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Solar Eclipse The First ee) Sun is the prime force which helps the earth to maintain its life in this universe. If the existence of sun vanishes, no life can even be imagined on earth. All the plants, animals, human beings are directly benefited by sun, And due to this reason only, we as human beings have considered sun as God and have been worshiping it from a very long time. However, ‘Those who are knowledgeable, those who are great sadhaks, those who ‘The “Punya” that can be obtained by chanting a mantra one lakh times at pilgrimages or during auspicious times, the same can be obtained by just chanting just five rounds ofthe same mantra during Solar Eclipse and definitely the Sadhana resultsin asuccess. ll wratt 2018 are true ascetics, don't let such opportunity escape from their hands. They consider such time as the most auspicious times of their life and perform great Sadhana during this time. This is the time when one can obtain success in any Sadhana, this is the time to eradicate all shortcomings of the life and this is the time to attain greatnessinlife. Eclipse is an inauspicious time for fools and is an auspicious time for the knowledgeable person. ‘These are the golden times when greatness comes with a garland in herhandto put it on the neck of the sadhak. One doesn'thave to putina lot of efforts to obtain success in Sadhana during the time of eclipse. This is the time which is suitable for performing Sadhanas related to both materialisticas well as eternal greatness. This eclipse is falling on 15" February which is also the day of Phalguna Amavasya and Darshya Amavasya. Looking at the astronomical planet alignment, the most auspicious and quick success providing Sadhana is MundaKali Prayog. This Sadhana is capable to fulfill all sorts of desires, may it be materialistic wishes or eternal wishes. Instead of performing different Sadhana associated to various aspects of life, if a person performs this Sadhana then thereisno doubtthat the life of such a person becomes free of pains, sufferings, sorrows etc. This Sadhana is a highly effective Sadhana and thushas been a secret Sadhana for all the people. However, itis the prime aim of this ‘magazine to present all the useful Sadhanas before its readers so that they can be benefitted from them. ‘This Sadhana can be performed to fulfill the following desires: 1. Ifyouare poor or youhave limited sources of wealth, then this Sadhana can help you tobecomerichinlife. 2. Ifyouare suffering from majorillness. 3. Ifyouseekname, fame, popularity inlife. 4. Ifsomeone has become your enemy and is trying to harm you, then this Sadhana can be performedto overpower that enemy. 5. If you want to win favors of any person holding an important designation in the society. 6. If you have faced multiple failures in a Sadhana even after putting your best efforts, then this Sadhana can be used to obtain successin the Sadhana. @ orait 2018 Ml Sadhana Procedure One needs Kali Yantra, Manokamna Chaitanya Rosary and Munda Phal. Getup early in the morning and take a bath, Take some water in a copper tumbler. Put some water, vermillion and unbroken rice grains into it, Offer it to sun God chanting the belowmantra~ Mantra (Om Udityam Jaatavedase Namah ty Ui 3 ate a During the eclipse time 6:20 pm to 04:17 am wear fresh yellow clothes and sit on a yellow mat facing east. Take a wooden plank and cover it with, fresh red cloth. Place a picture of revered Gurudev and worship Him with vermillion, rice grains, flowers etc. Light a ghee lamp and an incense stick. ‘Then chant one round of Guru Mantra with Guru rosaryand pray to Gurudev forsuccessin Sadhana. ‘Then place a copper plate and place the yantra into it. Tie Mauli (sacred red thread), around the yantra. Then make four marks with vermillion on, the yantra; they are the symbols of Religion (Dharma), Wealth (Artha), Effort (Kaam) and Nirvana (Moksha). Offer some rice grains, flowers and some sacred food to the yantra. Now make a mound of rice grains dyed with pink colorto the right ofthe yantra and place Munda Phal over it. Worship it too with rice grains, vermillion and flowers. Take some water in your right hand and speak out your name, your father's name and the wish for which you are performing this Sadhana and then let the water low onto the floor. Now take Manokamna Chaitanya rosary and worship it too with rice grains, vermillion and flowers. Then chant five rounds of the below mantra withit, Mantra || Om Ayiem Mundaayai Sarvam Saadhaya Ayiem Namah || U3 & quera ad area Tam: Let the Sadhana articles remain in the ‘worship place for the night. Next day, collect all the Sadhana articles including everything that was used in the Sadhana like rice grains etc. Then tie it within, the red cloth used to cover the wooden plank and throwitinto some river orpond. ‘this short Sadhana is definitely divine and provides results quickly. Without any doubt, the wish for which the Sadhana was performed definitely getsfulfilled within short spanoftime. Sadhana Articles % $40/-

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