped me
keep track of my workouts I completed. The chart also helped me monitor my rest days as well

as the days of the week. My F.I.T.T journals were also a contributing factor to my overall

progress. The journals aided me in completing the workouts because rather than deciding what

workouts to do the day of, my journal already had them listed. This was a huge time saver and I

would even consider doing this in the future. I also enjoyed the journal because I used it as

motivation to complete most of my workouts to the best of my ability and continue making

progress throughout the six weeks.

While I attempted to try my hardest throughout the six weeks, there were many obstacles

I had to overcome in order to strive for my goal. For example, soreness and fatigue played a

large role in hindering my progress in core strength. Sometimes, it was difficult to complete a

certain workout when my muscles were already sore from the night before. Another example of a

challenge in completing the six-week workout plan was my priorities throughout a given day.

For example, studying for important tests would come above my workouts on most days, ending

with me not exercising as vigorously as I should have.

Throughout the course of this project, I have obtained a great deal of knowledge. I have

learned the most about my overall strength both mentally and physically. I have learned what it

takes to motivate and encourage me in completing a task that seems impossible at the time but

will be beneficial in the end. I have also learned not to expect immediate results or progress after

only a couple days of exercising. Lastly, and possibly the most important, I learned the

significance of setting goals and achieving them.

This project was a great way to learn more about myself and my physical abilities as an athlete. I
thoroughly enjoyed this project, and I would consider using some of its aspects in the future.
Isabella Gibson

Mr. Hoffmann

Health/ PE

24 March 2018

S.M.A.R.T Goal Statement

S: My goal is to increase the amount of sit ups that I can do to 250 in a row, ultimately

increasing my core strength. Along with this goal, I am also building muscle and endurance over

the course of the 6 weeks. Currently, I can do 40 in a row.

M: I will record my progress and fitness criteria through my fitness plan journal. I will be

completing a set amount of sit ups and other core strengthening workouts in order for me to

reach my goal. I will also increase the intensity of the workouts as the weeks go on.

A: I believe that this goal is completely possible and attainable for me because I will be

participating in lacrosse, which can also help me strengthen my core muscles. However, I am

open to the idea of revising my goal to make it more challenging if I reach it before 6 weeks are

up. I believe that this goal is completely attainable for these reasons.

R: This goal is relevant because I play volleyball and lacrosse, so building core muscles would

benefit me in both sports. The workout that I will construct will also help me in building

endurance along with muscle. This goal is relevant because you need certain muscles to be

prominent for certain sports, and core strength is valued in all sports.

T: I will aim to accomplish this goal in 6 weeks’ time. If I can accomplish my goal before the 6

weeks, then I will revise my fitness goal. However, I will aim to space everything out

accordingly so that I will accomplish my goal on time.

Isabella Gibson
Mr. Hoffman
Health/ PE
26 March 2018
Fitness Plan

Week One-
Monday: resilience
- Reverse crunches 2x10
- Crunches 3x20
- Russian twists 5x20
- Plank for 30 seconds
- Aerobics for 10 mins
- Reverse crunches 2x10
- Crunches 3x20
- Russian twists 5x20
- Plank for 30 seconds
- Aerobics for 10 mins
- Reverse crunches 2x10
- Crunches 3x20
- Plank for 30 seconds
- Russian twists 5x20
- Aerobics for 10 mins
- Reverse crunches 2x10
- Crunches 3x20
- Plank for 30 seconds
- Russian twists 5x20
- Aerobics for 10 mins
- Reverse crunches 2x10
- Crunches 3x20
- Plank for 30 seconds
- Russian twists 5x20
- Aerobics for 10 mins
Week Two-
- Reverse crunches 2x15
- Crunches 4x20
- Plank for 45 seconds
- Russian twists 5x25
- Aerobics for 15 mins
- Reverse crunches 2x15
- Crunches 4x20
- Plank for 45 seconds
- Russian twists 5x25
- Aerobics for 15 mins
- Reverse crunches 2x15
- Crunches 4x20
- Plank for 45 seconds
- Russian twists 5x25
- Aerobics for 15 mins
- Reverse crunches 2x15
- Crunches 4x20
- Plank for 45 seconds
- Russian twists 5x25
- Aerobics for 15 mins
- Reverse crunches 2x15
- Plank for 45 seconds
- Crunches 4x20
- Russian twists 5x25
- Aerobics for 15 mins
Week Three-
- Reverse crunches 3x15
- Side planks for 45 seconds
- Crunches 4x25
- Russian twists 5x25
- Aerobics for 20 mins
- Reverse crunches 3x15
- Side planks for 45 seconds
- Crunches 4x25
- Russian twists 5x25
- Aerobics for 20 mins
- Reverse crunches 3x15
- Side planks for 45 seconds
- Crunches 4x25
- Russian twists 5x25
- Aerobics for 20 mins
- Reverse crunches 3x15
- Side planks for 45 seconds
- Crunches 4x25
- Russian twists 5x25
- Aerobics for 20 mins
- Reverse crunches 3x15
- Side planks for 45 seconds
- Crunches 4x25
- Russian twists 5x25
- Aerobics for 20 mins
Week Four-
- Reverse crunches 3x20
- Plank for 45 seconds
- Crunches 4x30
- Russian twists 5x25
- Aerobics for 20 mins
- Reverse crunches 3x20
- Plank for 45 seconds
- Crunches 4x30
- Russian twists 5x25
- Aerobics for 20 mins
- Reverse crunches 3x20
- Plank for 45 seconds
- Crunches 4x30
- Russian twists 5x25
- Aerobics for 20 mins
- Reverse crunches 3x20
- Plank for 45 seconds
- Crunches 4x30
- Russian twists 5x25
- Aerobics for 20 mins
- Reverse crunches 3x20
- Plank for 45 seconds
- Crunches 4x30
- Russian twists 5x25
- Aerobics for 20 mins
Week Five-
- Reverse crunches 3x25
- Plank for 1 minute
- Crunches 4x35
- Russian twists 5x30
- Aerobics for 20 mins
- Reverse crunches 3x25
- Plank for 1 minute
- Crunches 4x35
- Russian twists 5x30
- Aerobics for 20 mins
- Reverse crunches 3x25
- Plank for 1 minute
- Crunches 4x20
- Russian twists 5x30
- Aerobics for 20 mins
- Reverse crunches 3x25
- Plank for 1 minute
- Crunches 4x35
- Russian twists 5x30
- Aerobics for 20 mins
- Reverse crunches 3x25
- Plank for 1 minute
- Crunches 4x35
- Russian twists 5x30
- Aerobics for 20 mins
Week Six-
- Reverse crunches 3x40
- Side plank for a minute and 30 secs
- Crunches 4x40
- Russian twists 5x25
- Aerobics for 30 mins
- Reverse crunches 3x40
- Side plank for a minute and 30 secs
- Crunches 4x40
- Russian twists 5x30
- Aerobics for 30 mins
- Reverse crunches 3x40
- Side plank for a minute and 30 secs
- Crunches 4x40
- Russian twists 5x30
- Aerobics for 30 mins
- Reverse crunches 3x40
- Side plank for a minute and 30 secs
- Crunches 4x40
- Russian twists 5x30
- Aerobics for 30 mins
- Reverse crunches 3x40
- Side plank for 1 min and 30 secs
- Crunches 4x40
- Russian twists 5x30

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