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Bach Flower Remedy
Find solution without others help
by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
Naran S Balakumar
Whenever we are in confusion about multiple choices, we will have a tendency to go
and ask multiple persons for a solution.

Instead, take the Bach Flower Remedy CERATO and wait for an answer to come from
within. Sometimes, people around might talk something, which would lead you to the
right solution for the problem.

For example, let us say somebody wants to conceive they will consult multiple
doctors, seeking one after another. If they take CERATO then they will find the
course of action.

How to keep unwanted persons away

by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
Naran S Balakumar
Keep Index and Middle finger on both the hands forms the Vyan Mudra.

The Space or Akash Mudra will create a space between you and the opposite person.

The Vyan Mudra on the other hand while creating space between you and the opposite
person, you can also move away if you don�t want or he will move away.

This is a very good for traffic jam. Chant �MOVE ON HALFWAY DONE� while doing this

How to sleep well in the night with Switch Words, Mudra and Mantra
by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
Chris Veerabadran
I chanted, �WHY I sleep very well in the night� while doing the SAFE and SECURE
MUDRA (Thumb touches the ring and little fingers, on both the hands).

I also listen to �FLOWER MEDITATION� CD from Naran, for a good night�s sleep.

For any type of infection
by admin in Bach Flower Remedy, Help for Health
Naran S Balakumar

For any type of infection or fever � viral, bacterial, and fungal, this mantra is

JOOM is the mantra which has the power of Vishnu. HOWM destroys the infection. SAHA
cleanses the space around.

This mantra is a space clearing energy.

How to Combine Bija Mantras for Various Life Situations
by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
Naran S Balakumar
How can you combine two or more Bija Mantras to handle various life situations?

Have self-confidence
Chant the Bija Mantras, �LAM YAM, YAM LAM�.

Constant Worry
You have a deep worry � a constant worry. Chant the Bija Mantras to come out of it,

YAM is for worry. It will give you instant peace.

When you have a get-together, you want a full lively atmosphere. Chant �VAM RAM,

Need for a remedy when there is a delay
by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
Using Scleranthus, the Bach Flower Remedy�

Naran S Balakumar
Laziness: � Scleranthus will get up late and will postpone

Laziness and procrastination � Hornbeam and Scleranthus

Will get up at 6 am but will need a coffee or any other stimulant to get up from
bed: Hornbeam

Have no enthusiasm in life: Hornbeam and Wild Rose (lazy approach to life as there
is no internal motivation to live)

While Taking Decisions

Asking others� opinion to take a decision: Cerato

I have to satisfy all: Centaury.

Between Two options: Scleranthus. Say for example, while choosing a bride, say
between Vanaja and Girija.

Heartburn: Beech, Willow, Impatiens and Scleranthus

Fever:soemtimes low temperature; sometimes high temperature: Scleranthus, Walnut,

Crab Apple

Study Pack: Scleranthus + Chestnut bud + walnut + Gentian + Hornbeam

Stammering: Cerato and Scleranthus

Suffering from knee stiffness
by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
Ganga Eswaran
One of my students, aged 59 years, is suffering from severe knee stiffness on her
right knee. Sometimes it shifts to left knee too.

She has already learnt Reiki in Bombay. She has also learnt pranic healing. Which
mantra or which Bach Flower Remedy can be given to her?

She is already taking allopathic medicine. Can you please suggest?

There is an Ayurvedic product Danvantri Kulambu, sold in Ayurvedic shops. Ask her
to apply it, daily on the knees and wash it with hot water after half an hour.

In addition, she needs to do the following:

Knees: (ask her to question within herself) in which areas of life she is

Love is more important than any principles.

Let her chant, �Let divine love manifest within and around me�.

Let her take Bach flower remedies ROCK WATER, WALNUT and HORNBEAM.

Ask her to extend her thanks to her parents.

If she does not have good relationship with her parents, ask her to do the
forgiving exercise.

Rock Water: to reduce stubbornness and be flexible. Instead of living by principles
alone, lead the life with Love

Walnut: move on with life, instead of getting stuck up with something or some

Knees: will get affected if we have issues with parents. Issue with Mother will
affect left knee and issue with father will affect right knee.

Forgiveness Exercise: if you (Raju) have to forgive your mother then affirm, �I
Raju forgive you my mother. Please forgive me and release me�.

Please note that this will release the anger about the concerned person and not the
relationship itself.

by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
Discussion on Bach Flowers with Naran Balakumar
Signs of a Clematis person
Clematis persons have trouble progressing beyond simply dreaming.

He is also a procrastinator, but of a different kind. They are averse to real-world

demands � �I want to do this work, but I hate the details.�

He always whiles away his time. His lifestyle may include some singing,
occasionally surfing the internet, doing frequent astrological readings, buying
weekly lottery tickets, and does aimless loitering as well.

Any work is hard work for him. Everything about life should be easy and pleasant.
Therefore he will shirk off from any responsibility and so will refuse to have a

He lacks attention in routine matters, pays little attention to facts and details,
and hence finds it is difficult to focus.

Clematis Person in (no) Action!!!

He is passive and lazy. His life is dormant, lifeless, unfulfilling. He won�t be

able to convert from conception � even if it is good enough, into action.

The Clematis person is a failure in following up his words with his actions. He
will talk tall about his programs and plans, but will not carry out whatever he had
projected to others.

Some examples:

�Don�t bother if this customer leaves us, somebody else will come.�
She will write letters but not post them.
She will make grandiose plans but won�t carry them out.
The clematis avoids doing a job which he thinks is difficult, for as long as he
He may not live within his means and will not bother about getting loans.
He will live in a dream world. Though, he is good at conception level.
Not to be overwhelmed in a difficult situation
by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
While boating in Ooty Lake, take ELM. �Sink�, meaning drowning is the keyword for

Sinking means overwhelmed. �I am sinking in debts�: he will come out of debts if he

takes ELM.

I want to put an end to this: ELM.

For completion and finishing the job: ELM and OAK.

Remedy for weak bones
by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
Sushmita Basu
Is there any Bach flower remedy for weak bones, pain in the legs for old people?

By taking, �WEAK� as the Key word, I can suggest, CENTAURY, HORNBEAM and OLIVE.
The bio salt Calcium Phos will build up new bone cells.

Sesame seed powder will increase the density of bones.


Quick remedy for fire burns
by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
Next to Naran�s house a couple were making Pooris and selling them.

When Naran was walking towards the barber�s shop he noticed the husband was showing
signs of unbearable pain as the hot oil used for cooking, has spilled over his

Naran gave him (Bach Flower) RESCUE REMEDY.

When Naran came from the barber shop after one hour, he noticed the husband has
started doing his cooking business without any indications of the burning episode.

Got back my mobile

by admin in Bach Flower Remedy, Dare2DoIT, Life is Easy
I gave my mobile to my brother�s son for repair. It is a costlier one. Now, my
mobile is working well. However, he is not returning it back.

I don�t want any quarrel between us. That�s why I am asking you. Most of the time,
I am losing my patience.


At the same time, I want my mobile back.

Have the mentality to do what is given.

Add CHICORY also to the above combination.

After a day of chanting he got back his mobile.

To avoid quarrel: Agrimony

To be listened: Heather

Not to lose control: Cherry Plum and to overcome impatience: Impatiens

For being possessive about one�s mobile: Chicory

Chestnut Bud: Not to be cheated.

You will develop charming looks
by admin in Bach Flower Remedy, Self-Care
Ms. R
I want to look charming with glowing skin, lose weight and increase my height by at
least 2 inches.

Naran S Balakumar
Chant �CRAB APPLE� over a glass of water as many times as possible and drink that
water and come out of the thought.

In the course of time, you may look charming.

The answer is within you

by admin in Bach Flower Remedy, Life is Easy
The Bach Flower CERATO helps you to find an answer, say for example, when you are
searching for a good carpenter, searching for an address etc.

Cerato says the solution is within you.

Recipe for Fitness Freaks

by admin in Bach Flower Remedy, Self-Care
Naran S Balakumar
The Bach Flower Remedy ROCK WATER is prescribed for being extreme in physical

Some will become obsessed with physical appearance.

So, give the Bach Flower remedies ROCK WATER and CRAB APPLE together for fitness

How Bach Flowers Help Us to Find Solutions

by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
Naran S Balakumar
Constantly thinking about the problem will not give a solution to the problem.

Then what will give you the solution, you may ask!

Do not search for the solution (outside), for it is always present within you.

When the mind is calm, you will find the solution automatically.

The Divinity just needs some space to intervene. The flowers create that space
within you.

Care for both Child and Job

by admin in Bach Flower Remedy, Child Care
I am a mother of two kids.

I am working in IT and there is no proper person to take care of my kids. Even my

job is very much required for financial support.

Please advise what switch words/remedies to be used so that I get a long running,
stable and non-hectic project, at the present location of my office.


Nisha (after two months)

I am able get into a project last week in the same premises. Thanks for your

The Bach flower remedies GORSE and CLEMATIS helps you to get you a new project �
when the projects is getting over, or get a new job.

To fulfill your dreams: CLEMATIS

Which emotion should be treated first?

by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
Four different types of emotions one might feel in pain: FEAR, ANGER, SADNESS or

At any point of time, only one emotion will predominantly occupy our mind.

How do I decide which emotion has to be handled?

Find out in a scale of ten, which emotion is rated higher. Deal with that emotion

Thus do the following steps:

Step One

Find out the persistent emotion group:





For other emotions, there are some more remedies. In total there are 38 remedies
excluding RESCUE REMEDY which is a combination of some remedies.

Step Two

Within that, several emotions can be classified. Deal with the most important
emotion you feel.

If you are having, multiple emotions then address them on different times. For
example, address one in the morning, other one in the afternoon and the next one in
the evening.

To know more on how to heal yourself using Bach Flower Remedies attend one of the
Bach Flower Workshops by Naran S Balakumar.
Need not have any unfortunate circumstances
by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
SUDDENLY is the keyword of the Bach flower ELM.

Not to have any unfortunate circumstances: ELM.

One dose of Elm is required when a person has a fear of losing the job. In US when
you go to the office, you are not sure you still have the job. Chanting ELM will
help in these situations.

Suddenly without your knowing something happens then it is Elm. Paste the
photograph of ELM somewhere in the kitchen. You will have no fire accidents.

Elm�s negative state: overwhelmed, overthrown and engulfed (fire alone can do it).

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Job Scare:

Fighting for Happiness and Success:

accidents and any Bach flower chanting circumstances dose ELM engulfed fear
fighting fire for Happiness Have HELP in job keyword kitchen knowing Losing Naran
need negative no Not office overthrown overwhelmed paste photograph remedy scare
situations state Success SUDDENLY unfortunate us
Clueless about life
by admin in Bach Flower Remedy, Life is Easy, Work 101
When you do not know what to do � a feeling similar to the one when you are at the
crossroads, not knowing which direction to take � WILD OAT is the remedy.

�This is not the job I want�, saying this if anyone goes on quits his job then he
needs Wild Oat.

It is also for a person who is dissatisfied with every job or work on hand.

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Create a non-violent culture:

Dream Job:

a about Bach flower Clueless create crossroads culture direction dissatisfied dream
feeling job know knowing life Naran needs non-violent Not quits remedy Take want
What WILD OAT work
Advantages of Bach Flower Remedies
by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
They can be used in conjunction with any other forms of treatment

There are no side-effects and without any complications.

In doubtful cases, when the selection is difficult, Bach flower remedies can bring
out the symptoms and clear the path.

They are easily available (can buy from any local homeopathy shop, for example) and
easy to prepare.

The remedies are cost-effective.

These remedies are highly useful in infants, children, during pregnancy, external
applications for sprain and injuries, and for plants and animals also.

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How to Use Bach Flower Remedies:

Don�t get remedies in my place:


advantages animals any applications available Bach flower bring cases children
CLEAR complications conjunction cost difficult Don�t doubtful during easy effective
external forms get how in infants injuries my Naran no of out path place plants
pregnancy prepare remedies selection side-effects sprain symptoms to treatment use
used useful without
Find a new project or job
by admin in Bach Flower Remedy, Work 101
Since three months, I am trying to search for a new job.

Now, my company says that I need to resign tomorrow as I am not ready for


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Yes, your job can be fun and enriching:

Healing swelling without medication:

a and Bach flower BE can chant Clematis company enriching find for fun GORSE
healing job medication months Naran need new Not or project ready relocation remedy
resign Search Swelling three trying without yes your
Prescription of Bach Flower Remedies
by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
Based on mental aspects�

AGRIMONY Put on a smiling face in spite of the mental or physical torture that
the patient is undergoing
ASPEN Perspiration with fever, internal trembling with no cause, fear indoors but
no fear outdoors
BEECH Intolerance; wanting exactness, order and discipline everywhere
CENTAURY Unable to say �No� to anybody, people pleaser
CERATO Imitate ways, expression and mannerism of those with whom they come in
contact, constantly changing from one treatment to another
CHERRY PLUM Temptation. unable to control, incontinence of urine
CHESTNUT BUD Escapism; physically present but mentally absent
CHICORY Making big fuss even for trivial matters or ailments, greedy, stingy,
demanding, temper tantrums, always needs a company
CLEMATIS Coma, fainting, dreamy, absent minded, lack of interest in everyday
life, mentally in future
CRAB APPLE Feels unclean about oneself, want to clear infections, self-conscious
about appearance
ELM Suitable to Ministers, Teachers, Doctors
GENTIAN Depression, upset even for a slight setback
GORSE In any hopeless situations
HEATHER Fast talkers, never-ending conversation with others about oneself
HOLLY Full of hatred, jealousy and suspicions
HONEY SUCKLE Always talk about past events or of his younger days
HORNBEAM For starting problem, mental fatigue, good for singers
IMPATIENS For all TYPE �A� personalities
LARCH Admires others success without envy, but lack of confidence to do the same,
even though they have the capacity
MIMULUS Stage fright
MUSTARD Sudden depression, while living well for no reason
OAK Living always in hope, in spite of repeated failures
OLIVE Physical exhaustion on slightest exertion
RED CHESTNUT Fearing that some calamity may happen to their dear ones
ROCK ROSE Terror and Panic situations
ROCK WATER Inflexible and adamant
SCLERANTHUS Swinging temperature, delayed memory, postponing tendencies
STAR OF BETHLEHEM After effect of mental or physical shock
SWEET CHESTNUT As if, life has ended; for those who feel, they cannot endure
anymore; for desperate situations
VERVAIN Mentally hyperactive, strain and tension
VINE People who believe in violence
WALNUT Change of life such as teething, puberty, menopause, change in
religion, break the old ties and habits � either acquired or hereditary
WATER VIOLET Prefers solitude, persons with superiority complex
WHITE CHESTNUT Talking to oneself, same thought or scene is repeating in the
WILD OAT Dabbling in too many things; a feeling of being in the cross roads,
unable to know the direction of life
WILD ROSE Surrenders to struggles of life without complaining
WILLOW Blames others or God for his failures, resent other�s success
Impatiens Discussion with Naran
by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
What is the mental state of an IMPATIENS?
The person is very eager to do something or strongly desires for something, and
therefore becomes restless and impatient.

Then they try to finish every single task quickly and thoughtlessly (impetuous).
Thus, an Impatiens person will be careless and hasty.

What are the signs of IMPATIENS persons?

They are annoyed easily, tend to be irritated when kept waiting and if work is
They are eager to do something immediately, and unwilling to wait for a start. In
general, they are impetuous, nervous, restless, uneasy, and hasty.

He is restless � constantly moving, and unable to sit quiet.

In a clinic, you may notice while most of the patients are waiting patiently to
meet the doctor, a person is restless � denoting his Impatiens nature.

Sometimes, when we worry in the night, we will spend a restless night.

Because the impatiens person is reckless, he will act impulsively � moving with
great force and energy. Thus, impatiens persons will be great energy losers.

The impatiens person acts in a hurry, either due to his impetuosity or lack of
time. When there is a lack of time, we tend to do things in a hurry, without any

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Beware, Being Impatient Will Take More Time than Usual:

Drive safely on road:

Heart related issues:


I am the victim! I am the villain!!

by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
R Mohan
Five years back you told me that we invite people who mirror us. Specifically you
said the people around me are in PINE state (low self-esteem, guilty), because I am
in the same state.

Recently I observed, I create a scare in the people around me (MIMULUS). So I

chanted MIMULUS and the opposite states (the opposite person who will create
Mimulus) of it � HOLLY and VINE.

Immediately, I felt very happy. My question to you is, how did MIMULUS make me

The positive aspect of Mimulus is sympathy. That�s why I suggested Mimulus. The
Holly and Vine persons will kindle fear in others. By taking Mimulus, you turn the
Holly, loving and sympathetic.

In the same way, when you chanted Mimulus, you become sympathetic to the different
parts inside yourself namely, the part of HOLLY and the part of VINE. So, in turn
you felt relieved and happy.

Several years back, I suggested you to take Mimulus when you were fearful to buy a
property. The same fear is still inside you, which is normal.

Just take MIMULUS for the next few days, to be sympathetic, which comes from higher
state of love that believes in co-existence.

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I am the Hero and the Villain, in the Movie (Life) Directed By Me:

Chain snatching:

Complementing and Opposing Companions of Life:


am and Around aspect back believes Buy by chain chanted co-existence companions
Complementing create different Directed fear fearful felt guilty happy Hero higher
HOLLY how I in inside invite kindle life love loving low make me Mimulus mirror
Movie Naran normal observed of opposing opposite others Part parts people PINE
Positive property question R Mohan relieved same scare self-esteem snatching state
states suggested sympathetic sympathy Take the us very victim villain VINE Who why
Life situations where Walnut is helpful
by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
When I go to a person for request: (Bach Flower Remedies) BEECH and WALNUT

To make person easily approachable: WALNUT and WATER VIOLET

Uphill task: WALNUT and HORNBEAM

To begin: WALNUT is like �PILLAYAR SULI� (a symbol in Tamil that invokes the
blessings of Lord Ganesha � the remover of obstacles)

To end: WALNUT because beginning is end of something else.

To begin communication, to re-establish communication and I don�t know how to start

the communication: WALNUT

Sharing the ancestral property: WALNUT

When one withholds info, as in a therapy: AGRIMONY and WALNUT

Work is not challenging: WALNUT

Puberty: WALNUT

To come out of too much of TV watching and speaking on mobile phones, or any other
form of addiction: WALNUT, SCLERANTHUS

WALNUT protects our boundaries

First marriage ended in a divorce, not to attract the same type of person in the
second marriage: WALNUT

I feel rejected: CHICORY, WALNUT

I am easily offended (highly sensitive): CHICORY, HOLLY, and WALNUT

The antonym of attraction is Resistance � resistance means to fight against or

refrain from temptation. To refrain from any temptation: WALNUT and CHERRY PLUM

When the child revolts and throw temper tantrums: CHICORY, HOLLY and WALNUT

When completion is not happening in any work, for example not completing the book
you promised to write and it�s half-done: WALNUT, OAK and HORNBEAM
Defense against a verbal attack � WALNUT, PINE (when you are constantly criticized)
� for example, due a strict father his son is afraid.

