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(Saurashtra Script Exercise Book)

(ꢱꣃꢬꢵꢰ꣄ꢜ꣄ꢬ ꢦꢵꢝꢦꢱ꣄ꢡꢮ꣄)
(Saurashtra Script Exercise Book)

(ꢱꣃꢬꢵꢰ꣄ꢜ꣄ꢬ ꢦꢵꢝꢦꢱ꣄ꢡꢮ꣄)

Sri.Lo.Ka.Lo.Ba.Se. Yadhu Krishna Nambiar

PRARAMBHA (Saurashtra Script Exercise Book) (English)

Written by

Sri.Lo.Ka.Lo.Ba.Se. Yadhu Krishna Nambiar,

Thalappan Puliyulla Veedu, Kalyassery Central,
Anjampeedika Post, Kolathuvayal,
Kannur - 670331
Ph : +91 9447225697

© Sri.Lo.Ka.Lo.Ba.Se. Yadhu Krishna Nambiar

All rights reserved. No part of this pdf or epub file may be

altered, changed, deleted or copied without prior written
permission of the Copyright owner. But, taking a printout of
this document don’t come under the Copyrights.

Price : INR ______

How to use this book easily ?
According to Unicode Standard English translation for
vowels and letters of languages is different from this
book. Saurashtra is simple and it is blessed with lot of
vowels and consonants like all other Indian languages.
Because of this reason some of the Unicode laws are
omitted to make the reading of Saurashtra with English
language and with your native language easily. The
correct pronouncement for Saurashtrian letters in your
native language is given along with actual Unicode
Standard Translation.


a a अ « അ

aa ā आ ¬ ആ

i i इ ­ ഇ

ii ī ई ® ഈ
u u उ ¯ ഉ

uu ū ऊ ° ഊ

r r ऋ Õ ഋ

rr ŗ ॠ Õ2 ൠ

l l ऌ Ö ഌ

ll ll ॡ Ö2 ൡ

e e ए ± എ

ee ē ² ഏ

ai ai ऐ ³ ഐ
o o ओ ´ ഒ
oo ō µ ഓ
au au औ ¶ ഔ
am am अं «õ അം
ah ah अः ஃ അഃ
ka ka क ¸ ക
kha kha ख ¸2 ഖ
ga ga ग ¸3 ഗ
gha gha घ ¸4 ഘ
nga ṅa ङ ¹ ങ
ca ca च º ച
cha cha छ º2 ഛ
ja ja ज ƒ ജ
jha jha झ º4 ഝ
njya ňa ञ » ഞ
ta ṭa ट ¼ ട
tha ṭha ठ ¼2 ഠ
da ḍa ड ¼3 ഡ
dha ḍha ढ ¼4 ഢ
nna ṉa ण ½ ണ
tta ta त ¾ ത
ttha tha थ ¾2 ഥ
dda da द ¾3 ദ
ddha dha ध ¾4 ധ

na na न ¿ ന
pa pa प À പ
pha pha फ À2 ഫ
ba ba ब À3 ബ

bha bha भ À4 ഭ

ma ma म Á മ
ya ya य Â യ
ra ra र Ã ര
la la ल Ä ല
va va व Å വ

sha śa श ஶ ശ

shha sha ष „ ഷ
sa sa स … സ

ha ha ह † ഹ

lla ḷa ळ Ç ള
Editors Note

Saurashtra is a language spoken in the state of Tamil

Nadu, Karnataka and Kathiawad (Gujarat) with almost
130000 speakers around. It has its own script that has
been developed between 18th and 19th century. But it
was not used in context by Saurashtrians. During the
beginning of 20th century it was widely used.
Saurashtra have its own language too. But I am not
introducing here. Here I make you study the script only.

Sri.Lo.Ka.Lo.Ba.Se. Yadhu Krishna Nambiar

Saurashtra script
ெசௗரா ரஎ
kucm-{ã en]n
सौरा ा िलिप

ೌ ಾಷ

1. Vowels 10

2. Consonants 17

3. Vowel Signs 30

4. Virama & Conjuncts 33

5. Haaru Sign 35

6. Saurashtra Numbers 36

7. Exercise 40

1. Vowels








Vowels Pronouncement
ꢂ a

ꢃ aa
ꢄ i
ꢅ ii
ꢆ u
ꢇ uu
ꢈ r
ꢉ rr
ꢊ lu
ꢋ ll
ꢌ e
ꢍ ee
ꢎ ai
ꢏ o
ꢐ oo
ꢑ au
ꢂꢀ am
ꢂꢁ ah

