Detailed Lesson Plan

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Biology

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
● identify the different parts of the human digestive system and state the function of
● label the parts of the digestive system;
● construct a diagram of the steps involved in the digestion process; and
● understand the importance of diet and nutrition for maintaining the health of the
digestive system.

II. Subject Matter

● Topic: Parts of the Human Digestive System
● Reference: Santos, G.N.C.; Danac, A.C.; and Ocampo, J.P. (2003) Science and
Technology II E-Biology. pp 159-164. Manila, Philippines: Rex Bookstore, Inc.
● Instructional Materials: Cartolina, markers, plastic cover, diagram of the Human
Digestive System
● Values Integration: Importance of Diet in Maintaining Good Health

III. Procedure

Teacher’s activity/ Response Students’ Activity / Response

A. Preparation

Good morning Class! Good morning, Ma’am!

Before anything else, let us all stand up for a short (One student leads the prayer)
prayer. (Asks one student to lead)

Please sit down and as you do so, kindly pick up

the pieces of trash or paper underneath your chairs
and arrange your seats properly.

(Checking of Attendance) Students raise their hands and say

Please raise your hand and say “present” as I call “Present” as their names are called by the
out your name. teacher.

Okay, before we proceed to our lesson, I just want

to remind everyone about our rules that when I say
“class”, you say “yes ma’am!”
Understood, class? Yes ma’am!

And also, when I say “clear?” you say “Crystal


Is that clear? Crystal Clear!

(Lesson Recall) One student each reads a sentence

Okay, now let us review our previous topic. Can describing a cell, tissue, organ, and organ
anyone please read the first sentence on the board system and identify what is described
and unscramble the jumbled letters for the answer? using sets of jumbled letters.

Very Good! It looks like you still remembered our

previous lessons so you are now ready for our new

B. Motivation

Okay, Class? Yes, ma’am!

Have you ever attended a birthday party, wedding, Yes!

fiesta or any other special occasion?

What have you observed in all of them? Varied answers, one of which will be
about the food

Very Good! That’s right, when we celebrate Different responses

different occasions, there will always be food,
especially in the Filipino culture. But while you
enjoy eating and tasting different foods and
delicacies, do you ever wonder how the body
processes and absorbs these food?

Well, based on our previous lessons, we know that Yes ma’am!

our body is composed of different organ systems,
right class?

C. Presentation

Today, we will be discussing about one special The Digestive System!

system related to food and digestion, can you guess
what system this is?

Very good! The digestive system is the body system

responsible for digestion and absorption of the
nutrients from the food we eat. Let us now explore
how food passes through and is processed by the
digestive system.

I have here a diagram of the human digestive Through the mouth, ma’am!
system. When you eat your food, where does it first
enter your body?

Right. The mouth is also where the first step of INGESTION

digestion takes place. This step is called
INGESTION. Can you repeat after me?

Can somebody read more about the mouth’s (One student reads the mouth’s function
function? written on the board)

Thank you. Now, if you notice in our diagram, (One student reads the paragraph under
there is this long, narrow tube leading down from esophagus)
the mouth. This is called the esophagus. Can you
read what happens in the esophagus?

After the esophagus, do you know what’s next? The stomach, ma’am!

Excellent! Any volunteers who can read about the (One student reads the paragraph under
stomach’s function? stomach)

Yes. The stomach is where the second stage or step Digestion

in the digestive process takes place, called
DIGESTION. Can you say digestion?

Great. After the stomach, the digested food goes (One student reads the paragraph under
down to the small intestines. Can anybody read small intestines)
about the small intestines?

So in the small intestines, some accessory organs Crystal Clear!

help in the digestion process. These are the liver,
gallbladder, and pancreas. The main digestion stage
that happens in the small intestines is called
ABSORPTION, or the transfer of nutrients into the
blood. Is everything clear?

After the small intestines, where does the digested (One student reads the paragraph about
food go? Can you read, please? the large intestines)

Good job! Thank you very much. So, in the large

intestines, more absorption takes place but this time,
only water is reabsorbed instead of nutrients. The
release of undigested food and waste materials after
they are stored and compacted in the large intestines
is the final step of the digestion process called

Is everything clear? Crystal Clear!

Do you have any questions? (No, ma’am)

D. Application

Okay, if you have no more questions, I will assume The students follow the instructions.
that you understood our lesson very well and you
will be able to get a perfect score in this activity that
I prepared for you.

I will divide the class into five groups and each

group will receive an activity sheet. All you have to
do is label the organs of the digestive system and
complete the flowchart of the four stages of the
digestion process. You have five minutes to answer,
after which we will check your work.

E. Generalization

Class? Yes, ma’am

Are you all finished with your activity? Yes, ma’am

Okay, please pass you activity sheets forward and

let us see if you got the correct answers! (The
teacher shows the correct answers on the board and
explains them briefly)

IV. Evaluation

Teacher’s activity/ Response Students’ Activity / Response

For your individual quiz, kindly bring out a ¼ sheet of (The students answer a matching type
paper and answer this short quiz on the board. Please quiz)
right only the letter of your answer on your answer
sheet. You have another five minutes to finish.
1. The digestive juice produced by the salivary glands A. Elimination
and mixed with the food inside the mouth.
2. The first main step of the digestion process. B. Feces
3. The part of the digestive system through which C. Small Intestines
waste materials are released
4. The final product of digestion after the water is D. Large Intestine
reabsorbed in the large intestine.
5. The organ where most of the digestion happens. E. Pancreas
6. This is where nutrients from the food are absorbed F. Ingestion
into the bloodstream.
7. What do you call the last step in the digestion process G. Stomach
when feces is excreted from the body?
8. The muscular movement that drives food along the H. Saliva
9. An accessory organ that releases pancreatic juices I. Bile
into the small intestines
10. The substance produced by the liver and stored by J. Anus
the gall bladder that helps in the digestion of fats and
K. Peristalsis

L. Mouth

Teacher’s activity/ Response Students’ Activity / Response

Are you done, class? Yes, ma’am

Okay, please pass your papers to the center and The students pass their papers to the center
forward. After the count of five, all papers that aisle and forward.
are not in will not be accepted. (Teacher counts
from one to five)
V. Values Integration

Teacher’s activity/ Response Students’ Activity / Response

Now that you have learned and understood the (Students will give varied answers)
digestive process, how do you think can you
maintain a healthy body through the food you

You are all correct! In order to stay healthy, we

should eat fruits and vegetables and other
nutritious foods. We should also avoid junk
food, oily foods, and softdrinks that can harm
our digestive organs. Eating more fiber will
also help maintain a healthy digestive system
and bowel movement.

VI. Assignment

Teacher’s activity/ Response Students’ Activity / Response

For your assignment, please bring out your Students copy their homework.
assignment notebooks and copy what is written
on the board.

Research about one digestive disorder and
write what causes it and how it can be treated.

Final Remarks

If you’re done copying, that will be all for

today. Goodbye and thank you for listening.
You are dismissed.

Prepared By:

Angel Joyce C. Fajardo

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