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Blood Bank Exam 3

1. Lewis aby are

IgM and don’t cross the placenta

2. Production of: _____stimulated by microorganisms carrying a similar antigen on their

surface, M. pneumoniae:
auto anti-I

3. Anti-A and anti-a seem to be reactive at:

IS, 37C, AHG?

4. Outside of ABO and REh abys, _______ is most common aby seen in blood bank

5. Kidd antibodies are notorious for a bad rep in blood bank because:
demonstrate dosage

6. M, P1, and I antibodies react at room temp and are considered:


7. Blood group antibodies are not considered clinically significant?


8. Which antibody below reactions are at an optimum warm temp?


9. Which aby is most associated with HDN?


10. A blood group donor has hh: AB, what is the red cell phenotype?

11. Sensitizes to k ag and produce anti-k. What is the Kell system genotype?

12. Red cells of a non-secretor is se/se and will most likely type as:
le a+b-

13. Paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria PCH is associated with aby specificity toward what?
P antigen

14. Which of the following is characteristic of anti-i?

pat of infect mono

15. Which of the following is characteristic of anti-i?

associated with HDN; reacts at room temp; reacts at warm temp; usually igg

16. Resistance to malaria is best associate with:

Blood Bank Exam 3


17. Which of the following antigen is most likely to be involved in HDN?


18. Genotypes heterozygous for C:


19. Anti-K reacts 3+ w/ donor w/ genotype KK & 2+ w/ Kk cell, the aby is demonstrating:

20. Blood types to give someone who has an anti-leb that reacts 1+ at the IAT phase?
Lewis antibodies are not clinically significant, so it doesn’t matter

21. Which characteristics are true of all three antibodies anti-fya, anti-Jka, anti-K?
detect an IAT phase, cause HDN, and hem trans reactions

22. 10% red cell suspension in saline used in compatible test. which of the follow can occur?
false-negative antigen excess

23. Where are Lewis ag found?

Plasma, saliva, and milk

24. Secretion of the Lewis substance is controlled by the Se gene.


25. Where are the Duffy antigens found?


26. Kell is low frequency antigen.


27. Exam how a patient who has a pathologic auto-anti-I must be transfused:
warmed blood

28. Why are screening cells group-O

reduce interference with A and b

29. Why should only homozygous cells be used to rule out antibody?
stronger reaction; weak abys not detected

30. Which phenotype is heterozygous for C?


31. What is the final step in antibody id?

Cross matching

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