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Ypatabitty, v's PROBABIL ATISTICS { preue amma | yeasoral on () Basics Mecaieua Hills (ii) Peobabilify (ii) Romdoro vasiable | Expectation . (w) Dishibution <7 UES ~s Coutivues - (V) Mothemati cal STATISTICS _ —> Collection of date. — Aualysis of dota — Intexprctation of dato. Difiition « eeoichuy to pof. FA Fishes , Statistics is dofiued asa collection of data, aindlysis of chta aud inlexpre lation of data TYPES OF DATA (0) Grouped oud Ougrouped - (Xi) closed amd open dato . GROUPED DATA i dota is iu te form of class witrvals oud Frequency stron Re data i Kuo as grouped data, O* Sshibuting de Hequencies to thei conesponding class wleavals » thee He data 3. > > ? 2 ? » > ? > 2 > > 2 2 2 2 > 2 2 2 2 > 5 > > > > 2 > 2 2 io Known 05 Frequency dishibution . | ¢ UNGROUPED DATA : IF “he date contains only dbsewations, ei tout e ony class ttowals, then the data is known os Ungrouped data — ¢- O% Raw Dabo. ¢. ¢! CLOSED DATA: IF Re class inlenuls or an a coutmous fom without a] ancy discontinuity rite te dota & Known as Closed data otherwise <| en data. 4 l MEAN (1wesnee) |} a a : r= n 1 ot | S N 3— no of obsewations | } i Xuan z % el a Ks noidpoimt | OLeLL - n | a c 1 T — n | Nes fF Cy uoncies, Xen Stay, a a cl Go iy Fe Frequencies : c: N cd MEDIAN ree —« ifn is odd, the middle obsewation itslf is the median « —4 Mw is evn, average belween te middle obsewation 3 provided i) Data is Yeowronged citer in tnoweasing ford CEE order. i) No: of observations obove fe middle is equa | to the Number of observations blew. Da Oe My = ft (-1)xo| Be Frequency boy he idea! class. _ oe ES . cate Pg tort a bb hh aol ae’ Cc 6) Fiud the medion fos the folowing Hequency dota . cr FREQUENCY | CUMULATIVE FREQUENCY 7 ig > 0-5 5 5-10 ° Ciba al + ldealdass , My = lot (#229) uw = lors BXS = 18:5 Note: if the fist class itself is ideal, the curoulative Frequency and fequenty ow ideal (m=) > M=t MODE esses The most Frequently wepeated obsewation is known os Mode 1,2, 3,4, 5, & 3, I4 A, 3, aL, a Lb, 21,3, 19 M, = &,3—> Bimodol . pjyvueevevevuvuuveyu yyy ew . ; . e & Find the mode fo the Following Froqueney dishibution. « Frequonc 4 cu be bealedag © Weal class [Highest frequency] = Ay= lege € e p= 14-8 = 9 ec: 5) 3 = 48 Lay All 80+ ( i yr aon 5 e =I IF the monimany Froqueucies ore Yopeated tsetf— Fast, last and S| ‘w behocew, selec ‘in behocen’ a5 the ideal class . a Cc FF the maninaun Frequencies ove repeated in behweon , select cl Vanden Wy (bimoeai) : e | 7 MF all Be Frequencies ave equal, mode is undefined [e. foo al 1 VFo@ the masino unm Frequencies ove repeated Figs t and last <1 select “ondonky (bimodal) . cd cd MEASURES OF cl ileal el Aron te 3 Measures, Muon, mode and median, ot B c Mean is te best measure. ca AEASURES OF DISPERSION 3 = Fuge slondand