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1 In powershell run cmd Install-Module AzureRM -AllowClobber

2 Download Sitecore Azure Toolkit 2.0 from dev.sitecore

3 Create a "sitecore" folder in C drive.copy downloaded folder in
4 go to and create a blob storage.
5 go to dev.sitecore site -> downloads -> download options for azure appservice->
Packages for XP scaled
6 download storage explrorer free from
7 all stuff will appear in this explorer tool and create a blob container naming
8 Upload all folder of sitecore 9 downloaded package
9 Download Sitecore Azure Qucikstart Templates 2.0 from github ->
10 upload xp folder of sitcore9 folder of above folder in sitecore90wdp folder.
11 Change all details in azuredeploy.parameters.json and upload to blob folder xp.
12 make a file ARMinstall.ps1 which will include all configurations in
13 run above file
14 If error comes ,unblock c\sitecore\azure\Sitecore Azure
Toolkit\tools\ and simpleinjector.dll
15 set executionpolicy to unresticted in powershell

xp single

in iis additional binding to be add for azure and with https only.
in sitecore, we have to create an active directory,application, policies.
licence file,certificate file (solr)

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