Sample Aptitude Paper-1

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1. 270 candidates appeared for an examination, of which 252 passed. The pass percentage
a) 80% b)831/2% c) 901/3 % d) 931/3 %
2. 860% of 50 + 50% of 860 =?
a) 430 b) 516 c)860 d) 960
3. A shopkeeper expects a gain of 22.5% on his cost price .if in a week,his sale was of
Rs.392 , what was his profit?
a)18.20 b) 70 c)72 d)88.25
4. On selling 17 balls at Rs.720, there is a loss equal to the cost of 5 balls. The cost price of
a ball is :
a) 45 b)50 c)55 d)60
5. Which of the following is not a prime number?
a) 33 b)81 c) 93 d)97
6. Salaries of Ravi and Sumit are in the ratio 2:3 . If the salary of each is increased by
Rs.4000 , the new ratio becomes 40:57 . What is Sumit’s salary?
a)17,000 b)20,000 c)25,500 d)38,000
7. Complete the series 75% of 480 =(?)*15
a) 20 b)24 c) 28 d)32
8. 4598 is 95% of
a) 4800 b)4840 c)4850 d)4880
9. By selling a ball Rs. 34.40 a man gains 7.5% what will be the cost price of the ?
a) 31 b) 92 c) 33 d)34

In each question below is given a statement followed by two conclusions numbered 1 and
2. You have to assume everything in the statement to be true, then consider the two
conclusions together and decide which of them logically follows beyond a reasonable
doubt from the information given in the statement.

Give answer:
(A) If only conclusion 1 follows
(B) If only conclusion 2 follows
(C) If either 1 or 2 follows
(D) If neiither 1 or 2 follows and
(E) If both both 1 and 2 follow
10.Statement: In a one day cricket match. The total runs made by a team were 200. Out
of these 160 runs were made by spinners.


I. 80% of the team consits of spinners .

II. The opening batsmen were spinners.

A. Only Conclusion 1 follows

B. Only conclusions 2 follows

C. Either 1 and 2 follows

D. Neither 1 nor 2 follows

E. Both 1 and 2 follows

11. The manager humiliated Sachin in the presence of his colleagues.

I. The manager did not like Sachin

II. Sachin was not popular with his colleagues.

A. Only Conclusion 1 follows

B. Only conclusions 2 follows

C. Either 1 and 2 follows

D. Neither 1 nor 2 follows

E. Both 1 and 2 follows

12. Look at this series : 7,10,8,11,9,12….. What number should come next?

a) 7 b) 10 c)12 d)13

13. Y is in direct propertion to X When X=5 . thenn Y=12 find

1) The value of Y when X=7.5 and

2) The value of X when Y=84

a)18, 35 b)12,30 c)18,30 D)12,35

14. A fruit seller had some apples. He sells 40% and still has 420 apples. Originally, he
a)588 apples b) 600 apples c) 672 apples d) 700 apples

Section -B

Verbal Ability
15. Fate smiles ……… those who untiringly grapple with stark realities of life.

a) with b) over c)on d)round

16. I saw a ……… of cows in the field.

a) group bherd c)swarm d) flock

17. “You are thinking very highly about Ravi but he is not so” means……..

a) Ravi is as good as you think about him

b) You have a good opinion about Ravi but he is not as good as you think

c) Your view about Ravi is philosophical, keep it up

d) Ravi is much better, than what you think of him

e) you have a good opinion about Ravi but he does not have a good opinion about you

18. Each qestion consist of two words which havea certain relationship to each other followed
by four pairs of related words, Select the pair which has the same relationship.


a) Curtail:Activity b) expunge:Book c)Edit:Text d)censor:Play

19. The ruling party will have to put its own house ……. Order

a)in b)on c)to d)into

20.I purposely ……. meet you during my last visit to Kashmir.

a) didn’t b)won’t c)hadn’t d)wouldn’t

21. Farida sings very well and ……. Does Salim

a) even b) too c) also d) so

22.The sun raised ……. at this morning

a)raised b) rose c) arose d)aroused

23. He tried to …….. himself against a horde of ruffians

a) collect b) save c) support d)defend

24.We had ….. wonderful time at the party last night

a)such a b) so c) such d)very

25 The man came in a van to …. The television set

a) Mend b) reform c) correct d) alter

26. If you wait ……….. longer , I can show you ………….. designs .

a) A little , several b) A little, few c) Little, many d)Little, plenty of

27. Nobody can ….. me to do anything which I do not want to do.

a) encourage b)request c) oppose d) compel

28. She …… Rs. 80 out of the bank every Friday

a) obtains b)draws c)pulls d)extracts

29. I put …. The light and slept

a) up b) down c)in d)out

30. It is really diffcult for …………. For non native speaker to use ……….. article correctly.

a) A, the b)The, the c)A , an d)The, an

In the following the questions choose the word which best expreses the meaning of the given

a) Energetic b) Observant c) Intelligent d)Watchful


A) Advacement b) betterment c) promtion d)preference

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