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Pituitary gland and Pineal gland are the main glands that

governs all the other glands and chakra and create harmony in
all the chakras and glands


Pituitary and Pineal glands are there in hands in thumbs and

there for thumbs are very important

When you press all the top of the finger and top of your
thumbs all the glands activate so to activate all body chakra
always press top of thumbs as well as other finger’s tops to
activate all the body chakra.

Press top of finger and thumbs on benches, on floors or bed

wood and stay healthy for ever.

This is the main funda of life with joy just press tops of the
finger and thumb as well as center of your palm where
pancrease gland is situated.

 Third Eye chakra (6th) — Pituitary gland; produces hormones

and governs the function of the previous five glands;
sometimes, the pineal gland is linked to the third eye chakra
as well as to the crown chakra.

 The pituitary’s main function is to regulate body chemistry.

Located between the eyes, this pea-sized gland regulates
emotion and intellect and works in partnership with the
pineal gland to achieve overall balance.
Opening the Chakras
Chakra meditations that use mudras and sounds to open chakras
These chakra meditations use mudras, which are special hand
positions, to open chakras. The mudras have the power to send more energy to particular
To enhance the effect, sounds are chanted. These sounds are from Sanskrit letters. When
chanted, they cause a resonation in your body that you can feel at the chakra they are meant

For pronunciation, keep in mind that:

the "A" is pronounced as in "ah,"
the "M" is pronounced as "mng" ("ng" like in "king").

Do a meditation for 7 - 10 breaths. Chant the sound several times each breath (for example
three times).

Check out these recommendations on working with your chakras.

. Open the Root Chakra

Let the tips of your thumb and index finger touch.
Concentrate on the Root chakra at the spot in between the genitals and the anus.
Chant the sound LAM.

Additional techniques to open the Root chakra

. Open the Sacral Chakra

Put your hands in your lap, palms up, on top of each other. Left hand underneath, its palm
touching the back of the fingers of the right hand. The tips of the thumbs touch gently.
Concentrate on the Sacral chakra at the sacral bone (on the lower back).
Chant the sound VAM.
. Open the Navel Chakra
Put your hands before your stomach, slightly below your solar plexus. Let the fingers join at
the tops, all pointing away from you. Cross the thumbs. It is important to straighten the
Concentrate on the Navel chakra located on the spine, a bit above the level of the navel.
Chant the sound RAM.

. Open the Heart Chakra

Sit cross-legged. Let the tips of your index finger and thumb touch. Put your left hand on
your left knee and your right hand in front of the lower part of your breast bone (so a bit
above the solar plexus).
Concentrate on the Heart chakra at the spine, level with the heart.
Chant the sound YAM.

. Open the Throat Chakra

Cross your fingers on the inside of your hands, without the thumbs. Let the thumbs touch at
the tops, and pull them slightly up.
Concentrate on the Throat chakra at the base of the throat.
Chant the sound HAM.
. Open the Third Eye Chakra
Put your hands before the lower part of your breast. The middle fingers are straight and touch
at the tops, pointing forward. The other fingers are bended and touch at the upper two
phalanges. The thumbs point towards you and touch at the tops.
Concentrate on the Third Eye chakra slightly above the point between the eyebrows.
Chant the sound OM or AUM.

. Open the Crown Chakra

Put your hands before your stomach. Let the ring fingers point up, touching at their tops.
Cross the rest of your fingers, with the left thumb underneath the right.
Concentrate on the Crown chakra at the top of your head.
Chant the sound NG.
Warning: don't use this meditation for the Crown chakra while you don't have a strong Root
chakra (you need a strong foundation first).
Chakras and Glands

Commonly, each of the body’s basic seven chakras is associated with specific locations on
the body, such as the heart, the throat, or the crown of the head. But when you look at a
chakra chart, you don’t see the underlying network of glands (and their nearby organs)
governed and influenced by the chakra system.
The function the chakras is very intricate in that it is an energy system that communicates
with the body via biological systems, such as the endocrine glands and nervous system, to
keep it balanced and healthy.

For the purposes of this article, let’s take a closer look at the association between the chakras
and endocrine systems.

The Endocrine System

On its surface, the endocrine system seems quite complex. But when you break it down into
its individual parts, it isn’t so bad.

