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Flame Test Practical Report

AIM: To observe the colour of the flames and matching 2 unknown compounds to named ones.

HYPOTHESIS: If the colours of the flames produced by unknown compounds A and B match the
colours of the other given compounds, then they are the same.


 Metal scoop (deformed paperclip)

 Bunsen burner
 Small beaker
 Hydrochloric Acid (HCl)
 Compounds – Strontium Chloride, Sodium Chloride, Calcium Chloride, Copper
Carbonate, Potassium Chloride, Barium Chloride, 2 unknowns


 Remove all papers, notebooks, combustible materials and excess chemicals

from the area to prevent getting it on fire.
 Wear lab gear
 Keep distance from the flame
 Tie back long hair
 Close the gas after use
 Do not leave open flames unattended and never leave the laboratory while the
burner is on.
 Handle Bunsen burner and Hydrochloric Acid with care.


 Dependent Variable: the flame colour produced by the compounds.

 Independent Variable: the compounds that are going to be burnt.
 Controlled Variable: the heat of the flame.


1. Prepare materials
2. Light the Bunsen burner and set it to blue flame.
3. Using your metal scoop, scoop out a compound and put it in the flame.
4. Observe the colour of the said flame. (take notes)
5. Rinse the scoop with Hydrochloric acid.
6. Repeat the process with a different compound.


Strontium chloride Crimson
Sodium chloride Orange
Calcium chloride Red
Copper carbonate Bright Yellow
Potassium chloride Yellow
Barium chloride Bright Orange
Unknown A Bright Orange
Unknown B Crimson
Unknown A: Barium Chloride
Unknown B: Strontium Chloride


Did the result answer the aim?

- Yes, because the 2 unknowns matched the colour of a named

compound. As observed Unknown A’s flame colour is bright orange
so is Barium chloride’s; also Unknown B’s flame colour matches that
of Strontium chloride.

How could you improve on this experiment?

- I could improve on this experiment through observing more

carefully and doing the experiment again.
Describe one aspect of safety involved in this practical.

- One aspect is the use of Hydrochloric acid(HCl), as said in the risk

assessment we should handle it with care as it is toxic; it is corrosive
to the eyes, skin and mucous membranes.


 This experiment could improve by having a separate scoop for each substance
so that they won’t mix with each other.


The flame test is a useful mean to test and name compounds through the colour
spectrum. The results proved that through matching unknowns A and B to a compound.

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