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Established 1845
AMERICAN January 1985 Volume 252 Number 1

The Command and Control

of Nuclear War
Nuclear weapons and strategic policy attract increasing public concern,
but systems for command, control, communications and intelligence may
be just as important in deterring nuclear attack and preventing escalation

by Ashton B. Carter

eaponry tends to dominate would resemble what the leaders had to make and can work out the possible

W discussions of nuclear war.

Missiles and bombers, throw
weights and flight times, and the elab­
in mind and that its "appropriateness"
would be recognized by the enemy
consequences of each move. An analo­
gous clarity in nuclear war is most un­
likely. In addition to its importance for
orate counting rules of arms-control Scenarios describing how a "limit­ the deterrence of nuclear war, C3I
agreements provide the grist of public ed" nuclear war might be fought imply forces planners to think through the
debate. After the weapons themselves that escalation from less than total to potential course of such a war in vivid
come the plans for their use, bearing total nuclear war is not automatic and detail. Consideration of C3I thus lends
such names as minimum deterrence, that limited wars can therefore be a needed concreteness to the abstrac­
flexible response and countervailing waged purposefully and coherently. tions of nuclear strategy.
strategy. Weapons and strategic doc­ The concept of protracted nuclear war Until a few years ago public discus­
trine are meaningless, however, unless levies an even stronger requirement sion of C3I by knowledgeable Govern­
the superpowers also have the means than a single exchange of warheads ment officials was rare, since the issue
to know what is happening in the chaos does: coherent command, control and was rightly regarded as extremely sen­
of crisis or war, to provide for deci­ communication must persist for weeks sitive. This situation began to change,
sions by legitimate authorities and to or months after a major nuclear at­ apparently because many officials be­
have orders carried out precisely and tack. According to Secretary of De­ lieved that without more prominence
faithfully. In military parlance these fense Caspar W. Weinberger's Annual C3I would never get the attention it
capabilities form the system of strate­ Statement for Fiscal Year 1983, the deserved. Consequently in recent years
gic command, control, communica­ U.S. must possess the means "to im­ analysts have explicated the C3I prob­
tions and intelligence, or C3I (pro­ pose termination of a major war on lem in lurid detail, even putting for­
nounced "see cubed eye"). Although terms favorable to the United States ward a number of alarming possibili­
C3I has been largely neglected outside and our allies even if nuclear weapons ties: the U.S. is a paper tiger that could
a narrow circle of experts, it is an all­ have been used." Yet U.S. military not in fact retaliate after a nuclear
important facet of the problem of de­ leaders have also suggested the U.S. attack (since the command structure
terring nuclear war, fully as important might attack the Soviet leadership. If could be "decapitated"); reliance on
as weapons and doctrine. this vital element of the C3I system a strategy of launch under attack for
All concepts of nuclear war have of the U.S.S.R. were to be eliminated, ICBM'S could invite disaster if warning
built into them important assumptions who would be available to cooperate sensors mistakenly indicated a Soviet
about C3I. For example, deterrence in terminating the war? attack; electromagnetic-pulse (EMP) ef­
presupposes that the nation attacked Such considerations raise the ques­ fects could disrupt so much electronic
can communicate retaliatory orders to tion of whether the C3I problem ren­ equipment that most communications
its weapons in spite of the destruction ders futile many prevailing theories and computer systems simply would
of its national capital and normal com­ about nuclear war and plans for using not work. Less common at this stage
munications facilities. The idea that new weapons. Some nuclear strategists of the evolution of the C3I issue is
retaliation should be appropriate to imagine that a nuclear war would un­ constructive advice about what can
the attack presupposes that national fold like a chess game. Chess players, be done to make these probabilities
leaders would in fact have a clear idea however, have complete knowledge of smaller. And looming behind the quest
of the extent of the damage inflicted; it the positions of all the pieces, can ex­ for solutions to C3I problems is the
further assumes that the counterattack ecute precisely every move they want unsettling suggestion that no matter

