Project Proposal BU3102 Copy SP1 2017

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Project Proposal BU3102 copy SP1 2017

Taylor Cox, Johan Eriksson, Amy Kumpus, Zhendong Liu,… Workbook: Project Proposal BU3102 copy SP1 2017
Created: 23-FEB-17 Last Modified: 02-MAR-17 Page 1 of 36 pages
Project Proposal BU3102 copy SP1 2017
Taylor Cox - James Cook University
Created: 23-FEB-17 Last Modified: 02-MAR-17

Cover Page

Project Organisation

Project Scope

Project Management Plan

Project Action Plan

Project Risk Management

Taylor Cox, Johan Eriksson, Amy Kumpus, Zhendong Liu,… Workbook: Project Proposal BU3102 copy SP1 2017
Created: 23-FEB-17 Last Modified: 02-MAR-17 Page 2 of 36 pages
Cover Page

Project Proposal

Drafted by:

Taylor Cox,
Johan Eriksson,
Jordan McKenzie,
Amy Kumpus,
Zola Ojacastro,
Zhendong Liu




Final Version:

Taylor Cox, Johan Eriksson, Amy Kumpus, Zhendong Liu,… Workbook: Project Proposal BU3102 copy SP1 2017
Created: 23-FEB-17 Last Modified: 02-MAR-17 Page 3 of 36 pages
Project Organisation

Project Organisation
Project Team comprises:

Project Leader Name and Taylor Cox

Discipline of Study Business (Management)

Team Member 1 - Name Johan Eriksson

and Discipline of Study Business (Accounting)

Team Member 2 - Name Jordan McKenzie

and Discipline of Study Business (Economics)

Team Member 3 - Name Amy Kumpus

and Discipline of Study Business (Accounting)

Team Member 4 - Name Zola Ojacastro

and Discipline of Study Information Technology

Team Member 5 - Name Zhendong Liu

and Discipline of Study Business (Management)

Team Member 6 - Name

and Discipline of Study

Taylor Cox, Johan Eriksson, Amy Kumpus, Zhendong Liu,… Workbook: Project Proposal BU3102 copy SP1 2017
Created: 23-FEB-17 Last Modified: 02-MAR-17 Page 4 of 36 pages
Note - Team Profiles

Provide clear documentation of skills, abilities and expertise in the form of a PebblePad Portfolio for each team
member which provides evidence of their relevant skills and how these will contribute to the overall project

In each Portfolio students should provide examples of relevant assessment that demonstrates the skills
necessary to complete this project.

In preparation of your portfolio you should complete the Self-Understanding 2 Careers Module and quiz.

Here is an example of a student portfolio and a sample CV portfolio. Below are links to some resources on
preparing your CV portfolio using PebblePad.

Step 1 - uploading assets to Pebble Pad

Step 2 - tagging assets and creating pages

Step 3 - creating your personal CV portfolio

I want to ....

Once each team member has completed a CV portfolio, their CV portfolio needs to be linked to their name in
the table above. To retrieve the URL needed to link the CV portfolio, go to 'I want to...share... with the web' and
retrieve the url of the relevant CV portfolio. The link is created by highlighting the name in the appropriate cell
in the above table - click ...Link. in the pop up toolbar... to URL; paste the URL to their CV into the pop up box.

Taylor Cox, Johan Eriksson, Amy Kumpus, Zhendong Liu,… Workbook: Project Proposal BU3102 copy SP1 2017
Created: 23-FEB-17 Last Modified: 02-MAR-17 Page 5 of 36 pages
Project Scope

Taylor Cox, Johan Eriksson, Amy Kumpus, Zhendong Liu,… Workbook: Project Proposal BU3102 copy SP1 2017
Created: 23-FEB-17 Last Modified: 02-MAR-17 Page 6 of 36 pages
Project Scope
Define the scope for the project in this section. This detail should include what the project does and does not
include. The more detail included in this section, the better the outcome. This will help to clarify what it is included
in the project and help to avoid any confusion from project team members and stake holders.