2. Consonants












Consonants Pronouncement
ꢒ ka
ꢓ kha
ꢔ ga
ꢕ gha
ꢖ nga
ꢗ ca
ꢘ cha
ꢞ ja
ꢟ jha
ꢛ njya
ꢜ ta
ꢝ tha
ꢞ da
ꢛ dha

ꢠ nna
ꢡ tta
ꢢ ttha
ꢣ dda
ꢤ ddha
ꢥ na
ꢦ pa
ꢧ pha
ꢨ ba
ꢩ bha
ꢪ ma
ꢫ ya
ꢬ ra
ꢭ la
ꢮ va
ꢯ sha
ꢰ shha
ꢱ sa
ꢲ ha
ꢳ lla

3. Vowel Signs

Observe the vowel signs

Vowels Vowel Signs

ꢃ ꢵ
ꢄ ꢶ
ꢅ ꢷ
ꢆ ꢸ
ꢇ ꢹ
ꢈ ꢺ
ꢉ ꢻ
ꢊ ꢼ
ꢋ ꢽ
ꢌ ꢾ
ꢍ ꢿ
ꢎ ꣀ
ꢏ ꣁ
ꢐ ꣂ

ꢑ ꣃ
ꢂꢀ ꢀ
ꢂꢁ ꢁ

Look when the vowel signs are combined with letter ka.

Vowel signs with ka Vowel signs

ꢒꢵ ꢵ
ꢒꢶ ꢶ
ꢒꢷ ꢷ
ꢒꢸ ꢸ
ꢒꢹ ꢹ
ꢒꢺ ꢺ
ꢒꢻ ꢻ
ꢒꢼ ꢼ
ꢒꢽ ꢽ
ꢒꢾ ꢾ
ꢒꢿ ꢿ

ꢒꣀ ꣀ
ꢒꣁ ꣁ
ꢒꣂ ꣂ
ꢒꣃ ꣃ
ꢒꢀ ꢀ
ꢒꢁ ꢁ

4. Virama and Conjuncts

Virama is also known as Hal Chinh (in Hindi). It is used

to make make a conjunct consonant sound in
Sourashtra. It is like this ;

Virama is placed below the first consonant that to be


E.g. :

ꢒ+ꢒ= ꢒ꣄ꢒ

Saurashtra only have one conjunct at present ;


ꢒ+ꢰ= ½

But it have a ya chinha. When a letter is combined with

2 ya it forms a different sign before the letter.

E.g. :

ꢞ + ꢫ + ꢫ = "ꢞ

5. Haaru Sign

Saurashtra has letters for additional aspirated sounds -

lha, rha, mha & nha. This additional aspiration is
indicated by placing a sign called “haaru” next to the
letters to produce a digraph.

ꢭꢴ ꢬꢴ ꢪꢴ ꢥꢴ

6. Saurashtra Numbers





꣑꣒꣓꣔꣕ ꣖ ꣗ ꣘ ꣙ ꣐
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

With this the Saurashtra script is over. Now lets make it

thorough with some simple exercises.


1. Write the 18 vowels.

2. Write the combined form with vowels to the
following consonants ;
a) ka
b) kha
c) nga
d) njya
e) ma
f) ja
g) ra
h) la
i) pa

3. Identify the following letters and find the

consonants in that.


4. Write the following words in Saurashtra script.

a) Kannada
b) Malayalam
c) Bharatam
d) Krutidev
e) Karnataka
f) Andhra
g) Kerala
h) Karthika
i) Manjari
j) Mangala
k) Sanchi Stupa
l) Gujarat
m) Chennai
n) Gupta
o) Raja
p) Saurashtra
q) Tamil
r) Bengali
s) Assamese
t) Punjabi
u) Uttar Pradesh

