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My Drop Dead Life

By Hyla Molander Gusts of wind shout through the fog over
Tennessee Valley, slapping my long brown hair in all directions. I
hold my legs steady on the cliff side and watch the 10-foot Pacific
waves devour bits of red earth three stories below. The bushes make
a rustling sound, suddenly reminding me of the rumored mountain
lion, but when I turn around, two deer spring down the hill instead.

This is where it all started—Tennessee As I caught Erik smiling at us, I said, “Do
Valley Beach. The day after Erik and I you think about how lucky we are?”
moved from Florida to California—both 21 “Yes,” Erik replied. “I think about it at
at the time—we hiked two miles to reach least five times a day."
this magnificent Northern California coast- We had everything we had ever wanted.
line, and I was immediately filled up with After our casual Easter dinner, Erik got
the power of a universal force I had never up to make the coffee, and Tatiana and I
experienced before. watched in horror as he slid down the kitch-
We fell in love with Tennessee Valley that en counter.
day. Then, as we married and began build- “Erik, get up,” I said.
ing our family, we fell in love with our life in Then I noticed the blood on the side of
Marin County even more. his mouth from where he’d bit his tongue on
My children’s photography business the way down to our white-tiled floor.
quickly grew to include 2,000 Bay Area One minute he was laughing, and 35
families and worldwide publications, while minutes later he was pronounced dead.
Erik climbed the management ranks at Heart attack, at 29 years old.
Industrial Light and Magic. We fought like Just like that.
most couples do, but we had finally reached I stood over his motionless body in that
the point in which the playful gesture of a sterile hospital room, kissing his cold eyelids,
middle finger could end most arguments. as heaving sobs rolled through our unborn
Isn’t marriage about learning to see the daughter. My mouth traced his lips, wishing,
perfection in each other’s imperfections? more than anything, that I could blow life
On Easter Sunday, 2003, I reached over back into him.
my seven-month-pregnant belly to help our But Erik had taken his last breath.
one-year-old daughter, Tatiana, find colorful I wanted to lie on top of him and die.
eggs in the backyard. Our girls would be 19 How can I do this without him? How can
months apart. I tell Tatiana that her daddy is dead?

Do you have a story to tell? Submit your own First Person narrative for consideration in a future
Marin Magazine issue. For word count and guidelines, e-mail

48 M a r i n o c t o b e r 2 0 1 0
Care for another baby? How? Why? which finally read, in part: “There is a place the connection was instant, and in less than
The only way to get past this, I knew, where happiness overwhelms you, where two years, we were married. Soon after, at
was to walk straight into my pain. I vowed you feel you might burst because it feels so the courthouse where Evan legally adopted
to take hold of my sadness, wrestling it like good. I have been to that place. I have been the girls, Tatiana, four years old at the time,
a wild rattlesnake, so that I could eventually there and tasted its richness and I know said, “Mommy, do you think Daddy Erik sent
be a good mother again. that I will return there once again. I have Daddy to us?”
I didn’t want my heart to be broken into to believe that those capable of loving with “Yes, my love,” I told her. “I think he did.”
pieces. I wanted to be broken open. I need- such intensity, of living each moment com- Erik had always promised to take care of
ed to find meaning in this tragedy. pletely, must deserve to love again.” us, and I believe that he sent Evan to us so
After shutting down my photography The next morning I had 10 e-mails. The that he could keep his promise.
business, I started every possible type of men didn’t even seem to mind that I was a Only months after I met Evan, he’d said,
therapy: traditional grief counseling, mas- 30-year-old widow with two babies. “It’s all right if you never love me as much as
sage, energy work, a spousal loss sup- I started dating, but knew I wouldn’t you love Erik.”
port group, hypnotherapy, Eye Movement settle for less than Erik would want for me, But what I’ve discovered is that because
of loving Erik, because of losing him without

The only way to get past this, I knew, was to walk notice, I am able to love Evan even more.
I’m able to love Tatiana, Keira, Jason, and
straight into my pain. I vowed to take hold of my our new baby, Julian, even more.
Now, on this Tennessee Valley cliff, where
sadness, wrestling it like a wild rattlesnake, so that
I scattered Erik’s ashes, I have found the
I could eventually be a good mother again. meaning in my tragedy. Erik’s death has
taught me to live life with twice the inten-
Desensitization Reprocessing for Post- for less than I wanted for myself. I couldn’t sity. Through my memoir, Drop Dead Life: A
Traumatic Stress Disorder, and vigorous bring him back or replace him, but Erik had Pregnant Widow’s Heartfelt and Often Comic
exercise. All of it helped, but I continued to taught me how to love, and I knew I would Journey through Death, Birth, and Rebirth, I
search for answers. recognize that feeling when I found it with hope to remind others to do the same.
Words poured through my fingers, de- someone else. As I admire these undulating mountains,
scribing the hammering angst. Again and Time passed, and after a couple of six- I realize that even behind the mysterious
again, my mind replayed that Easter Sunday. month relationships, two years of workshop- fog, there is always light.
I wrote about the blood, Tatiana’s screams, ping sections of my
and then her frequent reenactment of her writing, and the even-
daddy’s death. Each excerpt peeled back tual resurrection of my
another layer. photography business,
Six weeks after Keira’s birth, Erik’s moth- along came the seren-
er said, “Sweetheart, you need to get back dipitous e-mail through
out there. Erik wants you to find love again.” M a t c h .c o m . A l o n g
She saw my loneliness. She knew I longed came Evan.
for what I’d had before. When I introduced
So, even though I felt like damaged Tatiana and Keira to
goods, I entered the world of online dating. Evan and his eight-
I wrote and rewrote my profile, year-old son, Jason, M a r i n o c t o b e r 2 0 1 0 49

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