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15 Special Report:
Inflammation in Psychiatry 22 FROM THE GAP
College Students Under Stress 23 Category 1 CME Mood Disorders
in Pregnant and Postpartum Women

A UBM Medica Publication® Peer-Reviewed • Practice-Oriented April

p 2018 • Vol. XXXV, No. 4


PTSD and Suicide After

Natural Disasters
» CCésar
ésar AA. AAlfonso,
lfonso MMDD PPsychosocial
syychhosociial context
conttextt and
and obstacles
obbsttaclles to
to recovery
A country with a high-income economy, PR expe-

veryone in Puerto Rico (PR) was affected by rienced financial decline a decade before Hurri-
Hurricane Maria, which made landfall on cane Maria. A recession and high unemployment
September 20, 2017 as the largest scale natu- rates led to a depopulation process. From 2006 to
ral disaster in the US during our lifetime. Many 2016 the population decreased from 3.9 to 3.4 mil-
months later, Puerto Ricans continue to face un- lion.1 Migratory flow during the economic crisis
reasonable obstacles that prevent recovery. This resulted in compromised provision of essential
article summarizes literature on post-disaster services and a large exodus of medical profession-
mental health and describes the public health cri- als. Homicide and suicide rates nearly doubled
sis in PR. Special attention is given to highlight and binge drinking increased. Approximately 50%
higher suicide rates and PTSD that develop in of adults in PR are binge drinkers compared with
post-disaster areas. the US national average of 17%.2


Online Communities for Drug ISSUE HIGHLIGHTS

Withdrawal: What Can We Learn? A “Sickness of Our Time”:
How Suicide First Became a

» Josef Witt-Doerring, MBBS, Daryl

Research Question
their treatment community online. Interac- discusses this phenomenon in rela-
Greg Eghigian, PhD
tive forums,, and personal tion to the well-established forums
Shorter, MD, and Thomas Kosten, MD blogs are now connecting psychiatric pa- of benzodiazepine and antidepres-
Five Things to Know About
tients in ways that were never before avail- sant withdrawal.

Inflammation and Depression
n this age of chat rooms and social me- able. One treatment focus for these online Online forums, such as www.
dia, an ever-growing number of psychi- communities is complicated withdrawal and www.sur- Andrew H. Miller, MD
atric patients use the internet to find from psychiatric medications. This article, provide
a platform for patients to support What Psychiatrists Need to
each other as they move through Know about the Determination
their withdrawal symptoms. These of Dispositional Capacity
interactive sites feature different Naalla Schreiber, MD, James A.
strategies for managing a wide Bourgeois, OD, MD, John C. Landry,
range of withdrawal-related symp- Mariana Schmajuk, MD, Jennifer M.
toms. Other sections provide inspi- Erickson, DO, Rebecca Weintraub
ration for users through sharing Brendel, MD, JD, and Mary Ann
stories about a successfully com- Cohen, MD
pleted withdrawal experience. The
traffic moving through these sites Earn 30 FREE
is mostly from within the US and is
substantial: www.benzobuddies.
org receives on average 250,000
APRIL 2018 P S Y C H I AT R I C T I M E S 1
w w w. p s y c h i a t r i c t i m e s . c o m

PTSD and Suicide equate health but was oxygen depen- heroic efforts on behalf of their pa- find out she was uninjured, but I
Continued from Cover dent, after the hurricane he lost access tients, but many hospitals, ambula- felt guilty that I could not help oth-
to medical equipment and died of suf- tory care centers, dialysis centers, ers who experienced loss. Anxiety
focation. Mr. S, in acute grief, was con- chemotherapy infusion centers, ra- grew. I had poor concentration, er-
Currently, 45% of the island resi- flicted about attending the funeral. As diation oncology suites, operating ratic sleep, distressing dreams and
dents live in poverty. Hurricane Ma- a brittle diabetic, he feared that his rooms, and doctors’ offices remain was startled when hearing sirens
ria caused an estimated $100 billion health would be compromised if he inaccessible or unable to maintain or gunshots at night. Agitation and
in damages.3 Four months post-im- went to PR. With no electricity or po- adequate levels of care. anxiety would alternate with apa-
pact 32% of the population had no table water, refrigeration for his insulin An excerpt from a journal entry of thy, withdrawal, and numbness.
electricity and 14% had no potable would be impossible. Encouraged by a resident of PR illustrates the situa- Some symptoms improved but I
water.4 The official death toll has his family and physicians, he decided tion in PR post-hurricane [Anony- struggle to stay motivated and pro-
been questioned, and physicians ac- not to attend funeral services and in- mous, shared with author 2017]. ductive. Debris still line the streets,
knowledge an increase in unreported stead held a memorial mass in memo- some towering as high as homes.
deaths of vulnerable persons because ry of his deceased brother. My immediate reaction to the hur- Homes have shattered or boarded
of inadequate access to medical care. ricane was to check in with rela- up windows and parts of the roof
A conversation with Natalio Iz- tives to ensure they were safe. This missing, and traffic lights at inter-
quierdo, Past President of the PR took several days as communica- sections are down or dangling on
CASE VIGNETTE Medical Association, confirms that tions were down and roads were wires. One of the hardest realiza-
Mr. S is an elderly man from PR who unreported deaths due to delayed ac- blocked with fallen trees and de- tions was that recovery from this
now lives in the continental US. He has cess to care have surpassed media bris. We began to learn the severity hurricane would not take months,
sarcoidosis, diabetic retinopathy, and estimates. Izquierdo, an ophthalmol- of damages through scattered but years. This was a rude awaken-
blindness. He is being treated for PTSD ogist, coordinated with medical cen- news reports. I stayed disconnect- ing to the vulnerability of the very
after early childhood trauma and adult ters in the US for emergency trans- ed from my mother, who lived institutions that are expected to be
retraumatization from domestic vio- fers using Air Force planes to import merely 30 miles away, for several able to respond in situations such
lence. Mr. S reports to his psychiatrist essential supplies and transport pa- days. She lives alone and I feared as these. Hope waxes and wanes.
that his brother had died in PR 3 weeks tients needing urgent interventions. for her wellbeing. Eventually we
after the hurricane. He had been in ad- Puerto Rican physicians have made made contact and I was relieved to (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2)

Drug Withdrawal 12-week randomized controlled trials ed to show relative safety and efficacy any level of significant physiological
Continued from Cover that lead to FDA approvals and mar- have limited these studies’ duration. dependence or to produce a difficult or
keting. The costs, clinical challenges, Such short durations do not typically even detectable withdrawal syndrome.
and desire to do no more than is need- allow time for participants to develop These trials, which usually focus on
hits a month and www.survivingan- determining efficacy, often have ade- receives approxi- quate methodology or statistical pow-
mately 150,000 hits each month.1,2 It is er to identify and characterize only
interesting to note that the patient nar- very common and relatively severe
ratives from these websites are gener- withdrawal syndromes.
ating early clinical data that research- Because of these challenges in
ers are using to learn more about acquiring the necessary data for ed-
unexpectedly difficult withdrawal ucating physicians about any poten-
symptoms and syndromes.3 tial withdrawal syndromes, medica-
Beyond these forums there is a tions come onto the market with
vivid and expansive community of many unknowns about their longer-
thousands on, where term effects and discontinuation
participants have shared their personal syndromes. Many unidentified
withdrawal experiences. Some par- problems beyond withdrawal syn-
ticipants have created daily videos to dromes can take years to become
chronicle the process: a generic search fully appreciated—often requiring
for the terms “antidepressant with- an accumulation of published case
drawal” or “benzo withdrawal” will reports or other observational stud-
bring up 7000 and 14,000 personal ies before they become widely
video blogs, respectively. known to the medical community.
While it might initially seem that For instance, although the first
these communities and video blogs are benzodiazepine was released onto
simply artifacts of the internet culture, the market in the US in 1960, it was
a closer look at the stories told on these not until 1988 that health authorities
forums suggests a different message. finally acknowledged the true extent
The message is that physicians have and impact of the dependence and
been unprepared for these withdrawal addictive potential of these agents.4
disorders and are unable to treat or even The clear surprise to physicians was
guide patients through complicated the severity and duration of with-
withdrawal from these substances. drawal symptoms found with nor-
mal therapeutic doses.5
How did this happen? A similar situation was described
Medication withdrawal is difficult to for antidepressant discontinuation
assess in the relatively brief 6- to (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2)
2 P S Y C H I AT R I C T I M E S APRIL 2018
w w w. p s y c h i a t r i c t i m e s . c o m

PTSD and Suicide cluded that follow-up outcomes per-

Continued from page 1 Table 1. Total calls to the Primera Ayuda Psicosocial/ sist and even intensify because
Psychosocial First Aid Suicide Hotline before and psychosocial stressors associated
after Hurricane Maria9 with the natural disaster continue or
Economic losses following natu- intensify as time progresses.
ral disasters compound physical de- Persons with Persons with From a psychodynamic standpoint
suicidal ideation suicide attempts
struction and health outcomes. A one could formulate that dissociation,
study following typhoons in the Phil- 8-month period reaction formation, and heroic efforts
2176 637
ippines found that household income that occur soon after a disaster serve
drops and infant mortality rises the 2-month period as protective factors against suicide,
2996 973
year after a typhoon hits, and eco- post-hurricane but these defenses only offer tempo-
nomic deaths by far exceed exposure rary relief as the grim reality of de-
deaths, by a factor of 15.7 Table 2. Correlates of PTSD after natural disasters13 struction and loss evolve into complex
New Orleans lost 44% of its popu- affective states of disillusionment,
lation a year after Katrina, and unem- • Affective states: guilt, anger, dysphoria, hopelessness, hopelessness, and helplessness. These
ployment rose to 33%.1 Will PR be helplessness complex states of mind correlate with
faced with a similar exodus and eco- • Neuroticism high suicide risk and may explain the
nomic downturn? Experts estimate • Obsessive traits protracted post-disaster increase in
that by 2019, PR will lose an addi- suicide deaths.
• External locus of control
tional one-half million residents.
Physicians and other health profes- • History of prior traumas PTSD after natural disasters
sionals are relocating to the continen- • History of prior psychiatric disorders The literature on PTSD after natural
tal US in large numbers. William Ju- • Comorbid psychiatric disorders disasters is extensive. Neria and col-
lio, from the Puerto Rican Psychiatric • Low social support leagues7 undertook a comprehensive
Society, reports that the number of review of the relationship between
psychiatrists in the island decreased • Poor interpersonal relationships man-made compared with natural di-
from 500 to 300 over the last decade. • Media exposure sasters and PTSD in survivors be-
• Degree of exposure to a disaster: low socioeconomic status, tween 1980 and 2007. Findings from
Suicide following natural disasters having lost a home, unemployment, vulnerable age groups (children, the survey indicate PTSD prevalence
Although suicide rates vary depend- elderly) among direct victims of disasters of
ing on the location and population 30% to 40% compared with a preva-
studied, we see that suicidal behavior fore Maria in 2017, and 25 suicides nificant increases in the prevalence of lence of 5% to 19% in the general
increases following natural disasters. per month in the immediate 3 months suicidal ideation and suicide plans 6 population. PTSD determinants in-
In PR there was an average of 19 sui- post Maria (Table 1).5 months post-hurricane Katrina com- clude sociodemographic and back-
cides per month in the 8 months be- Kessler and colleagues6 noted sig- pared with 2 years later. They con- (CONTINUED ON PAGE 4)

Drug Withdrawal such syndromes, they may misdiag- chological resilience such as cogni- discuss the difficulty of managing
Continued from page 1 nose these withdrawal syndromes as tive behavioral therapy (CBT) can be benzodiazepine withdrawal. Three of
manifestations of the underlying useful in helping patients cope with these difficulties are illustrative:
original mental illness, a new physi- withdrawal. For instance, CBT might
when it was initially presented to
physicians as a minor preventable
syndrome and simple to treat.6 It
cal condition, or perhaps an adverse
effect of a different medication.
Recognition that a patient has in-
be useful in challenging patients’ be-
liefs that discontinuation symptoms
are a sign that they are incapable of
1 The onset of severe withdrawal
symptoms sometimes does not re-
spond to re-initiation of medication.
would take many more years before curred an iatrogenic complication is coping without the medication. CBT
the complexity and severity of anti-
depressant withdrawal began to take
shape and the information published
essential in the recovery process. A
correct diagnosis will inform the de-
cision of how to manage the with-
could transform this self-belief to the
more accurate understanding that
these symptoms are common and of-
2 Persistent withdrawal reactions
can last years.

in medical journals.7
The pharmacodynamics and phar-
macokinetics of the medication and
drawal. Clinicians can engage pa-
tients in a discussion about the
variety of existing treatment options.
ten time limited.
A systematic review by Fava8 high-
lights 3 main complexities in manag-
3 Unavoidable severe withdrawal
symptoms may occur despite
slow withdrawal over several months
an individual’s genetics all play sig- They can choose to wait out the with- ing antidepressant withdrawal. First, or years.
nificant roles in the timing, duration, drawal syndrome, if it is tolerable, no clear sociodemographic and clini-
and severity of withdrawal. These reinstate treatment, or try a slower cal characteristics appear to be associ- When the risks of treatments are
multiple factors lead to the observed medically supervised withdrawal ated with increased vulnerability to not identified in the clinical trials that
heterogeneity in withdrawal syn- treatment regimen. They might also severe withdrawal; second, although bring them onto market, these risks
dromes. This challenge has spurred opt to use other pharmacotherapies gradual tapering of antidepressants is are not cautioned against in widely
publication of increasingly refined for symptomatic treatment. a reasonable clinical strategy, it often circulated medication guidelines. As a
diagnostic guidelines to help clini- The ability to tolerate the dys- will not prevent the onset of severe result, the prescribing physician will
cians recognize these syndromes. It phoric moods and physical symp- withdrawal symptoms; and third, anti- overestimate potential benefits and
is uncertain how many clinicians are toms associated with psychotropic depressant withdrawal appears to be neglect patients’ vulnerabilities to the
aware of the variety of presentations medication withdrawal is undoubt- associated with a variety of other iat- adverse effects of treatment. Expert
of withdrawal syndromes and the edly linked to a patient’s baseline rogenic complications such as the on- commentaries in psychiatric journals
range of medications that can pro- psychological resilience and the set of hypomania/mania and other are available to help clinicians cor-
duce these syndromes. If clinicians strength of his or her support system. persistent mood instabilities. rectly weigh the risks and benefits of
are unaware of the complexity of Therapies targeted at bolstering psy- Similarly, Lader and Kyriacou5 (CONTINUED ON PAGE 4)
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4 P S Y C H I AT R I C T I M E S A P R IL 2 0 1 8
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PTSD and Suicide PTSD after hurricanes and other
Continued from page 2 natural disasters are listed in Table 2.
Blackouts and power outages
post-disaster negatively affect mental PSYCHIATRY, PART 1
ground factors, event exposure char- health. Studies after Hurricane San- Introduction: The Inflammation
acteristics, social support factors, dy, which caused outages lasting up Connection
and personality traits. to 2 weeks, found a dose-response
Charles Raison, MD
A study of Florida residents ex- relationship between the quantile of 4.2018 VOLUME 35 NUMBER 4
posed to Hurricane Andrew in 1992 maximum blackout percentage and
Five Things to Know About
found that the prevalence of PTSD the risk of mental health problems.9 Inflammation and Depression
increased to 26% and 29% at 6 and Mood disorders, anxiety disorders, COVER STORIES
30 months after the disaster.8 A spe- substance use disorders, and utiliza- Andrew H. Miller, MD
cific finding of this study was that tion of psychiatric resources in the PTSD and Suicide After Natural
while intrusion and arousal symp- New York area increased for months Is PTSD a Systemic Disorder?
toms declined over time, avoidance to a year after Hurricane Sandy. Janine D. Flory, PhD and Rachel Yehuda,
César A. Alfonso, MD PhD
symptoms increased. Variables Sub-threshold PTSD, common in
found to be predisposing factors in post-disaster states, results in sig- Online Communities for Drug
this study included specific popula- nificant morbidity. In Louisiana, FROM THE GROUP FOR THE
Withdrawal: What Can We Learn?
tions at risk (eg, minorities, elderly, previously considered a permutation ADVANCEMENT OF PSYCHIATRY
Josef Witt-Doerring, MBBS, Daryl Shorter,
children, direct victims, first re- of generalized anxiety disorder MD, and Thomas Kosten, MD College Students Under Stress
sponders), persons who bear the (GAD) colloquially became known
brunt of the social and economic as “Katrina brain.” Many Katrina Brunhild Kring, MD, Helene Keable, MD,
Alexandra Ackerman, MD, Malkah Notman,
consequences, and the magnitude of survivors with GAD described ad- CATEGORY 1 CME MD, and David Stern, MD for the GAP,
exposure to the event. Particularly, ditional symptoms of irritability, dif- College Student Committee
degree of physical injury, immediate fuse anger, guilt, and health worries. Lifeline for Pregnant and Postpartum
risk of life, severity of property de- After the September 11 terrorist Women Who Are Drowning in Plain
struction, distance from epicenter, attacks, researchers at the New York Sight LETTER TO THE EDITOR
people who experienced loss of fam- State Psychiatric Institute studied Nancy Byatt, DO, MS, MBA
ily members, and people who suf- the morbidity of sub-threshold The Prevalence of Schizophrenia in
fered property loss or were forced to PTSD among disaster survivors and the US
relocate were at higher risk for FROM THE ACADEMY OF
David Pickar, MD
What Psychiatrists Need to Know
About the Determination of
Dispositional Capacity THE HISTORY OF PSYCHIATRY
Naalla Schreiber, MD, James A. Bourgeois, A “Sickness of Our Time”: How
OD, MD, John C. Landry, Marianna Suicide First Became a Research
Drug Withdrawal dening pharmaceutical companies to Schmajuk, MD, Jennifer M. Erickson, DO, Question
Continued from page 2 conduct such research before grant- Rebecca Weintraub Brendel, MD, JD, and
ing them license to sell would cer- Mary Ann Cohen, MD Greg Eghigian, PhD
tainly slow down the development of
using benzodiazepines and antide- many new and helpful medications. POETRY OF THE TIMES
pressants in the management of de- Yet, who is responsible for conduct-
pression and anxiety disorders.8,9 ing the urgent and resource-heavy Birthday Party
Although many people do not research needed to help guide clini- Richard M. Berlin, MD
have substantial difficulties with- cians in managing the variety of un-
drawing from these medications, it expected iatrogenic complications
is clear that withdrawal syndromes of these medications?
are not rare. Reports of withdrawal Given the current state of our un-
syndromes are becoming increas- derstanding of complex withdrawal
ingly common on patient websites, syndromes, increased awareness of
and the widespread use of these these syndromes among providers is Let Us Hear
types of medications poses a sub- of utmost importance. These syn-
stantial public health concern. dromes need further research, or more From You!
The ubiquity of social media in patients will continue to turn away Do you have opinions about issues raised
the past 10 years and informal online from the medical establishment to in any of the articles in this issue?
Write to us at
communities have led adolescents to look for support from other patients on
or post your comments on our website.
utilize these as the most likely fo- the internet. ❒
rums in which to seek mental health
Mr. Witt-Doerring is a PGY 3
advice.10 As young patients continue Psychiatry Resident; Dr. Shorter is
to turn to these sources for mental Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, and
health guidance, mental health pro- Director, Psychiatry Residency Program;
fessionals need to familiarize them- and Dr. Kosten is Professor of
selves with and interface with these Psychiatry, Neuroscience, Pharmacology, © 2018 UBM All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical
including by photocopy, recording, or information storage and retrieval without permission in writing from the publisher. Authorization to photocopy items for
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An important ethical issue to con- Vice-Chair, Psychiatry for Research, with the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Dr. Danvers, MA 01923, 978-750-8400 fax 978-646-8700 or visit online.
For uses beyond those listed above, please direct your written request to Permission Dept. fax 732-647-1104 or email:
Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX.
sider is who should conduct research Psychiatric Times (ISSN 0893-2905) is published monthly by UBM Medica, 535 Connecticut Ave, STE 300 Norwalk, CT 06854.
into drug-related problems that Periodicals postage paid at Norwalk CT and at additional mailing offices.
emerge following licensing? Bur- (CONTINUED ON PAGE 14) POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to Psychiatric Times, UBM Medica, PO Box 6000, Duluth, MN 55806-6000.
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tion to this population by Federal Kristel Carrington, MD
facto US mental and addictive disorders service Ralph de Similien, MD Digital Sales Manager ................................... Ann-Marie Cagide
agencies. Does NIMH research meet
system. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1993;50:85-94. Jessica Gold, MD, MS
this challenge? 2. Torrey EF, Sinclair E. Hocus Pocus: How the Desiree Shapiro, MD Director emedia................................................. Donald Berman
NIMH Intramural Research beds NIMH made 2 million people with schizophrenia John Torous, MD

for schizophrenia at St. Elizabeth’s disappear. Psychiatric Times. 2018;35(3):1,10.