Taylor Cox, Johan Eriksson, Amy Kumpus, Zhendong Liu,… Workbook: Project Proposal BU3102 copy SP1 2017
Created: 23-FEB-17 Last Modified: 02-MAR-17 Page 7 of 36 pages
Project Background The JCU Townsville Fire, established in 2001 as a team
within the Australian WNBL tournament, is the only
professional women’s sporting club north of Brisbane. Run
as a not-for-profit community owned entity since 2011, the
Fire primarily sustains itself through the revenue generated
from ticket sales, membership, sponsorship and
merchandising sales. Over the course of its existence the
club has experienced great success, recently appearing in
four consecutive grand finals and winning two consecutive
titles. Additionally, it is currently ranked number one in the
competition in terms of attendance, membership and

Despite this tremendous success, the club still faces

hardships. One of the main weaknesses of the JCU Fire,
according to the club’s 2016 strategic business review, is a
lack of long term financial sustainability. For example, it
takes considerable resources to sustain the wages of
players to keep them working during the season as well as
the off-season, leading to many of the players simply being
employed in a part-time capacity. Due to these financial
limitations, the club is seeking to expand its sources of
revenue by increasing the amount of government grants it
applies for. To receive grant money, the club must realise
ways in which to serve the North Queensland community
and create tangible outcomes which satisfy the objectives
of the specific government grants. Importantly, the Fire
players are in a prime position to leverage their profile as
professional athletes to influence the community.
Therefore, by engaging in benevolent causes within the
region, the club is able to not only raise revenue through
the reception of government grants, but can also increase
the amount of people in North Queensland who are fans of
women’s basketball or who are interested in playing.

Thus, the purpose of this project is to design a feasible way

for the JCU Fire to participate in the North Queensland
community in a positive and meaningful way. The goal of
this community engagement will not only be to generate a
positive revenue stream for the club through grant income,
but also to increase participation in the sport of women’s
basketball in terms of both players and fans. Ultimately,
through this project, the club is hopeful to maximise the
potential of its players as role models and to instill lasting
changes in the community through the promotion of active

Taylor Cox, Johan Eriksson, Amy Kumpus, Zhendong Liu,… Workbook: Project Proposal BU3102 copy SP1 2017
Created: 23-FEB-17 Last Modified: 02-MAR-17 Page 8 of 36 pages
and healthy lifestyles.

Taylor Cox, Johan Eriksson, Amy Kumpus, Zhendong Liu,… Workbook: Project Proposal BU3102 copy SP1 2017
Created: 23-FEB-17 Last Modified: 02-MAR-17 Page 9 of 36 pages
Project Objectives/Issues to be With the objectives of the JCU Fire in mind, the purpose of
addressed this project will be to devise a specific way for the club to
engage with the community. Of course, in order to align
with the objectives of any particular government grant, this
project must have a narrowed scope. Here, the issue which
this project will focus on is the health problems faced by
people in the North Queensland community. Specifically,
the scope of this project will be limited to the issue of heart
conditions such as cardiovascular disease, which are largely
preventable. Chiefly, the project will aim to leverage the
profile of the Fire players as professional athletes and
positive role models to bring about improvements in the
health and well-being of young people in North
Queensland. The primary objective of the project will be to
instill healthy habits in young people concerning nutrition
and exercise to ensure that they avoid developing heart
conditions in adulthood.

Importantly, chronic diseases are the main cause of death

in Australia, accounting for 90% of all deaths, according to
the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2014). Of
these, the most fatal coronary ailments – such as
cardiovascular disease – are largely preventable. According
to a 2014 report by the National Heart Foundation, the
incidence of cardiovascular disease in most of North
Queensland exists well above the national average. 23.8%
of people are diagnosed with the disease in Townsville, and
27.5% in Cairns. In rural communities, the chances of
developing a heart condition are twice as high (ABC, 2016).
For the indigenous community, who account for over 6% of
the population in places such as Townsville (Townsville City
Council, 2016), the probability of suffering from a coronary
condition is three times as high (Heart Foundation, 2017).

The reason for this alarming increase in the prevalence of

heart disease in North Queensland can be largely
attributed to the worsening of various risk factors. For
example, according to a report conducted by the Australian
Institute of Health and Welfare (2014), 70% of all
cardiovascular disease mortality in the country can be
attributed to the effects of physical inactivity, high blood
pressure and high cholesterol. As indicated by the Chief
Health Officer Queensland (2016), the probability of
developing a heart condition increases threefold for people
who are obese by the age of 18. While such chronic

