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Spiritual Lamaze The simple answers like, just

John 3:1-17 - Rev. Gary Shoemaker accept him as your lord and
Bellingham First Christian Church savior, seem incredibly
What does it mean to be a inadequate and really only
follower of Jesus? How lead to about a hundred other
would you explain it to questions.
someone who has never been
to church or even heard of It’s not easy to explain even
Jesus? That’s a difficult the most basic parts of the
question to answer, and yet I story. In his book Me Talk
think that for those of us who Pretty One Day, David Sedaris
count ourselves among Jesus’ recalls enrolling in a
followers, we ought to have beginning French language
an answer. We ought to be class that was attended by
able to articulate it well people from all over the
enough for others to world. One day the
understand. conversation turned toward
Christianity. A Moroccan
To be honest, I don’t think woman wanted to know what
even I have a great answer to the word Easter meant. A
the question. I could take a Polish woman took a stab at
stab at it, but the more I explaining resurrection
think about it, the more theology: “He call his self
complex the answer becomes. Jesus and then he die one

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day on two . . . morsels of . . . Nicodemus is doing about as
lumber.” Sedaris reports: well as any of us could do
“The rest of the class jumped when he starts to ask the
in, offering bits of obvious questions. What does
information that would have that even mean Jesus?
given the pope an aneurysm.”
And Jesus goes on to talk
That may be why, when about the wind and not
Nicodemus comes to Jesus knowing where it comes
looking for some answers from. And Nicodemus is
about what Jesus is about, probably thinking, we’ve just
the conversation moves into jumped from being born to
some pretty abstract areas. not knowing where the wind
“Very truly I tell you, no one comes from, I think Jesus
can see the kingdom of God may have lost it.
without being born from
above (or born anew).” But Jesus is persistent in
explaining that in order to
Jesus is truly attempting to become a follower, something
explain what it means to open very radical has to take place.
yourself to the realm of God, It’s like being born
to become a follower of the completely new, and you
Way that Jesus is don’t really have a lot of
proclaiming. And poor control over it, it just

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happens, like the wind, it just the priorities are shifted
happens. towards compassion and
caring. A realm where God
I chose to call my sermon loves the world so much that
“Spiritual Lamaze” because I God gives a gift of new hope,
think Jesus is trying to help new life, new reality.
us along in this new birth.
Just like those couples who What does it mean to be a
show up at the training follower of Jesus? It means
center with their pillows, we that you have opened
need help understanding just yourself to a very different
how this birth process is way of living and viewing the
going to happen and what we world. You open up to a
can do to make it go transformation that is so
smoothly. radically different and
complete that it’s like being
But just like those new born all over again. Only this
parents, we don’t have much time you are born of the
control over the spirit. Born of that which you
transformation to new life. cannot see or measure. Born
Jesus is telling us about a of love. Born of a new way of
realm that is different from being human.
anything we experience on a
normal day, a realm where

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And if you have a difficult again in the spirit of God. It
time understanding just what means that we start living in
that means, Jesus tells us a new reality where we look
stories about this new way of for the best in others, where
being. Stories that stretch our we go against conventional
understandings of grace, like wisdom and build bridges
the grace offered by the where others want to build
parent who runs to meet and walls.
welcome the scoundrel of a
son who has made a mess of Jesus does his best to show
everyone’s life. Stories that us what it means by spending
stretch our understandings of time and energy among the
who we consider our people that others have
neighbor, like the generosity shunned. He does this so
shown by a Samaritan, a much and so often that he
person we’ve been taught to develops a reputation of
hate, who turns around and hanging out with the wrong
acts with extreme compassion sort of people. Jesus turns
to care for a man who was around and says, “Excuse
left dead by the side of the me, these are absolutely the
road. right sort of people if you are
born of God’s spirit.”
Jesus does his best to explain
what it means to be born

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Nicodemus comes in the Someone said, “These sorts of
darkness. I don’t think that things are supposed to
the author of this gospel happen at high schools, not
accidentally has Nicodemus middle schools.”
emerging from the darkness
to talk with Jesus. Light and Take a moment to let that
Dark are key components in sink in... these sorts of things
John’s gospel. In the first few are supposed to happen at
verses John writes, “The high schools. That’s darkness.
light shines in the darkness, It’s the fourth school shooting
and the darkness did not this month, the seventeenth
overcome it.” this year. That’s darkness.
That’s a society that has
How do we emerge from become so warped that gun
darkness into the light? We violence in our schools has
know darkness when we see become a normal part of our
it, don’t we. A few days ago existence. Time for a new
there was another shooting at birth, a new way, a new light
another school, this time a to emerge from the darkness
middle school in Noblesville, and show us the way.
Indiana. Near where Mary
Ann lives. Watching the On that same newscast, I saw
coverage, there was a a glimpse of what that light
comment that gave me pause.

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might look like. It came at the In fact, when she posted the
end. video and strangers started
commenting that she was this
At Mountain Heritage High amazing, incredible young
School in Burnsville, North lady with a very good heart,
Carolina, Rachel Newberry Rachel was a little put off.
caught Ben Robinson
completely off guard. He was "Yeah, it's not that at all. I
a little surprised, a little don't think that me asking
shocked. my friend to prom makes me
a good person," Rachel said.
Ben, who has Down
syndrome, had no idea To understand how Rachel
Rachel was going to ask him became so wonderfully
to senior prom. oblivious to her own grace,
you need go back to where
Every year we see stories like this all started.
this -- a typical kid inviting a
special needs kid to prom. Rachel and Ben have known
Stories of kindness. But what each other their entire lives.
makes this so different is that They were little kids in
Rachel wasn't trying to be Sunday school together and
kind. immediately took to one
another. Rachel was always

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the one person who could get This is what people didn't
Ben to calm down. And Ben understand when they saw
was always the one person her video.
Rachel could count on. Their
friendship is so unconditional Fifty years ago, back when a
that for the longest time lot of special needs kids were
Rachel didn't even know Ben still being institutionalized,
had Down syndrome. few people could have ever
imagined a utopian moment
"I guess someone told me such as this -- a time and
eventually and explained it," place where differences melt
Rachel said. But it didn't away and kids like Ben are
change anything recognized less for their
Down syndrome, and more
“No, no, he's still just my best for their ability to get down
friend after that," Rachel on the dance floor.
To move from a world where
"When you say best friend, violence is the norm and our
you mean best friend," I said. school children are being
"I mean best friend, yeah," sacrificed on a weekly basis
Rachel said emotionally. to a world where they can
just be a child enjoying the
innocence and joy of

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childhood, is to be born Nicodemus stepped out of
again. To move from a world the darkness on that night
where differences make us long ago. After experiencing
the enemy to a world where Jesus he was a changed
differences are what make us person. Much later in the
more interesting is to be born story he stands up in the
again. To move from a world middle of the governing
where hunger is an accepted religious body that is rushing
part of human existence to a to judgement and
world where everyone has condemnation of Jesus and
enough is to be born again. asks that they at least listen
To move from viewing the to him. And even later, this
other with fear and suspicion same Nicodemus, steps out
to viewing the other as family with hundreds of dollars
is to be born again. worth of spices to help with
the burial of Jesus.
To be a follower of Jesus
means that we are born into a Nicodemus may have walked
new reality. A reality of away from his first encounter
grace, radical hospitality, with Jesus confused and
generosity and love. To shaking his head, but the
follow Jesus is to step into a light made an impact on his
whole new way of being. darkness.

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To be a follower of Jesus
means that we take a bit of
the light that we find deep
within us and we use it to
shatter the darkness that
surrounds us.

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