Three Tiny Little Points On Ear

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Three Tiny Little Points = One Huge

Impact 4.9/5 (30)

by Kimberly Thompson, L.Ac. / 21

Who has time to spend hours

and hours thumbing through auricular therapy books to find helpful little jewels of
information to use in their practice? Not you???

I completely understand. Dr. Larsen has taken care of that problem for you. He pays ME to
do all of the research so that I can help you to become a better practitioner.

A couple of weeks ago I was speaking to an acupuncturist, Susannah Sunderland from

Carlsbad, California, who sold 600 acupuncture sessions through a local Groupon in her
community. That’s a lot of acupuncture sessions!

She called me to ask questions about the AcuGraph system, but instead our phone call turned
into me asking her a ton of questions about how she managed to take care of so many new
patients. She said that it was overwhelming and she is not sure if she would do it again, but
that she learned a lot about herself and her abilities as a practitioner.

One of the things that stuck out in our conversation was the respect that she had gained
for auriculotherapy.

Susannah said that she treated three auricular points on every patient and that those points
alone set the foundation for the work that needed to be done in each treatment. What were
those points?
Shen Men
Point Zero
Sympathetic Autonomic Point

I did a little bit of research into our Auriculo 3D program and my research notes and found
some interesting facts about those three points.

#1: Shen Men is the point that is MOST popular in the

Auriculo 3D protocols.
Of the 180 protocols that are listed in Auriculo
3D, 164 of them have Shen Men listed as a recommended treatment point. What makes Shen
Men so powerful? Shen Men is a Master Point. Master points are always electrically active in
comparison to other points on the ear.

In fact, if you are having a hard time finding active treatment points, treat Shen Men first and
then the points that need treatment will become active.

Shen Men, also known as Divine Gate, is so powerful that it treats almost everything–stress,
anxiety, depression, inflammatory diseases, etc.

When I have a patient that just keeps talking and I can’t get them to calm down, I
immediately treat Shen Men in their ear. I also like to send patients home with seeds at Shen
Men, if they are prone towards anxiety and stress, along with instructions to press the seeds
multiple times per day while doing some deep breathing. Patients love it when you offer them
a simple tool for de-stressing.

#2: Point Zero is a centering point.

Dr. Paul Nogier had a background as a civil
engineer before he became famous for developing Auriculotherapy in France. I am sure that
you are familiar with the inverted fetus drawn on the ear depicting the anatomical mirror
imagine used for treatment purposes.

While drawing zones throughout the body, Nogier learned that Point Zero was actually the
geometrical and physiological center point on the humunculus of the ear–and aligns with the
solar plexus.

It’s no wonder Point Zero is known for bringing the body back into homeostatic balance. This
point not only balances energy, but is also used to regulate the brain, viscera, and the

I like to use Point Zero when a patient comes in with an array of symptoms and I don’t know
exactly where to start. Patients who have trouble staying centered get sent home with a seed
at this point for home care.
#3: Sympathetic Autonomic Point brings a patient back to
relaxation mode.

Do you remember learning about the

Sympathetic versus the Parasympathetic nervous systems?

Too many of our patients choose to live in a constant sympathetic nervous system state. The
sympathetic nervous system was designed to jump start our bodies into fight or flight mode
for survival purposes. Basically, our digestive and organ functions shut down so that we can
save ourselves during emergency situations.

Parasympathetic mode, on the other hand, is where we should be most of the time. This is
where our body regenerates and heals. When someone comes in for acupuncture, it is our
responsibility to help him or her to move back into parasympathetic function. The
Sympathetic Autonomic Point will do exactly that.

While I was a student at Pacific College of Oriental Medicine (PCOM) in San Diego, I had
many opportunities to be involved in community acupuncture settings. One instance comes to
mind. In 2007 I worked with fellow PCOM students at Qualcom Stadium to care for those
who had been evacuated from their homes.

This was an instance where “fight or flight” mode was a necessary survival skill for many
who were displaced during this stressful event. The Sympathetic Autonomic Point became a
valuable resource.

This point is very powerful and, often, results can be felt immediately.

As you can see, Susannah made a very wise choice by adding these three points into each
session. I really enjoyed talking to her about her experience which then reignited my passion
for these three valuable points.
Can you see that nearly any health condition can be treated by this technique?

Take a look at this collection of not 6, but 22 published research studies.

 Insomnia
 Dementia
 Constipation
 Weight Loss
 Smoking Cessation
 Stress Management
 Diabetes
 Hypertension
 Menstrual Irregularities
 Depression associes with Diabetes
 Methamphetamine Withdrawal
 Migraine Therapy
 Myopia in children
 Temporomandibular (Jaw) Disorders with Stress
 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
 Acute Sore Throat
 Chronic Low Back Pain
 Labor Pain
 Immediate Pain Relief
 Pain and Anxiety
 Emergency Pain Relief
 Post Stroke Depression

This free report illustrates several conditions for which auriculotherapy has been proven to be

Download the free report and share it with those that are suffering!

Click Here to Download the Free Report >>

Have a wonderful week!

Kimberly Thompson, L.Ac.

Acupuncture Research Analyst

Miridia Acupuncture Technology

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