Taylor Cox, Johan Eriksson, Amy Kumpus, Zhendong Liu,… Workbook: Project Proposal BU3102 copy SP1 2017
Created: 23-FEB-17 Last Modified: 02-MAR-17 Page 10 of 36 pages
conditions are uncommon in young people, the incidence
of these diseases in adults largely reflects the influence of
risk factors which are present before the age of 18
(Swinburn et al., 2004). According to a study by the
Queensland Government (2016), the incidence of obesity in
the state has risen from 17% in 2004 to 24% in 2016. As of
2016, 26% of children aged 5 to 17 in North Queensland
were overweight or obese. The same survey reported that
60% of children in North Queensland performed
insufficient physical activity, 35% consumed insufficient
amounts of fruit, and 90% consumed insufficient amounts
of vegetables. Thus, what this indicates is that the rising
prevalence of chronic heart conditions is chiefly due to
poor nutrition and lack of exercise, which is something
which stems from childhood. In Townsville, there are over
66,000 people under the age of 24, meaning that there is a
tremendous amount of young people who are susceptible
to this chronic condition (ABS, 2008).

Given the magnitude of this issue in North Queensland, it

presents a valuable opportunity for the JCU Fire to engage
in a program with the intention of remedying this health
trend. According to Mutter & Pawlowski (2013), figures who
resemble role models to the community are able to
influence the learning and behaviour of others. This is
especially true in this context, given that the JCU Fire is a
sporting team. The players’ statuses as healthy and active
sportspeople should be useful in persuading the younger
demographic of the North Queensland area to embrace a
healthier, more active lifestyle. This puts the JCU Fire in an
excellent position to ameliorate this issue. Additionally,
through their attempts to solve this issue, the players will
“project the image of a good community citizen”, which
improves the reputation of the club in the eyes of the
public (Walker et al., 2010). Furthermore, by acting as role
models within the community, the club will effectively “build
and strengthen social networks” between the players and
the public (Sparvero & Chalip, 2007). A by-product of this
may be that more young people become involved in the
sport, thereby increasing the number of supporters and
players in the region. Hence, it is in the best interests of the
club and the community for the JCU Fire to attempt to
remedy this problem.

For the JCU Fire to be able to derive revenue from this

Taylor Cox, Johan Eriksson, Amy Kumpus, Zhendong Liu,… Workbook: Project Proposal BU3102 copy SP1 2017
Created: 23-FEB-17 Last Modified: 02-MAR-17 Page 11 of 36 pages
program, the outcome sought will need to align with the
objectives of a specific government grant. One such grant is
the Active Healthy North Queensland grant program, which
is offered by the North Queensland Primary Health
Network. Primarily, the grant aims to improve the
promotion of health in the North Queensland area.
According to the grant guidelines (2016), priority will be
given to programs which aim to “prevent chronic disease
through early intervention strategies which promote
healthy lifestyle behaviours” in the form of encouraging
good nutrition and regular exercise. As aforementioned,
the JCU Fire is in a good position to leverage their profile as
sportspeople and role models to satisfy these objectives.
Thus, it is arguable that the club would not only be able to
satisfy its goal of contributing towards a positive outcome
for the community, but also to provide itself with a new
revenue stream in the process.

Project Strategy In order to produce the deliverable for this project, various
key steps will need to be undertaken. Firstly, information
will need to be reviewed concerning the potential existence
of past or present programs in the community which deal
with the same issue and whether these programs have had
any success. Next, all relevant data pertaining to this
specific health issue in North Queensland should be
gathered to establish the precise nature of the problem.
Similarly, all relevant literature should be compiled relating
to the importance of cause marketing and the effectiveness
of professional athletes in influencing the choices made by
the public. Following this, for this issue to be adequately
remedied by the club, a range of specific activities or
programs which the team can engage in must be
brainstormed. A decision should then be made as to which
program is most feasible by judging each option against the
criteria of the grant guidelines. Additionally, it would be
prudent for the group to then assess the precise costs of
this activity by developing a budget. This will determine
whether or not the activity represents a positive return on
investment to the Fire. The group will also need to consider
the potential involvement of any existing sponsors of the
team in the activity and whether this could pose another
potential revenue stream. Lastly, once all of the previous
activities have been conducted, the final grant application
will need to be completed and submitted to the club.

Taylor Cox, Johan Eriksson, Amy Kumpus, Zhendong Liu,… Workbook: Project Proposal BU3102 copy SP1 2017
Created: 23-FEB-17 Last Modified: 02-MAR-17 Page 12 of 36 pages
Project Outcomes/deliverables Upon completion of this project, a formal grant application
will be produced and submitted to the JCU Fire. This
application can then be presented by the club to the
government body responsible for approving the grant.


