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Lauren Caplan

ET631 Spring 2016

Submitted to: Dr.Keane

STEM Blended Unit Plan: 4th Grade

Timeframe / Dates of Initiative: January- March (45 min. a day about 3 times a week or more)
Suggested Time Frame (Click here for 2016 Calendar)
January (Week 1 and 2) Session 1
January (Week 3 and 4)- February (Week 1) Session 2
February (Week 2) Session 3
February (Week 3 and 4)- March (Week 1 and 2) Session 4
March (Week 3) Mays Chapel STEM Fair Judging/Family STEM
May (Week 2) Winning Teams from 4th and 5th Grade will
compete at the BCPS STEM Fair

Short Description of Initiative (limit one paragraph): This is a blended unit plan to lead fourth grade students through the scientific
process. Students in a 1:1 classroom will be grouped by interest and varying ability levels and will use their BCPS HP laptop to
navigate the online and F2F components of the unit. Students will complete a whole class investigation about paper airplanes that
will introduce each step of the scientific method and will prepare them to work in teams to complete an investigation of their
choosing. Each team’s presentation will be completed on Microsoft Office 365 so students will have access to their work both at
home or in class and teammates can work collaboratively on the same document. Each section is separated into parts based on
steps of the scientific method. Each part is color-coded based on whether the activity will be taught Face-to-Face (F2F) or Online
(either at home or in class). Each team’s presentation will be completed on Microsoft Office 365 so students will have access to their
work both at home or in class and teammates can work collaboratively on the same document. By the end of this unit, each team of

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students will have completed a STEM investigation and will be ready to present their new learning. Student teams will be
interviewed about their investigation by a judge to determine the winners for our school that will compete at the BCPS STEM Fair.

There are a number of overarching objectives that are applicable to each week. They are:
 Students will conduct an investigation to identify the steps of the scientific method
 Maryland State Science Standards:
o 1.0 Skills and Processes
 A. Scientific Inquiry:
 1. Access and process information from readings, investigations, and/or oral communications.
 2. Recognize and develop scientific claims that can be tested in well-designed investigations.
 3. Recognize the elements of a simple well-designed investigation.
 4. Analyze and develop a well-designed investigation.
 6. Collect, organize, and accurately display data collected from investigations.
 9. Communicate findings from hands-on investigations and print and non-print resources.

 C. Applications of Science:
 3. Design, plan, and construct objects in response to a particular need or problem.
 4. Evaluate and modify designs and products created to solve a problem and explain how one solution
can cause other problems.

Session Number Objectives Content or Resources Needed Activities / Assessments

and (List 3-6 per session.) (Describe or link at least one specific (For each activity, include the name, description, and
Topics / Themes resource for each session.) whether it is whole group, individual, or team. Also,
identify assessments, synchronous activities, and
any Web 2.0 tools used)
Session #1: Learn Students will become familiar Student Winning Project Example from Part 1: Introduction to STEM
About the Scientific with the scientific method by PowerPoint
Method analyzing a well-designed Notice/Wonder Padlet (Individual ONLINE/At
Introduction to STEM investigation. Notice/Wonder T-chart on Padlet Home): Prior to the unit, have students view the
Fair; Understanding “Winning Student Project Example” PowerPoint
the Scientific Method; Students will recognize the Text/Read Aloud (Picture Book): Presentation. They should peruse the presentation
Introduction to Whole elements of a well-designed Professor Aesop’s The Crow and The and share what they notice and wonder on the whole

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Class Paper Airplane investigation. Pitcher by Stephanie Gwyn Brown class Padlet (Formative Assessment)
Students will create a list of ActivInspire Flipchart used to introduce Introduction to STEM Unit using Promethean
possible STEM questions to and model each step of the scientific ActivInspire Flipchart & PowerPoint Student
investigate. method. Example (Whole Group F2F): Get students interested
and assess their prior knowledge by reading aloud,
Students will create a paper BrainPop Video: Scientific Method Professor Aesop’s The Crow and The Pitcher and
airplane that will be used in a discussing:
future investigation. BrainPop Video: Science Projects  What is a STEM Fair Project? What are the
components of a well-designed investigation?
BCPS One Discussions Reveal the steps of the scientific method on the
flipchart and connect each step to the example
Fold N’ Fly Website: Paper Airplane winning project that students viewed and the crow’s
designs with instructions investigation from the read aloud.