3. Gordon J. On the prevalence of schizophrenia—
Hospital in Washington, DC and and on the NIMH. Psychiatric Times. 2018(3):35:11.
those at the NIH Clinical Center in
6 P S Y C H I AT R I C T I M E S APRIL 2018
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What Psychiatrists Need to Know About the
Determination of Dispositional Capacity
» Naalla Schreiber, MD, James A. Bourgeois, OD, MD, John C.
Landry, Mariana Schmajuk, MD, Jennifer M. Erickson, DO,
Rebecca Weintraub Brendel, MD, JD, and Mary Ann Cohen, MD
Dr. Schreiber is Attending Psychiatrist, Department of Psychiatry and Accept Refuse Dispositional Research
Assign HCP standard standard capacity participation
Behavioral Sciences, Montefiore Medical Center, New York; Dr. Bourgeois is treatments treatments
Clinical Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Texas A & M University
Health Science Center, College of Medicine, Bryan, TX; John C, Landry is a
Senior Undergraduate, Fordham University, New York; Dr. Schmajuk is
Clinical Assistant Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford
University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA; Dr. Erickson is Acting Assistant
Professor, University of Washington, Seattle, WA; Dr. Brendel is Assistant
determinations pertain to a single decision as a threshold inquiry of
Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA; and Dr.
whether the patient can give or withhold informed consent.
Cohen is Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Icahn School of Medicine at
While the ability of a patient to participate in his or her own discharge
Mount Sinai, New York.
plan is inclusive of elements of a procedure-specific decisional capacity
assessment, discharge planning requires other unique dimensions for the

sychiatrists are often consulted to determine whether a patient has clinician to consider. Dispositional capacity determination, in contrast to
the capacity to make medical decisions during an inpatient medi- most other decisional capacity determinations, requires some assessment
cal hospitalization. Some of the most challenging decisional ca- of a patient’s current functional capacity, prediction of a patient’s future
pacity consultations are requests to determine if a patient has the capac- behavior, and ability to self-manage after hospitalization. After discharge
ity to participate in discharge planning. For a patient to demonstrate from the hospital, the patient must have the ability to make decisions
capacity to participate in discharge planning, the patient should have the conducive to recovery. Dispositional capacity is therefore a unique sub-
capacity for self-care, the ability to cope with illness, and be capable of set of decisional capacity that requires an element of prediction.
accessing medical care and treatment once he or she has left the hospi-
tal. Frequently such psychiatric consultations are requested when a pa- Review of decisional capacity
tient is refusing what the medical team defines as a safe discharge. Decisional capacity assessments that clinicians perform every day help
In this article, we present some of the complexities of what we pro- protect vulnerable individuals from neglect and exploitation, preserve
pose to call “dispositional capacity,” or the capacity to participate in autonomy and self-determination, and help other clinicians and admin-
discharge planning. Inherent in a dispositional capacity determination istrators communicate with each other to address complex bioethical
is an assessment of whether the patient will be able to survive safely and and biomedical questions and dilemmas. Decisional capacity has been
independently in the community following a hospital stay and whether extensively described elsewhere. These standard capacity evaluations
he or she can refuse placement in a chronic care or rehabilitation facil- provide a forum for the multidisciplinary hospital team to engage in
ity. Basically, the primary medical team is asking the psychiatrist to thoughtful deliberation about how we care for patients in a manner that
answer the question: “Can this patient go home?” upholds the highest ethical values of our profession. Myths and facts
Dispositional capacity is a subset of decisional capacity determina- about decisional capacity are summarized in Table 1.
tions that is distinct from the capacity to give informed consent for or to Capacity questions and their assessments lie on a gradient depending
refuse medical procedures. Although all determinations of decisional on what is being asked of the patient and the potential risks of their deci-
capacity are complex and require consideration of the medical, ethical, sion. Medical decision-making falls on a spectrum: some choices require
legal, and psychosocial dimensions of care, most decisional capacity more complex thought processes and thus a more sophisticated demon-

Table 1 Decisional capacity: myths and facts1

Myths Facts
A patient is incapable of making decisions until proven A patient is assumed to have decision-making capacity unless
otherwise history or examination suggest otherwise
A patient with cognitive impairment cannot have decision- Patients must be assessed on a case-by-case basis; many
making capacity patients with mild and moderate cognitive impairment have the
capacity to make some or all their decisions
A patient with a history or evidence of serious mental illness, The majority of patients with serious mental illness can make
such as schizophrenia, does not have the capacity to make their own decisions except when psychopathology directly
decisions interferes with the decision-making process
Decision-making capacity is an “all or none” phenomena; a Decision-making capacity is task-specific; a patient may have
patient either has capacity, or he does not capacity to handle finances but may not have capacity to
participate in discharge planning
Lack of decision-making capacity is a permanent condition; Capacity, except in rare cases, is variable and fluctuating and
once a patient is determined to lack capacity to make decisions, can improve with time and constructive interventions
the patient will never regain capacity
Patients who refuse an intervention or demand to leave against Each decision is patient and context-specific and warrants an
medical advice lack capacity individualized evaluation of capacity
APRIL 2018 P S Y C H I AT R I C T I M E S 7
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stration of the domains of capacity, including Dispositional capacity, on the other hand, is more and self-awareness by the patient. A patient may have
understanding, reasoning, appreciation, and complicated in that it requires the patient to make the decisional capacity to give informed consent for an
communication of a choice (Figure). multiple present and future decisions that are condu- extremity amputation, but may not have dispositional
Decisional capacity determinations have cive to good health, and it requires that patients dem- capacity or the capacity to care for himself or herself
medical, psychiatric, functional, and socio- onstrate adequate functional abilities in the physical at home after recovering from the surgery. Conversely,
economic components, all of which are in- and occupational performance areas to survive in the a patient may lack decisional capacity to refuse a risky
volved in the complexity of the patient’s de- community. Thus, dispositional capacity hinges on CNS tumor resection but nonetheless have disposi-
cision-making process. While neurocognitive many more factors than a focal, discrete choice to ac- tional capacity to return home with family supports.
disorders are the primary drivers of impaired cept or reject a medical intervention or diagnostic Each type of decision requires a full psychiatric as-
decisional capacity, other psychiatric disor- procedure while in the hospital. sessment, and “one size does not fit all.”
ders may also have an adverse impact on de- Seen in this light, dispositional capacity to refuse a
cision making. The psychiatrist needs to safe discharge requires a higher bar of understanding (CONTINUED ON PAGE 8)
make a biopsychosocial assessment that in-
cludes all elements that may adversely affect
decisional capacity. (See Table 2 for exam-
ples of how psychiatric disorders can impair
decisional capacity).

Understanding dispositional
capacity as a distinct concept
On the spectrum of decisional capacity, dispo-
sitional capacity appears to be a particularly
special circumstance. In the case of decisional
capacity, a patient is required to demonstrate
adequate cognition as evidenced by an under-
standing and appreciation of the facts and cir-
cumstances and an ability to rationally ma-
nipulate information, be capable of intact
reality testing relative to the medically rele-
vant information, and sufficient emotional
stability to make a consistent choice over time.

Table 2 Examples of
psychopathology that
interferes with decisions
• A patient with severe depression
refuses to consent to a cardiac
catheterization for unstable angina
because she believes she is unworthy
of living and hears God telling her it is
time to die
• A patient with advanced dementia
repeatedly receives information about
his medical problems and medications
but cannot remember that medications
have been prescribed, their
indications, or that he needs to take
• A patient with chronic paranoid
schizophrenia presents to the
emergency department with
pneumonia but refuses to consider
hospitalization because he believes all
the doctors and nurses are working for
the CIA and they want to admit him to
the hospital where he will be tortured
for information
• A patient with refractory anorexia
nervosa is rapidly deteriorating; she is
severely hypotensive and hypokalemic
but refuses fluid resuscitation and
electrolytes because she fears the
medical staff have hidden calories that
will make her gain weight
• A patient with avoidant personality
disorder who has a fungating breast
lesion refuses to allow her physician to
examine her breast because she is in
denial and insists that there is nothing
wrong with her
8 P S Y C H I AT R I C T I M E S APRIL 2018
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Dispositional Capacity sion to the hospital, Mr. A was dehydrated with associ- mant that he be discharged home. The psychiatrist
Continued from page 7 ated rhabdomyolysis, acute kidney injury, and hyper- was called in to assess dispositional capacity. Mr. A
natremia; he was treated with IV hydration. He believed he would be fine at home because he’s a
sustained a hip fracture but refused the recommended “strong man” and “I can take care of myself.” He
Special elements of dispositional capacity hip replacement. The consulting psychiatrist diag- seemed unaware of any risks to returning home and
Dispositional capacity determination requires nosed delirium, possibly superimposed on a major couldn’t explain how he would prepare his food or at-
a multidimensional biopsychosocial approach neurocognitive disorder (dementia), and prescribed tend to his grooming. He scored poorly on the Mon-
to the patient. This approach, while important PRN haloperidol for agitation. His daughter provided treal Cognitive Assessment with a score of 16. An oc-
in all capacity determinations, is even more informed consent for the surgery. cupational therapy evaluation demonstrated a failing
critically salient in determination of disposi- After surgery, the orthopedic team recommended score on the KELS. The psychiatrist found that Mr. A
tional capacity, and includes an appreciation of discharge to a subacute rehabilitation facility (SAR) to lacked dispositional capacity; after much encourage-
the biological, psychological, and social ob- assist with his post-operative recovery. Mr. A was ada- ment from his daughter, Mr. A agreed to a temporary
stacles that must be overcome to maintain
health, safety, and access to care in the com-
munity. A dispositional capacity assessment
requires an evaluation of:
• Understanding of the medical illness
• Obstacles to understanding (eg, language,
socio-cultural barriers, neurocognitive disor-
ders, substance use disorders, other psychiatric
• Ability to perform activities of daily living
(ADLs) and instrumental activities of daily
living (iADLs) or to accept assistance with
these needs
• Social factors (family dynamics, housing,
economics, and broader social supports)
• Access to and navigation through the health
care system
To begin, a clinician must first assess a pa-
tient’s understanding of his or her ongoing
medical problems and what specific interven-
tions are needed upon discharge (eg, physical
or occupational therapy, follow-up medical ap-
pointments). Subsequently, the clinician must
assess cognitive difficulties that are interfering
with the patient’s understanding of the illness
and medical care needs.

Mr. A is an 85-year-old with a past medical his-
tory of hypertension, diabetes, and coronary ar-
tery disease who presents after a fall in his
apartment. It was hours before his daughter
found him on the bathroom floor. Upon admis-

PSYCHIATRY supported the
development of the Bioethics
Special Interest Group (SIG) for
consultation-liaison psychiatrists
to address ethical challenges and
dilemmas in the care of patients
and to promote the teaching of
bioethics. The group now has over
234 members and can be
accessed at
sigs/bioethics/. Members work
together to provide education for
psychiatrists, psychiatric residents,
and medical students, and to
guide policy development.
Courses, workshops, and
symposia are available at annual
meetings and online at http://www.
APRIL 2018 P S Y C H I AT R I C T I M E S 9
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SAR stay to regain his mobility. from physical, occupational, and speech and language ber, friend, or a home health aide is available
Functional assessments to clarify a patient’s limita- therapists can assist the psychiatrist in better under- to assist with shopping, cleaning, food prepa-
tions with daily activities, including iADLs and ADLs, standing the patient’s current level of functioning. ration, and transportation to medical appoint-
can further elucidate areas of concern. Collaboration Social workers can arrange access to community ments. Social workers can also help identify
with a team of experts is most relevant in disposition- programs such as home health aides, visiting nurses, untapped resources such as family, friends, or
al capacity determinations. Specifically, an occupa- physical and occupational therapy, companions for per- members of the patient’s religious faith to
tional therapist can provide a Kohlman Evaluation of sons who are visually impaired, transportation to med- help the patient after discharge.
Living Skills (KELS) or other similar assessment of ical appointments, prepared food delivery for meals,
self-management abilities that can be selected based and panic buttons, all of which can make home a safer Sliding scale of dispositional capacity
on patient-specific characteristics. KELS or similar place for elderly patients with cognitive impairment. A There are many types of medical decisions,
instruments can provide comprehensive evidence of patient who is unable to adequately perform iADLs and and each of these may require greater or less-
cognitive skills involved in self-management. Input ADLs may still be safely discharged if a family mem- er levels of understanding, cognition, and
emotional function. For example, there are
simple versus complex surgical and other pro-
cedures for which a patient might need to con-
sent. To appoint a surrogate decision-maker,
the necessary decisional capacity level is an
understanding of the role of the surrogate and
an ability to consistently name that person
with little focus on the patient’s awareness of
the strengths or weaknesses of each proposed
surrogate. This applies as long as there are no
concerns about the appropriateness of the sur-
rogate and it is not a risky decision.
To accept a recommended medical proce-
dure, the necessary capacity level is a consid-
eration of the risks of failure and benefits of
success from the procedure that is being rec-
ommended by the treating physician. To re-
ject a recommended procedure, the necessary
decisional capacity level involves knowledge
of the risks of recovery without the procedure.
As with the varieties of risk among the
different kinds of medical decisions, there is
a spectrum of different levels of disposition-
al capacity that a patient might need. Over-
all, we can speculate that because disposi-
tional capacity requires a greater degree of
cognition for consistent and ongoing self-
management, patients who “just barely” sat-
isfy the functional criteria of valid decision-
al capacity for a routine medical procedure
may nonetheless lack dispositional capacity.
Patients with poor cognitive function who
lack capacity to refuse a medical or surgical
procedure, are also likely to lack dispositional
capacity. Conversely, a patient with a stable
home, caring family members, good access to
clinical follow-up, and adequate financial re-
sources may be better able to manage post-
hospital care at a lower level of cognitive and
psychiatric function than a patient without
ready access to these resources. Patients who
are paranoid, either from a neurocognitive
disorder or a psychotic disorder, may not fare
as well in the community because they will
not allow family or homecare agencies access
to their home to provide needed assistance.

Ms B is a 90-year-old widow with hypothyroid-
ism, schizophrenia, and mild neurocognitive
disorder. She lives in her own home with the
support of a home health aide and assistance
from 2 sons. She has chronic paranoia and life-
long beliefs that the FBI is spying on her and
targeting her children. Ms B’s pharmacy pack-
ages risperidone in blister packs and her aid
10 P S Y C H I AT R I C T I M E S APRIL 2018
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Dispositional Capacity medical hospitals, primary care, and outpatient medical settings for • Kahn DR, Bourgeois JA, Klein SC, Iosif AM. A prospective observational
study of decisional capacity determinations in an academic medical center.
Continued from page 9 patients with comorbid medical conditions.
Int J Psychiatry Med. 2009;39:405-415.
• Khin Khin E, Minor D, Holloway A, Pelleg A. Decisional capacity in amy-
otrophic lateral sclerosis. J Am Acad Psychiatry Law. 2015;43:210-217.
1. Ganzini L, Volicer L, Nelson WA, et al. Ten myths about decision-making
reminds her to take the medication. • Moore DJ, Palmer BW, Patterson TL, Jeste DV. A review of performance-
capacity. J Am Dir Assoc. 2005;6(Suppl 3):S100-104.
based measures of functional living skills. J Psychiatr Res. 2007;41:97-
She presents to the hospital with her son Recommended Reading 118.
for abdominal pain and is found to have a • Appelbaum PS, Grisso T. Assessing patients’ capacities to consent to • Moye J, Sabatino CP, Weintraub Brendel R. Evaluation of the capacity to
perforated duodenal ulcer. Although she be- treatment. New Engl J Med. 1988;319:1635-8. appoint a healthcare proxy. Am J Geriat Psychiatry. 2013;21:326-336
• Basso MR, Candilis PJ, Johnson J, et al. Capacity to make medical treat- • Okonkwo OC, Griffith HR, Copeland JN, et al. Medical decision-making
lieves the FBI has caused the ulcer, she ment decisions in multiple sclerosis: a potentially remediable deficit. J Clin capacity in mild cognitive impairment: a 3-year longitudinal study. Neurol-
agrees to all recommended treatments and Exp Neuropsychol. 2010;32:1050-1061. ogy. 2008;71:1474-1780
her decisional capacity is not questioned. Her • Bourgeois JA, Cohen MA, Erickson JM, Brendel RW. Decisional and • Walaszek A. Clinical ethics issues in geriatric psychiatry. Psychiatr Clin N
hospital course is complicated by sepsis and dispositional capacity determinations: neuropsychiatric illness and an in- Am. 2009;32:343-359.
tegrated clinical paradigm. Psychosomatics. 2017;58:565-573.
delirium. She requires PRN risperidone, in
addition to her standing risperidone, which is
recommended by the consulting psychiatrist.
When it is time for discharge, the medical
team recommends SAR. However, Ms B wants
to go home because she believes that the FBI
will have better access to her at SAR. The psy-
chiatrist is called in for an assessment of dispo-
sitional capacity. Ms B explains her reasoning to
the psychiatrist and acknowledges that others
might choose differently. She agrees to resume
her homecare services, and her sons agree to
check on her daily.
Ms B scores in the mildly impaired range on
the Montreal Cognitive Assessment with a
score of 18. She has prominent delusions but
her family and psychiatrist confirm that she is
at her baseline; she has no homicidal or sui-
cidal thinking. She is found to have disposi-
tional capacity and is safely discharged home
with resumption of her community supports.