Project Background: The history and background about the organisation and business issue that set the scene and
support the need for your project

Project Objectives: Provide a list of the main objectives or issues to be addressed by the project.

Project Strategy: Describe the strategy the project team will use in executing the project. Depending on the size and
complexity of the project, strategy can differ significantly. As the number of stakeholders, deliverables, and complexity grow, the
strategy may become more difficult to plan. Strategy is sometimes referred to as the approach the team will take to complete the

Project Outcomes/deliverables: What tangible output or deliverable will be produced for submission to the industry
organisation (eg. a report, a strategy document)?

Taylor Cox, Johan Eriksson, Amy Kumpus, Zhendong Liu,… Workbook: Project Proposal BU3102 copy SP1 2017
Created: 23-FEB-17 Last Modified: 02-MAR-17 Page 13 of 36 pages
Project Management Plan

Taylor Cox, Johan Eriksson, Amy Kumpus, Zhendong Liu,… Workbook: Project Proposal BU3102 copy SP1 2017
Created: 23-FEB-17 Last Modified: 02-MAR-17 Page 14 of 36 pages
Project Management Plan

Team Member Main Key Tasks Deadlines for Signature

Responsibilities completion

Taylor Cox Management Create a Grant ideas: Signature

advisor; Project budget: Week 7.
Team Leader Consider Program
ways in ideas: Week 7.
which the Create
Fire could budget: Week
use 9.
sponsors Portfolio:
to reduce Week 12.

Johan Eriksson Accounting, Create a Grant ideas:

financial budget: Week 7.
advisor Identify Program
the costs ideas: Week 7.
and Create
benefits budget: Week
of the 9.
program Grant
Week 10.
criteria is

Taylor Cox, Johan Eriksson, Amy Kumpus, Zhendong Liu,… Workbook: Project Proposal BU3102 copy SP1 2017
Created: 23-FEB-17 Last Modified: 02-MAR-17 Page 15 of 36 pages
Jordan Economics Research Grant ideas: Signature
McKenzie advisor; background Week 7.
research officer information: Program
Impact of ideas: Week 7.
role Research:
models Week 6.
Benefits Sponsor Roles:
of 'cause Week 9.
marketing Portfolio:
' Week 12.
past &
roles of
think of
ways the
of the Fire

Taylor Cox, Johan Eriksson, Amy Kumpus, Zhendong Liu,… Workbook: Project Proposal BU3102 copy SP1 2017
Created: 23-FEB-17 Last Modified: 02-MAR-17 Page 16 of 36 pages
Amy Kumpus Accounting Determine Grant ideas:
advisor; HR roles of Week 7.
advisor sponsors: Program
think of ideas: Week 7.
ways the Sponsor Roles:
sponsors Week 9.
of the Fire Grant
can application:
support Week 10.
of the Fire
for any
criteria is

Taylor Cox, Johan Eriksson, Amy Kumpus, Zhendong Liu,… Workbook: Project Proposal BU3102 copy SP1 2017
Created: 23-FEB-17 Last Modified: 02-MAR-17 Page 17 of 36 pages
Zola Ojacastro IT advisor; Establish Grant ideas:
marketing marketing Week 7.
advisor potential: Program
develop ideas: Week 7.
idea for Marketing
potential Potential:
internet/ Week 9.
website Grant
page application:
showcasi Week 10.
ng the
criteria is

Taylor Cox, Johan Eriksson, Amy Kumpus, Zhendong Liu,… Workbook: Project Proposal BU3102 copy SP1 2017
Created: 23-FEB-17 Last Modified: 02-MAR-17 Page 18 of 36 pages
Zhendong Liu Research Research Grant ideas:
officer; background Week 7.
marketing information: Program
advisor Heart ideas: Week 7.
disease in Research:
NQ Week 6.
(statistics) Marketing
Demogra Potential:
phic Week 9.
d with
ways that
can be

This has been partially evidenced and contains 1 linked asset

Please see the appendix for the following evidence:

code of conduct pg 1.pdf

Taylor Cox, Johan Eriksson, Amy Kumpus, Zhendong Liu,… Workbook: Project Proposal BU3102 copy SP1 2017
Created: 23-FEB-17 Last Modified: 02-MAR-17 Page 19 of 36 pages

Main responsibilities - note what aspects of the project each team member is responsible for

Key Tasks - clearly list each specific task that the team member will be required to carry out in order to complete their
component of the project

Deadline for completion - Identify the required date for finalisation of each team members project component

Refer to the sample Code of Conduct document. After completion of the teamwork module in the
JCU Career Development Program - members must sign one team Code of Conduct Agreement and
attach it as evidence to this template.

