BMC RW-PB - FlashCards (B) Pinyin

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Flash Cards

Basic Mandarin Chinese Reading & Writing
Lessons A-1 to 10-4

(back side, Pinyin and English)

sì sān èr yī
sì four [NU] sān three [NU] èr two [NU] yī one [NU]

A-1 4 A-1 3 A-1 2 A-1 1

qī liù wáng wŭ
qī seven [NU] liù six [NU] Wáng Wang, Wong, Ong wŭ five [NU]

A-2 8 A-2 7 A-1 6 A-1 5

lín shí jiŭ bā
lín Lin, Lam, Lum, shí ten [NU] jiŭ nine [NU] bā eight [NU]
Lim [SN]

A-2 12 A-2 11 A-2 10 A-2 9

bĕi míng shān dà

bĕi north [L] míng bright [BF] shān mountain, hill [N] dà be big, large, great

A-3 16 A-3 15 A-3 14 A-3 13

lĭ hé tái jīng
Lĭ Li, Lee [SN] Hé He, Ho [SN] Táibĕi Taipei [PW] jīng capital [BF]

Táishān Taishan [PW] Bĕijīng Beijing [PW]

A-4 20 A-4 19 A-3 18 A-3 17

xiăo zhōng shēng wén

xiăo be small, little, zhōng middle [BF] shēng be born, give birth Wén Wen [SN]
young [SV] to [V]
Táizhōng Taichung (city in
central Taiwan)

A-4 24 A-4 23 A-4 22 A-4 21

zhōu guăng hăi shàng
zhōu state, district [BF] guăng be broad [SV] hăi ocean, sea [N] shàng above [L]

Guăngzhōu Guangzhou [PW] Shànghăi Shanghai [PW]

B-1 28 B-1 27 B-1 26 B-1 25

dū chéng rén dōng

dū city [BF] chéng become [V] rén person [N] dōng east [L]

Chéngdū Chengdu [PW] Bĕijīng rén a person from Guăngdōng Guangdong [PW]
Beijing [N]
Jīngdū Kyoto [PW] Shāndōng Shandong [PW]
Shànghăi a person from
rén Shanghai [N] Táidōng Taitung [PW]

Dōngjīng Tokyo [PW]

B-2 32 B-2 31 B-1 30 B-1 29

lù xī Jīn tiān
lù road [N]; Lu [SN] xī west [L] Jīn (abbreviation for tiān sky [N]; day [M]
Tianjin) [BF]
Tiānjīn Tianjin East Road Shānxī Shanxi [PW]
Dōng Lù [PW] Tiānjīn Tianjin [PW]
Guăngxi Guangxi [PW]
Shànghăi Shanghai Road [PW]

Chéngdū Xī Chengdu West Road

Lù [PW]

B-2 36 B-2 35 B-2 34 B-2 33

găng xiāng chuān ān

găng harbor [N] xiāng be fragrant [SV] chuān river [BF] ān peace [BF]; An [SN]

Xiānggăng Hong Kong [PW] Xiāng Shān Fragrant Hills [PW] Sìchuān Sichuan [PW] Xī’ān Xian [PW]

B-3 40 B-3 39 B-3 38 B-3 37

hú hé jiē nán
hú lake [N] hé river [N] jiē street [N] nán south [L]; Nan,
Nam [SN]
Húbĕi Hubei [PW] Hébĕi Hebei [PW] dàjiē main street, avenue
[N] Nánjīng Nanjing, Nanking
Hú’nán Hunan [PW] Hé’nán Henan [PW] [PW]
Wŭ Dà Hú Great Lakes [PW] Táinán Tainan [PW]

Hăinán Hainan [PW]