how good the C3I equipment is and way. The collection of strategic-warn­ mand post of the North American
how well trained its users are, an in­ ing data is allied with peacetime intel­ Aerospace Defense Command (NO­
eradicable residue of uncertainty will ligence collection; this aspect of the RAO ) in Cheyenne Mountain, Colo.,
always remain about the unprecedent­ "I" in C3I will not be discussed fur­ began generating spurious warnings
ed circumstance of nuclear war. ther here. In addition to sounding the of a Soviet missile attack. This inci­
alarm, warning sensors can also record dent was unimportant in itself, since
As C3I has begun to enter public dis­ for those who make decisions (and for the spurious data stream did not simu­
£\. cussion it has also begun to re­ history) where the bombs fell. Com­ late a plausible attack. (The signals
ceive renewed emphasis in actual plan­ munications links carry warning data changed erratically with time, and the
ning. The Reagan Administration has from sensors to command posts and international situation was calm.) All
made C3I a key aspect of its strate­ orders from command posts to the nu­ participants in the alert agreed that the
gic modernization program, which in­ clear forces. Procedures need to be U.S. came nowhere near to "accidental
cludes the MX intercontinental bal­ worked out well in advance to rescue war." A less easily recognized mal­
listic missile ( ICBM ) , the Trident II the leadership from Washington. Pro­ function in tenser circumstances, how­
submarine-launched ballistic missile cedures must also be devised to recon­ ever, could be more troublesome.
( SLBM ) , sea-launched cruise missiles cile the military's duty to exercise neg­ Furthermore, military operations
(SLCM'S) , the B- 1 and Stealth bombers, ative control over nuclear weapons are rife with opportunities for C3I
air-launched cruise missiles (ALCM'S ) ("Do not shoot until told") with pos­ foul-ups. The likelihood that some­
and the Strategic Defense Initiative, or itive control ("But respond reliably thing will go awry is compounded by
"Star Wars" antimissile defense re­ to authentic orders"). Nuclear forces the fact that the military system is so
search plan. C3I, however, still ac­ must be managed in crises without un­ vast and complex that senior officials
counts for a small part of the budget wanted provocations. Even such mi­ cannot oversee its every move. More­
spent on strategic forces. About a dime nutiae as tuning to a common radio over, since no one has ever been in a
out of every dollar allocated to strate­ frequency must be prescribed in ad­ nuclear war, leaders would have to
gic forces goes to C3I, which means vance. This article deals mostly with rely largely on preconceived notions
somewhat more than a penny out of the first three elements of the C3I sys­ rather than on experience and reflec­
every dollar in the defense budget. tem, since they present well-defined tion. A healthy regard for Murphy's
Concretely, the C3I system consists technical problems and opportunities law is probably the better part of wis­
of four parts: command posts, sensors, for improvement. dom in strategic C3I.
communications links and procedures In approaching this task it should be
for the use of all this equipment. Com­
mand posts are needed to keep nation­
kept in mind that even elaborately en­
gineered systems can produce cata­ T he first technical ingredient of any
strategic C3I system is a set of sur­
al leaders alive and in touch with the strophic results when they are faced vivable command posts. A command
situation. Sensors provide both "stra­ with unexpected circumstances and post is not just a "FUhrer bunker" in
tegic" warning, indicating imminent pressures. In a celebrated incident in which to hide the national leaders.
Soviet attack, and "tactical" warning, the summer of 1980 a faulty compo­ They would be helpless without warn­
indicating that attack is already under nent in a data processor at the com- ing-sensor displays, communications

PRESIDENTIAL "DOOMSDAY" PLANE, officially known as various line-of-sight techniques (see illustratioll Oil lIext page). The
the National Emergency Airborne Command Post, or NEACP (pro­ plane is also capable of transmitting low-frequency (LF) and very­
nounced "kneecap"), is one of a fleet of specially modified Boeing low-frequency (VLF) signals over the horizon by means of a long an­
747's maintained in a high state of readiness by the U.S. Air Force tenna trailed from the back of the plane. In addition each NEACP
for possible use in a nuclear war. In an emergency the National plane carries a satellite-communications terminal and an assort­
Command Authorities-the president and the secretary of defense ment of other gear. Although there is no way at present for the So­
(or their duly deputized alternates or successors}--would board the viet nuclear forces to target such an airborne command post once it
plane, which would then fly to its crnise altitude, where it would be is in the air, the plane is considered quite vulnerable to a surprise
in a position to communicate with the nation's strategic forces by submarine-launched missile attack when it is on alert on its airstrip.





