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Szczecin Academy of International Learning

Ul. Jana Styki 13

71-138 Szczecin

Phone: 691 118 555

Prevention is the elimination or reduction of risk factors and the
strengthening of protective factors.

The aim of the program is to support the students in maintaining

comprehensive and harmonious progress in their development; to
develop the basics of leading a healthy and safe lifestyle, to learn
important social skills and learn how to avoid and prevent potentially
dangerous or problematic situations.

The program is consistent with:

 The School Statute

 The School’s Assesment Program
 The school’s teaching programs
 The Polish Ministry of Education and Sport regulations act from
26.02.2002 relating to learning programs for schools (with later
 The 19th August 1994 law of psychological health ( Dz. U. Nr 111,
poz. 535)
 Law of 26 October 1982 on Upbringing in Sobriety and
Counteracting Alcoholism Dz. U. Nr 35, poz. 230 z późn. zm.)
 Act of 9 November 1995 of health protection against the
consequences of tobacco use and tobacco
 Government program " Safe and friendly school "
 Convention on the Rights of the Child
 Constitution of the Republic of Poland

Main aims of the program:

 In regard to students:
Developing the ability to independently make appropriate choices
to ensure their own health and that of others.

 In regard to teachers and parents:

Improving the quality in measures taken to ensure safety and
health in utilizing the curriculum.

Specific aims: Children

 Develop the ability to distinguish the difference between good and

 Develop the ability to perceive one’s advantages and
 to develop a sense of responsibility for their own behavior and
actions in relation to others
 to shape assertive attitudes
 to demonstrate the benefits of friendship
 to counter act bullying and participation in group aggression
 to learn the consequences of substance abuse.
 to learn the importance of hygiene and being hygienic
 to learn how to maintain a healthy and balanced diet
 to develop knowledge of safe movement and exercise
 to develop organisational skills and using spare time efficiently
 to develop a sense of responsibility for their own safety and the
safety of others
 to develop skills in dealing with stress
 to develop an ability to perceive and understand the concept of
strengths and weaknesses

Teachers and parents

 improve communication and relationships between teachers,
students and parents.
 maintain and improve cooperation
 create a sense of trust between teachers, students and parents
 provide information about illegal and harmful substance and the
effects of their abuse
 illustrate methods of dealing with stress and how to cope when
under pressure
 inform parents of how they can support their child’s development
and help in their education
 develop a sense of responsibility in taking care, supporting and
encouraging children in their education.


Our program is guided towards all students, their teachers and parents
and is practised throughout the school year during all lessons and
activities organised by the school. The program’s aims and values are also
promoted during assemblies and form time through focus subjects such
as “me, my family and as a member of a group”, “healthy lifestyle”,
“movement and rest”, “cooperating and trust”, “looking after our
environment” and “maintaining a healthy diet”.

The following are responsible for the programs implementation.

 Principal
 Head teacher
 Deputy Head
 Form Teachers
 Subject teachers
 School Staff
 Parents


The Szczecin Academy of International Learning Prevention Program is a

monitored and evaluated school program which will be assessed at least
once a year.

The Szczecin Academy of International Learning Prevention Program has

been prepared and accepted by the SAIL committee and any amendments
as a result of evaluation require review and acceptance by the school

This document is required by the Polish Ministry of Education.


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