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IMPORTANT ‘The information contained in this file is ONLY for the use of tered participants of the 2013 Australasian Problem Solving Mathematical Olympiads. All questions and solutions are copyright © 2013 by ‘Mathematical Olympiads for Elementary and Middle Schools Inc and Australasian Problem Solving Mathematical Olympiads (APSMO) Inc. All rights reserved. This file and/or its contents must NOT be distributed by any means, including electronically, without written consent from Australasian Problem Solving Mathematical Olympiads (APSMO) Inc. This file and/or its contents must NOT be made available on the internet in any format. This includes school websites. Australasian Problem Solving Mathematical Olympiads 2013 = Division J “WuDNESDAY 22Np May’ 2013 ‘OLYMEIAD, 1 1A ‘TOTAL Tine ALLOWED: 22 MiNuris ‘Time: 3 minutes Evaluate 48 « 25 + 100-5, 1B. ‘The sum of five consecutive whole numbers 75. mats the angst ofthe fve numbers? 1G. Time: § minutes (On tong car tip, a family crave for ane hour at 60 km per hour, ten fort pours at 90 km por hou, then for hres hours at 100 km pe hou For the whole rip, what was thir average speed in km per hour? 1D. Tome: 5 minutes - The large rectangle inthe diagram has an area of 80. Theco is 2 smal square in tho ition of the rectangle. Wat isthe area of te square? TE, Time: 6 minutes Ce ett munber sate wand esto get ech ew numba te " 1.5.9, ‘secon it of nanbers tars wih 2 an ads 31 ga ach new rber oheme How many two-digit numbers are common to both sts? Please fold the line and ‘your the ack ‘aT Als Pan ai Nan Oe AP ol “aratcranel © Australasian Problem Solving Be ‘Mathematical Olympiads OR ENEIAD! “2013 : Division J | 1 ‘Wepyrspay 22np Mav 2013 A 1B » 1B Student Name: Please fold the line and rte your the boxes aS, a Pa NTO aS ODT iy oR Australasian Problem Solving Mathematical Olympiads 2013 : Division J WEDNESDAY 22ND MAY 2013, }OLUTIONS AND ANSWERS ‘hon i parentheses renot epared| 41, METHOD 4: Sealey Fol th oer f operations but when gen a chace use the operation tat resutsn small uber ta. Shee 48» 25 resus ina bigger number than 25+ 10, perform the second apratin fist Since 25 100% we hen mull 4% eto ge 12 Th lal taps 12-57. ‘Tho reult i METHOD 2: Statsay: Apply a quick way to mulipy by 25 Multong ty 2 s te same ae dng by 4 and fen mutipjing by 100 (move the cima point 2 places to he igh), ‘Freretore 40 «26 42 ~4 = 100 = 1200, Divide is result by 100 to get 12 an then Decamposs 4 io factor 12 = 4 in cert simply the mutilation, Rew tho prob ae 12425 100-5 Recopniee tat > 25 100 ond that 12> 100 100-5 = 1231 2-5: FFouLomur:Evsuste 42-98% 25-90. (82) 4B, METHOD 1: Use the sum ed the avarago Since the sum of te ve rumbers is 76, fe average (moan) of he Eve pumbers is 7s'e'5= 18 coine middle numer 18. ing and subearang 1 for 18 4 and 16 respec. Reposing tis prococs gos us 18 and 17.20 [METHOD 2: Stategy: Save a simpler tu sintr problem. Select 5 consecutive intager,surh ae 2, 3,4, Sana 6 Nc that he sum ofthese humberee20 and inal 208 4 which ithe ride number The post moneer fe more tan the mile ruber o 8; Now apy th same teat the een 75. De 75 by gt 18 and tan the ltget sumer wile moe than 16 c0 equals 17, FFo.towsur: Find tree consocuive od epee tat have 2 sun of 83.18, 23, 23] 17 4c. METHOD 1: Stateax Average sped tll istnce iced by ttl tne. “ne ota na ie 1+ 2 + 9 = @ hou. To fc the ol tance, fed the donc for 52h pat of herp usng fate «tna = tance “Tne tla tance «6054 # 9952 4100 “Therefore the average rate was 540*6=90 kmh Aina soliton maths ore page. 9 0 km/h ‘G02 inn ren Sh et Oa AF a Ma OV By oe SOLUTIONS