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Nastaven list


1.Who__________ you talking to? 3.Anna and Tom____________Friends.

2Who___________ with you? 4.What __________the weather like?

II.Present simple,present continuous,past simple

My name_______(be) is John.I_______(be) 12 years old.When I _______(be) ten
I_________(can) __________(play) the piano.Now,I _______(can) play the flute too.My
sister__________(play) the guitar.Yesterday she _________(get up) at 6 to
__________(practise) and after that she_______(have)breakfast and_______(go) to
school.She _____________(drive) me to school too.Sometimes we ________(go) by taxi but
today we________________(go) on foot.That __________(make) me
tired.I_____________(not/listen ) to my teacher?I just______________(not/can).I
________________(not able to).

III.Past tense

1.choose____________;2fight____________; 3.hear_____________4.dream____________

5.swim____________;6.sing____________;7.lose____________; 8.leave___________




IV.Fill in the blanks.

______name is Jenny._______is ______England.So am _____.We are_______ from

England.My __________comes from the south and _______ is from the
_________.Although we _________in the opposite sides of the country_______ dialects
________very__________.I______ understand ______perfectly.______ addition,We have
the______ jokes.______ my opinion,the more variety,______more rich a
language________.___________,It is crucial to have a standard _____________.The
language of _____________,of TV ,of_________ etc.

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