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Improvements of UTP Cat.

7A in comparisson with
Cat.6 and Cat.5e
Carlos Tixi1
Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Quito, Ecuador.

Some occasions we need interconnect LANs for  It has a bandwidth of 600 MHz in 100 meter
communication for this is indispensable to use wire but, ¿What of cable.
kind of wire.?
 It has velocity of transmission upper to
In the actually the most useful wire in Networks is cat5e but
in this days we need transmit the information with more speed
for this reason appears other categories’ wires for satisfy this  It has stricter specifications for crosstalk and
requirements these are cat.6, but this isn’t enough actually we noise than previous categories.
can find one more category this is cat.7 o class F(ISO/IEC
11801:2002)  This use a connector GG-45 this is compatible
Cat7 is used for the structure of Ethernet and can be used for with RJ-45. [3]
a maximum length of 100 meters and this can support speeds up In the table. 1 it can see some comparison of
to 10 Gigabit Ethernet in other words 1000 MHz, Cat.7 comes characteristics between previous categories.
with some updates, in each pair of wire has been added a
covering and external shield this improvement the resistance to
the noise and crosstalk.
Table. 1
The relation attenuation and crosstalk is better than cat.5 and
cat 6 until 600 MHz for each pair of wire, thanks to the general
shield and individual shield the cat.7 is more resistance to the
interferences. [1]


Fig.1 Connectors for Cat. 7

[1] WEBMASTER, «Reqquality SIstemas,» 10 06 2014. [En
Source: línea]. Available:
The Cat.7 is the picked for new applications of Internet of the cat6-y-cat7/. [Último acceso: 28 04 2017].
things (IoT), because is the most power and Cat.5e is going to [2] D. S. S. ROMAN, «“DESARROLLO DE GUIAS DE
the second plane, for the best and the most versatile application LABORATORIO,» ESCUELA POLITÉCNICA DEL
Cat.7 is the best option. [2] EJÉRCITO, Sangolqui, 2008.
1. Advantages Cat.7 with Cat.5e and Cat.6 [3] J. A. L. Andrade, «Diseño e Implementación del Sistema
de Cableado Estructurado y red inalambrica para
Hormigones del Valle S.A,» ESCUELA POLITÉCNICA
 It´s compatible with previous categories NACIONAL, Quito, 2011.
Cat.5e and Cat.6

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