Taylor Cox, Johan Eriksson, Amy Kumpus, Zhendong Liu,… Workbook: Project Proposal BU3102 copy SP1 2017
Created: 23-FEB-17 Last Modified: 02-MAR-17 Page 20 of 36 pages
Project Action Plan

Project Action Plan

To assist in planning your project, a range of tasks, activities and milestones should be outlined
that provide an indication of what elements of your project will be delivered at certain times. This is
reflected in a Gantt Chart which can be found in the project management folder. However, you
may find that initially an actions table is a useful way of “thinking” out your project tasks and
An action plan is a document that lists what steps must be taken in order to achieve a specific goal. The
purpose of an action plan is to clarify what resources are required to reach the goal, formulate a timeline
for when specific tasks need to be completed and determine who is responsible for each task.

A well-developed action plan can serve as a blueprint for the project manager to break a large project down
into smaller, more manageable steps and activities. Based on the Project Management Plan section, the
project leader should complete the following table in as much detail as possible.

Taylor Cox, Johan Eriksson, Amy Kumpus, Zhendong Liu,… Workbook: Project Proposal BU3102 copy SP1 2017
Created: 23-FEB-17 Last Modified: 02-MAR-17 Page 21 of 36 pages
Project Overview

Major Stages Milestones Who is responsible Timeframe Resources


Taylor Cox, Johan Eriksson, Amy Kumpus, Zhendong Liu,… Workbook: Project Proposal BU3102 copy SP1 2017
Created: 23-FEB-17 Last Modified: 02-MAR-17 Page 22 of 36 pages
Preliminary Collect Jordan Lecture Computer
research background data Zhendong Recess Online
and Heart (30th and
decision- disease in March) Library
making NQ data
stage (statistics)
costs of
(health care,
c statistics
Risk factors
with heart
Impact of
role models
Benefits of
past or
dealing with
the same
issue (and
whether they
have had

Taylor Cox, Johan Eriksson, Amy Kumpus, Zhendong Liu,… Workbook: Project Proposal BU3102 copy SP1 2017
Created: 23-FEB-17 Last Modified: 02-MAR-17 Page 23 of 36 pages
Identify grant: Everyone Week 7 Computer
search for (13th Online
and decide April) data
on which
grant to
pursue for
the project

Decide on idea: Everyone Week 7 Grant

generate (13th guidelines
ideas for the April) and
program selection
proposed criteria as
and decide a basis for
which is to decision-
be chosen making
over the

Program Determine roles Amy Week 9 JCU Fire

Developme of sponsors: Jordan (27th sponsor
nt Stage think of ways April) informati
the sponsors on
of the Fire
can support
the project,
and why
they would
benefit from
doing so
sponsors of
the Fire for

Taylor Cox, Johan Eriksson, Amy Kumpus, Zhendong Liu,… Workbook: Project Proposal BU3102 copy SP1 2017
Created: 23-FEB-17 Last Modified: 02-MAR-17 Page 24 of 36 pages
Create a budget: Johan Week 9 JCU Fire
Identify the Taylor (27th informati
monetary April) on (from
costs and Richard)
benefits of Data from
the program similar
(e.g. grant ventures
income) grant
Determine informati
whether it on
represents a
return on
ways in
which the
Fire could
use sponsors
to reduce

Establish Zhendong Week 9 Sponsor

marketing Zola (27th informati
potential: April) on
identify ways Website
in which the
program can
advertised to
promote the
develop idea
for potential
site page
the program

Taylor Cox, Johan Eriksson, Amy Kumpus, Zhendong Liu,… Workbook: Project Proposal BU3102 copy SP1 2017
Created: 23-FEB-17 Last Modified: 02-MAR-17 Page 25 of 36 pages
Deliverable Construct Grant Johan Week 10 Grant
Finalisation Application Amy (4th May) guidelines
Stage Ensure grant Zola document
selection Grant
criteria has selection
been met criteria
Use Outcome
background of all
research & previous
data from activities
activity to

