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Civil Rights

Brown v. board of education

1. Well for whites ok, for people of color not so much. this occurs primarily in the south.
White schools were over all better the colored schools for example white schools
were new while colored schools were inconsistent from being a old shack to a
basement, funding was unfair whites receive more funding while colored schools
were lacking equipment and their teachers were not the most educated
2. People down south didn’t want integration, because the south does not like being
bossed around by the north
3. They helped file lawsuits and payed for many fees that occured, they also provided
an attorney Thurgood Marshall. Unlikely due to the NAACP filed it as a class action
lawsuit which help
4. Usually it means separating two or more groups based on race or religion, an
example being residential schools not only separating from other kids but attempting
cultural genocide
5. We are stuck out here and they don’t like us in there. No idea how to change it
Little rock nine
1. good grades, tough and yes to the vetting because if they didn’t they could have
2. They were insulted, spat on, beaten, Gloria Ray thrown down the stairs and Melba
Patillo was beaten and had acid thrown in her face. At the time not much, though
later on they felt ashamed of what they did, besides that i don’t know. The governor
Orval Faubus was against integration he made the Arkansas national guard prevent
them from entering the high school and their were groups like the Capital Citizens
Council and the Mother’s League of Central High School who were also against

Montgomery bus boycott

1. She was a lady who refused to give up her seat. The reason they didn’t use the prior
incident is because the woman was pregnant so her refusing was not necessarily an
act of defiance, but because she was pregnant she probably need the seat
2. Considering that 75 percent of bus riders are african american it cost them a lot of
money and the end results were integration of buses
3. Well this is hard to write but the following is the reaction of the white people of
Montgomery, Alabama. Snipers began firing into buses and one shooter, shattered
both the legs of a pregnant african american passenger. Later four black churches
and the homes of prominent black leaders were bombed, a bomb that was at Martin
Luther King’s house was defused. Seven bombers were arrested all of them
“surprisingly” members of the Ku Klux Klan

The Woolworth’s lunch counter

1. Non-violent protest, public acts of defiance, which brings the attention of the media
which caused this to happen in 54 cities in the south. Yes their tactics are effective
they spread the word through the media which caused this to happen 54 other cities
which caused caused them to give in and integrate
2. ​For their to be integration at diners and eventually integration all around
3. In this case yes as acts of violence may have caused more loss of life and may have
brought more support against integration. I do believe that during situations involving
military occupation and sometimes of oppression that violent protest may be justified

The Freedom Riders

1. In general negative as segregation and violence, still occurred

2. The Freedom Riders were groups of white and african american civil rights activists
who participated in Freedom Rides, bus trips through the American South in 1961 to
protest segregated bus terminals.
3. Because the local leaders and people down south did not enforce or support these
laws so segregation continued
4. It is because has not changed with the times so they treated ethnicities much like
their ancestors would
5. Well it brought attention to the fact that this is still happening and that these activities
are being met with violence. Nowadays through social media almost instantly
thousands of people know what is happening and in most cases a majority of the
people support it and immediately spread the word to their friends and so on and so
forth until a percentage of the world is supporting it.

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