Giant Pumpkins - Dawson 1

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How to grow giant pumpkins

Pumpkin facts

u  There are competitions for growing pumpkins

u  World record for heaviest pumpkin is 2323 lbs
Step 1: Prepare soil and seeds

u  Mix manure, peat moss, fertilizer, and compost

u  Soak seed in water overnight
Step 2: Sow seeds

u  Plant seeds in pots indoors

u  Plant pointy end down
Step 3: Transplant seedlings

u  Once true leaves have grown transplant into garden

u  Dig trench so there is room for the main vine
Step 4: Protect seedlings

u  Build shelter around plant

Step 5: Pollinate flowers

•  Rub the pollen from the male flower on

female flower
Step 7: Prune vines
Step 8: Wait for it to grow
Tips and tricks

u  Pumpkins grow best in warm places and climates

u  Pumpkins take around 160 days to grow
u  Pumpkins are harvested in the fall

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