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Lesson Plan III


Name(s): Vildan AKYILDIZ – 2021178

Nur Banu BAŞIHOŞ - 2021210
Melike KABAKCI - 2021350
Nurhan Melike KOCAK - 2021434
Language Integrated Science Whole Group
Unit Title:
Seasons – Spring
Grade Level:
48 – 60 Months
45 minutes
Learning Outcomes [ASSURE (State Objectives)]:
Cognitive Development:

Children who are 48 – 60 months of age (Audience) knows the features of the spring and its
fruits (behavior) among the different seasons (condition) with 97 percent (degree)

Children who are 48 – 60 months of age (Audience) compares the features of each seasons
and grouping their fruits (behavior) with different seasons’ fruits (condition) with 93
percent (degree)

Instructional Materials & Media [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and
Media tools such as Concept Chart on

Learning-Teaching Methods [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and

Communicating, Questioning, Discussing, Dreaming
Teaching Activities [ASSURE (Utilize Technology, Media, and Materials and Require
Learner Participation)]:

Teacher asks students to share what they know about their five senses. Then s/he
supports students to understand that the five senses are what we use to explore and
interact with the world. They include touch, taste, smell, hearing, and sight. Teacher
tells students that the body parts that enable us to experience these senses are our
skin, tongue, nose, ears, and eyes. Then it is asked to students to close their eyes and
teacher describes for students a beautiful spring day. Teacher should use descriptive
language to invoke your students' five senses. For example, describe the feeling of
bare feet on the field wet with rain, the sweet smell of flowers, the sounds of birds
chirping, the taste of sweet honey, and the sight of the sun shining on the puddles.
After this process, teacher asks students to open their eyes and use their five senses
to describe what a spring day is like. Then, teacher explains to students that today
they are going to write a poem about spring using their five senses. Post a piece of
body part pictured chart paper on the board with five headings: see, smell, taste,
hear, and feel. Then, it is asked to students to take some time to think about the
different things that they see, smell, taste, hear, and feel during the spring. Teacher
tells students to turn to a peer to share their ideas. After, teacher calls on student
volunteers to help you fill in this chart. Use a combination of words and pictures to
support all learners. Teacher explains to students that next they will be filling in the
blanks next to each of the senses. Call on a volunteer to share one of their ideas for
something they see during spring. Teacher should support the student to use invented
spelling by helping them stretch their word out, isolate sounds, and write the sounds
they hear on the worksheet. Tell the volunteer to also include a picture of what they
see during spring. Also, students share the pen by calling on another volunteer to
come up and fill in the next space with a word and a picture. This process continues
until all of the lines and boxes have been filled in.

Individual Learning Activities: Students can be aware of their senses by

exploring and interacting with the world on
their own thinking way.

Group Learning Activities: Students also try to create a meaningful whole

by taking into consideration other students'
This activity is aimed that students will be able to use invented spelling to write a
spring-themed poem using their five senses.

Measurement & Evaluation:

She prepares some media tools like concept chart so that children compare the
previous week’s seasons’ fruits which are autumn and winter with this week’s season which
is spring.
Measurement & Assessment When the activity finished, they establish a circle
Activities for Individual and each child says something that s/he learned
Performance: new through the activity. In this way, every child
shares their individual experiences with each
other. And, teacher can observe what knowledge
that they gain.
Measurement & Assessment Teacher evaluates children by asking questions
Activities for Group Performance: during the activity. These questions are like;
 What is your favorite fruit in spring
 Which fruits did you learn new?

Explanation regarding to the implementation of the plan:

In the beginning of the activity, if there will be an Internet loss, teacher should be
familiarizing with the chart and can draw it on the classroom board.

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