VARIETY OF COMMUNICATIONS LINKS are available to en­ lines could be severed in a nuclear attack, satellites and relay air­
able U.S. leaders to stay in touch with the nation's nuclear forces craft would be used to provide line-of-sight communications links
in an emergency. In this idealized scene the NEACP aircraft has al­ over the horizon. Satellite signals, on the other hand, could be dis­
ready taken off from an air base near Washington, D.C., following rnpted by high-altitude nuclear explosions; the resulting "blackout"
the receipt of an early warning of an impending missile strike by effect would be particularly severe at lower frequencies. Further­
the U.S.S.R. The aircraft is shown in communication with two com­ more, nuclear explosions could inject enough extra electrons into
ponents of the U.S. nuclear forces: a field of Minuteman strate­ the lower ionosphere to cause high-frequency (HF) signals to be
gic missiles in Montana and a detachment of long-range bombers absorbed rather than refracted back down to the earth. Broadcast­
and cruise-missile carriers that have taken off from their bases and ing at lower frequencies would require that the NEACP plane reel
flown north over Canada, where they await the order to proceed to out a transmitting antenna several miles long. An alternative com­
their targets in the U.S.S.R. (If they receive no message, they will munications meth'od calls for reading the presidential command
automatically return to their bases.) Because each method of com­ into a tape recorder and launching the recorder on a rocket high
munication has its own drawbacks, the system must be designed enough to have line-of-sight contact with the strategic forces. Not
with several redundant links. For example, since telephone land- all the technical possibilities shown have actually been deployed.

