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Reading for Ideas: Silver

Identify and write down the uses and importance of silver in former times.

1. Used to make jewellery (given)

2. Made into coins / money (for everyday transactions)
3. (Used in) international trade
4. (in many ancient cultures)associated with religion / god(s)
5. (Romans ) wine stored in silver containers remained drinkable for a longer period of time
6. (Roman army generals / they discovered / knew that) silver coins (dropped) in water
(storage) containers kept soldiers healthy / meant that few(er) soldiers would become sick
7. (Ancient civilisations / Greece and Macedonia used silver / it) for medicinal purpose

Word Bank for Own Words

utilized consumed employed currency dealing business

buy and sell connected linked related diety idols primeval

archaic stocked barrels clean extended time

revealed fit ailing unwell cure function reason

Connectors: moreover, furthermore, additionally, besides that, similarly, likewise, and, also










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