The antonym of attraction is Hindrance. Therefore, to give/get a helping hand:

WALNUT (it works like Wolf animal spirit).

When there is Delay, Obstruction, and Resistance: WALNUT.

When somebody prevents (hinders) promotion: WILLOW and WALNUT (�if he wants, he can
help but he didn�t or he spoiled it�)

All of us worried about Saturn (7.5 years itch): WALNUT

He is afraid he will fail in the exam (transition from one class to another),
Interview or reapplying for a new passport: WALNUT

When others are unreasonable: WILLOW, WALNUT

When anybody is merciless: WALNUT

When a person is avoiding you: ROCK WATER, CHESTNUT BUD and WALNUT

Reconciling to the situation: WALNUT

For a caring, co-operative, friendly, generous, helpful, kind atmosphere: WALNUT

Any stiffness: WALNUT, ROCK WATER. When the atmosphere is tensed, when there is
tension, WALNUT is the remedy.

Walnut is the remedy for relaxation. Antonyms for stiff are easy and relax. For
relaxation � WALNUT

If you are uncomfortable to attend a VIP�s marriage: WALNUT, WATER VIOLET and LARCH
(you will be treated well)

If anyone is possessive, selfish, greedy, demanding, stingy: CHICORY, WALNUT

To stop the bleeding: RESCUE REMEDY, WALNUT

Want to hurry up: IMPATIENS and WALNUT � then the program may not start on time

Children during teenage � not to be influenced by peers and friends � WALNUT

protects the child

The child will cry, whenever parents criticize: RESCUE REMEDY and WALNUT (it will
find balance and protect self).

Due to constant criticism a child will become HEATHER. To prevent that from
happening in the future, Walnut is the remedy.

Walnut tree is big. When the flower blooms its smell is so strong, insects and
other flies will keep away. So it can protect the self.

Allergic to smell � (gem remedy) YELLOW SAPPHIRE and WALNUT

Give the remedies always separately.

In Nutshell
The goal of Walnut�s healing is to have constancy and stability in one�s life!!!

�PILLAYAR SULI� 7.5 about addiction afraid against AGRIMONY Allergic Ancestral
Animal. Spirit antonym any approachable atmosphere attack attend attract attraction
avoiding Bach flower balance BEECH begin beginning big bleeding blessings blooms
book boundaries caring challenging CHERRY PLUM CHESTNUT BUD Chicory child children
class co-operative communication Completion constancy criticize criticized cry
Defense delay demanding divorce during easily easy END ended exam fail father feel
fight find first flies Flower form Friendly friends from future gem generous get
GIVE goal greedy half-done hand happening Have healing HEATHER HELP helpful helping
highly hinders Hindrance HOLLY HORNBEAM how hurry IMPATIENS in influenced info
insects Interview invokes is itch KIND know LARCH life like Lord Ganesha make
marriage means merciless mobile phones Naran new Not Nutshell OAK obstacles
Obstruction of offended on parents passport peers person PINE possessive prevents
Program promised promotion property protects Puberty re-establish reapplying
Reconciling refrain rejected relaxation remedies remedy remover request RESCUE
REMEDY resistance revolts ROCK WATER same Saturn SCLERANTHUS second self selfish
sensitive separately Sharing situations smell son speaking spoiled Stability start
stiffness stingy stop strict strong symbol Tamil tantrums task teenage temper
temptation tensed Tension Therapy throw time to Transition treated tree TV type
uncomfortable unreasonable up Uphill verbal VIP�s WALNUT want watching WATER VIOLET
well where WILLOW withholds Wolf work worried Write years Yellow Sapphire
Adjust to Improve
by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
Adjust and Change means improvement. If there is no development or improvement:

Want to improve handwriting of children: WALNUT

For total communication with the body and to enable child bearing: WALNUT from the
first day of marriage. As giving birth is a transition and a change. If there is no
physical problem, then Walnut is the remedy for two bodies to unite and give birth
to a baby, with help of Divinity.

To adapt or Adjust, one has to be flexible to difficult circumstances, free from

rigidity (unable to change), and adamancy. For rigidity and adamancy WALNUT is the

In an exam you want easy question paper (I don�t want a difficult question paper):

When there is a hard person too difficult to deal with � a hard nut to crack:

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Just Married:

Adjust to difficulty:

adamancy adapt ADJUST baby Bach Flower Remedy bearing birth bodies body change
child children circumstances communication crack Day deal development difficult
difficulty Divinity easy enable exam first flexible free from Giving handwriting
hard hard nut HELP improve improvement Just marriage married means Naran no paper
person physical problem question rigidity to total Transition unable unite WALNUT
want with
Life situations where Walnut is helpful
by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
When I go to a person for request: (Bach Flower Remedies) BEECH and WALNUT

To make person easily approachable: WALNUT and WATER VIOLET

Uphill task: WALNUT and HORNBEAM

To begin: WALNUT is like �PILLAYAR SULI� (a symbol in Tamil that invokes the
blessings of Lord Ganesha � the remover of obstacles)

To end: WALNUT because beginning is end of something else.

To begin communication, to re-establish communication and I don�t know how to start

the communication: WALNUT

Sharing the ancestral property: WALNUT

When one withholds info, as in a therapy: AGRIMONY and WALNUT

Work is not challenging: WALNUT

Puberty: WALNUT

To come out of too much of TV watching and speaking on mobile phones, or any other
form of addiction: WALNUT, SCLERANTHUS

WALNUT protects our boundaries

First marriage ended in a divorce, not to attract the same type of person in the
second marriage: WALNUT

I feel rejected: CHICORY, WALNUT

I am easily offended (highly sensitive): CHICORY, HOLLY, and WALNUT

The antonym of attraction is Resistance � resistance means to fight against or

refrain from temptation. To refrain from any temptation: WALNUT and CHERRY PLUM

When the child revolts and throw temper tantrums: CHICORY, HOLLY and WALNUT

When completion is not happening in any work, for example not completing the book
you promised to write and it�s half-done: WALNUT, OAK and HORNBEAM

Defense against a verbal attack � WALNUT, PINE (when you are constantly criticized)
� for example, due a strict father his son is afraid.

The antonym of attraction is Hindrance. Therefore, to give/get a helping hand:

WALNUT (it works like Wolf animal spirit). When there is Delay, Obstruction, and
Resistance: WALNUT. When somebody prevents (hinders) promotion: WILLOW and WALNUT
(�if he wants, he can help but he didn�t or he spoiled it�)

All of us worried about Saturn (7.5 years itch): WALNUT

He is afraid he will fail in the exam (transition from one class to another),
Interview or reapplying for a new passport: WALNUT
When others are unreasonable: WILLOW, WALNUT

When anybody is merciless: WALNUT

When a person is avoiding you: ROCK WATER, CHESTNUT BUD and WALNUT

Reconciling to the situation: WALNUT

For a caring, co-operative, friendly, generous, helpful, kind atmosphere: WALNUT

Any stiffness: WALNUT, ROCK WATER. When the atmosphere is tensed, when there is
tension, WALNUT is the remedy. Walnut is the remedy for relaxation. Antonyms for
stiff are easy and relax. For relaxation � WALNUT

If you are uncomfortable to attend a VIP�s marriage: WALNUT, WATER VIOLET and LARCH
(you will be treated well)

If anyone is possessive, selfish, greedy, demanding, stingy: CHICORY, WALNUT

To stop the bleeding: RESCUE REMEDY, WALNUT

Want to hurry up: IMPATIENS and WALNUT � then the program may not start on time

Children during teenage � not to be influenced by peers and friends � WALNUT

protects the child

The child will cry, whenever parents criticize: RESCUE REMEDY and WALNUT (it will
find balance and protect self). Due to constant criticism a child will become
HEATHER. To prevent that from happening in the future, Walnut is the remedy. Walnut
tree is big. When the flower blooms its smell is so strong, insects and other
flies will keep away. So it can protect the self.

Allergic to smell � (gem remedy) YELLOW SAPPHIRE and WALNUT

Give the remedies always separately.

In Nutshell

The goal of Walnut�s healing is to have constancy and stability in one�s life!!!

�PILLAYAR SULI� 7.5 about addiction afraid against AGRIMONY Allergic Ancestral
Animal. Spirit antonym any approachable atmosphere attack attend attract attraction
avoiding Bach flower balance BEECH begin beginning big bleeding blessings blooms
book boundaries caring challenging CHERRY PLUM CHESTNUT BUD Chicory child children
class co-operative communication Completion constancy criticize criticized cry
Defense delay demanding divorce during easily easy END ended exam fail father feel
fight find first flies Flower form Friendly friends from future gem generous get
GIVE goal greedy half-done hand happening Have healing HEATHER HELP helpful helping
highly hinders Hindrance HOLLY HORNBEAM how hurry IMPATIENS in influenced info
insects Interview invokes is itch KIND know LARCH life like Lord Ganesha make
marriage means merciless mobile phones Naran new Not Nutshell OAK obstacles
Obstruction of offended on parents passport peers person PINE possessive prevents
Program promised promotion property protects Puberty re-establish reapplying
Reconciling refrain rejected relaxation remedies remedy remover request RESCUE
REMEDY resistance revolts ROCK WATER same Saturn SCLERANTHUS second self selfish
sensitive separately Sharing situations smell son speaking spoiled Stability start
stiffness stingy stop strict strong symbol Tamil tantrums task teenage temper
temptation tensed Tension Therapy throw time to Transition treated tree TV type
uncomfortable unreasonable up Uphill verbal VIP�s WALNUT want watching WATER VIOLET
well where WILLOW withholds Wolf work worried Write years Yellow Sapphire
Happy Circulation
by admin in Bach Flower Remedy

Move Around � Circulate and Rotate

When a person is always on tour, the Bach Flower Remedy WALNUT will keep him in one

Publicize means you will get better circulation. For selling house and land � spray
WALNUT water on them. It will get publicized by word of mouth.

How Walnut can help in getting married? Firstly, others have to know. Therefore, to
circulate the news, WALNUT will help.

Business flow and movement means circulation.

If anyone expresses �I want to pump in more money as there is not enough cash
circulation�: WALNUT.

�I don�t have money for rotation�: WALNUT will improve your money position.

If the expression is �I want to attract more money; there is no profit�: WALNUT can
do that for you.

Circulate means to attract. To attract a partner: WALNUT

Circulate also means going around in circles, without achieving anything concrete.
When you do something, but see no growth then WALNUT is the remedy.

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Running into debts:

Attract good friends:


Move on to a better position in life:


a Achieving Around attract Bach flower better business cash circles CIRCULATE
circulation concrete debts expresses expression flow friends get getting good
growth happy HELP house improve in into know land life married means money more
move movement Naran news on partner position Profit Publicize pump remedy Rotate
rotation Running selling Spray to tour WALNUT want water word of mouth
Move on to a better position in life
by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
To CHANGE one has to MOVE.

MOVE BACK, MOVE AWAY: not to do a shameful act, move away from it: Walnut is the

MOVE-IN means to Enter � for example, to enter into an agreement.

When an agreement is signed, chant �WALNUT and WALNUT�

Nobody will break the agreement. They will adhere to the policy of a gentlemen�s

When somebody makes a commitment to you, think about Walnut and he will not move
away or depart from the commitment.

To make progress � to MOVE UP: WALNUT

We have to consider the opposite meaning of a particular expression to find the

negative mental state and then to figure out the deeper action spheres of the
Flower Remedies.

The opposite meaning of the word Enter is Depart or Remove: fear of removal from
service, there will be no dismissal if you take WALNUT. Walnut will eliminate fear
of removal. So you will feel safe and secure.

To prevent amputation, give WALNUT. It will be prevented.

The doctors had advised to remove Sajeevanam�s mother�s leg, as she was suffering
from acute diabetes. She took Walnut for two days.

The doctors felt may be they will wait for some more time, before they consider
amputation again. Amputation also means Disconnection. Walnut prevents

If a wife doesn�t want to divorce, with help of WALNUT she can achieve her

If you feel that you are not connected to the family and say, �I don�t belong here.
I am out of place,� thanks to WALNUT it will happen.

You will make the necessary adjustments and changes required for the new place.
This is required for a newly married girl.

Related Post
Letting go the unwanted:

a about achieve act action acute adhere adjustments advised agreement amputation
away Bach flower back BE belong better break change changes chant commitment
connected depart diabetes Disconnection dismissal divorce Doctors eliminate enter
example expression family fear feel find gentlemen�s girl GIVE GO HELP in leg
Letting life make makes married meaning means mental mother�s move Naran necessary
negative new newly Not objective on opposite place policy position prevent progress
remedies remedy removal remove required safe secure service shameful signed state
suffering the to took unwanted up WALNUT want
The permanent change factor
by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
Life is nothing but adjustment and comprise. The Bach Flower Remedy Walnut � the
21st Century Magic Pill helps you to achieve that effortlessly.

In addition, WALNUT completes any type of healing. It has a place of its own in
healing arena.

In this Age of Change, it�s the Elixir of Life.

Keywords: to Change, to Move, Adjust, Circulate

Age of Change

With the key word Change, how many life situations can be addressed? Change means
to become a different person based on the hour of need and to Move from one phase
to another phase (Transition)

I am not able to change my residence. I wanted to Move closer to my office.

Change Into means to become.
For example, I want my son to become studious says a mother of a child. Both mother
and son should take WALNUT. When we expect the change in some other person, then we
are in Walnut state.

To change a person thoroughly, for example to come out of addiction, WALNUT is the
base remedy.
When one is forced to frequently change jobs: WALNUT
When you want some diversion, when you feel bored, you need a change: WALNUT
21st achieve addiction addressed ADJUST adjustment age arena Bach flower Base
Become bored Century change child CIRCULATE closer completes comprise different
diversion effortlessly Elixir example expect factor feel forced frequently healing
helps hour jobs key Keywords life magic means mother move Naran need of office own
permanent phase Pill remedy residence situations son state studious Take the to
Transition type WALNUT word
Gain knowledge
by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
Some of you have prior knowledge about Bach Flower Remedies. All our learnings are
of no use. Only experience is useful.

After learning about Bach Flower Remedies, please use them.

Even if you don�t have the remedies at hand, try to chant or write the names of the
flowers and experience the energy of the flowers. That is more important.

Whether you get the results or not, feel the experience of the flowers. That itself
will give you lots of knowledge.

The flowers themselves will give the knowledge but not any book.

Related Blogs
A blissful experience:

Anything is possible with Bach Flowers:

Complementing and opposing companions of life:

a about after and anything Bach flower blissful book chant companions Complementing
energy experience feel Gain get GIVE important is knowledge learnings life names
Naran no of opposing POSSIBLE prior remedies results use useful with Write
by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
Dr. Edward Bach discovered a unique combination of 5 remedies, which aim at
restoring calm to a person in acute emergency situation. They are of great value
immediately after accident or similar situations of shock and panic, where there is
faintness, trembling or failing of normal physical functioning.

Rescue Remedy is a combination of following flower remedies:

Rock Rose: To counteract terror and panic

Cherry Plum: To balance intense tension and fear
Clematis: To reduce faintness or coma
Impatiens: To counteract inner turmoil and tension
Star of Bethlehem: To reduce the shock, trauma, sadness
Rescue remedy can also be used as a daily remedy in acute situations of intense
nervousness and tension when the vital force needed to recharge and recuperate.

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Abundant Support from Family and Flowers:

Concerned about other�s safety:



5 accident acute after Bach flower balance CALM CHERRY PLUM Clematis coma
combination counteract daily discovered Dr. Edward Bach emergency failing faintness
fear force functioning IMPATIENS inner is nervousness normal panic physical
recharge recuperate Reduce remedies remedy RESCUE REMEDY restoring Rock Rose
sadness shock situation Star of Bethlehem Tension trauma trembling turmoil vital
Imaginary Fears
by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
The fear group consists of four remedies � Aspen, Mimulus, Red Chestnut and Rock

Fear of imagination
I am giving this story so that you will learn how to use the flower remedy in a
particular situation.

There is a newly married couple.

They went for the customary activity of honeymoon. They went to Kodaikanal. The
girl couldn�t sleep in the hotel room.

She was trying to put on the lights, while her husband was trying to put off them.

She told him that she can�t sleep without the lights on as it was her practice
right from childhood.

And that too in the Kodaikanal, which was 6000 feet above the sea level, when she
saw the darkness outside, she felt afraid and needed the lights to be on.

However, as her husband is tired, he slept off easily.

When she put off the lights, she heard a whisper in her ears. She got startled �
especially by the darkness outside seen through the windows.

Her fears got increased and her pulse rate became very high. The leaves of the
plants grown outside the house looked like ghosts to her.

Again, when she put on the lights, she became normal. Any fear of darkness or fear
and worry about ghosts or anything unspecified is ASPEN fear.

It is because in darkness, you always get imaginary fears. All sorts of imagination
will happen.

This combination is the standard one I give for ghost busting.

I give this combination also for any unnatural deaths � either by murder, suicide
or accident. Then that place will be a haunted place. Definitely, their energy will
be present there.

This combination will help them to evolve into the next stage (of life).

If you feel not comfortable about the place or have a premonitory feeling that
something bad is going to happen that day, then Aspen is the remedy to address
those feelings.

Wherever you couldn�t specify the cause of the fear and say �I don�t know the
reason for my fear� � Aspen is the remedy,

about accumulated Add address afraid ASPEN Bach flower best business busting can�t
cause center chanting childhood cleanser combination comfortable comment consists
couldn�t couple Crab Apple darkness deaths ears easily emotions energy evolve fear
fears feel feeling flourishing four ghosts girl GIVE good group haunted he slept
healer heard HELP high highly honeymoon hotel house how husband imaginary
imagination know Kodaikanal learn life lights married Mimulus murder Mustard
negative newly next normal of place plan Positive practice premonitory present
pulse rate reason Red Chestnut remedies remedy remove Rock Rose room situation
sleep space specify spirit sprayed stage standard story suicide accident the
thoughts tired unnatural unspecified use vessel vibrations visits WALNUT water
whisper White Chestnut wipe worry
Bach Flower Combinations � Part 2 � Pain types and remedies
by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
Pain Mental Cause Remedy
Suddenly comes and goes like a lightning For this type of Pain, the following
mental thoughts might be there � �I need not be passive and I have to show
aggression.� There may be alternate feeling of love and hate. A combination of
Scleranthus, Centaury, Holly will help this type of pain.
Put 10 pills of each in a glass of water and have small sips every 1 hour

Appears sudd-enly & disapp-ears suddenly A same thought appears at intervals � it

may be anger, resentment, hurt, or sadness. Whitechestnut is the remedy.
Put 10 pills in a glass of water and have small sips every 1 hour.

Pain gradually increasing & decreasing Fighting a long battle with someone who
has hurt you. Unforgiving. Take Beech Holly.
Put 10 pills of each in a glass of water and have small sips every 1 hour.