Overall, this network of glands is in charge of producing, regulating and distributing

hormones throughout the body. Released into the bloodstream, hormones play a pivotal role
in the body’s ability to mature, metabolize nutrients, and function.

Historical Perspective on Chakras and Glands

It seems that no direct correlation was made by Indian traditional chakra systems between
glands and the chakras. However, modern literature from both the Western and Eastern
cultures highlights the connection between each the primary chakras and the endocrine and
nervous systems, as well as organs.

The 7 Chakras and Endocrine Glands

Each of the chakras in the body is paired with an endocrine gland and
governs its function. So before we go any further, here are each of the
chakras, their corresponding gland, and their function:

 Root chakra (1st) — Reproductive glands (testes in men;

ovaries in women); controls sexual development and secretes
sex hormones.

 Sacral chakra (2nd) — Adrenal glands; regulates the immune

system and metabolism.
 Solar Plexus chakra (3rd) — Pancreas; regulates metabolism.

 Heart chakra (4th) — Thymus gland; regulates the immune

 Throat chakra (5th) — Thyroid gland; regulates body
temperature and metabolism.

 Third Eye chakra (6th) — Pituitary gland; produces hormones

and governs the function of the previous five glands;
sometimes, the pineal gland is linked to the third eye chakra
as well as to the crown chakra.

 Crown chakra (7th) — Pineal gland; regulates biological cycles,

including sleep.

How Chakras and Glands Work Together

Disturbances in the subtle energy of the chakras translate into physical manifestation and
symptoms who are likely associated with the corresponding glands and organs. It is not to say
that chakras are physical or physiological in nature. They are considered as energy centers
that influence our being at many levels, including the physical and biological levels.

Whenever one of our energy centers is thrown off balance by a blockage, physical maladies
can happen. It is important to remember that chakras function on the same principle as a
pendulum. If one of them is underactive or overactive, signs will start to manifest that it’s
“out of rhythm”. Chakra balancing is in order.

The disturbance is felt either at the level of that specific or the level of another chakra or set
of chakras connected to it. For instance, when the throat chakra is blocked you may
experience sore throat, neck pain, or laryngitis. Similarly, when the heart chakra is out-of-
sorts, high blood pressure and heart-related problems can arise.
Examples of Connection Between the Chakra and
Glandular Systems
Pituitary Gland Chakra
There are two chakra glands that serve to regulate overall glandular and biological function:
the pituitary gland chakra and pineal gland chakra.

The pituitary’s main function is to regulate body chemistry. Located

between the eyes, this pea-sized gland regulates emotion and
intellect and works in partnership with the pineal gland to achieve
overall balance.
Pineal Gland Chakra
Essentially, the cone-shaped pineal gland governs and (when necessary) inhibits pituitary
gland function. It is the balancing of these two glands that helps facilitate the opening of the
Third Eye.

Thymus Gland and the Heart Chakra

The chakra associated with the thymus gland is the Heart chakra or Anahata. It is located at
the center of the chest, at the level of the collar bones. In chakra healing, it’s a useful area to
regulate as it influences the state of the nervous system and helps calm agitation.

A simple technique to use to interact with the thymus gland, it to tap lightly with the tip of
your fingers, either at the center of the chest at the collar bones level, or on each side about 3
to 4 inches away. The first technique calms the nervous system, the second one tends to
brings the level of energy up.

Chakras and Organs

In addition to each chakra governing one of the seven glands, keep in mind there are major
organs that are also affected. Here is a list of each chakra and the organs it influences:

 Root — Testes, kidneys, spine

 Sacral– Bladder, prostate, ovaries, kidneys, gall bladder, bowel, spleen
 Solar Plexus — Intestines, pancreas, liver, bladder, stomach, upper spine
 Heart — Heart, lungs
 Throat — Bronchial tubes, vocal cords, respiratory system, all areas of the mouth, including
tongue and esophagus.
 Third Eye — Eyes, pituitary and pineal glands, brain
 Crown — Spinal cord and brain stem

Chakra Healing and Glands

If you want to lead your chakra healing work at the physical level, endocrine glands are
useful reference points. They represent a connection between the energetic nature of the
chakras and the physical and physiological functions of the body.

Note that another useful entry point in balancing the energy body is the nervous system and
its multiple nexi, most of them associated with glands and organs. To prepare a healing
session, it can be useful to relax and balance the nervous system and then target a gland or a
specific region of the body.

