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Question 1-4

Choose the best word to complete the sentence.

1. The audience clapped loudly when 2. The postman wears his

the ______________ of singers ______________ before he goes to
walked to the stage. post office.
A team A jacket
B crew B uniform
C choir C coat
D troupe D overall

3. I went to that _____________ 4. The King’s horses are kept in a special

to mend my shoes. ____________.
A cashier A den
B cobbler B nest
C plumber C shed
D hawker D stable

Question 5-7

Read the text and choose the best phrase for each of the pictures given.

On Teacher’s Day, the pupils of Year 4 Al-Firdausi _____5_____

for all their teachers. All the pupils brought food from home. They enjoyed themselves

eating the delicious food. They danced to the music. The teachers were also presented

with _____6_______ each. All the pupils ______7_____ .

5. A held a concert 6. A a stalk of flower 7. A sang sweetly

B staged a drama B a vase of flower B danced slowly
C organized a party C a basket of flower C cheered loudly
D organized a show D a bouqet of flower D clapped happily


Question 8 – 10

Choose the best answer for each of the pictures given.

8. A The chicken are sold to the man

B The chicken are running around the tree
C The farmer’s children are playing in the farm
D The farmer is feeding the chickens in the coop

9. A Mrs Jane is peeling the apples.

B Mrs Winny is cutting some apple
C She is making some orange juice.
D The lady arranges all the apples on the table.

10. A She is trying on a pair of shoes

B Mazarina is talking to the salesgirl
C The lady is paying for the shoes.
D Vaamani wants to throw away the box.

Question 11 – 15

Choose the best answer to fit the situation in the picture.

11. A I am not feeling well.

B I need a cup of warm milk.
C I am not going to the clinic.
D I’ll make a phone call to the school now.

12. A Yes, I am cooking.

B Lunch will be ready soon.
C There’s not enough food today.
D Where are the forks and spoons?

13. A I’ll see who it is.

B Are you going out?
C I have closed the door.
D It’s Uncle Tan from Melaka.

14. A The price is RM3.

B The hawker is very busy.
C Let’s order two plates, then.
D We need to pay quite a lot for the food.


15. A I will, Mum.

B My leg hurts.
C Stop the pain, please.
D Where is my bicycle?

Question 16 – 20

Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.

16. Can you ___________ me what kind 19. The old man is rich _______ he works
of day and night.
stories you like to read? A so
A tell B but
B told C or
C tells D because
D telling

17. She ate so _________ food that she 20. She walks _________ to school as it
had a stomachache. is
A most going to rain.
B more A slowly
C many B quietly
D much C quickly
D carefully
18. Teacher : Ain, _______ Alya
passed up her book?
Ain : Yes, she ______.
A has, has
B have, has
C has, have
D have, have

Question 21

Choose the word that has the opposite meaning as the underlined word.

21. He was very sad because he failed the test.

A down B upset
C happy D pleasant


Question 22 – 23

Choose the answer with the correct spelling

22. The __________ in this area is very 23. The __________ is an animal with a
heavy in the morning long neck.
A trafik A giraf
B traffic B giraffe
C trefik C giraffe
D trafic D giraffe

Question 24 – 25

Choose the sentence with correct punctuation.

24. A Aren’t those ladies’ shoes? 25. A Oh, I have made a mistake.
B Are’nt those ladie’s shoes? B Oh. I have made a mistake.
C Aren’t those ladies shoes! C Oh! I have made a mistake.
D Arent those ladies’ shoes? D Oh! I have made a mistake?

Question 26-30

Based on the picture, choose the best answer to fill in the blanks in the passage that

One day, as I was walking home from ___26____ practice, I heard the cries of a
baby. I quickly walked towards the place. There I found a baby ____27____ the bushes. I
was very surprised. The baby was ____28____ with a piece of thick cloth. The baby was
crying because there were many small ants crawling on the ____29____. I cried when I
saw the baby in that condition. I wondered which mother would be so ____30____ to
leave the baby there.

26. A tennis 27. A on 28. A clothed 29. A legs 30. A sad


B hockey B up B dressed B face B glad

C football C over C wrapped C neck C poor
D baseball D among D bandaged D body D cruel
Questions 31-35

Read the notice below and answer the questions that follow.
Let’s read Lets think
Our environment is polluted. What will our earth become?
Our earth is very sick.

What can we do?

*Collect old newspaper for recycling. *Do not burn rubbish in the open air.
*Do not use plastic bags. *Do not throw rubbish into river/sea
*Plant lots of trees. *Create awareness among children.
*Save electricity as much as you can. *Organize recycling campaign
*Switch off all electrical appliances
when not in use.

31. What is the purpose of the notice? 34. From the notice, we know that
A To think. ______.
B To advise. A newspapers can be thrown away
C To complain. B children love recycling activities
D To create awareness. C trees should be planted to get more
D plastic bags are harmful to the

32. Why shouldn’t we burn rubbish in the 35. What is the best title for the notice
open air? above?
A Creates fire A Destroy the earth.
B Wastes money B Save natural resources.
C Causes air pollution C Protect the environment
D Damages plants and trees D Keep the surrounding clean

33. Throwing rubbish into rivers or seas



A save cost
B destroy marine life
C improve the quality of water
D keep our environment free from

Questions 36 – 40

Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.

Once upon a time there lived a farmer by the name of Khoja. He always got
bullied by people around him. However, Khoja was always happy with whatever little he
Early in the morning, he would wake up and then prepare himself a very simple
meal of broth and some vegetables. He would take his spade and his torn hat and walked
to the farm. He toiled very hard day and night.
One day, as he was digging a hole to plant some tapioca plants, he hit something
hard. “What could it be?” he wondered. He dug again and he saw something sparkling. He
stopped at once. He took a closer look. “It’s just a big stone,” he said. “It’s useless to
me.” He threw it away and continued his work.
When he reached home that evening, he was surprised to see so many people
outside his broken hut. The people were shouting and yelling. He was wondering what had
happened. He saw rays of light coming out from his hut. There was plenty of good food
on his table. He entered his house and was shocked to see the big stone on a table.
Suddenly, the king’s guard attack him. They forced him to go to the palace. The
people shouted at him, “You’re a thief! You’re a thief! You have stolen the king’s food.
You will be executed!”

Khoja told the guards that he did not steal any food. Anyway, he was dragged
along the road to the king’s court. When the king saw Khoja, he knelt before him and
hugged him. He cried, “Oh, my dear brother. Where have you been? I have been
searching high and low for you.” Khoja was shocked and in a trembling voice he told the
king, “Your Majesty, you must be mistaken. I am only a poor farmer. How can I be your
brother?” The king pointed to a big mole on Khoja’s forehead and said, ”You are my
long lost brother.” Both the king and Khoja hugged and cried. That night, Khoja saw the
big sparkling stone on his table again. The stone told him, “You are a kind man. I brought

36. All the following words describe Khoja 37. The phrase high and low means
except ________ _____.
A greedy A wherever


B honest B whereas
C humble C everywhere
D hardworking D in the village

38. Who was Khoja? 39. The word toiled can be replaced with
A The king _______.
B A soldier A worked
C A guard B fought
D The king’s brother C sought
D tried
40. Which of the following statements
is true?
A The people liked Khoja
B Khoja stole the king’s food
C The king recognized Khoja by the
mole on his forehead
D The king was very angry with Khoja

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