Pricking Pain A constant threat of danger is there. Guilt also may be there.
Take Mimulus and Pine.
Put 10 pills of each in a glass of water and have small sips every 1 hour.
Pain like an electric shock The mind feels attacked and wants to attack in
return with violence. Take Holly Vine and Rescue Remedy.
Put 10 pills of each in a glass of water and have small sips every 1 hour.

Tight pain � as if tied by a rope Mental cause:Desire to break free. Take

Willow and Chestnutbud.

Mental cause: Anger at what is happening. Take Centaury willow pine. Put 10
pills of each in a glass of water and have small sips every 1 hour.
Bach Flowers Combinations � Part 1
by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
Rescue Remedy will remove the fear. It will make the healing complete. Antibiotics
alone will not be enough.
Accident- Prevent
Impatiens � to drive safely, and provide caution and carefulness
Accomplish a goal / complete a deal
Pine- can be taken as a positive resource, to achieve anything, to complete a goal
or to complete a deal
Attention / Develop Appreciation
Children who want more attention and admiration � CHICORY and HEATHER. They are
expecting appreciation, while we look at their faults. A human being is a mixture
of good and bad stuff. Bad things have to be corrected. Good stuff has to be
appreciated like watering plants. Then children will blossom like flowers. We need
appreciation too. If we get it, we will blossom too. Without appreciation people
shrink as well as their emotional heart.
Burning sensation
Willow, Beech, Cherry Plum as burning is Willow�s expression
Crab Apple (physical cleanser), Oak (workaholic, strain in the blood vessels and
thickening of arteries) and Vine
Collect money
Rock Water, Chestnut Bud and Chicory � You will get money sooner. Write both names
in the circle and the remedies around that.
should happen between two people:Beech, Walnut, Agrimony and Chestnut bud
Communication / meeting in office
Build rapport between attendees in a meeting: Beech + Walnut. Chant for a few
minutes and say � May Beech and Walnut be activated in the room for next 4 hours� a
few times for a wonderful result
Concerned about the loved ones
Mothers who are concerned too much about children. RED CHESTNUT and CHERRY PLUM.
Concern and fear about other person needs RED CHESTNUT. When the loved ones don�t
return on time, then fear about their safety will come as visuals inside your mind.
You will have no control over it. When you take the remedies, you will become
normal and your loved one will come home immediately.
Constant Fever
Walnut, White Chestnut, Crab Apple
Constipation � General
Am not worried even then there is no motion for three days � White Chestnut.
It will feel like coming but it won�t. Even after taking 4 glasses of water nothing
will happen, and so no proper motion � Scleranthus
Nothing happens until 8 am. Will take coffee and after that it will come. So a
starting problem -Hornbeam. Add Scleranthus too. When visiting a new town nothing
happens � Walnut
Couldn�t control when we are outside � especially urine and motion � Rock water +
Cherry Plum.
Frequently � White Chestnut
As soon as he gets up will run to the toilet � Rock Water + Cherry Plum
Constipation � timing
Hornbeam, Scleranthus and Walnut � morning, and in the night � White Chestnut
� food
Starting problem
White Chest Nut, Walnut, Crab Apple and Hornbeam � have to change food diet as
there may be no fiber in the food.
Hornbeam : will get up at 6 am but will need a coffee or any other stimulant to get
up from bed
If it is relieved after walking then Hornbeam, after shaking the body- hornbeam,
right calf muscles � fear (Mimulus), and will not move from one place, so may be
Hornbeam too.
Dharshan Pack
Gorse and Clematis even temple that is closed will be opened for you. Take the same
remedies to go to ashrams like Ramana ashram, chant the remedies and the experience
will be different.
Oak, Crab Apple and Wild Rose, a typical diabetes expression is, �It is in the
family� � which is a Wild Rose expression (90% of the patients say so).
Rescue Remedy, Olive, and White Chestnut
Diet Freaks
You would come across many diet freaks these days. Weight reduction will not happen
by dieting. What�s the point in avoiding things? At least once in a way we should
eat stuff that we like, for example ice creams. The irony is that more and more we
think about our physical figure, we will not reduce weight.
The remedy for diet freaks � OAK, CRAB APPLE and ROCK WATER. The message from this
combination of Bach Flowers is, �Take life easier
Disk prolapsed
During unbearable pains, take Rescue Remedy; proplapse means separated � Water
Violet (if there is no conversations going then he has some problem with a member
in the household and therefore the message from the body is that you have to patch
with those whom you fight. Also may be mentally separated and not physically) and
pain means Pine
Dryness in the eyes
opinionated, therefore I have to change my views: Beech, Rock Water and Willow. Dry
� Life is dry. Rigid and self-denial is more.
Dust Allergy (cold)
Beech, Walnut, Crab Apple, and White Chestnut
Agrimony, Crab Apple � if itching is more then add Rescue Remedy
Emergency Remedy
When too much of anger HOLLY, WILLOW, and RESCUE REMEDY
Rescue Remedy has the advantage when terror and panic strikes, and for emergency
situations. Somebody just met with an accident, and the person suffers from
continuous bleeding. Think about him. Chant RESCUE REMEDY and bleeding will stop.
Even when you hear bad news about somebody, write RESCUE REMEDY and keep it under
the pillow of the patient. The patient may be under observation; the doctor has
said let us wait for 24 more hrs; RESCUE REMEDY, SWEET CHESTNUT and RED CHESTNUT
will bring the patient out of the ICU.
Exam � Before
/ Study Pack (general)
Scleranthus, Chestnut Bud, Walnut, Oak and Hornbeam
Exam � (lack of interest / Confidence)
To be taken before exam
Scleranthus + Chestnut bud + Wild Rose + Gentian + Hornbeam
Exam- Easy
To get an easy question paper: Walnut
Exam �ve state
To avoid negative states in exam hall like making silly mistakes or
thoughtlessness, losing confidence or memory or enthusiasm suddenly � Impatiens,
Hornbeam, Elm, Gentian
Exam- Day
On the date of the exam: Rescue Remedy, Mimulus and Larch (last two remedies are
for fear of performance)
Exam � After the exam
Gentian, Wild Rose and Walnut (you will not fail in the exam)
The child not keeping quiet Oak. �Don�t touch me don�t come near me either�
When somebody enquires about health, the concerned person gets irritated �
Doesn�t talk about fever � Agrimony
Old people in general don�t want to disturb others and will take the medication by
themselves or take the medication in advance so as to not to disturb other�s sleep
� Agrimony
I will stay for one more day as I don�t think I am completely alright yet, seeking
more attention and sympathy � Chicory, as they want more attention as the pot with
a hole will be never be filled
Food Allergy
Pine, Crab Apple, and White Chestnut
For any knee problem
Rock Water, Walnut and Hornbeam
Functions- Organizing
You are fixing up marriage of your daughter or organizing a birthday celebration.
What are the remedies that can help the function to go smoothly and without a
hindrance in any form? The hindrance when a marriage is fixed, say for example
could be in the form of somebody�s death.
We might have some specific states of mind like for example, �Everybody should eat
well, everybody should have fun� and so on.
Sweet chestnut : To conduct any function smoothly, you need Sweet Chestnut (Divine)
has to be there.
Walnut : People attending the function adjust to the situation comfortably.
Gentian: There should not be any regression. There has to be only progress once you
start organizing the function and execute your action steps. Everything should go
on well without any regression. GENTIAN is the remedy for that.
Rescue Remedy: Children might get hurt during the function. You don�t want to spend
your time taking them to hospital. In addition to four remedies mentioned above,
add RESCUE REMEDY to avoid panic situations.
Fear of completion: HORNBEAM
Function � General Instructions
All the four remedies are important. Once the date of the function is fixed, put
them every day (5 pills each remedy) in common water and drink it.
Also keep a glass of water with the combination (3 pills from each remedy) in the
North East or on the West side of the house.
To avoid children getting hurt, keep RESCUE REMEDY on the western side in a glass
of water, as it is the side of relaxation. Then there will be no panic situation to
be faced.
We have reached the party hall. Wherever there is light, the darkness would follow.
Spray the five remedies in the hall before people arrive at the hall.
Approach the cook and give him a glass of water mixed with the combinations. Tell
him the water is from sacred river Kasi as he may be a non-believer of Bach Flower
Remedies. Ask him to add that water to the water he uses for cooking. Nobody would
complain about taste. Food will be sufficient for everybody. Like Atchaiya Pathiram
(vessel that contains unlimited food) it will be enough for everybody � as we won�t
be able to predict how many will turn up for the function.
Gaining weight
Protein and Crab Apple
General Fatigue
Centaury, Hornbeam and Olive
Harmony Family
(Harmony Pack) to bring harmony into your life. Call them and affirm, �Bring
harmony in my family�. Whenever you fear there will be confrontation, write the
names of the Bach flowers mentioned in paper before talking to your family members
and face the situation. You will find everything happens well. When these five
flowers are present then we can bring 100% harmony in the family or between two
Harmony � Possessiveness
Walnut, Cherry Plum, Beech, Willow and Agrimony, and may be Chicory too, if you
find your spouse possessive.
Lack of enthu-siasm in life
Hornbeam and Wild Rose � lazy approach to life as there is no internal motivation
to live
Head ache � Migraine
Rescue Remedy
Heart Taking care
Dr.Bach Flowers ELM OAK OLIVE combination for any heart problem.
Do Heart Mudra (refer for instructions in the Mudra section) in addition. It will
give energy to your heart by eliminating Carbon Dioxide. Do it 15 minutes, both in
the morning and evening. Pressure and cholesterol will become less. Blood
circulation in the heart will improve.
Beech, Willow, and Scleranthus
High BP
Agrimony, Willow, Cherry Plum and do Yoga and Pranayamam (breathing exercises) as
High Fever
Rescue Remedy
Hopeless State
Any hopeless state should be turned into joy. There is a bus strike and no bus
around. You have vacated the lodge. Nobody is standing in the bus stand too. You
have to go to Chennai, the next day. You become hopeless. Chant GORSE. Hopeless
state will turn into joy. Some bus or some form of transportation will be found.
Interview Pack
Water Violet + Larch + Gentian + Wild Rose
An example: An examiner from USA to check the credentials of Healers of a centre in
Bangalore. One of the healers � a lady student of Naran, asked for a solution as
she felt she may not be able to understand the accent of the American and thus she
may not do well in the exam. She chanted the combination. The time that was given
to her was 3 pm. The healers before got fewer marks facing the same language
problem. When the lady�s interview was due, the examiner said he was tired and so
he asked the center head to conduct the interview. Of course the center head is a
friend of this lady. So the exam results were good.
Kidney Stones
grimony for Lumps of un-dissolved anger. Centaury � he can�t express his anger
(Centaury,Willow), Crab Apple � as it is a physical cleanser
An example: A student of Naran said the affirmation for Kidney Stones mentioned in
the book written by Louis L Hay �Heal Your Body� 1000 times every day for a week
and took the pills only once. Two stones came by itself without any operation.
Let me do it later � Scleranthus will get up late and will postpone
Love Failures
Chicory and Willow
Low BP
Lower Back pain
Means require support. Chicory (needs support), Hornbeam and Centaury (has no back
Male domination
Women resenting it is in Willow state. When the resentment vanishes, the domination
vanishes too.
Marriage Divine Grace
We need divine grace to get married: Sweet Chestnut. No marriage should happen
without this remedy.
Marriage � whether the person is right or not.
Before the bride groom comes to see the girl, Sweet Chestnut will help us to find
whether the person is right or not. Put it in a glass of water and keep it in the
house or drink water.
A Punjabi girl and a Punjabi guy from UK were on talking terms. Lots of money spent
was spent for the calls made and internet usage. The marriage was initiated. The
guy said his parents may not agree as they belong to different sub sect and so
suggested to get married first and then inform his parents. The girl agreed for
this arrangement and not her mother. Both the daughter and the mother took Sweet
Chestnut. After few days a call came from the guy�s number. The person called was
his wife. She told them that he is a cheater. He has cheated quite a few girls like
this. As she couldn�t escape she is hanging around with him. Then the girl did some
verification and Punjabi address that the guy had given was wrong. She was given
Star of Bethlehem (for the mental shock after she figured out the truth) and
Chicory � pangs of love and love failure.
Marriage- Adjustment
If you splash Beech and Walnut in the room � then there will be no demands and will
adjust to each other requirements and needs. For example: Nikitha � a Reiki
Teacher. In her friend�s house sprayed water that is mixed with Beech and Walnut on
all walls. During the meeting, the girl started singing. Then the groom joined her
and later everybody joined the girl. In the end they mentioned that somehow they
feel that all of them belong to the same family.
Marriage � Choice/ Unable to decide
Scleranthus: to choose between Vanaja and Girija.
Marriage- Coral � for disparity in love
A teacher loved her own student, and she is older than him by few years. Both of
them took Coral. After a month they agreed to stop, as they realized that their
mental compatibility is not good enough for the marriage to survive.
You are going as a mediator where there is plenty of anger and anguish around. You
wanted to convince everybody and make him or her understand your viewpoint. You
need to speak their language. AGRIMONY (add this only if you feel angry), BEECH,
WALNUT and CHESTNUT BUD � use this combination for any type of mediation.
Money flow
When the money will come? Day dreaming � Clematis, will feel low- Larch. Add Aspen
and Walnut to the remedies.
Money from government
Water Violet, Rock Water, Scleranthus, Oak and Hornbeam
Not focused
Chestnut Bud, Clematis
Centaury for they will become short � Pine and Rock Water. They have to take some
medication for calcium deficiency as well.
Pain unbearable
Rescue Remedy
Beech, Willow, Cherry plum
Poor digestion
Postponement -laziness
The second type postponement is because of laziness- HORNBEAM
They come in two types. The first type says �I have plenty of time so I will do
this later� � SCLERANTHUS. On the last day I pay my bill and I become impatient
(remedy IMPATIENS). Whenever you say, �I have enough time� you will never have time
is the message of SCLERANTHUS.
To bring prosperity to an investment like land- sprinkle Walnut on the land. Its
value will increase
Protection against robbery
When you are going on a vacation, either in the main door or on backdoor keep the
photo of the flowers � Rock Water + Chestnut Bud. No thief will come to your house.
On road, add Vine as these days� robbers kill the victims too. Nobody will attack
Red Carpet Welcome
For any pilgrimage tour, take GORSE and CLEMATIS. You will get a red carpet welcome
wherever you go. You will be treated like a VIP.
Repeating the mistake
Chestnut bud, while a person who keeps doing the same job then give � Oak
Running nose
Sweet Chestnut, Walnut and Crab Apple
Running Nose
Cherry plum, Walnut, Crab Apple, and White Chestnut � Stop White Chestnut when it
doesn�t stop and add Sweet Chestnut � as desperation would have set in.
Beech, Willow
Gentian + Larch + Pine
Sibling Rivalry
Chicory and Holly
Skin Problems
For any type of skin problem � CRAB APPLE, AGRIMONY and RESCUE REMEDY (add RESCUE
REMEDY only if the itching is intense). For any skin disease, CRAB APPLE and
AGRIMONY is the base remedy.
Sleep / Waking problems
Late � I sleep late and get up late: add Scleranthus to the base remedy.
Tomorrow what should I do: editing work at my newspaper office -Vervain
I got up in the middle of the night: administer base remedy
Worry: Agrimony, White Chestnut, Walnut and Crab Apple is the base remedy
Nothing helps: Passi Flora mother tincture- then you will know the value of the
Jet lag: Just came from USA. Always sleeping in the afternoon: Scleranthus
Over enthusiasm: marriage for my daughter, thinking about work to be tomorrow at
office. In the process we get mental strain in the evening. The remedies prescribed
are: Vervain, Scleranthus, White Chestnut, Walnut and Crab Apple.
Cerato and Scleranthus
Stay Young
Rock Water + Hornbeam + Walnut + Chestnut bud + Crab Apple will keep the body and
mind young. Need not take the pills, but chant for 5 mins while getting up from bed
as well as before going to sleep
Straining to pass stools
Scleranthus, Walnut, Rock Water, Hornbeam, Crab Apple
Superiority Complex
My friend has married a Korean. She doesn�t talk to anybody- If she does not talk
to others due to superiority complex- Water Violet or do not know how to adjust �
fear is there, so prescribe Mimulus. Rest of the remedies based on the patient�s
mind state. If he thinks it is because of his karma then add the remedy Pine.
Non Stop � Heather and Agrimony are non-stop talkers.
Vervain will try to convince others.
Talking � Reduce
�I feel that I will become a better person, if I reduce my speech�: Pine for
mistakes because I feel I am not complete without this. I have to be perfect � it
is in both Pine and Crab Apple
Talking- communication problems
I am not able to communicate properly because he is not able to understand: Beech
is required to handle any communication problems and to bridge the gap between two
Only your ego stops the healing
Throat Problems
Centaury, Willow, Pine and Hornbeam
Tired � go on inspite of being
Oak / Olive � Oak brings smartness to the work � when one goes on inspite of
untiring efforts but unable to succeed. One does the same thing again and again
hoping to succeed to get different result but does not know how to do things
To stop bleeding
Rescue Remedy and Walnut
Toilet crazy
Crab Apple
Other man�s point of view : Beech, Willow, walnut and Water Violet
Violence� avoid
Rock water+ Rockrose � To ward off any violent or unwanted elements
Weight Loss
Oak (keep trying without any success, will help them to try different things), Crab
Apple (self-conscious), and Rock Water (self denial by skipping meals)
Work done
Getting a work done in a government office- Rock Water + Water violet
Pray that the flowers be active in the persons energy field for next 6 hours or 8
hours. Work will get done
Winning Mantra
For any competition:take the combination: WaterViolet +Larch +Gentian + Wild
Zigzag Fever
Scleranthus, Walnut, Crab Apple
If you�. statements and remedies
by admin in Bach Flower Remedy

If you�. (then you need it)
Agrimony If you are with false cheer; wearing a smiling face, in spite of the
White chestnut If you have obsessive thoughts � a same scene or though is
circulating in the mind
Red chestnut If you have obsessive concern or worry about near and dear ones
Pine If you feel guilty
Chestnutbud If you lack concentration; poor memory
Honeysuckle If you are indulging in memories of the past
Larch If you lack self-confidence
Mimulus If you have fear; afraid of anything, or any person
If you are shy

Aspen If you have unknown imaginary fear

Star of Bethlehem If you are in shock
Wild Oat If you are unfulfilled, and not satisfied with any work that you are
presently in and for the great confusion of �standing at the cross roads�
Cerato If you have self-doubt and asking opinions from others
Scleranthus If you are being indecisive
Gentian If you are discouraged and feel unlucky when failure strikes
Wild rose If you don�t have motivation to do any work or feeling apathetic
Mustard If you are depressed and you don�t know why � If you have Unknown
Gorse If you are sure that you won�t get, feeling hopeless
Sweet Chestnut If you are in total despair �desperate
Hornbeam If you are lazy and lethargic; having Monday morning blues for any work
before starting
Centaury If you are weak-willed and can�t say �NO�
Olive If you are feeling exhausted totally physically after work
Elm When you suddenly think, that you are doing too much and feel a sudden energy
loss (inadequacy)
Oak If you are workaholic; when your genuine efforts are not rewarded
If you are trying for Job

If you are searching for a suitor for children

Heather When you need appreciation from others.