We can regulate the function of the chakras through breathing exercises, meditation,
relaxation techniques, but also diet and exercise. By acting at the physical level, we support
chakra functions are multiple levels, not only physically, but also psychologically,
emotionally, and spiritually. By working on one chakra, we also affect the entire chakra
system’s balance.

The root chakra is the first chakra. Its energy is based on the earth element. It’s associated
with the feeling of safety and grounding. It’s at the base of the chakra system and lays the
foundation for expansion in your life.

← Infusing the Chakras with the Impulse of Evolution: A Guided Meditation

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Images & Instructions for Meditation with Mudras for

Chakras One – Seven by Celeste :-)
Posted on January 11, 2013 by cmattingly100

Enjoy and Share these Images & Instructions for Meditation with Mudras for Chakras One –
Seven by Celeste, Created for use in workbook: Celestial Psychology: A Workbook for
Chakras, Psychological Theory and Conscious Evolution – Available on Amazon at:

 Review Muladhara’s functions.

 Sit comfortably with your spine straight and focus your attention your perineum.
 Form a circle with your forefingers and thumbs. Rest your hands on your knees with
palms up.
 Inhale deeply and as you exhale chant the mantra LAM three times. (Suggested
musical note- C).
 Repeat for 7 to 10 breaths.


 Review Svadhisthana’s functions.

 Sit comfortably with your spine straight and focus your attention on the area one-inch
below your navel across to lumbar vertebra one.
 Rest your right hand over your left with the palms up, in your lap with thumbs
touching lightly.
 Inhale deeply and as you exhale chant the mantra VAM three times. (Suggested
musical note- D).
 Repeat for 7 to 10 breaths.



 Review Manipura’s functions.
 Sit comfortably with your spine straight and focus your attention on the area of your
navel to solar plexus and across to thoracic vertebra eight.
 With your fingers straight, touching at the top and pointing forward, form a V with
your thumbs crossed right over left.
 Inhale deeply and as you exhale chant the mantra RAM three times. (Suggested
musical note- E).
 Repeat for 7 to 10 breaths.



 Review Anahata’s functions.
 Sit comfortably with your spine straight and focus your attention on the area of your
heart across to thoracic vertebra one.
 Form a circle with your forefingers and thumbs. Rest your left hand palm up on your
left knee. Raise your right hand up to the center of your breasts with palm angling
slightly toward your heart.
 Inhale deeply and as you exhale chant the mantra YAM three times. (Suggested
musical note- F).
 Repeat for 7 to 10 breaths.



 Review Vissudha’s functions.
 Sit comfortably with your spine straight and focus your attention on the area of the
base of your throat across to cervical vertebra three.
 Form a circle with your thumbs touching and the rest of your fingers crossed and
loosely cupped. Raise your hands in front of your throat, solar plexus, or rest them on
your lap.
 Inhale deeply and as you exhale chant the mantra HAM three times. (Suggested
musical note- G).
 Repeat for 7 to 10 breaths.



 Review Ajnaa’s functions.
 Sit comfortably with your spine straight and focus your attention on the area of your
third eye, beginning slightly above the point between the eyebrows across to cervical
vertebra one, encompassing the skull’s interior.
 Form a heart with your thumbs touching at the tips and your forefingers, ring and
pinky fingers touching at the second phalanges. Raise your middle fingers to form a
crown. Raise your hands in front of your third eye, solar plexus, or rest them on your
 Inhale deeply and as you exhale chant the mantra OM three times. (Suggested musical
note- A).
 Repeat for 7 to 10 breaths.



 Review Sahasrara’s functions.
 Sit comfortably with your spine straight and focus your attention on the area of your
crown at the top of your head up and to three inches above your skull.
 Clasp your hands with fingers crossed inside and left thumb underneath the right.
Raise your ring fingers to form a crown. Raise your hands over your head, in front of
your solar plexus, or rest them on your lap.
 Inhale deeply and as you exhale chant the mantra NG three times. (suggested musical
note- B).
 Repeat for 7 to 10 breaths.

Be sure to post your feedback- looking forward to your experience.

Where is the Root Chakra?
The first chakra or root chakra is located at the base of the spine. The corresponding body
locations are the perineum, along the first three vertebrae, at the pelvic plexus. This chakra is
often represented as a cone of energy starting at the base of the spine and going downward
and then slight bent up.