B-4 44 B-4 43 B-3 42 B-3 41

shĕng shì jīn wān

shĕng province [N] shì market; city [BF] jīn metal, gold [BF]; Jin, wān bay [BF]
Chin, Kim [SN]
Hé’nán Shĕng Henan Province Bĕijīng Shì the city of Beijing Táiwān Taiwan [PW]
[PH] [PW] Jīnshān district in Shanghai;
town in Taiwan
Hébĕi Shĕng Hebei Province [PH] Guăngzhōu Guangzhou City [PW]
Shì [PH]
Hú’nán Shĕng Hunan Province
[PH] Táibĕi Shì Taipei City [PH]
Húbĕi Shĕng Hubei Province PH]

Shānxī Shĕng Shanxi Province

Sìchuān Sichuan Province
Shĕng [PH]

B-4 48 B-4 47 B-4 46 B-4 45

yĕ wŏ hăo nĭ
yĕ also, too [A] wŏ I, me [PR] hăo be good [SV] nĭ you [PR]

nĭ hăo “how are you?”,

“hi” [IE]

1-1 52 1-1 51 1-1 50 1-1 49

tā tā ne qù
tā she, her [PR] tā he, him [PR] ne and how about, and qù to go, to go to [V]
what about [P]

1-2 56 1-2 55 1-1 54 1-1 53

ma máng hĕn men
ma (indicates a question) máng be busy [SV] hĕn very [A] men (plural marker for
[P] pronouns) [BF]

tāmen they, them

(only males, or
males and females

tāmen they, them

(females only)

1-2 60 1-2 59 1-2 58 1-2 57

tài bù gāo lăo

tài excessively, too [A] bù not [A] gāo be tall, high [SV]; lăo be old [SV]; Lao,
Gao, Kao [SN] Lau [SN]
tài máng too busy bù máng not busy
Lăo Gāo Old Gao Lăo Wáng Old Wang
bú tài gāo not too tall bù gāo not tall

1-3 64 1-3 63 1-3 62 1-3 61

zuò qĭng xiè nán
zuò to sit [V] qĭng to invite [V]; xiè to thank [V]; nán be difficult, hard
“please” [IE] Xie, Hsieh [SN] [SV]
qĭng zuò “please sit down”
[IE] xièxie “thank you” [IE]

1-4 68 1-4 67 1-3 66 1-3 65

jiĕ le zŏu xiān

jiĕ older sister [BF] le (indicates changed zŏu to leave, to depart [V] xiān first [A]
status) [P]
xiáojie Miss, Ms. [N] xiānsheng Mr. [N]

1-4 72 1-4 71 1-4 70 1-4 69

shì wèn guó nĕi-/nă-
shì be [EV] wèn to ask [V] guó country [N] nĕi-, nă- which [QW]

bú shi is not, are not qĭng wèn “excuse me”, Zhōngguo China [PW]
“may I ask” [IE]
shì bu shi is it or is it not? Zhōngguo Chinese, native of
rén China [N]

nĕiguó which country? [QW]

nĕiguó rén a native of which


2-1 76 2-1 75 2-1 74 2-1 73

tóng -de jiào mĕi

tóng same [BF] -de (indicates possession, jiào be named, called mĕi be beautiful [SV]
or that what [EV]
precedes describes Mĕiguo America [PW]
what follows) [P]
Mĕiguo rén American, native
wŏde míngzi my name of America [N]

tāde tóngwū her roommate

2-2 80 2-2 79 2-1 78 2-1 77

zì míng bié wū
zì Chinese character [N] míng name [BF] bié don’t [AV] wū room [BF]

míngzi name [N] tóngwū roommate [N]

2-2 84 2-2 83 2-2 82 2-2 81

nín ge xìng guì

nín you (singular, polite) ge (general measure) [M] xìng be surnamed [EV] guì be expensive,
[PR] precious,
nĕige/năge which one?, which? guìxìng “What’s your honorable [SV];
[QW] surname?” [IE] Gui [SN]

Guìzhōu Guizhou (province)