Dispositional capacity is a specific subset
of decisional capacity that addresses a pa-
tient’s ability to accept or reject a safe dis-
charge plan. Psychiatrists are often called
upon to assess dispositional capacity when
a patient is refusing the recommended dis-
charge plan, sometimes in concert with de-
cisional capacity for informed consent for
a medical procedure, and sometimes solely
in the discharge context.
Assessment of dispositional capacity,
framed as a distinct subtype of decisional
capacity, includes a comprehensive diag-
nostic psychiatric evaluation as well as
targeted evaluations by occupational and
physical therapy staff and social workers
to provide the optimal interdisciplinary as-
sessment of the patient. This complete ap-
praisal, tailored to the patient’s specific
circumstances, addresses the patient’s
safety and honors the 4 principles of bio-
medical ethics, specifically balancing pa-
tient autonomy against physician benefi-
cence, nonmaleficence, and justice.
Mastery of the dispositional capacity as-
sessment is an essential core skill for con-
sultation-liaison psychiatrists who are cru-
cial members of the health care team. ❒

Acknowledgement—The authors acknowledge the

Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry for help-
ing to bring this article to fruition. The Academy is the
professional home for psychiatrists providing collab-
orative care bridging physical and mental health. Over
1200 members offer psychiatric treatment in general
APRIL 2018 P S Y C H I AT R I C T I M E S 11
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A “Sickness of Our Time”:

How Suicide First Became
a Research Question
» Greg Eghigian, PhD
n 1897, the French sociologist Émile
Death of Socrates. Jacques Louis David. Durkheim (1858-1917) published Le suicide:
Museum of Art, NYC. MARZOLINO Étude de sociologie [Suicide: A Study in So-
ciology]. With it, Durkheim largely succeeded
in achieving one of his main goals—to use an
empirical analysis of the subject of suicide to
launch the field of modern scientific sociology.
Reading the book today, one is still impressed
by its innovative methods. For example, its epi-
demiological approach based on international
statistical data and its often surprising find-
ings—for one, that suicide rates rose not during
social crises, but rather at times when govern-
ing norms were breaking down.
While the work has been hailed as a found-
ing text for the social sciences, historians have
shown that Durkheim was perhaps less a pio-
neer than beneficiary of generations of re-
search. As historian Daryl Lee puts it, the
book “marks not the beginning but the culmi-
nation of nearly a century of intense anxiety
and debate over the subject of suicide.”1 What
for centuries had been considered a matter for
clergy, theologians, and philosophers alone to
comment on became in the 19th century a
problem that increasingly drew the attention
of psychiatrists and sociologists. Why did
things change?
If we look back to ancient Greece and Rome,
philosophers there considered it a matter of de-
bate whether it was morally acceptable to end
one’s life. Intellectuals such as Socrates and
Cato, both suicide completers, continued to en-
joy respectable reputations after their passing.
Christian Europe, however, expressed a far less
tolerant attitude toward self-inflicted death. For
over a thousand years, Christian thinkers shared
the aversion to suicide of St. Augustine (354–
430), who held the act to be an arrogant refusal
to submit to God's will; it was widely accepted,
He and He alone rightfully decided on when an
individual’s life should come to an end. As such,
suicide was deemed a crime and the bodies of
suicide completers were often desecrated and
their possessions confiscated.
A shift in thinking began to take place be-
tween 1500 and 1800. While intellectuals of
the 16th and early-17th centuries continued to
pronounce suicide to be a moral abomination,
some Enlightenment figures of the 18th cen-
tury like Voltaire (1694–1778) and David
Hume (1711–1776) argued for its legitimacy
under certain situations. Historians examining
judicial and church records have shown that in
between these 2 periods, local authorities
throughout Europe were slowly decriminal-
izing suicide, believing the penalties imposed
on the corpses and estates of victims an unjus-
tified burden on family members. Popular at-
12 APRIL 2018
w w w. p s y c h i a t r i c t i m e s . c o m HISTORY OF PSYCHIATRY
Suicide simply as a symptom of an altered state of mind. On however, is that this was exactly the moment when
Continued from page 11 the latter question, some—like the famed French psy- governments began to concertedly collect statistics on
chiatrist Jean-Étienne Esquirol (1772–1840)—gener- suicide as part of a broad effort aimed at developing a
ally believed it to be “a disorder of the emotions,” a more empirically-informed public policy.
titudes at the time also appear to have been view a later writer in 1857 would criticize as “. . . a While interest in the regularities of birth, marriage,
evolving, as people gradually attributed sui- dangerous and serious mistake which can give rise to and death rates dated back to the 18th century, during
cides not to moral failings or the devil, but to undesirable moral consequences.”5 the 1830s the field of what was called “moral statis-
deep emotions such as grief.2 This opened the At the time, the debate within psychiatry represent- tics” was ever more drawn to deviant acts like crime,
way in the 1700s for reform-minded thinkers to ed only one thread of the discussion over suicide. In alcoholism, and suicide. For moral statisticians, like
begin pathologizing suicide as an expression of the early 19th century, there was widespread percep- the Belgian Adolphe Quetelet (1796–1874), the fact
melancholy.3 tion that the incidence of suicide was rising. Whether that these morally corrupt and seeming irrational ac-
Clinical observers and researchers began tak- this was so is difficult to judge. What we do know, tions followed consistent patterns in their incidence,
ing up the subject in the early 19th century. In
1807, Danish physician Heinrich Callisen
(1740–1824) dubbed it a form of illness and
others soon followed suit.4 This was not due to
the emergence of any new clinical evidence,
however. Rather, legal and judicial changes in
defining criminal responsibility inspired debate
within psychiatry over a range of issues: the
possibility of “partial” insanities, the existence
of emotional and volitional forms of madness,
as well as whether suicide should be treated

Richard M. Berlin, MD

Green hills patched with April

snow and I’ve chosen to celebrate

with a full slate of patients.

No cake or champagne

in my sober waiting room,

just another day losing myself

in the flow, prescribing pills,

listening more than I speak,

keeping secrets secret,

thankful for their gift of suffering,

which allows me to be useful

doing work I was born to do.

Dr. Berlin is Senior Affiliate in

Psychiatry at the University of
Massachusetts Medical School.
E-mail: Richard.Berlin@gmail.
com. His most recent collection
of poetry, PRACTICE, is pub-
lished by Brick Road Poetry
Press. ❒
APRIL 2018 P S Y C H I AT R I C T I M E S 13
HISTORY OF PSYCHIATRY w w w. p s y c h i a t r i c t i m e s . c o m

prevalence, and distribution demonstrated that human Nevertheless, there were points where the interests saryk in his 1881 study of the topic put it bluntly:
behavior—like the rest of the natural world—followed of the 2 groups overlapped. Both statistician André- suicide was “the sickness of our time.” It appeared
certain laws. And these laws, he thought, could be scien- Michel Guerry (1802–1866) and physician Brierre de to be not just an epidemic in, but also endemic to
tifically discovered and analyzed. Here was compelling Boismont (1797–1881), for instance, separately took the modern world. What was one to make of this?
proof of the need for a social science on par with the it upon themselves to classify and analyze the motiva- The growing influence of Darwinian evolu-
physical sciences.6 Thus, 2 lines of research emeged in 2 tions of those committing suicide. Pouring over the tionary theory moved some to search for an-
emerging fields, one rooted in psychiatry, the other in letters, notes, and writings of thousands of victims, swers there. The physician and writer Max Nor-
sociology. The 2 paths certainly diverged from one an- they sought out trends that might be common among dau (1849–1923) argued that the rising suicide
other: psychiatrists remained most interested in the psy- those attempting to kill themselves. rate reflected a more general pattern of “degen-
chopathology and treatment of individuals. Social scien- But what continued to worry many analysts in both eration,” an evolutionary regression of the hu-
tists were drawn to identifying and influencing camps, however, was what seemed to be the shockingly man race caused by society’s neglect of the
collective patterns. high suicide rate in contemporary society. Thomas Ma- moral and hygienic health of civilized peoples.7
Others, however, wondered whether the evo-
lutionary connections between humans and other
animals meant that suicide could be found in
other species. Scottish alienist William Lauder
Lindsay (1829–1880) believed so. A critic of the
use of mechanical restraints and an advocate for
psychotherapy in asylums, Lindsay argued that
evidence showed that animals did commit suicide
just like humans, not as “the simple product of
malady, but of malady aggravated by misman-
agement.” In other words, it was due to neglect
and abuse. The famous British psychiatrist Henry
Maudsley (1835–1918) begged to differ. He cat-
egorically dismissed the notion of animal suicide.
Non-humans, he contended, lacked the capacity
to deliberately seek their own deaths, and he crit-
icized Lindsay for sacrificing scientific assess-
ment in the service of a “spirit of romance.”8
Others saw less value in evolutionary argu-
ments, opting instead to focus on recent historical
changes. Durkheim entered the debate, empha-
sizing the impact modern secular and consumer
values had on unmooring individuals from their
familiar moral anchors. He was hardly the first to
argue along these lines. Almost 2 decades earlier,
the Italian physician Enrico Morselli (1852–
1929) published Suicide: An Essay on Compara-
tive Moral Statistics (1879), in which he related
contemporary suicides to the rise in the unsatis-
fied desires and unregulated self-gratification
characteristic of modern life.
By century's end, many researchers concluded
that suicide represented not so much an illness as
a symptom–a response by some to the challenges
posted by living in the modern world. ❒

Dr Eghigian is Associate Professor of Modern History and

Former Director of the Science, Technology, and
Society Program at Penn State University; he is also
Section Editor for Psychiatric Times' History of

1. Lee D. Accounting for self-destruction: Morselli, moral statistics,
and the modernity of suicide. Intellect Hist Rev. 2009;19:337.
2. Watt JR. Introduction: toward a history of suicide in early mod-
ern Europe. From Sin to Insanity: Suicide in Early Modern Europe.
Ithaca: Cornell University Press; 2004: 1-8.
3. Bähr A. Between self-murder and suicide: the modern etymol-
ogy of self-killing. J Soc Hist. 2013;46:620-632.
4. Goldney RD, Schioldann JA, Dunn KI. Suicide research before
Durkheim. Health Hist. 2008;10:73-89.
5. Berrios GE, Mohanna M. Durkheim and French psychiatric
views on suicide during the 19th century: a conceptual history. Br
J Psychiatry. 1990;156:1-9.
6. Porter TM. The Rise of Statistical Thinking, 1820-1900. Princ-
eton: Princeton University Press; 1986.
7. Pick D. Faces of Degeneration: A European Disorder, c 1848-
1918. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 1989.
8. Ramsden E, Wilson D. The suicidal animal: science and the
nature of self-destruction. Past Present. 2014;224:201-242.
14 P S Y C H I AT R I C T I M E S APRIL 2018
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PTSD and Suicide cane. We hope that this article will serve to clarify Dr Alfonso reports no conflicts of interest concerning the
Continued from page 4 protracted disaster-related psychopathology, espe- subject matter of this article.
cially within the context of psychosocial and econom-
ic stressors. In addition we hope heighten awareness
found increased suicide rates of sub-threshold PTSD, among members of the World Psychiatric Association 1. Melendez E, Hinojosa J. Estimates of Post-Hurricane Maria
Exodus from PR; October 2017.
even after controlling for MDD.10 and American Psychiatric Association, at institution- research/data-center/research-briefs/estimates-post-hurri-
al-systemic and national-local levels, to offer assis- cane-maria-exodus-puerto-rico. Accessed February 23, 2018.
Conclusion tance to those affected by this humanitarian crisis. ❒ 2. NIH-NIAAA. Alcohol and the Hispanic Community; 2015.
With little economic relief in sight in the foreseeable
future, approximately a million Puerto Ricans are ex- Dr Alfonso is Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Columbia fact.htm. Accessed February 23, 2018.
University Medical Center, and Chair, Psychotherapy 3. Coto D. Murders in Puerto Rico surge as Hurricane Maria re-
pected to present with PTSD in the next 2 years and covery continues. Time Magazine. January 11, 2018.
hundreds will die by suicide as a result of the hurri- Section of the World Psychiatric Association. 4. FEMA. Hurricane Maria.
maria. Accessed February 23, 2018.
5. Preliminary Statistics of Cases of Suicide in Puerto Rico, Janu-
ary to November 2017[in Spanish].
Noviembre%202017.pdf. Accessed February 23, 2018.
6. Kessler RC, Galea S, Gruber MJ, Trends in mental illness
and suicidality after Hurricane Katrina. Mol Psychiatry.
7. Neria Y, Nandi A, Galea S. Post-traumatic stress disorder fol-
lowing disasters: a systematic review. Psychol Med.
8. Norris FH, Perilla JL, Riad JK, et al. Stability and change in
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disaster: findings from Hurricane Andrew. Anxiety Stress Coping.
9. Lin S, Lu Y, Justino J, et al. What happened to our environment
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Public Health Prep. 2016;10:314-319.
10. Marshall RD, Olfson M, Hellman F, et al. Comorbidity, impair-
ment, and suicidality in subthreshold PTSD. Am J Psychiatry.

Drug Withdrawal
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APRIL 2018 P S Y C H I AT R I C T I M E S 15
w w w. p s y c h i a t r i c t i m e s . c o m

Title of Article

The Inflammation


» Charles Raison, MD

Dr. Raison is Mary Sue and Mike It seemed so logical in 2000 that induce changes in brain/body func- Our recent celebration of all
Shannon Chair for Healthy Minds, inflammation could only produce tioning that can contribute to the devel- things inflammatory will not allow
Children & Families; Professor, Human mental illness when a person had a opment of a wide range of psychiatric an escape from the truth—that psy-
Development and Family Studies, good excuse for inflammation, such conditions. Inflammation is an equal chiatric treatment will never be “one
School of Human Ecology; and as an infection or a cancer. We didn’t opportunity risk factor, with specific size fits all.” How anti-inflammatory
Professor, Department of Psychiatry, know then that psychological stress disease pathogenesis depending on strategies will fit into our larger ar-
School of Medicine and Public Health, activates inflammation and that this factors such as when in the life cycle mamentarium is one of the most ex-
University of Wisconsin-Madison. activation would be found to predict the inflammatory event(s) occur and/or citing questions facing the field of
the later development of psychopa- genetic predisposition of individuals. psychopharmacology.

hen I attended medical thology.1 Far from being specific to • Second, that a wide range of en- Here’s to hoping that when the
school in the mid-1980s, no any one mental illness, or a sub-pop- vironmental adversities, many of next Psychiatric Times Special Re-
one imagined that the im- ulation within a mental illness, in- which—like stress—we don’t tend to port on inflammation comes out, we
mune system had anything to do flammation turned out to be a com- think of as immunological, can be will have the answers. ❒
with the brain. When I became a re- mon denominator and likely risk proinflammatory and likely increase
searcher in 2000, we were convinced factor for every manner of psychiat- the risk of mental illness through this [The author reports that he is a consultant for
that inflammation would only be rel- ric disturbance, from schizophrenia mechanism. Novartis, Usona Institute, and Emory Healthcare.]
evant to patients with medical ill- to obsessive compulsive disorder, • Finally, that even though inflam-
nesses that might account for their from mania to depression.2 mation may be a cause of a given
immune activation. Now, in 2018 I On the other hand, our hopes that mental illness in a given individual, 1. Wirtz PH1, von Känel R. Psychological stress, in-
flammation, and coronary heart disease. Curr Cardiol
find myself amazed that inflamma- major depression might turn out to be psychiatric disorders are not inflam- Rep. 2017;19:111.
tion is frequently named as the root an inflammatory condition that could matory conditions. There are plenty 2. Miller AH1, Haroon E1, Felger JC1. Therapeutic
cause of all psychiatric conditions— be uniformly treated with anti-inflam- of other ways of getting depressed, or implications of brain-immune interactions: treatment
the sine qua non of all mental illness. matory medications turned out to be manic, or psychotic. in translation. Neuropsychopharmacol. 2017;42:334-
This 2-part Special Report de- as wrong as all the other assumptions
votes itself to the new inflammatory prevalent in the field and in my own
world that we—as mental health cli- brain. It is increasingly clear that in-
Special Report Chairperson Charles Raison, MD
nicians and researchers—find our- flammation is not the cause of depres-
selves in, and it does an admirable sion: it is at best one cause of depres-
job of showing how most of our prior
and current preconceptions about the
sion. We now know, in fact, that
depressed patients with elevated de-
role of immunity and mental illness pression have different patterns of
have been—and are—wrong. brain functioning than do patients
In retrospect, my years in medical who are just as depressed but have low 16 Five Things to Know About Inflammation and Depression
Andrew H. Miller, MD
school seem like the dark ages. We levels of inflammation.2 And the story
now know the immune system and the
brain have everything to do with each
gets trickier, because several studies
suggest that further lowering inflam-
19 IsJanine
PTSD a Systemic Disorder?
D. Flory, PhD and Rachel Yehuda, PhD
other: really, they are best understood mation in these non-inflamed patients
as part of one larger system with caus- makes things worse, not better. Epub ahead of print:
al influences that move in both direc- What does it all mean? Fortunate-
Inflammation in Psychiatry: Where There’s Smoke There’s Fire
tions. Brain states that produce mental ly, the articles in this Special Report
Roger S. McIntyre, MD and Carola Rong, MD
illness also tend to activate inflamma- do an outstanding job of glossing our
tion. And inflammation is equally ca- best current understandings, which Why Are Depressed Patients Inflammed? A New Path to
pable of producing depression, anxi- are:. What are these understandings? Personalized Treatment in Psychiatry
ety, fatigue, and social withdrawal. • First, that inflammatory processes Carmine M. Pariante, MD, PhD
16 APRIL 2018
w w w. p s y c h i a t r i c t i m e s . c o m INFLAMMATION AND PSYCHIATRY