Deviation, (85) ol > Mean Deviation. ~s Cool Preiemt- of eration. Cony A Dariidicn fa od wuuvuy VUUEVUVU UU UKBHUUUUYUUUUEUVUUUuY YY Measures of dispersion helps us to identify the deviation Within He dato. RANGE ; ' Max — Min . | Greedest value — Least Value ; STANDARD DEV ATION, Voviance i (2 b) Variance = (st = o% O% a > bi e n Variance is the Sum of the Squones of deviation From mean. “the differences ov deviations within the dots, is Kuown as Vationee . Note: 1 Lessex Voviauce is move onsisteut or move uniform. i Vovtance sill never be Negative . Vi Vovionce of constont is O. WW Sum of the differences Pomdthe mean is alisays Zen. __ NEeay-d + ~— — ~ ee \ — j It he Variances ove ¢ & Mean is move consistent Sum of the Squares of the deviation be hivinum . Tos qruped dota jou EHO CV = Slams Datioton Mean [= > Piat ~ (REF | AANA H- qual Foo she different, pou ps, Qreatex From he Mean should Aa i) | GROUPED DATA ed VARIANCE Lessexy o implies lesex Cv eo UO ee 34 uniform. ree ly le w idurtifying “he Consistent —wibhie eda ta-—aiely cau "oOVCN AHAN = — r~OH AAA 9NAA A an ] ah Wer ee nAnANAAAD AnNnnnARAARnRAARARANRAN ANA » ¢ D Find mon oud Vorionce for the fist nv hohal numbers . a _ ¢ X = [izase- +r] e cee S Hina), e aM | el cl al cl cl A PES HL oe] e| aa “terhtana) | I 6 I oo = ! I : I . eee shunt hy I a b& 2 6 Ta i I I I a} Sige 12 Mea of 4 Voriauce of y nahoral mumboys ralurol numbers . | a statistics , grouelicol vepsesenlekans or gpaph Yepurseulations purely helPs 810 chtowmine Ye dehoviog of grospect data) SKEWNESS 2 opposite of Syponeday : ” Lack of Syromebny IDDANDIANNANAAARANHAA (as tat ar a a | " ‘a a we » 7 Fe — > - ‘ , math Nejatively Stowe d- Positively stanoed Spm myatvely 4 2 Qh dack he skewness of a didsbution - 5 Ay PERROON'S COEFFICIENT OF SKEWNESS > 2 2 2 > 2 5 Proctiea| limit of Sup > > 2 tos Sypome ry Spp=0 > ‘| 5 yaaa (oadition Nogutive Skroness positive skewness _ 2 oe __ > [Wok sMedineMean] [Mode 7Melian> Meo) | Mode cHedianc Meo . —— - a eee > 2 > 3 ee eee — — rn ee —~ — PROBABILITY 4 See al a FANDOM EXPERIMENT: Unpiedicksble culeowes of ou experiment is Know cll Os a Radom eupesiment - oll , ell eq. lossiug a unbiosedtom. cl e Falling a Die. an Dreaioy 0 card Wom the pack of Ba. ol ol IAMPLESPACE © he collection of all possible aukomes of oom experiment cf 7 e 6) S Known 65 a Somple splaco «Ik Ss dended ly 9, a NENT : “The outeowes of 0% expoviment is Kuowu os a event. cf Nedthamaticolly event the subset of — Sample space. © | vitiow of : ca oaneuuty : The pobabiliky & on wont is defined as the wtic ol & bly te Fivomable cases to the event aud the a7 number of oulcomes oF an experiment . ( The cukones © . ow, mauhso lly enclusive, exhaustive ovent s\ | PE) =) uhave me ca PE) = oil tye Mey a ~~ 7 ca AXIOMATIC _APROACH / PROBABILITY FUNCTION ca ne a 1 = P@=1 -a be