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Formulation of the research problem

Structure of the study

A. Hypothesis
A hypothesis is a proposition in testable form and predicts a particular relationship
between two or more variables.1. There are two types of hypotheses, they are Null
Hypothesis and Alternative Hypothesis:
1. The Null Hypothesis (H0) = Null hypothesis is against the theory. Then the Null
hypothesis states that there is no significant improvement in implementation of certain
technique in teaching learning process. Therefore“The Implementation of Three Level
Guide Strategy in Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension on Analytical
Exposition Text to the 11th Grade Students of SMKN 5 Pangkalpinang in Academic
Year 2018” is not significant.
2. The Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) = Alternative hypothesis is in line with the theory.
Then the Alternative Hypothesis states that there is a significant improvement in
implementation of certain technique in teaching learning process. Therefore“The
Implementation of Three Level Guide Strategy in Improving Students’ Reading
Comprehension on Analytical Exposition Text to the 11th Grade Students of SMKN 5
Pangkalpinang in Academic Year 2018” is significant.
Based on the statements of problem and the objectives of study, the alternative hypothesis is
chosen, that is there is a significant improvement in “The Implementation of Three Level Guide
Strategy in Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension on Analytical Exposition Text to the
11th Grade Students of SMKN 5 Pangkalpinang in Academic Year 2018”. The alternative
hypothesis is chosen because the contention is the Three Level Guide Strategy can improve the
students’ reading comprehension in analytical exposition text.


Thinagaran Perumal. Research Methodology. (Kuala Lumpur: Open University Malaysia Press, 2014), p. 81.

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