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Eminent Domain
“Private property shall not be taken Timely and Prompt Payment:
for public use without just compensation” Property cannot be simply taken in
the meantime and payment to follow some
It requires that of the government were to years or decades later.
take any private property, it may do so
provided: (1) it is for public use and that (2) *Without prompt payment, compensation cannot be
there be a payment for it, which considered “just”, because the property is made to
suffer the consequences of being immediately
compensation must be one that is just. deprived of his land while being made to wait before
actually receiving the amount necessary to cope with
*The power of eminent domain may be exercised even his loss.
by private corporations (ex.: public utilities involved
in supplying electricity, water, telecommunications, *When the payment of compensation is delayed, the
rail and air transportation. (The authority to exercise owner of the property is ordinarily entitled to the
such is indicated in their franchises.) award of an additional sum (interest).

The public use requirement is a *(Where property is acquired by the government and
flexible and evolving concept influenced by all that remains is the payment of price) The owner’s
changing conditions. action to collect the price of his property must be
brought within 10 years. OTHERWISE, it would be
barred by the statute of limitations. (Where the
*When land has been acquired for public use either by
property is taken by the government for public use
exercise of eminent domain or by purchase, the former
without first acquiring title thereto either through
owner retains no rights in the land. The public use may
expropriation or negotiated sale) The owner’s action
be abandoned, or the land may be devoted to a
to recover the land or the value thereof does not
different use, without any impairment of the estate or
title acquired, or any reversion to the former owner.

*Local Government have the authority to seize private Form or Mode of Compensation:
land and turn the property over to private developers GR: Just compensation payment for property
for economic development. taken should be in the form of cash.
XPN: If the exercise of such power would
To compensate is to render entail expansive acquisitions to carry out an
something which is equal in value to the important public policy, such as agrarian
taken or receiver. reform.
The government has provided for the
*Just compensation means the equivalent for the value
payment partly in cash and partly in
of the property at the time of its taking.
government financial instrument (agrarian
*The property owner is entitled to compensation only reform program)
for what he actually loses, and what he loses only is
the actual value of the property at the time of taking. Parties Entitled to Compensation:
Those who have lawful interest in the
Judicial Determination: property to be condemned, including
Just compensation is to be determined mortgage, a lessee and a vendee in possession
by the judge (for it is a judicial function), in under an executory contract.
accordance with the market value declared by
the owner or administrator or anyone having Government Grants, Easement, and
legal interest in the property, or such market Compensation:
values as determined by the assessor,
whichever is lower.

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