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Wimmera Southern Mallee Tourism Collaboration and Destination

Management Plan Project Update #1 - May 2018

Where has it come from?
The Wimmera Southern Mallee Regional Partnership, in consultation with the wider community,
identified a series of regional priorities as a result of the Regional Assemblies held in Horsham in
October 2016 and August 2017. At both assemblies supporting a vibrant tourism industry and
enhancing the region’s economic diversity were identified as community priorities.

This priority has received funding in the 2017-18 Victorian State Budget to develop a tourism plan
for the Wimmera Southern Mallee to boost visitors and diversify the economy. This project is a
result of this process.

What is the project?

The Wimmera Southern Mallee Tourism Collaboration and Destination Management Plan Project
has two components – development of a Governance Model and the development of a Destination
Management Plan for the Wimmera Southern Mallee.

1. Governance Model and Structure

This part of the project will determine the most appropriate viable sustainable tourism governance
model and structure for the Wimmera Southern Mallee region, to better support the need for
industry development, product development and coordinated regional marketing.

2. Destination Management Plan

This part of the project will develop a Destination Management Plan for the region to determine the
specific infrastructure and marketing needed to further drive tourism in the Wimmera Southern
Mallee. The Destination Management Plan will:

• Provide an overarching strategic direction for the Wimmera Southern Mallee that defines
clear directions and actions highlighting investment opportunities.
• Explore current market perceptions of the region.
• Identify the triggers for visitation to the region, including potential marketing strategies,
positioning and their relative effectiveness compared to current activities.
• Identify perceived gaps in the current product and experience offer relevant to the region.
• Prioritise product development opportunities.
• Identify and prepare relevant material and information that will be critical for private sector
investment decisions making for priority product development opportunities.
• Identify how the member Councils of Wimmera Sothern Mallee region can work together
with their individual and collective marketing, visitor services and digital strategies
• Identify gaps in skills, accommodation, interpretation and signage.

The project area for this project includes the local government areas of Horsham Rural City Council,
Northern Grampians Shire, Buloke Shire, Hindmarsh Shire, Yarriambiack Shire and West Wimmera
Shire. A data collection process is also occurring to capture visitation and expenditure, for the
Wimmera Mallee area which does not have the visitation data that exists for the Grampians Tourism

The desired outcomes of the project are:
• To establish a sustainable Wimmera Southern Mallee tourism governance model that recognises
the strengths, advantages and opportunities of both the Grampians Tourism (GT) and Wimmera
Mallee Tourism (WMT) groups.
• To boost visitor numbers, visitor dispersal and tourism expenditure in the region.
• For tourism to be recognised and celebrated as a viable economic contributor to the local
• To increase the length of stay of visitors in the region.
• To capitalise on the investment and expected increase in visitation created by the Grampians
Peaks Trail, Silo Arts Trail and enhancements at Lake Tyrrell (near Sea Lake).
• To strengthen and develop existing tourism infrastructure, connectivity and accessibility.
• Further develop the region’s nature-based tourism strengths and unique indigenous
• Advocate, support and encourage the development of new, high quality sustainable and unique
tourism product and services.
• Increase business, community, Council and Government investment in the tourism sector.
Who is involved?
The project has been funded by the Victorian Government through Regional Development Victoria
and is being managed by Wimmera Development Association. A project control group has been
established to guide the project and this includes a representative from Grampians Tourism - Marc
Sleeman; a representative from Wimmera Mallee Tourism – Jeff Woodward; independent tourism
provider – Tim Walsh; Regional Development Victoria representatives – Colin Kemp and Jane
Osborn; Northern Grampians Shire representative - Justine Kingan; Buloke Shire representative -
James Goldsmith; and Wimmera Development Association representative – Ralph Kenyon.

Where is it up to
The project control group was formed in February 2018. Quotations for the two aspects of the
project have been sought and we are currently assessing proposals from consultants to carry out the

All local governments, existing tourism boards and tourism association in the region, Parks Victoria,
state government agencies, Visit Victoria, tourism operators will be contacted shortly and involved in
the project.

Drafts of the Governance Model and Destination Management Plan are expected mid-year and the
plans finalised late September.

Contact Details
If you would like to find out more about this project, please contact Project Manager Melissa Morris
on 0437 941 503 or Wimmera Development Association on 5381 6500. Details of the project and
project updates can be found at

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