Cxstats) Sy 9 a fley=o + P)=0 —>_lopossibte bent uw L ae wuVvvUuvvuvUHEUYYV VU YyUuUYEYVY YY pigwwu \ pd :) * Rule 3° P Es = P(E) | (85) = Bre) ashore Es one hejoint | Muhvally Bulasive, CO | Dependent "OG Moho Exclusive Evew)s Ivdloperderet Note: Occaroueo of aur lent dosrnot depends aa upon the Occarouce of He eveuts in tho samo sample Spaw, then such anents ova called Molly Exclusive veut - > let A and B ove muhwelly endusive cveuh . Ane =) & P(AnB) =0 > Oecuvante of an vant dooeuol deparck ew upon He Oceatoute of Same eveut in a different Sample Space, Hur those events aye called ladepurdent esvenls- > Mubully Grlusive ever uover be ivdepudent, bdaperdent een hever be pot equel to Muvally Bubuwe - Besuits © 1, Wrplinant Keovem by ei PR) = 1- PCA) ¢ HU) = 1-709) =| el 2. Addition Theoven 5 f 4 ( jel WA B ore doo even (Fuoting 5 ified take iFoa ted e 4) Specitiegd | fake tFos cl Bassa _ cl P(nve) = P(A) +P(6) ~ P(AaB)/ al I ¢ — F hond B oe mabey exdusive eveuds cll I P(AoB) = P(A) + PCB) | (A+B) = P(A) + p(B) “Xe Here it doosu't mean + = Yo ck . : ¢ dretwien IF 4! Sig is give cl ck is iudnecdl . P(swac)= P+ (8) 49d ths indirectly drown ov iF U “a sum det Aw Baw mu hal cal exeluive. ovly nubrelt cll auluive eveuk wn be alu. alll ca 5. Multiplication Theorem for Depundent Evens. =~ c RZ B ove hwo eveul, ea _ \\ ———— tleve A nual be boppeed oa AN = A) Ps r(Ans) = PL) PLE) Std alec. a . Ay 7” bababilily = soe ~. PB) PL a TTT HEE Bhat Be hopped an TE RB and © Gre reo earde - \Flsvene) = PO) F(R) Vhs) P(Ane 3. Multipieertion Theorem Fos Independant tanh - P(AdB) = P(A). P(8) Or lol fal Pdsapac) = P(A) P(B) PCA) 1 4 IF he B ow 2 evenh- f | Creaney = morta) ol @ "rah 8) = r(- P( (ws), only 6. ee, Neithe eA wor B 1-e (08) jas As "P(A AB) = (806°) - + p(n 8) oul xj one ee ele) = PU AB) ; = pier (ane) yy PGB) PTA Sg A Oe ee ne ee | Pfc) = Pree) ay pansy pte? Me wre © ror) (M792) = P (sno) eal r(Aug) . r(B) I~ Ps) ( *(e)+1) Noles: fF Aond Bo og udepoudent events 1 Probe billy fp a P(naw), P(A AB) om d NBS) om also depart 6 BaAVE's “Biron W — OEE Es Ey ane ‘feo muha ly Onesie vous Fle) 4°) such tat A is an Cabibaay Cveuks ushich ig S Wy subset of “UY EL thew P(A) is (ed f PAY = (EMA) +P (EAR). ? (En A) > 7) PIN AN NN AAAA See eI NA AHnH AANA AD PO POOF) 4 PCa P(M.) « o(4) Hk) pe nm am CH P(A, S P(e:) P(N 7 ; } Toh probabil = { oF unknown event - ¢ ¢ Cc ce * . & a oh feat (i) Of Baspr's theorem: Keveowa Pobabilth . ‘p ir y= rn) 4 | — Nex) luskiac Hy “2a aN A ‘ Kuown . > P(E) e(He:) 1) °) = stops im Bayor's theovem 21 Werdity fe brown exenks ut the dala (Mulvey exclusive) . or Solocd the wakwouw eved(tt is a pash of known erent) - 53 Write Bo pebabilily oF unknoay iu bmg of known. St fad the bh probability of tuknown ovenk- . 