terminals, codes for preparing appro­ be airborne, such as line-of-sight tech­ communications links from sensors to
priate orders and a highly trained staff niques or VLF trailing-wire antenna. command posts.
conversant in the arcana of fighting a New airframe designs may help to al­ A novel attack-assessment system
nuclear war. Strategic command posts leviate this problem by making it pos­ called the Integrated Operational N u­
therefore must be substantial facilities, sible to deploy aircraft that can "loi­ clear Detection System ( IONDS ) is
providing much more than just physi­ ter" aloft for longer periods. Looking scheduled to be launched by the U.S.
cal protection. to the future, emerging tcchnologies in the late 1980's aboard the NAVSTAR
The U.S. has considered the entire could enable the U.S.S.R. to track navigational satellites of the Global
spectrum of technical possibilities NEACP and give in-flight commands Positioning System ( GPs ) . The IONDS
for survivable command posts, from to missiles to home in on its' position. sensor package will include visible­
deep-underground war rooms and Clearly a vital question about a na­ light sensors, X-ray sensors and EMf'
mobile surface vehicles to ships and tional command post is "Who is to be sensors to detect nuclear explosions in
submElrines, but it has acknowledged in it?" U.S. officials understandably the atmosphere and in space. A nucle­
particular reliance on airplanes. The avoid public comment about the sensi­ ar explosion in the atmosphere pro­
Air Force maintains a fleet of special­ tive issue of how continuity of govern­ duces a characteristic double-peaked
ly modified Boeing 747's known as ment is to be ensured in a nuclear war. light pulse with a structure that de­
National Emergency Airborne Com­ The authority to order the use of nu­ pends on the explosive yield of the nu­
mand Posts, or NEACP'S (pronounced clear weapons is lodged formally with clear warhead. By measuring the time
"kneecaps"). Once such a plane is in an entity called the National Com­ of flight of the flash to several satellites
the air it cannot be targeted. By flying mand Authorities, which under nor­ it should be possible to locate each
at high altitude it can communicate ef­ mal circumstances consists of the pres­ burst to within a fraction of a kilome­
fectively by various line-of-sight tech­ ident and the secretary of defense. ter. The IONDS data would serve not
niques over a wide area, and it can Lines of succession for these offices are only to characterize an attack on the
transmit very-low-frequency ( VLF ) established, and so in theory the body U.S. but also to verify that the U.S.
signals over the horizon by means of would continue to exist even after the warheads launched in retaliation had
a long trailing-wire antenna. Each death of the principal officeholders. reached their targets in the U.S.S.R.
NEACP plane also carries satellite-com­ How the U.S. would in fact ensure the In addition IONDS would record the
munications terminals, warning-data survival of an authorized command detonation of Soviet SLBM'S on U.S.
receivers, EMP detectors and an assort­ entity in the event of a nuclear war territory some 10 to 20 minutes before
ment of other gear, as well as seats for is a matter of top-secret procedures the expected arrival of the more accu­
the presidential entourage. worked out in peacetime. rate "silo killing" Soviet ICBM'S. The
Although a command post of this U.S. leadership would have additional
type is comparatively safe when it is
airborne, it is quite vulnerable when W arning sensors are the second
major category of C3I equip­
information to use in making the dan­
gerous decision of whether to save the
on alert on its airstrip. An SLBM fired ment. There is very little the U.S. could threatened ICBM'S by launching them
from a submarine just off the coast do in the 10-minute flight time of an promptly. NAVSTAR satellites will in­
of the U.S. could arrive over the air SLBM or the 30-minute flight time of a corporate features designed to increase
base within 10 minutes of its launch­ land-based ICBM to prepare American their resistance to nuclear-weapons ef­
ing; since it would take several min­ society for a nuclear attack. Neverthe­ fects and also to possible future Soviet
utes for the crew to get into the plane, less, missile-warning sensors do serve antisatellite weapons.
bring the engines up to speed, taxi to certain crucial strategic functions.
the runway and take off, the ability Bombers, cruise-missile-carrying air­ ach kind of nuclear force has dis­
of NEACP to survive a surprise attack craft and airborne command posts all E tinctive communications require­
depends on extreme vigilance. need immediate warning to enable ments. For example, the C31 system
One safeguard against such a sur­ them to escape from their bases before must be capable at a minimum of
prise attack is another fleet of airborne SLBM warheads begin to explode above transmitting launching orders to the
command posts, code-named Looking them. If a launch-under-attack threat Minuteman ICBM fields in the Middle
Glass and operated by the Strategic is to be credible, the U.S. must show West from Washington or from some
Air Command. Since 196 1 at least one that it can reliably receive early and other over-the-horizon location. The
Looking Glass plane with an Air Force accurate evidence of an attack by the Emergency Action Message, or "go
general on board has been in the air at U.S.S.R. The most important use of code," is a short, preformatted, en­
all times, 24 hours a day, 365 days a the data from early-warning and at­ crypted message. More demanding
year. Presumably some of the NEACP tack-assessment sensors could well be would be the rapid response needed
fleet would also take to the air in a time the record such information provides to launch the U.S. ICBM'S that were un­
of crisis. the president about the nature and der attack before the Soviet ICBM war­
Notwithstanding the fact that NEACP scale of the attack on the U.S. Without heads arrived to destroy them in their
and Looking Glass cannot be targeted this information, which is not likely hardened silos. Some strategic plan­
in flight, there are problems inherent in to be readily obtained after the war­ ners have suggested that any missiles
relying excessively on aircraft for sur­ heads have fallen, the president can­ surviving an attack should be retarget­
vivable command posts. Even in flight not choose an appropriate response. ed to ensure that the highest-priority
such command posts are vulnerable to As in the case of command posts, targets in the U.S.S.R. would be cov­
some nuclear-weapon effects, such as there is a wide variety of technical pos­ ered in the retaliatory strike. Such re­
EMP, radioactive clouds, turbulent air sibilities for early-warning and attack­ targeting would impose yet another so­
from thousands of fireballs rising all assessment sensors. It would be reas­ phisticated communications demand.
over the country and harmful dust in­ suring to deploy a number of sensors Bombers and cruise-missile-carry­
haled by their jet engines. Without aer­ operating according to different physi­ ing aircraft have even more complex
ial refueling or a place to land and re­ cal principles, since their output is to needs than ICBM'S. Rapid and reliable
fuel, the president could not wait long be put to such a momentous purpose. communications from missile-warn­
to make decisions involving communi­ The sensors must obviously survive ing sensors are necessary to enable the
cations by means that require NEACP to long enough to do the job, as must the aircraft to take off and avoid destruc-