Part 2: Understanding the Scientific Method

Scientific Method Introduction with BrainPop Video

(Individual ONLINE): Students will view the BrainPop
Videos on the “Scientific Method” and “Science
Projects” to learn more about the process they will
be completing. Then discuss using BCPS One
Discussion Boards (Formative Assessment):
 How do we start STEM Fair investigations?
 What do you think is the most important step
of the scientific method? Why?

Introduction to Paper Airplane Investigation (Whole

Group F2F): Together we will be completing a whole
class investigation to lead us through the scientific
method as we complete our group investigations. We
will investigate the effect of weight on the distance of
paper airplanes. Students will visit the Fold N’ Fly
website to choose a paper airplane then construct it

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for use later on.

Session 2: Design a Participants apply their Put What is a Testable Question? Part 1: Testable Questions
STEM Investigation: understanding of PowerPoint Presentation by Carson Create a List of Possible STEM Questions to
Questions, Variables, manipulated and responding Elementary onto Nearpod to present to Investigate on ActivInspire Flipchart (Individual F2F):
Research/Note-Taking, variables to analyze scientific students and get student feedback Have students brainstorm a list of possible questions
and Scientific Claim questions. throughout the activity by thinking about the following questions:
 What do you wonder about the world around
Students will revise not VoiceThread Presentation with a not you?
testable questions to create testable question from our class-  What problems do you face in your everyday
testable questions. generated list on each slide. life?
After about 5 minutes of brainstorming, have
Students will form Google Science Fair: Idea Springboard students share out their questions to add to a class
investigation groups based list on the flipchart.
on similar interests. Topic Selection Wizard from Science
Buddies Website Introduction to Testable Questions using the
Students will develop PowerPoint (Whole Group & Partners F2F): Students
testable questions to STEM Ideas Padlet will learn about the format of testable questions. Use
investigate. gradual release method to practice turning not
Create BCPS One Turn-In for students to testable questions into testable questions. Work
Students will develop a submit their team’s testable question together to develop a testable question for our whole
well-designed investigation class airplane investigation.
by identifying
independent, dependent, ActivInspire Flipchart used to introduce Revising Questions Homework Assignment using
and model each step of the scientific VoiceThread (Individual Assessment AT
and controlled variables.
method. HOME/ONLINE): Students will revise our class list of
questions so that they are all testable. Each student
Students will research their
Jeopardy PowerPoint Game from BCPS should revise at least two questions with a video,
topic by accessing and
Curriculum audio, or text explanation added to each slide.
processing information from
(Formative Assessment)
videos, websites, and
Online STEM PowerPoint Presentation
Template for each group on Office 365 Part 2: Choosing Topics & Forming Groups

Create a Google Doc with links for each Choosing Topics and Groups with Google Science
group’s presentation so they are easily Fair, Topic Selection Wizard, and Padlet (Individual

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accessible. ONLINE): Students will visit Google’s Science Idea
Spring Board and Science Buddie’s Topic Selection
BrainPop Video: Note-Taking Skills Wizard to narrow down topics or ideas for their own
investigation. They will then post to the “STEM Idea”
BrainPop Video: Flight Padlet with three testable questions and a scientific
topic they are interested in. Use these posts to create
Airplane Research Websites: student groups.
 Scholastic Article
 NASA Dynamics of Flight Submit Testable Question with BCPS One Turn-Ins
(Team F2F): Together with their groups, students will
Completed Research Organizer on choose one testable question to investigate. They will
Microsoft Word use BCPS One Turn-Ins to submit their question for
approval. Once the question is approved, the team
STEM Research Template on Microsoft should add it to their team’s online PowerPoint
Word Online with Office 365 presentation on Office 365. (Formative Assessment)

Part 3: Identifying Variables

Discuss Variables using the Pie Demonstration on

ActivInspire Flipchart adapted from BCPS Lesson
(Whole Group F2F): Students will take part in an
“Imaginary Pie Eating Contest” where contestants are
given different size pies and forks. Discuss:
 Is the Pie Eating Contest fair?
Students will record the definitions of independent,
dependent, and controlled variables in their

Practice Identifying Variables using Jeopardy Game

PowerPoint (whole group in teams F2F): Students
will split into three groups and use what they know
about variables to compete in a jeopardy game.