55 Gmpute Rane Peobobitily fox Known evenls . | - ; c ae Applicad it [ ost | Mim 2 Rint of obit tony c| Aiwost” | Mawinnay | sis fematnclog ies © ce | | 1 Mad” | Pret | 9 © pore I | cl | OF Sun 7 U | — ‘or cl oy Appl ctiou fk Multiplication Hasan a | e ses With Femivalyies ¢ a me ell cn > AS As Cc a Se £55; 0 u : a > 0 a oud BL CARD Choe ana NA eee Total 5a cords 9 YoWeon)s +13 Diamond + 13 clablepede + 13 Spade @ Each 13 combing 1,2,3,4,.. 10, 7,8, K Ww @ te, 10 mumber cords + 3 Face cavds Tolal of woof face cords= 4x3 = Ig Here 4 somple space = | | ahhh 1B 3 coms Ome lossad at a dime - tind the Pe badutty Ce ie almost ove heed fos dae, P(X <1) = P(X haere ond i ued 08 ho ton eqn blo be any Aumb ex Breen ee cote ete eveuks must Occur Swonbaneonsly wa all cose Fovourable cases - Pee uUBpvuYyvuEeevUuuUuUYYUY yy ~~ CQ seme dutn «Hind Ra pohly Hint — alles cua lund ang) © akmest ove & tail. ~ : Hh, WHT, HTH, THH Pa % = fe © c DA player loser 4 toi Fad Re Probably tat atleast 2 beads S| ond athasl 2 tails c| 4 « ¢ 4, =o I & HUTT Ate | HTTH - , 7 . Jed | TH Lg 4 alas { c I THuT C i cl Tut ; Ss hvanable al c I arr 7 ~ cl = (HF Nook T : pH: meg at — i Favowbe! Co = LF tc = | i ¢ “ l4#q + 4 + 4c, | ar 4G4 6 = 4¢ S Poe 4 7 4¢, ' is 4q, £ bate | Pe MEP LF | cal 1a @ Prime 2, 3,5, a— (aN) (an) -- - (2,6) B= (3) Ga) © - + 6,6) lee (56) oes oP eS onl 3 D026) C53) (3,5) (Ee) P | But AL B ore pb clependen! © ¢ Hon ce to bind P (AaB) 2 c c we, Prime in Fivh & sum & S| GD (a9), (476) — 2 Couyas Pap) = + “! . al wor wed to fol c| : Phus) = PCA) + PCB) ~ P(RaB) cl a a cl commen 36 cll - I b= ctl : a a ¢ Toso chee vaorwllod . find the pobabildy veiteey sum 9 a Nov sum |] iS a ke=p> (wither Suma, nor "") oa oa ele P( sur 4, aud sum It) ca | 3 ~ a wm 4-9(5,4) (4 5)coa\ (30) + 4% oa Sum Us (5,6) (6,5) > 2 3 a a vs | Oy A Meters of osces a. with he pobalalily Rot do choeson det is Wow evo ao 8] ge Mee c d ee aewonls 0,0udov 2 - Fin d the Ay ad—be ~ Case A= [o-a=1 alleast ove of bec is revo rel ete py = 3 Casas —— Kez] ad=o bee] [bec 1, cdlecte onvof add bi wr] olf uly. \ i f | =) $Codas P (Ye wo 8) = e+ Me ~ Lee P (nou ae aye i %y = Phe _. ~Ptocw B) = t he agp mer — vuvuuvuHvvuevBeUuUUUVUUY YY uy YN Ye HH Pp | 8, F Cords cae shawn fem at Youon from a } I } pack of 6a cards . Find tho probabil Hoot (Nl die 4 comds 972 drew fron Same Suit. (Oy No bso Cards ate drawn from the Same Sutl . ® 0 g- 38a Cy Ee 4x '5¢, See ba oy 4 (i) I3¢ Ut % > bos Ar CG (3) = = ue by ove aan eon (0 e y° ). et d Ce from o pack of 59 we d the, » Fin Probesbil deat veda -o—ttowod—noy—— toy O meiher 0 diamond ror a face - @ weiter a lo wroa King : P (0) = 3, Cpe ‘ a) (Dn = 1- PC ovF) P= io, ~ 30 ng f ee Me a ft n yon Onan HANH ONAN HANA AAA ca ca © | a cal ca cll | ~~~ ———tirkeertiny (i) MO $ § "a Pion K) = Ie P(to U 5) ee eens) 2. 