Five Things to Know About

Inflammation and Depression
» Andrew H. Miller, MD Monoamine metabolism
B p38 MAPK- increased DEPRESSION
Dr. Miller is William P. Timmie Professor 5HT reuptake Neurocircuitry
of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, ? BH4- decreased 5HT, ? Neural activation
NE, DA synthesis of reward circuitry
Emory University School of Medicine, B lDO- decreased 5HT B Neural activation
Atlanta, GA. synthesis of arousal, anxiety
and alarm

nderstanding the immunologi- dACC
cal basis of disease has revolu- Anxiety
tionized the treatment of cancer Anhedonia
and autoimmune and inflammatory IInsula

disorders, benefitting millions of Bas

B asa
people with breakthrough immuno- ganglia
g an
therapies. We now suspect that im- Hippocampus
H ip
munologic processes may also play a
pivotal role in the development and
maintenance of psychiatric disor- Amygdala
A myg
m y dala
ygda a Neural plasticity
Glutamate metabolism ? BDNF
ders, opening an entire new avenue ? Astrocyte reuptake ? Neurogenesis
for novel strategies to prevent and B Astrocyte release ? Dendritic sprouting
treat psychiatric disease. B OA binding to B Inflammatory cytokines
The immunologic processes con- NMDA receptor (IL-1, IL-6, TNF, IFN-_)
nected to depression have received
the most attention. A vast amount of Monocytes/macrophages
data supports the hypothesis that the
immune system in general and in- T cells
flammation in particular, represent a
pathway to pathology in a significant
number of depressed patients. Al- INFLAMMATION
though the relationship between in-
flammation and depression may at Figure Impact of inflammation on the brain and behavior
5HT, serotonin; BDNF, brain derived neurotrophic factor; BH4, tetrahydrobiopterin; DA, dopamine; dACC, dorsal anterior cingulate
first glance appear straightforward, cortex; IDO, indoleamine 2,3 dioxygenase; IFN-interferon; IL, interleukin; MAPK, mitogen activated protein kinase; NE, norepinephrine;
this relationship is much richer and NMDA, N-methyl-D-aspartate; QA, quinolinic acid; sgACC, subgenual anterior cingulate cortex; TNF, tumor necrosis factor.
more nuanced than is often believed.
In hopes of embracing the complex- tients with depression or other psy-
ity involved, 5 essential points that chiatric disorders (Figure). For ex-
represent our current understanding
of the field are presented. Understanding the impact of inflammation on the brain can lead to key insights on how to inflammatory cytokine interferon
manage depressed patients, ranging from diagnostic considerations to targeted treatment (IFN)-_ to patients or administration
Depression is not an strategies. of typhoid vaccination or endotoxin
inflammatory disorder ◗ Inflammation occurs in subgroups of high-risk depressed patients. to healthy volunteers has shown that
Probably the most important lessons ◗ Inflammation is associated with a poor response to conventional antidepressant therapy. inflammation affects subcortical and
that we have learned about inflamma- ◗ Inflammation has specific effects on the brain, warranting tailored treatment and cortical brain circuits associated with
tion and depression are that depres- prevention. motivation and motor activity as well
sion is not an inflammatory disorder as cortical brain regions associated
and not every patient with depression on the patient population being con- that inflammation is transdiagnostic with arousal, anxiety, and alarm.2-4
has increased inflammation. Al- sidered. The more inflammatory risk in nature, occurring in subpopula- Similar results have been found in
though a multitude of studies have factors a patient has, the more likely tions of patients within a number of patients with depression where in-
demonstrated increased mean con- he or she will have inflammation. psychiatric disorders. creases in peripheral blood concentra-
centrations of a variety of inflamma- There are a multitude of factors as- tions of the CRP were correlated with
tory markers in depressed patients sociated with increased inflamma- Inflammation has specific effects decreases in connectivity within mo-
compared with controls—including tion (Table 1) including treatment on the brain and behavior tivation and reward circuits involving
reproducible increases in the inflam- resistance. For example, 45% of pa- As we gain more insight into how in- the ventral striatum and ventromedial
matory cytokines tumor necrosis fac- tients enrolled in a study on treatment flammation affects the brain, it is be- prefrontal cortex (vmPFC), that in
tor (TNF), interleukin (IL)-1`, IL-6 resistant depression had a CRP > 3 coming increasingly clear that there turn were associated with anhedonia.5
and the acute phase protein C-reac- mg/L, which is considered high in- is a surprising specificity on the im- Greater inflammatory responses to
tive protein (CRP)—there is consid- flammation.1 pact of inflammation on behavior. stress as reflected by salivary concen-
erable variability within the depressed Another pivotal point is that in- Such specificity is apparent in the trations of soluble TNF receptor 2
population. Indeed, despite the ques- creased inflammation not only oc- neurocircuits and neurotransmitter have also been correlated with activa-
tion being asked repeatedly, we do curs in depression but also in multi- systems that appear to be most af- tion of threat assessment circuits in
not know the percentage patients in ple other psychiatric diseases fected by inflammation both in the the brain involving the dorsal anterior
whom inflammation plays a role. including bipolar disorder, anxiety context of the administration of in- cingulate cortex (dACC) and insula.6
The difficulty in addressing this disorders, personality disorders, and flammatory stimuli or in association This latter effect of inflammation on
question is that the answer depends schizophrenia. These data suggest with inflammatory markers in pa- threat and fear-related neurocircuitry
APRIL 2018 P S Y C H I AT R I C T I M E S 17
INFLAMMATION AND PSYCHIATRY w w w. p s y c h i a t r i c t i m e s . c o m

may explain the emerging literature 5-HT, into kynurenine. Activated mi- responses is unknown. One might
Table 1. Factors on the association of inflammatory croglia can convert kynurenine into suspect from the inflammatory medi-
associated with markers with suicidal ideation and quinolinic acid, which can lead to ex- ators that are increased in the blood of
increased inflammation suicide attempts.7 Indeed, threat sen- cessive glutamate, an excitatory ami- depressed patients (eg, TNF, IL-1`
sitivity has been shown to indepen- no acid neurotransmitter. Excessive and IL-6) that the primary drivers of
Obesity dently predict suicide risk, and data glutamate can lead to decreased inflammation in depression involve
suggest that increased inflammatory brain-derived neurotrophic factor monocytes and activation of the in-
Sedentary lifestyle markers may be preferentially associ- (BDNF) and excitotoxicity. In- nate immune response. Consistent
Disordered sleep ated with depressed patients who creased CRP has been directly cor- with this notion is a recent report of
have attempted suicide.7,8 related with increased glutamate in increased perivascular monocytes/
Childhood maltreatment In terms of the neurotransmitter the basal ganglia of patients with de- macrophages and monocyte chemoat-
Emotional and physical trauma systems involved, inflammation re- pression.9 Finally, based on the in- tractant protein (MCP)-1, a protein
duces the availability of monoamines hibitory effects of inflammation on that attracts monocytes to the tissues
Medical illnesses (eg, by increasing the expression and monoamine metabolism and BDNF, in postmortem brain samples of pre-
cardiovascular disease, function of the presynaptic reuptake it is not surprising that inflammation sumably depressed suicide victims.10
diabetes, cancer, autoimmune pumps (transporters) for serotonin, is associated with a poor response to Findings from animal studies also
and inflammatory disorders)
dopamine, and norepinephrine and conventional antidepressants, whose suggest that stress-induced increases
Bacterial or viral infection by reducing monoamine synthesis efficacy relies in part on increasing in catecholamines stimulate the re-

(including exposure to a high and release by decreasing enzymatic monoamine availability and inducing lease of monocytes from the bone
pathogen load [eg, unsanitary co-factors such as tetrahydrobiop- BDNF and neurogenesis. marrow.2 Once in the blood, these
living conditions, poor terin.1,2 Cytokine-induced decreases monocytes encounter danger- or mi-
dentition, poor hygiene]) in basal ganglia dopamine release The immunology of inflammation crobial-associated molecular pat-
Medical treatments (eg, have been observed in humans and in depression is only beginning to terns derived from stress-induced al-
surgery, radiation, directly correlated with reduced mo- be understood terations in metabolism or microbial
chemotherapy) tivation in laboratory animals.1,2 Our understanding of the immunolo- products from the gut that in turn ac-
Inflammation also decreases rele- gy underlying inflammation in de- tivate inflammatory signaling path-
Antidepressant treatment
resistance vant monoamine precursors by acti- pression is limited to a small number ways such as nuclear factor gB (BF-
vating the enzyme indoleamine 2,3 of human studies in addition to animal gB) leading to TNF and IL-6 as well
dioxygenase, which breaks down studies. Thus, the relative contribu- as the imflammasome, which leads to
tryptophan, the primary precursor for tion of innate and adaptive immune (CONTINUED ON PAGE 18)

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18 APRIL 2018
w w w. p s y c h i a t r i c t i m e s . c o m INFLAMMATION AND PSYCHIATRY
Inflammation and T cells to patrol the brain.17 Whether an inhibitor of TNF.1 Given the rela- Dr Miller reports no conflicts of interest con-
inflammatory responses are primari- tive availability of CRP in clinics and cerning the subject matter of this article.
Depression ly driven by innate immune respons- hospitals throughout the US and else-
Continued from page 17 References
es and monocytes versus the adaptive where, it may be that until other data
1. Raison CL, Rutherford RE, Woolwine BJ, et al. A
immune response and T cells will are available, clinicians can use CRP randomized controlled trial of the tumor necrosis fac-
the production of IL-1. TNF in turn have profound implications for im- as a general yardstick for inflamma- tor antagonist infliximab for treatment-resistant de-
has been shown to activate microglia munotherapeutic targeting of the im- tory load. pression: the role of baseline inflammatory biomark-
to produce MCP-1, attracting mono- mune system to treat depression. There has been recent interest in ers. JAMA Psychiatry. 2013;70:31-41.
2. Capuron L, Pagnoni G, Drake DF, et al. Dopaminer-
cytes to the brain notably in areas that identifying inflammation directly in gic mechanisms of reduced basal ganglia responses
regulate fear and anxiety including Inflammation is related to the brain of depressed patients using to hedonic reward during interferon alfa administra-
the amygdala.11 Recent data indicate treatment response positron emission tomography to tion. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2012;69:1044-1053.
that chronic social stress in laborato- A major advantage of a pathophysi- identify activated microglia reflected 3. Eisenberger NI, Berkman ET, Inagaki TK, et al. In-
flammation-induced anhedonia: endotoxin reduces
ry animals can also lead to permea- ologic process that is believed to by upregulation of the translocator ventral striatum responses to reward. Biol Psychiatry.
bility in the blood – brain barrier that largely emanate from the periphery protein (TSPO).21 Although there has 2010;68:748-754.
allows peripheral inflammatory sig- and spread to the brain is the oppor- been an assumption that increased 4. Harrison NA, Voon V, Cercignani M, et al. A neuro-
nals including IL-6 to enter the brain tunity to use blood tests to identify TSPO binding signals neuroinflam- computational account of how inflammation enhanc-
es sensitivity to punishments versus rewards. Biol
in regions relevant to motivation and specific individuals for treatment tar- mation, the TSPO ligand is not able Psychiatry. 2016;80:73-81.
reward.12 Consistent with these labo- geting and ultimately precision care. to distinguish microglia that are acti- 5. Felger JC, Li Z, Haroon E, et al. Inflammation is

ratory animal data, peripheral blood Indeed, inflammatory markers alone vated to perform important neuropro- associated with decreased functional connectivity
immune cells from depressed pa- or in combination have been shown tective and neuroregulatory functions within corticostriatal reward circuitry in depression.
Mol Psychiatry. 2016;21:1358-1365.
tients have shown evidence of activa- to predict treatment response to con- from microglia that are inflammato-
6. Slavich GM, Way BM, Eisenberger NI, et al. Neural
tion of both nuclear factor gB and the ventional antidepressants and psy- ry. Therefore, these ligands are not sensitivity to social rejection is associated with in-
inflammasome.13 chotherapy as well as advanced treat- ready for prime time, and results flammatory responses to social stress. Proc Natl
Despite evidence that monocytes ment strategies such as ketamine and from the published literature using Acad Sci USA. 2010;107:14817-14822.
7. Brundin L, Bryleva EY, Thirtamara Rajamani K. Role
and the innate immune response play anti-cytokine immunotherapy. 13,18 TSPO ligands should be interpreted
of inflammation in suicide: from mechanisms to
a pivotal role in effects of inflamma- Unfortunately, these studies are post with caution. treatment. Neuropsychopharmacol. 2017;42:271-
tion on the brain, there is growing hoc in nature, and no study has yet to 283.
evidence to suggest that T cells and prospectively assign patients with Therapeutic implications are 8. Venables NC, Sellbom M, Sourander A, et al. Sepa-
rate and interactive contributions of weak inhibitory
the adaptive immune response may one or more level of inflammatory imminent control and threat sensitivity to prediction of suicide
also be involved.14 Decreased anti- marker to a given treatment and pre- Clearly, there is much to be learned risk. Psychiatry Res. 2015;226:461-466.
inflammatory T regulatory cells and dict response. about the relationship between de- 9. Haroon E, Fleischer CC, Felger JC, et al. Concep-
increased hyperinflammatory Th17 The greatest challenge is to deter- pression and inflammation. Never- tual convergence: increased inflammation is associ-
ated with increased basal ganglia glutamate in pa-
cells have been described in de- mine which inflammatory marker(s) theless, the most exciting aspects of
tients with major depression. Mol Psychiatry.
pressed patients and animal models exhibits the greatest predictive value, this work are the clear therapeutic 2016;21:1351-1357.
of depression.13-15 Moreover, T cells while also being readily available for implications ranging from blocking 10. Torres-Platas SG, Cruceanu C, Chen GG, et al.
and their production of IL-4 have clinical application. Findings suggest inflammation to targeting the down- Evidence for increased microglial priming and mac-
rophage recruitment in the dorsal anterior cingulate
been associated with resilience to that individuals with a CRP >1mg/L, stream effects of inflammation on
white matter of depressed suicides. Brain Behav Im-
stress and depression in laboratory which is the cut off for moderate in- neurotransmitter systems and neuro- mun. 2014;42:50-59.
animal models.1,14,16 These data are flammation, were less likely to re- circuits to implementing lifestyle in- 11. McKim DB, Weber MD, Niraula A, et al. Microglial
especially intriguing given recent spond to SSRIs.19,20 High CRP was terventions that reduce inflammation recruitment of IL-1beta-producing monocytes to
brain endothelium causes stress-induced anxiety.
characterization of the lymphatic also shown to predict response to the (Table 2).
Mol Psychiatry. April 4, 2017; Epub ahead of print.
system within CNS that allows the anti-inflammatory drug infliximab, Several clinical trials are underway 12. Menard C, Pfau ML, Hodes GE, et al. Social stress
using immunotherapies that target induces neurovascular pathology promoting depres-
TNF and IL-6. In each instance, a pre- sion. Nat Neurosci. 2017;20:1752-1760.
13. Miller AH, Raison CL. The role of inflammation in
Table 2. Considerations for the treating clinician cision medicine approach is being
depression: from evolutionary imperative to modern
taken: individuals with increased in- treatment target. Nat Rev Immunol. 2016;16:22-34.
Assessment flammation of CRP >3 mg/L are be- 14. Miller AH. Depression and immunity: a role for T
ing treated. Whether targeting these cells? Brain Behav Immun. 2010;24:1-8.
Conduct a thorough history for risk factors associated with 15. Beurel E, Harrington LE, Jope RS. Inflammatory T
increased inflammation cytokines versus targeting T cell-de-
helper 17 cells promote depression-like behavior in
rived cytokines such as IL-17 is more mice. Biol Psychiatry. 2013;73:622-630.
Consider obtaining a peripheral blood measure of inflammation (eg, efficacious and for whom remains to 16. Brachman RA, Lehmann ML, Maric D, et al. Lym-
CRP): <1 mg/L, low inflammation; 1-3 mg/L, moderate be determined. In addition, studies phocytes from chronically stressed mice confer anti-
inflammation; >3 mg/L, high inflammationa have suggested that both minocycline, depressant-like effects to naive mice. J Neurosci.
Treatment (for patients with multiple inflammatory risk factors which blocks microglial activation, 17. Louveau A, Smirnov I, Keyes TJ, et al. Structural
and/or increased blood inflammatory markers) and inhibitors of the inflammatory and functional features of central nervous system
mediator cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 lymphatic vessels. Nature. 2015;523:337-341.
Consider not using selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors as first- 18. Miller AH, Haroon E, Felger JC. Therapeutic impli-
have antidepressant efficacy.18 How-
line therapy cations of brain-immune interactions: treatment in
ever, more data are needed, given that translation. Neuropsychopharmacol. 2017;42:334-
Consider using (or augmenting with) medications that increase precision targeting of patient popula- 359.
dopaminergic signaling or block glutamate: bupropion, stimulants tions with high inflammation has not 19. Uher R, Tansey KE, Dew T, et al. An inflammatory
(eg, methylphenidate, dextroamphetamine), pramipexole, ketamine been incorporated into the clinical biomarker as a differential predictor of outcome of
depression treatment with escitalopram and nortrip-
Implement lifestyle interventions to reduce inflammation: weight trial design of these studies. Based on tyline. Am J Psychiatry. 2014;171:1278-1286.
loss, exercise, sleep hygiene, meditation and yoga (increases the impact of inflammation on dopa- 20. Jha MK, Minhajuddin A, Gadad BS, et al. Can C-
parasympathetic outflow, which inhibits inflammation), aggressive minergic and glutamatergic path- reactive protein inform antidepressant medication
ways, drugs that enhance dopamine selection in depressed outpatients? Findings from
management of medical illnesses and infections
the CO-MED trial. Psychoneuroendocrinol.
signaling or block glutamate recep- 2017;78:105-113.
Use of anti-inflammatory drugs (COX-2 inhibitors) or minocycline tors may be especially relevant for 21. Setiawan E, Wilson AA, Mizrahi R, et al. Role of
(not ready for prime time, although this literature should be followed
closely) patients with depressive symptoms translocator protein density, a marker of neuroin-
and increased inflammation. ❒ flammation, in the brain during major depressive
Based on level of risk for cardiovascular disease (an inflammation-related disorder). episodes. JAMA Psychiatry. 2015;72:268-275.
APRIL 2018 P S Y C H I AT R I C T I M E S 19
INFLAMMATION AND PSYCHIATRY w w w. p s y c h i a t r i c t i m e s . c o m

Is PTSD a Systemic Disorder?

