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Trouble Shooting - Workflow Item Not Triggered

Created by Murthy Ayyagari, last modified by Fernando Bassuino on Dec 05, 2013

This document is a technical document, so it is only for the user with technical background.

Workflow is running is background, so when any issue, it is hard for user to analysis. The only appearance is no task received. And now, please follow this document to analysis. Because most of PC
workflows are triggered by Planner, so this document will start from Planner and then go together with other scenarios.

1. Check Workflow configuration

Please refer to SAP note 1621649 to check workflow configuration first. Especially if the system is a new one and this workflow task runs first time.

2. Planner check list

2.1 Check planner job
In PC3.0, planner is running by workflow. However, in PC10.0, to satisfy period functionality, Planner backend is changed to run by job.

Open transaction SM37, and input

A, the user name who plan the task.

B, sepefic the planner creation time.

C, input GRFN_BP_SCHEDULER into ABAP program name.

Click execute or F8.

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Trouble Shooting - Workflow Item Not Triggered - Governance, Risk an...

PS: here, the job name is the guid for the planner. If you would like to find its name input from frontend. You can check table GRFNTASKPLAN and GRFNTASKPLANGRP.

The job status should be green. Or there should be something wrong, then please look at next chapter.

2.2 Check planner log

Open transaction SLG1.

Input grpc into object, planner into subobject.And if we obtain the planner id from above chap, input it into external ID. And also choose the time restriction.

And click execute or F8.

Green means all thing go well. If any red light, it means something wrong, and the message will supply more detail information.

From the planner log, we can also obtain the case id. See also the last line of the message.

3. Check event trace

After planner runs successfully, the event should be triggered. And not only for planner but also for other scenario, like policy, adhoc issue, report and so on. All the workflow is triggered by event, in
another word, from event trace we can check the workflow is triggered successfully or not.

Open transaction SWEL.

From front chapter, in the planner log, we can obtain the case id. Input the case id into ’Creator’ object instance, and if you are experienced enough, you can also input ‘Creator’ object type and Event
as filter.

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Trouble Shooting - Workflow Item Not Triggered - Governance, Risk an...

Click execute button or F8.

We can see two events are triggered for this case. And this entry is wild event, because it is “No receiver entered”, which means after this event nothing happen. And the second entry works, and it is the
“CREATE” event. Just as its name, this event will create a workflow instance.

Double click the second entry.

The best news for us is showing an Object Key, whose another name is workflow item id.

Click the button Work Item.

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Trouble Shooting - Workflow Item Not Triggered - Governance, Risk an...

System shows us the workflow log, where we can find the agent information.

Here we can check who received the task. If it is not as you expected, go to next chapter.

4. Agent determination
Different scenario may have different solution. However, most of them use the agentslot approach.

4.1 Checking agentslot configuration

Open transaction SM30, and input GRFNAGENTSLOTCV into view and click Display.

Let us take one entry in the below screenshot as example.

From the Business Event Name, it shows this is for “perform assessment“.

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Trouble Shooting - Workflow Item Not Triggered - Governance, Risk an...

From the Subentity, see also below F4 help, it shows it is for “Subprocess Design Assessment“.

From Role, it shows the role “cross subprocess owner“ will receive the task.

So, in one word, “cross subprocess owner“ will receive the task of “perform subprocess design assessment“.

Because authorization engine is able to clumb the master data tree to find recipient until getting one. So it is possible that a role in high level received the task on a lower level object. For example, we can
assign subprocess owner to perform control design assessment.

4.2 Check Role Assignment

Based above chapter, we obtain which role will perform the task. Then we should check whether the role assignment is wrong. The normal problems:

Role assignment is overdue.

User is overdue.
Wrong Regulation.

4.3 Fallback receiver

If no recepient obtain, and fallback receiver is configurated. The workflow will goto fallback receiver’s inbox, so that someone is aware about these tasks.

Under IMG Workflow folder, find Maintain Fallback Receiver activity.

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Trouble Shooting - Workflow Item Not Triggered - Governance, Risk an...

We can define the fallback recipient here.

4.4 No Agent Found Task

We may meet the issue that no recipient of the task, and fallback recever isn’t setup. Then the workflow will go into Error status. System admin could use transacation SWPR to find out them.

Input the created date and time. And click execute or F8.

Then system list the workflow items without agent.

Check the workflow log and fix the role assignment.

At last, choose the entry and click Restart workflow, to restart the workflow.

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1621649 - Workflow Initial configuration
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