tion on the runway. Once they are air­ the paramount need for the submarine gency Action Message from the na­
borne, the planes would head north to to remain hidden and by the opacity of tional leadership and rebroadcasts it
predesignated locations, where they seawater to all electromagnetic radia­ over a VLF antenna several miles long,
would loiter aloft and await an Emer­ tion except extremely-low-frequency which it trails from its tail. The sub­
gency Action Message. If they re­ (ELF) and VLF radio waves and blue­ merged submarine must trail a long re­
ceived no order to continue on to their green light. On the other hand, the sur­ ceiving antenna a few meters or less
targets, they would return to their bas­ vivable submarine force would not below the ocean surface, within the
es. It is not clear whether bomber need to depend on rapid communica­ seawater penetration depth of VLF ra­
crews that had carried out their bomb­ tions or reliable warning to do its job. dio waves. Although the submarine it­
ing runs over the U.S.S.R. could ex­ In peacetime U.S. missile subma­ self can remain deeper than the anten­
pect to land on the territory of U.S. al­ rines are normally tuned to VLF broad­ na, it still must limit its depth and
lies near the U.S.S.R., refuel and return casts from large land-based transmit­ speed if the antenna is to work properly.
to whatever airfields remained in the ters, which could be readily destroyed Proposals exist to exploit the two
U.S.; if they could, they would need at the outbreak of a nuclear war. In other seawater "windows," which lie in
additional C3I facilities to do so. wartime the U.S. would rely heavily on the ELF and blue-green parts of the
The task of communicating to mis­ an airborne relay system named TACA­ spectrum. A radio antenna operating
sile-carrying submarines is complicat­ MO (for "Take charge and move out"). in the ELF range (between 70 and 80
ed by the long distances involved, by The TACAMO plane receives an Emer- hertz) is known to excite the character-





COMMUNICATIONS WITH MISSILE SUBMARINES are lim­ mission has two disadvantages: it requires very large antennas and
ited by the fact that seawater is transparent to electromagnetic ra­ power snpplies, and it is limited to very low data rates. On the other
diation in only three parts of the spectrum: at extremely low fre­ hand, radio waves at these frequencies would propagate well over
qnencies (ELF) and very low frequencies (VLF) in the radio region long distances even if the ionosphere were to be distnrbed by nn­
and at blue-green frequencies in the visible region. Radio broad­ VLF relay
clear explosions. The U.S. Navy now relies primarily on
casting at the long wavelengths characteristic of ELF and VLF trans- aircraft code-named TACAMO ( for "Take charge and move ont").

IStiC modes of vibration of the reso­ U.S. military is planning a new genera­ quency, EHF satellite links would again
nant cavity formed by the earth's sur­ tion of autonomous spacecraft that be superior to UHF.
face and the ionosphere. This phenom­ will generate most of their own control