2-3 88 2-3 87 2-3 86 2-3 85

méi piàn xìng ba
méi (indicates past negative piàn card [BF] xìng interest, excitement ba (indicates
of action verbs) [AV] [BF] supposition) [P]
míngpiàn name card, business
méi wèn didn’t ask card [N] gāoxìng be happy [SV]

2-4 92 2-4 91 2-3 90 2-3 89

zhè/zhèi- sī gōng dài

zhè, zhèi- this [PR/SP] sī department [BF]; gōng public [BF] dài take along, bring [V]
Si [SN]
zhèige this, this one
gōngsī company, firm [N]

2-4 96 2-4 95 2-4 94 2-4 93

nán liăng- wèi jĭ-
nán man, male [BF] liăng two [NU] wèi (polite measure for jĭ- how many? [QW]
people [M]
nánsheng male student [N] liăngge two (people or things) jĭge how many? [QW]
nĕiwèi/ which one? [QW] (people or things)
nánde man, male [N] liăngwèi two (persons, polite) năwèi (people, polite)

jĭwèi how many? (people,

polite) [QW]

sānwèi three

3-1 100 3-1 99 3-1 98 3-1 97

nián duō shī nǚ

nián year [M]; duō be many, much, shī teacher [BF] nǚ woman, female [BF]
Nian [SN] more [SV]
lăoshī teacher [N] nǚshēng female student [N]
duō/duó how? [QW]
nánlăoshī male teacher [N] nǚde woman, female [N]
duō dà how old?
nǚlăoshī female teacher [N]

3-2 104 3-2 103 3-1 102 3-1 101

duì suì jīn jì
duì be correct [SV] suì year of age [M] jīn now [BF] jì record [BF]

duì bu dui correct or not jĭsuì how many years jīnnián this year [TW] niánji age [N]
correct?, “right?” old? (of a child)
duō dà how many years old?
bāsuì eight years old niánji

3-2 108 3-2 107 3-2 106 3-2 105

kuài qián shăo nà/nèi-

kuài dollar, yuan, RMB, qián money [N]; Qian [SN] shăo be few [SV] nà, nèi- that [SP/PR]; in that
piece [M] case
duōshăo how much money? duōshăo how much?, how
liăngkuài two dollars qián many? [QW] nèige that one, that
nèiwèi that (person, polite)

3-3 112 3-3 111 3-3 110 3-3 109

kè diăn -qiān -băi
kè quarter of an hour diăn o’clock, hour; point -qiān thousand [NU] -băi hundred [NU]
[M] [M]
yìqiān one thousand yìbăi one hundred
yíkè a quarter of an hour jĭdiăn what time? [QW]
wŭqiānkuài five thousand dollars liăngbăikuài two hundred dollars
sānkè three quarters of an wŭdiăn five o’clock [TW] qián qián
yìdiăn one o’clock; a little,
some [NU+M]

3-4 116 3-4 115 3-3 114 3-3 113

tóu zhōng chà bàn

tóu head [N]; (common zhōng bell; clock; o’clock [N] chà lack [V] bàn half [NU]
noun suffix)
jĭdiăn what time is it? chàbuduō almost, about [MA] shídiăn bàn half past ten, 10:30
zhōngtóu hour [N] zhōng [TW]
chà yíkè a quarter to six
bàn’ge half an hour sāndiăn three o’clock liùdiăn yíbàn one-half
zhōngtóu zhōng
yíbàn yíbàn half and half
yíge bàn an hour and a half

3-4 120 3-4 119 3-4 118 3-4 117

guān mén kāi shéi
guān close [V]; Guan [SN] mén door, gate [N] kāi to open; to depart [V] shéi who?, whom? [QW]

guānmén close a door, close kāimén open a door, open [VO]

Jīnmén Quemoy [PW]