Finalise portfolio Everyone Week 12 Outcome

Introduction (11th of all
Project May) previous
Managemen activities
t Meeting
Documentati Minutes
on and
Outcomes Agendas
and Complete
Deliverables d Grant

Prepare Everyone Week 13 Finalised

presentation (18th Portfolio
Ensure all May) Presentati
materials are on
compiled materials
Practice (e.g.
presentation scripts, AV
brainstorm aids)
which may
be asked

Taylor Cox, Johan Eriksson, Amy Kumpus, Zhendong Liu,… Workbook: Project Proposal BU3102 copy SP1 2017
Created: 23-FEB-17 Last Modified: 02-MAR-17 Page 26 of 36 pages
Gantt Chart

No. Task Description Who Start Date End Date or


1 Research heart Zhendong Week 5 Week 6


2 Research Zhendong Week 5 Week 6


3 Research risk Zhendong Week 5 Week 6


4 Research Jordan Week 5 Week 6

purpose of role
models in

5 Research Jordan Week 5 Week 6

benefits of

6 Research Jordan Week 5 Week 6

similar past
and present

7 Research Everyone Week 5 Week 7

grants and
decide on one

8 Brainstorm Everyone Week 5 Week 7

ideas for the
program and
decide on one

Taylor Cox, Johan Eriksson, Amy Kumpus, Zhendong Liu,… Workbook: Project Proposal BU3102 copy SP1 2017
Created: 23-FEB-17 Last Modified: 02-MAR-17 Page 27 of 36 pages
9 Determine Jordan Week 7 Week 9
ways the Fire
sponsors can
support the

10 Contact Amy Week 7 Week 9

sponsors of the
Fire for any

11 Identify the Johan Week 7 Week 9

monetary costs
and benefits of
the program

12 Consider ways Taylor Week 7 Week 9

in which the
Fire could use
sponsors to
reduce costs

13 Determine Zhendong Week 7 Week 9

ways that the
program can
be promoted

14 develop idea Zola Week 7 Week 9

for potential
web page

15 Construct grant Johan, Amy & Week 9 Week 10

application Zola

16 Complete Jordan Week 10 Week 11

introduction to

17 Compile project Taylor Week 10 Week 12

for portfolio

18 Complete Everyone Week 10 Week 12

section of

Taylor Cox, Johan Eriksson, Amy Kumpus, Zhendong Liu,… Workbook: Project Proposal BU3102 copy SP1 2017
Created: 23-FEB-17 Last Modified: 02-MAR-17 Page 28 of 36 pages
19 Prepare Everyone Week 11 Week 12

20 Practice Everyone Week 12 Week 13


This has been partially evidenced and contains 1 linked asset

Please see the appendix for the following evidence:

Project Proposal Gantt Chart.xlsx

JCU Townsville Fire Project Plan Gantt Chart


Major Stages : Outline the main phases or stages of the project.

Milestones: A project milestone is a significant event in the project which may signify the acceptance or verification of
completion of a project phase, task, decision, or deliverable. It is important to note that milestones are not work activities but
rather significant events during the project which usually have a duration of zero. Another way to identify the key milestones is
to examine the plan to determine which actions are required before the next step is possible.

In the Gantt chart Tasks: detail the specific tasks required to achieve each milestone

Who is Responsible: List the team member(s) responsible for each task

Timeframe: identify the start and finish date for each task

Resources needed: identify any resources needed to complete the task (eg. company documents, research data, academic

Taylor Cox, Johan Eriksson, Amy Kumpus, Zhendong Liu,… Workbook: Project Proposal BU3102 copy SP1 2017
Created: 23-FEB-17 Last Modified: 02-MAR-17 Page 29 of 36 pages
Project Risk Management

Project Risk Management

Informed decision-making is critical to the success of any project. No matter how well planned your
plan is, it is vital to have a risk management plan. Crucial to the success of the plan/project is the
identification of risks and how they will be managed.

