Confidential: Final Examination Semester Ii SESSION 2013/2014

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F acility o f
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E n g in e e rin g



SESSION 2013/2014







DATE 10 JUNE 2014



SEE 3533 / SKEE 3533
Q .l

(i) D ifferentiate h alf duplex and full duplex com m unication system in term s o f
frequency used. (4 marks)
(ii) D efine signal to noise ratio (SNR) and noise factor (NF). (4 marks)

(b) In an experim ental procedure, two RF am plifiers (am plifier A and am plifier B) are
used for analysis. The noise factor and gain o f am plifier A are 1.5 and 10
respectively, while am plifier B has a noise factor o f 2 and gain o f 100. This
experim ent was conducted at room temperature, Ti = 25°Celcius.
(i) C alculate the noise tem perature for am plifier A and am plifier B. (4 marks)
(ii) D esign the configuration o f the cascaded am plifier w ith the low est noise
effect. (8 marks)

(c) In a w ireless com m unication system, a receiver w ith an am plifier with frequency
range o f 3 GHz to 5 GHz and input resistance o f 10 kQ was used. C alculate the

noise voltage at the input if the system is operating at 30°Celsius. (5 marks)

SEE 3533 / SKEE 3533

(i) W hat is the predom inant advantage o f am plitude m odulation double
sideband-full carrier (AM DSB-FC)? ( 2 marks)
(ii) W hat is the predom inant disadvantage o f AM D SB-FC? ( 2 marks)
(iii) W hat is the advantage o f using a trapezoidal pattern to evaluate an AM
DSB-FC envelope? (2 marks)

(t>) A carrier signal v^(r) = 6 c o s (l0 ;rl0 ^ /) volt is m odulated using am plitude

m odulation (AM) by an inform ation signal v^(r) = 4 co s(4 ;rl0 ^ rj + c o s (l0 jrl0 ^ rj

volt. In this com m unication system, a 50 antenna is used to transm it the

m odulated signal.

(i) W rite the mathem atical equation for the m odulated AM signal. ( 3 marks)

(ii) Sketch the frequency spectrum o f the m odulated AM signal. ( 4 marks)

(iii) Determ ine the total modulation index. ( 2 marks)

(iv) Calculate the carrier power. ( 2 marks)

(V ) Calculate the total sideband power. ( 2 marks)

(vi) Calculate the total transm itted power ( 2 marks)

(vii) Determ ine the efficiency o f the system. ( 2 marks)

(viii) D escribe a m ethod to save power in this system. ( 2 marks)

SEE 3533 / SKEE 3533
(i) D iscuss the advantages o f an indirect frequency m odulation (FM ) system.
(3 marks)

(ii) D escribe how the am plitude and frequency o f the m odulating signal affect
the frequency deviation. (2 marks)

(b) A carrier signal v^ (f) = 100cos(2;rl0^r) is frequency m odulated by a tone signal.

For this m odulator, a 2 volt am plitude o f the tone signal will produce a fi*equency

deviation o f 0.3 kHz. I f the tone signal is [t] = 2 .5 co s(4 ;rl0 ^r j , determ ine:

(i) The m odulation sensitivity, kj, (3 marks)

(ii) The m axim um frequency deviation. A / (3 marks)

(iii) W hether the m odulated signal is narrowband FM or w ideband FM ?

(2 marks)
(iv) The m athem atical equation o f the FM m odulated signal. (3 marks)
(v) The C arson’s bandwidth. (3 marks)

(vi) N ow , the tone signal needs to produce FM signal at 104 M H z carrier

frequency and 75 kHz frequency deviation. Sketch the transm itter block

diagram if you are given only ONE o f each o f these com ponents: a filter, a
m ultiplier, an oscillator and a mixer. (6 marks)
SEE 3533 / SKEE 3533
(a) The trend in the design o f new com m unication systems has been tow ard increasing
the use o f digital techniques. State four (4) advantages o f digital com m unications
com pared to analog com munications. (4 marks)

(b) A Fourier spectra o f signal g{t) shown in Figure Q.4 is sampled using uniform ly
spaced im pulses at a rate of: 10 kHz, 20 kH z and 40 kHz. For each o f the sam pling
(i) Sketch the spectrum o f the sampled signal. (6 marks)
(ii) I f the sam pled signal is passed through an ideal low pass filter (LPF) o f
bandw idth 10 kHz, sketch the spectrum o f the output signal and determ ine
w hether the signal g{f) is recoverable. (6 marks)