5. Read the following words given in Saurashtra

a) ꢱꢸꢥ꣄ꢡꢬ꣄
b) ꢒꢸꢪꢵꢬ
c) ꢱꣃꢥ꣄ꢡꢬ꣄ꢫꢵ
d) ꢗꢀꢗꢭ

e) ꢪꢀꢣꢵꢔꢶꢥꢶ
f) ꢯꢹꢬ꣄ꢦꢠꢓ
g) ꢬꢵꢣꢶꢓ
h) ꢠꢭꢫꢵꢳꢀ
i) ꢡꢪꢶꢳ꣄
j) ꢔ꣄ꢬꢥ꣄ꢡ
k) ꢭꢶꢦꢶꢒꢵ
l) ꢔꢡꢶ
m) ꢔꢸꢞꢬꢵꢡ꣄
n) ꢒꢺꢰ꣄ꢠ
o) ꢬꢵꢤ
p) ꢂꢬ꣄ꢞꢸꢥ
q) ꢪꢵꢠꢶꢒ꣄ꢫ
r) ꢒꢯ꣄ꢪꢷꢬ꣄
s) ꢞꢾꢯ
t) ꢬꢖ꣄ꢒꢹꢠ꣄
u) ꢦꢸꢡ꣄ꢬ
v) ꢦꢵꢔꢸꢭ꣄
w) ꢦꢹꢬ꣄ꢠ
x) ꢗꢥ꣄ꢣ꣄ꢬꢶꢒ
y) ꢬꣂꢲꢶꢠꢶ
z) ꢭꢀꢨꣂꢤꢬꢥ꣄

6. How can we write the following numbers 1998,

1886, 2019, 30002, 213456, 987654 in
Saurashtra ?

7. Read the following slokas.

ꢒꢺꢰ꣄ꢠ ꢒꢺꢰ꣄ꢠ ꢲꢬꢾ ꢒꢺꢰ꣄ꢠ

ꢱꢬ꣄ꢮꢞ꣄ꢛꢡ꣄ꢮꢪ꣄ ꢦ꣄ꢬꢱꢷꢡꢪꢾ
ꢬꢪꢵ ꢬꢪꢠ ꢣꢾꢮꢾꢯꢵ
ꢮꢶꢣ꣄ꢫꢵ ꢪꢵꢯꢸ ꢦ꣄ꢬꢫꢗ꣄ꢗꢪꢿ ||

ꢯꢶꢮꢀ ꢯꢶꢮꢒꢬꢀ ꢯꢵꢥ꣄ꢡꢪ꣄

ꢯꢶꢮꢵꢡ꣄ꢪꢵꢥꢪ꣄ ꢯꢶꢮꣂꢡ꣄ꢡꢪꢪ꣄
ꢯꢶꢮꢪꢵꢬ꣄ꢔ ꢦ꣄ꢬꢠꢿꢡꢵꢬꢪ꣄
ꢦ꣄ꢬꢠꢡꣂꢱ꣄ꢪꢶ ꢱꢣꢵꢯꢶꢮꢪ꣄ ||

ꢱꢬꢱ꣄ꢮꢡꢶ ꢥꢪꢱ꣄ꢡꢸꢩ꣄ꢫꢪ꣄
ꢮꢬꢣꢾ ꢒꢵꢪꢬꢹꢦꢶꢠꢶ
ꢮꢶꢣ꣄ꢫꢵꢬꢪ꣄ꢩꢪ꣄ ꢒꢬꢶꢰ꣄ꢫꢵꢪꢶ
ꢱꢶꢣ꣄ꢤꢶꢬ꣄ ꢩꢮꢡꢸ ꢪꢾ ꢱꢣꢵ ||

ꢯꢶꢮꢪ꣄ ꢩꢮꢡꢸ ꢒꢭ꣄ꢫꢵꢳꢪ꣄

ꢃꢫꢸꢬꢵꢬꣂꢔ꣄ꢫ ꢮꢬ꣄ꢣ꣄ꢤꢥꢪ꣄
ꢪꢪ ꢣꢸꢁꢓ ꢮꢶꢥꢵꢯꢵꢫ
ꢱꢥ꣄ꢤ꣄ꢫꢵꢣꢷꢦꢪ꣄ ꢥꢪꣂꢱ꣄ꢡꢸꢡꢿ ||

ꢔꢸꢬꢸꢬ꣄ ꢨ꣄ꢬꢲ꣄ꢪꢵ ꢔꢸꢬꢸꢬ꣄ ꢮꢶꢰ꣄ꢠꢸ

ꢔꢸꢬꢸꢬ꣄ ꢣꢿꢮꣂ ꢪꢲꢿꢯ꣄ꢮꢬꢵ
ꢔꢸꢬꢸ ꢱꢵꢒ꣄ꢰꢵꢡ꣄ ꢦꢬꢨ꣄ꢬꢲ꣄ꢪ
ꢡꢱ꣄ꢪꣀ ꢯ꣄ꢬꢷ ꢔꢸꢬꢮꢾ ꢥꢪꢁ ||

. ேலா.கா.ேலா.ப.ேச. ய ணா ந யா

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