52 52 a lo & fog are hal lead 5 nd B aw to hoo plosyoas Polling adie on he Eaton @ A a ‘ 4 Not one uso gets fie hao bint wiving the geome. of Pleyors A,B. $ > et Bx Ge Fre: rey & Pa‘) = % oo woh py 1 - ron) = = Tt 4242: 2 Fe Fe ei ad an qr + Bp +4 oP 4 Be je tala Pod L = EA slosh Re ame, what ove The winniug clawces 2 yd ae ; Za Plan A) = 6 Pt dp +qhps - c Plisgtagte 7 =| Peto. ted a leg 1 98 7. & ~~ 7 & a , A,B,C on fe 2 plewjans ee in dhe oder Tossing flo oe com or die carta dhat ona coho gets Heo boa dl had Wy fame - tA shak dha Gomer, — whak cre : Whbbebbe beeen nae 0 we & Winning cloves of flamer 2 Gr, aid bad. be P (wu cv ay Hal) « Keroro 4949 Wee Oh = eyelet NSE OOO se NY y <7 RS of SB A nwber is drosen of tandem from [po fayubas, 49) 01,02 ,03,... a9} lok % denote dhe sum of dhe algil on ‘he number, oud y cous tas poluct of fhe cigs on fe munbos. Find tro Pro babiliky Raat Cee) = Bee sores) yes) 22-4 ty Peo) = . &2/., ee e . %, wo SO oo te Q Goh of He employers of the Company ere college Groduate s oF tase, O% oye im the Soles dopartmonl . of tho employes J aslo cd uot qreducte hom the colleqe cae BOF ia the sales aepartmont. A poron is selected at yandom: Fadl Ba Prabebsth 4 Hest (0) "he Porson is iw the sates ol-pa Yet (®) Neibox ge Udy sal depoxbmant epostmenk ny a collec depaah gaduabe . . ) ae ~ loo @ Be Cans es loo uN 60 40 (i) ds loo © 54 & 8 s ean AA A INAANNANNANANAHRAANDHAN A emer es ies sss a4 ot ee He tt ff Ne r (a aude p (caasp) «0 (ce 450) = P(ca) p (00/ea) 4 °(c6®): P(S/e@e) = 0-6x0.) + 04x08 SD cams sey Od P(cau SD) <1 [taper rsa) = [pca) + 9(s0)~ Ped) (4) d- [o6+032-o%x01] comet Olata = 0-03 6 ®B =——_ quot BW auscorving multiple choise guy a shdent citey hnows Ro ansney VGguwuwwvvvvvwy~ ox guess He owues. Lee P be he Probobilthy thot shidan F Knauin es LL rr Pebabill i Bok quate Aho ous od 9M Assume fot tt de shdent ques s He emu Yo He quailinn will fo lowect, witts Probe bility Yas wohot is Re condikiar al probability that iF the shud Knee a ous fo Agu, jue Bot , le ousunred conedly if P(K) =P ean con! _ + Le dnsooay comerlly . Plk) = P P(e) =t-p PCEY= Plean) + P(en@) P(e) = Penk) + By-BiPLte— P(cn 8) PO) = eB) Pl’ (Ye) Lo + PC) P(e4e) = PPE) + C-P) Ys ; ' 7 PEN =| = Pra CP) Mp - Yoo PO iB ple) = Par ) 5 —_— — we pobabidi (ln { ph, L ("/e) = Poe) \ tay “a / — Og P(e) Ringe ts 4, ee - Px oP ey, Sey AP PH Ru 5 == &, Pop fy / / Ax, Sey, (ha eb neon anannnann ONAN AHAAAA fe + mala ; 8, Thao aye 2 coins. OF these boo coe bbiased. Oe i 6 > bused com with a heads. A win is Hawn ak rndom ° aud tossed bwo times. If appears head on oth the 5 Sab ties, Find fhe probabilll that tt is fom the ~ bused lou. a . _ > Pl Ge > Us 5 > 2 ! 