Beech If you criticize others and find fault with others � If you are
Impatiens If you are impatient
Chicory If you are possessive; stingy; demanding; interfering in others�
Willow If you are blaming others, having bitterness.
Holly If you have rage or vengeance or hatred or envy or jealousy.
Cherry plum If you are hysteric, losing self-control.
Water violet If you keep yourself aloof; if you don�t socialize because of
superiority complex
Rock water If you are rigid and highly principled
Vine If you are willful � headstrong or adamant
Vervain If you are highly excited and are mentally unable to relax �hyperactive
Crab apple If you have fear of infection. When you are concerned about your
Walnut If you are in transition
Rescue Remedy If you have any kind of Emergency
Combo Packs
by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
Flowers Combination
Socialising issues
Example � Some children prefer not to mix with childlren of their age.
Mimulus Larch and Walnut

Negotiation Pack Walnut Beech and Chestnutbud

Laziness Hornbeam, Scelanthus and Wildrose
Study Pack Walnut oak Hornbeam,Cerato
Scleranthus Chestnubud Clematis

*Pack 1 is to be given in the morning. 2 doses of 4 pills

Pack for Quiz program Scleanthus Chestnutbud Larch

Exam pack Impatiens, Larch, Rockrose, Scleanthus and Chestnutbud
Time Management Scleranthus, Hornbeam and Elm
To be assertive Centaury, Pine, Rockwater, Walnut
To keep children away from TV Scleranthus, Wildrose, Walnut, Chestnutbud
Sibling rivalry Holly, Vine, Chicory and Walnut
Itching Pack Agrimony, Beech, Cherryplum, Crab Apple and Whitechestnut
Skin diseases like eczema and psoriasis Crab Apple, Walnut, Agrimony
Confusion Scleranthus, Cerato, Wildoat, Gentian, Larch
Indecision Scleranthus, Cerato, Wildoat, Larch, Gentian
Fear of future Rock Rose, Rock Water, Mimulus, Gentian and Larch
Fear of diagnostic investigation, doctor Mimulus
Shyness Mimulus, Larch, Pine and Walnut
Phobia Whitechestnut, Honeysuckle, Pine, Agrimony,Crab apple
Worry Gentian Larch, willow.Hornbeam,Walnut
Poor Memory Scleranthus, Chestnutbud, Clematis, Honeysuckle and Walnut
Forgetfulness Chestnutbud, Scleranthus, Clematis and Walnut
Sadness Gentian, Willow and Wild Rose
Lack of Ambition Gorse, Wild Rose, Wild Oat and Walnut
Lack of internal motive and drive Clematis, Wildrose, Hornbeam and Walnut
Case histories � Category Grief and Sadness
by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
Case history for Willow

I am mentioning this case history to show the difference among Bach Flower

Raju had a Scooter accident. He fell down. He was taking for two days Rescue
Remedy, which can stop bleeding and for any emergency. Unfortunately for him the
knee got swollen.

I asked Raju to explain the incident. He said, �An auto hit me. Because of which, I
fell down and got my knee got hurt�. Immediately, I threw the Willow tincture over
his knee as he was blaming the Auto driver his problem.

Within one hour, the pus went off and he was totally alright. To explain his
plight, he was cursing the auto fellow. That was his state of mind.

Case histories � Category Worry

by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
Case history for Agrimony

A 20-year old girl is living alone with her father as her mother is no more. Most
of the time, her father is not around as he developed a drinking habit and comes
home late.
The father was brought to me here. His daughter told me that she was alone at home
as everyday her father comes home late after he gets drunk. Therefore, she was
worried about him.

I asked her for how long he was drinking. She replied that for the last two years
after her mother died. After death of wife, he wasn�t able to forget her.

I decided that it is no point advising him to stop drinking. I gave him Agrimony
and White chestnut � for when he is alone he was thinking constantly about his

Case history for White Chestnut

15 years back somebody called from Triplicane. He said, �I am taking lot of

medicines for this problem. The moment I wake up in the morning, I sneeze for 100
times. I live in Triplicane where my family lives with four other families in the
house. I feel ashamed as I disturb others due to my sneezing�.

I told him to take White Chestnut. Next week he came to see me with fruits.

Periodicity of the problem indicates White Chestnut.

Hiccups: White Chestnut and Scleranthus

After two days of affiliation if the patient becomes desperate: then instead of
White Chestnut take Sweet Chestnut. It will work. Where White Chestnut stops
working Sweet Chestnut will work. See the subtleness.

Running nose: take White Chestnut, Crab Apple and Walnut. If it doesn�t stop,
replace White Chestnut with Sweet Chestnut.

Case history for Honey Suckle

Ramachandran retired from his government services. He got a sum of five lakhs of
rupees towards his final settlement.

Ramachandran was always thinking about his office. I gave him Walnut (for
transition) and Honeysuckle (not to think about the office) separately.

Chandran a friend of Ramachandran asked him to deposit a sum of five lakhs of

rupees in a benefit fund, where Chandran is working and he had meet his target.

Ramachandran said yes. He wrote the cheque and asked his friend to collect it in
the evening, as the time then is auspicious.

Around 11 am, Ramachandran heard the news that his uncle has passed away.
Therefore, he left for Coimbatore.

�Life events happen without asking us. We are always concerned about our children,
our environment and us. However, for divinity, every molecule in this Universe is
important. It would have preferred him not to give the cheque.�

He informed Chandran from the bus stand, that he would come back and give the
cheque after two days. Nevertheless, Chandran insisted that he needs it to complete
his target ASAP. Ramachandran pleaded his inability to give the cheque.

Ramachandran came back after 3 days, just to realize the closure of the benefit
fund due to lack of funds. He mentioned to me that one of the flowers has stopped
him from paying the money and losing it. I told him, �It is Honey Suckle.�

Before taking any important decisions, take honeysuckle, for example in the case of
letting out our homes or leasing it.

Case histories � Category Fear

by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
Case history for Aspen

A 32 yrs old girl will keep lights on while she goes to sleep.

When she was young, she had an experience while sleeping in a dark room. Around
11.30 PM she heard the sound of the door opening. When she opened her eyes, she saw
a white sari touching her hand and heard the sound �hey�. From then she doesn�t
sleep without the lights on.

Even if she consciously believes in ghosts, it comes under unknown fears. I told
her to put off the lights and sleep after taking Aspen, for a week. Now she sleeps
without fear without lights on.

Mimulus Vs Aspen

Such fears are called as delusions and it comes under the category of unknown
fears. If you have an Aspen fear, there will be a palpitation of the heart. For
Mimulus fear you won�t have that.

Aspen fear is for unspecific and unknown fears. It would be constantly be present.
In the case of Mimulus, only certain times and moments you will get that fear, for
example as and when you see a dog or cockroaches.

Case history for Mimulus

One lady residing in Singapore was afraid of Lizards. Wherever she goes, she will
keep looking for lizards. She will make sure that all lizards are wiped off before
entering a rented house. Then she will keep the windows closed restricting the
entry of the lizards.

I asked her parents about the details of her fear for lizards. They said she has it
since her childhood. If the expression �since� is used then the Bach Flower Remedy
White chestnut has to be prescribed.

When she was given Mimulus, White chestnut and Walnut (she was newly married and
new to Singapore residence) she completely came out of her fear for lizards.

Bonus of using Mimulus

You are restricted with a budget of 5000 rupees to buy saris. You want to buy one
which has to be good and at the same time cheap as well. Please understand that
best and cheap never go together. However, with help of Mimulus, you can get the
best product within your budget.

You have a budget of rupees 5 lakhs for your daughter�s marriage. Within that
budget wedding will happen, if you take Mimulus.

For managing Auto drivers in Chennai, chant Mimulus before getting into an auto.
The driver will ask exactly for the fair amount.
Case study on Red Chestnut

Four times (arranged) marriage got fixed and the mother of the bride broke it all
four times and that too within 2 years. Why? Mother is afraid that her daughter
might undergo harassment from in-laws. So she found some excuse to break the
marriage alliances. It�s a freak thought. Yet she manages to spoil the marriage

Now, the marriage is due in coming January. I had given the mother Rescue remedy
and Red chestnut.

Uses of Rescue Remedy and Red Chestnut

Where they will be useful? Let us say the doctor has given just two more days for
the person to be alive. The people related to the patient have to pray to Rescue
Remedy, Red Chestnut and Sweet chestnut. In addition, write the names of the
flowers and keep it under the pillow of the patient. It will bring the patient

Case histories � General Situations

by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
1. A loss in business

Impatiens is the flower for a person who makes loss in business.

Naran is out to the supermarket, after making his purchases he is at the pay
counter waiting for his turn. Suddenly he is pushed aside by an elderly customer
who seems rather agitated and is screaming at the counter sales person. He was
lamenting 92��92�� the bonus points have not been accounted. He was so impatient
that he did not allow the recipient to even assimilate what is happening.

Naran silently observes the drama, tapping on himself and affirming � I choose to
be patient.

The elderly customer leaves the place heated and keeps screams that the loss is

Naran recounts his observation, Impatience leads to loses. The flip side being when
a person has a loss he will be impatient. Impatiens is the divine healer here. It
will ensure that the person sees profits and gains.

On the roads, amidst traffic drivers are advised to chant Impatiens for accident
free journeys.

Prostrations to the Flowers, the Divine Grace.

2. Being cheated

Ram and Barath, his subordinate are on a sales tour. Ram neither carries the
company�s money with him nor his credit card. Barath had to foot all the bills
amounting to Rs.13,000/- as he did not have a choice. He was also assured an
immediate reimbursement on his return to the head office at New Delhi.

Two months passed by and Barath did not see of his reimbursement. This was the time
he got a better offer and wanted to leave. In order not to hassle his relieving
process he did not ask for his money.
He was in his new job. He came to Naran telling him that he still felt he ought to
get the money that was due to him. Ram was intending to cheat him and was not even
answering his phone calls.

Naran advises him to take the flowers Rock Water and Chestnut bud.

A week later Barath reverts with a negative and no movement. Naran adds on
Impatiens ,yet another Divine flower.

Within the next three days , Barath happily gets his money back.

The inference here is that , the cheater and the person being cheated are one and
the same. Rock Water and Chestnut bud are like two sides of the same coin.

3. Feeling disempowered

Maya called Naran and tells him that she was visiting her tenants and asking them
to vacate her house. She was expecting trouble from them and also felt that as a
lady she mightn�t be able to handle them alone. She was wondering if she had to
take someone along. She asked Naran for his advice.

Naran promptly told her to take the Divine flowers Agrimony, Beech and Walnut as
her company. Put down these names on paper and let it be on your person i.e., your
bag, wallet etc., The flowers will take care of you. Don�t bother.

Empowered with flowers Maya visits her tenant and he agrees to vacate the house in
fifteen days without any quirms.

Naran had suggested Agrimony for avoiding any conflicts that might envisage, Beech
for proper understanding and communication. Walnut is for flexibility, yielding and
creating a conducive environment. Hence one is channelizing the energy of tolerance
from Beech, flexibility and yielding through Walnut and peace through Agrimony.

4. Anger due to lack of understanding

Mr.Prabhu had a complaint against his boss. He had not been paid his salary for the
past five months. Prabhu said, �I want to quit and seek a new job, but I can�t get
a job elsewhere. I have to get a certificate from my present employment. On
completion of one year my boss would be willing to give a certificate with three
years experience. On quitting now, I lose the money I�m due for, the certificate
and my prospects for a better job. I am very angry and do not feel like even
looking at my boss.

Can you give one positive reason working for him? ,asked Naran.

Prabhu said that he was getting an excellent training, hence a wonderful learning
opportunity. The work experience he gathered from here was also vast. But I feel I
must be paid my dues.

Naran tells him to shift his thought pattern. This is a place where you are getting
paid to be trained. This means that the learning comes to you free of cost. There
is nothing wrong if your boss has not been paying the salary for the past 5 months.

Reframe your attitude � the company is providing you with an excellent training and
work experience. Thank your boss for the learning opportunity, forget about
demanding for money and request him to forgive you. Keep chanting � My boss is a
great person and I thank him for teaching me free of cost. This will bring you a
lot of peace and your anger will also subside.
Prabhu was also supported with the Divine flowers Centaury for not being able to
ask for his salary assertively, Willow for his anger and tendency to blame and
Water violet for distancing from his boss.

Naran elucidates � Reframing: A unique path to your life?

Reframing, a powerful technique, is a different way of thinking about an event or

incident. It brings another perspective to an issue.

The pattern changes from being totally negative to being totally positive.

When this positivism occurs the dynamics change. A whole new world of joy,
satisfaction, love, confidence and exuberance open up. A miracle transforms the
body into a wonderful being.

For example, when you catch a cold, the discomfort, stress and sadness causes you
to curse the state you are in. Anger and resentment follow. This gets recorded as a
negative pattern in the body.

Reframe your thought pattern here. Think differently; listen to your inner call for
the cold � A time to rest in peace. You will feel a difference. You will no longer
remain stressful or angry or resent your state of mind and body.

Dosage and Administration

by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
Taking Pills Directly (Naran Balakumar is marketing Bachflower pills only)
An easy method and practiced all over the world, is to take the pills directly.

Please make sure that:

Do not touch the pills by the hand.

Hold the pills in your mouth for as much time as possible.
Take the most important remedy in an empty stomach during the early hours of the
Dosage & General Facts:

There is no expiry date.

There is no diet or other restrictions.No contra indications.Just dissolve the
pills in their drinking water or liquor.
Bach remedies are available in tincture of liquid form and pills form.
Bach flower remedies can be taken while you are taking medicine or treatment from
other system.
These do not interfere or clash with the action of other drugs or treatment.
Bach flower remedies are non habit forming and absolutely without any side effects
even if wrongly used or taken in over dosed.

In acute diseases, one single dose (2 pills) give the desired results in a few
seconds. If there is relief but not complete one can repeat several times.
If there is no relief in the first dose, the selection is wrong, there is no
question of the remedy showing the effect only after a few doses. Repetition of
each dose should give more relief.
In chronic diseases one to three doses per day is sufficient and proportionate to
the improvement, we may gradually increase the duration between the doses. We may
repeat until cure is obtained.
As soon as the patient gets complete relief one can stop the remedy.
In acute diseases after giving a dose of the indicated remedy, if there is a change
in the picture, then select a new bach flower remedy to suit the present new set of
symptoms and so on until a complete cure.
38 remedies are taken from flowers and, bushes and trees and a special source of
water aim all emotional imbalance possibly experienced by man.
Possible short term initial aggravation of the symptoms after the high dose of the
homeopathic medicines is also greatly diminished when Bach remedies are given
Getting carried away by Bach Flowers
Carry the remedies in your pocket. This puts you inside the energy field of the
concerned Bach flowers. To get additional effect, affirm that you are inside the
energy field of the remedies.

You need a remedy, but don�t have them with you. What to do? Chanting is the
answer. Yes, chant the name of the flower or flower combinations and it will bring
similar results � especially in emergency situations.Chanting the flower name means
we have surrendered to the flowers, as we don�t know what else do. So it works for
the same reason. We release the emotions and thoughts with help of flowers as
otherwise whatever we think will happen.

Chanting works even if the concerned person doesn�t do. There are no side effects,
as see even chanting the flower works. They are like switch words and influence the
subconscious mind. Though the pills are a medium through which the flowers do their
work and they give a different sort of experience.
Somebody living in a different town and they are feeling homesick. You may do the
Chant Honey Suckle and it will work as their feelings are projection of ours. You
are healed and they are then healed too. Also we are all one and the same and
that�s why it is working � thus as a projection we bring people similar to or
complement our nature.

Let us see the interesting features of chanting now:

In fact, this is the best method available to us, thanks to Naran Balakumar. It
works better and very convenient too.
Though when one falls sick then we can�t concentrate, and so won�t be able to do
the chanting. Then it is easy to intake the remedies. Of course Bach flowers are
quite effective in healing physical illness too.

Even seven remedies combination had been tried at the same time and it found to
work fine. With chanting it�s possible for you to see the effect of different
Also, chanting is useful, to find out whether the remedy is appropriate for a given
situation or not.

You can keep changing different combinations without worrying about any time gap
and it does work. Every combination will have its own effect.
You may add or remove any Bach flower(s) to/from an existing combination and study
the effect of the new combination. The reason is our minds shift very quickly from
one mood to another and so making us to change the combinations too.

For more information on Bach flowers � Attend our bach flower workshops and refer
to our product catalogue

Flowers and significance

by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
AGRIMONY Puts on a smiling face in spite of mental or physical torture that the
patient is undergoing.An Agrimony person will have inner turmoil but will show a
cheerful face. Because of his inner turmoil he can�t sleep well. To forget his
worries he will always be with his friends.
He is a cheerful person from his looks. Nobody can figure out whether he has a
worry inside him or not. He will be joking around. In the midst of conversation,
one person will say jokes, while another will say how many problems he has. When
you are masking your anger you will liable to be afflicted with so many physical
and mental problems. He will loiter before going home late, as being alone he can�t
Characteristics of Agrimony
Person who needs Agrimony will not open his mouth. They might say for example, �My
husband forced me to come and meet you�. When a person doesn�t want to open up his
problem, Agrimony has to be given.
An Agrimony person is a loitering person. Desire to wander is there in him.
Teenagers in general will not come home on time. They will eat faster and go out of
the house. If you give them Agrimony, they will stay inside the house.
Perspiration with fever, internal trembling with no cause. Fear indoors but
no fear at out doors.
A person says, �I am afraid�. You ask them, �You are afraid of what�. When you get
answer, �I don�t know� then it means Aspen � for unknown fears. The patient will
not be able to explain any tangible reasons for his fears. The child says that she
won�t go to a particular room in the night without her mother as she is afraid of
darkness. Why are you afraid of darkness? Maybe some sprit is present there, the
child replies. Aspen is the remedy then.
Unknown and imaginary fears
When you are expecting to receive bad news and you do not have any reasons to think
Somehow I feel something is not alright � fear of unknown.
Fear that something bad might happen.
Fear of ghosts and spirits.