Taylor Cox, Johan Eriksson, Amy Kumpus, Zhendong Liu,… Workbook: Project Proposal BU3102 copy SP1 2017
Created: 23-FEB-17 Last Modified: 02-MAR-17 Page 30 of 36 pages
Risk Management Plan

Risk Who is Probability Consequence Actions

Responsible (low/med/high) (L/M/H)

Failure to T.C Low High Milestones,

complete a task identified by
the action plan,
will be met
throughout the
course of the
project to
ensure the
schedule is
emails will be
sent out as a
approaches to
ensure that the
responsible for
the task is on

Blown-out T.C Medium Medium Keep to the

Budget strict Project
and Action
plans to ensure
that the event
remains within

Team Member Everyone Low Medium Encourage

Sabbatical (e.g. correspondenc
due to e in advance
Family between team
Concerns; members so
Illness) any issues are

Taylor Cox, Johan Eriksson, Amy Kumpus, Zhendong Liu,… Workbook: Project Proposal BU3102 copy SP1 2017
Created: 23-FEB-17 Last Modified: 02-MAR-17 Page 31 of 36 pages
Language Everyone; High Medium Ensure each
Barrier Z.L member fully
their parts
dismissing the
Be open to
if there are any
outside of
Each member
must make an
effort to fully
their parts of
the project.

Team Member Everyone Low High Work with the

not Agenda each
contributing week.
Make sure
everyone has
their part.
everything in
the Minutes.
Talk to those
who don't
contribute and

Transport Everyone Low Low Ensure ahead

issues of time that
everyone is
able to reach
the stipulated
location in time
for the

Taylor Cox, Johan Eriksson, Amy Kumpus, Zhendong Liu,… Workbook: Project Proposal BU3102 copy SP1 2017
Created: 23-FEB-17 Last Modified: 02-MAR-17 Page 32 of 36 pages
Team Member J.M. High Low Details of what
fails to attend was discussed
meeting and decided
upon is written
in the meeting
minutes in
which can
bring the
member up to

Team Member T.C. Low High Project Team

withdraws from Leader
the subject immediately
informs the
lecturer of the
delegates the
member’s tasks
to other
members with
similar skills.
Have everyone
keep up with
the documents
related to all
components of
the project. If
one leaves,
another can
take their part.

Taylor Cox, Johan Eriksson, Amy Kumpus, Zhendong Liu,… Workbook: Project Proposal BU3102 copy SP1 2017
Created: 23-FEB-17 Last Modified: 02-MAR-17 Page 33 of 36 pages
Work on a task Everyone Low High All drafted
is lost or work which is
corrupted compiled
outside of
PebblePad is
backed up in
All important
work is
organized in
PebblePad so
that it is not
capable of
being lost.

Conflict arises Everyone Medium Depends on Immediately

between team the nature and address the
members magnitude of problem.
the conflict Encourage
openness and
between the
disputing team

Technical Z.O. Medium Low Contact the

problems using PebblePad
PebblePad support officer
interface at JCU.

Taylor Cox, Johan Eriksson, Amy Kumpus, Zhendong Liu,… Workbook: Project Proposal BU3102 copy SP1 2017
Created: 23-FEB-17 Last Modified: 02-MAR-17 Page 34 of 36 pages
Absence of Z.L. Medium Medium Ensure any
necessary questions are
information identified prior
concerning the to class
JCU Fire / sessions
difficulty featuring the
contacting industry
industry partner.
partner Otherwise,
contact the
lecturer to
forward a
question on to
the industry

Task takes A.K. Medium Medium Team

longer to members must
complete than abide by the
planned schedule.
project team
member is
delegated to
assist with the

Project Team Everyone High Medium Member

Member has encountering
difficulty difficulty
completing a contacts the
task rest of the
team to inform
them of their
member can
assist does so.

Taylor Cox, Johan Eriksson, Amy Kumpus, Zhendong Liu,… Workbook: Project Proposal BU3102 copy SP1 2017
Created: 23-FEB-17 Last Modified: 02-MAR-17 Page 35 of 36 pages
Industry Everyone Medium High Project Team
partner is takes the
dissatisfied industry
with current partner’s
state of criticisms into
idea/deliverabl consideration
e and makes

Outcome of a Everyone Medium High All project

task assigned team members
to a Team are to review
Member is not and make
of desirable changes to the
quality work of one
another to

Unable to find Everyone Low Medium Search through

relevant and reliable
reliable sources until
information/sta information is
tistics found.
If unavailable,
find a source
that can be
used as an


Risk: Failure to complete

Owner: XX

Probability: Low

Consequence: Med

Actions: Project plan has key milestone dates, which are reviewed by the Project Team each week.

Taylor Cox, Johan Eriksson, Amy Kumpus, Zhendong Liu,… Workbook: Project Proposal BU3102 copy SP1 2017
Created: 23-FEB-17 Last Modified: 02-MAR-17 Page 36 of 36 pages

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