enon makes it possible for an ELF sig­ instructions with the aid of an on­ till another way to protect against
nal to propagate worldwide. Since the board computer; in addition control jamming is to lower the data rate,
depth to which an electromagnetic sig­ facilities will be deployed in trucks in effect repeating the message several
nal is able to penetrate a conducting that would roam the nation's highways times to ensure reception. Since such
medium such as seawater increases to avoid being targeted. methods use a larger bandwidth to
with the wavelength, a deeply sub­ Antisatellite weapons present a spe­ support the data rate than would be
merged submarine can in principle re­ cial kind of threat to strategic commu­ needed in the absence of jamming,
ceive such an ELF signal. nications systems. For example, the they are called spread-spectrum tech­
For the sake of efficiency, however, U.S.S.R. could in the future plan to niques. The repetition pattern must be
the diameter of a transmitting antenna attack U.S. communications satellites kept secret or the hostile jammer could
must be approximately equal to the with interceptor missiles, laser weap­ concentrate his jamming effort in just
wavelength of the radiation it broad­ ons, particle-beam weapons or re­ those time and frequency intervals that
casts. Its data rate in bits per second is mote-controlled "space mines" placed contain a crucial part of the message.
usually limited to a fraction of its car­ in orbit next to U.S. satellites [see Spread-spectrum antijamming tech­
rier frequency in hertz. Hence an ELF "Antisatellite Weapons," by Richard niques are closely related to methods
antenna for a system with an effective L. Garwin, Kurt Gottfried and Donald used to encode messages. Communi­
data rate of only a few bits per minute L. Hafner; SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, cations security is necessary to prevent
must nonetheless be many miles in June, 1984]. A nuclear explosion in the enemy from listening in to commu­
diameter. One such system has been space could produce enough X-radia­ nications among U.S. leaders or send­
built by the U.S. Navy in Wisconsin; tion and gamma radiation to damage ing false messages to U.S. forces.
its main disadvantage is that it is ex­ a satellite at a range of many hun­ Spread-spectrum techniques can also
tremely vulnerable to nuclear attack. dreds of kilometers. be used to spread a low-power trans­
Another communications scheme Jamming a radio link means trans­ mission over such a wide bandwidth
involves blue-green laser light beamed mitting "noise" to the receiving anten­ that the enemy, ignorant of the pattern
from a satellite to sensitive detectors na in order to drown out meaningful needed to process the message, cannot
mounted on the hull of the submerged signals from "friendly" transmitters. A ferret the signal out of the background
submarine or towed closer to the sur­ distant transmitter can jam effectively noise. Using this technique with satel­
face. This idea is still in the research at high frequencies and very low fre­ lite communications at extremely high
stage, and its usefulness is uncertain. quencies, since these signals can prop­ frequencies, submarines might in the
Such a communications system would agate over the horizon. For the high­ future be able to communicate back to
obviously depend on the satellite's est frequencies, however, the jammer shore without having their transmis­
ability to survive a direct attack. must have a clear line of sight to the sions detected and located.
It is possible that long VLF antennas receiver 'being jammed. Operating in A nuclear war would present some
trailed from balloons could supple­ this way, Soviet forces in Cuba or on special communications problems. Or­
ment or replace TACAMO aircraft in board ships off the U.S. coast could dinarily HF radio signals pass through
certain circumstances. If the subma­ seek to jam the "uplinks" to satellites the lower ionosphere, where the elec­
rine were to tow a small buoy with an positioned over the U.S. tron density is low, and are refracted
antenna, it could receive an Emergen­ The most direct way to thwart jam­ back to the earth by the electron-densi­
cy Action Message by satellite or by ming would be to increase the power ty gradient in the upper ionosphere.
high-frequency (HF) radio relay from of the friendly transmitter. Another High-altitude nuclear bursts and the
other Navy ships at sea. Still anoth­ way would be to use directional anten­ radioactive clouds from lower-altitude
er possibility involves sowing areas of nas. A directional transmitter could bursts would increase the electron den­
the ocean floor with acoustic beacons focus the radiated energy toward the sity in the lower layer of the iono­
linked by fiber-optic cables to floating receiver; a directional receiver would sphere. HF signals passing through the
buoys or ground stations. Altogether readily accept energy from the friend­ ionized lower layer would then be ab­
there is quite a rich array of technical ly transmitter. Because the directional sorbed, since in this layer there would
possibilities for postattack submarine gain of a satellite antenna depends on be a high density of ions and neutral
communications and no fundamental the ratio of the signal wavelength to atoms. This "blackout" of HF signals
reason why an appropriate ensemble the antenna diameter, extremely-high­ could last for long periods.
of these links should not be as reliable frequency (EHF) and superhigh-fre­ UHF satellite signals and VHF and
as the postattack links to ICBM'S. quency (SHF) communications links UHF radar beams passing through se­
would be easier to protect with direc­ verely ionized regions could also suffer

A strategic communications system

must be designed to resist all
tional antennas than the longer-wave­
length ultrahigh-frequency (UHF) links
absorption. Since the absorption coef­
ficient is inversely proportional to the
kinds of interference, including physi­ in widespread niilitary use today. square of the radio frequency, EHF and
cal destruction, jamming, interception Radio transmissions typically occu­ SHF signals would suffer far less from
or mimicking by enemy intelligence, py a narrow range of frequencies blackout than UHF signals. Neverthe­
disturbance by the ionosphere and dis­ called the bandwidth. A jammer must less, even these frequencies could be
ruption by the EMP effect. It must be radiate noise throughout much of this subject to the transient interruptions
assumed that radio antennas, land-line bandwidth or enough of the message called scintillations, caused as parts of
switching centers and ground-based may reach the receiver through the un­ the signal wave front that pass through
satellite-control facilities would all be jammed part of the band to make it regions of different electron density
targeted in a major nuclear attack. Sat­ intelligible. Accordingly another way (and therefore undergo different phase
ellites can malfunction or fail com­ for the sender to improve jamming shifts) interfere at the receiver.
pletely without periodic "housekeep­ protection is to increase the bandwidth Electromagnetic pulse is a well-pub­
ing" signals sent from ground-based of the signal. Since the available band­ licized form of interference. It is gener­
control stations. As a consequence the width increases with increasing fre- ated when gamma rays from a high-al-