Intolerance, wanting exactness, order and discipline every where

Unable to say �No� to anybody. People pleaser
Imitate ways, expression and mannerism of those with whom they come in
contact. Constantly changing from one treatment to another
Temptation,unable to control,incontinence of urine
Escapism, physically present but mentally absent
Making big fuss even for trivial matters or ailments. Greedy, stingy,
demanding, temper tantrums, always needs company.
Coma, fainting dreamy, absent minded, lack of interest in every day
life,Always mentally in future
Feels always unclean about himself. Want to clear infections. self-conscious
about appearance
Suitable to ministers, teachers, doctors etc.,
Depression, upset even for a slight set back
In any hopeless situation
Fast talkers, never ending conversation with other about the self
Full hatred, jealousy and suspicious
Always talks about past events or of the younger days
For starting problem; mental fatigue; good for singers
For all TYPE A personalities
Admires others success without envy, but lack of confidence to do the same
even though they have the capacity
Stage fright
Sudden depression while living well for no reason
Living always in hope in spite of repeated failures
physical exhaustion, on slightest exertion
Fearing that some calamity may happen to their dear ones
Terror and Panic situations
Inflexible and adamant
Swinging temperature, Delayed memory, postponing tendencies
After effect of mental or physical shock
As if life has come to an end, for those who feel they cannot endure any
more. for desperate situations
Mentally hyperactive ;Strain and tension
People who believe in violence
Change of life such as teething, puberty, menopause, change in religion,
break the old ties and habits, either acquired or hereditary
Prefers solitude; persons with superiority complex
Talking to himself, same thought or scene is repeating in the mind

Dabbling in too many things; a feeling of being in the cross roads, unable to
know the direction of life
Surrenders to struggle of life without complaining
Blames others or God for his failures, resent other�s success
Advantages of Bach Remedies
by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
Can be used in conjunction with any other forms of treatment.

No expiry dates or addiction

No side effects; without any complications.

In doubtful cases when the selection is difficult, Bach flower remedies can bring
out the symptoms and clear the path.

Easily available and easy to prepare. Cost effective.

These remedies are highly useful in infants, children, during pregnancy, external
applications for sprain and injuries and for plants and animals also.

About Bach Flowers

by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
The Origin of Bach Flower Remedies

Edward Bach the founder of Bach Flower Remedies was a microbiologist. He was
practicing homeopathy for some-time. He leant how to create nosodes. It�s made
from cells taken from diseased organs and potentizing it. He discovered seven
nosodes. This would take care of the basic constituency of the patients.

However, he thought Homeopathy is highly cumbersome very difficult. If a patient

has time and meets ten homeopathy doctors, each one of them would prescribe
differently for him. He concluded that there should be a simpler method and any
disease � both mental and physical, should be able to be handled easily.

His entire last twelve years of his life was spent in wild forest in England to
discover those simple remedies he envisaged. He found 39 remedies, out of which 37
remedies were from flowers, one from spring water and another one was a combination
of remedies.

What is the specialty of Bach Flower Remedies?

Whatever an expression or emotional state may be, there is a remedy in Bach Flower
Remedies. Edward Bach was a pioneer in finding the value of expressions while
counselling patients, which was followed by later day psychologists.

He was able to find subtle difference between emotions and thoughts. For each
emotion the thought in the person�s mind could be different from another person. In
a depressed state, I might say, �I am not lucky. Others are getting what they want.
I am not getting the same�. Another person might say, �While others are happy. I am
not happy�. Thus, for each and every state, there is a different thinking process
for different people.

What is the difference between Bach Flower Remedies and Counselling?

In counselling, you are giving the cause of your problem. Dr Bach says don�t try to
find, what�s the cause. Find out what the patient says. Find out how he expresses
his problem. What are the words he utters when he enters your clinic? That is very
important. Instead, if you start analysing why he talks the way he talks then you
won�t find the right remedy.

Choosing the remedies

First and foremost principle is what the patient says. How he expresses himself. He
may be in two or three states. He might have fear and at the same time be angry
too, or sad and angry. May be, he may be fearful and worrying also.

For each and every expression of the patient, just note down the mental states.
This expression is fear, worry, anger or sadness. Based on those states, you would
arrive at 6 to 9 remedies.

You are not the doer

We are always anxious that patient should be alright immediately. That expectation
or desire should not be there. When a person consults you, Bach Flowers takes over
you. You are not there. Have the mind set, �I am not the doer�. Those points should
come into your mind.

If remedies want to go to a person they will go to them or they will go away. Let
me give you an example that happened recently.

A girl approached Shobana for remedies for her interview. Mother came to pick up
the remedies. When she reached home, she found while there were other remedies, the
interview pack went home was missing. The girl came to the centre, picked up the
remedies, but failed in the interview.

There is a reason behind it. You are not selecting the remedy. Whenever you think
of the remedy, suggest a remedy or prescribe it, just prostrate to it mentally.
Please pray to them and tell them if healing has to happen, then let it happen.

Do not expect healing to happen immediately. Sometime healing happen some times it
doesn�t. How come? Even if somebody doesn�t take cigarettes, they get cancer. While
somebody who smokes cigarettes, doesn�t get it. There must be some secret codes to
the cells to happen or not to happen. The particular point that certain people are
getting or not getting is due to epigenetic reasons. See the power of divinity

So have the thought, �I am not the doer. The flowers do all the work�.

Initial Categorization of Remedies

Bach divided into 7 divisions. Original classification is bit confusing. If you

read any book on Bach Flower Remedies, after completing the book you will be more

I have divided into five groups.

Fear � four different states of fear, when a person is fearful

Worry � five states
Sadness and depression � around ten states
Anger � some states
Behavioural states � lack of concentration, postponement, mental fatigue, mental
over-enthusiasm, confusion, indecision.
This way diagnosis is easy.

Bach Flowers Combinations � Part 1

by admin in Bach Flower Remedy

Rescue Remedy will remove the fear. It will make the healing complete. Antibiotics
alone will not be enough.
Accident- Prevent
Impatiens � to drive safely, and provide caution and carefulness
Accomplish a goal / complete a deal
Pine- can be taken as a positive resource, to achieve anything, to complete a goal
or to complete a deal
Attention / Develop Appreciation
Children who want more attention and admiration � CHICORY and HEATHER. They are
expecting appreciation, while we look at their faults. A human being is a mixture
of good and bad stuff. Bad things have to be corrected. Good stuff has to be
appreciated like watering plants. Then children will blossom like flowers. We need
appreciation too. If we get it, we will blossom too. Without appreciation people
shrink as well as their emotional heart.
Burning sensation
Willow, Beech, Cherry Plum as burning is Willow�s expression
Crab Apple (physical cleanser), Oak (workaholic, strain in the blood vessels and
thickening of arteries) and Vine
Collect money
Rock Water, Chestnut Bud and Chicory � You will get money sooner. Write both names
in the circle and the remedies around that.
should happen between two people:Beech, Walnut, Agrimony and Chestnut bud
Communication / meeting in office
Build rapport between attendees in a meeting: Beech + Walnut. Chant for a few
minutes and say � May Beech and Walnut be activated in the room for next 4 hours� a
few times for a wonderful result
Concerned about the loved ones
Mothers who are concerned too much about children. RED CHESTNUT and CHERRY PLUM.
Concern and fear about other person needs RED CHESTNUT. When the loved ones don�t
return on time, then fear about their safety will come as visuals inside your mind.
You will have no control over it. When you take the remedies, you will become
normal and your loved one will come home immediately.
Constant Fever
Walnut, White Chestnut, Crab Apple
Constipation � General
Am not worried even then there is no motion for three days � White Chestnut.
It will feel like coming but it won�t. Even after taking 4 glasses of water nothing
will happen, and so no proper motion � Scleranthus
Nothing happens until 8 am. Will take coffee and after that it will come. So a
starting problem -Hornbeam. Add Scleranthus too. When visiting a new town nothing
happens � Walnut
Couldn�t control when we are outside � especially urine and motion � Rock water +
Cherry Plum.
Frequently � White Chestnut
As soon as he gets up will run to the toilet � Rock Water + Cherry Plum
Constipation � timing
Hornbeam, Scleranthus and Walnut � morning, and in the night � White Chestnut
� food
Starting problem
White Chest Nut, Walnut, Crab Apple and Hornbeam � have to change food diet as
there may be no fiber in the food.
Hornbeam : will get up at 6 am but will need a coffee or any other stimulant to get
up from bed
If it is relieved after walking then Hornbeam, after shaking the body- hornbeam,
right calf muscles � fear (Mimulus), and will not move from one place, so may be
Hornbeam too.
Dharshan Pack
Gorse and Clematis even temple that is closed will be opened for you. Take the same
remedies to go to ashrams like Ramana ashram, chant the remedies and the experience
will be different.
Oak, Crab Apple and Wild Rose, a typical diabetes expression is, �It is in the
family� � which is a Wild Rose expression (90% of the patients say so).
Rescue Remedy, Olive, and White Chestnut
Diet Freaks
You would come across many diet freaks these days. Weight reduction will not happen
by dieting. What�s the point in avoiding things? At least once in a way we should
eat stuff that we like, for example ice creams. The irony is that more and more we
think about our physical figure, we will not reduce weight.
The remedy for diet freaks � OAK, CRAB APPLE and ROCK WATER. The message from this
combination of Bach Flowers is, �Take life easier
Disk prolapsed
During unbearable pains, take Rescue Remedy; proplapse means separated � Water
Violet (if there is no conversations going then he has some problem with a member
in the household and therefore the message from the body is that you have to patch
with those whom you fight. Also may be mentally separated and not physically) and
pain means Pine
Dryness in the eyes
opinionated, therefore I have to change my views: Beech, Rock Water and Willow. Dry
� Life is dry. Rigid and self-denial is more.
Dust Allergy (cold)
Beech, Walnut, Crab Apple, and White Chestnut
Agrimony, Crab Apple � if itching is more then add Rescue Remedy
Emergency Remedy
When too much of anger HOLLY, WILLOW, and RESCUE REMEDY
Rescue Remedy has the advantage when terror and panic strikes, and for emergency
situations. Somebody just met with an accident, and the person suffers from
continuous bleeding. Think about him. Chant RESCUE REMEDY and bleeding will stop.
Even when you hear bad news about somebody, write RESCUE REMEDY and keep it under
the pillow of the patient. The patient may be under observation; the doctor has
said let us wait for 24 more hrs; RESCUE REMEDY, SWEET CHESTNUT and RED CHESTNUT
will bring the patient out of the ICU.
Exam � Before
/ Study Pack (general)
Scleranthus, Chestnut Bud, Walnut, Oak and Hornbeam
Exam � (lack of interest / Confidence)
To be taken before exam
Scleranthus + Chestnut bud + Wild Rose + Gentian + Hornbeam
Exam- Easy
To get an easy question paper: Walnut
Exam �ve state
To avoid negative states in exam hall like making silly mistakes or
thoughtlessness, losing confidence or memory or enthusiasm suddenly � Impatiens,
Hornbeam, Elm, Gentian
Exam- Day
On the date of the exam: Rescue Remedy, Mimulus and Larch (last two remedies are
for fear of performance)
Exam � After the exam
Gentian, Wild Rose and Walnut (you will not fail in the exam)
The child not keeping quiet Oak. �Don�t touch me don�t come near me either�
When somebody enquires about health, the concerned person gets irritated �
Doesn�t talk about fever � Agrimony
Old people in general don�t want to disturb others and will take the medication by
themselves or take the medication in advance so as to not to disturb other�s sleep
� Agrimony
I will stay for one more day as I don�t think I am completely alright yet, seeking
more attention and sympathy � Chicory, as they want more attention as the pot with
a hole will be never be filled
Food Allergy
Pine, Crab Apple, and White Chestnut
For any knee problem
Rock Water, Walnut and Hornbeam
Functions- Organizing
You are fixing up marriage of your daughter or organizing a birthday celebration.
What are the remedies that can help the function to go smoothly and without a
hindrance in any form? The hindrance when a marriage is fixed, say for example
could be in the form of somebody�s death.
We might have some specific states of mind like for example, �Everybody should eat
well, everybody should have fun� and so on.
Sweet chestnut : To conduct any function smoothly, you need Sweet Chestnut (Divine)
has to be there.
Walnut : People attending the function adjust to the situation comfortably.
Gentian: There should not be any regression. There has to be only progress once you
start organizing the function and execute your action steps. Everything should go
on well without any regression. GENTIAN is the remedy for that.
Rescue Remedy: Children might get hurt during the function. You don�t want to spend
your time taking them to hospital. In addition to four remedies mentioned above,
add RESCUE REMEDY to avoid panic situations.
Fear of completion: HORNBEAM
Function � General Instructions
All the four remedies are important. Once the date of the function is fixed, put
them every day (5 pills each remedy) in common water and drink it.
Also keep a glass of water with the combination (3 pills from each remedy) in the
North East or on the West side of the house.
To avoid children getting hurt, keep RESCUE REMEDY on the western side in a glass
of water, as it is the side of relaxation. Then there will be no panic situation to
be faced.
We have reached the party hall. Wherever there is light, the darkness would follow.
Spray the five remedies in the hall before people arrive at the hall.
Approach the cook and give him a glass of water mixed with the combinations. Tell
him the water is from sacred river Kasi as he may be a non-believer of Bach Flower
Remedies. Ask him to add that water to the water he uses for cooking. Nobody would
complain about taste. Food will be sufficient for everybody. Like Atchaiya Pathiram
(vessel that contains unlimited food) it will be enough for everybody � as we won�t
be able to predict how many will turn up for the function.
Gaining weight
Protein and Crab Apple
General Fatigue
Centaury, Hornbeam and Olive
Harmony Family
(Harmony Pack) to bring harmony into your life. Call them and affirm, �Bring
harmony in my family�. Whenever you fear there will be confrontation, write the
names of the Bach flowers mentioned in paper before talking to your family members
and face the situation. You will find everything happens well. When these five
flowers are present then we can bring 100% harmony in the family or between two
Harmony � Possessiveness
Walnut, Cherry Plum, Beech, Willow and Agrimony, and may be Chicory too, if you
find your spouse possessive.
Lack of enthu-siasm in life
Hornbeam and Wild Rose � lazy approach to life as there is no internal motivation
to live
Head ache � Migraine
Rescue Remedy
Heart Taking care
Dr.Bach Flowers ELM OAK OLIVE combination for any heart problem.
Do Heart Mudra (refer for instructions in the Mudra section) in addition. It will
give energy to your heart by eliminating Carbon Dioxide. Do it 15 minutes, both in
the morning and evening. Pressure and cholesterol will become less. Blood
circulation in the heart will improve.
Beech, Willow, and Scleranthus
High BP
Agrimony, Willow, Cherry Plum and do Yoga and Pranayamam (breathing exercises) as
High Fever
Rescue Remedy
Hopeless State
Any hopeless state should be turned into joy. There is a bus strike and no bus
around. You have vacated the lodge. Nobody is standing in the bus stand too. You
have to go to Chennai, the next day. You become hopeless. Chant GORSE. Hopeless
state will turn into joy. Some bus or some form of transportation will be found.
Interview Pack
Water Violet + Larch + Gentian + Wild Rose
An example: An examiner from USA to check the credentials of Healers of a centre in
Bangalore. One of the healers � a lady student of Naran, asked for a solution as
she felt she may not be able to understand the accent of the American and thus she
may not do well in the exam. She chanted the combination. The time that was given
to her was 3 pm. The healers before got fewer marks facing the same language
problem. When the lady�s interview was due, the examiner said he was tired and so
he asked the center head to conduct the interview. Of course the center head is a
friend of this lady. So the exam results were good.
Kidney Stones
grimony for Lumps of un-dissolved anger. Centaury � he can�t express his anger
(Centaury,Willow), Crab Apple � as it is a physical cleanser
An example: A student of Naran said the affirmation for Kidney Stones mentioned in
the book written by Louis L Hay �Heal Your Body� 1000 times every day for a week
and took the pills only once. Two stones came by itself without any operation.
Let me do it later � Scleranthus will get up late and will postpone
Love Failures
Chicory and Willow
Low BP
Lower Back pain
Means require support. Chicory (needs support), Hornbeam and Centaury (has no back
Male domination
Women resenting it is in Willow state. When the resentment vanishes, the domination
vanishes too.
Marriage Divine Grace
We need divine grace to get married: Sweet Chestnut. No marriage should happen
without this remedy.
Marriage � whether the person is right or not.
Before the bride groom comes to see the girl, Sweet Chestnut will help us to find
whether the person is right or not. Put it in a glass of water and keep it in the
house or drink water.
A Punjabi girl and a Punjabi guy from UK were on talking terms. Lots of money spent
was spent for the calls made and internet usage. The marriage was initiated. The
guy said his parents may not agree as they belong to different sub sect and so
suggested to get married first and then inform his parents. The girl agreed for
this arrangement and not her mother. Both the daughter and the mother took Sweet
Chestnut. After few days a call came from the guy�s number. The person called was
his wife. She told them that he is a cheater. He has cheated quite a few girls like
this. As she couldn�t escape she is hanging around with him. Then the girl did some
verification and Punjabi address that the guy had given was wrong. She was given
Star of Bethlehem (for the mental shock after she figured out the truth) and
Chicory � pangs of love and love failure.
Marriage- Adjustment
If you splash Beech and Walnut in the room � then there will be no demands and will
adjust to each other requirements and needs. For example: Nikitha � a Reiki
Teacher. In her friend�s house sprayed water that is mixed with Beech and Walnut on
all walls. During the meeting, the girl started singing. Then the groom joined her
and later everybody joined the girl. In the end they mentioned that somehow they
feel that all of them belong to the same family.
Marriage � Choice/ Unable to decide
Scleranthus: to choose between Vanaja and Girija.
Marriage- Coral � for disparity in love
A teacher loved her own student, and she is older than him by few years. Both of
them took Coral. After a month they agreed to stop, as they realized that their
mental compatibility is not good enough for the marriage to survive.
You are going as a mediator where there is plenty of anger and anguish around. You
wanted to convince everybody and make him or her understand your viewpoint. You
need to speak their language. AGRIMONY (add this only if you feel angry), BEECH,
WALNUT and CHESTNUT BUD � use this combination for any type of mediation.
Money flow
When the money will come? Day dreaming � Clematis, will feel low- Larch. Add Aspen
and Walnut to the remedies.
Money from government
Water Violet, Rock Water, Scleranthus, Oak and Hornbeam
Not focused
Chestnut Bud, Clematis
Centaury for they will become short � Pine and Rock Water. They have to take some
medication for calcium deficiency as well.
Pain unbearable
Rescue Remedy
Beech, Willow, Cherry plum
Poor digestion
Postponement -laziness
The second type postponement is because of laziness- HORNBEAM
They come in two types. The first type says �I have plenty of time so I will do
this later� � SCLERANTHUS. On the last day I pay my bill and I become impatient
(remedy IMPATIENS). Whenever you say, �I have enough time� you will never have time
is the message of SCLERANTHUS.
To bring prosperity to an investment like land- sprinkle Walnut on the land. Its
value will increase
Protection against robbery
When you are going on a vacation, either in the main door or on backdoor keep the
photo of the flowers � Rock Water + Chestnut Bud. No thief will come to your house.
On road, add Vine as these days� robbers kill the victims too. Nobody will attack
Red Carpet Welcome
For any pilgrimage tour, take GORSE and CLEMATIS. You will get a red carpet welcome
wherever you go. You will be treated like a VIP.
Repeating the mistake
Chestnut bud, while a person who keeps doing the same job then give � Oak
Running nose
Sweet Chestnut, Walnut and Crab Apple
Running Nose
Cherry plum, Walnut, Crab Apple, and White Chestnut � Stop White Chestnut when it
doesn�t stop and add Sweet Chestnut � as desperation would have set in.
Beech, Willow
Gentian + Larch + Pine
Sibling Rivalry
Chicory and Holly
Skin Problems
For any type of skin problem � CRAB APPLE, AGRIMONY and RESCUE REMEDY (add RESCUE
REMEDY only if the itching is intense). For any skin disease, CRAB APPLE and
AGRIMONY is the base remedy.
Sleep / Waking problems
Late � I sleep late and get up late: add Scleranthus to the base remedy.
Tomorrow what should I do: editing work at my newspaper office -Vervain
I got up in the middle of the night: administer base remedy
Worry: Agrimony, White Chestnut, Walnut and Crab Apple is the base remedy
Nothing helps: Passi Flora mother tincture- then you will know the value of the
Jet lag: Just came from USA. Always sleeping in the afternoon: Scleranthus
Over enthusiasm: marriage for my daughter, thinking about work to be tomorrow at
office. In the process we get mental strain in the evening. The remedies prescribed
are: Vervain, Scleranthus, White Chestnut, Walnut and Crab Apple.
Cerato and Scleranthus
Stay Young
Rock Water + Hornbeam + Walnut + Chestnut bud + Crab Apple will keep the body and
mind young. Need not take the pills, but chant for 5 mins while getting up from bed
as well as before going to sleep
Straining to pass stools
Scleranthus, Walnut, Rock Water, Hornbeam, Crab Apple
Superiority Complex
My friend has married a Korean. She doesn�t talk to anybody- If she does not talk
to others due to superiority complex- Water Violet or do not know how to adjust �
fear is there, so prescribe Mimulus. Rest of the remedies based on the patient�s
mind state. If he thinks it is because of his karma then add the remedy Pine.
Non Stop � Heather and Agrimony are non-stop talkers.
Vervain will try to convince others.
Talking � Reduce
�I feel that I will become a better person, if I reduce my speech�: Pine for
mistakes because I feel I am not complete without this. I have to be perfect � it
is in both Pine and Crab Apple
Talking- communication problems
I am not able to communicate properly because he is not able to understand: Beech
is required to handle any communication problems and to bridge the gap between two
Only your ego stops the healing
Throat Problems
Centaury, Willow, Pine and Hornbeam
Tired � go on inspite of being
Oak / Olive � Oak brings smartness to the work � when one goes on inspite of
untiring efforts but unable to succeed. One does the same thing again and again
hoping to succeed to get different result but does not know how to do things
To stop bleeding
Rescue Remedy and Walnut
Toilet crazy
Crab Apple
Other man�s point of view : Beech, Willow, walnut and Water Violet
Violence� avoid
Rock water+ Rockrose � To ward off any violent or unwanted elements
Weight Loss
Oak (keep trying without any success, will help them to try different things), Crab
Apple (self-conscious), and Rock Water (self denial by skipping meals)
Work done
Getting a work done in a government office- Rock Water + Water violet
Pray that the flowers be active in the persons energy field for next 6 hours or 8
hours. Work will get done
Winning Mantra
For any competition:take the combination: WaterViolet +Larch +Gentian + Wild
Zigzag Fever
Scleranthus, Walnut, Crab Apple
Flowers are always special to me
by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
From the Bach Flower Workshop, Bangalore 2013

