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MATE 431_2010 HW1 Solution Sheet

Problem 1.

Consider a non-linear spring shown:


The force-displacement law is: F = kxn , where k = 50 N/m0.3 , and n = 0.3

Work Done:

2 mm
r r x n max
kx n +1
W = ∫ F ⋅ dx = ∫ kx dx = = 1.19 x10 − 2 N .m = 1.19 x10 − 2 Joules
0 n +1 0
Problem 2

Does the difference between engineering strain and true strain become larger as strain increases?
Is it valid for tension and compression?

We know that: ε true = ln
= ln(1 + ε engg )
Let us plot the true strain versus engineering strain for both tension and compression:


Engg Strain


T ension


True Strain

-1.2 -0.8 -0.4 0 0.4 0.8 1.2

Engineering Strain
As may be observed, the true strain is less than the engineering strain in tension, and this
difference increases as strain increases. Conversely, in compression, the true strain is negative,
but larger in magnitude than engineering strain. Once again, the difference increases as the
magnitude of strain increases.

Problem 3

In simple tension, we have:

P l dδ
W = ∫ Pdδ = ∫ A dδ = ∫ σ true Aldε true Remember th at dε true =
A l l
= V ∫ σ true dε because A o l0 = Al
U= = σ dε
V ∫
where we have removed the subscripts 'true' .

When necking occurs, although strains are much larger in the necked region (ε = ln(l/lo) =
ln(Ao/A), the far-field displacements under-estimate the magnitude of these strains. In such a
situation, the load-displacement data would underestimate the energy in the local necked region.

Problem 4. A tensile test is conducted on an annealed copper sheet sample in the laboratory.
The starting sample dimensions are: width = 6.35 mm, thickness = 1.59 mm, and gage length
was 25.4 mm. The load versus displacement data are provided in the attached Excel file (file:
(a) Plot the engineering stress versus the engineering strain.
(b) From the engineering stresses and strains, determine the true stresses and true strains. Plot
the true stress versus the true strain, preferably on the same plot.
(c) Fit the true stress versus the true strain curve into an equation of the form, σ = Kεn, where σ
and ε are the true stress and strain respectively. What are the values of K and n?
(d) What is the true strain at instability.
(e) Convert this true strain at instability into an engineering strain. This would be the
engineering strain at which instability should occur. How does this value of engineering strain
compare with the strain at which maximum engineering stress was reached, in your initial
engineering stress versus engineering strain plot? Comment.

From the load elongation data, we obtain the curves shown below:
Annealed Copper Data
True Data: σ = K ε

K = 511 MPa, n = 0.458


True Stress vs True Strain
Stress, MPa



Engg. Stress vs Engg. Strain


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6


The sample failed at an engineering strain of approximately 0.53. However, the true strain was
smaller (as noted in the second problem). Also, note that the true stress was significantly higher
than the engineering stress. Thus, significant errors would have occurred during processing
calculations if the engineering stress strain curve was used.

For using the Considere's criterion, we do not have to fit the power law curve. The plot below
shows the slope of the true stress-strain curve versus the strain. The intersection of this curve
with the true stress-strain curve gives the location where Considere's criterion (dσ/dε =σ) is
Annealed Copper
σ/ ε vs ε
Engg Stress, MPa, Cu
350 True Stress, MPa, Cu
σ/ dεε

σ vs ε
Stress, MPa




100 Intersection marks point

where d σ/dε = σ. At this point
ε = 0.37.

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6


We find that this intersection occurs at ε = 0.37. For this value of true strain, the engineering
strain is 0.45. This location is indicated by point A in the above figure. A careful look at the
engineering stress strain plot indicates that the maximum load is indeed reached at εengg = 0.45.

The power law fit to the true stress-strain curve is shown by the thin line in the first figure. The
parameters obtained were: K =511 MPa, and n = 0.458. According to the Considere's criterion,
the instability strain, or the true strain corresponding to the maximum load would occur at ε = n
= 0.458. As may be observed, the specimen failed before this true strain was reached. Part of
the reason may be that a power law curve may not adequately define the material behavior. In
addition, the sample was a sheet material, and instability tends to occur at an angle to the tensile
axis for such a sample, as we will learn later.
MATE 431_2010 Home Work 1 Due: Feb. 2, 2010

Problem 1.

Consider a non-linear spring shown:


The force-displacement law is: F = kxn , where k = 50 N/m0.3 , and n = 0.3 . Determine the
work done when x is increased from 0 to 2 mm.

Problem 2. Does the difference between engineering strain and true strain become larger as
strain increases? Is it valid for tension and compression?

Problem 3. Consider the loading of a sample as shown:

The sample has a cross-sectional area A, and length l, at any instant. The initial area and length
are Ao and lo.
We have seen that the work done (W) and the work done per unit volume (U=W/V) where the
volume V remains constant during plastic deformation, can be expressed as:

P l dδ
W = ∫ Pdδ = ∫ A dδ = ∫ σ true Aldε true Remember th at dε true =
A l l
= V ∫ σ true dε because A o l 0 = Al = V (a constant), and so can be taken outside the integral
U = = ∫ σ dε
where we have removed the subscripts 'true' . In other words, the work done on the material per
unit volume is simply equal to the area under the true stress-strain curve.

Now, when necking occurs, would this estimate of work done on the sample be over-estimated
or under-estimated. Comment.

Problem 4. A tensile test is conducted on an annealed copper sheet sample in the laboratory.
The starting sample dimensions are: width = 6.35 mm, thickness = 1.59 mm, and gage length
was 25.4 mm. The load versus displacement data are provided in the attached Excel file (file:
(a) Plot the engineering stress versus the engineering strain.
(b) From the engineering stresses and strains, determine the true stresses and true strains. Plot
the true stress versus the true strain, preferably on the same plot.
(c) Fit the true stress versus the true strain curve into an equation of the form, σ = Kεn, where σ
and ε are the true stress and strain respectively. What are the values of K and n?
(d) What is the true strain at instability.
(e) Convert this true strain at instability into an engineering strain. This would be the
engineering strain at which instability should occur. How does this value of engineering strain
compare with the strain at which maximum engineering stress was reached, in your initial
engineering stress versus engineering strain plot? Comment.

Problem 5. Show that ε1+ε2+ε3 = 0 during plastic deformation, when dV/V = 0. Here ε1, ε2, and
ε3 are the three principal strains.

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