4-1 124 4-1 123 4-1 122 4-1 121

me shén qī/qí xīng

me (occurs as second shén (first syllable of the qī, qí a period of time [BF] xīng star [BF]
syllable of several word for “what”)
common words) [BF] xīngqī week [N]
xīngqījĭ which day of the
shénme what [QW] week? [QW]

zhème like this, in this way, xīngqīyī Monday [TW]

so [A]
xīngqītiān Sunday [TW]
nàme then, in that case, so
shàngge last week

4-2 128 4-2 127 4-1 126 4-1 125

rì hào yuè jiù
rì sun [BF]; day [BF]; hào number; day of the yuè moon [BF]; month[N] jiù precisely, exactly [A]
day of the month month [M]
jĭyuè which month? jiù shi be precisely, none
xīngqīrì Sunday [TW] jĭhào which day of the other than
month? [QW] yíyuè January [TW]
shísānrì 13th day of the month
shísānhào the 13th day of the èryuè February [TW]
shēngrì birthday [N] month
sānyuè March [TW]
Rìwén Japanese (language) wŭ líng sì number 504
[N] sìyuè April [TW]
wŭyuè May [TW]

liùyuè June [TW], etc.

4-2 132 4-2 131 4-2 130 4-2 129

-guo lái cì dì-

-guo (indicates experience) lái to come [V] cì time [M] dì (forms ordinal
[P] numbers) [SP]
jĭcì how many times? [QW]
láiguo have the experience of dìyī, dì’èr, first, second, third
having come to some yícì one time dìsān
place before
dìjĭcì the how-many-eth dìyíge the first one
qùguo have the experience of time? [QW]
having gone to some dìyíwèi the first person
dìyícì the first time (polite)
place before
shàngcì last time

4-3 136 4-3 135 4-3 134 4-3 133

kŏu yŏu zhù yào
kŏu mouth [BF] yŏu have; there is, there zhù live (in), stay (in) [V] yào want, need, cost,
are [V] take [V]; will, be
rénkŏu population [N] going to [AV]
méiyou not have; there is not,
Hăikŏu Haikou (capital of there are not [V] búyào don’t [AV]
Hainan Province)
[PW] yŏu méiyou have or not have? is
there or isn’t there?

4-4 140 4-4 139 4-3 138 4-3 137

jiào bĭ -wàn xiàng

jiào compare [BF] bĭ compare [V] -wàn ten thousand [NU]; xiàng resemble [V]
Wan [SN]
bĭjiào comparatively, hăoxiàng apparently, it seems
relatively [A] liăngwàn twenty thousand [NU] to me [A]

shíwàn hundred thousand


-băiwàn million [NU]

-qiānwàn ten million [NU]

4-4 144 4-4 143 4-4 142 4-4 141

dào zhī yĭ kĕ
dào road, way [BF]; zhī know [BF] kéyi may, can [AV]; be O.K. kĕshi but [CJ]
Taoism [BF] [SV]

zhīdao to know [N]

bù zhīdào not know

5-1 148 5-1 147 5-1 146 5-1 145

fàn chī zhăo zài

fàn cooked rice, food [N] chī eat [V] zhăo to look for [V] zài be located at [V/CV];
to be present [V]
chīfàn eat food, eat [VO]

zhōngfàn lunch [N]

Zhōngguo Chinese food [N]


5-2 152 5-2 151 5-1 150 5-1 149

ér zĭ/zi gōng xué
ér (common suffix) [BF] zĭ (common noun suffix) gōng work [BF] xué to study, to learn [V]
zhèr here [PW] gōngrén worker, laborer [N] xuésheng student [N]
wèizi seat, place [N]
nàr there [PW] dàxué university, college [N]

năr where [QW] tóngxué classmate [N]

yìdiănr a little, some [N] dàxuésheng college student [N]

tóngwūr roommate [N] nánx- male student [N]

ménr door, gate [N}
nǚxuésheng female student [N]
yíbànr one-half

5-2 156 5-2 155 5-2 154 5-2 153

shì biān fāng dì

shì matter, thing biān side [BF]; Bian [SN] fāng square, open space dì a place [BF]; the
(abstract) [N] [BF]; Fang [SN] ground [N]
zhèibiān this side, here [PW]
méi shìr “it’s nothing”, “never dìfang place [N]
mind” [IE] nèibiān that side, there [PW]

yìdiăn shì something (to do) nĕibiān which side, where [QW]

tóngshì colleague [N] dōngbiān in the east [PW]

nánbiān in the south [PW]

xībiān in the west [PW]

bĕibiān in the north [PW]