Flowers are always special to me. Bach Flowers are complete by itself.

I have been taking the Bach Flower Remedy workshops for last 12 years. Every time,
when I go through my previous Bach Flower Manual, I arrive at some new avenues of
flower remedies.

The manual that you are having in your hands was prepared for the last workshop at
Hyderabad. However, I have prepared some new combinations for you. I have worked
out some 30 plus combinations for various life situations. That�s specially
prepared for you, which I haven�t shared with anybody so far. I am going to give
that now to you in this class.

What�s the specialty of flower remedies?

Flower remedies are the only ones for healing our minds. May be there are so many
techniques to address our minds and emotions. But nothing can be as specific as
flower remedies.

Basically, we have got only four emotions � fear, worry, sadness or depression, and
anger. We have only these four emotions. Yet, we are not able to handle any of our
emotions by ourselves.

Advantages of using flower remedies

The one advantage of flower remedy is that if you identify the flower remedy
correctly, even one dose is enough to effect the required change. The disadvantage
is most of the time we fail to identify the right remedies.

In spite of my 21 years of experience in prescribing flower remedies, even now,

sometimes I feel after the exit of the patient, I could have given a different set
of remedies. On a later date, thinking about the case, I sometimes think I could
have done this (instead of that).

Another advantage of the flower remedies is, even if you take the wrong remedies,
nothing will happen. It mayn�t work for you. That�s it.

You can also use the flowers along with pranic healing also by keeping the flowers
active in the pranic field. A no of pranic healers after learning flower remedies,
have started using flower therapy also as pranic healing tool.

39 remedies
There are 39 flower remedies. Out of which one is a combination, which was
suggested by Dr. Edward Bach himself.

He was alive during the 20th century. He travelled through the wild forests of
England and found out about 38 remedies within a span of 10-12 years. By the time,
he completed his research, it was around late 1930s, and he died.

When he died, he said the research was over. But his own disciple Dr. Bailey
continued the research and came out with some more flower essences. Currently, all
over the world, there are more than 5000 essences available. But unfortunately,
none of those flower essences are as specific as Bach Flowers.

These researchers say that these essences work like Bach Flowers and vice versa.
For every flower essences they quote by comparing the Dr Bach flowers only. Even
though, there are volumes of information about these essences, I never had any
inclination to look into those flowers as Bach Flowers are complete and whole.

Related Blogs
A brief on Bach Flower Remedies:

How Bach Flower Remedies are prescribed:

How to use Bach Flower Remedies:

Reflect the energy of love and sympathy

by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
How to figure out whether a person requires the flower remedy Mimulus? You
mentioned that for all specific fears, one has to take Mimulus. Please gives us
some examples?

A specific fear means that a person is afraid of something, somebody, or some

I will give you some typical Doctor Vs Patient related examples here:

Doctor, I can bear the pain, but not the prick of a needle. Please don�t administer
injection for me.�
A patient requests the doctor not do surgery and instead give him medicines. After
the doctor has examined him he may say, �Doctor, I hope there is nothing to worry.�
A person may have a small boil in his hand. When he shows that to the doctor, he
would ask him �I hope this may not be cancerous!�
Mimulus helps people with specific fears like fear of a person, fear of crossing
the road, fear of riding, fear of doctors, fear of crowds, and fear of animals �
about dog, cockroach, lizard etc. Typical fears would be:

I am afraid to go to a dentist.
I avoid all types of diagnostic investigations.
If I don�t recover, then there is every chance that I will lose my job.
If I get news about someone�s death, I start feeling that my death is also near,
and I fear that I may die soon.
I don�t go by lift. Even if it is a six storey building I will climb. I am so
afraid that the lift might get stuck due to power cut and I may be stranded forever
inside the lift.
When I talk about Mimulus it reminds me a poem of Rabindranath Tagore: Even well
before you take birth in this world, the God has provided Milk in the breasts of
the Mother. Why fear?

When you have Mimulus in the pocket or when you chant Mimulus, your auric will be
filled, and you will project as well as reflect the energy of love, compassion and

Related Blogs:
Learn to manage your fears:

Get protection wherever you go:

One-hour pain management

by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
Bach flower remedies peel one emotion after another to get into the core issue.
It�s like peeling onions. Here, I want to recount a case history about a lady who
went through several emotions within a span of one hour. I prescribed her one
remedy after another, until her core issue was revealed, which came in the form of
a head ache. Enjoy reading!

Naran S. Balakumar
One lady came for the recent Reiki Workshop along with her mother. The students
were doing the �So Hum� breathing exercise � where we have to breathe as per the
chanting So Hum played from a CD. It�s a powerful breathing technique.

After 5 minutes of breathing, she started weeping. I thought it will stop in few
minutes, but her sobbing continued. So I asked her to stop the exercise. I
enquired on what is happening to her. She replied that she has got a severe head
ache which has become unbearable to her. Then she became very restless.

I gave her RESCUE REMEDY. After taking the remedy she was out of her sobbing.

She was quiet for about 5 minutes and then asked me, �Is this Reiki? You told us
that our buried emotions are coming out and it is ok. But I am scared of this Reiki
practice, since I am getting back my headache after 8 long years. I am really
scared. I don�t want my headache to recur again. Please don�t get me into Reiki.
Let my mother continue. I don�t want my headache back.�

I prescribed MIMULUS to her. Five minutes after taking the flower remedy, she
started hugging her mother, saying �that whenever I used to get headache in my
childhood days, I used to hug my mother and lay my head on her chest.�

She was given CHICORY and immediately she said �Yes I am fine, feeling fresh. But I
want to say one more thing. My mother never loves me. My sister is her favorite.
There are many incidents and events to vindicate. I don�t love her, I just hate

I gave her the Bach Flower Remedy HOLLY. �My hatred for her is so much that I
slowly withdraw emotionally not only from her but from others too. Nobody is worthy
of my love�.

Then I prescribed her another flower remedy WATER VIOLET.

After taking the remedy she said, �I am getting back the pain. Yes it has started
again. But it is bearable and pricking.�

I gave the remedy GENTIAN. After taking the remedy, she said, �My neck is becoming
stiff, I am not able to move my head. It is paining and becoming stiff.�

I prescribed the remedy � BEECH. After taking the remedy, surprisingly she stopped
talking, reclined in the chair and said �Sir, I will go home now and get some

She went home and phoned up to me and said she has become absolutely alright. No
recurring head aches after that day.

Next day she got initiated into Reiki.

Final Word
Once the core issue is touched, the awareness of the issue is revealed. Once
awareness sets in, most of the time, the core issue becomes easy to handle by
oneself without any external help.

Let us seek the helping hand of Bach Flower Remedies to lead us into light and love
(Reiki means Love and Light).

FAQ on Bach Flower Remedies

by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
What is a rescue remedy?

Could you please give me direction for using Rescue remedies? What are the issues,
situations for which all the rescue remedies are used. How many types of Rescue
remedies are there and for what purpose? Right way of using it.


There is only one rescue remedy. It is an emergency remedy. It�s a combination of 5

Bach Flower Remedies (Rock Rose, Impatiens, Clematis, Star of Bethlehem, and Cherry
Plum) and was founded by Edward Bach himself.
You mention study pack, harmony pack etc.
They are specially prepared by us.

Sometimes it has only flower remedies and sometimes I add a Gem Remedy or Herbal
stuff etc.

So you can get them only at the centre.

Take them like normal Bach flower remedy pill.

Getting carried away

by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
Once you carry the Bach Flower Remedies in your pockets, you enter the energy field
of the Bach flowers you are carrying.

In addition, mentally you could say few times that you have entered the energy
field of so and so remedy too.

Ravi is a social worker, and he has to meet people to collect donations for his
agency that caters to the needs of the old-age people. He carries with him always
WALNUT and CHICORY as this is a good combination for any type of negotiations �
both for money and relationship. This combination provides Win-win situations for
everybody concerned.

Similar situations that demand this approach are:

Carry BEECH and WALNUT with you when you are expressing your problems that you are
facing in your organization.
WALNUT for interviews
GORSE and CLEMATIS when you are visiting temples and you want to have a wonderful
In fact, whenever you are working on major issue in your life, you can follow this
approach along with other methods.

� Notes from Naran�s workshops on Bach Flower Remedies

To know about Bach Flower Remedies, please attend the workshop by Naran S
Balakumar, at Bangalore, on 14th Dec, 2013. Further details will be provided later.

Related blogs
Avoiding interviews:

Received a Red Carpet Welcome:

Do you know why honesty meets dishonesty?

by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
Notes from Naran�s workshop on Bach Flower Remedies, Nov 20th, 2010
We tend to meet people opposite to our nature, so that we continue to maintain our
character. For example, a ROCK WATER � who is duty bound, meets CHESTNUT BUD a
dishonest person.

Because of principles and honesty a ROCK WATER person misses so many things in
Notes from Naran�s talk on Bach Flower Remedies, Feb 21st, 2004
Belief-Ridden Rock Water Person

ROCK WATER is for those talking about social values, and believing that individual
beliefs are not important. He will not feel guilty about being a highly principled
man either.

As a ROCK WATER person is rigid in his principles and not flexible enough, this
will be eventually reflected as joint problems and knee problems.


I have no connection with my daughter who married a lower caste guy. It is an act
of self-denial, if he says, �I will not take food from my daughter.� He will
totally deny it, even if he makes up with his daughter.

On the other hand, a CHICORY person will say he will not take food only as an
emotional black mail, while the ROCK WATER does it to stick to his decision.

Another example

After 10 days of her husband�s death she will shave her head, irrespective of
others saying that it�s no longer an appropriate behavior to be followed: a typical

Girl blaming husband�s family

accusations. Add PINE if you develop low self-esteem or think it�s all due to your

To know more about such interesting facts about Bach Flower Remedies, please attend
the workshop by Naran S Balakumar, at Bangalore, on 14th Dec, 2013. Other details
will be provided later.

Related blogs
A typical Rock water person:

Lawyers couldn�t be liars:

Listen to Bach Flower Meditation CD

by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
Is it necessary to chant Bach flower remedies individually for specific problems
more than 100 times a day or is it enough listening to the flower meditation C.D
twice a day to resolve all the problems?

It is necessary to chant as well as take Bach flower remedies individually for
specific problems.

Of course, it will help you a lot to listen to the CD � which will do the necessary
course corrections in your life.

by admin in Bach Flower Remedy

What I need to do for improving my complexion on face, hands and neck?

My problem is my face and hands are dark but my whole body is very fair.

Normally people will have fair body but their body color and face color will not
have much contrast. But for me there is total contrast.


Chant �AGRIMONY, CRAB APPLE� 100 times over a cup of water and wash your face

How to Use Bach Flower Remedies

by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
Read the first part of the article here:

And Part II:

A Brief on Bach Flower Remedies Part III

The moment you think about the flower, it is already here. In fact, because it is
there, you do think about it.

You can buy the pills either from the centre or from a homeopathy shop.
You can take 3 to 4 pills for once or 100 times. It doesn�t matter. If one drop of
a remedy doesn�t work, 100 drops of the remedy too will not work. Extras will not
make a difference.
Intention is important as well as trust. Taking the remedies is important. However,
how much is not important. Trust in nothing but god.

Just thinking about them will work.

If we write the names of flowers in a piece of paper, they work.
If you can�t get the pills, write the names in a notebook.
Keep it (notebook or paper) with you and look at it every day.
Chant the names of the remedies daily, as they are expressions of divinity.
Hold the glass of water, repeat the name of the remedy and drink it.
Remedy means HELP! By chanting their names, they come to our AID.

How Bach Flower Remedies are prescribed?

by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
Read the first part of the article here:

A Brief on Bach Flower Remedies Part II

Flower remedies are selected based on our (negative) state of mind.

If there is fear there are four remedies � MIMULUS, ASPEN, RED CHESTNUT and ROCK
ROSE. If a person has a fear then we need to give one of these remedies based on
the type of fear.
If there is worry then give WHITE CHESTNUT, AGRIMONY, PINE, or HONEY SUCKLE, as per
the expression.
Want to focus and concentration: CLEMATIS. If somebody says, �I want to be focused�
then give them Clematis. If he wants concentration too then add CHESTNUT BUD to it.
How do we handle Anger?
BEECH is a person who criticise others. He will only find faults pointing out the
mistakes of others.
WILLOW has resentment about life and others.
CHICORY is also an angry person. He thinks that nobody does anything to him, even
though he did so many things for others. Thus, he is angry at the ingratitude of
HOLLY is an embodiment of rage and hatred.
VINE: if he gets angry he will work towards taking revenge. Holly and Vine are
always together.
CHERRY PLUM: he will lose control of himself. When he gets angry he will throw
things. It�s a misplaced anger at an acute state level. He might be angry at
somebody. However, he will show the same at somebody else.
Other States of Mind

Self-pride and ego: WATER VIOLET. He has a superiority complex.

Desire to change and control other person is VERVAIN.
Beech and Vervain will come together. They are called as mixed personalities. We
say child has to be like this and advise them, �don�t do this� and �don�t do that�.
Beech will find fault, while Vervain desires to change others. Whenever you want to
change the child, take Vervain then.

Sadness: GENTIAN is a pessimistic person. For example, before he goes out, he is

worried what will happen. Say, what if gets stuck in a traffic jam. He will always
have negative approach to life. Any small setback will upset him greatly. He tends
to have a negative outlook about life.
Hopelessness: GORSE: I tried a lot of things. I don�t know whether it will work.
Nothing seems to work for him. He loses his hope and therefore, does not have any
trust either.
When anyone says, �I can�t�, Larch will make him say �I can�. To have confidence in
oneself Larch is the remedy. It is almost a specific remedy in any competition.
Gentian is skeptical, while Gorse would try many and finally loses hope.

You are trying to go somewhere, either by train, bus or plane. At that time you
think it is not possible to get a ticket. If you take Gorse, it (hopelessness
state) can be changed to joyful state. You will get a ticket.

�I want miracle to happen in my life�, when anyone says this, give them Gorse,
because they are in the negative state of Gorse.

SWEET CHESTNUT: doctors give only 24 hours lifeline for your dear one. Therefore,
you feel a tremendous need to pray for divine intervention.
In fact, as long as we are seeing doctors, we won�t go near divinity. Only when the
doctor says the situation is hopeless, then we focus on God. We may start chanting
Vishnu Sahsaranamam. You may have desire to be spiritual. However, we don�t
remember god until the critical time.

WILD ROSE: he has no interest in life. Apathy sets in. He becomes indifferent,
resigning to the life situations. It�s neither sadness nor happiness. That�s
apathy, as he is not bothered about what happens around him.
STAR OF BETHLEHEM: for accidents, shock, trauma. It is a great soother of physical
and emotional pains. It is a must in all those situations.
MUSTARD: I need to see light in my life as my whole life is in darkness. I don�t
know where to go.
The patients have to say the above words and based on that you can give the
remedies. All the words mentioned for the remedies should come from the horse�s
mouth. Their own expressions are important.

A Brief on Bach Flower Remedies Part I

by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
Introduction to Bach Flower Remedies
There are 39 Bach Flower Remedies.

They can play a very important role in a person�s life.

First of all we need to understand that:

We are not the mind
We are not our thoughts
We are not our emotions
We are above that.
That means I can watch my reaction and able to say, �I feel angry�, �I am worrying
now� and so on. This technique of self observation has to come to you.
Why I need to observe myself?
The moment you start watching the mind, the mind will stop its normal course of
reacting automatically.

How our mind exists? It exists due to our thoughts and emotions.

When you start observing your thoughts and emotions, your mind will stop thinking.
Therefore, it will not exist to influence us.

How do I practice this self-observation?

What are the steps to analyze our mind?

Whenever something happens, talk to yourself, �This is what is happening to me.