» Janine D. Flory, PhD and in about half of all PTSD cases and
findings are consistent across civilian
More recently, PTSD has been
linked with autoimmune disorders and
PTSD and autoimmune disorders has
not been studied extensively. How-
Rachel Yehuda, PhD
and veteran samples. neurodegenerative diseases. O’Don- ever, results from one longitudinal
The association between PTSD ovan and colleagues2 reported that pa- cohort study of women showed that
Dr. Flory is Associate Professor, Icahn
and medical illness appears to differ tients with PTSD had a greater risk for the onset of trauma exposure and
School of Medicine, Mount Sinai, New
by race and ethnicity: black and La- thyroiditis, inflammatory bowel dis- PTSD symptoms preceded the devel-
York, NY, and Director, Trauma and
tino adults with PTSD are at greater ease, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple opment of lupus erythematosus.3 The
Recovery Services Clinic, James J.
risk relative to whites. The impact of sclerosis, and lupus erythematosus. public health significance of under-
Peters Veterans Affairs Medical Center,
sex and gender on this association Findings from this retrospective co- standing why and how trauma expo-
Bronx. Dr. Yehuda is Professor of
also warrants further examination as hort of more than 600,000 Iraq and sure/PTSD are linked to medical ill-
Psychiatry, Icahn School of Medicine,
many of the large prospective stud- Afghanistan veterans were not associ- ness is enormous. Recent results
Mount Sinai, and Director, Mental
ies have been conducted using same- ated with age, race, or gender. from gene expression studies offer

Health Care Center, James J. Peters
sex cohorts. The temporal association between some intriguing research possibilities
Veterans Affairs Medical Center.
for investigation.

n addition to psychosocial problems, SIGNIFICANCE FOR THE PRACTICING PSYCHIATRIST Is PTSD symptom severity
there is a growing realization that associated with metabolic and
PTSD may also lead to or exacerbate It is important to understand how and why trauma affects medical illness and whether inflammatory markers?
successful treatment for PTSD is associated with improvements in physical health.
chronic medical health conditions. Sev- Genome-wide transcription studies
Alternatively, behavioral health treatments that address physical health conditions may
eral large cohort studies demonstrate a also contribute to improvements in PTSD symptoms. of trauma exposure and PTSD have
prospective association between PTSD ◗ There is a growing realization that PTSD may lead to or exacerbate chronic medical identified specific genes, as well as
symptoms and cardio-metabolic disor- health conditions. causal pathways that implicate dys-
ders, such as myocardial infarction, ◗ An unanswered question is whether reductions in PTSD symptoms following treatment regulation of the immune system.
stroke, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and also lead to changes in immune system functioning. Breen and colleagues4 undertook a
coronary heart disease.1 The associa- ◗ The association between PTSD and medical illness appears to differ by race and ethnic- mega-analysis using the results from
tions generally persist after adjusting ity, with black and Latino adults with PTSD at greater risk relative to whites. 5 PTSD transcriptome studies. They
for comorbid depression, which occurs (CONTINUED ON PAGE 20)

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20 APRIL 2018
w w w. p s y c h i a t r i c t i m e s . c o m INFLAMMATION AND PSYCHIATRY
PTSD the effects of long-term disruption in the inflammatory signature associat- benefits for patients with PTSD.10
Continued from page 19 GC functioning—as observed in ed with PTSD reflects an extension One study examined changes in
PTSD—which contribute to sus- of trauma-related pathophysiology, inflammatory markers following
tained low-grade inflammation that or whether it is an inevitable outcome treatment of PTSD with paroxetine.11
observed that PTSD was associated damages target organs. of the behaviors that are associated Findings from this open trial do not
with differential expression in genes Findings have not always been with PTSD (eg, tobacco use, physical show a decline in Il-6 despite a de-
that regulate innate immunity, cyto- consistent in studies of cross-section- inactivity, imprudent dietary choices, cline in PTSD symptoms. In contrast,
kine production, and type I interferon al associations between PTSD symp- disrupted sleep). If the inflammatory SSRI treatment of depression is as-
signaling. The study included more toms and inflammatory markers. A signal is an extension of trauma-relat- sociated with a decline in cytokines.
than 225 cases and 300 controls, recent meta-analysis demonstrated ed consequences that associate with, Sertraline and transcranial direct cur-
which allowed for sub-analyses by that PTSD is associated with higher or possibly even lead to, other medi- rent treatment of depression were as-
gender and trauma type. interleukin 6 (IL-6), interleukin (IL)- cal illnesses, this would suggest that sociated with declines in 6 of 7 cyto-
Lower expression of cytokine-re- 1`, tumor necrosis factor (TNF) _, PTSD is part of a larger systemic ill- kines in a randomized clinical trial.12
lated genes was observed in men ex- and interferon (IFN)-a relative to ness linked to psychological trauma. Some of the novel PTSD pharma-
posed to interpersonal trauma relative controls.6 Also relevant is the pro- Evidence-based psychotherapies cotherapy approaches currently un-
to women exposed to interpersonal spective association between elevat- for PTSD address psychological der investigation may also have the
added benefit of targeting the im-
mune system. One of the exciting

developments in pharmacotherapy
involves the use of glucocorticoid-
If PTSD is causally related drugs to either prevent the
development of PTSD, augment the
associated with gains of psychotherapy, or treat
symptoms of chronic PTSD.13 Glu-
disruption of the cocorticoids are primarily used in a
variety of medical ailments because
immune system, of their anti-inflammatory properties.
Ketamine, an NMDA-receptor an-
interventions that tagonist, is under investigation for
PTSD. Findings indicate that it influ-
directly target ences cytokine production in animal
models.14 Although controversial in
inflammatory markers some settings as a treatment option,
cannabinoids have immunosuppres-
might result in improved sive properties.15 The anti-inflamma-
tory properties of these agents may
psychological and augment the potentially beneficial ef-
fects on psychological symptoms.
biomedical outcomes. An intriguing possibility is whether
these and other medications for PTSD
exert direct benefits on symptoms as a
OM result of their influence on the immune
system. If so, it is critical to consider
the broader implications of the inflam-
trauma or men exposed to combat. ed C-reactive protein, an inflamma- symptoms, but it is not known wheth- matory signature of PTSD and its psy-
Further work is needed to explore tory marker of cardiovascular disease er they also affect the immune system. chiatric and medical comorbidities.
whether gene expression differences risk and the development of PTSD in However, the presence of markers of
associated with gender and trauma- trauma-exposed Marines.7 Similarly, inflammation and metabolic dysfunc- Future directions
type, which may carry over to ob- higher IL-6 levels measured within tion (eg, elevated lipid profile, weight The link between PTSD and chronic
served group differences in the ex- 24 hours of a motor vehicle accident gain or increase in waist circumfer- illness has been established but the
pression of chronic medical illness. predicted PTSD symptoms in chil- ence, insulin resistance) in people potential role of immune system
These genome-wide studies com- dren and adolescents.8 with PTSD suggests a need for a more markers in mediating this association
plement an established body of re- While some inflammatory activity comprehensive approach to the bio- is only beginning to be examined. As
search on PTSD biomarkers that may relate to psychotropic medica- medical consequences of trauma. new psychotherapeutic and pharma-
have focused extensively on the tion use, comorbid depression, or cological treatments are developed,
stress response, including dysregula- even trauma exposure itself, there is Does pharmacotherapy for PTSD there is an opportunity to examine
tion of the hypothalamic-pituitary- little doubt that PTSD is associated affect inflammatory markers? the relationships between inflamma-
adrenal (HPA) axis.5 Stress exposure with immune system functioning. If PTSD is causally associated with tory markers and symptoms as they
initiates downstream release of en- For example, see Lindqvist and col- disruption of the immune system, in- change over time.
dogenous glucocorticoids (GCs), leagues9 who report no group differ- terventions that directly target in- Future research should examine
which bind to GC receptors on target ences in some of these measures in flammatory markers might result in how and whether psychotherapy af-
metabolic and immune system tissue combat-exposed veterans with and improved psychological and biomed- fects inflammatory markers, and also
(eg, adipose tissue, skeletal muscle, without PTSD; this suggests that ical outcomes. Many people with to determine the extent to which in-
pancreas). Following stress expo- trauma exposure by itself may lead to PTSD are treated with psychotropic flammation is reduced by medications
sure, increases in GC activity lead to increased inflammatory activity. medications, but to date, there have that alleviate PTSD symptoms. It is
immunosuppression, increases in been only a few attempts to develop possible that the growing interest in
metabolic activity, and negative feed- Does behavior mediate the novel pharmacotherapeutic agents for alternative therapies for PTSD such as
back of the HPA axis to establish ho- relationship between PTSD and PTSD. FDA-approved SSRIs are as- meditation, yoga, acupuncture, and
meostasis. The link between PTSD chronic health problems? sociated with reduced inflammation other interventions that increase phys-
and chronic illness may stem from It is important to understand whether and may have both direct and indirect ical activity or alter dietary intake may
APRIL 2018 P S Y C H I AT R I C T I M E S 21
INFLAMMATION AND PSYCHIATRY w w w. p s y c h i a t r i c t i m e s . c o m

provide benefits through their anti-inflamma- review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression. Lancet Psychiatry.
tory effects. 7. Eraly SA, Nievergelt CM, Maihofer AX, et al. Assessment of
It is also important to examine whether Find More About PTSD and Suicide
plasma C-reactive protein as a biomarker of posttraumatic
the association between PTSD and immune stress disorder risk. JAMA Psychiatry. 2014;71:423-431. 10 Factors to Consider When Assessing PTSD
markers is part of a broader association be- 8. Pervanidou P, Kolaitis G, Charitaki S, et al. Elevated morning Ralph J. Koek, MD
serum interleukin (IL)-6 or evening salivary cortisol concentra-
tween mental illness and poor health or tions predict posttraumatic stress disorder in children and ado- when-assessing-ptsd
whether there is specificity between trauma lescents six months after a motor vehicle accident. Psychoneu-
exposure and particular markers and disease roendocrinol. 2007;32:991-999. Treatment-Resistant PTSD
outcomes. Moreover, it is important to iden- 9. Lindqvist D, Wolkowitz OM, Mellon S, et al. Proinflammatory Ralph J. Koek, MD
milieu in combat-related PTSD is independent of depression
tify the contributions of trauma type, sex, and early life stress. Brain Behav Immun. 2014;42:81-88.
race, and ethnicity to these associations. ❒ 10. Galecki P, Mossakowska-Wójcik J, Talarowska M. The anti- Challenges and Opportunities of Caring for Refugees
inflammatory mechanism of antidepressants: SSRIs, SNRIs. Arash Javanbakht, MD, and Cynthia L. Arfken, PhD http://www.
The authors report no conflicts of interest concerning Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2018 3;80:291-
294. opportunities-caring-refugees
the subject matter of this article.
11. Bonne O, Gill JM, Luckenbaugh DA, et al. Corticotropin-releas-
ing factor, interleukin-6, brain-derived neurotrophic factor, insulin- A Dog Says “Thank You”
References Justin O. Schechter, MD
like growth factor-1, and substance P in the cerebrospinal fluid of

1. Koenen KC, Sumner JA, Gilsanz P, et al. Post-traumatic stress civilians with posttraumatic stress disorder before and after treat-
disorder and cardiometabolic disease: improving causal infer- ment with paroxetine. J Clin Psychiatry. 2011;72:1124-1128.
ence to inform practice. Psychol Med. 2017;47:209-225. 12. Brunoni AR, Machado-Vieira R, Zarate CA, et al. Cytokines The Wrong Way on a Long and Winding Road: Suicide in
2. O’Donovan A, Cohen BE, Seal KH, et al. Elevated risk for au- plasma levels during antidepressant treatment with sertraline the US
toimmune disorders in iraq and afghanistan veterans with post- and transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS): results from Allan Tasman, MD
traumatic stress disorder. Biol Psychiatry. 2015;77:365-374. a factorial, randomized, controlled trial. Psychopharmacol (Berl).
3. Roberts AL, Malspeis S, Kubzansky LD, et al. Association of 2014;231:1315-1323. winding-road-suicide-us
trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder with incident sys- 13. Yehuda R, Golier J. Is there a rationale for cortisol-based
temic lupus erythematosus in a longitudinal cohort of women. treatments for PTSD? Expert Rev Neurother. 2009;9:1113-
At Least 13 Reasons Why Not
Arthritis Rheumatol. 2017;69:2162-2169. 1115.
Desiree Shapiro, MD
4. Breen MS, Tylee DS, Maihofer AX, et al. PTSD blood transcrip- 14. Tan S, Wang Y, Chen K, et al. Ketamine alleviates depressive-
tome mega-analysis: shared inflammatory pathways across like behaviors via down-regulating inflammatory cytokines in-
biological sex and modes of trauma. Neuropsychopharmacol. duced by chronic restraint stress in mice. Biol Pharm Bull.
From “Delete Your Account” to “Delete Yourself”:
2018;43:469-481. 2017;40:1260-1267.
Legislated Suicide and the Role of Psychiatry
5. Yehuda R, Hoge CW, McFarlane AC, et al. Post-traumatic 15. Katchan V, David P, Shoenfeld Y. Cannabinoids and autoim-
Laura B. Dunn, MD
stress disorder. Nat Rev Dis Primers. 2015;1:15057. mune diseases: a systematic review. Autoimmun Rev. 2016
6. Passos IC, Vasconcelos-Moreno MP, Costa LG, et al. Inflam- Jun;15(6):513-28. doi: 10.1016/j.autrev.2016.02.008. Epub
matory markers in post-traumatic stress disorder: a systematic 2016 Feb 11.


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22 P S Y C H I AT R I C T I M E S APRIL 2018
w w w. p s y c h i a t r i c t i m e s . c o m


College Students Under Stress
» Brunhild Kring, MD, for the GAP, College ness. This can create a loss of confidence and
narcissistic injury among competitive peers or
Student Committee CLINICAL HIGHLIGHTS result in oppositional behavior towards author-
ity figures. There can be a lack of motivation
Dr. Kring is Associate Director, Psychiatry ◗ Explore school stress in the context of the because the student’s major was not his or her
Services, Counseling and Wellness Services, academic calendar
first choice. Students may be disappointed
New York University, NY. ◗ Be aware of the normative crises of about not being accepted by their dream school
psychological development in young adults
and therefore not apply themselves.

roviding psychiatric care for college stu- ◗ Assist the student with improving self- Undergraduate students, in particular, face
management skills: sleep, exercise, diet,
dents is different from treating other grown- the difficult task of being away from home and
ups. These emerging adults are in the midst adjusting to life on their own. Despite frequent
◗ Evaluate the student’s reliance on alcohol
of a tremendous emotional growth spurt and a electronic communication with parents and
and drugs for symptom relief
leap of neurocognitive maturation. During this friends, they may be suffering from homesick-
◗ Consider onset of major psychiatric
bewildering life transition, they often cannot ar- ness. Maintaining good self-care is surprising-
disorders in the differential diagnosis and
ticulate straightforwardly what bothers them. ly difficult to achieve. Sometimes the success
treat accordingly
They appear mercurial: at times, they may speak or failure of the semester is in question because
◗ Promote engagement in talk therapy and
in hyperbole and sound very dramatic. At other the student fails to establish a predictable sleep/
other nonpharmacological modes of
times, they shroud what ails them in secrecy be- treatment
wake cycle and get to class on time. Chronic
cause of embarrassment, fear, and hopelessness. sleep deprivation is a major contributor to lack
◗ Engage parents for collateral information
Eventually, school stress and academic perfor- and support, if helpful and with the
of concentration and focus. Without the infra-
mance problems propel students to seek assis- student’s permission structure their families provided, students need
tance. Mental health clinicians attending to this to learn to eat 3 nutritious meals a day rather
population need to keep an open mind and con- than rely on unhealthy snacks. Similarly, in
sider a host of differential diagnoses. urban myth that stimulants are “smart drugs,” times of stress, it is a challenge to achieve a
students expect our assistance with cognitive reasonable work/life balance and have time for
enhancement to prevail in competitive contexts. leisure activities such as socialization with
CASE VIGNETTE Studies estimate that about half of cases with peers or exercise. Relationship difficulties and
"Jerry" is a 19-year-old sophomore at a liberal childhood onset of ADHD persist into adulthood.1 romantic disappointments loom large.
arts college in the Northeast who wants to trans- However, because of the well-known rates of di- Back to Jerry, a fictionalized, albeit typical
fer to a prestigious business school. Two months version and abuse, psychiatrists in college health case. In the initial visit, the psychiatrist ex-
into the fall semester and 1 week before mid- services are wary of prescribing stimulants with- plores the nature of the concerns in a non-judg-
terms, Jerry reluctantly comes to the counseling out a thorough diagnostic work-up.2 An in-depth mental fashion, forms rapport with the student,
service of his college. His dean accompanies psychiatric interview, screening with the Adult and gains an understanding of his level of psy-
him after receiving several alerts from profes- ADHD Self-Report Scale, and a referral for neu- chological maturity and ability to collaborate in
sors about flagging academic performance. ropsychological testing are recommended by a making decisions about health care. Creating a
Jerry unenthusiastically agrees to meet with fair number of counseling services before any pre- shared language about what the basic issues are
a psychiatrist. He appears tired and says that he scriptions for stimulants are issued. Ideally, the builds the foundation for a working alliance.
feels unmotivated. He is upset with his parents. psychiatric work-up should include a basic medi- After meeting with the psychiatrist for sev-
As an only child, he feels pressured to succeed cal exam, EKG, and routine lab testing. Students eral sessions, Jerry acknowledges his passion
in business, but is hopeless about ever measur- are also made aware of the university’s academic for creative writing. With encouragement,
ing up to their ambitions for him. He admits to support resources. Jerry opens up to his parents. To his surprise,
relying on alcohol and marijuana daily for sleep Students who have come to rely on alcohol they respond supportively. His anxiety ebbs
initiation and anxiety management. When asked and marijuana during adolescence for alleviating and he decreases his daily marijuana and alco-
what would be most helpful to him, Jerry seems anxiety, depression, self-esteem issues, camou- hol consumption. He is discouraged from us-
surprised by the question: “Everyone tells me flaging inter-personal conflict, and for fun are ing his roommate’s Adderall. He agrees to a
that I have an attention problem; my roommate loath to give this up. They feel culturally em- referral for CBT for anxiety and insomnia.
gave me Adderall, and it worked!” boldened to take advantage of the “medicinal” Jerry’s parents are quite willing to participate
effects of the various marijuana strains. “I only in family sessions by conference call. The psy-
The psychiatric conditions most frequently smoke Blue Dreams,” Jerry announces, referring chiatrist decides that treatment with medica-
observed among college students are anxiety, to a variety of marijuana high in cannabidiol con- tion does not seem necessary for now. ❒
depression, ADHD, substance abuse, and bipo- tent with purported anxiolytic properties.
lar disorder. Eating disorders carry a high risk How best to treat comorbid mood, anxiety, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT—Dr. Kring acknowledges the con-
for medical comorbidity. Stress and anxiety and substance use disorders has been the sub- tribution of the GAP Student Committee: Helene Keable, MD,
may worsen during exam periods. Moreover, ject of a longstanding debate. A review of re- Alexandra Ackerman MD, Malkah Notman, MD, and David
most psychiatric disorders have their onset cent evidence-based studies recommends the Stern, MD.
during late adolescence and young adulthood. integrated treatment of co-occurring mood and
Students in crisis may present with suicidality substance use disorders to achieve a superior
or psychotic symptoms. Excessive use of alco- outcome.3 The FDA has approved medications 1. Faraone S, Biederman J, Spencer R, et al. Attention-deficit/hyper-
activity disorder in adults: an overview. Biol Psychiatry. 2000 48:9-20.
hol and marijuana pose further health hazards. to address alcohol, opiate, and nicotine depen- 2. Prosek E, Giordano AL, Turner KD, et al. Prevalence and corre-
When they hit a roadblock with their aca- dence, but the treatment for excessive marijua- lates of stimulant medication misuse among the collegiate popu-
demic work students like Jerry, who initially na use consists of psychosocial interventions. lation. J College Student Psychother. 2017. https://www.tandfon-
reach out to the counseling service for urgent Yet, psychiatrists should keep in mind that Accessed
February 24, 2018.
help, often request anxiolytic or stimulant med- academic performance problems are a multi- 3. Pettinati HM, O’Brien CP, Dundon. Current status of co-occurring
ications for immediate relief. Emboldened by factorial phenomenon. They may be related to mood and substance use disorders: a new therapeutic target. Am
societal opinion and the stubbornly persistent poor study habits, or academic under-prepared- J Psychiatry. 2013;170:23-30.
EARN 30 FREE Category 1 CME Credits

PREMIERE DATE: April 20, 2018

EXPIRATION DATE: October 20, 2019
This activity offers CE credits for:
1. Physicians (CME)
2. Other
All other clinicians either will receive a CME
APRIL 2018 Attendance Certificate or may choose any of
the types of CE credit being offered.