Figure Q.4

(c) A Pulse Code M odulation (PCM) system is to be designed to transm it a band-

lim ited signal o f 1 M Hz at a sampling rate 50% higher than N yquist rate to
m itigate the aliasing effect and quantized to 256 levels by using |j,-law quantizer
w ith = 255.
(i) List the key param eters and their respective values to be considered for the
design. (4 marks)
SEE 3533 / SKEE 3533
(ii) The desired received signal quality in term o f signal-to-quantization-noise
ratio is about 50 dB. Discuss whether this can be achieved without
increasing the transm ission bandwidth. Show necessary calculations for your
reasoning. (5 marks)
SEE 3533 / SKEE 3533
(a) W ith the aid o f block diagrams, describe in general the stages needed for audio
transm ission over a digital com m unication system. (5 marks)

(b) In a certain telem etry system, there are four analog signals, m jit), ms{t) and
m 4 {t). The bandw idth o f mi{t) is 3.6 kHz, but for each o f the rem aining signals it is
1.2 kHz. These signals are to be sampled at their respective N yquist rates and are
to be w ord-by-w ord tim e-division m ultiplexed using a similar m echanism as Pulse
Code M odulation (PCM ) T1 carrier system.
(i) Suggest a suitable scheme for accom plishing this m ultiplexing requirem ent
by stating the proposed com m utator frequency (in rotations per second).
(5 marks)

(ii) I f the com m utator output is binary-coded using 1024 levels, determ ine the
output bit rate. (3 marks)
(iii) Determ ine the m inim um channel bandw idth for data transm ission. (2 marks)

(c) Am plitude shift keying (ASK) m odulation utilizing on-off keying (OOK) is used to
send 100,000 bits per second o f binary information. The am plitude o f the received

signal is 0.2 Volt. The carrier frequency is 1 MHz. The noise pow er per Hertz, No,
ranges from 10’^ to 10“’ watt/Hz.
(i) D esign both coherent and non-coherent detectors and determ ine which

design is more optimal. (7 marks)

(ii) I f the required bit error rate m ust be less than 10’^ check w hether the
optim um detector is capable o f m eeting this error rate specification for the

entire range o f noise powers. I f it is, indicate w hich part o f the range meets
the specifications. (3 marks)

SEE 3533 / SKEE 3533

A) Boltzman’s Constant = 1.38 x 10'^^ JIK

B) Trigonometry Identities

cos(^ sin c o j) = Jo (^) + 2 ^ J 2„{p)co^2ncoj

sin (ySsin 0 } j ) = 2 | j (^)sin(2« + \ ) w j

sin^ x + cos^ X = 1
cos^ X - sin^ X = cos2x

cos^ X = —(l + cos2x)

sin^ X = ^ ( l - co s2 x )

sin(x±_y) = sin x co s,)/± cosxsinjK

co s(x ± > ') = cosxcos^y + s i n x s i n j

sin Xsin ; = ^ [c o s(x - - cos(x + >^)

cosxcosj = 3
cos(x - ^) + cos(x + y )

sin Xcos = ^ [ s in ( x - > ') + sin(x + >')

SEE 3533 / SKEE 3533



0.8 -

0.6 -

0 .4 -
0.2 -

- 0.2 -

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Modulation Bessel Sidebands (Jalursisi) - J„

Index Coef.
^nd 3rd 4,h
5*^ 6*
7,h 8th gth
I5 @ m f Jo

0.25 0.98 0.12

0.5 0.94 0.24 0.03
1.0 0.77 0.44 0.11 0.02
1.5 0.51 0.56 0.23 0.06 0.01
2.0 0.22 0.58 0.35 0.13 0.03
2.4 0 0.52 0.43 0.20 0.06
3.0 -0.26 0.34 0.49 0.31 0.13 0.04 0.01
4.0 -0.40 -0.07 0.36 0.43 0.28 0.13 0.05 0.02
5.0 -0.18 -0.33 0.05 0.36 0.39 0.26 0.13 0.05 0.02
6.0 0.15 -0.28 -0.24 0.11 0.36 0.36 0.25 0.13 0.06 0.02
SEE 3533 / SKEE 3533


y =-

A -Law :

l + log(Ar)
l + log(A)

0 < x < -
l + log(A) A

|u-Law :
lo g (l + ^.;c)
^ log(l + Ai)


Probability o f error:

Coherent: Coherent: Coherent:
/ I— \
Pe = -e r f c eA
Pe = -^ rfc Pe = - e r f c
' 2 'IN. / ' 2

N on coherent: N on coherent:
1 p i ( E„]
n = -e x p Pe = - e x p
\ 2N..o!
SEE 3533 / SKEE 3533
Error Function Table

e r fc (x ) X e r f c (x) X e r fc (x )