Identify Variables for Investigations (Team F2F):

Students will work with teacher to identify variables

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for the whole class airplane investigation. Then, they
will work with their teams to identify variables for
their team investigation and add them to their online
presentation on Office 365. (Formative Assessment)

Part 4: Research

Introduction to Note-Taking with BrainPop Video

(Individual AT HOME/ONLINE): Prior to the lesson,
students will learn how to take effective notes by
viewing the “Note-Taking Skills” video on BrainPop.

Airplane Investigation Research (Gradual Release:

Whole Group to Partners to Individual F2F): Students
will research weight and flight using suggested sites
on the class website including the “flight” video on
BrainPop. They will create a T-chart on Word to
record the sources and facts from their research.

Team Investigation Research on Office 365 (Teams

both ONLINE/AT HOME and F2F): Student teams will
use the internet and BCPS online databases to
research their topics. They will record their research
on a shared online organizer on Office 365. Since
their organizer is online, they can work on this
assignment both at home and in class. (Formative

Part 5: Scientific Claim

Introduction & Development of Scientific Claim

using ActivInspire Flipchart (Gradual Release: Whole
Group to Teams F2F): Students will work with
teacher to develop a scientific claim for the whole
class airplane investigation. Then, they will work with

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their teams to develop a scientific claim for their
team investigation and add the claim to their online
presentation on Office 365. Teams should also add
research to their online presentation that supports
their claim. (Formative Assessment)
Session 3: Students will develop a ActivInspire Flipchart used to introduce Part 1: Materials
Materials & Procedure well-designed investigation and model each step of the scientific
by writing a list of detailed method. Introduction to Materials using ActivInspire
and specific materials. Flipchart (Gradual Release: Whole Group to Teams
Online STEM PowerPoint Presentation F2F): Work together to create a detailed list of
Template for each group on Office 365 materials with specific measurements for the whole
Students will develop a
class airplane investigation. Then, they will work with
well-designed investigation their teams to create a detailed list of materials with
by writing a step-by-step specific measurements for their team investigation.
procedure. They will add their materials to their online
presentation on Office 365. (Formative Assessment)

Part 2: Procedure

Procedure Exploration (Partners F2F): For the 10

minute challenge each student will be given a blank
piece of computer paper. The challenge will be to
create something with only their piece of paper and
write a procedure for a partner to follow. Then,
partners will switch procedures. Using a new piece of
paper, they will follow their partner’s procedure.
Finally, partners will compare their creations and
discuss their results. Discuss:
 How well did your partner do?
 Why do you think they did or didn’t do well?
 What made your procedures easy or difficult
to follow?

Drafting a Procedure using Office 365 (Teams F2F

and ONLINE/AT HOME): Work together to draft a

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procedure for the whole class airplane investigation.
Have students work with their teams to draft a
procedure for their investigation using Office 365.
Since their presentations are online, they can work
on this assignment both at home and in class.

Revising a Procedure using Office 365 (Teams F2F):

Students will practice writing detailed descriptions,
and finding the balance between incomplete
information and too much information. Work
together to revise the procedure for the whole class
airplane investigation. Have students work with their
teams to revise their own procedures. Allow
opportunities for teams to peer-revise each other’s
procedures using the comment function on Office
365. Student teams should edit and finalize their
procedures and make sure all corrections have been
made to the procedure on their online presentation.
(Formative Assessment)
Session 4: Students will collect, Online STEM PowerPoint Presentation Part 1: Data Tables
Create Data Tables; organize, and accurately Template for each group on Office 365
Conduct Investigations; display data collected from Create a Data Table using Microsoft PowerPoint
Graph & Written investigations. Create a Graph: Website for graphing (Whole Group to Individual and Teams F2F): Work
Results; Scientific data (Tutorial) together with students to create a data table for the
Reasoning; Finalizing Airplane Investigation using Microsoft Word that
Students will communicate
Presentation PowerPoint Graphing Screencast includes five trials, the independent variable changes,
findings from hands-on Tutorial and the dependent variable. Teacher will model the
investigations. process while the students follow along on their own
Create a BCPS One Turn-in assignment laptops. Then, have students work individually to
for Airplane Data Graphs create a data table for their team’s investigation.
Meet with teams to revise data tables. One person
BCPS Laptop Camera for videos and from each team will submit their data table for
photo documentation during teacher approval using BCPS One Turn-ins. Once it
investigation has been approved, teams can work together to
create a data table for their team’s investigation and

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STEM Progress Organizer add it to their presentation on Office 365. (Formative
PowerPoint Presentation Settings
Screencast Part 2: Scientific Investigations

Conduct Whole Class Airplane Investigation (Teams

F2F): Students will work together to conduct five
trials of the paper airplane investigation. They should
record their data on their team’s data table and
calculate the mean (average) for each trial on their
data table.