AND ANSWERS CONTINUED ‘ems npretees 46 METHOD 2 Sats Osteria eon part oe dtoce reeled ng ‘stoond par tok 18 af fal Un ar he as! pat wos 12 ofthe ttl me. The ‘averages $e +40 + L000 «10+ 35050 METHOD 3: Stalsoy: Draw a diagram a Mronge jd = kia dears Seo" 100° Satkm, te sverege eae i 401 = 0 kh, Fouow-ue: Two plcemen xe 15 km apart on 2 sraight rc. A car pases the frat polveman irveling a5 ky and pase fe second atcaran 15 mits tr he speed lt onto road was 33K, the var exceed the hn at ary poet? Ver] 40, METHOD 1: Staley Drawn oho figure out the answer row vera re wou esr (Sone shane). The [71 {wo resuling anges are the somo sze ae hetoeee anos {o the right The ho smal sales on te ok combine “Thorfore the sre ofthe square 216 of 0 = 29. METHOD 2: Statear Draw many nse to cde the shape In the sure sed tongies. [Al of the Wangs ar he same sz, The square contains 4 ‘tthe 12 tangle o 9 of te ttl aren, Therefore ake 1/3 [F600 nthe area nee to square and 173) *60 = 20. ‘E, METHOD 4; State: Enend te lts and ook fo apt Frstist 1@s, 13, 21,25. Second Ft 288, 18.14, 20,28, 28,8. Cele the rumors inthe fret at ht can be found inthe sand Hat. Natie that ‘hoy all eo 12 apart fom each ober. Court by 12 staring fom 200 get the ‘emaring number 41, £9, 68,77, and 2, Nete hat 6 ea one-gt mane ands ‘rclaearom he coun METHOD 2: Staten: Finda common mai ‘Sine the eat conmen rulpe for 3 and 4s 12 once you a number contin inbot hts coun by 12's fo tne cher common ruber. Since we ae given S fos.8 number nbh et, we can find of the twolgt noma in both a by coniuousyadang 12. “Theca ae 7 o- tumbers i Both ts: 17, 20,41, 59,65, 7, and 80 FOLLOW-UPS: (1) Find the neat tree rubs inthe sequence 1, 2,8 1331. (86, 82, 141)" (2) How many rumors inthe Fbonsce) Enquirer andes han 100?) What eta val ofthe fotoing? 4848-404 16-22 + 24-24 + 92-16 +40-04 49 20, Time: 4 minutes | dominos rectangle thats 2em by 4 cm How many dominoes ae necessary to cover board thats 20 em by 40 om? 2C. Time: 5 minutes 4B In the problem atthe rah, each leer represents ae CA sineent i a What fhe Sgt number ABC? +222 2331 2D. Time: S minutes ee In the gure to the sight, ow many dierent paths can be folowed Sy starting atthe top (sat) and ending a the botiom (end), and ony traveling ina downwards drecton? 2, Time: 6 minutes ‘A total of 60 counters are eplt Into piles. No ple hat the same number of ‘counters a8 any other ple \Whatis the iargest eurber of pls that can be made? S ©2013: Division 2 Menvenartzm sexeaos | 2a Mes Please fold the Tine and ‘your the back Cee OH saa Pl Sing al ch MO il es Oe yo “instore 2 2» 2e Student Name: Please fold the line and the boxes ‘ra 07 fara iain anil aD a ately ‘iegarrnet Australasian Problem Solving Mathematical Olympiads 2013 : Division J WEDNespay 12st JUNE 2013 OLYMPIAD 2 SOLUTIONS AND ANSWERS 2A, METHOD 1: Stateay:Rearange and rareup forme. 48 + (8-0) (16-16 + (24-26 + (92-92) + 40-40) +40 = 40+ “The inal reste 96 METHOD 2: Staley: Petr the adons and subtractions separa Than add 40+ 32624 + 16. = 120, Then ubtact 216-120 = 96 FoLLowsl: Evatist 100-99 + 58-97 «4-362 1,0) 96 28, METHOD 1: Sizlear’ Calculate the ae ofthe baad andthe domino and hen consider ere diston ‘erty that dominos can ever the oat without lsvng ny amy space. The area fa domino 2 = 4= 8 and th toa ofthe boars 20» 40 800. vie 800 by 10 ge 100 dominoes to cover he board ‘You need 100 dominoes to cover the board METHOD 2 Stateay Work mth length and dson {There ae fen 7 em ang 20 cna ton om ong in 40 FoUOW-UP: What tha maximum number oft» 3 rectangle tee that coud on an8' 8 checkerboard? 