0 . 01 9.89 X 10- 2.10 2.98 X 10'" 3.10 1 . 17 X 1 0 ‘-

0.05 9.44 X 10- 2 .15 2.36 X 10'^ 3.15 8.41 X 10"'
0.10 X 10- 2.20 1.86 X 10'^ 3.20 6.03 X 1 0 “'
0.11 .76 X 10- 2.25 1.46 X 10'^ 3.25 4.31 X 1 0 “'
0.12 .56 X 10- 26 1.39 X 10'^ 3.30 3.06 X 10"
0.13 .54 X 10- 27 1.33 X 10'^ 3.35 2.17 X 10"
0.14 ,43 X 10- 28 1.26 X 10'^ 3.40 1.52 X 10"
0.15 ,32 X 10- 29 1.20 X 10'^ 3.45 1.07 X 10"
0.17 , 10 X 10- 30 1.14 X 10-2 3.50 7 . 44 X 10"
0.20 7 , 77 X 10- 35 8.89 X 10-' 3.55 5. 16 X 10"'
0.21 7 , 66 X 10- 40 6 ,89 X 10-' 3 . 60 3. 5 6 X 10"'
0.25 7 ,24 X 10- 45 5 ,31 X 10-' 3 . 61 3. 31 X 10"
0.30 6 ,71 X 10- 50 4 ,07 X 10- ' 3 . 62 3, 07 X lO"'
0.35 6 , 21 X 10- 55 3 ,11 X 10- ' 3 . 63 2 . 85 X lO"'
0.40 5 ,72 X 10- 60 2 ,36 X 10- ' 3.65 2 , 45 X 1 0 “'
0.45 5 ,25 X 10- 61 2 ,23 X 10- ' 3 . 66 2.27 X 1 0 “'
0.50 4.79 X 10- 62 2 ,11 X 10- ' 3 . 67 2.11 X 1 0 “'
0.55 4.37 X 10- 63 2 ,00 X 10- ' 3.68 1 . 95 X 10"
0 . 60 3 . 96 X 10- 64 1 ,89 X 10- ' 3 . 69 1.81 X 10"
0 . 65 3.58 X 10- 65 1 ,79 X 10- ' 3.70 1 . 67 X 10"
0.70 3.22 X 10- 66 1 ,69 X 10- ' 3.75 14 X 10"
0.75 2.89 X 10- 67 1.59 X 10- ' 3.80 72 X 1 0 ’*
0.80 2.58 X 10- 68 1.51 X 10- ' 3.85 20 X 10"'
0.85 2.29 X 10- 69 1.42 X 10- ' 3 . 90 49 X 10"'
0 . 90 2.03 X 10- 70 1.34 X 10- ' 3.95 33 X 1 0 ”'
0.95 1.79 X 10- 75 1.01 X 10- ' 00 1.50 X 1 0 “'
.00 1.57 X 10- 2.76 9.50 X 10-^ 05 1.02 X 1 0 “'
.05 1.38 X 10- 2.77 8.96 X 10-5 10 6.72 X 10"-
, 10 1.20 X 10- 2 . 78 8.44 X 10-5 11 6.18 X 10"-
1.15 1.01 X 10" 2, 7 9 7.96 X 10-5 12 5 . 68 X 10"-
20 8.90 X 10-2 2 . 80 7.50 X 10-5 13 5.21 X 1 0 “-
25 7.71 X 10-2 2, 85 5.57 X 10- 5 14 4.79 X 10"-
1.30 6 . 60 X 10-2 2 . 90 4.11 X 10- 5 15 4.40 X 1 0 “-
1.35 5 . 62 X 10-2 2 . 95 3.02 X 10- 5 16 4 .04 X 1 0 “-
1.40 4 .77 X 10' 2 2 . 96 2.84 X 10- 5 20 2 . 87 X 1 0 “-
1.45 4.03 X 10-2 2 , 97 2 ,67 X 10- 5 25 1.86 X 1 0 “^
1.50 3.39 X 10- 2 2, 98 2 51 X 10-5 30 1.20 X 1 0 “^
55 2 . 84 X 10- 2 2. 99 2 35 X 10-5 4.31 1.10 X 1 0 “-
60 2 , 37 X 10- 2 3 . 00 2.21 X 10- 5 4.32 1.00 X 1 0 “-
65 1 . 96 X 10-2 3.01 2.08 X 10- 5 .33 9.19 X 10-1°
1.70 1 , 62 X 10-2 3.02 1.95 X 10- 5 . 34 8.41 X 10-1“
1.75 1 ,33 X 10- 2 3.03 1.83 X 10-5 ,35 7.69 X 10-1“
1.80 1 ,09 X 10- 2 3.04 1.72 X 10-5 ,36 7.03 X 10-1°
85 8.89 X 10- 2 3.05 1.61 X 10-5 , 37 6.43 X 10-1°
90 7.21 X 10- 2 3.06 1.52 X 10-5 , 38 5.88 X 10-1°
95 5.82 X 10- 2 3.07 1.42 X IQ-5 ,40 4 91 X 10-1°
00 4.88 10,-3 3.08 1.30 X 10-5 ,45 3 12 X 10-1°
05 3.74 X 10-2 3.09 1.24 X 10-5 ,50 1.98 X 10-1°

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