Key characteristics of the root chakra

The first chakra is associated with the following functions or behavioral characteristics:


 Security, safety
 Survival
 Basic needs (food, sleep, shelter, self-preservation, etc.)
 Physicality, physical identity and aspects of self
 Grounding
 Support and foundation for living our lives

The root chakra provides the foundation on which we build our life. It supports us in growing
and feeling safe into exploring all the aspects of life. It is related to our feeling of safety and
security, whether it’s physical or regarding our bodily needs or metaphorical regarding
housing and financial safety. To sum it up, the first chakra questions are around the idea of
survival and safety. The root chakra is where we ground ourselves into the earth and anchor
our energy into the manifest world.

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more good health and more happiness in your life (you can apply them in any aspect of your
life and see instant results.) >> Get your free Spiritual Energy masterclass spot (plus a 10-
page workbook) now.

What happens when the first chakra is imbalanced

At the emotional level, the deficiencies or imbalance in the first chakra are related to:

 Excessive negativity, cynicism

 Eating disorders
 Greed, avarice
 Illusion
 Excessive feeling of insecurity, living on survival mode constantly

For a person who has imbalance in the first chakra, it might be hard to feel safe in the world
and everything looks like a potential risk. The desire for security dominates and can translate
into concerns over the job situation, physical safety, shelter, health. A blocked root chakra
may turn into behaviors ruled mainly by fear.

On the same line, when the root chakra is overactive, fear might turn into greed and paranoia,
which are extreme forms of manifestation of imbalance in the first chakra. Issues with control
over food intake and diet are related to it.

>> Find out more ideas for healing the root chakra

Opening the root chakra

There are many ways to open your root chakra. For example, you can engage more in
grounding and earth-related activities (for example, connection with nature, gardening,
cooking healthy, hiking).

The main idea is to work at growing your ”roots” in a safe and comfortable environment (i.e.,
surround yourself with earth colors, objects reminding you of nature, stability; or on the
contrary, if you wish to feel less stuck, do the opposite).

Yoga for the root chakra can be a more physical way to bridge the body and mind and restore
a more balanced energy flow.

What’s in the Muladhara or root chakra name?

The first chakra is referred to as:

 Root chakra
 Muladhara
 Adhara

Its sanscrit name is ”muladhara” can signify “base”, ‘foundation”, “root support”.

The first chakra is associated with the Earth element.

Chakra colors: The red chakra

The typical color used to represent the root chakra is a rich vermilion red. This is the color
used on its symbol to fill its petals. Traditionally, it is also associated with the color yellow or
gold (this is the color of its element as opposed to its petals). In the spectrum of chakra
colors, red symbolizes strength, vitality, and stimulates our instinctual tendencies.

Root chakra symbol

The symbol of the root chakra is composed of a four-petaled lotus flower, often stylized as a
circle with four petals with a downward-pointing triangle.

The downward-pointing triangle is a symbol of spirit connecting with matter, grounding on

the earth and our earthly existence, in our bodies. It’s seen as the center of our vital life force
and is the seat where kundalini stays coiled, dormant, until is wakes up to distribute its energy
through all the other chakras.

Asana for Root chakra

To open and balance your first chakra, introduce forward bends and standing poses to
strengthen your core, legs, and feet. Unsure where to begin? Start with these:

 Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana) — By stretching the legs and hips, standing
forward bend strengthens the knees and thighs which allows for stable grounding and
opening of the root chakra.
 Garland (Malasana) — Frequently used to lead into standing forward bend, garland
pose strengthens the ankles and lower back to help activate the first chakra.
 Head-to-knee Forward Bend (Janu Sirsasana) — Benefiting the spine, hamstrings, and
groin muscles, this pose stimulates kidney and liver function and increases energy
flow through the first chakra.
 Reclining Bound Angle (Supta Baddha Konasana) — As you stretch your inner
thighs, knees, and groin muscle, reclining bound angle pose also stimulates organ
function in the bladder, kidneys and reproductive organs which helps balance chakra
 Wide-Legged Forward Bend (Prasarita Padottanasana) — An asana similar to the
standing forward bend, this position helps stretch and strengthen the legs and spine,
which helps open and activate the root chakra.
 Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II) — This pose helps strengthen and stretch the legs and
ankles while nurturing a strong core. Mastering this pose will increase your stamina
which is key to maintaining a balanced first chakra.

he sacral chakra is the second chakra. It is associated with the emotional body, sensuality, and
creativity. Its element is water and as such, its energy is characterized by flow and flexibility.
The function of the sacral chakra is directed by the principle of pleasure. Let’s have a look at
this energy center’s basics, including its location, color, symbol, potential signs of imbalance,
and what to do heal your sacral chakra.