Lifeline for Pregnant and Postpartum

Women Who Are Drowning in Plain Sight
ne in 7 women suffers from a mood disorder during and unable to function. She recently saw her psychiatrist,
pregnancy or in the first year postpartum.1 It is im- reported the symptoms and her inability to function and re-
perative that we, as psychiatric providers, guide each quested that he restart the escitalopram. He responded,
woman to make thoughtful decisions that take into account “You will not take the escitalopram if you care about your
the effects of the illness and the treatment on her and her baby.” She left the psychiatrist’s office feeling guilty and in-
baby. Depression, anxiety, and other psychiatric illnesses adequate, and that she had no choice but to suffer for the
that occur during pregnancy and the postpartum period sake of the baby she hoped to conceive.
have deleterious effects on mom, her child, and her family.
Sadly, this is just one example of countless similar in-
cidents that occur daily. As this case illustrates, we miss
CASE VIGNETTE #1 the opportunity to have a trans-generational impact by
"Sonja," a 26-year-old with a history of postpartum depres- optimizing maternal mental health, which in turn affects
sion and panic disorder reports that she experienced severe infant and child health. It is a complete fallacy that a
Nancy Byatt, DO, MS, MBA
postpartum depression and panic disorder within a month woman needs to ignore her mental health or suffer for her
Dr. Byatt is Associate Professor of
of giving birth to her 2-year-old son. The symptoms resolved baby. Having a baby is extraordinarily challenging. The
Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynecology, and
Quantitative Health Sciences at the
shortly after she began taking 20-mg escitalopram daily. best thing a woman can do for herself and her baby is get
University of Massachusetts Medical Three months ago, Sonja and her husband decided that they the treatment that she needs and deserves. There are many
School in Worcester, MA. wanted to have another baby. Her psychiatrist told her that safe and effective treatment options for pregnant women.
she had to discontinue the escitalopram before attempting
to conceive. She followed his recommendations and the de- Risks to mother and child
pression symptoms and daily panic attacks soon returned. Although there can be adverse effects of psychotropics on
Without the escitalopram, she is completely immobilized (CONTINUED ON PAGE 24)

ACTIVITY GOAL CME Outfitters designates this enduring material for a maximum of 1.5 Program, the Perinatal Depression Advisory Board for the Janssen
To understand the risk differential of pharmacotherapy AMA PRA Category 1 Credit ™. Physicians should claim only the credit Disease Interception Accelerator Program, the Physician Advisory
compared with no treatment during pregnancy and commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. Board for Sage Therapeutics, and is a Council Member of the Gerson
help women make treatment decisions before, dur- Lehrman Group. She also serves as a speaker for Sage Therapeutics.
Note to Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants: AANPCP
ing, and after pregnancy.
and AAPA accept certificates of participation for educational activi- Mary C. Kimmel, MD (peer/content reviewer), reports that she has
LEARNING OBJECTIVES ties certified for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit ™. received study support from Sage Therapeutics and that her husband
At the end of this CE activity, participants should be able to: owns stock in Abbvie.
• Rationalize the need for continued treatment for psychiatric illness Applicable Psychiatric Times staff and CME Outfitters staff have no
during pregnancy It is the policy of CME Outfitters, LLC, to ensure independence, bal- disclosures to report.
ance, objectivity, and scientific rigor and integrity in all of their CME/
• Explain the risks involved when switching medications during preg-
CE activities. Faculty must disclose to the participants any relation- UNLABELED USE DISCLOSURE
nancy and how it affects the fetus
ships with commercial companies whose products or devices may be Faculty of this CME/CE activity may include discussion of products or
• Discuss the best options for treating psychiatric illness in pregnant mentioned in faculty presentations, or with the commercial supporter devices that are not currently labeled for use by the FDA. The faculty
women of this CME/CE activity. CME Outfitters, LLC, has evaluated, identified, have been informed of their responsibility to disclose to the audience
and attempted to resolve any potential conflicts of interest through a if they will be discussing off-label or investigational uses (any uses not
rigorous content validation procedure, use of evidence-based data/ approved by the FDA) of products or devices. CME Outfitters, LLC, and the
This continuing medical education activity is intended for psychia-
research, and a multidisciplinary peer-review process. faculty do not endorse the use of any product outside of the FDA-labeled
trists, psychologists, primary care physicians, physician assistants,
indications. Medical professionals should not utilize the procedures,
nurse practitioners, and other health care professionals who seek to The following information is for participant information only. It is not products, or diagnosis techniques discussed during this activity without
improve their care for patients with mental health disorders. assumed that these relationships will have a negative impact on the evaluation of their patient for contraindications or dangers of use.
CME Credit (Physicians): This activity has been planned and imple- Nancy Byatt, DO, MS, MBA, reports that she has received a salary
Questions about this activity?
mented in accordance with the Essential Areas and policies of the and/or funding support from the Massachusetts Department of Men-
Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) tal Health via the Massachusetts Child Psychiatry Access Program for Call us at 877.CME.PROS
through the joint providership of CME Outfitters, LLC, and Psychiatric Moms (MCPAP for Moms). She is also the statewide Medical Director (877.263.7767)
Times. CME Outfitters, LLC, is accredited by the ACCME to provide con- of MCPAP for Moms. Dr. Byatt has served on the Perinatal Depres-
tinuing medical education for physicians. sion Advisory Board for the Janssen Disease Interception Accelerator

Maternal Mood Disorders
Continued from page 23 Table Things to consider during treatment
planning for pregnant women
the mother and fetus, there are inherent risks of the illness itself. If medica- • Conduct an individualized risk-risk analysis that considers the risks of
tions are discontinued in pregnancy, there is a high risk of illness relapse. The treatment and the risks of no treatment or undertreatment
duration of and number of depressive episodes pre-pregnancy are the greatest • Use medications that are currently or have previously been effective
predictors of the same for during pregnancy. Other risk factors include per- (considering available reproductive safety information)
sonal or family history of postpartum depression, history of mood changes • Provide education about nonpharmacologic treatments
related to hormonal contraception, and premenstrual dysphoric disorder. • Use lowest effective dose while avoiding undertreatment
Medications should not be automatically discontinued due to pregnancy. It is • Minimize switching medications
critical to ask: “What could happen if my patient does not take her medica- • Monotherapy is preferable
tion? How might her illness affect her ability to take of herself and her baby?” • Be aware of the need to adjust dose as pregnancy advances
The FDA’s A, B, C, D, and X categories for medicines used in pregnancy
• Discourage stopping SSRIs prior to delivery
are extremely limited and misleading. For example, the risks of untreated
illness are not included. Realizing this, the FDA developed a new approach
to replace the risk categories and better support evidence-based decisions.2 If her psychiatrist were to discontinue the bupropion and start sertraline,
The new system, the Pregnancy and Lactation Labeling Rule, uses a narrative there is a risk of 3 exposures: her fetus is 14 weeks gestational age and has
model that includes 3 sections on the prescription label for pregnancy-related already been exposed to bupropion; switching would expose the fetus to a
information: (1) Pregnancy; (2) Lactation; and, (3) Females and males of second medication (sertraline); and, sertraline may not be as effective as bu-
reproductive potential. Each section summarizes risks to the fetus, illness- propion. Melissa could relapse and expose the fetus to illness. In general,
related considerations, and available safety data. pregnancy is not a good time to switch medications.
Because approximately 50% of pregnancies are unplanned, it is imperative To avoid exposure to untreated or undertreated illness and more than one
to consider and discuss the possibility of pregnancy with all women of repro- medication, it is best to continue medications with known efficacy. Moreover,
ductive age. This should include discussing and documenting birth control the risks of untreated illness need to be considered because the risks of expo-
and the current use of all medications and their risks—especially important sure to illness are often as or more important than the risks of exposure to the
with highly teratogenic medications, such as valproic acid. Being aware of medication.
interactions between hormonal contraceptives and mood stabilizers is crucial There may be a small risk of birth defects when taking antidepressants
and also needs to be discussed. Some hormonal contraceptives decrease lev- during pregnancy—the data for paroxetine are most concerning. These find-
els of anti-convulsant medications, such as lamotrigine. Conversely, oxcar- ings, however, are inconsistent and the absolute risk of birth defects is small;
bazepine and topiramate can decrease the efficacy of hormonal contracep- most meta-analyses have been reassuring.
tives. Any discussions and documentation of preconception planning should Antidepressant use during pregnancy has been associated with transient
also include recommendations for prenatal vitamins and folic acid. neonatal symptoms. This is a self-limited syndrome that can occur in up to
30% of newborns exposed to antidepressants during pregnancy. It can present
Depression as irritability, tachypnea, and/or tremulousness. The syndrome is time-limited
Depression during pregnancy is associated with poor health care use, in- and resolves within days; in rare cases it can last 1 to 2 weeks. Discontinuing
creased use of substances, and poor maternal health care. It is also associated SSRIs in the third trimester has not been shown to decrease the risk of tran-
with poor birth outcomes, including low birth weight in preterm delivery. sient neonatal symptoms.6
Children of women with maternal depression have also been found to be at Although the data are inconsistent, antidepressant use in pregnancy has
increased risk of cognitive delays or behavioral problems.3,4 Moreover, ma- also been associated with a small increase of risk (baseline rate of 1–2/1000
ternal suicide is a leading cause of death among postpartum women.5 It is births) for persistent pulmonary hypertension (PPHN) in the newborn. While
critical to educate women about the various options for treating depression there may be a small increased risk (3–4/1000 with antidepressant use during
during pregnancy. It is also essential that non-pharmacologic treatments and pregnancy), the absolute risk of PPHN appears to be small and more modest
lifestyle changes be included in treatment planning (Table). Evidence-based than suggested by initial studies.7
psychotherapy, such as cognitive behavioral therapy and interpersonal psy- Antidepressant use during pregnancy has also been associated with pre-
chotherapy, should be considered as first-line therapy when possible. How- term labor and low birth weight; changes in IQ or language development have
ever, many women will need a combination of psychotherapy and pharmaco- also been seen. However, depression itself has been associated with an in-
therapy to achieve full symptom remission. Pharmacotherapy may be the creased risk of preterm birth and low birth weight as well as with changes in
only treatment option for women who do not have access to psychotherapy IQ or language development.8
or who do not see the value of psychotherapy. Some studies suggest that the risk of autistic spectrum disorders in the
offspring of women with psychiatric illness may be higher with exposure to
antidepressants during pregnancy. However, other studies suggest that lack of
CASE VIGNETTE #2 antidepressant exposure increases the risk of autistic spectrum disorders.
"Melissa" is a 32-year-old with a history of severe depression who has 2 chil- Overall, results from available studies do not suggest long-term neurobehav-
dren. She is now 14 weeks pregnant. She is currently asymptomatic and taking ioral effects on children.
300-mg bupropion XL. She notes that she had been severely depressed to the
extent that it has affected her functioning and her ability to parent. Once she Bipolar Disorder and Psychosis
started taking bupropion, the symptoms resolved. During a visit with her psy- The perinatal period is the time of highest risk for first onset or recurrence of
chiatrist, she reported that she had Googled bupropion because she was con- bipolar disorder episodes. Bipolar disorder among perinatal women is as-
cerned about the risks of taking it during pregnancy. As a result of her Google sociated with self-injury, substance use, disruption of mother-child bonding,
search, she believes that she should stop the bupropion and start sertraline. She suicide, and infanticide. Psychotic illnesses have been associated with in-
notes that the information she found online indicated that sertraline is safer and creased risk of pregnancy complications, including cesarean deliveries, in-
the best option. tensive care unit admissions, and higher neonatal morbidity. Moreover, bi-
polar disorder is the most potent, best-established risk factor for postpartum
How should her psychiatrist counsel her? Melissa’s fetus has already been psychosis.
exposed to bupropion. If bupropion is continued, the fetus will likely experi- Lithium is considered the treatment of choice for patients with type 1 bi-
ence only a single exposure. While bupropion has less available reproductive polar disorder who are pregnant or are of child-bearing age. Preconception
safety data than the SSRIs and has been associated with a possible increased levels can be used to guide the therapeutic range of lithium during pregnancy.
risk of congenital heart defects, it is important to consider the risk of switch- Lithium use during pregnancy has been associated with preterm labor,
ing medications during pregnancy. polyhydramnios, polyuria/polydipsia, and lithium toxicity. In addition, ba-
bies of mothers who are on lithium during pregnancy may be large for gesta- References
tional age at birth, have cardiac and neural tube defects, neonatal adaptation 1. Vesga-Lopez O, Blanco C, Keyes K, et al. Psychiatric disorders in pregnant and postpartum women in the
symptoms, and changes in long-term neurodevelopment. More recent studies United States. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2008;65:805-815.
suggest that the risk of major cardiovascular anomalies, such as Ebstein’s 2. Ramoz LL, Patel-Shori NM. Recent changes in pregnancy and lactation labeling: retirement of risk catego-
ries. Pharmacother. 2014;34:389-395.
anomaly, is less than previously thought.
3. Forman DR, O’Hara MW, Stuart S, et al. Effective treatment for postpartum depression is not sufficient to
Women who take lithium during pregnancy should be monitored carefully improve the developing mother-child relationship. Dev Psychopathol. 2007;19:585-602.
by an obstetrician who is experienced in high-risk pregnancies. A 3D echo- 4. Deave T, Heron J, Evans J, Emond A. The impact of maternal depression in pregnancy on early child develop-
cardiogram is needed at 16 to 18 weeks gestational age. Lithium should be ment. BJOG. 2008;115:1043-1051.
5. Lindahl V, Pearson JL, Colpe L. Prevalence of suicidality during pregnancy and the postpartum. Arch Womens
continued during labor and delivery. To prevent lithium toxicity, patients
Ment Health. 2005;8:77-87.
should be well hydrated during labor and immediately post-partum. Postpar- 6. Byatt N, Deligiannidis KM, Freeman MP. Antidepressant use in pregnancy: a critical review focused on risks
tum, infant levels of lithium, thyroid-stimulating hormone, and renal function and controversies. Acta Psychiatr Scand. 2013;127:94-114.
need to be checked. Consider decreasing the dosage to that of pre-pregnancy 7. Huybrechts KF, Bateman BT, Palmsten K, et al. Antidepressant use late in pregnancy and risk of persistent
pulmonary hypertension of the newborn. JAMA. 2015;313:2142-51.
in the postpartum period.
8. Nulman I, Koren G, Rovet J, et al. Neurodevelopment of children following prenatal exposure to venlafaxine,
Lamotrigine is often considered a first-line medication for women with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or untreated maternal depression. Am J Psychiatry. 2012;169:1165-
type 2 bipolar disorder who are pregnant or are of child bearing age. Precon- 1174.
ception lamotrigine levels can be used to guide dosing throughout pregnancy 9. Cohen LS, Viguera AC, McInerney KA, et al. Reproductive safety of second-generation antipsychotics: current
data from the Massachusetts General Hospital National Pregnancy Registry for Atypical Antipsychotics. Am J
with the goal of maintaining the therapeutic preconception level. Postpartum,
Psychiatry. 2016;173:263-270.
lamotrigine dose should be decreased to the preconception level.
While early reports suggested an increased risk of cleft lip and palate with
first trimester exposure, more recent data are reassuring—lamotrigine has not
been associated with an increased risk of neurodevelopmental disorders.
However, the following limitations need to be considered before prescribing
• It can increase cycling at higher dosages
• It needs to be titrated slowly, thus is not ideal for acute treatment
• It needs to be taken consistently because of the need to re-titrate slowly
if not taken consistently
Post-tests, credit request forms, and activity evaluations
Antipsychotics are often indicated for the treatment of mood disorders CME POSTTEST
must be completed online at
with or without psychotic features or primary psychotic illnesses. It is impor- (requires free account activation), and participants can print
tant to use antipsychotics that are currently or have previously been effective, their certificate or statement of credit immediately (80% pass
while taking into account the relative risk of the medication. rate required). This Web site supports all browsers except In-
ternet Explorer for Mac. For complete technical requirements
No single malformation has been consistently reported with antipsychot-
and privacy policy, visit
ics, although some data suggest a possible association with septal defects. In
addition, antipsychotic use during pregnancy has been associated with pre- PLEASE NOTE THAT THE POST-TEST IS AVAILABLE ONLINE ONLY ON THE 20TH OF THE MONTH
term labor, low and high birth weight, increased risk of postnatal adaptation OF ACTIVITY ISSUE AND FOR 18 MONTHS AFTER.
syndrome, and increased neonatal intensive care unit stays.
There are more data for typical than for atypical antipsychotics. Typical
antipsychotics have been associated with a small increase in risk for transient
abnormal muscle movement; however, limited long-term data are reassuring.
Compared with high-potency agents, low-potency agents have been more
strongly associated with teratogenic effects. Atypical antipsychotics have
been associated with gestational diabetes and obesity; but the limited data
Need Additional CME Credit?
from studies that followed women for up to 12 months are reassuring.9 Check Out These Free CME Activities—
Anticonvulsants such as carbamazepine and oxcarbazepine have been associ- Genetics in the Clinical Setting:
ated with neural tube defects and cognitive deficits among offspring and The Role of Psychiatric Genetic Counseling
should be avoided. Valproic acid is highly teratogenic and should be avoided
Jehannine Austin, PhD, CGC
by pregnant women. Supplementation with folic acid is required for women
taking an anticonvulsant during pregnancy. Expiration Date: September 20, 2019
Changes in absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination that http://
occur in pregnancy can lower psychotropic drug levels and possibly treatment setting-role-psychiatric-genetic-counseling
effects, particularly in mood stabilizers, during the perinatal period. Vigilant
monitoring of clinical symptoms is needed for all classes of medications dur-
ing pregnancy and the postpartum period to assess for symptom recurrence Adjustment Disorders
and the need for dose adjustments. Mood stabilizers also require therapeutic James J. Strain, MD
drug monitoring in combination with clinical monitoring. Expiration Date: July 20, 2019
When considering treatment options for pregnant women, there’s no such
thing as no exposure: there is no risk-free choice. We need to work with our
patients to assess the risks of untreated psychiatric illness and the risks and
benefits of medication treatment. A detailed and individualized discussion of Traumatic Brain Injury and Psychosis:
the risks, benefits, alternatives to medication treatment, and the risks of un- Clinical Considerations
treated psychiatric illness is needed. Careful consideration and discussion of Robert van Reekum, MD, FRCPC, Emma Alaine van Reekum
risks of treatment and under-treatment or no treatment can help can decrease Expiration Date: July 20, 2019
the risk of decompensation during pregnancy or the postpartum period. And,
it will mitigate negative effects on birth, infant, and child outcomes associ-
ated with untreated psychiatric illness. ❒ and-psychosis-clinical-considerations
April 2018 27
NATIONWIDE • Long Term Disability included
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Full time and Part Time positions & lucrative work experience working patient portal, and meet with their
tribution of $36,500 per full year to a 401K
as a FT Independent Contractor at provider over the internet (via telepsy-
We offer competitive salaries and plan plus individual pretax deferrals up to
Atascadero State Hospital or Coalinga chiatry or tele-health appointments).
excellent compensation packages! $18,500. We offer $300 towards health
State Hospital. Comp over $400K with insurance and a cafeteria plan that allows We strive to simplify records manage-
Psychiatrist (onsite) for adult acute malpractice & CA license assistance. additional health and dental expenses to be ment for our patients, our providers,
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San Bernardino, CA. ments for professional expenses. Our competitive compensation
$400k plus salary,10k sign on Bonus, Please contact Keith Gordon, MD for includes:
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Please include your CV in the inquiry al fees
Psychiatric Medical Director needed in
Redding, CA. Competitive Salary, Sign • 401K with 3% Contribution (after the Outpatient Adult and Child Psychiatrists
on Bonus and Relocation assistance help first year)
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ioral Health & Recovery Services, in the and vision)
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Email: multidisciplinary setting with friendly and full-time positions available
dedicated staff members. Recently revised
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Vituity is changing lives with innovative chiatrist for F/T work.
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Arizona State Hospital new programs. We are hiring part-time P/T options and the opportunity to combine Private Practice
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Email: San Francisco Bay Area
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28 April 2018

