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The tires screeched as the U-Haul pulled over outside the old building with a fast pace, a
load of smoke originated in the rear of the truck.
Damn, that was an awful ride he thought. Jack Carter had never really liked moving but
this time it was different. He leaped from the truck and made his way into the building in
search of the apartment superintendent and spotted him talking on the phone.
“Hey, I am the new tenant here for the apartment 13” said Jack in haste.
“One moment”, replied the super putting the phone on hold, “here is your key to the
apartment and feel free to call me in case you need my assistance in moving in.”
“Thank you” Jack said returning the courtesy.
He made his way up to the apartment and stood before the door of his new apartment.
Here we go Jack... he unlocked the door and a unexpected cool breeze swept out of
nowhere towards him.
The Apartment seemed have been unused for a very long time and Jack had a sense of
uneasiness as soon as he stepped into the apartment. The walls seemed to be unusually
quiet, conveying a feeling that it listened to every word, every thought and every
movement of the person inside its territory.
The rest of the day he spent most of his time moving his cartons to his apartment and
setting his house. After 6 hours of unpacking and moving things, he was finally
exhausted and dozed off without realizing.
The Next morning he woke up with a start, he dragged himself out of the bed with a
dizzy feeling that slowed him down. he made his way to the kitchen and made himself
black coffee and pancakes. He went around the house checking everything from toilets to
closets. He retracted his course towards the 2nd bedroom and made his way inside and
never in his life did he expect to see such a thing. Across the room, on the wall were
haunting words written in dark red.
You have 48 hours.
He stood bewildered and started at the wall with wonder. At the exact moment a shrill
sound went off from his left jacket pocket. he quickly went through his pocket and caught
hold of his untamed timer that howled like a wolf that has gone mad.
it too showed him something that he thought could never be just a Coincidence.
47:59:51... This really freaked him out as he could not for a moment fathom how it was
even possible. He buried his timer deep into his pockets and stepped out to the living
He quickly took a shower putting all his troubles behind him and left for work. He
worked for long hours until being dragged back to his apartment for a much awaiting
sleep. He quickly slid his key in and unlocked the door then made his way in. he turned
on the lights switched on the television to watch some programmes until his pizza arrived
at his doorstep. He savoured the pizza in haste and readied himself to sleep. He sensed
that something was indeed going wrong as he took a peep outside his bedroom window to
see that the weather was changed and it began to pour heavily. His mind again was lost in
abyss. He regained his conscience and quickly went to sleep....
small beads of sweat emerged from his forehead and made their way towards his eyes,
waking him up. He looked around scanning through his bedroom to find any anomalies.
He quickly realized that the thermostat was switched off, but wondered greatly as it was
not he who turned it off. He tried calling the super only to find that the phone lines were
down in the building..
I guess the rain must have disconnected the phone lines...he thought, and then went back
to sleep.
The next morning, Jack awoke with dizziness and nausea. his mind reeling back to the
accounts of last night. he strongly began to suspect that something was really going on
with his new apartment.
He got out of the bed and made his way to the kitchen, preparing coffee and oatmeal for
his breakfast. Jack was interrupted by a captivating noise originating from the living
room. He hurried quickly over to check what was going on.
What the hell...!
Jack was astonished to witness that his radio adjusted itself to a frequency that was
beyond the range, providing a static noise just before clearing its transmission.
You have 24 hours... Leave! It squealed in several varieties of tones. He jumped from
where he stood and tried to recollect what he had just heard.
What the hell is going on?! He thought and his hand reached for his timer like a reflex.
He could not believe even in his wildest imagination about the course of events taking
place. He runs out of the apartment and knocks on his neighbour‟s door in haste. An old
man answered the bell and greeted Jack.
“Hi, I live across the hall and I have just moved in yesterday, My name is Jack”
“You have moved into the apartment 13...? that‟s...interesting. What Can I do for you
Jack?” replied the old man.
“I was wondering whether you could tell me whether there is something..... „Special‟
about my apartment that I might have overlooked. you know, in terms of ex-tenants”
Jack questioned.
“This might not seem appropriate for you to hear at this moment but I shall go ahead and
tell you anyways. The apartment you are living in was previously leased by
a man who died. The strangest thing was that he died 2 days after moving in”
At that moment, Jack began to sweat profusely and started to panic. He normally did not
believe in Ghosts and Voodoos and stuff but from the accounts of his neighbour, he began
to worry and his mind was troubled.
let me grab my stuff and get the hell outta this apartment... he thought.
He rushed back to his apartment and is dumbstruck to find that the whole apartment was
burning hot.
Damn... the thermostat!
He quickly began packing his things and was getting ready to get out of this apartment.
Out of the Place, Out of trouble!
He went over his things again and again, checking to see whether he missed something or
not. The windows started fluttering and the lights were fluctuating as he rushed across the
Just then he felt a hand over his shoulders. He stood still like he had never done in his
whole life, dared not to look back. A voice out of nowhere now began to speak in a clear
deep voice.
“Welcome Jack, I have long awaited for you” the voice said.
Jack turned back immediately to see who was talking to him. He didn‟t see anybody
behind him or anywhere around him.
“Hey Jack, Your time has come. You have been warned not to be in this apartment, and
yet you have... Your actions are inexcusable... You will suffer punishment... You have to
DIE!” the affirmed voice spoke...
“Who the hell are you?!” his voice echoed as he screamed at each and every corner of the
Suddenly, the world around him began to spin, he lost control of his mind and ran aloof...
screaming words that didn‟t make any sense. Insanity seemed to take over Jack as he, in
one last desperate attempt to flee, reached the door knob at a rapid pace and tried twisting
it. The door knob was jammed in a way that could never be explained also it could not be
open from both ways.
Jack lost control of his conscience as he kneeled on the floor of his house and allowed the
„voice‟ to take over him.
He knelt in very centre of his apartment as the whole apartment began to move in a rapid
circular pace, revolving around him.
The voice blared, “YOUR MINE!”
And the last thing jack remembers was a Blinding white light that covered every part of
his vision... blinding him into oblivion.
He sprang out of his bed and howled... “Shit... I just had the most Awful Nightmare!”

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