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Irrelevant Borders: Perspectives of Globalization

Sasmita Mohanty1, Subhashree Biswal2, António C. Moreira1, Daniel F. Polónia1

1 (sasmita, amoreira,dpolonia); 2

1 University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal; 2 Ravenshaw University, Cuttack, India.

Borders are the geographical demarcation of a sovereign nation and is respected and
recognized by the nations, organizations and people across the world. It is the responsibility
of the government of the nation to protect the borders from external enemies and to protect
the citizens. Since the early days of human civilization, protection of the borders is regarded
as the prime importance for the rulers. Traditionally, the rulers of the nations have the
defense forces in the form of armies, navies and air forces to protect the borders. Over the
time that concept has been changed. Borders have been relaxed, and getting more and more
irrelevant. Due to the increase in trade and the proliferation of businesses, borders are losing
their traditional roles of the past. In this paper, we provide several aspects of globalization,
and the irrelevance of the borders of the nations. The world becomes flatter with the
increasing volume of trade. The world that is shrinking in terms of travel time and
communications is also expanding in terms of trades and commerce simultaneously. So,
national borders are becoming increasingly irrelevant. Though globalization has not been
completely transparent for all the nations, it has shown its effect since last two and half
decades. It is now playing vital roles in almost every aspect of human lives across the world.
Even, the choice of foods, clothes, life-styles, cultural habits and preferences are all affected by
the globalization.

Key Words – Irrelevant borders, globalization, free trade, economy and politics.

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