3 > Plus) = % P(e). > wo twet 5 EL Cathy o beed, is au ulnoww event, 2 Pe) = P(Enve) + Pleas) > > =r a ae = (0 g ve) PS P(e/,\ > #(08)*(5hp) + 96) °(%o) (%) «1 tar ye ries > 4 > = a + a > fe) a a — al »(%) a P eo ee SY, ay eed 2 by Payor A Speaking ete ets Ougno ld re imcome Racers arr dria a From fo pack of 5a Conds . He pork thet there & a diomand “| thal & the probabilihy Hat odually these 0s 0 diomoud. oy J 2 c| ‘ $ c Fatleyor falling uth ' el Phe le probe tality “1 a =C/ ¢ par)= te) (= Cry) el ¢ De Reposking Nt invest d a | | (0) = P(TaD) « p (Lad) “1 a : I - WED H(OR) 1604) ct =4,B4 B38 Ph) %oa oN = t.B4 + 3.3 4 + wy rl, « hc ' —~ 4449 cy 28 - cll = & cil se cA - ef = ae cil PM) = 9 (ind) ct Rep) ° O o = 4b cll + ° cll pares _ a ed _ | ok lees 6 Kuswn by ome fiom either TeTouagecs oy “cpueomta oleate, on te auelope , the Visble. ‘Ta’ ows Find the probably dat the come bom Tak. nagar 5 &. P(E P):h%. P(Yr)= P (E/e) ty P(e) ba (Eat) + P(cae) ~ P(r) -+ PCL) = Veh a yng = “ee % Pie) = Pm) - her, ee ‘56 3! vo Es Gay @ GA) comider as sgl lol eto couse cutive leHer hes Given ok Step S Veible oe Se . ny ein OF D earsarcsfiye) More ten 1 is Véiare " arses ere Ca ANnoAe CALCOTEA) (234509 “ones con dake sithey oue of “FA i TAIN MAGA F > No fued of tmrtusiour # q There are 3 baa se Neem ere aii Balls Blue, Rod / aud Goon iM He for Soh egy a _ 6 | a = — Bes le} a 3 1 | \ c 3 aaa \ A bag ‘s Aram af youdom , af lwo balls ore Glan yor it - “boy ee aud Dua ved find te pebabi iy the’ a sclorhed bells 00 Bom ne Pla) = P(B)= Pld = Us Es Getting ue ble ond ove ved. te) = Pleaw) + Pens) + PEAS) = POH We) + eC) 16%) + PC) PEL) seeks 2] is 1h 15 G anAANNDHAANANANAAN AANA ADDS Ae Cx -a[¢ Oe 15 ] ll PF)? vel © a5 ty CY — € ¥ 71 REL) axa, Ss me PYe) = rhea Hood) a @e) ¢ oe -2©. Sy i RE Meso olau con be four dol - (Ble) = BM ok Meg lee P(e) = Wak %e % 7 LEAP YEAH CONCEPT, , LE RTERR MON LEAP YEAR Bo days 365 Days - Ca ewaks + days) CBesestts +) doy SM wT TW wT iF £5 $85 P(Ss sunday) at 1(63, Sunde = 2 voewe Gu veel OUUYUUYUUUDUUYUUYU UU Ue UUoeY a \ | { | | | | & Two dees P (aiff 20x0 ) = P( Doubles) = 4 > Ie Pa, P(2,2) (46) fiseewsice P (triple r) uv) (232,2) 6.49 ‘oureday = ho Aus, sees Paw 6 Paw 6) = Rav 8) 2 = 3 > he : roof Oh div by ?) 33 200 35, 200 P(e AND av 3) = Lem (6,2) i =(\"ip Vw bu Ad \ i“ ona ANANDA ANNADANNAAANHADA cal VU WewWwwWweUBVUUuUvHTUYvyvy~y ~ _ Ps ah QR du iy) = £(6)+¥(8)~P (a) | = BB 4 200 ag. 0G = BO] Lb 200 ¢ —— ee EES BANDOM VARIABLE. 2 Comecting the outcomes of an experiment 2-D_ RANDOM VARIBLE. = ovth wal Values is Know as fandom Vosiables . ( is arwle Bs aasigu Real number to ttre auboong, ts tun 63 Randsss Vovoble) te comespoveling dota is Kuown 08 uydioriole data. Comecting 2 oudomas abo times to tha one worl Volue provided tose hwo oulcomes one dracon From same Sample Space. Re Conspourting data 's Know as Biveaiate, dato. > Seolealy he concept oF ON-D Rondon Vowichle — wllicl, emrespon tds Ao cu w-tuple. ‘TYPES OF RANDOM VAR ABLE Kasdom Variable vs i | Discrebe Tandon Vorigbele Goutinous