100 20, METHOD 1: Staten: Fnting factors or ‘Sine the et product 11 which torsinio 3» 37, ABl must be 27 £0 Ais 3. Since 2eziactors ne 37» 6, Crate 6 7. METHOD 2: Srateay: Determine wo cferentae-agt epee whoee product endo “The only wo eferontingle-digtintogers whose product ends 1 are 3 an 7 ‘Shee 73 «iste large, most be 37 * 3. Than 376 Tar CT aaa le Ha Oa SOLUTIONS AND ANSWERS CONTINUED, ‘rent raed 2D, METHOD 4: Satay Liao he pats nan ergarisd fasion, tre donot te the words start and en he compl it contin: [AG, ACDFG, ACDFH, ACEF, ACEFH, BH, BCOFG, ECOFH, BCEFG, and 8CEFH, ‘Consequently the total numberof paths to get rom stato end is 10. METHOD 2: Stateay: Work backyards by piocing numbers on the dgsram fo [deat tne number ef ay 10 gto te anon each elored pot ‘you ar at G or theres ony one way to gto he end AF. mere are way Since there is only ane way fo pot oF from D and one way fom , the numberof way to gotta ho rd fom each hese we places #2. ACiheretore, here ae 4 crocs. ‘Soe there ae two way fo geo, vs Aor 8, we row have @ pas hat go trough Cand ieadto te end “Thar ae we addtional cass that go fom AG an rom 81H, ‘Ts ges a toa of 10 paths METHOD : Stacy Determine the numer of paths poEsBe on neste ofthe ‘Smmmetial gram. Ite go tough A and then © there only 1 way to gto te an. we go trough ‘Athen ©. Bere are d ways gallo te end, 2 tough Dad ? twas E Tarts tee ae 8 ways ha ess ough A Si ‘tough 8 nds = iy there ae 5 ways at pase 10 2E. Srateay Sart with the las uber of counter nach pie Place 1,2, 3, couriers ito pls unt you get oset0 80. Sine 1269440 56847.860 = 45 no adona ples canbe farmed, Place the remaining 5 cours In such a way 28 to not dupleste the oer ple sumer (02: One posse placement ist ake al 5 couriers and place them on {ep lth pe 9 counters) Inary oven the maximum numberof ples that can be made 60 that no ple ha the same number of counters 4s any str pl, “tiga oned Australasian Problem Solving ‘Mathematical Olympiads 2013 : Division J \Wenitinay ats JuLy 2013 “OLYMPIAD ‘TOTAL TIME ALLowED: 24 Mivures 3A. Time: 3 minutes, If yesterday was Monday, what day of the week willbe 50 days from today? 3B, Time: 4 minutes ‘A juice ote has 405 miles of ube in i after one-tenth of has been unk. How many milires of juice wil be in the bate when only ene-tenth of he ue is et? 3C. Times 4 minutes 7 ‘The area of square ABCD is 36, Tho centre ie | of square ABCD is the comer of the overapping equare EFGH whose area ie 16. nats the total area of the shaded region? | # is 3D, Time: 6 minutes wo identical square pieces of paper aro each folded in hal. One ofthe haste fe then folded in haf sacond time to forma rectangle and the thor is folded in half to form a square nat the rai, ins of the perimeter ofthe fal square to the perimatr ofthe les folded rectangle? ne ont me Hh, each eter represen t saterent gh : Wet gt number does NEAR rpreson? RA Please sold the line and write the back Australasian Problem Solving _ Mathematical Olympiads 2013 : DivisION J 3 WEDNESDAY 3I9F JULY 2013 OLYMPIAD, * Please fold = on he line and write 2” your the 2B bores Australasian Problem Solving ‘Mathematical Olympiads 2013 : Division J WEDNESDAY 315T Juy 2013, OLA SOLUTIONS AND ANSWERS tos in porenthses 3A, Method: State: Node Artes. Since yesterday was Monday, adey must be Tuesdey. ln 7, 14,21, 28, 35,42, and 49 daystel an be Tues. ‘Threfore the ith day wil be a Wednesday. Metnod2: Create 2 chat and recognise a pate ‘The able ewals atthe cay natist mowtan [ure Te DoT mute 27 fas on 8 Wednenay, spt Fousow-ues (1) Easier Sundoy fale on 21 Mach tal dey ofthe week was Gmatmas Day L&D [| wm [w (25 Decambey} nthe same yoar?