titude nuclear explosion induce strong respondingly more ambitious C3I sys­ fields at which to land, refuel and pre­
electric currents in the upper atmos­ tems. For example, strategists who pare for the next round; generators and
phere. The resulting intense radiated foresee a nuclear war beginning with a batteries used to power support equip­
fields would contain frequency com­ less than total exchange and continu­ ment in the ICBM silos after power lines
ponents ranging from ELF all the way ing through further exchanges must were down would go dead, and satel­
up to VHF. The EMP effect from a single also envision a C31 system capable of lites would be lost without ground­
burst at an altitude of several hundred supporting repeated cycles of attack control commands. At the other end
kilometers could blanket the entire and counterattack. These strategists of the time spectrum of possible nucle­
U.S. Such a pulse would enter elec­ must assume, for example, that attack­ ar wars lies a launch of ICBM'S under
tronic equipment through apertures assessment sensors damaged in a first attack. Such a move would require
and along power lines and other con­ strike could still collect information near-perfect confidence in warning
ductors, causing potentially harmful and transmit it to command posts to sensors, qualified leaders on hand at
voltage surges. Although this effect enable leaders to make what the strate­ the moment of attack and rapid trans­
has been analyzed intensively, com­ gists prescribe as the appropriate re­ mission of launching orders over the
plex electronic systems have so many sponse to the second attack. In a single communications links.
possible failure modes, each differing exchange, in contrast, the warning sys­ When one turns from purely mili­
in many particulars from others, that tems might still be undamaged at the tary C31 to the broader needs of gov­
predictions are hard to make. time they had to do their job. One posi­ ernments in responding to the desper­
tive note is that the situations in which ate circumstances of nuclear war, one

T he many potential vulnerabilities

of the C3I systems for the support
the U.S. would want to make a limited
response to a Soviet attack would
encounters further complications. The
coordination of civil defense and re­
of strategic nuclear forces demon­ probably be those where the attack covery efforts, perhaps hopeless in any
strate that it is difficult to guarantee was itself limited, and hence where event, could only be made harder by
that the U.S. could carry out the most damage to the U.S. C3I system was less the destruction of the nation's commu­
rudimentary aspect of its nuclear de­ than total. nications infrastructure. Deciding to
terrent policy: to discern the nature of If the war were to be protracted, use the nuclear weapons deployed in
an attack by the U.S.S.R. and to retali­ continuing "tit for tat" for several Europe might involve a complicated
ate according to a prearranged plan. weeks or months, new problems would conference of the leaders of the North
More detailed doctrines for conduct­ arise: bombers and airborne command Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
ing possible nuclear wars require cor- posts would have to find surviving air- Such a conference is not likely to be





VARIETY OF SENSORS are available to provide early warning tion the president ever gets about the scale and intent of a nuclear
of an intercontinental-ballistic-missile (ICBM) attack and to assess attack 011 the U.S., this information could be instrumental in deter­
the nature of the attack. U.S. leaders would presumably respond to mining whether and how the U.S. would retaliate. Short-wave in­
such a warning by ordering airborne command posts, bombers and frared sensors would first detect the hot exhaust plumes of the mis­
cruise-missile carriers into the air before they could be destroyed siles. Radars would later observe the approaching warheads and
on the runway. They might also decide to give the launch-under­ missile fragments. Later still, other satellite-based sensors would
attack order to U.S. ICBM'S before they could be destroyed in their detect the actual nuclear explosions. Long-wave infrared sensors,
silos. Perhaps the most important use of the warning data, however, which could record the infrared glow of the warm warheads against
would be made after the attacking missiles had arrived at their tar­ the cold background of space, have not been deployed, but they and
gets: since the output of the sensors might be the only clear indica- other advanced sensors are currently being developed by the U.S.

any easier to arrange than communica­ SOVIET LEADERS
tions within the more cohesive U.S. ORDER ATTACK

military, which would be hard enough

in the circumstances.
The leaders of the U.S. and the
U.S.S.R. would communicate, after a ATTACK ...
fashion, through the violent actions
they ordered. Beyond that, it is unclear CHARACTERIZE
how they could confer in order to ATTACK . . .
bring hostilities to an end. In peace­ u.S. LEADERS
time the hot line serves this purpose. INTERPRET
This teletype system linking the capi­ SOVIET INTENT
tals of the two countries is being up­ u.S. LEADERS
graded to include facsimile transmis­ ORDERS RECEIVED
sion, enabling the leaders to trade ORDERS TO (.656)
charts and maps. Proposals to add fQ8g �� c. . � ________________