5-3 160 5-3 159 5-3 158 5-3 157

wài lĭ diàn huí
wài outside [L] lĭ in, inside [L] diàn stop, store [N] huí to go back to [V];
time, instance [M]
wàitou outside [PW] lĭtou in, inside [PW] fàndiàn hotel [PW]
huíguó return to one’s native
wàibian outside [PW] lĭbian in, inside [PW] country [VO]
náli not at all [IE] zhèihuí this time

nèihuí that time

5-4 164 5-4 163 5-3 162 5-3 161

miàn xià yòu zuŏ

miàn a side, a surface; face xià to go down [V]; below yòu right [L] zuŏ left [L]; Zuo [SN]
[BF] [L]; next [SP]
yòubian right side, right [PW] zuŏbian left side, left [PW]
shàngmian on the top, on [PW] xiàtou on the bottom, under,
below [PW]
xiàmian on the bottom, under
[PW] xiàbian on the bottom, under,
below [PW]
lĭmiàn inside [PW]

wàimian outside [PW]

5-4 168 5-4 167 5-4 166 5-4 165

yŏu péng huān xĭ
yŏu friend [BF] péng friend [BF] huān happy [BF] xĭ joy [BF]

péngyou friend [N] xĭhuan like [V/AV]

nánpéngyou boyfriend [N]

nǚpéngyou girlfriend [N]

6-1 172 6-1 171 6-1 170 6-1 169

kàn cháng/zhăng jí zhēn

kàn to look, to see [V] cháng to be long [SV] jí rank, grade [BF] zhēn really [A]

hăokàn be good-looking [SV] zhăng to grow [V] niánjí grade, level [N]

kànkan take a look zhăngdà grow up [RC] jĭniánjí which grade?

wènwen try and ask yīniánjí first grade


6-2 176 6-2 175 6-1 174 6-1 173

hái chū qīng qĭ
hái still [A] chū out, go out [BF] qīng be light [SV] (not qĭ to rise, to begin [V]
hái shi still is chūshēng to be born [V] duìbuqĭ “excuse me” [IE]
niánqīng be young [SV]
háishi… it would be better
-qilai in the VERBing [RE]
hăole if… [PT]

hái kéyi still be O.K. kànqilai in the looking [RC]

xuéqilai in the learning [RC]

6-2 180 6-2 179 6-2 178 6-2 177

zuò suŏ wèi yīn

zuò to do, to make suŏ which [BF] wèi for [CV] yīn because [BF]

gōngzuò work [N/V] suóyi therefore, so [CJ] yīnwei because [CJ]

yīnwei…suóyi… because… [PT] wèishemme why? [QW]

6-3 184 6-3 183 6-3 182 6-3 181

dì gē néng xiào
dì younger brother [BF] gē older brother [BF] néng be able, can [AV] xiào school [BF]

dìdi younger brother [N] gēge older brother [N] xuéxiào school [N]

dà dìdi older younger dàgē oldest brother [N] Táibĕi Taipei American
brother [N] Mĕiguo School [PW]
xiăodì little brother [N]
xiàozhăng head of a school [N]

6-4 188 6-4 187 6-3 186 6-3 185

gĕi jiā wàng mèi

gĕi give [V/PV]; for [CV] jiā family, home [N]; wàng to forget [V] mèi younger sister [BF]
(for companies,
factories) [M] wàngle forgot mèimei younger sister [N]

huíjiā return to one’s home dàmèi older younger sister

[VO] [N]

yìjiā gōngsī a company xiăomèi younger younger

sister [N]
wŏmen jiā our family
jiĕmèi older and younger
wŏ jiāli in my family sisters [N]