Sacral chakra location

The most common location for the sacral chakra is about three inches below the navel, at the
center of your lower belly. In the back, it’s located at the level of the lumbar vertebrae.

Other noteworthy locations described in different systems, expand its location to the genital
area, especially at the level of ovaries for women and the testicles for men.


It is associated with the lymphatic system.

Behavioral characteristics of the sacral chakra

The sacral chakra is associated with the following psychological and behavioral functions:

 Emotions, feelings
 Relationships, relating
 Expression of sexuality, sensual pleasure
 Feeling the outer and inner worlds
 Creativity
 Fantasies
The sacral chakra is associated with the realm of emotions. It’s the center of our feelings and
sensations. It’s particularly active in our sexuality and the expression of our sensual and
sexual desires.

Motivated by pleasure, it’s the driving force for the enjoyment of life through the senses,
whether it’s auditory, through taste, touch, or sight. Opening your sacral chakra allows you to
“feel” the world around and in us. As such, it’s an important chakra at the foundation of our
feeling of well-being.

The second chakra is instrumental in developing flexibility in our life. Associated with the
water element, it’s characterized by movement and flow in our emotions and thoughts. It
supports personal expansion and the formation of identity through relating to others and to
the world.

Sacral chakra imbalance

When the sacral chakra is balanced, the relationship with the world and other people is
centered around nurturing, pleasure, harmonious exchange.

Imbalance in the sacral chakra can manifest as:

 Dependency, co-dependency with other people or a substance that grants you easy
access to pleasure
 Being ruled by your emotions
 The opposite: Feeling numb, out of touch with yourself and how you feel
 Overindulgence in fantasies, sexual obsessions
 Or the opposite: Lack of sexual desire or satisfaction
 Feeling stuck in a particular feeling or mood

Tools And Techniques To Heal Your Second Chakra

A blockage of energy in the sacral chakra can be healed with regular practice designed to
stimulate the chakra, which allows energy to flow into it and excess energy to dissipate.
Chakra balancing can be helped along by a healer, but there are many things you can do on
your own as well.


Meditation is very useful for chakra cleansing and balancing. For example, a simple sacral
chakra healing meditation consists in envisioning an orange lotus or orange crescent moon in
the area of the second chakra in the pelvis area. Hold that image in your mind for a few
minutes while breathing deeply.
Sacral Chakra Healing foods

Dietary changes can also help cleanse your second chakra. Oranges, melons, coconuts and
other sweet fruits are good sacral chakra healing food. Cinnamon is also useful, as is drinking
plenty of water.

Essential Oil For Chakra Healing

Sandalwood, patchouli, orange, rose and ylang-ylang essential oils can be used as
aromatherapy for second chakra healing. These can be used alone, in meditation, and in
conjunction with chakra crystals.

Using Chakra Healing Stones

Sacral chakra healing stones include citrine, carnelian, orange calcite, and other orange
stones. Moonstone can also be used because of this chakra’s association with water and the

Yoga poses to open the second chakra

Yoga for sacral chakra healing should focus on hip opening poses like Upavistha Konasana,
or Open Angle Pose. Baddha Konasana, or Bound Angle Pose, is another simple but useful
pose. Yoga practice for second chakra healing should be slow and relaxed rather than fast or
overly challenging.

Water, a Second Chakra Element

Since the sacral chakra’s element is water, getting outside and relaxing near open water can
help open your second chakra. Lakes, rivers, streams or the ocean are all useful. If possible,
wade in or dangle your feet in the water to help the energy flow. Taking a bath or a shower
can also contribute to balancing your chakra while providing the relaxation needed to keep
your emotions flowing.

How To Heal Your Solar Plexus Chakra

Healing the solar plexus chakra is a simple process, but it may take some practice. Most
people have built up a blockage over many years, so chakra balancing will take time. There
are some solar plexus chakra healing exercises that are easy to practice every day.