voice or video links have been consis­ u.S. FORCES

tently turned down for fear that such CARRY OUT
intimate, real-time contact between
leaders in a crisis could foster subjec­
tive reactions and misunderstandings. CHARACTERIZE
All the hot-line terminals in the U.S. COUNT ERATTACK
and the U.S.S.R. are in prime target SOVIET
areas. From these terminals the signals LEADERS
would go out over vulnerable land­
lines and from satellite ground sta­
_ .J____________
tions. Two-way HF radio communica­
tion requires nothing more than that LEADERS
the ionosphere recover from its nu­ SEND
clear-explosion-induced disruption. It
could therefore serve to connect the ORDER
leaders of the two sides after a nuclear TO FORCES
exchange, if appropriate agreements .43 .053 + .059 + .066 + .073 + .081 + .09 + .1 = .57
were made beforehand between the PROBABILITY OF OUTCOME
two countries.
HYPOTHETICAL PROBABILITY TREE illustrates schematically the possible outcomes

I n many ways the most vital C31 chal­ of a limited nuclear attack on the U.S. According to the prevailing strategic doctrine, an
"appropriate" U.S. counterattack would induce the U.S.S.R. to end hostilities without trig­
lenge is not war itself but the prel­
gering an all-out nuclear exchange. In a real war, however, there would be a chain of indi­
ude to war. Effective crisis manage­
vidual events involving command, control, communications and intelligence (C31), any one
ment presents a host of C31 issues. of which could divert this simple scenario into other outcomes. None of the unexpected out­
Good crisis communications within comes "makes sense" in terms of strategic theory, and yet taken together they are actually
the U.S. Government and between somewhat more likely than the predicted "coherent" outcome. At each stage in this hypo­
governments is essential. "Hair trig­ thetical model the "wrong" outcome was arbitrarily assigned a probability of 10 percent.
gers" built into nuclear forces put ex­
cessive demands on the C31 system in
a crisis. The realization that nuclear abling" codes from higher command­ lite systems, could also help the C3l
weapons are subject to preemptive de­ ers. N uclear-weapons systems must system to do its job.
struction (as in the case of silo-based also be immune to accidental launch­ Although money and effort can and
ICBM'S) or to capture (as in the case of ing or detonation. Finally, nuclear should be spent to improve C31, no
battlefield nuclear weapons) may lead weapons must be protected from theft level of effort can ever dispel the fun­
some national leaders to conclude that by terrorists, foreign nations or even damental unpredictability of nuclear
rapid decisions based on spotty infor­ an ally who abruptly turns hostile. war. In most cases one cannot fore­
mation are necessary. In such condi­ If advanced technology sometimes see precisely the physical effects that
tions the choices might appear to be seems to heighten the dangers of nucle­ would determine the C31 system's be­
"use 'em or lose 'em." ar war, it seems to have a clear oppor­ havior, much less predict the interac­
In peacetime the very possession of tunity to help in improving strategic tion of people and machines in cha­
nuclear weapons imposes on the na­ C31. Improvements in reliable sensing otic circumstances they can never fully
tions having them the gravest demand and data processing, resilient commu­ anticipate. Some opservers go so far
for responsible C31. Procedures and nications systems and survivable com­ as to suggest that improving C31 will
technical systems must prevent unau­ mand posts deserve public support. N o foster an illusion of control over nu­
thorized individuals, be they techni­ single component can b e made abso­ clear war. Although this is probably
cians or generals, from launching nu­ lutely invulnerable, but disruption can too extreme a view, it is impossible to
clear weapons. The U.S. military re­ be made difficult, time-consuming, have confidence in any one theory
quires that all tasks involving nuclear costly and above all uncertain to the about nuclear war, and confidence in
weapons, from routine repairs to mis­ adversary. Just as important is sensi­ strategic theories invariably declines
sile countdowns, be accomplished by tive attention to procedures. Arms­ as they are elaborated and detailed. In
two people rated in the same specialty. control agreements, by limiting the a fundamental sense there are no ex­
Many nuclear weapons have addition­ deployment of "hair trigger" weapons, perts on nuclear war and no predict­
al technical devices to prevent their by enacting confidence-building meas­ able details. One can only hope that
crews from arming them without "en- ures and perhaps by limiting antisatel- the situation remains that way.


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