6-4 192 6-4 191 6-4 190 6-4 189

yuán chéng xiàn biăo
yuán original [BF] chéng city [N] xiàn county [N] biăo (indicates cousin of a
different surname) [BF]
yuánlái originally, formerly [A] Cháng Chéng Great Wall [PW]
biăogē older male cousin of a
Tàiyuán Taiyuan (capital of Cháng Chéng Great Wall Hotel different surname [N]
Shanxi Province) Fàndiàn [PW]
[PW] biăojiĕ older female cousin of a
different surname [N]

biăodì younger male cousin of a

different surname [N]

biăomèi younger female cousin of

a different surname [N]

7-1 196 7-1 195 7-1 194 7-1 193

shuō huì xiàn chăng

shuō say, speak [V] huì know how to, can [AV] xiàn current [BF] chăng factory [N]

jiù shi shuō that is to say xiànzài now [A] gōngchăng factory [N]

7-2 200 7-2 199 7-1 198 7-1 197

dĕi/-de quán xiĕ huà
-de (verb suffix that quán completely [A] xiĕ to write [V] huà word, language [N]
indicates manner)
xiĕzì write characters, shuōhuà speak words, speak
dĕi must [AV] write [VO] [VO]

Wŏ dĕi I must be going now. xiĕ Zhōngguo zì write Chinese Zhōngguo spoken Chinese [PH]
zŏule. characters, write huà
Nĭ shuōde You speak well. shuō speak Chinese
hĕn hăo. Zhōngguo

7-2 204 7-2 203 7-2 202 7-2 201

shĭ hòu shí dào

shĭ begin [BF] hòu wait [BF] shí time [BF]; hour, dào to arrive, to reach [V];
o’clock [N] to [CV/PV]
kāishĭ to begin [V]; in the shíhou time [N]
beginning [PW] sān shí bàn three thirty (written- dào…qù go to… [PT]
yŏude shíhou sometimes [PH] style Chinese)
dào…lái come to… [PT]

7-3 208 7-3 207 7-3 206 7-3 205

qián cóng yòu hé
qián in front, front [L]; cóng from [CV] yòu again [A] hé and [CJ]; with [CV];
before [TW] peace, harmony
cóng...lái come from… [PT] [BF]
...yĭqián before X [PT]
yĭqián before, formerly [MA] hé…yìqĭ together with… [PT]

qiánbian in front; front [PW]

qiánmian in front; front [PW]
qiántou in front; front [PW]
cóngqián in the past, formerly [A]
qiántiān day before yesterday
qiánnián year before last [TW]
7-4 212 7-4 211 7-3 210 7-3 209

jué tīng zhī hòu

jué feel [BF] tīng to listen [V] zhī (particle in written- hòu in back, back [L]; after
style Chinese, [TW]
juéde to feel [V] tīngshuō to hear of, to hear it similar to de in
said that [V] spoken Chinese) [P] ...yĭhòu after X [TW]

hăotīng be nice to listen to, yĭhòu in the future [MA]

X zhīqián before X [PT]
pretty (of music, hòubian in back; back [PW]
voices, sounds) [SV] X zhīhòu after X [PT]
hòumian in back; back [PW]
hòutou in back; back [PW]
hòulái afterwards, later [MA]
hòutiān day after tomorrow [TW]
hòunián year after next [TW]
7-4 216 7-4 215 7-4 214 7-4 213
yuăn lí wàng/wăng zĕn
yuăn to be far away [SV] lí to be distant from, wàng/wăng to, toward [CV] zĕn how [BF]
from [CV]
lí…hĕn yuăn to be far from… wàng dōng zŏu go toward the east zĕmme how? [QW]

wàng xī kāi drive toward the qù...zĕnme how do you get to…
west zŏu [PT]