The chakra color associated with Manipura is yellow, which means that bananas, sunflower
seeds, yellow peppers and cheeses are good solar plexus chakra healing food. Spices for the
solar plexus chakra are ginger, chamomile, mint, and cumin.
Meditation can help with opening Manipura. A simple exercise is to simply envision a
brilliant yellow sunflower over your solar plexus chakra. This can be even more effective
with the use of chakra stones. Solar plexus chakra healing stones include yellow stones like
citrine, amber, yellow tourmaline and tiger’s eye.

Aromatherapy can also be helpful for Manipura chakra healing. It can be used while
meditating or doing yoga, or by itself at any time. Citrusy essential oils like orange and
grapefruit are good for healing the solar plexus chakra, as are chamomile, mint and ginger.

Regular yoga practice is ideal for chakra balancing. Asanas that focus on core strength are
perfect for Manipura healing. Warrior Pose is the easiest yoga asana for opening Manipura.
Holding it for a few minutes every morning will begin to open your solar plexus. Other
helpful asanas are Boat Pose (Navasana), which strengthens the core, and Sun Salutations
(Surya Namaskar). Engaging in structured risk-taking during your yoga practice, like doing a
challenging pose or gently pushing yourself a bit more, can also help balance Manipura.

Finally, since the solar plexus chakra is associated with the sun and fire, simply getting
outside can help. Meditating or doing yoga outdoors on sunny days will maximize your
healing practice, but simply going outside for a walk or doing a little sunbathing will help
open your solar plexus chakra.

The heart chakra, or Anahata in its original Sanskrit name, colors our life with compassion,
love, and beauty. Driven by the principles of transformation and integration, the fourth
energy center is said to bridge earthly and spiritual aspirations. Explore what makes the
essence of this chakra and how to unravel its powerful energy to enrich your life.

Introducing the heart chakra or Anahata

Chakra key elements

First, we’re going to look at the heart chakra key attributes:

 Location: In the center of the chest (the energy center is not located where our actual heart
organ lies; rather, the heart chakra is in the center of the chest area); it is the 4th chakra
counting from the bottom of the spine in the traditional 7 chakra system.
 Color: Green (higher energy frequencies can turn to pink)
 Symbol: Two intersecting triangles forming a 6-pointed star in a circle with 12 petals
 Original name in Sanskrit: Anahata
 Element: Air

Additional elements used in modern healing practices to balance the heart chakra are crystals
or gemstones and aromatherapy. If you’re curious, here’s a list of the most common ones
used to activate or balance the fourth chakra:

 Heart chakra healing stones: Pink quartz, clear quartz, jade, green calcite
 Essential oils: Rose, geranium, neroli, ylang ylang, jasmine, bergamot

Other key elements associated with the heart chakra are:

 Glands or bodily functions: Thymus gland, responsible for hormone production and
important in the regulation of the immune system.

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7 Minutes. This simple 7-minute energy technique is an excellent way to experience the power of
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love, more good health and more happiness in your life (you can apply them in any aspect of your
life and see instant results.) >> Get your free Spiritual Energy masterclass spot (plus a 10-page
workbook) now.
Heart Chakra Psychological Meanings

The main meanings or functions associated with the heart chakra are:

 Love for oneself and others

 Relating, relationships
 Compassion, empathy
 Forgiveness, acceptance
 Transformation, change
 Ability to grieve and reach peace
 Compassionate discernment
 Center of awareness, integration of insights

When the heart chakra is open, you may feel being deeply connected, the harmonious
exchange of energy with all that is around you, and the appreciation of beauty. However,
when there’s a blockage in the heart chakra, you may experience difficulties in your relating
with others, such as excessive jealousy, codependency, or being closed down, withdrawn.

Heart Chakra Element: Air

The fourth chakra is related to the element of air. As such, its energy is associated to the
breath and its movements, as well as the idea of spaciousness and connection with all things.

Heart Chakra Color: Green

Even though most of us think about the pink color when thinking about the heart, this chakra
is traditionally associated with the color green. The auric color of an active fourth chakra can
also be seen as a pink or smoky pink, hence our popular representation of love as a pink
Chakra Location: The Chest

The most commonly accepted location for the fourth chakra is at the center of the chest,
between the breasts. It’s slightly to the left of the actual organ of the heart. That’s why it’s
often referred to as the “heart chakra”.