Psychiatrist Position
J-1 Visa Opportunity in California
Imperial County Behavioral Health Services
is currently recruiting for a full time psychi-
atrist. Imperial County is located 90 miles
by freeway to the city of San Diego to the
west, and 90 miles to Palm Springs to the
north. Located in a rich farming area, PSYCHIATRIST
Imperial County has a population of $253,600 - $329,700 annually
180,000 and borders with Yuma, Arizona 7 weeks of annual leave
and with the cosmopolitan city of Mexicali, Full benefits & retirement
Mexico population 1.2 million. San Diego (Above annual salary includes additional
State University maintains a satellite cam- pay for Board Certification and
pus in Calexico and there are a number of Acute Settings)
private and public universities located in Santa Clara Valley Health and Hospital
Mexicali, the state capital of Baja Califor- System, a public healthcare system in the
nia Norte. Imperial County’s location and heart of Silicon Valley, is seeking BE/BC
diversity make it the perfect place for a psy- psychiatrists & PGY-III/IVs for a variety of
chiatrist to relocate under the J-1 Visa pro- clinical settings, including emergency psy-
gram or for any reason. chiatric services, inpatient psychiatric serv-
The position pays a highly competitive ices, outpatient behavioral health clinics, and
salary, including health benefits for you and custody health programs. Opportunities for
your family, and requires no hospital work additional moonlighting also exist within our
and minimal after hours work freeing you healthcare system.
up for more leisurely activities. As the largest public health care system in
The successful candidate diagnoses and treats northern California, we offer comprehensive
patients with mental, emotional, and behav- healthcare resources to a large and diverse
ioral disorders. Qualified candidate must have patient population. Psychiatrists are part of a
CA medical license or ability to obtain. robust team of staff that work in collabora-
Send CV to Imperial County Behavioral tion with other medical specialties to provide
Health Services, 202 North 8th Street, integrated health care to patients.
El Centro, CA 92243. Psychiatrists are eligible for numerous bene-
J-1 applicants welcome. fits including 7 weeks of annual leave, 1
week of educational leave, 12 holidays,
For additional information, $4500 educational funds, health benefits, life
please contact: insurance and CalPERS retirement plan.
Kristen Smith (442)265-1606 If you are interested in working in a dynam- ic and collegial work environment, please
submit a CV and letter of interest directly to:
Dr. Tiffany Ho,
Behavioral Health Medical Director:
(408) 885-5767
The County of Santa Clara is an Equal
Opportunity Employer
The doctors of TRADITIONS BEHAV-
IORAL HEALTH are the largest provider
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tions in institutional and community based
programs in California. We provide services BE or BC psychiatrist needed. Following
to the seriously and persistently mentally ill locations have immediate openings:
and have openings in the San Francisco Bay • Camarillo, CA: 16-20hrs per week. Pay
Area, Santa Barbara, San Diego and Los Rate: $182 – $205 per hour (Contractor)
Angeles. Overall we plan to add 50 more • Fontana, CA: Schedule: 9hrs per week.
Fulltime psychiatrists in California to bring Pay Rate: $205 per hour (Contractor)
our medical staff team to 400 psychiatrists. • Modesto/Ceres, CA: Weekend schedule.
Our packages vary from a minimum of Pay Rate: $3,682 per weekend
$300,000 per year plus $10,000 in bonuses • San Bernardino/Fontana, CA:
and a benefit package valued at approxi- Schedule: 40hrs per week. Pay Rate:
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industrious physician. Our generous bene- • San Jose, CA: Schedule: 14 hours per
fit package includes almost 7 weeks paid week Pay Rate: $180 - $205 per hour
time off per year. If you are creative and (Contractor)
think outside the box, if you value diversity • Santa Ana, CA: Schedule: 40hrs per
and cultural competency, if you like innova- week. Pay Rate: $299,332 per year.
tive programs that are patient driven, using a Benefits Eligible.
rehabilitative, rather than illness model, if • Ventura, CA: Schedule: 4hrs per week.
you want more time to work with patients, to Pay Rate: $208 per hour (Contractor)
get the best results, then TBH is the compa- • Woodburn/Portland, OR: Schedule:
ny for you. To learn more about the specific 10hrs per week. Pay Rate: $154 per hour
job openings and salary and benefit pack- • For additional listings, please visit:
ages, check out our Website at:
You will work as part of a multidisciplinary or Email your letter of team. The staff is all very friendly and it is a
interest and CV to our company President, supportive working environment.
Gary A. Hayes, Ph.D. at: Please email your resume to
TBH is an equal opportunity employer EOE M/F/V/Disability

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April 2018 29
have provided individualized treatment troconvulsive therapy (ECT), transcranial
plans for our patients, giving them the best magnetic stimulation (TMS), community
chances of a full recovery and stability. outreach, college student mental health, geri-
atric and forensic psychiatry, among others.
Macon, GA is only an hour drive from
MEDICAL LEADERSHIP Atlanta! It is the 5th largest city in Georgia, Faculty members have protected time to
Meridian Behavioral Healthcare, Inc. is a situated in the heart of the state, and is the pursue professional interests including clin-
CARF accredited community mental perfect sized city offering many amenities ical or educational program development or
healthcare facility located in the heart of of a larger city with a small town feel. Here research. Our department values a positive,
Florida. Currently, we have full time posi- you can experience the change of seasons, collegial culture and supports the growth,
EAST BAY (Oakland, Union City &
tion Staff Psychiatrist position available enjoy outdoor activities year-round and development and advancement of its mem-
Pleasanton California)
with an excellent salary and benefits pack- enjoy beautiful lakes and numerous parks. bers. The department has high faculty and
Pathways to Wellness is seeking a Medical
age. Looking for someone who can work Macon also boasts great shopping with resident satisfaction and low turnover.
Director to lead and shape behavioral health with a flexible schedule – preferably Adult
care. major department stores, as well as, unique Peoria and the surrounding Central
and Child, with the mixture of inpatient and boutiques. Macon is a great place for music
This position will: Illinois area offer an attractive mix of
outpatient to be discussed. Meridian has lovers as the city hosts many concerts
• Lead behavioral health care for 4 clinics small town charm and big city offerings.
been a part of the lives of thousands since throughout the year. Macon is located off
and over 50 staff The large, diverse and supportive medical
1972; providing a safety net for those in cri- of I-75 and I-16, making it easily accessi-
• Set clinical strategy for our Oakland, community is the area’s top employer.
sis. Since then, Meridian has expanded to ble for travel.
Union City and Pleasanton outpatient Peoria offers a diverse population, enter-
16 sites across Central Florida, touching
clinics Please contact: Melissa Sampson tainment, arts, cuisine, low cost-of-living,
over 22,000 lives through over 325,000 excellent schools and an array of recre-
• Lead a team of 30 medical staff members direct care visits a year. Gainesville is home (904) 702-6627
to uphold quality care, improve process- ational activities with convenient access
to the University of Florida and serves as to larger cities such as Chicago, St. Louis
es, and improve outcomes for our patients the cultural, educational and commercial
• Oversee quality, utilization review, shape
clinical practice and drive towards posi-
center for the north central Florida region. ILLINOIS and Indianapolis.
To inquire confidentially about a position,
tive outcomes For more information, contact: CHICAGO! please contact Dr. Timothy Bruce,
• Work with leadership team to grow Path- Logan Anglin, Search Chair, at (309) 495-1647 or
Horizon Health is seeking a Medical
ways to Wellness clinics and programs Vice President – Staffing/Recruiting Director for a 12-bed Geriatric and 30-bed
• Provide no more than two clinical service @352-374-5600 x8294 Adult inpatient psychiatric service line in Minimum requirements: graduation from
days to understand the patient population or email confidential C.V. to metro Chicago. The Medical Director pro- an ACGME-approved psychiatry residen-
and identify process enhancements vides program administration and over- cy training program, board certification or
• Guide clinical care for Physicians, Nurse MBH is an Equal Opportunity Employer sight services regarding service line poli- board eligibility in general psychiatry
Practitioners, Pharmacists, Nurses, Therapists, and a Drug-Free Workplace. cies, practice, development, compliance, and eligibility for an unrestricted
and other staff Please visit our website: and performance improvement. Also pro- Illinois medical license. UIC is an
This position will be based out of our vides training, supervision, and consulta- EOE/AA/M/F/Disabled/Veteran employer.
Pleasanton corporate headquarters located tion to staff. Previous Medical Director For fullest consideration, please apply by
near BART and close to downtown experience and Board Certification April 5, 2018 at the following link:
Neurostar TMS-Chair Complete
Pleasanton. required. Excellent compensation. For
Therapy System for sale located in
more information contact: job-details?jobID=78315
For further information, please contact Florida. Never Used. Priced to sell.
Cedric Hurskin at: Please contact Tina Zelenko at Mark Blakeney, The University of Illinois may conduct
(925) 520-0005 ext. 102 Voice: 972-420-7473, background checks on all candidates upon
OR Forward Confidential CV to: for inquires. Fax: 972-420-8233; acceptance of a contingent offer. Back-
Management Company, email: ground checks are performed in compli- or EOE ance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

FAX to: (925) 520-0010 Attn: Cedric. GEORGIA Assistant/Associate Professor of

Clinical Psychiatry
CONNECTICUT The Department of Psychiatry and Behav-
ioral Medicine at the University of Illinois
Psychiatrist to work FT or PT for
College of Medicine at Peoria is recruiting
Behavioral Health Consultants, LLC, a pri- Advanced Psychiatry of Elgin is a family-
Coliseum Center for Behavioral Health is full-time faculty positions at the rank of
vate outpatient clinical and consulting prac- focused practice in a highly desirable sub-
seeking a Board Certified Psychiatrist to Assistant or Associate Professor to join our
tice. The successful candidate would join a urb, 20-25 minutes from Chicago. We strive
expanding department. Two Clinician-Ed-
staff of 13 non-medical clinicians offering join our team! to provide the highest quality of care to help
ucator (CE) positions and one Psychiatry
services across a wide range of diagnostic patients make positive changes in their
• Employed, inpatient only position offer- Residency Program Director (PD) position
categories. BHC is part of an ACO in the lives. We value, respect, and embrace the
South Central CT region and is located near ing a competitive compensation package are open. Competitive applicants to the CE
uniqueness and diversity of all individuals.
New Haven. Please contact Arnold that includes a comprehensive benefit positions should value providing and
Holzman, Ph.D. 203-288-3554, ext 12 or package teaching high-quality patient care and sup- We are currently looking for a board-certi- EOE • Monday through Friday position patient porting the scholarship efforts of residents fied psychiatrist to join our highly trained
census split amongst all providers and medical students. The PD position is a staff. This position works in an outpatient
FLORIDA • Weekend Call 1:4 weekday call 1:5
planned changeover in leadership and
available to applicants with experience and
practice and must be able to provide
patients with emotional tools and methods
• Current staff includes 2 NP's and 3 interest in educational administration and for recovery.
Psych-Hospitalists quality teaching. Highly competitive salary
Duties and requirements:
• This is a Hospitalist position with and benefits are commensurate with rank.
• Provide services to children and adults
expectations of teaching participation. Responsibilities for the CE position include with compassion and empathy
The unit consists of 42 inpatient beds - 32 leading an interdisciplinary general psychia-
Florida Licensed BE/BC psychiatrist • Must be comfortable evaluating, diag-
Adult and 10 Gero-Psych Inpatient pro- try adult inpatient teaching unit composed of
and/or psychiatric ARNP needed for a nosing, and treating all age groups to
gramming consists of an Adult unit, residents, medical students, nursing, social
Joint Commission Accredited community determine treatment and recovery plans
Geriatric unit, STAR (Stress, Trauma, work and support staff. The PD position
mental health center and psychiatric hos- • Independent contractor who can counsel
Addiction, Recovery) unit specializing in includes directing our 16-resident, ACGME-
pital. Excellent benefits and location (West patients and listen to their reactions to
the treatment of PTSD and a new, busy approved training program, promoting a cul-
Palm Beach and Belle Glade, FL). ture of excellence, resident recruitment, treatment
ECT service. Coliseum Center for
Contact: Diana Kowsari, Program Behavioral Health in Macon, Georgia pro- teaching and resident evaluation. Other • Part time position of 15 hours/week
Manager, Jerome Golden Center for vides mental health services to assist adults duties for both positions will be tailored to Please fax resume to 847-783-0730
Behavioral Health, 1041 45th Street, West with psychiatric disorders in a safe, nurtur- the interest of the applicant and include or email to
Palm Beach, FL. Phone: (561)-383-5917; ing environment. For over 30 years, our opportunities in adult and child outpatient officemanager@
Fax (561) 514-1239 mental health specialists and psychiatrists clinics, partial hospitalization program, elec-