This is my thought. And these are my emotions�.
In addition, ask a question, �Can I change my reaction�. This simple question will
change your reaction.
Our reactions are automatic. When we change it, the result has to be different.
When your reaction is �A� result �B� happens. When you change your reaction to �C�,
result �B� cannot happen. It has to change.

Are there any tools available to change our reactions

Why should I change my actions in a different way? Is there is any help available
to me for me to change effortlessly?

Yes, it is available in the form of Bach Flower Remedies. Just by taking the Bach
Flower Remedies in the form of pills you can achieve the following:

Reduce your anger, violence and worries.

Establish harmony and make your life peaceful.
By all means, achieve anything and resolve any type of problem.
Manage an emergency smartly
by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
At my home, all-most all the expensive equipment become out-of-order/
damaged/malfunctioning causing heavy recurrent expenditure, for example my camera,
car, DVD, charger, mobile phone, watch, satellite antenna, computer, laptop,
jewellery, ac, fridge, heater, pipes, and drain gully.

Why this happen frequently? What are the remedial measures to prevent unnecessary
damage repair to equipment at home?
Take the Bach flower remedies SWEET CHESTNUT and OAK three pills of each three
times a day.

Sweet Chestnut: Nothing we could do about the situation and we became desperate

Oak: to handle the things smartly, instead of trying the same proven but currently
not working approach.

How to Use Bach Flower Remedies

by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
Chanting the Bach Flower Remedies
Chanting the flower name means is that we had surrendered to the flowers, as we
don�t know what else to do. So it works for the same reason.

In addition, we release the emotions and thoughts with help of flowers as otherwise
whatever we think will happen.

There are no side-effects, as see even chanting the flower works. They are like
switch words and influence the subconscious mind.

Though the pills are a medium through which the flowers do their work and they give
a different sort of experience.

Chanting for others

Chanting works even if the concerned person who needs healing doesn�t do it.

May be after seeing the results, next time when they face a similar situation they
might say �your chanting has helped me last time. So please do this time too!�

So chant for others. It�s a gift for them.

Let us see an example.

Somebody living in a different town and they are feeling homesick. You may chant
HONEY SUCKLE and it will work as their feelings are projection of yours.

You are healed and they are then healed too. Also we are all one and the same and
that�s why it is working � thus as a projection we bring people in our lives, who
are similar to or complement our nature.

Using the Circle Technique

Take a piece of paper and write the name of the person within a circle. Around the
circle write the name of the flower and draw a circle over it.

If there are additional flowers, have a concentric circle for each of them. This
distance healing method is very effective.

If you have trust and faith in Bach flowers, it will work wonders. Nature is ready
to helps us in the form of flowers. Of course, it is one of the multiple ways to

Heal people who are living with you

Take a glass of water cover with right hand and chant the flower names. Give the
water to them.
It will work, even if the concerned person doesn�t believe in Bach Flower Therapy,
as it is not a belief based therapy.

You may find no harmony in your family. Put 10 to 15 pills of Harmony pack in the
common drinking water. The fight will disappear.

Your family members might wonder how come the fight is not there anymore.

Please note here, that disharmony within us has resulted in lack of harmony within
the family. Of course, we don�t find the fault with us, but find it only on

How does taking remedies by us impact others in our lives

We take different avatars during the day � BEECH avatar in the morning, WILLOW
avatar in the afternoon and so on. At the most we take any of the 38 avatars
identified by Edward Bach.

We invite people of a specific nature. Let us say that we are CENTAURY we might
invite CHICORY bosses.

It is like a formula X-1 = Y+1, where X denotes Centaury and Y denotes manipulating

So when our Centaury nature changes, then the bosses need to change too. That�s how
flower remedies work with us and others around us.

Bach Flower Remedies completes the healing process

Bach Flower Remedies will work, though we can�t say it can work alone. It has to be
used in complement with other types of healing, as it�s not a Samaya Sanjeevani (a
cure for all).

Though it does one thing � it completes the healing process. Thus, it doesn�t pre-
suppose other healing options.

Remedy means help and not a cure. Through Bach flowers, you are helping the person.
There are instances even one dosage has changed a person completely.

Flowers are Life-Changers

Each and every flower gives a unique experience.

To gain that, do the following: take one flower remedy 3 times a day for 7 days,
listen to the conversations that are happening around you, whom we meet and our
life incidents.

You will learn something that will change your life forever!!!

A typical Rock water person

by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
(Karthik, an executive manager of a leading actor, consulted Naran, S. Balakumar
regarding the problems he is facing while working inside the film industry.)
Karthik: I am a disciplined person, remaining single all my life. I meet so many
celebrities in the film world. You know very well that it is a place where there is
no self-control, and no discipline on the part of the individuals.

(He means drinking habits, womanizing, telling lies for their own sake, cheating
people and so on. A typical ROCK WATER surrounded by CHESTNUT BUDS! Where there is
a jailor/cop there are prisoners inside the jail � in one and the same place!!!)
I need to maintain my self-control, to maintain my position, until the end of my
career. I am already 50 years and I have to keep up my name (image) and my parents�
name in the midst of my current situation in the film industry. My father is a
self-made man. It is my duty to keep up his name. I have good respect in the
industry and I have to keep it up. Earning a good name is difficult, but more
difficult to keep it.

Naran: What is your daily routine? And what do you want from me?

Karthik: I am a much disciplined man. I wake up around 5 a.m. Do my yoga and then
do Pooja for about one hour. From 9 a.m. I will start seeing visitors. I will have
lunch around 1pm. In the night, I will do meditation for one hour before going to
sleep. For dinner I will have only fruits and milk.

Naran: For a man who takes only fruits and milk in the night, what is your (health)
problem then?

Karthik: I have no problems. I just want to be more self-controlled and more


Naran: Do you have the fear of losing control? (A Rock Water person, after 50 years
of age, is afraid of losing control over his self-denial of sex!)

Karthik: Yes that fear is always there. I used to tell within, �I should never lose

Naran: Do you get angry?

Karthik: Yes, I meet a lot of people � both good and bad, and so many liars. When I
come across the bad people and liars, suddenly I will lose my temper and shout at

Naran: What do you feel then?

Karthik: I then feel ashamed of myself for getting angry.

Naran: What values you cherish most?

Karthik: Honesty, Dignity, Respect (motto: give respect and take respect), Speaking
Truth. Unfortunately I am in a place it is full of liars, dishonest persons and
cheaters. I give loan. I will never get it back.

(A Rock water person feels ashamed of himself, for getting angry. While a PINE
person will feel guilty after the episode of anger. One more key word for Rock
Water: Feeling Ashamed; Shameful.)

Karthik: I want to develop my spirituality further. My friend told me that you

prescribe flowers for such endeavors.

Naran: You require remedies for what types of growth?

Karthik: Flower for my spiritual growth and anger.

(Anger is the one emotion which a Rock Water person will try hard to control, for
it is below his dignity to get angry. So Rock water person will require CHERRY
PLUM. Naran wanted to find out whether there is any Chestnut Bud quality in
Karthik. So he asked a question.)
Naran: Do you have any other problem, like poor memory, for example? (A poor memory
indicates Chestnut Bud)

Karthik: Yes my memory is very poor, which is one of the reasons for my anger. Is
there any flower for that? Please give me that too.

(A typical Rock water person is of high discipline. He has self-control, dignity

and honesty. He wants to be respected. Karthik has invited Chestnut Bud people
around him. Rock Water is surrounded by Chestnut Bud.)

Prescription for Karthik

He wants remedy for losing self-control � CHERRY PLUM. He wants remedy for poor
memory � CHESTNUT BUD. Of course, he has to take ROCK WATER as a type remedy.

For protection, he was asked to do Violet Flame prayer �I AM a Being of Violet

Fire. I AM the Purity of God�s Creation!!!�

Bach Flower Remedies Combinations Discussed at Raj Bhavan Meeting

by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
Life Situation Remedies
For people to loose weight Oak, Crab Apple and Rock Water. Do Fire Mudra too
(ring finger touching the base of the thumb on both hands). This will help you to
reduce your weight. You will be able to reduce 2 to 3 kg a month.
Whenever mothers are worried about the children Red Chestnut
Lazy and procrastinating Scleranthus, Hornbeam.
For pilgrimage tour Gorse and Clematis. You will have a wonderful trip.
For any skin problem Crab Apple.
So many things have to be done. However, time is short Elm, Rescue Remedy.
Everything will be finished comfortably.
Creative ideas White Chestnut, Clematis
Fear of going to a doctor Mimulus
Abundance and prosperity Chicory, Gentian and Clematis
For the other person to be honest with you Chestnut bud
If you feel lonely Water Violet
For heart problem Elm, Oak and Olive: one dose will keep your heart healthy
Too much of anger, uncontrollable anger Holly, Willow and Rescue Remedy. This
combination will tone down the anger of the persons involved.

Bach Flower Remedy Combinations Monthly Meeting Aug 2010

by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
Useful Combinations

I am not an optimist: Gentian Larch Pine

For meditation: Clematis and (gem remedy) Amethyst

Spend money within the budget � Mimulus.

Regenerate Your Life! Rejuvenate Yourself!

by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
The combination required is: Sweet Chestnut, Olive and Ruby.
No Savings, Broke, Invention, Re-habitation, 100% Production

No savings: Sweet Chestnut and Wild Rose. Enough money earned but no savings. All
unnecessary expense will be cut off.
A New-self will emerge, when Sweet Chestnut is taken. If you are beginning
something new, then take that remedy.
To do invention and research: give the combination of Sweet Chestnut, Water Violet,
Oak and Mustard. It will bring in more and more inventions in day-to-day life.
For re-habitation: Sweet Chestnut
For floods in Pakistan, we can pray to Sweet Chestnut and send it to them. It has
never happened like this before.
Production of any plant should produce 100% regularly, without slowing down: Sweet
Chestnut, Walnut and Hornbeam. Any production will be uninterrupted then, like
weaving production. Produced has to be sold as well. Therefore, Walnut and
Expressions of Sweet Chestnut:

�I am broke�
Can I write off my dues? I am shattered means: Sweet Chestnut.
Attending a VIP�s Wedding
by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
A Water Violet person is an unfriendly person. Nobody approaches him as he thinks
he is superior to others, while others are inferior to him.

Let us say, we go to a wedding reception. We only know the bride and the groom. We
don�t know anybody other than them. How we are going to have company in the wedding
hall? Bach Flower Remedy Water Violet will find friends for you.

Case History

A wife of an ex-minister attends a celebrity wedding. The street was full of cars.
She left her car way back from the wedding hall and started walking towards it.

Water Violet and Larch goes hand in hand. When we meet people in superior status
(Water Violet), then we will have low confidence (Larch). The lady chanted both
Water Violet and Larch. She was approached by a popular actor. He took her in his
car to the hall and accompanied her back to her car.

A Water Violet Person is�

Water Violet person will be working in an unfriendly and lonely atmosphere. As a

boss, he will deliberately ignore others. Will do the work himself, as he thinks
others can�t do the work as per his standards. So he won�t delegate work, though a
leader should be able to delegate.

A Water Violet husband and wife won�t get a divorce but will live separately in the
same house. Water Violet will bring them together.

A Water Violet person doesn�t understand the value of other people in his life.

Seeking HELP!

You are in an unknown place and stranded. Don�t know whom to approach. Rock Water
and Water Violet is the combination required.

Or call the animal spirit guide Wolf and tell the animal spirit beforehand, �I will
be there in such and such time. Please be there and take care of me�. It will take
care of you!

God Appeared To Me
by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
God Appeared To Me In The Form Of My Neighbours

Ramani lives in Avadi. She is a poor and a homemaker. She called me one day and
said that somebody mentioned about me.

I asked her to visit me. She told me that she does not have money to travel or buy
the pills I prescribe. Therefore, I asked her to chant the Bach Flower Remedies I
prescribe. On and off she used to phone up to me and I will prescribe the remedies
as per her expression.

When need is greatest, help is nearest

After six years of marriage, she became pregnant. She used to call me during
pregnancy andchanted the flower remedies suggested by me. She called me just the
day before she was expecting her first baby. She mentioned that there is nobody to
help her nor can she afford to admit herself in a good hospital. In addition, her
husband is busy working and so he will not be able to assist her either.

When need is greatest, help is nearest. Therefore, I prescribed her Bach Flower
Remedy Sweet Chestnut. She chanted Sweet Chestnut. Soon after, four of her
neighbours volunteered to help her. They admitted her in a hospital (CWC) and paid
money for the delivery as well. She had a safe delivery.

Interestingly she�s yet to see me

Now she is calling me to handle the problems faced by her child. Interestingly, she
had not met me yet. She is not taking the remedies either, but does chanting of
flowers only.

Who connected her and me? Do I owe her anything? On the other hand, does she have
any connections with me in anyway? Divinity has done it. Divinity is always with
us, watches us and it controls everything. Nothing happens without a reason. If you
can identify the reason, then healing happens for you. There is a temple in every
street, for us to connect with divinity. When you are facing a problem, connect
with divinity to solve it.

Bach Flower Remedies June 27 2009 Part III

by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
(From Multi Dimensional Healing June 27 Workshop)

Heart Problems

Elm oak olive: combination for any heart problem.

Do Heart Mudra in addition. On both hands index finger touches the base of the
thumb, and middle and ring fingers touch the tip of the thumb. It will give energy
to heart by eliminating Carbon Dioxide. Do it 15 minutes each in the morning and
evening. Pressure and cholesterol will become less. Blood circulation in the heart
will improve.

You are going as a mediator where there is plenty of anger and anguish around. You
wanted to convince everybody and make them understand your view point. You need to
speak their language.

Agrimony (add this only if there is anger is felt), Beech, Walnut and Chestnut Bud
� use this combination for any mediation.

Emergency Remedy

When too much of anger: Holly, Willow and Rescue Remedy

Rescue Remedy has the advantage when terror and panic strikes, and for emergency
situations. Somebody just met with an accident, and the person suffers from
continuous bleeding. Think about him. Chant Rescue Remedy and bleeding will stop.

Skin Problems

For any type of skin problem � Crab Apple, Agrimony and Rescue Remedy (add RR only
if the itching is intense). For any skin disease, Crab Apple and Agrimony is the
base remedy. A person had a severe itching in his leg. He couldn�t put his shoe.
This combination was given to him. Next day, he said he slept peacefully and the
itching is gone too. I asked him did you thank your Tabla, being a Tabla player.
Even inanimate things like Tabla have some thinking mind, please note.

Chitra: for dogs any skin related problems Crab Apple and Agrimony has definite
healing properties. If there is any serious problem add Rescue Remedy to the

Bach Flower Remedies Meditation CD

Divine is waiting for chance to help you. At the right moment and at the right
time, it will enter the heart and activate the right flowers. When you listen to
the CD, the flowers will choose you. Whatever is the right flower will work for

Hopeless State

Any hopeless state should be turned into joy. There is a bus strike, no bus around
and you have vacated the lodge too. Nobody is there in the bus stand too. You have
to go to Chennai, the next day. You become hopeless.

Chant Gorse. Hopeless state will turn into joy. Some bus or some form of
transportation will be found.

Family Harmony

There are flowers Beech, Walnut, Willow, Agrimony, Chicory, and Cherry Plum
(Harmony Pack) to bring harmony into your life. Call them and affirm, �Bring
harmony in my family�. Whenever you fear there will be confrontation, write the
names of flowers in paper before talking to your family members and face the
situation. You will find everything happens in a smooth fashion.

Bach Flower Remedies June 27 2009 Part II

by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
(From Multi Dimensional Healing June 27 Workshop)
Life Situational Remedies

To make a person speak the truth Rock Water, Chestnut Bud

If any person unsettled Walnut
Change sadness to happiness Gentian � changes failure to success
Any inner turmoil changes to peace Agrimony
Changes the constant worry or inner chat into calmness White Chestnut
To change irresponsibility to responsibility. Willow � makes a person more
To get enthusiasm and joy Wild Rose
If your efforts are not rewarded Oak can change effort into rewards
Dishonesty can be changed to honesty Chestnut Bud
Change immorality to morality Rock Water
Turn arrogance into humility Vine
Turn hatred into love Holly
Become flexible with Rock Water
Turn loneliness into relationship Water Violet
To turn sudden feeling of inadequacy to feeling of adequacySudden crisis of
confidence Elm
Indecision and irresolution � whether to go this way or that way Scleranthus,
For searching the addressYou go to the station to receive somebody; you don�t know
the compartment Cerato
Specific fear � meeting the doctor for example, who says let us do a scan, you get
scared;Go to a dentist
I am afraid for cockroaches, lizards


Bach Flower Remedies June 27 2009 Part I

by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
(From Multi Dimensional Healing June 27 Workshop)

Life Situational Remedies

Life Situations Remedies

When too many things have to overcome Elm, Rescue Remedy
Creative ideas White Chestnut and Clematis
Shyness Mimulus
Feeling �I can�t� Larch will change I can�t to I can by increasing level of self-
Some have a tendency to talk to themselves White Chestnut, Walnut and Crab
To get back the money due to you Rock Water, Chestnut Bud
If you are affected Shade Sani and you do not want be restricted (it�s not so
dangerous as people imagine though) Rock Water, Pine, Chestnut Bud, Gentian and
Wild Rose � one dose a day
Should be taken by all the people all the time Walnut is for transition
For abundance Walnut and olive
Good for rapport and interviews Walnut
Misplaced an item somewhere Walnut Rock Rose and Sweet Chestnut (will work 100% )
Burglary � will get back whatever you have lost Elm, Gorse, and Rock Rose
I am closing the house for 10 days as I am going away
Write Rock Water, Chestnut Bud on small pieces of paper and paste it everywhere
inside the house. Now you can go peacefully. Daily pray. �In the day and night
please be around the house, so that there is no theft�.

The 21st Century Magic Pill

by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
The Bach Flower Remedy Walnut

In this Age of Change, WALNUT is the Elixir of Life.


To attract a partner: Walnut. It helps a single person to get married.

Not connected to the family and say, �I don�t belong here. I am out of place�:
Walnut will make it happen. It is required for a newly married girl.
If a wife does not want to divorce, Walnut can help her achieve her objective.
First marriage ended in a divorce, not to attract the same type of person in the
second marriage: Walnut.
Child bearing: if there is no physical problem, then Walnut is the remedy for two
bodies to unite and give birth to a baby, with help of Divinity.

Improve handwriting of children: Walnut. I want my son to become studious says

mother of a child. Both mother and son should take Walnut.
Teenage children, not to be influenced by peers: Walnut. Too much of TV viewing,
speaking on mobile phone or any addiction: Walnut, Scleranthus.
You are afraid that you will fail in the exam or in an interview; you want do well:

There will be no dismissal if you take Walnut.

Forced to change jobs frequently, work is not challenging, to make progress:
Walnut. Somebody prevents promotion: Willow and Walnut.
Work half-done and not able to complete it: Walnut, Oak and Hornbeam

When signing an agreement, chant �Walnut�. Concerned parties will adhere to the
policy of a gentlemen�s agreement.
Cash flow and profit: Walnut
Life Situations Where Walnut is Helpful

To begin: Walnut is �PILLAYAR SULI�. Walnut is the remedy for relaxation.