Aeudom Yara: to Binomics] i Normal Poissoy, Uniform. aT Mess function —, P(x’) Probably Dexsiby funebisy —s Fn) Dishibubive Functou Comubstive Fist chany —> F(a) dF) du Fo) — u ® - fi ay | ea [a acme OR mare Cairne I9 9 NON An AA nan ie f Dish lution (urclian yep asill aloes be om Won cea Sedu RANDOM Process > Fandom Voniable aloug wit time domain . EXPECTATION itis ccluoly te moay wv the Probabilly Feclicut=dihib ution . nw EQ) = > x» re) whese . % is Disease TW x0 y E(K) = {s EC etter setae y wey he above relations ne devivad hom hequensy dubibubea us be 1, Faq 16 replaced by pebabilhy ne ne at x Se cw a) bub Sel) =1 > > > 2 2 > ? > > 3 > > 5 2 3 2 > 5 2 2 2 > 2 > > > > > E > > he Bagh) - E() | (i) VARIANCE From Pequemey dishibution , the veri ane iy SN Ge (Shay WSs etx) piven by : Behe = eG) My qeneral aa Zhou = EG) lw et dtl kou, Vie) = EG?) E09)" \ | - E Gd Cos! 2 V@ = Bxpo) — (x1 Bw) where vis o { fm ee j discvele ¥.V { fa 2 NVQ . (* Foi) du — F(X) v8 [ree | “a { Goutinnons -V . _ ee Sd NAN ANANNOANHAN AANA NANA nanan hn on et hn ln | eee PRoreRneS OF EXPECTATION ll adenine ouou OX is a oN oud fal t a cuslaul, y chen E@x) = o€(x) cu if x oud Y aw T's fi) Then EQ) = EQ) +E(y) EQeY) = EQ)- EC) ROW X&Y oe SVS EGY) += EG). EA) ~ EQ) -ECY) IF RLY are Independent rondow wariables , E(xy) = EO).E() MOAR y= okt b | wthore G & b ove Couthnls Then EQ) = cE (xX) 4 b w inf E[emhal] = exbet] ity Mean of cautery» Thal conta! ibe. 5 Ele [eed | = conrhutl = E09 | > vu VU UUHUUUUVvVUUUUUUUKOUOUU]G PROPERTIES OF VARIANCE rn IF X is a wv and ‘al is conshant , V(ax) = 0° VOd VEY) = Gov) ~ VO) IF X and Yove ludepandeut ¥ v's Vay) = Va@)svi¥) V(x-Y) = VQ) 4 WY) = vie) = VO +V(y) > \v(x) = YONG) IF at b ar onstanle, X ZY are ‘ndepeudeut v's, V(ex~by) = & VG) Bi v(y) VO Me) = WW) + yy) Foy. 6kth , where ak b ow tconthouls , VY) = v(ax+b) = vox) + V(b) VV) = V(X) +0 1m bh te tal a PO DO NOOO ARONA AAD i x and Y are hwo Yaudom Voriables (Dependant v's), V(xA¥) =vbd + v0) +2 OV(xy) | osherxa CN( x) ~s Covarionee of X,Y tolere : ‘Gv(«i) > EQ ) - - EQ) EW)! ee | > Corn) = VQ > GN (ab) = E(ob) -EG\E(b) ~ eh- ab TeV [a oy = ©. where cand b ore comlants . Li x and 4 axe independent ov, teu Covariance of XY =° cov(x =o X,Y ave ‘adependen b But Comverse of tee stolodront ts mot fat - = 2Nowiance and (pvarionce a0 independ en F of change of- origin depos dent nye ‘GUO UU BHUUNHUEHHUUUVUUYUYUUBVUUUUUYUUYUYYUY M[ox+b] = av iy) Meay [tupeck iow] depeudout of osigin as cell as Depaundent of change of scale - Hore] 2 & V(x} +b SKEWNESS st I @ ip = Ms Ma 3" canhel momeryt 1 3 b Ma > Variance Kaoness is defined iv denns ‘of “py yx JB! Vis also a measure of shewaase . we 3 IF py=0 => f,=0 Then he cae is OYMMETHY \F gee => Then Re Gave ig nea fb ps tue — bev te Wve is pocivece ssenen POOAONANANNAN ONnANHAANH 2 es ae ee