(Wesnasaay) Cae [ar P= [x [= (2) Every cohol day morning ary’ alam rings at 630 a.m. 20 abe can be on tine forthe staf Schl at 8:20 aim. but on Saturday and Suny, she Soe {eran arm. How much tne ater ine slr nnge on Pay dss May sat ‘Schoo onto flowing Monday? hours sed 30 mises Wednesday 38, Method 1: State: Deteine the numberof miites ff eneenth ofthe beta, ‘Sie 9110 af he bot needs 405 mitre, we nad odie by 9 oi the pumber ‘mires 10 fe bole, Hence one-tenth of the Bt Is ile by 45 mil Method 2: Stateay Determine the ruber of mites when the bode fl. 405 miles ile but oneerth ofthe ntl, 405 x (108) = 450 sees fs the to bot. Thertore #60 = 405 = 48 miles is oe-e th batl, 45 3¢-Mothod 1: Sratea: Find hear ofthe overep. ‘Shae th ares of he larger square 6, teste logth eA vero of the cma square fs at he conte ofthe larger squero co the Tena EK= Sand ho rea of EKCU 89 EZ The area of the ABKFGHJO Is the sum of the areas ofthe two” tiga squares minus the ares of EKG or 36 16-8 = 43, Itethod 2: Svategy: See the overlap a 9 scons poof 9 hoi. (na san ase that fo area a the overepsng region so the area of the ig square f(a)» 36 = 9. Subact ths tem theta the wo ares fo ge 30 = 10-9 = 4 Method 3: Staley: Dito the reion ito smater nari Extend ice DC ta 91m Pon FG. Then the area of ABKFGHD fe equa tothe area { eare ABCO ps the areas of rectangles JPGH ard KFPC, one of ch ie ‘Thorefere the total area ofthe shaded regon Is 36 +3 + 4= 43 Fouos-cn Find th aoe of evel gana square of sse 10 and second square tthe cement contro the fat sqre and oe length greater than 5.125) 43 Tap O SI Ta ton SOLUTIONS AND ANSWERS CONTINUED Weta 20. Method t Stata Dow a gram Draw dogs 1 represent te fies senso pape Te fate heures pepe The = Sawa regonn te escent é Bee he rensng care led “Th ied an fours agra show he rectangle an’ square ai fhe second fo Since we want he ao of the pence of he two shaded repos in tes ast two s | [2 ps oa por sla il» a nt tn oy coe rst a a ci er i ca rn nh same cuz Bag #1 has Bred sd B99 hes Ore. This sen eta ht og (has one reed male Bap Theatre the total umber of marble inthe two bap wba 20+ 21 = 41 marbles Wetiod 2 Satna Use alts et 2 = he aber of maeln ag 1. Ton =e a ube a msn Ban ‘he rurba e'n ag Am Sree hn he maner feb Beg #0 sl9 2 Ses novo er srr Pt reo srl a 17 et hematin Bag #2 rv: #22 ‘Sete ty muohing each eo he ean by he common dorama $0, 18 7 = Se Sa endo a = 90 me oa 3 cnet 1 = 2h FOLLOW-UP: Te rao of Cyst gis na clas of 7. Two now use bah boys ‘er ne cae and ane et stent are eat. The nave oye Vine amr dors riers 41 (marbles) SE Wothed : Sisto Cons pang ecw. ‘Sept he cae no wo pars. ne pats th nt orang tm Het 1 unt dep. 3 ‘stg an se soa Th enaring rang pat Sunt ao, ns gh ‘Tis soos. Fedthe wo ach recourse of ee pe Th epeecaren often pon 241) «4 se 3) aga ui. ‘Theespase ata fb ace pac 3 <4) + (424) +84) 68 sae ote ‘ho otal area hat eed oe pale is 26 +68 = 8 square units Mano 2 Staton Fide ro ese rd se fac ofthe omote sad an fhe sm, ‘Back andtborom acs ae te care sz: 4) = S2 agate, ‘ortansiop acest eeae 2 3)= 2 cr ts, aman at ce ows re tear wie: (49. 1 3) 90 ue rortad ote ft nthndout pce aretha sane +4) 8 que uns. ‘Thesumet el tee sees ole sues ee} 32 #2430 +B square une eto 3 Staea:Subac aes fal hve bon ave. ‘The sure fo te gen shape wl be sare he full i cube the ef and she" squoun Thais he e's tcanghe ened ty renoeng hes = = Tae, tetera dente wei tp and tonne Tess vOn asa a=) 3 FOLLOW-UP: Aro waleapr cn cover Pl te area: # 6 mag surtace. ‘ow many es walpaper no you have opuchoe ort ocanpllycoar th rooms snén= om oooh 94 (square units) ar ST Arar Pn a Maal AF at Mod Op Br ot “igh |

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