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GR NO. 91980 | JUNE 27, 1991 WON the TRO issued by the NLRC is valid
Botan | Group 3 RULING: (Doctrine in bold letters)


RESPONDENTS/DEFENDANTS: NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS COMMISSION 1. RA 6727 implicitly prohibits strikes (see provision)
(First Division), HON. CARMEN TALUSAN and SAN MIGUEL CORPORATION RA 6727 prescribes a specific, detailed and comprehensive procedure for the
correction thereof, thereby implicitly excluding strikes or lockouts or other
TOPIC: concerted activities as modes of settlement of the issue.
Union Concerted Activities > Types of Union Concerted Activities > Slowdown
The legislative intent that solution of the problem of wage distortions shall be
CASE SUMMARY: In reaction to the employer’s refusal to correct wage distortions sought by voluntary negotiation or arbitration, and not by strikes, lockouts, or
caused by RA 6727, the employees stopped rendering their regular 10-14 hour shifts other concerted activities of the employees or management, is made clear in the
and opted to do only 8 hour shifts until the corrections have been complied with. The IRR of RA 6727: “Any issue involving wage distortion shall not be a ground for a
SC declared these activities to be contrary to law, strike/lockout.”
TERMS: n/a 2. CBA prohibition (contrary to law and contract)
The CBA states that settlement of “all disputes, disagreements or controversies of
PRECEDENTS: any kind” should be achieved by the stipulated grievance procedure and
ultimately by arbitration.
FACTS: The Petitioner Union IBM demanded from its employer San Miguel for the
corrections resulting from a wage distortion caused by RA 6727. The demand was The partial strike or concerted refusal by the Union members to follow the five-
ignored. As a result of this, the Union called on the workers to cease from working year-old work schedule which they had therefore been observing, resorted to as a
beyond 8 hours from their regular shift of 10 or 14 hours. This seemed to cause losses means of coercing correction of “wage distortions,” was therefore forbidden by
to the company of over P___ law and contract and, on this account, illegal.

In response to this, the employer went to the the arbitration branch of the NLRC to 3. Concealment of intention under the 8hr labor law
declare the slowdown/strike illegal and to terminate the union officers. Having a. The work schedule (with “built-in overtime”) had not been forced upon
obtained no relief, the employer went the NLRC directly and presented evidence ex- the workers; it had been agreed upon between SMC and its workers at
parte. In its resolution, it granted a TRO to the employees to cease and desist from not the Polo Plant and indeed, had been religiously followed with mutually
complying with their regular work schedule. beneficial results for the past five (5) years.
b. the workers never asked, nor were there ever any negotiations at their
The Union filed a special civil action of certiorari and Prohibition with the SC instance, for a change in that work schedule prior to the strike.

ISSUES: WON the acts of the employees in the abandonment of the regular work 4. Slowdowns are contrary to law
schedule and their deliberate and wilful reduction of the Polo plant’s production Slowdowns are inherently illicit and unjustifiable, because while the employees
efficiency was a slowdown and thus illegal. “continue to work and remain at their positions and accept the wages paid to
them,” they at the same time “select what part of their allotted tasks they care to be mandatory for the NLRC to conduct continuous hearings and decide the dispute
perform of their own volition or refuse openly or secretly, to the employer’s within twenty (20) calendar days from the time said dispute is submitted for
damage, to do other work;” in other words, they “work on their own terms.” compulsory arbitration.
The pendency of a dispute arising from a wage distortion shall not in any way delay
NB: whether or not the workers’ activity in question––_their concerted adoption the applicability of any increase in prescribed wage rates pursuant to the provisions of
of a different work schedule than that prescribed by management and adhered to law or Wage Order.
for several years constitutes a slowdown need not, as already stated, be gone into.
Suffice it to say that that activity is contrary to the law, RA 6727, and the parties’
collective bargaining agreement.

2nd issue:
1. Presumption of regularity in declaring finding that there is no evidence
whatever in support of the Union’s bare allegation that the appointments of
the commissioners who issued the TRO had not been confirmed;
2. Art. 217 (e) in relation to Art. 254 and Art. 218 vests jurisdiction to the NLRC
to issue TROs

DISPOSITIVE: WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED, the counter-petition is

GRANTED, and the case is REMANDED to the respondent Commission (First
Division) with instructions to immediately take such action thereon as is indicated by
and is otherwise in accord with, the findings and conclusions herein set forth. Costs
against petitioner. IT IS SO ORDERED.


RA 6727 implicit prohibition on strike

the employer and the union shall negotiate to correct the distortions. Any dispute
arising from wage distortions shall be resolved through the grievance procedure under
their collective bargaining agreement and, if it remains unresolved, through voluntary
arbitration. Unless otherwise agreed by the parties in writing, such dispute shall be
decided by the voluntary arbitrator or panel of voluntary arbitrators within ten (10)
calendar days from the time said dispute was referred to voluntary arbitration.
In cases where there are no collective agreements or recognized labor unions, the
employers and workers shall endeavor to correct such distortions. Any dispute arising
therefrom shall be settled through the National Conciliation and Mediation Board and,
if it remains unresolved after ten (10) calendar days of conciliation, shall be referred to
the appropriate branch of the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC). It shall

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