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Know the Importance of Sex Ratio In India

The number of females is falling across India. This has led to decline in the sex ratio throughout
the nation. Sex ratio determines the number of females per 1000 males. According to current
report of Niti Aayog, Delhi witnessed the decline of females up to 869 during 2013-15. This
highly disturbing trend of ​sex ratio in India m
​ ight not be new for India, yet, it needs to be
controlled. Female selective abortion is one of the major reasons of decline in the sex ratio in

Factors responsible for decline in sex ratio

In short, there are many individuals who prioritize male child over female. This ultimately leads
to female feticide resulting in decline in ​sex ratio​. In order to bring a change in this norm,
spreading awareness in the society is a chief action. With the help of this action, ​sex ratio at
birth ​can be monitored and people can stop using selective abortion methods. There have been
several campaigns and awareness programmes which highlight the need of saving girl child.
But, people are bound in the chain of community based speculations where, only boys are
considered valuable.

How to apply Sex Ratio Formula

These constant thoughts provoke them to abort girl child and it results in decline in sex ratio. In
the recent data, alarming pointers came into notice indicating low ​ratio of girl and boy in 2018​.
If we look at the positive side, there have been many efforts to manage this sex ratio.
Nevertheless, these initiatives will show an absolute outcome when ​sex ratio in India ​is
monitored throughout the nation. Most of the people are surrounded by the shackles of orthodox
mentality and they abort girl child. Nagrik Foundation is in the favor of maintaining the normal
sex ratio and has taken initiatives for the same.

Sex Ratio Formula and its implementation

This organization has undertaken social welfare activities to promote well-being, social
awareness and overall development in the society. Specifically, in terms of ​Sex Ratio Formula​,
this organization can attain its goal, if people step ahead to support the same. Embracing
gender equality can be the best way to achieve stability in sex ratio across the nation. When it
comes to consider boy and girl child, the individuals should expand their vision. They should
understand that male and female children equally shape up the nation in terms of development.

Examples of higher sex ratio and inspiration

Understanding ​importance of sex ratio ​is the need of hour to bring development across the
world. Patriarchal societies should stop discrimination against girl with the changing times.
Poverty and less educated people should join the movement of Nagrik Foundation to stop
decline in sex ratio in India. If we target India’s sex ratio, making it stable on a world level will be
a dream come true. Exceptions are always there, highest ​sex ratio at birth (SRB) ​has proved
this fact. 1043 was the highest sex ratio reported in Lakshadweep followed by Andaman and
Nicobar island will 1031.

Bring a change in sex ratio in India

These numbers are not enough to get an inspiration. Higher ​sex ratio in India ​in Arunachal
Pradesh was 993. When these locations of India can rise above all factors and promote gender
equality, entire nation should learn from them. Gender equality is the key are to focus on to
discriminate against girls further stopping fall in ​sex ratio ​in India. It’s time to support the vision
of Nagrik Foundation and regulate ​Sex Ratio Formula (SRF) ​in totality.

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