8-1 220 8-1 219 8-1 218 8-1 217

chē qì gài jìn

chē cart, vehicle [N]; qì steam, vapor [N] gài approximate, general jìn to be close, near [SV]
Che [SN] [BF]
lí…hĕn jìn to be close to…
chēzi car, vehicle [N] dàgài probably, about [A]

qìchē car, vehicle [N]

qìchē gōngsī car company, taxi

company [N]

8-2 224 8-2 223 8-1 222 8-1 221

dĕng chăng jī shŏu
dĕng to wait, wait for [V] chăng place [BF] jī machine [BF] shŏu head, chief [BF]

jīchăng airport [N] jīhui opportunity, chance [N] shŏudū capital (city) [N]

Shŏudū Capital Airport [PW]


8-2 228 8-2 227 8-2 226 8-2 225

jiān bān diàn dă

jiān pace; between [BF] bān shift [N]; class [N]; diàn electricity [N] dă to hit, to beat [V]
Ban [SN]
shíjiān time [N] diànhuà telephone [N] dădī to take a taxi [VO]
shàngbān to go to work, work
shàngxiàbān the time when one [VO] dă diànhuà to make a telephone
shíjiān goes to or gets off call [PH]
from work xiàbān to get off from work

bānshang in a class

8-3 232 8-3 231 8-3 230 8-3 229

xíng jiàn tōng jiāo
xíng to walk, to go [BF]; jiàn (for pieces of luggage, tōng open, through [BF] jiāo to hand over [V]
to be all right, to matters, etc.) [M]
be OK [V] jiāotōng traffic [N]
yíjiàn shì a matter, a thing
xíngli luggage, baggage [N] (abstract) [N] tōngzhī to notify [V]

yíjiàn xíngli a piece of luggage

Xíng bu Xíng? Is it OK or is it not


8-4 236 8-4 235 8-3 234 8-3 233

tiáo huàn zhĭ xū

tiáo strips (of notes, huàn to change to, to zhĭ only [A] xū need [BF]
streets, etc.) [M] exchange [V]
zhĭhăo have no choice but [A] xūyào to need [V/AV]
tiáozi note [N] huàn qián to change money

yìtiáo lù a road huàn rén to change people

8-4 240 8-4 239 8-4 238 8-4 237

fēn zhí bĕn píng
fēn to divide [V]; zhí be straight [SV] bĕn root of a plant; this píng to be flat, to be even;
the smallest [BF] to be calm [V]
division – yìzhí straight [A]
minute or bĕndì this place, here [N] hépíng peace [N]
penny [M]
bĕndì rén a person from this Hépíng Heping East Road
sānfēn zhōng three minutes area, a local [N] Dōng Lù [PW]

sānfēn qián three pennies, Rìbĕn Japan [PW]

three cents

9-1 244 9-1 243 9-1 242 9-1 241

zhàn gòng chŭ qīng

zhàn station, stop [N/M] gòng altogether [BF] chŭ to be clear [BF]; qīng to be clear [BF];
Chu [SN] Qing (Dynasty)
chēzhàn bus stop [N] gōnggòng public [AT] [BF]
qīngchu to be clear, to be
gōngòng public bus [PH] clear about [V]

yígòng in all, altogether [A]

9-2 248 9-2 247 9-1 246 9-1 245

yuán wù dòng rán
yuán garden, park, wù thing, matter [BF] dòng to move [V] rán thus [BF]
orchard [BF]
dòngwù animal [N] Nĭ bié dòng! “Don’t move!” ránhòu afterward, then [MA]
dòngwùyuán zoo [PW]
xiān… first…then… [PT]

