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NELSON-FARRAR COST INDEXES' Refinery construction (1946 basis) Explained in OG, Dec. 30, 1985, p. 145. Pumps. compressors, ete. Electrical machinery Intarnal-comb. engines Instruments Heat exchangers, Mise. equip. average Materials component Labor component Refinery (inflation) index Refinery operating (1950 basis) Explained in OG), Dec. 30, 1985, p. 149, Fuel cost Labor cost wages Productity Invest., maint,, etc. Chamical costs Operating indexes’ Refinery Process units 1 These indexes are published in the first of each month and are compiled by Gary Fe fer, O@) Contributing Editor. 2 Add separate index(es) for chemicals, if any ere used. Indexes of selected individual ftems of July 1562 1880-2018 «201520162016 225 7773 22719 2313.6 2336.3 2.336.0 18953987 515.8 518.5 513.0 513.7 1834 5126 1052.9 1052.2, 1033.6 1037.0 DAS 5873 15225 15944 1597.5 1597.2 1826 618.7 1205.0 1205.0 1221.2 1221.2, 198.8 578.1 1295.8 1350.2 1240.7 124.0 205.9 629.2 1578 14949 1402.1 1492.8 258.8 9519 3210.7 3293.8 3395.8 3403.5 237.6 8228 2555.2 2550.2 2598.7 2515.2, 1009 8105 12648 915.9 363.1 923.6, 939 2005 2128 9.23396 338.1 239 4399 151.2 Isgaa 1625 16215 Ls 22534931 497.1 47a 488.9 i2L7 3248.0 923.4 908.0 928.2 904. 96.7 223.2 472.3 434.5 403.9 402.6, 1037 3127 6825 560.0 557.0 5612 1036 4575 863.3 7487344 753.5, June 2017 2365.3 316.3 1008.3 1596.1 1221.2 149.5 1517.2 3468.7 2686.1 994.7 215.5 1598.2 338.5 98,3 92.2 608.9 7325 July 2017 2366.2 315.0 1085.1 161.7 1221.2 1251.8 1519.3 3465.7 2588.9 955.5 208.2 1596.1 50.3 998.5, 922.3 oa. 716.2 equipment and materials ere also published on the Quarterly Costimating page in first issues for Januaty, April, July, and October.

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