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30 April 2018

HAWAII INDIANA In addition to rewarding work and high-

ly competitive salaries, we offer a com-
website CHA
Provider Recruitment Department can be
prehensive benefits package for employ- reached by phone at (617) 665-3555 or by
ees working 30 hours per week or more. fax at (617) 665-3553.
• Company-sponsored health, life, CHA is an equal opportunity employer and
dental all qualified applicants will receive consid-
• & disability insurance eration for employment without regard to
• Generous time off, plus paid holidays race, color, religion, sex, sexual orienta-
Meridian Health Services Corp. seeks
• 401(k) plan with employer match tion, gender identity, national origin, dis-
Psychiatrist in Muncie, IN, Indianapolis,
• Paid malpractice insurance ability status, protected veteran status, or
IN, and West Lafayette IN to provide both
HAWAII STATE HOSPITAL • CME reimbursement and additional any other characteristic protected by law.
inpatient and outpatient psychiatric care for
ASSOCIATE ADMINISTRATOR, mainly adult patients. Requires MD or for- paid days off
CLINICAL SERVICES, Oahu eign equiv.; current & valid IN Physician • Flexible spending accounts for health-
The Hawai‘i State Hospital (HSH) is the License by 7/1/18; compl. of 4 yr. residen- care and dependent care
only publicly-funded, state psychiatric hos- cy in Psychiatry by 7/1/18; & Bd. Certified • Same sex domestic partner benefits
pital in Hawai‘i. HSH provides adult inpa- or Bd. Eligible in Psychiatry by 7/1/18.
tient psychiatric services, is part of the Must have current auth. to be empl'd in
Department of Health (DOH) Adult Mental U.S. w/out emp. sponsorship.
Health Division (AMHD) and is accredited Compass Health, is a large non-profit
by The Joint Commission. Email resumes to Tammy Hargrave, health system delivering Behavioral Health
The Associate Administrator reports to the Meridian Health Services Corp., services in multiple settings, both inpatient
HSH Administrator and serves on the hos- and outpatient in forty-nine Missouri coun-
pital executive team. Refer to Job #0014. ties. We have immediate openings for full
and part-time Psychiatrists in multiple loca-
The primary purpose of this position is to
tions in Missouri. Candidates must have
provide clinical and administrative supervi-
sion of the following units: Psychiatry MASSACHUSETTS MD or DO degree, be ABPN board-certi-
fied or eligible in Psychiatry and possess or
Services, Social Work Services, Clinical TELEMEDICINE COVERAGE Psychiatrists Opportunities in MA obtain a Missouri license. We offer a com-
Psychology Services, Psychosocial Rehab- AVAILABLE!
ilitation, Occupational Therapy, Recre- Cambridge Health Alliance (CHA), a petitive compensation and benefit plan.
Horizon Health is seeking a Psychiatrist well-respected, nationally recognized and
ational Therapy, Medical Services, State Apply online at
to provide coverage for a 12-bed Geriatric award-winning public healthcare system is
Operated Specialized Residential Services,
inpatient psychiatric program in central seeking full-time/part-time Psychiatrists in
Clinical Safety, Forensics Services and or send your CV to
Kentucky. The Psychiatrist will provide our Inpatient and Outpatient services. CHA
ancillary services including pastoral care.
The Associate Administrator of Clinical rounding and treatment on patients for the is a teaching affiliate of both Harvard Candidates with J-1 or H1-b visa status
Services (AACS) is responsible for the inpatient program, as well as program Medical School (HMS) and Tufts are welcome to apply.
development, implementation and coordi- administration and oversight services University School of Medicine. Our sys- EOE
nation of policies and procedures that pro- regarding service line policies, practice, tem is comprised of three hospital campus-
vide for the development and maintenance
of effective programming and services.
development, compliance, and perform-
ance improvement. On-site coverage pre-
es and an integrated network of both pri-
mary and specialty outpatient care prac-
This is a non-civil service exempt position. ferred, but telemedicine is available and tices in Cambridge, Somerville and Two Openings: BAYONNE- CONSUL-
Applicants must have successful completion will be considered for daily rounding and Boston’s Metro North Region. TATION LIAISON POSITION and
of one of the following courses of study in an call coverage. Excellent compensation. For Practice Highlights JERSEY CITY-OUTPATIENT POSI-
accredited college of university: 1. more information contact: TION - Full-time employment with ben-
• CHA offers a wide variety of inpatient
Psychiatry – Possession of a M.D. or D.O. Mark Blakeney, efits through Carepoint Health.
and outpatient Psychiatry services for
degree or equivalent and completion of Voice: 972-420-7473, all ages, including the Psychiatric Please call for details. Terry Good, 804-
accredited psychiatric residency re-quired. Fax: 972-420-8233; Emergency Service within the CHA 684-5661;;
Graduate from an approved medical school email: Cambridge Hospital emergency depart- Fax: 1-804-684-5663. EOE
in the United States or Canada or graduate EOE ment.
from a foreign medical school and certifica-
• We are proud to offer a collaborative
tion by the Educational Council of Foreign
Medical Graduates (ECFMG). Completion practice environment with an innovative
of one year of approved internship and four clinical model. This allows our
Featured position:
years of psychiatric residency training. providers to focus on patient care and
Assistant Medical Director Pediatric Psychiatry – Outpatient
Board certification from the American Board contribute to community health and pri-
MHM Services works with Maryland Consultation Position
of Psychiatry and Neurology. 2. Nursing – mary care innovation projects.
Department of Public Safety and Correc- Full Time * Multiple locations
Possession of a Master’s Degree in nursing. • Fully integrated electronic medical
tional Services and since 2005 we have in New Jersey
In addition, applicant must have Special-ized record (EPIC) is utilized.
provided mental health to this under- Hackensack Meridian Health is seeking a
Experience: Three and one-half years of pro- served population. Several new positions • Applicants should share CHA’s passion
Board Certified/Board Eligible Child and
gressively responsible professional work have been added in Baltimore and for providing the highest quality care to
Adolescent Psychiatrist to join this growing
experience in a psychiatric inpatient program Jessup! our underserved and diverse patient
team. With 4 hospitals in the top 10 ranking
concerned with directing the development, population.
Join MHM and experience the benefits of a in New Jersey, this is an outstanding oppor-
implementation and coordination of treatment • CHA is a teaching affiliate of Harvard tunity to join the area’s largest healthcare
and rehabilitation programming and services. career in correctional mental health.
Medical School (HMS) and academic network.
Supervisory Experience: A minimum of We also have Full-time and Part-time appointments are available commensu-
Staff positions This opportunity is an outpatient consulta-
two (2) years of supervisory experience in rate with medical school criteria.
tion position working with the Pediatric
an inpatient program setting, including per- Why explore a career in correctional • CHA offers competitive compensation Psychiatry Collaborative Hub Teams (social
formance evaluation and labor relations. healthcare? and a comprehensive benefits package worker, case manager, data analyst), to pro-
This position must be licensed in accordance • Regular hours including health and dental insurance, vide consultation to Pediatricians and also
with Hawaii Revised Statutes as applicable • NO insurance paperwork or managed 403b retirement accounts with match- directly to families and children. The ideal
to the discipline of the incumbent. care hassles ing, generous PTO, CME allotment candidate will work collaboratively with
For more information or to apply for this • Reasonable caseloads and diverse (time and dollars) and much more. Pediatricians in our statewide collaborative
position please forward your resume and patient population If you are interested in making a differ- hubs to provide comprehensive patient care.
salary requirements to Jodi Polendey, • Secure and supportive work environ- ence, please contact us! Learn more about Hackensack Meridian
Human Resources Specialist at Hawaii ment How to Apply Behavioral Health Services at:
State Hospital, 45-710 Keaahala Road, • The opportunity to make a real dif- Qualified candidates may submit CV to https://www.hackensackmeridian
Kaneohe, Hawaii 96744 or email ference in the lives of those who need Fatema Khorakiwala, Provider Recruiter at it most! or visit our Highlights:

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April 2018 31
• Academic Affiliations with the new for over forty years. Hackensack Meridian Monmouth, Ocean, and Middlesex Counties
Seton Hall - Hackensack Meridian Health is dedicated to providing outstanding for over forty years. We are currently accept-
School of Medicine. Behavioral Health Services to all members ing applications for Psychiatrists to join our
• Collaborations among multiple sites of our communities. Mental Health and Addiction Interdisci-
(statewide). Hackensack Meridian Health is a leading plinary Teams in the following positions:
• Call is not required. not-for-profit health care network in New • Consultation Liaison Psychiatrist –
• Outpatient/Consultative setting. Jersey offering a complete range of medical Jersey Shore University Medical
• Competitive Salary. Adult Outpatient Psychiatrists –
services, innovative research, and life- Center-Neptune, NJ
• Comprehensive Benefits Package. NYC Suburbs
enhancing care aiming to serve as a nation- • Geriatric Psychiatry – Private Practice
Duties and Responsibilities: al model for changing and simplifying setting with Opportunity to teach The Northwell Department of Psychiatry
• Provide consultation support to Primary health care delivery through partnerships Psychiatry Residents, Ocean County, NJ and Behavioral Health Service Line are
Care Pediatricians (PCPs) via telephone. with innovative companies and focusing on • Staff Psychiatrist – Riverview Medical seeking Board Eligible/Board Certified
• Document consultations according to quality and safety. Center, Red Bank, NJ Psychiatrists to join our newly-established
program guidelines. • Medical Director of Adult Inpatient Unit Behavioral Health Group Practice (BHGP)
• Provide screening and treatment servic- – Riverview Medical Center, Red Bank, locations located on Long Island, NY.
es to patients referred by the PCPs An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V NJ The BHGP opened in August 2015 to meet
according to program guidelines. • Outpatient Psychiatry- Bay Behavioral the extraordinary demand for patients and
• Document treatment and screening serv- Health – Old Bridge, NJ families seeking access to psychiatric care
ices provided. • Staff Consultation - Hackensack that accepts commercial insurance. This
• Participate as required and as available Behavioral Health – Hackensack, NJ pioneering initiative now seeks to bolster its
in weekly Service Hub conference calls. In addition to our collegial work environ- staff with additional psychiatrists motivated
• Participate in educations of PSYCHIATRY OPPORTUNITIES ment, we offer a highly competitive compen- to function in a progressive, private practice
Pediatricians as determined in conjunc- New Jersey sation package which includes: medical/den- like environment that marries efficiency
tion with the Program Co-Principal tal plans, 403(b) retirement plan, and reloca- and quality, and encourages paid incentive
Hackensack Meridian Health is a leading
Investigators. tion assistance. activity during a typical work day. Psych-
not-for-profit health care network in New
For immediate consideration, Jersey offering a complete range of medical iatrists work in collaboration with on site
For immediate consideration, please
please submit your CV to: services, innovative research, and life? therapists to ensure high quality, coordinat-
contact Renee Theobald, at: ed care. The BHGP serves a diverse ambu-
Renee.Theobald@Hackensack enhancing care aiming to serve as a national Renee.Theobald@ model for changing and simplifying health latory patient population with varied diag- noses. Our clinicians work closely with
or contact Renee Theobald at care delivery through partnerships with or call: 732 751-3597.
innovative companies and focusing on qual- our affiliated primary care practices.
As the area's premier provider, Hackensack The BHGP is connected to our Health
Meridian Behavioral Health Services has As the area's premier provider, Hackensack System’s flagship behavioral health facility,
provided comprehensive mental health and Meridian Behavioral Health Services has The Zucker Hillside Hospital (ZHH). ZHH
substance abuse services to the residents of provided comprehensive mental health and An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V has been named one of the nation’s top psy-
Monmouth, Ocean, and Middlesex Counties substance abuse services to the residents of chiatric facilities by US News and World
NEW YORK Report, and has an 87-year tradition of pio-
neering clinical, research and teaching pro-
PSYCHIATRISTS grams for psychiatric residents and fellows,
& psychology trainees, and medical students –
PSYCH NURSE PRACTITIONERS now rotating from the Hofstra-Northwell
School of Medicine. Additionally, we will
CONSULTATION SERVICES serve as a training site for NP and PA students.
(NH, SNF) Long Island, NY, a suburb of New York
City, is known for its diverse communities,
NEW YORK CITY & educational opportunities and leisure activi-
WESTCHESTER COUNTY ties. Throughout the Island, you will
encounter breathtaking stretches of the
Part Time / Full Time / Per diem
Atlantic Ocean or Long Island Sound, recre-
Excellent salaries, flexibility, autonomy, ational parks and nature preserves, historical
no call, comprehensive benefits. landmarks, and excellent school systems.
J-1 & H-1B Visa Waiver Highlight like the Hamptons and Montauk
Point, Jones Beach, Long Beach, Fire
Send CV to Island, dozens of museums, bike paths, and
Fax: (718) 239-0032 emerging wineries are all within reasonable driving distances of our facilities.
OSWEGO, NY – Great Work/Life Balance We offer a highly competitive compensation
- College Town on Lake Ontario – 20 with productivity bonuses and excellent
Minutes from the Northern Suburbs of benefits along with working in a collegial
Syracuse – Outdoor enthusiasts’ paradise: atmosphere. Academic appointment with
numerous lakes; skiing options close by; 40 the Hofstra North Shore – Northwell School
minutes from the Thousand Islands; festivals of Medicine is commensurate with creden-
and concerts every weekend throughout the tials and experience.
summer. Seeking an additional Psychiatrist to
To learn more and apply, please send your
work on a 28-bed adult inpatient psychiatric
CV to
unit in the Oswego Hospital. Work with a
great group of people in a very supportive hos-
pital. Offering salaried position with benefits.
Please contact Terry B. Good,
Horizon Health, at 804-684-5661,
Fax#: 1-804-684-5663;

(203) 523-7026
Qualify For A Free Subscription Online @
32 April 2018

sional counselors, and other mental health science in other neuroscience disciplines
professionals, Cape Fear Valley Behavioral across several Penn State campuses.
Health Care provides a team approach to With our clinical partner, the Pennsylvania
mental wellness. Behavioral Health Care is Psychiatric Institute, the Department staffs
accredited by The Joint Commission and several outpatient and partial hospital pro-
licensed by the State of North Carolina. grams for children and adults, 89 inpatient
Chairperson, Department of Behavioral Northern Westchester Hospital of North- The Health System is seeking providers for beds, ECT and other neuromodulation serv-
Health and Psychiatry: Staten Island well Health is seeking FULL-TIME the following due to regional volumes and ices, specialty sleep and eating-disorders
University Hospital BC/BE Psychiatrists to join the commitment to expand services: programs, and expanding psychiatric con-
sultation and integrated care programs for
Staten Island University Hospital (SIUH), Behavioral Health Hospitalist team.
Emergency Opportunity Hershey Medical Center.
the Staten Island medical center of • Shifts are 9A-5P & 5PM-11PM on • Two BE/BC providers with experience
Northwell Health, is seeking a new Successful candidates should have strong
weekdays, 11AM-11PM on weekends in ED or trained in ED/Psychiatry.
Department of Psychiatry Chairperson. teaching as well as clinical skills and, opti-
• We have a need for three 12 hour days The Emergency Department maintains mally, potential for scientific and scholarly
This exciting position offers the opportuni- or 5 days (flexible) a Psychiatric Unit of 9 beds for patients
ty to lead and continue to develop an aca- achievement. We offer an attractive compen-
• Holiday coverage also available in crisis. Support team is specialty sation package commensurate with qualifi-
demically-oriented behavioral health center trained. Schedule consists of 16 hour
of excellence on Staten Island. • Emergency Department and Inpatient cations. Tenure-track positions are possible.
shifts, approximately 10 shifts per month.
Psychiatry Unit coverage For consideration, send your CV to:
The Department serves diverse patient pop-
• 45 Minutes North of Manhattan and Adult Outpatient Opportunity Jenna Spangler Physician Recruiter
ulations on its adult inpatient units, New
only 5 minutes from Metro North Rail • BE/BC provider with training/experience Phone: 717-531-4271
York State Office of Mental Health (OMH)
Station in a variety of mental health treatment Email:
and New York State Office of Alcoholism
conditions as well as Chemical
and Substance Abuse Services (OASAS)- Founded in 1916, Northern Westchester
licensed outpatient clinics serving adults, Dependency and Substance Abuse. The Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical
Hospital is committed to providing high- Candidate with experience in treatment
consultation-liaison service for SIUH’s quality, patient-centered care close to home Center is committed to affirmative action,
800+ medical-surgical inpatients at SIUH of Bipolar Disorder, Borderline equal opportunity and the diversity of its
through a unique combination of medical
North and South sites, and emergency psy- Personality Disorder, and Mood workforce. Equal Opportunity Employer –
expertise, leading-edge technology and a
chiatry program. Disorders is preferred. Additionally, M/W/V/D
dedication to humanity that ensures our
ECT training and experience is highly
A growing psychiatry residency training patients and their families receive treatment
desirable. Well established adult team
program, SIUH also serves as a training site in a caring, respectful and nurturing envi-
is flexible and transparent for either or
for several regional medical schools, and ronment. Improving and protecting the
both inpatient and outpatient services.
for psychiatric nurses, PAs, and social health of community members through pro-
Clinic hours are Monday - Friday with PSYCHIATRIST
workers. Interested and qualified candi- grams that promote wellness and preven-
limited call.
dates may initiate projects in and/or collab- tion remains central to our mission. Clinical excellence and quality living,
orate with Northwell’s Center for Northern Westchester Hospital’s Depart- Child Outpatient Opportunity Winnebago Mental Health Institute
Psychiatric Neuroscience at its Feinstein ment of Behavioral Health provides com- • BE/BC Child & Adolescent providers. (WMHI), is seeking a Board Certified/
Institute for Medical Research and Zucker prehensive psychiatric care in a private, The current structure is for 90% outpatient Board Eligible (BC/BE) psychiatrist. This
Hillside Hospital sites. patient-centered environment. Services Monday through Friday work schedule. position provides diagnosis and treatment
Through collaboration with Northwell’s include: We offer best in class compensation plus of assigned patients and works with a mul-
Behavioral Health Service Line, the SIUH generous benefits including Paid Malprac- tidisciplinary treatment team on an inpa-
• Inpatient psychiatric hospitalization for
Department of Psychiatry is able to interact adults age 18 and over on a dedicated tice, CME Time and Allowance, Accrued tient unit. Excellent fringe benefit package.
with many innovative system-wide activi- unit of the hospital Paid Time Off, 403(b) match and 457(b), Winnebago Mental Health Institute is a
ties including emergency tele-psychiatry; a Health, Dental, and other desirable benefits. 280-bed psychiatric facility accredited by
• Emergency Department coverage 24-
CMS-funded practice transformation net- the Joint Commission located near
hours a day provided by board certified Please contact Suzy Cobb,
work; the behavioral health performance Oshkosh, the center of the Fox River
improvement coordinating group, pharma- psychiatrists Physician Recruiter for more details
at (910) 615-1889 Valley, one of the fastest developing areas
cy and therapeutics committee, and incident • Consultation on the medical and surgical
or of Wisconsin. The Oshkosh area offers a
review committee; the digital behavioral units of the hospital provided by psychi-
safe environment, rich in cultural and recre-
health workgroup; collaborative care mod- atric and social work staff
els; and an ambulatory provider network, 15-bed inpatient unit provides short term PENNSYLVANIA ational opportunities. Excellent public and
private schools with three universities in the
IPA, and behavioral health group practice. hospital care to evaluate and stabilize
PSYCHIATRISTS NEEDED FOR 24/7 area. Oshkosh is within 1 ? hours of
Interested candidates must have or be eligi- patients with acute psychiatric disorders. Milwaukee or Madison. Information on
There is a strong focus on returning patients CRISIS SERVICE IN DARBY – Day and
ble for a NYS medical license; be ABPN WMHI can be found at
to normal functioning as soon as possible night shifts available (8am to 5pm or 5pm
board-certified in Psychiatry; possess con-
while rebuilding self-esteem and improving to 8am) at the Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital.
summate leadership skills, program devel-
socialization. Please contact Terry B. Good, Horizon MH_Winnebago/.
opment experience, financial acumen, and a
Health, at 804-684-5661, For application instructions, go to
strategic vision to help shape the future For further information and to apply,
direction of a dynamic multi-faceted please email: Email:; and search for Psychiatrist
department; possess an academic portfolio EOE M/F/D/V (Job Announcement Code: 17-02966).
Fax #: 1-804-684-5663. EOE
in clinical service delivery, education, or Contact:
research; be motivated to engage develop-
ing value-based payment methodologies NORTH CAROLINA Medical Director’s office
P.O. Box 9, Winnebago, WI 54985-0009
and other health care reform initiatives; Phone: (920) 235-4910 ext. 2210
drive optimal quality, patient satisfaction,
and staff engagement indices; and thought- The Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey
fully interact with both SIUH and Medical Center Department of Psychiatry
Northwell Health clinical and administra- is currently recruiting board eligible/certified
We Want You to Join Our Behavioral psychiatrists for inpatient and outpatient posi-
tive leaders.
Health Team! tions in both adult and child psychiatry.
Salary – competitive for the
New York market Cape Fear Valley Behavioral Health is one We are a growing, vibrant department in a An Equal Opportunity Employer
of the largest comprehensive, multi-tiered strong academic medical center. We host
Academic appointment at the Zucker behavioral health services in North specialty clinical and research programs,
School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell
commensurate with experience.
Carolina. Behavioral Health Care's mission
is to meet and respond to the mental health
including research that crosses the transla-
tional spectrum. Our educational programs CALL TODAY
include adult psychiatry residency, child
203 523-7026
To learn more and apply, please send your needs of the community. We offer evidence-
CV to based, best practice treatments. Staffed by fellowship, psychology internship, extern-
EOE M/F/D/V psychiatrists, psychologists, clinical social ship and post-doctoral fellows. We have a
workers, psychiatric nurses, licensed profes- strong collaboration with basic and clinical

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