i ee NANAADD BEEBE RR eee eee ‘ Oa) (aaa n nq Peasy ) > Bb ) > V4 oe i) yO 2 - 5 & feud 2 . VOX) > a E > ® > ® > 2 % ® TT TAN) = Fiud the eupedation of fe. numbes on a die when it ts Hoon « a" , E(Q) = Sx eG) on : 1 vb y @ub 49% bx Mee are NEE ENG 6 6 = 1 ~ & [tes 45 +6] ef] ame r2zialalslé hh Ye % he OM she Variance for the sue die - eb c(se) “€ 06)" () Sve) ie = ¢ [teetasts gags | 12 & Note: The moon oud Variance for tho sum of the numbers ov the, “deg dice is EGR VW = 36 Ex): & vx) = 38x Q 3 unbiased due are tooo Ferd fhe wean of Vovionce for dhe sum of he numbers om them , Xt sum of nun bar on 3 diay. a 2 a VOX) = 354. 35x3 _ 35 4 a Two unbiased dies are tolad . Td oe eupecta ly, bor sum F on them. X 3 Sum Po the number dblaimed on Qdies | Here X és O55 unsiuy ouly + Horee tro vaad of addihane . E (sant) © ey . oe a ee where ‘Wis the nuwbey dice rolled aud 6 et Be Onan nd op nogan INWOOD HOH bbs infalate’e'e’ ua He - wins 500 Bupeas If x ® A ployes feesus 3 Cots. heads ocuy , 300 8 iF @ Heads occurs, loo xs if oul V bead occeus. On the offer Vand he looses Jeoow 1F 3 tails occurs Find value of dhe game - gk: No cof haad possibilty E-QO-= Soop ty x] 3 | 2 one ee | % | 34 | Ih TYALUE OF GAME = GRIN~ LOSE = Gunvils fob — Law xi pnb - De Ee 3 ot ) E(x) = 300x + + 300% + loox 3 1500x Ss 1400 + 300-1500 8 = 1400-1800 g ~ 29 25 & NOTE « IF Gaim ts sod be be heer, the eupechad Nolue of gome is aid fo be O. (1s Loss Gud uo Goin) RQ A now bos quem Keys of ashich one fe Fits to lock | He bios thom succuntively wsliouk seplace men | fo opon the lock. wheal is dhe Pobabilit, tat dhe lock will be open at the oh txial, Also determing mean ond Vawion ce , Noles with Replacement implies that ik is ludependont oven bs . woul Raoplreeme ut implies Bot it is Depend ex f Eveuk, f pwob of opening the lock in r dria | = ty q 2 20 Hial = Ya-1 ¥ n 37 bial = taea fF ppening Lock suas oy of? = ! Prh o v 1 be ue 10° hig] = ( te) a prob of openly lock tn sued int pial - (( “af Bet) Ot 2 ~ ye y nw) OD, we lore prob of opening tock PP Sucears v1 bial = In ahs A & ual e! — 2 im poo Pp oe non non 1 On 0 eee nn Noannn eee ened ¢ \ i { 5 5 Veoiawee of wv hahaa! mumbers Vw) = Wet la 2 casider o value 9: 2 ay ays wunboyed From 00-144 Prb (450° rial arith out waploaness t) = (ae aN 4 te sucess in 2 Mean! 0-400 ” io 449 Piiob( 1" Suctas tw asoh hial [ uit) - (‘eus) 3 aopln aud ee 2 & will wplecemonl, ‘toy are dependent , era aa eyecare Tuy loss probabilt las of Ww) Wels : leo courllaacl tes Gud get oaly Vaow . Bub iM with wplrcauenk, cath biel ig tudepevdeut event Vance eerch cB of &i) lox prrbe bj thes we veed b moth fy Bly fare Note e “The probably free areas eee hia] wiky Walacemant is ir TP a sues 1 hid wilt i agaml) + “Pp eo Uo UH UH BUH UUYVHYUUUUUO UY UO G

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