9-2 252 9-2 251 9-2 250 9-2 249

zhāng piào mài măi

zhāng (for flat objects piào ticket [N] mài to sell [V] măi to buy [V]
like tickets, name
cards, tables) [M]; măimài buying and selling,
Zhang, Chang [SN] business [N]

yìzhāng piào a ticket

9-3 256 9-3 255 9-3 254 9-3 253

-zhe/-zháo zăo máo gāng
-zhe (progressive suffix) zăo to be early [SV] máo hair, fur [N]; ten cents gāng just [A]
[P] [M]; Mao [SN]
zăoshang in the morning [TW] gānggāng just now, just [A]
-zháo (indicates action of yìmáo qián ten cents, a dime
verb is realized) zăofàn breakfast [N]

zăozhe ne it’s still early

zhăozháo look for and find,

find [RC]

zhăobuzháo not be able to find,

can’t find

9-4 260 9-4 259 9-3 258 9-3 257

bèi zhŭn xīn jì

bèi to prepare, plan [BF] zhŭn to be accurate [SV] xīn heart [BF] jì to remember [V]

zhŭnbèi to prepare, to get xiăoxīn to be careful [SV] jìde to remember [V]

ready [V]
zhōngxīn center [N]

Zhōngwén Chinese language

zhōngxīn center

9-4 264 9-4 263 9-4 262 9-4 261

dī wēn zuì yuè
dī be low [SV] wēn be warm, mild [SV]; zuì most [A] yuè exceed [BF]
Wen [SN]
zuìdīwēn lowest temperature zuìjìn recently [MA] yuè lái yuè more and more [PT]
[N] zuìgāowēn highest temperature
[N] zuìhòu in the end, finally [MA] Yuènán Vietnam [PW]

qìwēn air temperature [N]

Wēnzhōu important city in

Zhejiang Province

10-1 268 10-1 267 10-1 266 10-1 265

lĕng qì dìng dù
lĕng to be cold [SV] qì steam, gas, air [N] dìng to settle, to dù degree (of
determine [V] temperature) [N]
tiānqi weather [N]
yídìng definitely [A] wēndù temperature [N]
shēngqì to get angry [VO]
bù yídìng not necessarily zuì gāo high(est) temperature
wēndù [PH]

zuì dī low(est) temperature

wēndù [PH]

10-2 272 10-2 271 10-1 270 10-1 269

zhèng gān sĭ rè
zhèng just [A] gān to be dry [SV] sĭ to die [V] rè be hot [SV]

rède yào sĭ “so hot one is going to

die,” be extremely

10-2 276 10-2 275 10-2 274 10-2 273

dàn yŭ jìn yàng

dàn but [BF] yŭ rain [N] jìn enter, advance [V] yàng kind, variety [M];
way, manner [BF]
dànshi but [CJ] xiàyŭ to rain [VO] qĭng jìn “please come in” [IE]
yàngzi way, appearance,
búdàn not only [A] máomáoyŭ light rain [N] jìnlái come in [RV] style [N]
xià máomáoyŭ to drizzle [PH] jìnqu go in [RV] hăoxiàng… it seems like… [PT]
de yàngzi
zŏujìnlái come walking in [RV]
zhèiyang this way, like this
nèiyang that way, like that
zĕmmeyàng how, in what way
10-3 280 10-3 279 10-3 278 10-3 277
cuò àn shí qí
cuò be wrong [SV]; àn shore, bank, coast [BF] shí real, true [BF] qí her, his, its, their [BF]
wrong [RE]
dōngàn east coast [PW] qíshí actually [MA] qítā other [AT]
bú cuò “not bad”, “quite
good” [IE] xī’àn west coast [PW] shízài really, truly [A]

10-4 284 10-4 283 10-3 282 10-3 281

jīng yĭ wăn yáng

jīng pass through [BF] yĭ already [BF] wăn evening; be late [SV] tàiyáng sun [N]

yĭjīng already [A] wănshang in the evening [TW] chū tàiyáng the sun comes/is out
wănfàn dinner, evening meal
[N] Yángmíng Yangming Mountain
Shān [PW]

Guìyáng Guiyang (capital of

Guizhou Province)

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