Not achieving anything concrete and could not see any growth: Walnut.
For selling house and land � spray Walnut water on them. It will be publicized by
word of mouth. Sharing the ancestral property: Walnut
To get a Helping Hand, or if there is Delay and Resistance: Walnut (it works like
Wolf animal spirit). Worried about Saturn (7.5 years itch): Walnut
If you are uncomfortable to attend a VIP�s marriage: Walnut, Water Violet and
Larch. You will be treated like a VIP.
To stop the bleeding: Rescue Remedy, Walnut
Mastering Maths
by admin in Angel Numbers, Bach Flower Remedy
I tried angel number 398 during my daughter math exam.
Concepts are clear to her. She can solve every problem but gets nervous near the
exam and makes such mistakes, which her teachers couldn�t expect it from her.

I wrote 398 and kept that paper in her geometry box. In addition, wrote her name in
circle and 398 in outer circle.

She entered home, back from her exam. Her comment was, �Wow! It was so easy� I know
all the sums�.


OAK and MUSTARD: This is the Bach Flower combination to understand and master any

398: for wisdom

Sweet Chestnut means Creation

by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
It is not a flower, but a tree. During the entire summer it will become dark and
dry. Even without water, the tree will be porous and dark. In July, after the
monsoon, it will be full of flowers. Thus, it represents new creation.

To create something new, it is only possible for the divine. You can�t create
anything new. You can only use what�s existing.

Smart Worker
by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
The Bach Flower Remedy Oak

Workaholic: if there is no work he will get fever. He will comment that during the
whole day he doesn�t have pain, but when he goes to sleep he gets pain.

He doesn�t want company. His first wife is work. He doesn�t want to apply for
leave. He will not apply for leave for attending functions.

How Oak could help in heart problem. Oak is the strongest tree. It can grow in any
soil. It represents strength and solidity and therefore it will strengthen the

Thanks to Elm, Oak and Olive you can go up any stairs.

A software engineer couldn�t find bugs after so many attempts: Oak

Trekking � Elm, Oak, Olive, and Walnut is necessary.

For any nagging problems like court cases and adjournments take Oak with Walnut and

Shantha had a problem with her motor that is used to pump water�

Oak is a hard worker but not a smart worker.

The motor mechanic couldn�t find the source of the problem even after a week. She
gave Oak in his tea.

Within a day, the problem was fixed.

Relationship with Your Inner Saint
by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
Finding happy relationships
Everybody has one God-given talent, irrespective of whether they are successful and
happy in their relationships or not.

All of us have an Inner Saint.

Our success and happiness depends on how much we tap that resource and use it (for
any aspect of your life). It is either sitting idle inside us � for most of us it
is true, or we may be using it a little bit.

The happy souls are those who dig into themselves, find their Inner Saint and learn
to reach it anytime they want.

What do we gain out of accessing the Inner Saint?

You will get inner guidance � a universal knowledge that gives the knowhow to
handle your problems.
It helps you to find out where you are going wrong and how to rectify it.
It also guides you how to fix things right.
I am convinced, please tell me how to tap that resource, you may say.

Let Go Disharmony and Find Harmony

Naran has created a CD � containing two tracks, which helps you in the form of a
guided meditation, to tap the Inner Saint, especially to heal your relationships.

The meditation helps you to get in touch with that part. Lie down or sit
comfortably and listen to the CD, which runs for 30 minutes each.

The CD contains brain wave entertainment and the first part is to be followed by
the second part. Releasing is needed every time.

You listen to the first track to and then go to the second track or listen to both
of them, one after another.

What happens then?

The guidance mayn�t come literally in the form of ideas immediately.

Over a day or two, you will get the answers in the form of intuition or messages
from outside. They will reveal to you on how you need to act and fix your

It doesn�t stop here

The CDs also has affirmations � audible, and switch words (not audible), which
makes it further easier for you to heal your relationships.

The affirmations are in two parts � one to heal the disharmony and another one to
create harmony.

Reversing the Decision to Marry

by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
Pain in the Right Ankle � �reverse the decision�, is the message from the body.

If you get the pain when the job was offered, then don�t accept the job.

Vinay�s marriage got fixed. His would-be is based at US. The marriage was fixed
after six months.

Soon after, he met with a small accident. His right ankle got bruised.

Heard a Rumour

Three months later, he received an anonymous letter stating that the girl has an

His family didn�t believe it.

Vinay�s pain in the right ankle didn�t go. He consulted me.

I asked him, �Are you communicating with the girl?� He replied that he did not even
receive an email from her to-date.

I told him in person that the marriage will not take place and asked him to reverse
the decision of marrying that person.

That�s what his body is informing Vinay through the bruise in the right ankle.

He started contemplating it but his parents were adamant to go ahead with the

Honour Your Body

I asked him to affirm, �Divinity takes care of my future. I honor the decision of
my body. I decide not to marry this girl�.

His pain reduced by 25%.

He said �NO� for the marriage, but his parents were upset and didn�t agree to that.

I asked him to stick to that point, for nothing untoward will happen, and to wait
and watch.

Wedding Arrangement In-progress

Wedding invitations were printed and were ready for distribution.

Around that time, the girl�s parents approached Vinay�s parents and told them that
their daughter has been absconding for the last 4 months.

I told Vinay, �You have honored your body�s message and its advice. Now say thanks
to the body by taking an oil bath.

�Please take a massage too � as it�s one way of accepting the body and loving the
body for having guided you in the right direction.�

Receive Excess Create Swelling

by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
Manjunath developed right shoulder pain. There was swelling in his finger joints
too. Everyday it kept on increasing.

I told him if it might be Gout. He could take medicines for Gout after consulting
with a doctor.

However, on top of that his body wants him to rectify his way of behavior.
Took the Credit Belonging To His Associate

Manjunath is a sales manger in a marketing organization. He was heading more than

10 sales representatives.

One day a sales rep suggested him an idea to market their company product. When
there was a sales conference, the sales manager presented it as his own idea.

The whole management got elated and gave Manjunath 10000 rupees as a gift of

Soon after that, he developed pain on the right shoulder and swelling of finger

Gave Back the Credits

I told Manjunath to call his sales rep and hand over the money to him. Write a
letter of apology to him as well.

In addition, if he is bold enough, he could write a letter to his management and

explain the situation to them.

I told him not to worry about any negative consequences as there is no back pain
(which indicates security).

As soon as he gave 10000 rupees to the sales rep, the swelling went off.

The message here is that you have received in excess of your contribution.

Asked for an Apology

When the swelling went off, he wrote a letter to management.

They immediately wrote back appreciating his gesture and gave another 10000 to him
as an appreciation of his honesty. What else he needs now?

You do not need a Bad Karma

Otherwise, this would have added to his bad karma as he has caused pain to the
heart of somebody.

He would have never been able to work again as his hands swelling would not have
come down. He would have visited numerous doctors in vain.


If we do not appreciate or recognize then we will get pain on the right hand side.
When we are not recognized or appreciated, then it will be on left side.

The message of the body

It is fantastic. It shows that we are always under the divine supervision of the
body. What else we need, other than the divine guidance.

If we could understand every message of the body, our whole life would be a life of
love. There will be harmony around us as there is harmony and understanding within
Hats off, to the divine body!

Do you know why you are poor?

by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
Question: My brothers are doing well, while I had been unsuccessful in my career?

You have the gene to be rich as well as the gene to be poor, both of which you had
picked up from your ancestors.

However, you have CHOSEN the POOR gene, while your brothers have CHOSEN the RICH

To give an example, do you remember the no of chairs in my office? You don�t know
the answer. The reason behind this is�you have DELETED that information from your

To put it another way, from their memory, the RICH hasdeleted the information to
become POOR, while the POOR have deleted how to become RICH.

Therefore, to do well in your career and to become rich, affirm, �I RELEASE the
part that is linked with lack of money. I ACTIVATE the part which knows to FIND

I don�t like my house

by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
You are staying in the house and you go on criticize the house that it�s not good,
there is so much clutter in the house and so on.

What if the same house starts criticizing you, �It is only because of you the
clutter is here?�

When you criticize the house it also criticizes you back.

In US, scientists have found out the plants talks the local language, for example,
plants in Tamil Nadu will speak in Tamil.

The moment those scientists water a plant, it said, �Thank you� in English and that
too in US accent. With the help of instruments they have figured that out.

I believe that they also curse those who are rude to them. Similarly, the
criticized house will not give you the good results you want.

If the house has clutter then it means you have so much of clutter in your mind.
�What is inside is reflected outside�.

Just see the house. That�s how your mind is.

What if there is clutter? What is your feeling?

Whatever feelings you get while seeing or thinking about the clutter, release them
Release the dislikes you have about the house
Release the advantages and disadvantages you have about the house
Release your emotions and thoughts as well as curses you have about the house
The house is untidy, so I feel irritated. Therefore, affirm, �I release my
irritation�, �I accept the clutter� and �I release my resistance to cleanse the
Saviors of the World
by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
Rock Rose
It is the remedy for courage. One thousand people may be in the beach. Somebody is
washed away.

At that time, don�t blame the parents if they can�t save their child�s life. Only
one will try to save the person. He is the positive Rock Rose person.

He will think, �Here it�s not my life in danger. I have to save somebody�s life�.

There his soul wakes up and his mind is dead. He doesn�t need to know swimming.
Yet, he will be able to save the child.

The Car jockey slipped and the husband of a lady was caught in the wheel. She
lifted the car and saved him. To save her husband she had done it.

The very next day, the same thing may not be able to repeat the act.

The Soul�s switch is in the mind. However, mind should be off for the Soul�s switch
to be on. Each of 39 Bach Flower Remedies switches our minds OFF and Makes our
Soul�s Switch ON.

Agrimony Discussion with Naran Balakumar

by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
Discussion on Bach Flowers
From Naran�s conversation with Shobana: compiled by R Mohan.

Indications of Agrimony
Watch out for key words: inner turmoil, peace, hiding, mental torture, and free
from conflict

What is the mental state of an Agrimony person?

Naran, Balakumar: when a person says, �I want peace of mind�, it means that there
is turmoil or disturbance in his mind. Then he is in the state of Agrimony.

He is anxious within, though he smiles outside. More and more he does smile, more
and more it means that there are inner conflicts.

�I don�t want any conflict� � this expression denotes that he wants harmony. As
otherwise, the disagreement or conflict will upset his peace.

In what ways an Agrimony person will mask their feelings?

She will avoid bothering her husband with her house hold issues.

In the night time, an old widow would think that she should not disturb or bother
her son or daughter-in-law, on her requirement. So she will go and fill up her
water bottle in advance, for example.

�When I get old, I should not be bothersome to anybody� � will be in the mind of an
Agrimony person.

In all these expressions, one can find that the Agrimony person does not want to
disturb the peace of others.

They undergo mental torture and hide their feelings

Mental torture hidden from others � is yet another key word of Agrimony.

To hide the mental anguish, one seems to be cheerful and always smiling. If you
come to know about his problems through somebody, then you will wonder �I can�t
believe that this person is undergoing such problems!�

Hiding is an important nature of an Agrimony person. How do they manage to hide?

How will they mask what�s inside them? They do it, by not expressing their true

His actions
He dislikes being alone, because then his worries will torment him. Therefore, he
goes late to bed. In fact, he will go home late. He will do everything in his book
to do so.

He appears light-hearted, though he is heavy-hearted inside. Therefore, when anyone

says there is heaviness in the head, give him Agrimony.

He will be working late into the night � so that he is occupied with work and
therefore worries won�t be tormenting him.

He will go to his friends� house. To forget his own worry, he will make others
smile and be happy.

He will go to a bar and say � �to forget my worries, I drink�.

Torture means great suffering or anxiety. Therefore, in anxiety, Agrimony is to be

considered. He is anxious to be at peace with himself.

Naran, Balakumar: May you have Agrimony, I mean peace J

It�s all about Getting Pregnant

by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
1. Rabbit the savior

Are there are any remedies to get pregnant?


If both are clinically ok, hang a RABBIT photograph in the bedroom. And meditate
upon it for 5 minutes before going to bed.
Take sweet chestnut walnut two doses a day.
2. Need Divine Grace

I want to conceive and for successful conceiving, can you suggest some remedies to


Hang a picture of RABBIT in the room. Chant �SWEET CHESTNUT, WALNUT� in the night
about two hundred times.


Sweet Chestnut and Walnut are Bach flower remedies.

Sweet Chestnut: gives you divine grace

Walnut: will make you get ready to transition to motherhood

Rabbit: the animal spirit guide to get pregnant.

3. Get Ready to Become a Mother

Pigeon is an excellent and useful bird. It gives you what you need for mother hood.
Many ladies have pregnancy problem. One of the reasons for that is that they are
not ready for that.

For a woman to become pregnant she needs the help of the animal spirit guides

Those ladies who do not have children may have their mental pattern as �All other
ladies have children, why not me?�

If such ladies come to know that if another woman of their age is pregnant then
they cannot rejoice.

They will also have guilt feeling thinking what sin they have committed.

In such situations the message of God is �Be patient, have faith and perseverance�.

So all these three qualities one can get from Pigeon.

4. Thank the Unborn Child


I and my husband are trying for a second baby. We have a 9-year-old boy. We were
caught up with life here in the USA and so never thought about a second one.


Have a RABBIT picture in the bed room.

Thank the child which is to be born
5. We need blessings of Jupiter
Santhose Kumar

My brother got married 8 years back. Till now he has no child. My sister-in-law is
affected by uterus tuberculosis. She takes a lot of medical treatments. She didn�t
get conceived. Please give the remedy to conceive and get child. Advance thanks.


Ask them to hang a rabbit photo in the bed rom.

Write their names and circle it. Around the first circle write �SWEET CHESTNUT
JUPITER WALNUT FIND DIVINE child�. Ask them to chant this mantra too.


Jupiter: is for expansion. Here you are seeking expansion of your family

Find Divine: to get the blessings of divinity to get a child

6. Searching for a solution � going from one doctor to another

I have hypo thyroid problem, married for seven years, not able to conceive, doctors
say no serious complication, but it�s not working. Have been through a lot of
treatments � nothing worked. Don�t know which doctor to go. Can you please advise


Hang a picture of rabbit in your bedroom.

Both you and your husband should take the flower remedies, once a day � SWEET

Cerato: the Bach flower will show you the way for the solution

Hornbeam: not to get stuck up and move on

No more headaches for students

by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
Naran S Balakumar
In a class room, when a lecture is given, let us say one student develops a
headache. Now, he will try to hide it from others.

If the lecturer notices his painful face, and enquires �what is the matter � any
problem?� the (Bach Flower) Agrimony person would reply, �nothing, no problems at

If the lecturer is persistent, he would say, �a minor headache; nothing serious;

for my sake, the class need not be disturbed. Please carry on. I will be alright

Then, he would try to give a smile too. If the remedy Agrimony is given then and
there, his headache would fly off.

Impatiens Discussion with Naran

by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
What is the mental state of an IMPATIENS?
The person is very eager to do something or strongly desires for something, and
therefore becomes restless and impatient.

Then they try to finish every single task quickly and thoughtlessly (impetuous).
Thus, an Impatiens person will be careless and hasty.

What are the signs of IMPATIENS persons?

They are annoyed easily, tend to be irritated when kept waiting and if work is

They are eager to do something immediately, and unwilling to wait for a start. In
general, they are impetuous, nervous, restless, uneasy, and hasty.

He is restless � constantly moving, and unable to sit quiet.

In a clinic, you may notice while most of the patients are waiting patiently to
meet the doctor, a person is restless � denoting his Impatiens nature.

Sometimes, when we worry in the night, we will spend a restless night.

Because the impatiens person is reckless, he will act impulsively � moving with
great force and energy. Thus, impatiens persons will be great energy losers.

The impatiens person acts in a hurry, either due to his impetuosity or lack of
time.When there is a lack of time, we tend to do things in a hurry, without any

Anything is POSSIBLE
by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
With Bach Flower Remedies!!!

I was at Shridi on a Thursday (8th march).I was chanting GORSE as I wanted a good
Dharshan during my Aarthi which I booked online.

But, I was disappointed as I was pushed to the corner behind a pillar and was
unable to see my lord Hari.

That night I as dishearten and thought the Bach flower didn�t work.

Next day, an amazing experience took place. I got the opportunity to do the
counting of the donations and as I wanted to count 100 rupee notes I was given the
line of counting the same where I sat for more than three hours segregating the

I also met likeminded people who shared the great Leelas of Sai Maharaj. I was also
given the opportunity to walk up in the line where Iliterally had a long
conversation with my Sai Maa.

The most amazing thing was I was at the Dwarkamaai where I said Baba I want to sit
and meditate. This is quite difficult nowadays as the crowd is high and the
security doesn�t allow.

But, as I went near to the Dwarkamaai the security opened the gate and turned
around. I just slipped inside and sat closing my eyes and said no one is disturbing
me till I open my eyes.

You have missed one more chance.

You will understand GORSE or for that matter, no flower will ever fail you or
anybody. The flowers always expect us to rise above our lower consciousness � lower

Why Gorse did not work on the first day? Has it not worked? Has it wanted you to
view or look at things differently?

The first day, you did not get Dharshan as desired. When it was not happening, it
tried to tell you, �Have Dharshan of all the devotees. See Sai Baba in them. Each
and every person around you is nothing but Sai Baba. Once anybody goes inside the
temple, all minds are filled up with the figure of Sai Baba and all the lips chant

Instead of worrying, if you had concentrated on these aspects of Divine Sai, your
mind would have been elevated to Divine consciousness. Probably, this is the lesson
we have to learn from the Divine flower GORSE.

Thank You!
When you need the Bach Flower Remedy Mimulus
by admin in Bach Flower Remedy
Afraid of any person or a thing � for example Cockroaches, Lizard

Message from Mimulus: It is against any form of violence.

Everybody in this world � including animals have the right to live in this world.
You do not have the right to drive them away. Have sympathy towards them.

Are you worried that you will end up paying more taxi fare � Mimulus (to get the
taxi � Wolf)?

However, do not pay less money. Mimulus expects fairness in you as well as in the
opposite person.

For any bargaining � the house owner asks for more rent for example, take Chicory
along with Mimulus or for that matter for any financial negotiation.

For shy children � Mimulus

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New Bach Flowers Therapy Basic Level Workshop Chennai Feb 25th 2017
10 AM to 4 PM Chennai
Click here for Event Details
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How to keep unwanted persons away
How to sleep well in the night with Switch Words, Mudra and Mantra
For any type of infection
How to Combine Bija Mantras for Various Life Situations
Need for a remedy when there is a delay
Suffering from knee stiffness
Not to be overwhelmed in a difficult situation
Remedy for weak bones
Remove Fibroid in Uterus
When flowers are there, you are SAFE!!!
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My life is worthless
Delay in Periods No More
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