As the fourth energy center, it’s important to remember that it is multidimensional and is
energetically represented with a front going through the center of the chest, and a back going
through the spine between the shoulder blades.
Because of its location, the heart chakra is associated to the cardiac system and the
lungs. These organs are interdependent and rely on air and breathing to function properly.
The gland associated with the heart chakra is the thymus, which is in charge of regulating the
immune system.

Chakra Symbol

The symbol for the heart chakra is traditionally composed of:

 A circle with twelve petals

 An downward-pointing triangle interlaced with an upward-pointing triangle, forming a six-
pointed star or hexagram

The intersecting triangles represent the air element and its all-encompassing quality. They
also symbolize the union of seemingly opposite principles or types of energies, such as male
and female, spirit and matter. The star that they form evokes the harmonious joining of forces
and highlights the function of the heart chakra as a center of integration and connection. The
twelve petals are often depicted with the color red.

What does Anahata mean?

The fourth chakra is referred to as:

 Heart chakra
 Anahata
 Hritpankaja
 Dbadasjadala
 Chakra 4

The most common Sanskrit name for the heart chakra is “Anahata“, which means

What role the fourth chakra plays in our lives

The Heart chakra is associated with the following psychological and behavioral

 Capacity to love
 Integration, bridge between earthly and spiritual aspirations
 Transcending personal identity and limitations of the ego
 Experience of unconditional love and connection with all
 Heart-centered discernment
 Appreciation of beauty in all things
 Experiencing deep and meaningful relationships

The fourth chakra connects the lower and upper chakras. In other words, the heart chakra
acts as a center of integration of earthly matters and higher aspirations. Far from seeing these
energies as separate, the experience of the heart integrates them effortlessly and
The Heart chakra is all about connecting and relating. The emphasis here is on love, giving
and receiving, and how open we are in relationships. Love is the energy that helps
transfigure emotions and experiences. It’s an essential element in any relationship, whether
it’s is with others or oneself.

Love experienced through the fourth chakra is not just about romance, but about going
beyond the limitations of the ego and personal preoccupations to open up more fully to
compassion and acceptance of all that is, as it is. When we live from our heart and our heart
energy is opened and balanced, we can see clearly and position ourselves in any situation, no
matter how challenging it is, with discernment and compassion.

The heart chakra is also a center through which we experience beauty in life. Seeing the
world through a balanced fourth chakra is being in a state of openness and acceptance that
brings us in touch with our world and ourselves in profound and fulfilling ways.


Signs your fourth chakra may be out of balance

The heart chakra can become imbalanced as a result of life experiences that have a strong
emotional charge, physical illments, or significant changes in your environment. It may
manifests as a blockage in the energy flow or, on the contrary, a tendency to become
overactive or have an excess of energy.

You can see the following signs of imbalance in the heart chakra :

 Being overly defensive

 Feeling closed down
 Jealousy; fear of intimacy
 Codependency, relying on other’s approval and attention, trying to please at all cost
 Always putting oneself in the role of the savior or the rescuer; or on the contrary, falling into
 Excessive isolation, being recluse, antisocial
 Holding grudges, not being to forgive

At the physical level, it can manifest as:

 Respiratory ailments, such as lung infection, bronchitis

 Circulatory and heart-related issues

When the energy in your fourth chakra is blocked or hindered, you may experience what is
sometimes referred to as heart chakra pain.

Simple ideas to balance the heart chakra

To get started, try out these few simple practices:
 Work with the breath to balance your energy; observe it, play with it with breathing
 Cultivate your appreciation for beauty, whether it’s in nature, people or in the arts
 Practice self-care and love your body up, from a good bath with rose essential oil to yoga
poses opening the heart area
 Cultivate self-compassion and acceptance, especially with regards to your emotions and
 Engage in activities that feed your heart
 Focus on receiving if you are naturally inclined to be a giver; and on giving if you’re more
inclined to receive all the time
 Reflect on old wounds inherited from family relationships and come to terms with them
compassionately; practice forgiveness deep within your heart
 Express your gratitude, even if it’s in silence; you can be grateful for the presence of other
people in your life or simply for good things that make your life easier and happier

Check out these resources to discover more ways to open and heal the heart chakra.

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