Create a Graph Homework Assignment using

PowerPoint or “Create a Graph” website (Individual
AT HOME/ONLINE): Students should choose the tool
they will use to create their graph. They should view
the PowerPoint Graphing Tutorial or read the “Create
a Graph” tutorial before creating their own graph
with their team’s airplane data. Once their graph is
complete, they should turn it in to BCPS One Turn-ins
for the teacher to assess and offer feedback.
(Formative Assessment)

Conduct Team Investigations (Teams F2F): Students

will work together to conduct five trials of their team
investigation. They should record their data on their
team’s data table (on Office 365 and on paper) and
calculate the mean (average) for each trial on their
data table. They should be sure to use their laptop’s
camera to record at least one trial and take photos of
the investigation to document the process.

Create a Graph using PowerPoint or “Create a

Graph” website (Teams F2F): Students should choose
the tool they will use to create their graph. Once their

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graph is complete, they should add it to their team’s
online presentation on Office 365. (Formative

Complete Written Results and Scientific Reasoning

on Office 365 (Whole Group then Teams F2F and
ONLINE/AT HOME): Work together to analyze data
and write the written results and the scientific
reasoning for the whole class airplane investigation.
Have students work with their teams to complete the
written results and conclusion for their team’s
investigation using Office 365. Since their
presentations are online, they can work on this
assignment both at home and in class. (Formative

Finalize Online Presentation using Office 365 and

Microsoft PowerPoint (Teams F2F): While
completing the final steps of the scientific method,
the teacher will offer feedback to student teams
using the comment feature on Office 365. Students
should make changes according to this feedback.
They should check their progress by visiting the
“STEM Progress Organizer.” Once all of their steps
have been approved by the teacher (turned green on
the organizer) then they should take their
presentation offline, save it to the shared drive, and
add photos, videos, transitions, and animations.
Students also need to view the screencast tutorial for
setting up their presentation to loop continuously for
the judges and parents to enjoy at Family STEM
Night. (Summative Assessment)

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Additional Possible Resources and Facilitation Methods:
Session #1:
 Low-Tech Alternatives:
o Students can also complete the Notice/Wonder activity in class (F2F) and share their thinking on a whole class chart paper using
Post-it notes.
o Print out these Paper Airplane Directions from The University of Georgia for the students to choose from.
 The Crow and The Pitcher read-aloud on You Tube. Consider viewing this version of the fable if you cannot access the book, Professor
Aesop’s The Crow and the Pitcher by Stephanie Gywn Brown.
 Additional Texts (Optional):
o Mad Margaret Experiments with the Scientific Method by (to introduce the scientific method)
o Steps to the Scientific Method from Iredell-Statesville Schools
Session #2:
 Additional Texts (Optional)
o Mythbusters Science Fair Book by Samantha Margles (fun experiment ideas for kids)
o Mythbusters Confirm or Bust Science Fair Book #2 by Samantha Margles (more fun experiment ideas for kids)
o TIME for Kids Big Book of Science Experiments by Editors of TIME For Kids Magazine (a step-by-step guide)
 Set-up a STEM presentation template for each group on Office 365 PowerPoint Online. Create an online document (using Office 365 or
Google Docs) to display a link to each presentation and research organizer for easier student access. Link this shared document to the
class site or create a TinyURL for students to access (Be sure TinyURL is not blocked by school system).
o Example Shared Document with Links to Online STEM Presentations
o Example Presentation Template
o Example Research Template
 Create a folder on the school’s Shared Student Server Drive containing all of the resources used throughout the unit for student
Session #3:
 Alternative Graphing Tools:
o NCTM Illuminations Data Grapher
o Chartgo: Create Graphs Online
o Math is Fun: Data Graphs (Bar, Line, Pie)
o Plotvar: Graph Maker
 Low-Tech Alternative: Students can create a graph using graph paper and a pencil.
Session #4:
 Summative Assessment Grading Rubrics:
o STEM Fair Project Grading Sheet (Adapted from BCPS)
o Teamwork Partner Grading Sheet (created by L.Caplan)

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